HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-04-17, Page 5ring Blood Purifier ° 0,„ 09eMity. If you have not made up your mind what you want come to us ,11(1 we will honestly recommend what we think is best. We have all the 414Yertised Blook Purifiers, &c., but we don't, recommend them all. Ask us. R 000/A CREAM Tia, great demand keit now. For roughness, redness, and all irritation of skin it has no superior. It dries ins a quickly that nt1hmtleite after from zea tQ hands you can put on your gloves. Only : only EN & yYILS0N'S Prescription Drug Store --CLINTON. Art Materials, Stationery and Public School Books. '4' ± A 9 CU AN E 9 Three lines on which we beat the town, for assortrent, styles and prices. Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. Tris kersmith Miss E. Mavety very ably addressed the Epworth League on Sunday even- ing. School has been closed for Easter vacation. P1 wing has commenced but pros- pect seeding is poor at present. Miss Annie Johns has been on the sick list and is again able to be around. Missionary service will be conducted on Sunday next in Turner's Church. Miss Eimly Turner paid old friends here a flying visit on Sunday last. Messrs. R. and F. Stong and Miss Bertha Stong left here for .Johnston Mills to a farm that they have recently purchased and where they will in the future reside. We wish them success Myth. , On Monday the Misse Kelly left here on a visit to Detroit. On Monday Mr. Miles " elly left here for Chatham for the urpuse of at- tending a business co e. On Monday eve " i pany and engi Divine ser re Friday evening 1 Good Fria general holic On Saturdag v ing th concert het n .he ha Andrew's c rc • ' as ver ized. Proc eds o er $11. On Sund y m ford occupied th dist church. Holy ommun Trinit cihurch mor Our new bide menced busines . Jones' old stand lir fire eonl- ou for practice. as 1.'ld 0n Good r•init church. obs. ' •ed hero its a Mr. F. J. Mc ing out shortly in the stand o occupied by He Denst.odt Br are having th their lot on building a sic the coming su Miss Annie Brucefield, h�t Easter holier town. The body o nn the track has not yet phonograph merit of St. well patrun- ning , r. John Wil - pulpit n the Metho- m was celebrated in of E ° ter Sunday •r, <1r. howen, corn - on Sot') rday in Thos. n I)in ey street. n.nghe n the Quee ran B ., hard iter intends open- ocery Lllsineas treet formerly 8., butchers. are merchants, al laid down on stmoeland street for }irk k ;"esidenro during 1mer. Ham t ton, teacher of $% bee spending her fg witi11 her parents in the Man who was killed etween Duel )h and Elora 'n identified. Summerhill. The erupt,•y house on the farm form - 4y owned by Mr. Lawson Moore, but c•ently purchased by Mr. Wily (just it of the 131180 Line Baptist church) \ 8 burned on Thursday night, the 4 inst. The cause of the fire is es yet a ystery. The saw -mill whistle is heard daily now. A large amount of limber has been already sawn and there are quite a number of logs still in the yard. A number of our villagers have al- ready secured positions with the farm- ers, but there are a number of able- bodied young lion still on the look out. Business is booming here. Mr. Downs, the blacksmith, discourses music on his anvil from early dawn. Mr. towns, the tailor, is also working steadily and is still "in the drag." Our merchant sold three suits of clothes one evening recently and his other lints are booming as well. The 8'an(fing of the public 8011001 here for March is as follows. It is based on diligence, conduct and punc- tuality. 'Throe in pitch class are re- plete(' : - 51.h - • i Lhe111(1.1 MeltvOt•n, Winne. Thompson, Mabel I3inghanu Sr. •Ith --John 11i11, Mabel Shepard, Ethel Jordan. Jr. Rh -Mabel Ruck, Franees Oakes, Annie Wright. 3rd - 1Vnt. Butt, i31anche Mcllveen, Vinnie Woodyard. d. Sr. 2nd --Jane Wright, Olive I fill, Alher't Lovett. Jr. 2nd - Minnie E. Kitty, ?Norman i3a11, Ed- mund Ball. IJ Part.-- Louis .Johnston, Lily Butt, Herbert Oakes. I fart, - ('hau•lotte Colbourn, Edna Beacom, Carrie Butt. Mr..1. IL Lowery has started a sing- ing school here, hat was unable to lake charge of it last Friday evening owing to illness. \Ve hope tile gentle- man will be himself again in a few da \'s. Belgrave. ' C. 1\1('('lelland is in the potato busi- ness now. The N. i'. is making hint rich. \Ve are going to give a, short re- view of this village under the N. P. shortly with your permission Mr. Edi- tor. ( \Ve shall he pleased to receive it.. En. Chaos. McClelln.tld, jr., is mending nicely after a long and severe illness. Great interest, is being taken here in the Hnldimculd election. i)r. Monta- gue made a host of friends here during the Pattet'son-('ant'ron election. There is going t(e a 10, of building done by 1ft' fern In this locality during the coming immer. • _aw A TALE TOLD THE EDITOR. MR. THOS. STRANG SPEAKS THAT%SUF- FERERS MAY REAL) AND LIVE. A'1TACKED WITH LA GRIPPE, THE ANTER EFFECTS DEVELOPING HEART Tito UBLE--1118 FRIENDS Trio UOler It 11,1 NEAR DEATH'S DOOR -AFTER 11ANY FAILURES HE HAS ONCE MORE REGAINED THE BLESSING OF PER- FECT HEALTH. From the Comber Herald. Strangtield is a post office corner about six mites from Comber. It was named after the highly respected and well known family of Strings. The neighborhood is a quiet one, being in- lta(bltedbya church -going, sober, indus- trious people. Among t he people of that neighborhood none is better or more fayorably known than Mr. Thos. Strang. Mr. Strang is it Man of mid- dle ageancl a bachelor. A fewdaysago he related to the Herald thestory of his recovery from an illness which he be- lieves would llltve resulted fatally hitt for the use of Dr. William's' Pink fills. The origin of Mr. Straug's trouble was la grippe which developed into heart t disease. 110 laid for months with every nerve in his frail body unstrung. Re tried Many medicines, but none seemed to materially benefit hon. Ile would rally at litres and endeavor to walk, but his system being reduced and weakened he would frequently fall prostrate to the ground, and his friends had to carry hint into the house. This terrible state of things lasted for months and all the while he wits get- ting weaker, and even the most hope- ful of his friends feaed the worst. Mr. Strang was strongly urged to try the world renowned Dr. Williams' fink Pills and consented to du so. A neigh - nut' was dispatched to the Comber dreg store fur a supply. In a few days after beginning their use he began to im- prove. In a( couple of weeks he was able to walk around, and to -day Mr. Strang is rejoicing and telling the same old story that hundreds of others are telling in this fair Dominion -the story of renewed steelier through the use of Dr. Williams' fink Pills. Mr. Strang is now a sound man. Quite frequently he walks to Comber, a dis- tance Of six miles, to attend church. Re informed the Herald Olathe was only too glad to give his experience so that suffering humanity treaty also trap ;he benefit atnd thus he released from the thraldom of disease and pain. '1'o his benefactors -for such they Bre--Mr. Strang feels that he owes a debt cit gratitude. With him the days when agony stood on its brow have paused away, and his body has been regener- ated anew by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The after effects of la grippe and all troubles due to poor blood or shattered nerves, speedily yield to a fltfr treat- ment with DO. Williams' Pink Pills. They euro when Other medicines fail, and no one should suffer for an hour without giving this great remedy at trial. Sold by dealers or sent by (nail postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressingthe Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., rockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y.- Refuse all im- itations and substitutes. News Notes. Mr. Win. ('alder, for :311 years 01110 - baker of the Hamilton city reser voir, died on Friday after a lingering illness. Cremation services have been offici- ally declared by Masonic authority not to be Christ iau burial. Dr. K. FL Cameron, a prominent conse.'vative worker, died on Monday at Cayuga. A. shipment of fresh fish from 13ritisli Columbia to England has 'het with a tea(Iy sure. The average cost per day of keeping a prisoner in the county- gaol at London for the last quarter %vas 4i cents. 31r. George Betts of Chatham blew his brides out With a gun while tem- porary insane. Mr. :McAdams, an aged farmer, who lived near Paris, was struck by a train while driving into Brantford and kill- ed. Engineer Farr of Winnipeg has been arrested on a charge of 8ttcluptiug to burn the house in which his wife and clhildten were sleeping. The weather throughout Manitoba Continues to be very favourable for of h • •chit and the majority the wetting, 1„ ,l Y farm- ers now have their crops in. A wealthy English white woman has Iallied a coloured main, who previous t(y this union, had made his living ars a t og dancer in variety halls. A great. dead is being said in London in favour of selling eggs by weight. Shopkeepers do not look on the pro- posal with any great favour. -The citizens of Chatham intend to celebrate its incorporation as a city on mention day. They will invite the ovel'nor-General to be present. 111 Seagram's horses arrived at the welarket track hast week, where t ey will he trained lentil the Wood - b u+ tenets is available. 'I\Iauy of Canadian Pacific wnrkmer) have selected temente., Alberta, as a writable locality for their proposed farming colony. A sample of ginger wine bought in a London store, whore only temperance beverages were supposed to be sold, wits found to contain leu per c'e'nt. of proof spirits. Frank Skinner, the Indian agent who was killed by aL Blackfoot, Indian at. Alberta, was a hi'>Lher of Mrs. W. II. i)raper, wife of the manager of the Ila lain Mein branch of Molsnns bank. The leading fruit growers of Essex county say that the peach trees in that section have 8100d the Will tel Well, and that 1.1011' are good prospects for a large crop this year. The Protest.ant, Ep1'4copal Diocese of Maryland will inherit between $2151,- 00) and $:4bil,044 from the late Mr. 1:verstiel(1 Frazier if his will is 5)14a11)1- (4 by the court. Mr. Charles Baxter has arrived in San Francisco filen Samoa on iris wary to England, having with him for pulite: (ration 111e Inaulusc'1•lpt.8 of Rohel't Louis Stevenson's last works. Mr. Matthety Miller WaS overpower- ed by gas in the King street sewer at London and suffocated. Two other men working with him had narrow escapes. Os, ar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were again on trial on Thursday at the Bow street police station on charges of nl is(ieln>'(u)> i11'. Several witnesses were hoard, who gave very damaging evi- dence against the prisoners. Sir Edward Clarke appeared for Wilde, and the case was further adjourned. Twelves of th(j 7;tlos ' i n genus eon" viots in the Westminster, to. 0., Pen- iteutiary have been transferred to the Stony Mountain Penitentiary in Mani- toba. Mr. Harold Frederic, the Loudon correspondent of a New York paper, predicts the probable defeat of the Im- perial Government ion the local option bill, which will be taken up after 1e - cess. New York furriers claim that the smuggling of valuable furs by the agents of a Quebec furrier across the Canadian border has cost the United States Government $50,000 a year for the last three years. (,rood F rklay was observed in the usual manner throughout the Domin- ion, the weather varying from tine to showery. In \Vinnipe1,g� cricket, foot- ball, tennis, baseball and golf were the sports of the day. Three Canadians, of Fort Erie, Ont., are hard at work digging up the ruins ot the fort searching for a elitist of Bgold said to have been buried by Major uck during the war of 1812. At the annual meeting of the Cana- dian Wheeltnen's Association 011 Fr - day in Toronto, Dr. Doolittle, of Tor- onto, was elec'te dresident, and Wat- erloo WaS selected for the next C. W. A. race meet. " Mr. Joseph Bourgue, contractor, of Hull, Que., has been served with notice of alit action, charging him with giving Inebes to officials of the Hull corpora- tion for the purpose of obtaining civic caultracts. The Ontario Legislature closed up the business of the present session last '1.hnrsdla.y evening, and adjourned until yesterday afternoon, at three o'clock, when the formal prorogation was to take place. Ex -Queen Liliuokalani is in poor health, and the Republican Govern- ment of Hawaii has given het' permis- sion to take daily exercise in the park of the Government buildings, iu which she i8 a prisoner. i\1r. Denis 1)uvernay, of Montreal, assistant clerk of the Private Bills Committee of the House of Commons, is deal. He Was fifty-eight years of age. He was the last member of the famous Duvernay family. The Western Ontario Commercial Travellers' Association is agitating for improved sanitary arrangements in county hotels. It asks for tlteatppoint- ntent of a provincial sanitary inspec- tor. The inquest into the Simpson fire was concluded at 1.15 Friday morning, when the jury returned a verdict declaring it, to have been incendiary in character, and recommending an in- vestigation into the conduct of Sprott, Fawley, Livingstone and McKee. A six-year-old son of Mr. Anthony Moyer of Elmira died suddenly recent- ly, ami ars there were suspicions that his schoolmates had ill-treated him an inquest was ordered. The jury found that death occurred from an injury to the liver. cause unknown. It is understood that, the negotia- tions between the Newfoundland dele- gates and the Dominion Cabinet Com- mittee looking to confederation will re- sult in an early agreement, on the main points submitted. The delegates sail ed for hoine o1 Tuesday. Mr. 1Iayter Reed, Deputy Superin- tendent -elf Indian Affairs; reports that tranquillity and prosperity have characterised the lot of the Indians of Canada during the past year. He is disappointed, Iii wever, to observe a want of that energy and progress in the Indiaans of the older tn•uvinees which are such striking features of Indian lite in the West,. The Rev. Mr. Andrews, the oldest Methodist minister in active service in Manitoba, says that the restoration of Separate schools with a provision for the definite qualification of 1heteachers and ;he public inspection of the schools, should be satisfactory to all. but no injustice t0 Protestants, and would heal the breach which is rending the Dominion. BIRTHS. 111(')C -At 170 Pearson -ave., Toronto, on Wednesdaly, April 3rd, aL son to 3Ir•. and Jars. Frank S. Hick. Crude- r - At\V111nut Farm, ( 1 S.\LI:N.LI . r ich, on. the 8th inst.. the wife of Isaac. Salkeld, jr., of a daughter, Pities I)ERG AST. -I n Seaforth, nn April 4t11, the wife of Mr. W. Prender- gast. of a sun, 0itti•:vt..-In McKillop, on the 3rd April, the wife of Thos. Grieve, of a daughter. McDowEer..-In McKillop, on the t)t.h inst., the wife of John McDowell, of a daughter. CrioexIr. -In Goderich township, on April 12, the wife of Mr. Gen. A. Coop- er, of a daughter. MAItRLAGLS. \VIIITI•:--.\RtITON. In Morris, on April lie h, by Rev. G. Ii. ('obhledick, JL A., 13. 1)., Mr. Root. J. White, of Trlckersmith, to Miss Mary E. Ashton, of .Morris. 1Ic•L.%t-rt1LIN KNIGHT. ---At the resi- dence of t he bri'.le's parents, on .April 1411,11, by Rev. lulu} Ross. 13. A., Mt'. Alex . 81cLanchlin to Miss Lizzie, (laughter of 51r. David Knight, all of Mori is. 81rurorn-BraN.- At the residence of P. A. 144olesi t.son, Cel borne township, nn \Vediresday, April :h'd, 1895, by Rev. .lass. A. Anderson, B. A., Albert 'I'. Mugford, of Colborne township, to Jessie A. Barn. DEATHS. SAsru its.- -in Flint, :Michigan, on April 5411, Addie, beloved wife of Geroge Sanders, aged :37 years and 13 days. Roe.. in Seaforth. on April 6th, Mrs. Tilos. Roe, aged 70 years and :3 months. BRENT, -At the Rectory, Newcastle, Ont., on Monday, April 8th, the Rev. ('anon Brent, in the 78th year of his age. coorER. -in New Westminster, 13. ('., on March 31st., 31ns. (Dr.) Cooper, whose husband was formerly of Brus- sels, aged 29 years. DRIscor.L. --1n Clinton, on the 7111 inst.,, Dennis Driscoll, aged Ili years. CONNrELL.-- In Gederich, on the 211(1 fast., Ellen Connell, aged 27 years. McDoerAen. in Varna, on April 1001. the wife of Re\'..1. A. McDonald, aged 53 years. Joxeseoe. in Ashfield, 13th can., on the 9t.h inst,., Martha, relict of the late James Johnston, aged 85 years. Just a few CROSS -CUT SAWS and AXES left at Cut Prices. Just arrrived Daisy Churns, Clothes Wringers, And Carpet Sweepers. PRICES LOW. --o HARLAND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE. BUGLESS PEAS ChoiceSix-Rowed Barley From Northern Ontario, FOR SEED. Fc r ealo by It. IRWIN, Standard Elevator, Clinton. MARKET IREPOI;'I'S. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat.... Barley Uats.. Peas Potatoes O65to067 45 34 ('15 50 13 10 50 00 00 ...04.0to0 .... 0 33 to 0 0 55 tc 0 per hush 0 40 to 0 Butter .. 0 12 to 0 Eggs, per doe ................. 0 9 to 0 Hay .... 7 00 to 7 Cordwood 'i 00 to 4 Beef ...... 3 75 to 5 TORONTO FARMERS' MARI(L'r. The receipts of grain on the street market were small, being 300 bushels of oats, which sold at 40e to 41c. Other hgrains were nominal. The receipt of ay and straw shall and the market %vas eaiser. 25 loads of,hay selling at $11 to $12 for timothy and $J) to $10 for clover, and 4 loads ot straw at $7 to $8. The receipts of dressed hogs were small, there was a good demand and the market was firm, with sales at $6.10 to $6.25. Wheat white..... do red do Goose Peas Burley Oats Mnekwheat 1tye Hay, timothy Hay, clover Straw, bundle do loose Eggs, new laid Butter, lb. rolls Tubs, dairy Chickens Turkeys Geese Potatoes Dressed le4igs Beef, f'Nei i,ai'te1'- (10 hindquartel:s.... . Yearling lambs Lamb, ... Mut-ton . Veal ......$ 70 to $ 00 70 to 04) 09i to 00 67i to 00 49 to 00 40 to 41 42} to (x) 50 to 00 11 1)0 to12 00 9 0 to1000 7 04) to 8 00 5 (N) to 110 1.2 to 13 16 to 18 10 to 12 60 t0 60 12 to 1:3 7 to" (4) iso to 55 0 11) to 6 25 4(10 to 5(4) li 00 to 8 00 9 (H) to14) 00 350 to 7 00 7 00 to 8 00 7 00 tole 00 WHEAT ADVANCING The advance in domestic wheat mar- kets has been beyond the expectations of hoidens. Last autumn the lowest price paid for ()uteri() wheat at west- ern points was 47c. To -day sales could be made at 70c. This shows an ad- vance of 2:3e front lowest point. At present values are sit high as t(1 almost admit of importation from the United States to some points in Canada. The freight front Chicago to Kingston is 3c. Cash wheat is quoted in ('hkago at. 550. or, with duty of 15e per bushel and freight added, 73c laid down at King- ston. The freight. from Guelph to Kingst (!n is about '3c. It follows that if wheat were purchased at Guelph for shipment to Kingston that the cost laid down w0111(1 Ile equal to that of wheat brought front Chicago. THE KIND Or OATS MILLERS REQUIRE. The following circular is t he outcome of the meeting of the Oatmeal Millers of Ontario, held at Toronto recently, to consider the hest means for secur- ing suitable oats for milling and of im- proved quality. TO snake a first-class article of trolled oats it is necessary to have oats of the same size and shape, and experience haus shown that a long thin hulled, plump grain is the most suitable. The consumption of rolled oats is rapidly increasing in Canada. and a limited quantity is being sent to Great, Britain, Germany, Denmark and other nations in Europe. and it is the desire and purpose of Canadian oat- meal millers to largely increase the export trade with these countries, and with 41181 object in view alley now ask the c0-operletunl of farmers and grain dealers. Fal'iIII'r. can materially in- crease the whole value of the tart crop 'in Canada by giving careful attention to securing the petit, varieties of well -- cleaned seed that will he suitable for moment twilling. '1'11e varieties now in general 1181. hest,' adapted far• trilling are t rmlpreved Alnerivan Banner and Australian or white Russian, but any variety will do that, will yield well and is at long, plump and thin -hulled white grain. Grain dealers, by keep- ing separate the thick and thin hulled varieties, will obtain from millers a higher price for the latter. III' PFA LO MARK R.T. Cattle Receipts, none ; market con- 5iderr(1 easier. l Ings--Iteceipts, 2,580 head ; market a1bnilt 5411)1dy, closing firmer : Yorkers, $5.20 to $5.25 ; nledi inns, $5. 40 to 5.45 ; heavy, $5.50 to $5.55 ; roughs, $1.50 to $5 : stn gs, $3.50 to $4.25 ; pigs, $5.2() to $5.30. Sheep and lambs Iteroipts, 6,000 head ; market alrnost lifeless ; top wethers, $1.541 Lo $4.75 ; export, ewes, $t to $4.50 ; good to choice wetherst, $4.25 to $450 ; fair to gond mixed, $1.05 to $4.40: barbs. fancy, $5.50 to $5.60 ; good to choice, $4.75 to $5.41) ; fair to good, $4 to $t.50; rens' to common. $3.25 t,o $3.75 ; spring lambs, $3.5(1 to $3.811. Professor Refiring, of Halle, who discovered the Ant it( xine remedy, about which so much has been written, hats resigned his professorship. Vari- one SOientinc attacks were made on his remedy, and Refiring replied with much heat, finally leaving the univer- sity. Servant Wanted, Wanted, general servant. Apply to MRS. McTAO- DA1tT. high Street, Clinton. Farm For Sale• Lct 52, Maitland couceesiun, (}ederioh townahlp, comprised of 87 acres, more or leen. E'even sores in full wli,ut and 85 acres plowed. Well watered. Good nrehard of winger fruit-ilgood crop 1rem 1200 to 88100 on this alone can be realized. Rouse, brim. ale. Small payment down, balance at 81 per cent. Possession at once, Apply Box 174, Clinton, Ont. (G8 -if Central Business College, Corner I cage and Gerrard Sts., TORONTO, ONT. Canada's Greatest Commercial School. Write for Catalogue. SHAW & ELLIOTT. Principals. BUSINESS CHANGE. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. The undersigned haying bought the butchering bug. nese lately carried uu by Mr, John Soruton, he will carry on the same in the old stand. As he will give personal attention to all the details of the boa- news customers min reply on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily ruled. Ilia motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &e. LACK KENNEDY, Albert St., Clinton PERRIN BLOCK. CLINTON. For sale on easy terms, en bloo, or divided to suit purchaser ; one quarter cash or other good security, balance a 51 }.or cent., or will exchange for a good farm. J. P. TISDALL, Banker, in the more wilt chow enmities. The land eoit$1,000.and the building over $8,000. D. J. cemerPLL, 284 Main W., Hamilton, Ont. 887-tf Wash Day Made Easy. 1 have sseured the right to munnfaoture th famous Magic Washing Machine. Already I have made and Bold a number. The pnrchasers aro delighted. To use the machine on trial is sore to make a sale it one ie required. Wash -day is made very easy and carpets eau be kept perfectly clean; no splsu.ngor waste water whatever. The price has been set ata very low figure. The machine may be seen at my residence on Isaac Street. B. COLE 800.1 To Smokers To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Trickett .(t Son Co., Ltd., Hamil- ton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T & B° SMOKING TOB 4000. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the fam- ous "T 8 B" bratnd of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag"T & B" is on every piece. The 9 Label■ Is it marked 1895 ? THE NEWS -RECORD is $1.50 per year, but if Paid in advance only 81. This seems to be agood oppor- tunity to save fifty cents. Send along subscription now. Address The Huron News -Record CLINTON, ONT. News Notes. A motion was made at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday morning to strike the name of 1torl. G. \V. Ross, Minister of Education, of the roll of barristers. 31r. Ross is in partnership with a young lawyer, M. (L Cameron, and n who had been actin for a Cameron 11 g W OIllhtIl 111(111(81 1lyelohretrained $300 as his fee out of $00) 'he succeeded in having paid out of court to her. Mrs. Hyslop thinking this rather heavy costs gave the matter into her solici- tor's hands, who took this way of having it settled. San Frnnciseo is shocked at the see- ond murder of a young woman in the Emmanuel Baptist Church. On Fri- day the mutilated remains of Minnie Williams were found in the minister's room, and yesterday morning the body of Blanche Lamont, Was found in. a small room in the steeple. The two girls had been friends. Dr. George Gibson, pastor of the church, was taken into custody, and a young medical Auden t., Theodore Durant, who was last seen with Miss Lamontli near the church, is suspected, but the police are unable to find him.