HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-03-27, Page 6r, .l. Le,f�1eT, QISEASED LUNGS OVRED BY TAKING AYR'S-. Pectoral. "I contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs. and I did what is often done ha such cures, neglected it. I then consulted a doctor, who found, 00 examining me, that the upper part of the left lung was badly a fleeted. The medicines be gave me did not seem to do any good, and I determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking a. few ditties my trouble was relieved, and be- fore I had finished the bottle I was cured." -A. LJ,FLAR, ''•:: tc:.maker, Orangeville, Out. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Pair. Ayer's Pills Cure Indigestion. The Huron News -Record 1.2) a Year -81.00 In Advance WEDNESDAY MARCH 37th, 1895. Commercial Travellers on the h. P. "Has the N. P. trade you rich ? " the enquiry which is daily paraded before the readers of the Grit journal, was discussed in a little coterie of cMrnmer- clal travellers at the Rossin House in Toronto recently. Said the religions traveller :-"The question smacks of 'blasphemy. There is excellent authority for the state- ment that the poor we shall always have with us." Said the historical traveller :-"There never was on the fhce of the earth a country where everybody was rich." Said the practical traveller :-"The N. P. has not made ole rich, but it has given me a good salary selling in Can- ada the goods manufactured here that would otherwise have been imported from the United States." Said the iconoclastic traveller :-"I don't care whether there is any N. P. or not. If they admit the United States goods I will travel for an Ameri- can firm. It won't make any differ- ence to me whether any salary isaid by a Toronto House or a New r�ork house. The factories I now represent in Canada would be dosed up, but the American factories would work over time. So I needn't worry about it, one way or the other." Said the up-to-date traveller: -"Welt, i.orvn a house and lot in London and it don't need any forty -horse power brain to tell me that the value of that lot would be nothing if such factories as McClary's, the London Furniture Co., the Globe Casket Works, Leon- ard's foundry and such establishments were wiped out of existatnee. I had some experience when the oil refineries were chased out of town, and I know how it was when the car shops closed np. Things as they are are good enough fon me, thank you. I don't want to see the factories close down." And the grim old traveller, who had not heretofore said a word, knocked the ashes out of his pipe and grimly said: -"The Toronto Globe is making 'more money novo than it ever did be- fore in its history. Has the N. I'. made it rich ?" • Products of Science For Home Use, BEAUTIFUL AND BRILLIANT COLORS. Within the last few years science has been at work, and the results are the Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton : Turkey Red, Scarlet, Pink. Crimson, Ijurple, Seal Brown, Grange, Olive Green and other colors. These dyes make colors so fast that, even washing in Strong soapsuds will not cause them to fade. If women will ask for Fast Diamond Dyes for ('ott.on, and see that they get therm, they will be able to dye any of the above colors absolutely Last and tinfaading, colors that remain until t he goods are worn rent. Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton give grand and brilliant colors to carpet, :eggs, and are t.herefora invaluable to country people who make Rag Carpets. „'hese popular dyes are far ahead of all other forms of dyestuffs, and many large dye houses use theist regularly. Common package dyes --worthless imitations -are novo sold in some stores ; beware of these ; insist every time upon getting the guaranteed Fast - Diamond Dyes ; tried, sure, true, brill- iant and unfading. C. A. Mallory, Grand President of the Patrons of Industry, has been left a legacy of $40,000. He intends to give up farthing and move into the town of elobourg. TO MAKE PURE BLOOD There is no medicine before the people equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1t is the standard spring medicine and blood purifier and it possesses peculiar mer -at which others try in vain to reach. it really makes the weak strong. Do not neglect to purify your blood this spring. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now, Hoon'A PILLS become the favorite cathartic with every one who trite.; there. 25c, per box. ✓st► Prowei, ThaiProw IMO hilted bare opus *ra rope's owing. who hats rinse hitt Setale rduj old pedut two ntorlee of the gturder of Dr. Pope in hie home here, last uight made a clean breast of the whole affair to the police. Aceordiug to Bruseeau's latest story the murder was a carefully planned affair in which Mre. Popethe doetor'e wife, was the movie.- spirit and $14,000 the ob- ject. For two week& before the fatal day the two planned the crime iu every particular. Saturday night Mre. Pope made her husband sleep in a chair at her bedside. Toward morning she quietly called Bruseeau and the latter secured the hatchet and struck the doctor on the head. Thea, to obedtouce to tbe woman's command, he rained a hull dozen more. blows on their richm'a skull. Mre.Pope's 8 -year-old daughter, who slept at her •Ide, during the murder, woe then awak- ened and the three carefuily rehearsed the story they were to tell the police. LOG OF TUE TEUTONIE. Ueavy Weather Prevented Her Entering New York for 28 moon. Quarantine, Feb. 9. -The Teutonic, with 242 cabin and 199 steerage passengers, arrived at the bar at 7.04 p.m, Friday, and was detained `outside 28 hours, ow- ing to a heavy snowstorm and bliz- zard. Time of passage 7 days 11 hours and 1 minute. The Teutonic was with- in three milds of Seedy Ilook at 5.38 p.m. Thursday, but owing to a hurri- cane from E.N.E. and a thick suuwetorm was obliged to stand off, and steamed 70 miles to S.E., waiting for the weather to moderate. Feb. 8, at 2 p.m., eke sighted the Fish- ing schooner Josie Reeves of New York flying signals of distress, at 2.30 p.m., and Lowered a lifeboat and with five men embarked, but returned at 8.30 un- successful. At 6.30 p.m. the Teutonic steamed alongside, affording a lee for the, echooner's dories, and nine men were hauled on board. The position of the boats was about five miles south of Long Beach hotel, L.I. The Teutonic passed Daunt's Rock light at 1,03 p.m. Jan. 31. During the fleet day the vessel encountered a fresh gale from the S.E., with a high swell. Feb. 2 the same gale prevailed ; Feb. 3 the gale moderated somewhat ; a high sea was still running and there was a heavy northerly swell ; Feb. 4, the wind mo- derated, yet there waa a confused swell in, and the wind changed from S.W. to N.W.; Feb. 5, a whole er'ieterly gale, that changed to a westerly hurricane, was encountered. The vessel labored hard against heavy head seas and head swells. The following day, Feb. 6, the vessel struggled with heavy snow and hail, squalls and high head seas. The wind was from W.N.W. Feb..7, the wind was still from W.N.W. and blew a fresh gale. There. was a heavy head sea running at 7.04 p.m.; Feb. 88, owing to the violence of the hurricane and a thick snowstorm, the Teutonic was obliged to etand off shore and steer to the southeasterly. Capt. Cameron says that he saw no- thing of La Gascogne and can offer no conjecture on her detention. _--.a Bodies Come .4,sknre From the Elbe. London, Feb. 10.-A fishing smack brought to Lowestoft to -day the dead bodies of Paul Sznchy and Meri Babos, who were steerage passengers on the Elbe. The body on which were found documents designatiug it as that of Edward Muscovite, a second cabiu pas- senger, on the Elbe. has been identified by the true Edward Muscovite as that of Daniel Guttmann, oue of three brothers who had embezzled nearly 200,000 florins In Hungary, and were fleeing to America. Guttman) married Edward Muscovite's sister and booked uuder his name to %void detection. E.8. CABLE TO UAWAl1. rhe Senate Appropriates Bair* Minton and the President Is Authorized to Let Contract. Washington, Feb. 11. -The Senate Saturday decided by a vote of 36 to 25 that the amendment to the diploma- tic consular Appropriation bill for the constructiou and maintenance of a telegraph cable between the United State and the Hawaiian Islands was in order under the rules ; and immediately afterwards, by a similar vote, adopted the anteudment and then mussed the bill. All the negative votes were given by Democrats. The text of the amendment is : " The President is hereby authorized to con- tract for the entire work of layiug a telegraphic cable between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands, and to direct the proeeention of Ruch work whenever ecce" a contract shall be made, and as a part of the cost of ouch cable the sunt of five hundred thousand dollars ie hereby appropriated." In the course of the discussion Mr. Manderson took the ground that even if the rules did stand in the way of such an important proposition, the rules ought to be brushed aside. Mr. Man- dersou was equally outspoken in his utterances that the time had come for this great Republic to extend its limits and to become... the rival of Englaud in obtaining the islands of the ocean. He advocated the taking not only of the Sandwich Islands, but of some of the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Mr. Lodge expressed similar views, and frankly adteuitted that the main object of the amendment was to take the first step towards a proper projection of the United States is the region lying around her coapts. Pena ilea. Iwnilgraat. Portland, Me., Feb. 10. -'Clue steamer Lnbrador of the Dominion Line arrived here to -day from Liverpool, bringing 43 Itussiau immigrants. Of these Inspector Fogg detained 29 118 liable to become dependent on the public for support. Some o fthem had only 50 cents an.; none of them had over $5. 'Their cased will be further inveatigated. Extreme Cold in England London, Feb. 10. -'rhe extreme cold throughout the 1 u:ted Kingdom still prevails. Isolated cases of skaters drowning were reported to -day, and many churches caught fire Sunday morn- ing from overheated flues, but none were destroyed. Toronto Mnrkela Toronto, Feb,10,-Flour-Trade qulet,wIth straight rollers quoted at $2.60 to $2.66 Toronto freights. Bran-Prlcea rule firm, with ear tots west quoted at $12 to $12,60. Small tot. soil hero at $16. Shorts nominal at $16 to $16.60. Wheat-There is a limited demand, with rod winter quoted outside at 670 west, and white bald at 580. Spring on the Mid- land unchanged at 63c to 64o. Not. 1 Mani- toba hard sold at 790 west. Barley -The market 1a steady, with No. 1 quoted outside at 46o to 47c., and No. 2 red at 44o. Outs -The market Is steady and sales out. side at 271-2e to 28e for maxed and 28 1-2c to 290 for whlto, north and west. Cars on track are quoted at 32o to 32 1-2o, Peas -Tiro demand 1s fair, with sates wort at 54e. and on Midland at 56e, Rye -The market Is firm, with sales out- side at 420 to 43o east. Buckwheat -Trade is quiet, with prices steady at 36o to 370 outside. Tail . tp14MEfla Of CANADA. law she C•ttsert.e}'p prtr4y Hee Lew*. wed ht Their 1unerests-sThe Duty •n Beef, Pork, Ere. Whether the Conservative party are friendly to the farmers of Canada can easily be seen by glancing at some points in their record, Let us take for instance their conduct with regard to the duty upon beef, pork and so forth. They found that in 1888-9 the prices of beet, pork, lard, barns, etc., were so low in the United States that it paid the producer of these articles there, to pay the duty which the Canadian Govern- ment had placed upon them and bring them over here and sell them to the ,Acadian people. In consequence of t , in the year which we have men- tioned there were imported 81,181,740 pounds of these products, and in 1.889-9J that had increased two million pounds more. During the session of 1889 the Conservative Admiuistration changed its tariff, and the important change to the farmer was an increase in the duties upon the products which we have above mentioned. It may be roughly said that the duets were almost doubled; and it should not be forgotten that against this change the Liberal party protested most strongly, even puttiug the matter to a vote in the House of Commons, Mr. Laurier afterwards, it should not bo forgotten too. made it his business to endeavor to excite some of the people of Quebec who were not agricultural, against the Government for attemptingto assist the farmers of Manitoba and Ontario. The lumber- men, of course, in the eastern section of the Province and in other parts of the Dominion, objected to the change. They had been using American meats which they were purchasing at low prices and they, of course, quite rightly from their standpoint objected to bcitig compelled to purchase from the Cana- dian farmer at higher prices. However, the legislation was carried and its wis- dom is plainly shown in the effects which followed. The very first year after the tariff was changed the irnportation of thirty-three million pounds had fallen to seventeen million pounds of the same products, and in 1892-3 had coma down to six million pounds, while last year it was only about four million pounds. In other words, the effect of the legislation of 1889 has been to protect the farmers' market from these meat products to the extent of giving them a market each year for about twenty-nine million pounds of meat. Upon this point the farmers of Canada ought to remember the difference in the conduct of the two parties. The Conservative party were anxious that our farmers should have our markets ; the Liberal party that it was bettor for our railways to make a little money by carrying into our coun- try American products to be consumed by the Canadian people. Is there a single fanner in this constituency who believes that upon that question the Liberal party were right? When the contest comes ou remember that a vote for a Liberal candidate is a vote in defence of the conduct of Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr. Laurier upon the meat product question. Divorced By The Church. MAN ANI) WIFE SEPARATED AFTER 1 YEARS -A PECULIAR CASE. A curious, story comes front Ste. Louise, county ot L'Islet, near Mont- real. It seems that about a year ago Maglnit e Gaudreau, a respectable citi- zen of the parish of Ste. Louise, was separated from his wife by the eccles- iaastical authorities, on the ground that there existed relationship between them which rendered the mltrr'irtgtre null and void. Gaudreau and his wite had been married sixteen years and never suspected that there was a rela- tionship between them. But it ap- pears that before his marriage Gaud- reau hard been the godfather of a child born to his wife, by as former marriage. This, it is said, reudered the marriage void. But there was a remedy. The parties could apply for dispensation front the church to remove the impedi- ment which existed to their union, and then contract a second marriage, which would be regular. This was the course which it was contemplated to follow, and which was followed so far ,as the husband and parish priest were concerned. But after the necessary dispensation had been secured it was found that Madame Gaudreau was not anxious tar re-enter the bonds of wed- lock. The case having been taken be- fore the civil courts Justice Pelletier of the superior court declared that the separation was perfectly valid, )iresilm- ably on the ground that the marriage halving been performed by the ('atho lie church ch it could not be valid unless made in conformity with the rules o that church. Mr. Gaudreau took a philosophical view of the situation. After a year of widowhood he won n fair young widow, and was remarried at Quebec in the beginning of this month. Ile is novo living in the parish of Ste. Lnwise with his neve wife a short distance from the house where his former wife is living. It is further stated that the later was influenced to refuse to remarry Gaudreau by a man who was actuated by revenge. 0 CATAxaArt R*f)li%tl) aN 1(1 ro 00 MIN, 0,1. short puff "r the breath through tbe Oh-iv/re snpplie•f with each bottle of lir.Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der, d ibises this Powder over the surface of the rows) passages. Painless and delightful to nsr, it re- lieves instant l,. „rd permanently cores Catarrh, !toy Fever, Col le, 11.•,daehe, Hare Throat, Tonsllitis and Denfne,a, (10 cents, At 1Vatta & Co's. If you do trot went. your thoughts to go from you. 1hey must be captured and caged ere they fly, perhaps never to return. Paper and pencil are a•ssen- tial to thoughtful hien. THANKFUL TO -DAY THAT HE IS WEI L. Lorenzo Puliston, a Well Known Citi- zen of Sydney Mines, C. B., Tells How Burdock Blood Bitters Cured Him of Scrofula, Spots, Blemishes, Etc. DEAR Sifts, 1 an) thankful to say that through the use of B. 13. B. 1 cul strong and healthy to -clay. 1 W71.9troubled with Scrofula and Spots and Blemishes all civet. my body. Being; re- commended to try 13. 13. 13. 1 rlid so, and can positively say that, it. made a T perfect cure. he first bottle vvaL9 very successful, grid before 1 had taken half of the second i was completely well, f receniniend B. 13. 11. to all 'kennel's. 14)1rENZO PULfSTUN, Sydney Mines, C. B. Tho Fiat Fee Commission. The Fat Fee commissioners have trade their report. The Toronto Globe says that the retort is contained in e "•bulky volume, is "most comprehen- sive in its Scope," and that the matters referred to the commission have been "dealt with exhn.ustively in all their relations and aspects." Nevertheless we venture the opinion that the Globe writer has volume," never andthat nobody has read "bulky or ever will read it except t he proof- reader. Tho findings of the commis- sion are exactly what has been expect- ed. The commission summarizes them as follows : change poiinting's the should officerhy he anding over the choice to local authorities. as„tfee o all adiiuinistrat ve oliicesstem hoe tr a g., registrars of deeds, clerks, and regis- trars of courts, sheriffs and bailiffs. "Salaries should be_ paid to all judi- cial or quasi-judicial officers, e.g., local masters, county attorneys, - and (for convenience) clerks of the peace (as a conjoint office). "The expenses connected with cleri- cal and other assistance in the offices should be systematized so that uniform- ity and not diversity may characterize the service: "A limit should he placed upon the receipts of fee -paid* officers, to be fixed by the legislature, having regard to the just means between scanty and excessive compensation. "These results are responsive to all the Matter's with which the commis- sioners are directly charged ; incidental suggestions have been made on ger- mane ur collateral subjects in the course of the report, which are not here specifically enumerated," The repos' recommnends a nt'mbcr of minor changes, such as the consojida- tion of minor offices. It will he observed that the report recommends that the appointment of the officers reported upon shall remain with the government, and shall not be handed over to the municipalities ,as proposed by the Patrons and Conserva- tives. Sir Oliver does not propose to give up the patronage his government enjoys. It comes in very handy just about election time. Thus the Most important of the proposed changes is refused. The retaining of the fee system for registrars of deeds, clerks, registrars of courts, sheriffs and bai- liffs, is all right, and the fixing of the salaries to be taken out, of the fee receipts is all right. But these are minor affairs cornpared with the great principle that the appClintrnent of all officials should rest with the authori- ties of the municipality in which they are employed. That is the principle laid down by the opposition, and Sir Oliver, through his fee commission, has refused to acknowledge that prin- ciple. The Women's GIobe. Canadian Women are already noted for ninny graces of person, character and heart, and now they propose show- ing that they also possess mental powers of a high order, combined with business qualities. They have under- taken to assume charge of an entire issue of the Toronto Daily Globe (for April 18th next). The regular edi- torial and reportorial staffs, certainly all the snail members thereof, will he displaced for that issue by a staff of ladies who will cover every depart- ment of the paper -business, editorial, local and general. The issue will be a very large one, both as to the number of pages and as to circulation and will also be non-political and non-sectarian. The result of this unique undertaking will, we are sure. he watched with keenest interest not only by the fair sex of the Dominion but also by the, on this occasion, more curious male element, Don't Ask It in Berlin. Mali and Empire. In Berlin a few days ago a bit of property was sold for $6,100, which about fifteen year$ ago, is said to have been bought for $1,000. In view of this fact, the Liberals will do well not to ask the people of Berlin whether the National Policy has made them r'ic'h. RHEUMATISM CI'REi 15 ♦ DAs. -South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rhemeatism and Neuralgia, radically cores in 1 to 3 days, Ito action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cense and the disease immediately die. oppears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 conte, sold by watts ds Co. Druggists. New Orleans Advocate: ---If intem- perance should break out among horses and cattle, there W 1)11(1 bP an extra session of C'ongr'ess called in (less than three weeks to stay the evil. But, psluaw ! its only inen who get drunk, Catarrh -('se Nasal Balm. Quick (positive( cure. Soothing, cleansing healing. Stop advertising when your business gots too heavy for you to handle, but until that happy climax is reached you'd better continue talking to the pet (p1e. Heart Dimmer Itelleved In 30 Minutes Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart gives perfect relief n all ranee: of Orem' c or Sympathetic Heart Disease re 30 minutes, and speedily effects 0 cure. It in a peerless remedy 1 r Palpitation, Shortness of 'Breath, Hmothuring Streik, Pain in Lett ,tide and all symtoma of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co. The ratan s']uen yea is yea, and his nay, nay, is, we all confess, the most courageous, whether or no he may he the roost successful in daily life ; and He who gave the precept has left its the most perfect example of how to live tip to it. DON'T' WA IT FOR, THE SICK ROOM. The experience of physicians and the public proves that taking Scott's Emulsion produces an immediate in- crease in flesh ; it is therefore of the highest value in \Vesting Diseases and ('onlsmr 1pt.ion. "A word to the wise is snfflcient," but when trying to reason with the wilfully or naturally stupid, the old Adair) often prompts one to drop all arguments HnVe n club. "Success is the reward of merit" not of ,assumption. Popular appreciation is what tells in the long run. For ilfty years, people have been using Ayer's Sersapaarillaa, and to-cty it is the blood•pnrifier most in favor with HE NEWS. EC -AND- WEEKLY MAIL and EMP, 1 -OR- Weekly Free Press, or Hamilton Spect twice a week, only $2.00 A We club with alt the city weeklies at regular rates. ' Subscriptions may commence at any time. Or'(lel' through THE NEWF-RECORD and save trouble and ez pense._ News Notes. , Money, Mr. Henri Carswell, Treasurer' of Money to lend on good security ata and 6 pe1F- ttavva, died last week, cent. Apply to C amour, Alb S O 862 tferr t., Httton, Hon. John Costigan 'teas ed by friends at Kingston. Rev. Dr. Davies, Bursar of Trinity University, died last week. Mr. John G. Lynn, C. P. R. baggage bangnet- man at Guelph, died suddenly. Mr. Samuel Grandy has been rlonlin ated by the Patrons of East Durham. 14Ir. William Swartz, the Guelph smallpox patient, has been discharged from the hospital cured. Mr. Thomas Lee, of St. Catharines, who was injured in •a runaway iteei- dent on Thursday, is dead. Mr, Julius Striver, M. I'., has been again nominated for the Commons by the Liberals of Huntingdon, Quebec. Mr. R. A. Pringle was nominated by the Conservatives of Stormont, but re- served his acceptance tilt a future meeti n g. North Grey Conservatives held an- other convention, and reaffirmed the nozminotion of Mr. James Masson, M. P. At the convention of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends motions to reduce the age liutit to 50 and favoring biennial sessiuus were voted down, Levi Carroll, colored centenarian, and family, were committed to the Poor House in Berlin hist week. Mr. Carroll is said to be 107 years old. Archbishop Langevin of St. Boniface was consecrated in the presence of a large ani brilliant gathering, Arch- bishop Fabre of Montreal being the officiating prelate. B. B. Osler has been retained by the Ontario government to prosecute all Ontario murderers. If our learned friend has really so much influence over the intelligent juryman as he gets credit for having, the new scheme is a good' one. As the defender of a mur- derer Mr. Osler might influence a jury to let a guilty man off ; but it would require even gre'ltter eloquence than B. B's to induce a juror to cornulit murder by hanging an innocent man. United Presbyterian : It tits been said of the late Dr. William M. Taylor, that his wealth of intellect did not pre- vent his being spiritually -minded. A question is suggested as to whether any man's wealth of intellect does or can prevent his being spiritually -mind- ed. Wealth of intellect is a good gift of God, and cannot be a hindrance to spirituality. Pride of inte'llec't is from rt very different source, and may hind- er very greatly one's ,growth in grace. Rev. J. A. C. McCuaig ; When an unfortunate vessel crashes -upon the rocks, just outside the habour, willing rescuers throw a life line, by rocket, over the wreck, ltd when the line is made fast, one after another of the passengers and crew is safely landed. So have we seen it with some home that has drifted into worldliness ; hour: little child has been sent as a rocket from the hand of God, and when this tiny life line has taken hold of every heart, it has been drawn back into heaven carrying all with it. About eighteen months ago George Mernpstead, of Port Huron, Was mar- ried to Eliza Allison, of Sarnia, both being ulembeis of the Salvation Army. Two weeks of a honeymoon was suffic- ient, and they decided to separate. Two Months ago the woman married Willbent Levere, of Fot't Gratiot. Mempstead swore out a warrant against his wife, charging her with bi- gamy, and she was atrrested. The wo- man claims that her marriage co Mempstead was illegal, as she was less than 16 years of age at the time ; con- sequently she cannot be guilty of big- amy. She also charges that Memp- stead has another wife living from whorl he has never been divorced. Mempstead replies that his first mar- riage was void in t hat the woman had iso former hunshands, who are both still living. The Guelph 'Trap and Gun ('hili has decided, ifl necessary funds can he raised, to Purchase this spring a num- ber of prairie chickens and quail, for liberation in the (bounty of Wellington, as neat' the city of Guelph as suitable cover can he obtained. The shipment of chickens to sportsmen in the neigh- horhood of Galt is expected aboint the 1st of April. Hon. J. M. Gipson suggested last year that if deemed advisible the game Act could be amend- ed at this session so as to prohibit the shooting of these birds for a limited number ot years. The Rathbun Corn- pany is pressing for this and those who are interested at Galt are also asking for it. We believe, from the good -win shown the effort there by farmers and others, that they would not be know- ingly shot or destroyed by any of them, but there is the class of shooters who know nothing More than to destroy everything that has life, to be consider- ed and provided against, and the towns and villages furnish most of those amiable gentry. Mao mon If dl child sear. !loon the a moth rbo, Cone gives Mee ptea. the o. the 1 the public. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures. and 1 For Over F►My Years WIN"T.OW'a SOOT/IMO SYRUP h0a been used by ons of mothers for their children while teething_ stnrhed at night and broken of yonrrest bye nick nnaties and crying wish pain Of Cutting Teeth -,t one, a"rt get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's lanae •V, rnp" too'hildren Teething. It will relieve ,r tittle suff.mer immediately. Depend upon it, IS. thee Is on mistake about it. It cures D'ar• rt Rotates the Stomnoh and Bowels, sures wind softens the Gums, reduces inflammation, and tone and en. rgy to the whole system. "Mrs, tow'. Sr.oth'ng Syrup" tor.el>lldren teething in ant tot he taste end is the prescription of one of retest and host female physiceane and nurses in 'tilted States. Price twenty five cents a bottle. by all drnggista thronghont the world. BA sure RIE for "MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." Brink for Sale. WET TLAUFER t WIIIF RD, Proprietors of the Rlyth Brick Yot haves limited. quantity Of their superior brick h band. They desire begins. tInteclear ndingthem builderstwillethe consultrtheir Make interest, in writing or calling on as. WETTLa VEER & WILFORD. Wash Day Made Easy. I have secured the anufacture th femora! Magi. Webbing Machine. to ne. 1 Already I bane made and soldasethe>nnchline on htrie ul 1.1suretors r make a sale delighted, e one is required. Wush.day is made very easy and carpets can be kept perfectly clean; no spt.,.ntng or waste water whatever. The price as been set ata very low figure. The machine may be seen at my residence an Isaao Street. i . COLE 8004 - Two Farms For Sale. Being composed of the south half of Lot No. 21, Bayfield Lille, Goderich Towucnlp, containing 70 acres, more Grimm, allolearcd exoeptabout fveaeres! in good state of re mi$eo; well Watered ;twell l houseon; log fenced. Also Lot tNo p22 Bayabou1 More ot less d t 20 acres hu h riin good state of ieed Of 89 cult cultivation and well watered ; house, barn and frame stable, and small boating; orchard. Terms reasonable. Apply to 837•tf JOHN SHEPPARD, Clinton P.O. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of Mr. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. The Mason Method need exclusively. It is considered by the loading Musical Artlstee that no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. , Mason's "Thal and Technic." Piano, Organ and Technloon for nee of pnpilei Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beoaloy'e, Albert . street, Clinton. Property For Sale. For sale, the large dwelling Anil lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario street. Hse all modern conveniences. Centrally located. Alan a house and lot adjoining above property, facing Victoria street. For partoulara apply to MANNING A SCOTT, Clinton. 80742 Room for Rent. Large room, conveniently otitnte, easy of access, at low rent. Apply to W. C. SEARLE. 851.11 B. THOMUNSON, VETERINERY SERCION, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, 'Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on 1h most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Nicht Ws Promptly Answered. Residence-lnettenbury Street, West, Cliton Ont COMFORTS OF HOME. Ladies who desire the comforts of home, but find it necessary now to be as Economical as possible, can have some of the comforts, at very li tle cost, by following these instruc- tions: GOOD CARPET AND CANNOT BE MADE ON HAND LOOMS UNLESS : FIRST, -Yon Prepare your Rags in the Proper manner • 3 SECOND, -See that only the beet POINTS THIRD, -The WEAVING rightly TO done. REMEMBER I Am Prepared to do the Best of Weaving at reasonable prices Carpets and Rugs Yoti Need, And you ran have them woven in a first-class manner, in many beautiful and handsome patterns --from the plain hit or n tae kind (in Carpets) to the gaudy striped, offancy center with border. Rugs too, of all shades, colors and kinds, you can have woven. YOUR CHOICE OF WARP. My Warps aro bought direct from the Mills moi you coo have your choice of Canadian or five-ply American - the very best in the market and 'twenty Shades to choose from. Prices perYerd and a Yard Wide (when we furnish Warp,) from 16c. up Samples of work may ba seen at my residence, East Street, Goderich (Mre. Miller's old stand). W. A. ROSS, - East St., Goderich. MORTGAGE SALE of Warp or Chain leased ; --Or- FARM :: LANDS IN TIIE TOWNSHIP OF GODERIOH• Under and by vh•tno of the power of 8alecontained in a certain Mortgaue which will be produced at the axle there will be field by Public Auction, by Thomas M. Carling, Auctioneer, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, CLINTON, -ON SATURDAY, THE - 6th day of April 1895 at 2 p. in, the following property, via :- Lot No, 22 in the Maitland Concession of the Township of O"derIab, io the County of Huron, less the School Ronne and premises off the South East Corner, Mao the Easterly Half of Lot number 19 in the said Concession an I a tnrther portion of said Lot number 19 and of 1,01 nnmher 21 in the same concess- ion, an particularly dea'rlbed by metes and bounds to the conveyance thereof, dated November 1st, 1877, from Alexander Taylor to acid Mortgagor, registered to nnmher 1175, also a partef the rear of lot nnmborIS in the same cementation, containing 8 acres more or Mem aa purchased from one Dion, being all that pari or portion of the said Lot 18, usually In the ocrupiion of the Mort gager and by moonset and Rrroa,whlohhe obtains access from Iris said other Inds to the River Maitland, all in the Raid Township of (3ndarinh. TETOMN:-$000 of the p'erc4ase money down on the day of Sale and the bnl.nrn in (0) days thereafter without interest.. The property will be sold aubjeet to a prior enenmbranne and to n reaervod hit. Far- ther terms and part 'enter., and rendltionsmnrl known on the day of Rnln, or neon application to the ander. signed, or to 0. 0. McTag,:ar•t, Bag., Clinton. T. M. CARTING, J,kktES SCOTT. Auctioneer. Vendors 8oileitor. Clinton, 20th March, 1803. 838.81.