HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-03-13, Page 7KiY r r ` ths Re, cor 4144 lfee#.00 tie SAY ■at. w 1P?iEspit, MA.1tOnt 13th. 1895. airi447QES IN THE TARIFF. Ott Oellingwood Hon. Clarke Wal; pojptedly illustrated the tact that e:NIAltienal Policy does not impose a pppli the necessaries of life. He • pet 189 articles on the free list - ISteti Session, If the Liberals came into ppQWe>, to -day, what would they do ? tltAey removed the duties they would ',•destrojt",all the industries in Canada. li'eggtlill to sugar, our imports last gap'Qyere 300,000,000 pounds. This is Tree up to 16 Dutch f3tandard-abso- lOWy tree. If we had kept on the tax •c 1,111x. Mackenzie, the revenue last year would have been increased by • 7,gf10,t)00, Sugar is cheaper than it s''V011id be under free trade. 4 to91t the duty off tea and coffee. A.S hese are not produced here, a duty W.anid'be a direct tax. The protective Polley makes the necessaries of life idnt produced in the country, and raw platens', tree. We reduced the duty on wallpaper -,4 ,cents, coal oil 30 per cent., iron slabs, etc $4 per ton, bar iron $3 per tan, iron_ sheets, 17 to 20 gauge, per :Sent, sthes, etc., about 30 per cent., Algricultural implements 15 per cent. ',The last was not necessary, as the `Canadian farmer gets a cheaper hinder than any other. On barb wire fencing -h, on stamped tin 20 per cent., cotton seamless bags, 25 per cent. Go back 45 years. What was the duty then ? In 1850, when this country was poor, and the people unable to pay 'taxes, the .average rate of duty was 14t per cent. In the last year the duty "Was 15 per cent., just an increase of per cent. CURRENT TOPICS. In 1893 the value of the cattle ship- ped from the United States to France was $30,060. In 1894 it rose to $1,197,- 540. This is a tremendous jump for one year, and that but the second year of the trade. It shows that there is a large and enlarging import demand for cattle in France, a demand kk probably capable of four or fide times that importation two or three years • --hence. The Americans undqubtedly discovered this market, which they must have begun to wish to keep to themselves just when they found they could not keep it at all. Is is by all means desirable that Canadian cattle shoud fill the breach, and there is reason to think they will. There is much in their favour. They are healthy, a com- mercial treaty has been arranged be- tween Canada and France, and the Parliament of Canada has voted a subsidy for a line of steamships where- by direct connection may be effected be- tween Canadian and French ports. Also French importers are interest ing themselves in our cattle. Nobody has a better chance of getting this market than have the fanners of Canada. ,DICE OF THE PRESS. Is Sir Richard in a Hypnotic Sleep. Mall and Mmpira. Mr. Laurier has never claimed hav- ing hypnotic power, nor has anyone ever accused him of having it, but it certainly looks as if he had hypnotized his future finance minister. The Man With a Brief. Ottawa Citizen. i Mr. McCarthy says that Sir Charles Hibbert never held a brief. Mr. Mc- Carthy always holds a brief and talks from it. Two years ago he changed his brief, and is now with lawyer like facility demolishing the arguments he had been using all his previous life. TARIFF POI IC11- .rIIR Mr. Laurier, with Ms arms full of sticks -And there are others. THE MANITOBA SCHOOLS. The neaolntiozu Moved in the )flatter by a Manitoba Protestant. In the Manitoba Legislature on the 27th of February, Mr. James Fisher, Member for Russell, and a Presbyterian, moved the following resolutions as re- gards the Manitoba Schools. The de- spatch from Winnipeg says that many Protestant members of the House sup- ported him. "1. While this House is determined at all times to maintain to the fullest extent that the constitution warrants its exclusive power to make laws with respect to education, yet it recognizes that the highest judicial tribunal in the realm has recently decided that "such exclusive power is not absolute but limited," and that the limitation was embodied in the constitution as a ''par- liamentary compact" between the Do- minion and the people resident in the province at the union for the protection, amongst other things. of the rights and privileges of the Roman Catholic minor- ity in relation to education, including rights and privileges that were acquir- ed by them since the union. 2. It has been adjudged by the same tribunal that the "rights and privileges of the Roman Catholic minority in rela- tion to education which existed prior to 1893 have been affected" by the Public Schools Act of that year. . 8. The same tribunal has further de- cided that in the event which is now foreshadowed of this Legislature being called upon to remove the grievance in the judgment referred to, and in the further event of the Legislature declin- ing so to do, a case will have arisen where "the Parliament of Canada is authorized to legislate on the same subject." 4. That this House is always prepared to abide by the constitution, which is the safeguard of our provincial rights, and will not be a party to its violation, nor will'tt seek to -impair- the efficiency .. of its provisions for protecting the rights and privileges of Her Majesty's sub- jects. At the same time, the House would deplore the occurrence of any- thing calling for the exercise by the Parliament of Canada of its authority to legislate on the subject of education, the ultimate effect of which it is impos- sible to foresee. 6. Having regard to the suggestions of the tribunal referred to that "all legi- timate ground of complaint would be removed if the present system were supplemented by the provisions which would remove the grievance upon which the appeal is founded and were modified so far as might be necessary to give effect to these provisions, without a repeal of the present law, this House is ready to consider the grievances re- ferred to, with a view to providing rea- sonable relief, while maintaining, as far as possible consistent with that ob- ject, the principles of the present Act in their general application-" These resolutions are valuable as showing how the matter 1s viewed by many prominent men in the Province of Manitoba. -Loyalty Should Be tempered With - Sense. Toronto Mail and Empire. .,In the proposition that we accept- free cceptfree trade because they have it in England there is an element of loyalty. Yet it can scarcely be said that the Canadian who declines to raise his umbrella when he learns that it is raining in London is disloyal. Tbte >alawlk equipped house hail put oft Anew hes whish meets Nil value rrgullrly. Cells wade to Ali parte o1 the Sown at reitsoaable rates. Orders left at ',Aire In the Hotel Clarendon will receive prompt and careful attention. J. C. MILLER, Proprlator. Mad Bet:'ause He Had No Reason To Be Mad. Montreal Gazette. Rev. Dr. Carman has written another letter in connection with the Roman Catholic mass he said the government paid for in connection with Sir John Thompson's death, but which Sir Mackenzie Bowell says the govern- mennt did not pay for. Dr. Carman, who seems to have been deceived by the Ottawa correspondent of a local Liberal paper, is apparently quite as much annoyed that his indignation should have no real justification as he was at the suppositious incident that called it forth. He should wrestle with the old Adam within him and learn to take a correction manfully, if not with grace. BUSINESS CHANGE! The undersigned begs to iuforut the people of Clutton and eutroundiug country that he bas bough the stook of BOOTS & SHOES ct Mr. Ge'. Stewart, and be will °infinite the uusi• need in he same place °pinnate the Market. Ile wIJI sell for esah only, and offer Speolal Bargains for the next 90 dada. Ile hopes by strict attention to business to merit a abate el Public Patronage. Ito - pairing a specialty. 8474llm JAMES YOUNG. Cartwright -of -the -Maples. Hamilton Spwtator- From that delectable new hook Burke's Colonial Gentry we learn that Sir Richard Cartwright's real surname is, Cartwright -of -the -Maples. Is it not, beautiful and appropriate -the linking of/bile name of our national tree, the source of the sweetest of all sweet things, with that of the great author of sour sayings ? It makes one's mouth water. It is euggestive of punch or lemonade, or the sweet sour -drops of our youth. EUREKA BAKERY AND RESTARUANT. Under the new Management business con- tinues to flourish. Our Stock comprises everything required in a first-class Bakery and Restaurant -such as Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Superior Broad, Confectionery, Cool Summer Drinks, &c., &c. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAL- TY and prices reasonable. Picnic parties dealt with on the moat liberal terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the town. Better value than we offer cannot be obtained. Give us a call. Stand next the Grand ULion Hotel, Clinton. • JAMES BOYD, Proprietor. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. Harper's ga Ens . IN 1895 Tps 5IMVLETONS M Dew novel by 'I'lloktAe nanny, wall be begun in the December Number, N04, and outlawed to November, 1595. Whoever may beono'a favorite among English noveliste,lt will be conceded by all critics that THOMAS Mann stands foremost as a master artist In fiction, and The Simpletons may be expected to arouse onthuslusnt not interior 10 de. gree to that which has marked 'Crtlby—the meet Imo- ooseinl story of the year Another leading feature will be the Persona' Recent otions of Joan of A r t, by the Stour Lours nit OoNTE, Her Peas and Secretary. ander which guise the most popular of living Ameri- can magazine writers will prevent the Mot)of the Maid of Orleans. In the January Number will aerator a profusely illustrated paper on Charleston and the Corolinas, the first of a series of Southern Papers. Northern Africa is attreoting more attention than at arty other time sauce it wee the seat td umpires. The next volume of HARPER'S MAGAZINE will contain four illustrated articles on this region, and three of them will deplot the present life there. JULIAN RALPH will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight etertee_ depleting typical phases of Chinese Life and Manners. Besides the long stories, there will begin In the JannaryNumber the lima chap- ters of AThree Part Novelette, by RICHARD IIARDING DAvrs—the longest work yet attempted by this writer. Complete short storied by n malar writers w111 con- tinue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE.. OFFICERS. D. Rose, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Gen, Watt, vine -president, Ilarlock P. 0, ; W. J. Shannon, SocyTreas., Seaforth P. 0. ; M. Murdie, In- pootor otolatma Seaforth P. 0. DIReCTORS, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth • Alex Gardiner, Lea bury; Oahrtel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han nab, Seaforth ; Joseph Evans, Beeohwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. To search out impurities and drive them from the system is the work of Burdock Blood Bitters ; thus B. B. B• cures dyspepsia, constipn.tion, had blood, biliousness and all diseases of bhe stomach, liver, bowels and blood. The Guelph Herald claims for a pro- tective tariff all the success of Canada's manufacturing industries and prop - da will hsies that herself.' andthepolicynthate to true made her great. To have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla towns. Thos. Nellane, Ilarlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth ; J, Cummings, Egmondville; Geo. Hurdle, Auditor . Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans act other business will be promptly attend ed to on triplication to any of the above officers' addressed to their respective poet ct8eas. .1111011.1.111.111 FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S 7AKINC PI)YDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volumes of the MAGAZINE beg'n with the Numbers for June aodDecetuber id each year- When no time is mentioned, enbscripiiune will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Cloth ease.. far binding, 50 conte each—by mail, rnstpaid. Title -page and index rent on applica- tion. Remittances should bo made by Poet-omoe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement with- out the express order of lI arper & Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Harper's Magazine, = one year, $4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1894. Names of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office addresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0. Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, = Harper's Young People, 111 cA$H; j+ `.Tt Balleving thin' tho only oatiafactory wsy of heir 'l" TQ D4'J $ in.;.ftuai sftl lu to lieu, and buy strictly for Cash. I Iwo decided after 1Pebraury lac, IOW 3411,4O.tit Oft CASA S'$S'I'LM, believing that it will proyo the most aclvantageege to syery b9U@okCe_ er in, tom • ortQ and country. In der to do so I will stark all goods down to Wok- Ilottopi •C;a IA 1'rioeae„ My Chiatinee and New Year Special Bargain Days were wonderfully successful, everybody was pleased and surprised at the quality and price of bur goods. We are still offering same lines at Bargain Day prices. TERS. This is one of our specialties, having had 36 years experience in this particula line. Extra values in Black, Green and Japap, solo agents for Bum Lal's and Tetley's Indian and Ceylon P•ickage'rea. Crockery. Glassware and China Goods.-Diunor Sete, China Tea Sets, Bedroom Seta, Five o'clock Teas, Berry Sets, Cheese Dishes, Water Sets, Fruit Dishes and Bread and Butter Plats. Lamp. -We have Hall Lamps, Table Lances, Parlor Lamps, Piano Lamps, Hanging Lampe and Lamps at all prices which we are selling at from 10e to 20 per cent. below regular prices. Come and see for yourselves, no trouble to show goods. Produce taken as Cush. Postage Freo toall r t subscribers in the United Statee, Canada Addtcas HARPER& BROTHERS, P.O. Box 959. N. Y. City. Harper's Bazar IN 1895 J. W. Irwin, McKay Block. Clinton. Elegant and exclusive designs for Ont -door and In- door Toilettes, drawn from WORTH models by SANDOZ and CHAPUre, are an important feature. 'Those ap- pear every week, acootnpanted by initiate descriptions and details. tour Paris Letter, by KATHARINE DE FORMAT , is a weekly tranecriptof the latest etyleeand capricee in the mode- Under the head of New York Fashlune, plain directions and full particulore are given aeto shapes, fabrics,trimmings, and accessories of the coetuwee of well. dressed women. Childreu'e Clothing reuelvespraetical attention. A fortnightly Pattern•ebeet Supplement enables readers to cut and make their own gowns. The woman who takes HAR- PER'S BAZAR is prepared for every occasion in life, ceremonioue or informal, where beautiful dross le re- quidtte. AN AMERICAN SERIAL, Doctor Warrick'e Daughters, by REDEOCA IlARDINO DAVIN, a strong novel of Amori- can life, partly laid In Pennss1vania and tartly in the far South, will occupy the lett half of the year. My Lady Nobody, an intensely exciting novel. by MAARTRN MAAaTRNS, author of 'God's Fool," "The Greater Glory," etc., will begin the year. Essays and Seidel Chats. To thls department SPECTATOR will e,autribute her charming papers on "What We are Dolug" in New York sooiety- Anewers to Correspondents. Questions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are answered at the earliest possible date atter their receipt. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil. W.D.M., Centralia P.O. 219-Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri day ou or before full moon. 032 -Thos. H. C.lursey, Lucan, Satu day on or before full moon. 493 - Richard Hodgins, Saintstbury, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890 - George Walden, Mapleg'rove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 024 -Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday in each month. 1087 -James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon- day on or before full moon. 1210 -Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343 -James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610-A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or after full moon. The English System for `Vhlcb Sir. Lam Tier Sighs. "Whatever may be the case in speci- ally favored areas, it cannot be seri- ously questioned that, as far as the overwhelming bulk of the cultivable land in this country is concerned, it cannot be profitably devoted to any purpose except the production of corn and meat. Having regard to these con - dittoes it is obvious that the main grievance under which the agricultural interest labors is to be found in the in- troduction into this country of foreign produce free from any contribution whatever towards the imperial or local taxation, while at the same time the food of the people produced at home is, under the guise of rates and taxes upon the land which produces it, sub- ject to ruinous taxation." -Speech of Rt. TIon. James Lowther, M.P., Lib- eral. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work- manahip and material. * All the latest styles and moat modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times, 163 -FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657 - Don't Come Home and Kick up a dust by finding fault with your wife or her kitchen help because your dinner is not est what it should be. The women are not to blame, the fault lies at your own door. Ti rough a mistaken idea of false economy you have been induced to purchase cheap and inferior groceries, and I speak advisedly when 1 say you caunat look for domestic felicty aslong as you continuo on that line. Moral -the beat is the cheapest, in grocery as well as any other commodity. Therefore try our new season's Teas, all of this year's growth, "In Blacks," English Breakfast Tea at 40c. per lb. extra value. In Blends of Indian China and Cylons we cau suit the most fastidious taste Also, we have the best value in Ilysons and Japans. Try our Japan at 6 lbs for one dollar, We have now in stock for the Holiday Trade New Raisins, Valencias off Stalk Selected, Laifers, Sultanas, London Layers, New Cu, rants in Cases and half cases, New Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron, Figs, Mats and Elmo 10 lb Boxes. New Prunes, Sphinx Brand. Pure Spices,•Essences, Extracts. Candies and Nuts of all kinds. -In Crockery, China and Glassware, full litres. We offer Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and China Table Setts at rock bottom prices. Come early and have first choice. Special inducements to cash purchasers. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time 1a mentioued, suiseriptions will begin with the Number current at the tiwo of rooetpt of order. Olut.h Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail. poetpaid, ou receipt of $Luo each. Title -pale and 1ndsx'sent 00 application. Remittances should bo nto•lo by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. \•rwspapers are not to copy this advertisement with out the express order of ilarper & Brothers. NARPER'S PERIODICALS H3rper's tit agaziaei ,one year, 1114 Harper's Weekly Harper's Bazar, " Harper's Young People " Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Slates, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER dt BROTHERS, P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City, 4 4 2 Harper's Weekly IN 1895 N. Robson, - Albert St., Clintons CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 0 S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Ete. HAItPER'S WEEKLY ie a pictorial history of the times. It preeenta every important event promptly, accurately, and exhaustively in illustration and de- scriptive text of the highest order. The mattorio which, during 1$94, it has treated the Chicago Railway strikes and the Chino -Japanese War, and the amount of light it was able to throw on Korea the instant attention was directed to that little-known country, are examples of its almost boundless re- eourOee. Jaw aN RALra, the distinguished writer and correspondent, has been sent to the Beat of war, and there Joined by C, D. WRLDON, the well-known Ameri- can artist, now for many years resident in Japan, who bas been engaged to co-operate with Mr. RALPH IR sending to 11ALIPEn'S WEEKLY exel.teive informa- tion and illnetration. During 1895 every vital question will be dieeneeed with vigor and without prejudice in the editorial columns, and also in special nrticloe by the highest authorities in each department. Portraits of the mon and women who are making history, and powerfnl and carat', political cartoons. will continue to be oharae• teristie fenterim. This Rosy World, with Ire keen and kindly' oomment on the Weser doinge of the day, will remain a regular department. FICTION. There will be two powerful serials, both handsomely illustrated —The Red Cockade, a stirring romance of olden days by STANLEY J. WsrsAN, and a novel of New York, entitled The Son of Ole Father, by BRA Wean M AT,T f P. W e—eevera l novelettes, and many short stories by popular writers. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volnmee of the WEEKLY begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, snh-criptions will hegin whit the Number eutrent at the time of receipt of Order. Cloth caeca for each volume, enitab'e for binding, will be sent by mail, peetpaid, on reneipt of $1.00 each. Title -page and index sent on application- Remittanoee should he made by Poet -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement with- out the express order of ilarper & Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Harper's Magazine, = one year, 84 Harper's Weekly, _ " 4 Harper's Bazar, _ Harper's Y °ung People. " 2 Postage Free to an subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS P. O. BO X,950. N. T. City. GODERICH DISTRICT. James Calwell, W.D.M., Goderich P.O. 145 -James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon- day in each month. 153-Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday on or before full moon.; 182 -Geo. M. Cox, Goclerich, last Tues- day in each month. 189-F. McCartney, Tlolmesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. 262 -James McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednesday in each month. 306-- H. Cook, Clinton, lstlMon- day in each month. HULLETT DISTRICT. D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. O. 710 -David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month. 813 -Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full rnoon. 928 -Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 793 --Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 1st Mon- day in each month. STANLEY DISI RICT. Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bayfield P.O. 24 --James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon- day in each month. 308 --Wm. (tori it, Hillsgreen, 1st Tues; day in each month 833 -Robert McKinley Blake, lst Wednesday in each nice h. 733 -Wm. J. Clarke, Hensel-, 1st Th ars- day in each month. 1035 --Wm. Rathwell, Bayfield, 1st Thursday in each month. NOTR--Any nmienicne or other errors will be promptly corrected nn writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd. Clinton Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders, AS 1-1 IS KINWv, The up-to-date Grocery is THE CASH GROCERY, Tell us your wants, and we will do the reat if your wants refer to Groceries. SATISFACTION_ is what we aim to give over Customers and by careful attention to their wants we hope to secure and merit a portion of the Public Patronage for the coming year. Bargain Day Prices, our Every Day Prices; EveryDay Bargain Day with us. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. OGLE COOPER & CO. Telephone No. 23. Stand 1 Door North of TIIE NEWS -RECORD Office. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Monson Tea. THE CASH GROCERY PERRIN BLOCK. CLINTON. For sale nn easy terms, en Aloe, nr divided to suit pnrebaser : one quarter oath or other gond security, balance a 5,t per cent„ or will exchange for a goon farm. J. P. TISDALL, Banker, In the Mork will show promisee. The land (lost $1,000 and the building over 49.000, D..1. CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilton, Ont. 897-tf 4..►,4„t-,±.4-+t44++tO+tt+tt+++tt++tttfft+*Ot+••�++t''+'t�+�} 1+ Absolutely 1+ the Best. + + + + Superior Material and Scientific Work- + King of all Bicycles. Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- chinefullywarranted '4' ++ manship. „if* 111,5 Styles VIII1�� Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Expositions x004 twoacsat stamp for our a4 -page C.taloguo—A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retell Salesroom. aaa'Wabash Ave. • Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. +++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++ ++++++ +++4-0- +t++ 4 4 + + + + 4 a 4 4 4 f 4 + 4 F1