HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-04-17, Page 2W. IL Wart:,
"Several Years ago, I gaught n sever'• cairn
atleuded tlfh a1 terrIblo con -.!1 that allowed
are no rest, either (:ay or nleht. The do.• -
tors pronoaneett my ease hopeless. A friend,
learning of my t i oeble, sent toe a bottle or
Ayer's cherry Peetort1. Cy the time 1 had
er used tho inhale b":tle, 1 was completely
cured, and t believe IL save(! toy Info,"—W.
11. \VAUD, 8 Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Fi1R;h�nnt Awnrrls at World's Fair.
Aycr's Pills tho Dcst Ieanaily Physic.
The Huron News -Record
126 a Yaar—$1.00 in Advance.
Welie etreeY, Arun, 17th, 1S05.
From inforulattion received Ly the
DepAftment of Trade and Commerce,
it appears that there are prospects for
goo 1 etirf ;wives for export cattle dur-
ing the terming season. The demand
at Chicago practically regulates the
English as well as the Canadian
market. For the Last quarter the
receipts of cattle at Chicago have been
117,00, less than the corresponding
period last year. At Kansas the
receipts have been ;50,000 less, and art.
Omaha the receipts have been 60,000
less, so that altogether there is a
shortage of 227,000 for three months.
The result has been to advance the
prices of cattle by forty cents per
hundred pounds in the last feev days.
This is decidedly encouraging both to
Ontario and Quebec. as it means larger
returns to our cattle raisers in the
English market.
The prospect of enlarging our trade
with Mexico was discussed at Ottawa
last week by Mr. I). A. Ansel, Consul -
General of Mexico at Montreal, with
Dir. Ives, the Minister of Trade and
Comnierce. The representative of
Mexico expressed the opinion that a
larger trade in several articles might
he developed. He mentioned agricul-
tural machinery, tweeds, knitted
woollen goods, and furniture as spec-
ially worthy of attention in this rets
spect. Iu return for these, he pointed
out that Mexico can furnish Canadians
with fancy woods, coffee, tnuatcco,
fruit, and sugar. The people of Mexico
are rapidly developing the growth of
the sugar -cane. They are supplying a
tU '
1 tt specially pe ciatlly adatpted for
covers, x(101 they- buy from ideated
large quantities of cigao'ottes, at trade
in. which, Mr. .fusel thinks, ('aul;td;t
might participate. 31r. Ives intimated
that he would look to the matter.
Some years ago, remarked the lion.
J. C. Patterson at. C)rillia, it was funi.d
that a great dural of lues pori- W;ls
imported from Chicago, and a duty
wits stat once: put on it by the Govern-
ment, and it decreased from 2,700,000
to 41)0,000 pounds, and the result was
that the Canadian farmer got posses-
sion of the home market. Ir was facts
like these that showed the care of the
Conservative Government for the
fat mer. Mr. Patterson contended that
while the Liberal leaders were now
crying for free trade on the English
system, they were inconsistent. All of
them wanted free trade except on the
articles it which they were personally
Mr. Featherstone, of Peel,
favored protection 00 pork; Mr.
Lowell, of Welland, and Mr. Gipson, of
Lincoln, wanted duty on fruits and
wine; Mr. McGregor, of Essex, on
corn and wine, and Mr. Campbell, of
Kent, on corn, wine, and flowers; :lir.
Lister, on coal nil, 31r. Casey on flax
fibre, 311. (lhaat lton on canned greets,
and Mr. Joseph Martin 00 mutton.
They were indeed a happy fetidly.
Nearly everybody need., aL good medi-
cine. The impurities which have ac-
cumulated in the blood during Lhe colli
months roust he expelled, or when 1 he
,nlld days ('orae, and the effect of brac-
ing air is lost, the body is liable to be
overcome by debility or S01114' serious
disease. The reniair'kahh' success
achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
the many words Of praise it has re-
ceived, mike it worthy your confi-
dence. We ask you to give this medi-
cine 0 trial. We au•' 81111' it, Will do
you gond. Read t he testimonials pub-
lished in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
all from reliable, grateful, people.
They tell the story.
/ The secretary of the Orange eelehrn-
thin committee, Mr. .T. P. Welsh, of
Seafnrth has received intimation front
Sir McKenzie Rowell, Premier of Die
1)ontinien, that he would he pleased 1,,
be prterit, at the great Orange dernfO-
str,ttion to he held in the towel of Sea -
forth on the conning 121h of July, pro -
yid ing nothing interferes between now
and tll'tt Lilac In prevent his doing so.
It is to htr hoped that, the energetic
committee will nu'et with the success
that they d'srrve, in t hus early mat-
ing provision to give t he brethren a
('old in the head -Nasal Balm gives
instant relief; speedily cures. Never
Hew Drantmerr may Bent a Tattoo on
Thole Employer's Bank
"Hew much shall I make out your
bill tor ?" invuil'ed the country hotel
clerk, as the guest was leaving.
"Make it out for what I owe," replied
the mail a tittle surprised.
"The bill is $6," continued the clerk,
with an ingratiating smile,"bot I'd just
as soon make it out for $9 or $10. We
all the SA MI to es."
:'Perhaps it is," the puzzled guest ex-
(' a illIl d, but it isn't to me, Why
'till I pay $9 or $10 when my hill is
"Aren't you a drummer?" the clerk
suddenly demanded,
"Certainly not." There was a Pause,
and then the guest suddenly exclaim-
ed :
"What's all this business about fake
bills. anyway.'
"We always make out bills 'to suit'
for dr11uinler4," explained the clerk,
"so's thay can come out even on their
expense accounts. A travelling man
who pays us $0 e;. 1 get a receipt Mr $10
if he likes, sand when ho settles with his
employers lie shows them the receiptid
bill and pocket the difference. I thought
y'011 were a tlrinie ler."
"No, 1'111 nut," replied the guest, "but
I knew a good many drummers. 111
fact, 1 employ about a hundred, and I
notice that when they cone to this town
they always stop at this hotel. 1 ob-
serve, also, dist it's a $2 joint and that
I'm always ehatt•ged $3.50. Never mind,
though, I'll lay for the next man who
step. here."
And as ho went 0111 the clerk looked
as it be thought he had put his toot right
in it and the toot was Iu'Id there,
!'p Co Date.
She -I wish to purchase a new hat -
one in the very latest style.
He -Ah, yes. Will madam kindly
take a seat and wait for a moment ?
The styles are just changing,
A Gond Thins; Bard to Sell.
"Do you think you can sell a good
thing for its value ?" asked the major,
as the crowd were s•tting its a promi-
nent cafe. "it' you (10,3 uu ars away oaf
yonder rand I'll toll you why I say so. I
went out to Leadvillo in the clays when
its boom was booming. 13y good luck
I got hold of some eight or ten pieces of
mining property right in the lulst por-
tion of the camp. Money WAR ueed•'d
to develop the property end I came
east and organized a company. The
company was composed of the very
best then in a certain town. The com-
pany issued stock and sent Inc out to
sell it.
"But it wits almost impossible to sell
it. Le.nvitg Pittsburg. one night for
Philadelphia to try toil -lake hale 0f 80111e
()Utile stock, 1 mot on Ibe pain a metlt-
h.•r of a whel' sale firm that 1 had known
.r i
}n years, '.went to the
to eel l .
enjoy a cigar ( . 1 sail({ all ! t!
1 n / r 1 iucid.'utaby
toll him what 1113- objeet ryas for r•• -
turning to the east. He remarked at.
once : 'It your stock is all right you
can sell it."
" 'Well,' I repli •d. 'you can't always
seal a good thing, and I'II prove it right
110W. You see those two hell sitting in
the front of the car acres, the aisle.
Well, here's a gond $3 ball. I'll het you
Sl') that yen cite 't ;;o over there and
sell it to either of them for as notch as
$y)"HIe tool. tart bet, and after he had
made the trial. 1 took his money. tic
came near taking n licking, too, from
the men. He tried all his ants of per -
Suasion, but he couldn't get them to
even take the hill in their hands. They
thought it was some kind of a bunco
Baume, and he couldn't have gotten
either of them to take it as a gift. No,
indeed, you can't nlways s el a good
thing for its value."-Plidadelphia In-
Absent Minded.
There is an Illinois congressman who
s a trifle absent minded. His friends
tell a story about him which exasper-
ates him so that he has threatened to
kill the very next person who repeats it.
'That only proves that it is true, you
kiiow. However, this is the story. The
congressman was walking along a Chi-
cago street one day with a friend, when
he was estopped by a beggar.
The congressman -you know how
tender-hearted congressmen are -went
down into his pocket, He looked at the
beggar sympathetically as he handed
hien a hall' dollar.
"How long have you been dumb?" he
'Twenty years," said the beggar.
"Dear 111: ! dear me 1" murmured the
congressman, as he walked on. "Isn't
that dreadful ! Dumb twenty years.''
And thou the point dawned on him. -
Washington Post.
!lode !larder.
The Bacillus shrugged his shoulders.
"'Phis kiss theory makes me tired, '
Ito exclaimed. My mission was cer-
tainly unpopular enough without
dragging trio into the chaperone
busi less. "
With which he glowered savagely
into space, -Detroit 'Tribune.
True Charity.
Flowery Fields -W'ero ye bin fer do
last, two months, \Vtllic'1
Wayside Willie-\V'y, 'twas dis way.
1 asked a kind-lookin' lady fer alms.
She tak, S me hl ; gives me a square;
asks me does 1 went ter sleep over night
on it feather -brad. Does I? Course I
11,ms. Nes' tnornin' her husban' 'rosts
nue, tries me. Cues aur, twenty dollars
nn (est -i sat' puts 111e in de cooler ter
work It not, 11' wllz de local jmfg an'
.rel h. if do lin•) nil' most 01' de tutitr:,-
1 u lt; .
"Are you musical, Professor Job-
kins?" asked Miss De Jinks.
"Yes: but if you were going to play
anything don't mind my teelings," re-
plied the.
"VV ht' didn't you go to the help oldie
defendant iu the fight?" ask the tnag-
istra to.
"1 didn't know which one of theta was
going to be the defendant," replied the
Mr. Pedegogs-Benny Bloobumper
how do we know that the Moon is two
hundred and forty thousand miles dis-
tant from the earth?
Benny (alarmed at the teacher's
nlaiuer)-Y-Y•You said so yourself,
sir !
Smith -That was a pretty hard doc-
tor's bill 1 had to pay,
Jon's --How WAY that ?
Smith -You sen it wits for injuries re-
ceived by being thrown from at hors.) I
was riding by the doctor's advice.
Two newsboys were fighting. Billy
having got the worst of it went away
crt•ing, when a benevolent gentleman
CAr11c rorwaf(1 and gave hilts sixpence,
contl'orted hien, and told hint not to cry.
When the g.•utlematu lett, Jimmy rant
up to hint and said : "Isere, Billy, sive
ale halt' of that, for if I hadn't thumped
yer, ser wouldn't ha' got it at ell,"
A gentleman who bad been allured
by this announcement of A tunica. 001111 -
try hotel in the north earn( down tite
morning after his arrivals complaining
that his booty had been outside his door
all night and until 8 o'clock that morn-
ing, and nobody 1184 touched them.
iris landlord, who, in his shirt sleeves,
was tipped back in his chair, beaming-
ly remarked:
"Law, bless ve, sir, ye might have
left ser purse out there all night ; no-
body would have touched it, honest
folk dawn Isere, I tell ye."
Press Proverb$.
Prayer is to many people a sort of last
It takes two to make a marriage, but
only one to get a divorce.
The pleasures of'memory are as no-
thing to the pleasures of forgetting.
The days which seem too long gener-
ally outnumber those which seem too
It is thought the coining woman will
hardly allow her age to be put on her
The geese that lay golden eggs are
most frequently killed before they begiu
to lay.
You cannot always be sure it is Sun-
day simply by listening to the average
"sacred concert."
A woman will often trust a marl with
her heart whom she wouldn't trust with
her pocketbook.
Truth would prevail much oftener
than it does if it didn't have so much
trouble in getting a hearing.
Some people lose a good deal of sleep
for fear their unrighteous neighbor will
not get his just deserts.
The man who believes that the means
are always justified by the end is in
danger of coming to a mean end.
People may fervently pray, "Good
Lord, deliver us," and yet continual to
place their chief reliance on good luck.
The preacher who objects to Sunday
newspapers is 118101111' the most anxious
to have his sermon appear in a promi-
nent position in Monday's issue.
'Railroad President (sternly) -You
look sleepy this morning, Mr. Dash, I
am now sixty years old, and I have al-
ways tnade it a point hi life to get to
bed by nine o'clock and get ton hours'
Stenographer (making short calcula-
tion) -But only think, sir, that, reckon-
ing your time at a just valuation, you
have wasted thrice hundred And forty
thousand eight hundred dollars in bed,
to sac nothing of the fun you've lost by
getting there before 2 a.m.
Wit of the Wayfarers.
A hard -looking tramp came into the
office of the charities of a certain met-
ropolitan church with a most forlorn
story of destitution. Tho minister in
charge had previously received unfav-
orable reports of this very man from
the Charity Organization Society. After
listenig to his story ho said : "I Have
heard all about you from the Charity
Organization Society. They don t
think much of you."
"Falx thin," said the man, "we're
aven, fur 1 don't think very much of
shim,"-Has'per's Magazine.
Weary Walker -Say, mister, gimme
a dime,
Dignified Wayfarer --Give youa dime 1
I think you are more in need of man-
ners than money.
Weary Walker -Well, I struck yer
fer what I t'ou;llt ye hed most uv,-
Harper's Bazar.
Mustard and Cress.
A man notices what you say: a woman
how you say it.-Albauv Argus.
"The most shapely thing in sleeves,"
soliloquized the policeman at the street
crossing, "is the arrum."-Yonkers
It is almost as easy to believe one
when he speaks in derogation of others
as when he praises ourselves. -Boston
Bless the "Turfy" Sad.
A jaunty young woman tossed a half
withered rose into the street just before
she went up the steps to the bridge. A
Hop 'o My Thumb newsboy instantly
darted out from the crowd to pick it up.
He buttoned his jacket over it carefully
and then nodding to his companions,
explained in a half ashamed way, "My
sister, she likes posies."
W 141$ Are They aaying, slater
It was St: Patrick's Day, apd they
were walking down Fifth avenue to-
gether. ' He--To-was her brother • -not
.a real bt'other, you know but the other -
kind --so site was dress int her very boat
The avenue was crowded ; everybody
was out for agood time, and intended
to have 1t, so Kate thought the smiling
attention she caught as she walked
briskly along was merely a reflection of
her own jollity. But when Toun, who is
nut a particularly observant fellow,
grumbled :
"Confound those people, bow they
stare !" she began to fuel a bit uncom-
A minute afterward two sturdy young
mens each with a green rosette in his
buttonhole, paused.
"Look at her, 1301. She's the go !"
nulls', el one to the Other.
"TOM, what can be the matter? Is
my hat on straight''/" Tom looked at
her at IllilllLte.
"\\'In•, Bate ! Good Lord ! It's
green !'
Katt'+ and Tout wont the rest of the
way 11010.1 in a 81:101son avenue ear.
An Unreasonable Teuautt.
Landlord -What's Hawkins giving up
the Newark house for ?
CI,•rk 1I. says the cellar is full of
water all the time.
Landlord -Nell, what the deuce does
he want there-chaulpagne'
Scotch Blood.
Mr. O'Cork -It's happy of ain to make
y'r acquaintance, Mr. McCallum. 01
hov Scotch blood in me veins too.
Mr. McCallum -Have you really?,
Mr. O'Cork-Sure, didn't of fall its love
wid Isle woifCphwin of saw her 3ancill'
tit' Highland klieg.
Henry Ward Beecher once informed
a null who Cann! to him complaining
of gloomy and despondent feelings, that
what he most needed was a good
cathartic, cleaning, of course, such
a medicine aas Ayer's Cntlartic Pills,
every dose being effective,
The foliowing poetic appeal won for
its author, the editor of the Rocky
Mountain Celt, the prize of $1,00)
(fried for the best appeal poem to
newspaper men to pay up their suh-
scriptlon : "Lives of poor 1000 oft
remind us honest men won'tstand it
chance. The more we work there
grow behind us bigger patches on our
pants. On our paints, once new and
glossy, now are stripes of different hue,
all because suhserihet•s linger and don't
pay us what, is due. Then let us be up
and doing; send in your mite, however
small, or when the snort' of winter
strikes us we shall have no pants at
OAT.laniit h er,r,:Vin IN 111 To 00 M1::er08 —
Ono eho,t p1li,J the Meath thrun;;h the 1(1)00e
euppliewith each bind,, of 1Ir. ts:new'e Catarrhal Pow-
der, .1 ITuso- this Powder over the surface of the
motel pa.tnagee. raitllt•ae Itnt1 delightful to sae, it re-
lieves instantly. sod permanently nitres Catarrh,
nay fever, Conde, it vtdache, :n Sure Timor, 1•ou.wilitis
and Deafness. Ad eerie, At Watts d Co's.
A hill introduced by :1ltcrney-Ge1-
eral Mowat is iutcntcd to :uneml ILO
law 80 118
to secure •I/ '
wid,,ws of
persons eI4
dying '
ltve;tat' and tt ithont
children a rensocable share of the
husband's estate. .11eretol'ere it cbiltt-
less widow co111(1 only (•lni)n ane -third of
her intestate husband's property, his
relatives corning in for the lion's share.
'Phis has been toured to work hardship,
and the ascending law prOVIdl'S that
in such cases where the estate is not
worth over $1.00) it shall go to the
widow absolutely and exclusively ;
where the value is over )11,1851 slit- sit 01
he ent itled to $1,000 absolutely, and in
addition the sant' interest, in the resi-
due as shO w(mkt hale if it had been
the tt'h de of the estate and the amend-
ing act had not been paused.
No small objection which young
folks haus to the cid-tinge springenecii-
(:illes WAS their nauseousness. In ear
day, this objection is reu)oved and
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most, powerful
and popular of aloud-piritlees, is as
pleasant to the palate as a cordial.
A Word to Correspondents.
S mel us news a9 often and as folly a9 you ran.
Write only on one tide of your raper, and alien
your supply 10 exhausted ask for more.
On not sett envelops, as they may be tot warded 1n
the Deal Lotter (Men, when Only carrying a one cent
stamp, bnt the flap of the envelope nuts be heated to
the ropy inside.
Send no it:m9 bat what yon believe to be facts. nnrl
no items taut arc intended it. perianal henna, Send
nothing in unseated envelop a$ exre,t what is in:oud-
ed for puh:icatf"n
It h w h.ippenod, th mgh rarely, that an indinereet
poet ofllce Bork has divulged the names of persons
rimming cnmmnnicatinns through the mail. If enr•
rr•..pondeuto know of this 6ea'tg dove at any lime they
should inform na of the fart, and we will sen that
th'• matter Is brought to the attention , f the prul t r
nut tioritio..
Get the Best ; they
are Only Ten
The only pure, harmless and nnaulnl-
trra led dyes for hunt' use, are the Dia-
mond Dyes.
Each package colors from one to
eight pounds of goods for ten cents.
Each color of 1)innlnnd Dyes will
give from three 10 eight Initial fel and
handsome shades.
The 11111 end explicit directions upon
each package are so simple than even
a child en 11 undvr'atnnd theta•, and easi-
ly mat eh any desired shade.
T)iarnond Dy'e' make old things look
like new. Solt can rotor dresses, coats,
elonks, wraps. tern's and bay's suits,
shawls. scarfs, hose, abient, and a hast,
of other goods, any desired shade.
Diamond i)yes give the hest and
strongest colors, and you are always
sure of good resuits when you use
When you go to a druggist or dealer
to buy- dyes, do not, nc'eept any bel. the
"DiaLntond", they alone aregnaratnteed.
Mr. W. S. Barker is a young
minister of Peterboro who has by his
great earnestness and able exposition
of the doctrines of the Bible earned
for himself a place amongst the
foremost ministers of Canada. He,
with his most estimable wife, believe
in looking after the temporal as well
as the spiritual welfare of mankind,
hence the following statement for
publication :
" I have mnoh pleasure in re-
commending the Great South Ameri-
can Nervine Tonic to all who are
afflicted as I have been with nervous
prostration and indigestion. I found
very great relief from the very first
bottle, which was strongly recom-
mended to me by my druggist. I
also induced my wife to nee it, who,
I must say, was'oompletely ran dowp
and was suffering very much from
general debility. She found great
relief from South American Nervine
and also cheerfully recommends it
to her fellow-sufl&rers.
" Rev. W. S. BARREL"
It is now a soientifio fact that per-
tain nerve centres located near the
base of the brain have entire control
ever the stomach, liver, heart, lungs
and indeed all internal organs ; that
is, they furnish these organs with
the necessary nerve force to enable
them to perform their respective
work. When rite nerve centres are
weakened or deranged the nerve
forte is diminished, and as a result
the etomaoh will not digest the food,
the liver becomes torpid, the kidneys
will not act properly, the heart and
lunge suffer, and in fact the whole
system becomes weakened and sinks
on amount of the lack of nerve forge.
South Amerioan Nervine is based
on the foregoing scientific discovery
and is so prepared that it acts
directly on the nerve centres. It,
immediately increases the nervous
energy of the whole system, thereby
enabling the different organs of the
body to perform their work perfectly,
when disease at once disappears.
It greatly benefits in one day.
Mr. Solomon Bond, a member of
the Society of Friends, of Dargton,l
Ind., writes: "I have used six bottles
of South American Nervine and I
consider that every bottle did for me
one hundred dollars worth of good,'
because I have not had a good
night's sleep for twenty years on
account of irritation, pain, horrible
dreams, and general nervous pros-
tration, which has been caused by
chronic indigestion and dyspepsia; of
the stomach, and by a broken down 1
condition of my nervous system.
But now I can lie down and sleep all,
night as sweetly as a baby, and I
feel like a sound man. I do not I
think there has ever been a medicine
introduced into
Donay, oh
tr which
will at 1111 compare with this as •
euro for the- etomaoh end nerves" 1
200,000 WEAK
ARE V'1 U 1 4e
Nervous apd despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornin; nr
r bit memory poor, easily fatigued; excitable and irritab e;
nye.9 ennken, rod mid blurred; p niplos on {'ace; dreams and night
losses; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pain.: hair loose; ulcers; Bore throat'
varicocolo• deposit to urine and rains at stool; dir-truatful; want of conhdenee; lock of
energy and strength — WE CAN OURE YOU./
John A. Manlin nava:--"I was one of tate ennnt'ess vic-
tims of early ignorance comma", Cl d at 15 years of age. I
tried seven ntwlienl firms and spent VAX, without avail.
weakeniave igrMy in11td1ect 1)1 Well aehe rn)yrsexual end physical
life. My brother advised me as a teat resort to consult
Drs. Kennedy k Kergan. l commenced their New Mellor I
Treatment and in a few weeks was a new mon, w tl, new
life and ambition. This wan four 34.4)8 sl;", 101,1 1.0•8 1
am married and hat ler. 1 rec..uamcod these notable
specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen."
"The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my
ruin. Later on a "gay life" and eapo,nrs t" hho ,l ani_ �pnt111 Emissions
season completed the wreck. I had all the 83 ra,ono of Syphilis
Nervous Debi lity—ennken eyes, emissions, drain in trine,
nervousness, weak back, etc. Ryphilis cawed m) hair to Varicocele Cured.
fall out, bone pains, ulcers in month and on tongue, _ t
blotches on body, etc. I thank rind 1 tried Drs. Kennedy
do Kergan. They restored mo to health, vigor and happiness," CITAS. POWERS.
VirWe treat and cure Varicocele, F'miscinrrr, Nes;enur Debility, Seminal, -
Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Sylihilis, Unnatural Ihs, harges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
READER! Aro rno rt victim? Ifavn yon tont. harre? Are yon rontem lasing mar-
riage? Has your Blood b, en diotnoo,l.' Rave yon 11113' weakness? Our
New Method Treatment will cnre you. What it. has dons for others it, will do for 0011.
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who bas treated you write for an honest opinion Gree
of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE "Tho °olden ,Monitor" (illnatrated), on
Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Pealed,
opee. Et.No
confidential. Questionnllat and cost or Treat-
ment, FREE.