HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-03-13, Page 8t. cl 81 tl vi al 11' 2-f v B Is C at as f• In u- g r n I'r bP n'c wa vii ria )r2r t4Yi 70 Tb IIs an Ni of: we sae tel or Ii hal iior fie Inti wel Elba IF a Mri To., A .v rtxsors,.. .r 411 thattjes of aclgivertisements, to insure tnbertikn in the current issue, must be received at the office not tater than SATURDAY NOON. `t,;opy for chanes received later than SATURDAY NOON will here- after be at the Advertisers own risk. A. M. TODD, Pablieker. players osty ban rad mer Oslo o of The Huron News-Recora 11.26 a Year -11.0010 Advance WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13th 1895. LOCAL NEWS. In and Arolllld the Hub, gown pall;. o:reh.patd for eggs and hatter.—UANTELaa iHtO1. FOR SALE.—An improved farm, 150 acres ; or will exchange for private resi- dence in Clinton, centrally located. Apply at this office. t -f MR. J. E. DAVIS, Optician, will he at Cornbe's Drug Store every mouth.Remember his first visit, TUESDAY, Marton 19TIi. ozonciaramiosonanarinu REV. J. H. FAIRLIE, of Listowel, was in town hast Friday. MR. E. CAMPION, Q. C., of Goderich, was in town on business last Saturday. THE Exeter Advocate says :—Mrs. Wm. Bawden was visiting in Clinton Last week. DR. SHAW wag in Brussels last week rttending the marriage of his sister to Dr. Marrs, of Port Elgin. THE Seaforth Sun says :—Mrs. Greig, if Clinton, was in town on Wednesday visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Jack ion. AN Ailsa Craig correspondent says: —Rev. W. Ayers spent part of last week with friends in Clinton. MRS. PARKE wishes to announce :hat she will be at home at the rectory Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Text week and the sante days of the veek following. PROPERTY SOLD.—Mr. Thomas Car- er, of town, recently bought from Mr. )avid•Cantelon three town lots on the iouth side of Hewton street, Nos. 975, r70 and 077, for the sum of $50. BABE BALL MEETING.—A meeting or the purpose of organizing a Base 3al1 Club for 1895 will he held in the 7ouncil Chamber on Wednesday, 15th nst., at 7.30. 4 full attendance is re ;nested both of Junior and Senior so that arrangements can be mule to form a league in the town. !:very effort should be put forth to ecure the very best team Clinton de- erves, and make Base Ball booth dor- ng the coming season.—By order of he President. STOCK NOTES.—Mr. Isaac Erratt, of Tarna, P. 0., has purr•hased front W. Biggins, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton, )rat., the threo mouths old calf ''Talis- !ran," sired by `General Promise" =19766= and from ",Matchless Gift" ly "Impt. General Booth" (54 3.i3i). Talisman" is a i•braight "Matchless" in pedigree and from present appearance rill make an extra good animal. Royal Albert," red, eleven months old, a yet for sale; he is sired by "Inipt. 'eneral Booth" and fmin Matchless of Elmhurst Tenth," etc. HURON VETS MEET.—The Huron 'eterinary Medical Association met at ell's Hotel, Londesboro, on Tuesday, [arch 5th. A fair number of the rwenl- ers of the profession was present. �r. Clark, Goderich, occupied the lair. There was considerable discus- on on various subjects of interest to re profession, the advancement fo Iterrnary education being the chief epic. The following gentlemen were )pointed to rend essays at the ext meeting in Wingham on July th : J. Wilson, V. S., D. McIntosh, S. G. McGregor, V. S., and J. E. lackall, V. S. ANY ratan can take a newspaper. It the cheapest thing ho can buy. It less than a postage stamp, less to send and receive a letter. That good does it do you ? It in- ructs you and your wife and teaches our children. It conft: s to you every e'k, rain or shine, calm or storm, brings you the best news of the ighhorhood. No matter what hap- ns, it enters your door at welcome lend ; full of sunshine, cheer and terest. It shortens the long sura- day and cultivates the long wilt- r nights. It is your adviser ; your and friend. No man is asst has children and wife who does give thein the home paper to ad. THE following from the Brussels est has a local application, the bride ing a sister of Dr. Shaw : —Ten ;lock, Wednesday morning of this zek saw Cupid score another story when the hands of rnaar- tge were solemnized by Rev. John ass, B. A., between Dr. W. H. arts, of Port Elgin, and Miss innie E., the estimable daughter of hn Shaw, John street, Brussels. re bride wore a very becoming tri- [ling gown of green and brown cloth d was attended by her sister, Miss illy Shaw, attired in brown with le green silk. Each lady carried a wutiful boquet of roses. Major Weir, Toronto, was the groomsman. The adding gifts, in silver, china &c., re of a handsome and useful charac- • and indicated the esteem in which a bride was held. After partaking an elaborate wedding breakfast the- ppy couple left for their future borne Port Eigl'n, followed by many sin- oly efrpressed wishes for their future ppiness and prosperity. The inter, of Mr. Shaw's residence and the ales were tastefully decorated with vers, palm, and foliage plants. long the guests from a distance re Miss Fannie Rance, Dr. J. W. tw and J. McKnight and wife, of nton ; Miss (green, of Listowel ; for Weir, of Toronto and Dr. and 1. Graham of Brussels. - - 1 € c t , , e c .1 t' a 11 c' )' I v f' 11 f [: a ti F i) 4 (' 3' e T rl a' g a o o b s f' is s o P 114 ni ct milt h fo Pa M jj Ip sY Iv( ser Mx, P. (wows' wa4 Thais week shipping more live hogs to I.Amclon. MR. Jona RAI81IORD was in the Queen City last week. Miss FAIL of Kincardine, is the guest of Mrs. R. (Muff, town. MASONIC.—Clintn Lodge No. 84, A. P. Sc A. M., will meet in their hall on Friday evening at 7.90. LAST WEEK the Misses L. Elliott and N. King, of Bayfield, were the guests of Mrs. A. Grainger. THE GRAND ORANGE LODGE of Ontario West is in session at St. Catharines this week. Miss NErrIE Como:, of Clinton, has been elected assistant editress of 'Var- sity. N. Ronn, of Seaforth, D. D. H. C. R., of the C. O. F., will make a visit to Court Maple Leaf, No. 16, Clinton, on Thursday eyening the llth inst. MR. HAD. PENTLAND, of the Nile. was on a brief visit to friends in Clinton last week and gave THE NEWS - RECORD a friendly call. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING.—The first meeting of the year of the Board of Health was convened on Tuesday. Present—The Mayor, Clerk, Dr. Shaw, Messrs. Stevenson, Irwin and Chidley. Mayor Holmes was appointed chair- man and Dr. Shaw recommended Medical Health Officer and Joseph Wheatley as Inspector. Several im- portant questions relative to health were discussed. THE POTTS FIRE ESCAPE.—We 1u)- tice by the Port Huron News that 11Ir. E. W. Potts, formerly of Clinton and Blyth, has invented and patented a modern fire escape that is likely to mime into general use and Lind a big sale. If fortune favors "Lige" there should he millions in it and from the recommendations it has received there is likely to be. ECLIPSE OP THE MOON.—There was a total eclipse of the moon—visible in Canada—on Sunday night. The moon entered penumbra at about three minutes to eight, and the shadow six minutes to nine. The twiddle of the eclipse occurred at about twenty minutes to twelve. The moon left the shadow at twenty-five Minutes past twelve on Monday morning. late sight was grand and many Clinton citizens looked upon it. GLEE OLUB.—A meeting was held at the residence of Dr. Bruce on Friday evening last for the purpose of organ- izing a Glee Club. The following offi- cers were elected :—Pres., H. C. Brewer; Vice -Pres., Dr. Bruce; Secy., T. Jackson, jr•.; Treas., N. Yellowlecs ; Conductor, 13. P. Sibley ; Accompanists, Misses Boles and Javkson. This organization will meet once a week for practice and under the able leadership of Mr. Sibley will no doubt make rapid pro- gress, and in the near future be recog- nized as one of the leading musical organizations of the district. COMING TO CLINTON.—Mr. W. H. Palmer, an evangelist of great know- ledge in the Scriptures and of wide ex- perience, has promised, D.V., to con- duct special services in the I3aptist church of this town, commencing On the t h inst. Mr'. Palmer has travelled ex tensively throughout the. Holy Land and has a large acquaintance with Jewish life. Ile has preached in Jerusalem and in several lige cities of Europe. He collies as a young than highly recommended boll by reputa- tion and personal acquaintance. SHARP SI10OrERs.--Tire monthly shoot of the Clinton Gun Club was held last week. The contest for pos- session of the silver trophy was one of the hest contested, probably, ever• witnessed at any match. Messrs. J. T. 1:nwuerton and Chas. Bale scored 18 each out of :t possible 20 and the tie had to be shot off, 5 birds each. Twice again they tial with a possible. Ex- citement ran high as the young harp shooters kept at it, but Mr. F3minerton missed one bird and Mr. Hale again made a possible in the third shoot off. The "old heads" were not 'in it," as the saying goes. Possession was worthily won. GRAND ST. PATRICK'S CONCERT. --A rand concert, made up principally of onside talent, under the auspices of it. Joseph's Church, will be held ut Tuesday evening next in the own hall, Clinton. Neither pains or expense are being spared to rake it, one of the very best vents of• the season. Part one will onsist of Irish Minstrels in full dress. 'hey will present a fine appearance and will give full play to Irish song, wit id humor. Part two will represent uinstr•els from Cape Colony, or the des- endauts of Irishmen exiled during the enal laws from their own native land. 'hey will also appear in costume and ill afford a good deal of amusement rr the audience, showing by their ex- ert retorts and actions the principal whores of their adopted country. kohl pal Is will be augmented by suit - tile songs and instrumentals and the nvn hall will be suitably decorated. lan of hall may he seen at C'ooper's ook store. SUDDEN DEATH.—One of the most olden deaths that has occurred in Hilton for many ycar•s took place esterda afternoon i,h n'tly after one clock. It was that of Mr, George Bow- es, well known to Clinton readers of tfENEws-REeoRD. For some days the e'ceased had been "knocking around," the saying goes, and was in fairly nod fettle until yesterday. About 11 clock he secured a bottle of medicine t Dr. Shaw's office and in going ut of the door slipped and fell, the stone door step, falling heavily, ut walked off as though nothing erious had happened. About 1.15, fter dinner, Mr. Win. McKeown, who working in Tedford's blacksmith hop on Rattenhury street, heard some- ne calling him. On searchingthe P1 • Mr. Bowers was found in a nom or closet upstairs in evident ony asking for a drink. Water was •orured and placed to his lips, edical aid sittnntoned and a rig pro- bed to take hitn home, but death ad carne before his home was rea.hed. e deceased had resided in Clinton r many years corning here from Pen tn, New York State, in 1862. He )ves a family of grown rap s'lildren, rs.Bowers, an estimable lady, having ssed to her reward it year or so since. he late Mr. Bowers ,was a, painter calling and had aceurnnlated con- lerable town property. Iris age mild probably be fiftyfour t•eal•s. Th • funeral will take place to Clinton netery. Iei 1 s . PLUS STOCK SALE. We have more sleighs than we should have, so have decided to sell all we have at rediculously low prices. Baby Sleighs reduced $2 and $3 Boy's Sleighs at half price, Girl's Sleighs at cost These are all good stock purchased lt'tst fall. Have you subscribed for the Ladies Home Journal, 1, Sunday School Times, 5Oc., Delineator, $1 If not why not ? We receive subscriptions for thee and all other Magazine and Periodicals. ANCE & SPALDING, BOOKS, STATIONERY, and FANCY GOODS. BIBLE DEPOSITORY. – – CLINTON, ONT, (AGENTS FOR PARKERS' DYE WORKS.) 41E6321C.G211 .1 Great Change. ... Lounges Regular ri cc te We intend making some alterations in our Upholstering Department, and before doing so, we will have to clear out some of our Stock. In order to do this we are going to make prices right. Price $7.75 Now $6.50 " $7.00 " $6.00 $6.50 $5.50 I( Parlor Suites and everything in Our Ups holstering Department, at a reduction to correspond with above prices. These prices are for ONE WEEK ONLY. If you require anything in the above line, this is a chance that you should not mise. J. W. CHIDLEY Furniture Dealer, and Embalmer. Jackson's : Clothing : Store. 0 SOMETHING THAT CONCERNS EVERYBODY. - - Considerably over Two 'Thousand Families Read THE NEWS-REcolnevery week. 0 Over 2,000 families buy Clothing and in all cases they want to know where they are going to buy the cheapest, which is quite right and as a general thing they all read the many advertisements in this paper to see which is the most reliable place to invest their money and the general vordict is JACKSON, THE CLOTHIER, and Up To Date Cutter, where you are sure to get perfect fitting garments. People are all complaining of hard times, which is true enougb, and as a natural con sequence they want to be careful how they lay out their money. But yet they must be clothed ani what I want to toll the many families who read this paper is that I am offering special inducements to compere with the hard tines and if you will only call and see what we have got you will be convinced that this is your place for Fine Ordered Clothing and for two weeks more will continue to sell READY MADE CLOTHING at Cost Price. ----CALL AND EXAMINE T. JACKSON, 8R1, _ Practical Cutter. L 4.1 eesey & Co. Superb assortment of Dress and Trimming Laces, Black and Colors in silk and Cutton• Real Torchon Laces in narrow and wide widths, insertions to match; no assortment that equals ours either in variety, quality or price. Cambric Embroideries, immense range of Patterns, unrivaled for width and pattern at the price we offer them to you. New Dress Goods, just what you want, the newest things at lowest prices. BEEsLEy The Ladies Favorite Establishment BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. Hatsand Human Nature. Human nature is, to use a common expression, a queer,n xture and we all from the most intellectual to the lowest St$t0 q human intelligence are somewhat given to judging and eritinie. ing our fellow man, that is to say we like to consider o'<tl"aet, ves, to a certain extent, students of "Human Natures `"i'" We take no meagre amount of satisfaction in reviewing +nix ` neighbors weaknesses in their everyday living. HavinitJ the foregoing statement used the personal pronoun (we) a of humanity and criticize and like to study our small way. course we have come to consider ourselves similar to Oa rest • But you ask what has all this talk to do with the Clothing and Outfitting business? Well, we want to tell you where•' one of the opportunities for studying this human nature occurs. It is where we have a customer trying to please himself in a Hat with the assistance of a mirror. Ever since we have been in business the Hat department has been one of the branches and in all this extended peroid of business experience we never yet saw a man who did not hesi- tate as to whether one particular style of Hat was not Moore be- coming to him than another. This has long ago led us to the conclusion that the only way to please I-Iuman Nature in a Hat is, lst to keep the best qualities obtainable in hats. 2nd to keep an assortment and variety that even the most fastidious may please themselves. 3rd to keep your prices within the range of the vast purchas- ing public. This we have done and will do. First asregards the bestgoods. Our stock contains the celebrated inakers : — Wilkinson's & Co. London England. Cristys & Son66 66 Battersby & Co. Jno. Buckley & Co. Sullivan, Corrgan & Co., Knox. Dunlap and a host of others. Second, as regarding assortment we venture the high sound- ing statement that in no Hat Store in Ontario outside the lead- ing cities is so complete and varied a stock to be found. Third, as regards prices, price never troubles our customers for they know that our prices are moderate and in accordance with the qualities. ff « if i1 J JACKSON :-: BROS. mICNOMOav-am/ircwzzvrx. ,r.:,wrmwrnZ;xvar.05W,.rseamenaz-z;0:4vrrrZvnoTAV "QEBEH." A NEW c, s'r That is rapidly becoming a favorite. Is is matte on much the same principl(s as the 1'lagnetic and Watchsprrng Cor- sets. Instead of the old time heavy and clumsy bone or cord filling, it is filled with narrow, highly -tempered steels, that give readily to every motion of' the body. So highly tempered are they that they can he bent double, and when released will imrnediately fly back to their original position. The covering is a fine, strong jean, combining strength and durability with lightness of weight. Light, strong, easy fitting, and comfortable, it is a corset that's sure to lead. The price is $1 a pair. We've been busy the past week opening out new dress goods, Though they're not all here yet, there are many reaflyr handsome lines in this early shipment, and if you wo 1d like to have an idea of what's going to be worn for the coming spring, you are welcome to look at these early arrivals. You'll not be pressed to purchase if you do not wish to. If you deal where they give credit, do you ever think that you are helpinn to pay for the goods of th•3 man who does not pay up? Well you are l and most people have enough to do paying for their own goods these days. EsLJ. llod&eus CLINTON. 1,