HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-03-13, Page 6Dr. S. F. Merrill. No Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS AYE RS er---= Statement of a Well Known Doctor " No other blood medicine that I have ever used and I have tried them all, is so thorough in its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."— Dr. 13. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. dyer's Pills for liver and bowels. The Huron News -Record 1.26 a Year --41.00 In Advance WEDNESDAY MARCH 13th, 1895. Ile Rad The Bulge. From the Detroit Fro•+ Press. At midnight the other night a hu- man voice suddenly began to cheer and hurrah from the entrance of an alley on Lamed Street east, and a policeman ran two blocks to find a marl swinging his hat and exhibiting other ings of enthusiasm. "What does all this mean ?"demand- ed the blue -coat as he arrived on the scene. "I'm a -cheerio' fur New-Year's— hip 1 hip l hurrah 1" yelled the man as he waved his hat on high. "New -Year's ! Why, New -Year's has passed long ago." "It has? Has New -Year's, Christmas and Thanksgivin' all gone ?" "Of course." "And I'in too late ?" "You are," "Then I'm goin' to cheer fur next Fourth of July—hip 1 hip 1 hurrah 1 You betcher life nobody gets ahead of me 1" The officer took him to the box and rang up the patrol wagon. While waiting for it the man inquired : "Goin' to send inc in ?" "Yes." "Can't make it out," he muttered, as he slowly tapped the palm of his left hand with the forefinger of his right. "I got ahead of the saloon on a big drink. The saloon got ahead of me by theowin' me out. I was too late for Thanksgivin', Christmas and New - Year's, but way ahead of Fourth of July. Got ahead of you on yellin', and you got ahead of me on the patrol wagon. Say, am I ahead or behind ?" "You are about even up, I should say," replied the officer. "That's right—that's right. I'm even up as it stands, and to -morrow, when I send his Honor rip for thirty days for bein' drunk I'll be way ahead, eh?..- That's -right—allus be ahead of the game or don't play." It is not to be wondered at that Ayer's Pills are in such universal de- mand. For the cure of constipation,. biliousness, or any other complaint needing a laxative, these pills are un- surpassed. They are sugar-coated, easy to take, and every dose is effec- tive, Good Friday this year is on the 12th of April. RIIEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.—NON th American Rheumatic Cnre, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically mares in 1 to 8 days. Ile action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. gold by Watts & Co. Druggists. Miss Agnes Duhamel, niece of Arch- bishop Duhamel, of Ottawa, has re- nounced the Roman Catholic faith and become a Protestant. She has joined St. Andrew's Church, and took the Sacrament there on Sunday. Miss Duhamel is one of the leading musi- cians in the city, having spent some years in Paris in the hest schools there. She also possesses a remarkably good soprano voice and is looked upon as the best vocal teacher. It is understood that she is engaged to a young gentle- man in the civil service and that in a very1Short time they will take their honeymoon trip to Bermuda. While no physician or pharmacist can conscientiously warrant a cure, the J. C. Ayer Co. guarantee the pur- ity, strength, and medicinal virtues of Ayer's Sarl4sttparilla. It was the only blood -purifier admitted at the great World's Fair in Chicago, 1893. Farmers ought to give their atten- tion to raising eggs in winter. If they did, they could easily increase their proceeds from this source by 50 per cent. DONT PUT IT OFF. The necessity of a spring medicine is universally admitted. This is the best tine of year in which to purify the blood, to restore the lost appetite, and to build up the entire system, as the body is now peculiarly susceptible to benefit from medicine. The great popularity attained by Hood's Sarsa- parilla, owing to its real merit and its remarkable success, has established it as the very hest medicine to take in the spring. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, and all humors, biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, kidney and liver complaints, catarrah and all affections caused er promoted by low state of the system or impure blood. Don't, put it off, but take Hood's Sarsaparilla, now. It will do vol. good. CU'R-C 'S ACOPENT4. WONDERFUL OCCURRENCES THAT HAVE BEFALLEN PEOPLE. Slamming Out ns 11yeball—A Toothbrush Swallowed by w Woman Not Removed Until 8lztee,r Tease Later—Live Snake in a Woman's Arm. Curious and strange accidents are re- ported from time to time, and many ot them would seem entirely incredible had they not been given to us upon the highest authority. The case recently reported of a man who was admitted to Bellevue Hospital whose arm it was supposed had been fractured by an explosion. but instead of which eleven teet of lead wire was found by the surgeons, may be recalled. The man, a machinist, in the employ of the East River Lead Company, was in charge of a machine which converts molten lead into wire. It is a steel boat, into which the lead is poured, being then forced through an aperture ono - eighth of an inch in diameter by a hy- draulic pressure of six hundred tons. Reaching the air the lead becomes hard, and, in the form of wire, is wound on a bigwheel. hio aperture had become clogged, and Scanlan, tbo victim of this curious accident, seized the projecting wire in his hands, intendin19-,to free the action of the machine, as he had done hundreds of times on former occasions, by a sharp strong pull. He had seized the wire and given it the usual pull and jerk, when an ex- plosion occurred, and Scanlan was hurl- ed to the floor unconscious. FELT Lrrree PAIN, On the way to Bellevue Hospital Scanlan, in the ambulance, recovered his senses, and expressed himself as feeling all right, with the exception of a little soreness in his left arm, at the elbow. The swelling, which had developed veru rapidly, made it impossible for the surgeons to make a thorough examina- tion, but on the following day when this had sufficiently subsided they did so, and decided that he had a compound fracture of the bones of the arm. There was no external injury of tho skin, excepting a slight and trifling contusion a little above the wrist. It was so trivial that the surgeons gave it no consideration, but decided to cut down and take out what felt like a de- tached piece of bone. Ether was ad- minister -ed, an incision made, and to the amazement of those present, instead of bone a piece of lead wire an inch in length and one-eighth of an inch in diameter was taken out. Pieceafter piece of the wire was re- moved, till finally the total length of wire thus removed aggregated eleven feet, the longest piece measuring two feet and the shortest one-quarter of an inch. The wire was found embedded under the muscles of the arm, and some of it had become wedged in between the bones of the lower arm. To cap the climax, and most remarkable of all, there was no fracture nor injury of the bones, and Scanlon, as soon as the tear- ing of the muscles has healed, will have as good an arm as ever. SNAKE IN HER ARM. A very curious and almost incredible case was that of a woman in South Carolina who had a live snake in her arm. This case was related to me by a reputable physician in Charleston, and had he not vouched for it I should not have given it credence. When the woman, who is of a prominent family, first had her attention attracted to her arm it was by a bow -shaped welt, not more than two inches long. It grew to a foot in length and as large as a lead pencil. In The London Lancet some years ago a case was detailed of an idiot boy, from whose body was extracted quantities of slate pencil, from one to two and a half inches long; bits of stick, pieces of rag and fragments of wool. The boy speedily recovered. Professor Agnew tells of a case of an insane woman, in whose body was found after death a pair of suspenders, several skeins of silk, three spools of cotton and two roller bandages. Dr. Drewry, of the VIrginia Luna- tic Asylum gives the particulars of a very extraordinary case. The lunatic was a large, robust -looking colored wo- man, forty-six years old, who for a long time had suffered from a disorder that led the doctor to suspect the presence of foreign substances in her body. As- tonishing as it may seem, a "job lot" of things weighing after having been taken out ninety-seven ounces, proved the correctness of the doctor's suspi- cions. It was a remarkable collection, in- deed, and embraced such delicacies as bits of stone, glass,slate. brick, buttons, fruit parings and clay. That the wo- man had swallowed them was proven by investigation. TOOTH BRUSH LN ITER BODY. Dr. Hashimoto, Surgeon General of the Japanese army, tells of a woman, forty-nine years old, who, in May, 1872, accidentally swallowed a Japan- ese toothbrush. In March, 1873, an ab - cess formed in the stomach region, which finally burst, and from it extend- ed the pointed end of the brush. The physician after vainly attempting to extract the brush, contented him- self with cutting off the projecting por- tion. Although the npening healed after this, a disagreeable feeling continued. Thirteen years later—in Auguist 1886 —the pain and swelling returnee, and about two months later another abcess formed. On admission to the hospital in October, 1888, two openings were found in the stomach region, at the bottom of bile of which one probe came in contact with the foreign body. Finally, on November 19, 1888, the patient was put under the influence of ether, one of the opening's was onlayq- bd and the brush extracted. Five weeks later the openings had all healed and $he patient was restored to perfect health'. Dr. John B. Tyler, of Kansas, Mo., relates a case of a man who, after aris- ing in the morning, bleve his nose vio- lently, and to his horror his left eye popped out of the socket. With the as- sistance of his wife it was immediately replaced and a bandage tied firmly over it. He then saw Dr. Tyler, who found the upper lid much swollen and slightly discolored, but there was no hemorrhage. ° RESULTS OF COUGHING. An English jury, some years ago, wrestled with the question whether a man can cough himself to pleaes. Evi- i dence was uged.to show that under carts* sbttor 'al conditions of health bonet may be•, broken during life by muscular efforts or by violent cough- ing. In the case that was submitted to the fury it was proven that the patient. who at the tine the accident occurred was an inmate of an infirmary, had, owing to a violent and prolonged fit of coughing, fractured several ribs. A woman, twenty-nine years old, was attacked by smallpox. She gave birth to a child on the second day of the erup- tion. The smallpox ran its due course, and desquamation the peeling of the skin, followed. While this was going on, a fly entered her nose and deposit- ed there its eggs, which were soon fol- lowed by larvae, Fever, intense head- ache and rapid multiplication of the larvae set in. Various things were tried, but with- out result. Finally inhalations of chloro- form were tried, and at the first trial seventy larvae were expelled. This treatment was repeated every day, and completely relieved the patient. Ex- periments with some of the larvae show- ed that at first chloroform caused very active movements, after which all movements ceased and complete inertia ensued. SWALLOWING THE TONGUE. Cases ot suffocation from worms in the air passages sometimes occur. A boy, five years old. vomited a long. round worm. In the following night the child vomited again, and was then seized with an attack of suffocation, in which he died. At the autopsy a worm was found in the air passage or tube, doubled on itself and entirely obstruct- ing the air passage. Swallowing the tongue is another of the strange accidents that medical men have met with, and cases are on record where suffocation has been caused by this accident. Some of these cases of tongue swallowing occurred while the individuals were sleeping. Spontaneous combustion of the human body is still doubted by some medical men, yet is conceded that there occa- sionally occurs an abnormally increased combustibility of the body, which may account for cases of alleged spontaneous ignition. In a work on spontaneous combustion Dr. Ogden asserts that of thirty five authors who have treated of this sub- ject five were entirely sceptical, three believed in increased combustibility only and twenty-seven believed in spontaneous ignitability as well. THOSE MOS1 IN DANGER. To burn the human bodv,under ordin- ary circumstances, is well known to be no easy matter. What, then, is it that occasionally imparts to it so abnormal a susceptibility to flame ? Here medical theories are still at fault. Liebig found that flesh saturated in alcohol would burn only until the alcohol was con- sumed. The attention of "heavy weight" members of the community is called to the fact that it is generally the fat, elderly, alcoholic subjects that have been shown to manifest abnormal com- bustibility. Dr. Clendenen, Coroner of La Salle county, Ill., relates a peculiar case of spontaneous combustion. He was tele- phoned to go to Seneca, a village in the county, to hold an inquest on the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. R-, who were found dead in their fartnhouse. On arrival he impanelled a jury of the most intelligent citizens, one of whom was a phvsician, he first thing that attracted special attention was the peculiar sickening odor which pervaded everything in and about the large frame farmhouse where the deaths had occurred. Both the man and the woman, and more especially the woman, were addicted to the ex- cessive use of whisky. The man was found lying dead on the floor by his bed in the room adjoining the kitchen. In the kitchen all the furniture was found in its usual place. A tallow candle on the table, one- third no-third burned appeared to have been extinguished by Mrs. R., as it was her custom to be the last to retire. A hole was found burned through the kitchen floor about two and one-half by three feet square. ASTONISHING DISCOVERIES. Upon examination this opening in the floor a mass of cinders was discovered on the ground beneath. Upon examin- ing them they found the skull, the spi- nal bones of the neck and half of the spinal bones of the back, which had become reduced almost to cinders. They also found part of the thigh bone and a large part of the hip bone, and these also were almost burned to cinders. The feet were found in the shoes, the left one reduced to a cinder and the shoe partially calcined. The other foot and shoe were reduced to a complete cinder. The other parts of the body were reduc- ed to a very light cinder leaving no shape of the former body- The clothing was entirely burned. The woman had weighed 180 pounds. The remains, however, after having been gathered together wore placed in a box that would hold less than a bushel- Tho entire remains weighed twelve pounds. The evidence disclosed the fact that the woman had been a habitual drink- er. had drunk more than a quarter of whisky during the previous day, and was intoxicated when last seen alive, at eight o'clock at night. It appeared as if she had been burned on the floor with- out a struggle. Why, however, the floor did not con- tinue to burn was a mystery. The pine joist against which the remaining cin• ders lay was slightly charred, and no other evidence of a blaze could be found. The skull and hip hone were really the only evidence by which it could be told that a human body had boon cremated there, A Valuable Old Meadow. An ancient document was recorded in the register's office in Now York the other day, which will tend to show the rapid growth of the city and the advance in the price of real estate. The docu- ment in question is a conveyance exe- cuted July 15, 1817, by Samuel Watkins, of the city of New York, physician, to Isaac and Michael Dvckmau, sons of Jacobua Dyckman, of Kingsbridge, and conveys a piece of laud, being salt meadow near Kingsbridge. containing five acres, adjoining land of John Nagle. and Blaze Moore, Jr., for the sum of $66.25. As now laid out the property is bounded by Academy street Harlem river, Sherman avenue and Iiyekman street, and comprises six full blocks in section 8 on the land map of the city of New York. The present value of this property must be between 000,000 and 0500,000. IN THE, DEEP, DEEP SEA. Likes That Are Kt11ed by Yelling Up From Its Profound Depths. The third monthly meeting of the Society of Natural Sciences was held the other evening at Good Will Hall. Prof. H. W. Conn, of Wesleyan Univer- sity delivered an interesting lecture on the "Bottom of the Sea." Prof. Conte had a large number of instructive views of apparatus used in sounding and dredging, as well as photo- graphs of many of the unspeakable creatures that the dredge has brought up. There is no sensible amount of light at a greater depth than 300 or 400 feet, the most fieneltive photographic plates being unaffected even by very prolonged exposure, The fishes are therefore obliged to hunt their food by the aid of dark lanterns, as Prof. Conn expressed it ; in other words, they are phosphorescent, and see by the aid of the light they temselves emit. One of the Freat difficulties of deop- sea exploration is that it takes about all day to throw out one dredge and haul it up again, even although the line is worked by steam power. The dredges used until recently had a habit of be- coming tangled with the sound rope, and frequently when the day was over it was found that the dredge had be- come entangled immediately upon being thrown overboard, so that the day was entirely wasted, Tho great pressure at the bottom of the sea (from three to six tons on a square inch) will crush glass to a fine powder, Ito that it has beenrdifiicult to obtain good measures of the temperature in the deeper parts. The professor described an ingenious thermoelectric apparatus by means of which this difficulty had been overcome. This greater part of the bottom of the ocean consists of red mud and of globigernia ooze, the dead shells of a minute foraminiferous creature, so abundant that its shells snake up a big part of the ocean floor. There is no lite below three miles. In speaking of some of the Helms that inhabit the lower depths, the professor said that they often "fall upward" to the our:ace and are killed by the reduction of pressure. The air in their swimming bladders, he explained, is compressed by the pres- sure of the ocean into very small space. When the fish is so unwise as to leave hie native haunts to explore regions half a mile or so above him, the dimi- nution in pressure causes the air to ex- pand, and the fish becomes so buoyant that he cannot swim back again, and the further he rises the worse his plight becomes; and after a time ho reaches the surface by which timo the expan- sion of the air has become so great that the fish is often literally blown to pieces and is found floating about in this con- dition. The Professor said that in the lower depths of the sea the quiet is so pro- found that in comparison with it the most barren deserts on the surface of the earth are scenes of the greatest ac- tivity ; for on the desert there are variation in wind and in temperature, and alternations of day and night, while in the great depths of the ocean there is no life, there are no currents, the temperature is uniformly 33° year in and year out, and night reigns perpetu- ally. The surface of the ocean is the poet's favorite metaphor for unrest, but there is nothing so quiet and changeless as its profoundest depths. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. Some of the Superstitions Associated With Its Proper Celebration. St. Valentino, who for so many years has been presiding over a very cold shrine, is about to be brought back heartily into fashion this month, and sniff the sweet savor of maidens' pray- ers and sacrifices on Itis altar, here are to be dances in his honor, and rites observed appropriate to the day. Red roses are to be worn by enthusiastic girls for the full twenty-four hours over which he has dominion, and those who confidently expect the kind saint to give them a glimpse of their future husbands must, according to Demorest's Monthly, follow these curious processes: They must hio them to bed one hour before midnight, carrying a taper only, as a light, and, never cast- ing a glance to left or right, but looking straight before, put out the taper on enteringtheir bedrooms. On the threshold tey must unbind their hair, wash their hands in rosewater, and standing before a mirror slowly eat a crisp seed cake baked in the shape of a heart. This done all in the dark and making sure never to retrace a stop they get to bed and to sleep with all dispatc' ; for if they can dream before midnightthe vision will present the form and features of the future husband. There are cotillons set for St. Valen- tine's eye, when all the favors will be emblems suitable to the season, and a blind -folded debutante, personifying love, will distribute to each man a little red silk heart. On one side is to shr,w, in small gilt lettering, the name of the young woman with whom he must dance the figures ; when he presents it she will stick through the silk leaf a narrow pin of gilt and Casten the heart to the left side of her bodice. The Bishop's Experiment. This story of a well-known bishop, which reached me the other day, seems good enough for publication : The bishop was ono day examining a batch of deacons for priests' orders- After tale theoretical part of the examination, ho said to them : "Gentlemen, you have passed a most excellent examina- tion in theory ; I should now like to see you do something practical. I shall go into the next room and per- sonate a sick man. You will come in one by one, address me as a sick parishioner, and say something com- forting-" When his Lordship had retir- ed the candidates were In some con- fusion, and nobody cared to begin ; but at last a mad Irishman volunteered to bo the first. He entered the study, and, approaching the bishop, who was lying with a woebegone air on a sofa, thus addressed hire : "Oh, Anthony,An- thony ! The dlirink again I Sure it will be the death of yo 1 Turn from your evil ways before it's too late, and e a man I" Thia is said to have boon the last time that the bishop held a practical examination.—London Truth. —London Truth. Another Matter. Clara—I hear your father has forbid- den Mr. Higgins calling on you. Cora—No, you are mistaken. "Did he not tell him last night never to darken his parlor again ?" "He did, but that referred to his turn- ing down the lamp."—Yonkers States- man. A Olergyrnan's Letter. Magnificent Work Accom- plished in St. Anne's Parish. The Sick and Diseas- ed Made Well by Paine Celery Compound. Thousands in the Commercial Me- tropolis know what the Great Spring Medicine Has Done. In the great archdiocese of Montreal, the parish of St. Anne's is one of the largest and most important. The par- ish is a populous one, and the work of the dozen or more clergymen who de- vote their time andtalents to the spirit- ual and charitable interests of the people, is heavy and never-ending. In this thickly settled and congested parish the sick and suffering are num- erous, but christian help and consola- tion is ever near in the hour of danger. In scenes of sickness and disease this great parish has been blessed by an agency that has saved thousands of lives in other ports of our Dominion. We now refer to that marvellous medi- cine Paine's Celery Compound, so well and favorably know in every Canadian horse. The popular clergymen of St. Anne's have, from time to time, heard wonder- ful reports from their parishioners of the magnificent work accomplished by Paine's Celery Compound. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters have been raised to health and strength. Those pronounced incurable by physi- cians have been snatched from the jaws of death. The Rev. P. Rioux, one of St. Anne's most popular clergymen, knowing about the good work done by Paine's Celery Compound, and having experi- enced most satisfactory results from its use in his own case, writes as fol- lows :— "I am fully convinced both by per- sonal experience and by the statement's of many parishioners intrusted to my care, that the celebrated medicine Paine's Celery Compound deserves a high recommendation. 1, therefore, willingly indorse the testimonials al- ready given in its behalf." Sharp. Mrs. Tanks—There, you've got the hic-coughs again. Tanks (sleepily)—That'slit. Women are so sharp at finding out a thing. How did you (hic) know it? Not Enough for That. "Does she love music ?" "M—yes. But not enough to keep away trom -the piano."—Iowa Falls Citizen. THE PATRONS AND RAILWAYS. The Patrons of Industry in Ontario are demanding. that the Government shall cease granting aid to railways. This seems rather remarkable since the main plank in the policy of the Patrons of Industry in Manitoba is that Govern- ment aid to a very largo amount shall be given at once to the Hudson Bay Railway in the interest of the fanners of that portion of the Dominion. It cannot be said that the Patron lodges of the Northwest are separate and distinct and have no connection with the Patron lodges of Ontario, since only the other day a Supreme Patron lodge was form- ed for the whole Dominion There is, therefore, this very ftuiny spectacle presented : the Patrons -ot' the west threaten to defeat the Government for not doing what the Patrons of the east threaten to defeat tho Government for doing. There can be no doubt that the Patrons of the west have more sense, from a farmer's standpoint, than have the, Patrons of the east. The large sums spent in railway aid in every province of the Dominion have done more to assist the farmers than any other class. The great problem of the present day, so far as agriculture is concerned, is, how to reach the markets of the world as cheaply as possible. The Canadian Government have endeavor- ed to solve this for the farmers of Canada by two methods- First, by aiding railways and thus bringing com- petition into the interior parts of tho country, and second, by deepening the canals, which are the great competitor with the great railway lines to the sea- board. instead of condemning the Government for bonusing railways, evsry farmer who considers his inter- ests sensibly should be grateful for the railway development policy of the Con- servative party- The fact of the mat- ter lo, that in the last twenty years, freight rates have been reduced to ono - third what they were by reason of the competition eauaed by increase of rail- way mileage, and construction of com- peting linos. The cheaper the freight charges to the English market, the het - ter price the Canadian buyer will be able to get for the farm products, and we cannot understand how any ot of farmers will band themselves together to retard railway development, which is the only thing which will give thein the competition necessary to the reduction of rates to the lowept possible point. Mrs. Whitt, Tt3acohAar 0ntUfi>fo, Pupil of lir. Charles W. Lsndoh Of Rat#1401 The Mason Method us0t4 szciteleny, It to considered by theleading Mu4tpe,tetel tat seek . no method develops the teehnle so rapidly am Masoa'a ••Tach and Teeholc." Plano, Organ and Teohnieon for toe al Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beesley's,4¢Kt street, Olinton. Property For Salo. , For sale, the largo dwelling and lot orated', lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario kits He. 411 modern conveniences. Centrally loath..... Also a house and lot adjoining above emptily. facing Victoria street. For particulate aptly. t8, MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. Room for Rent. Large room, conveniently atitute, easy of access et low rent, Apply to W. O. SEARLA, 851•tf City Hall Barber Sficipot Tho undersigned hoe opened a flrst•claas8hop.DI the Town Hall Store, Clinton, and is peruse to please all who appreciate an easy shave or a stylish,. Hair Cut. All branches of the trade done in wort:: manlike manner. Special attention given tuLadiie Hair D,eeahrg- Give me a trial. 847.4t F. BAKES. B. THOIVILINSON, VETERINERY SERCEON: Honorary Oladuate of the Ontario Vefj ipary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all dlsossce of Domeatic Anlmele on th most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered-. Residence—Rnttenbury Street, West, Cliton Ont TENDERS. INDIAN SUPPLIES. CIEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned 10 and endorsed ''Tender for Indian Supplies;" will be received at this office up to noon o1 TUESDAY, Oth April, 1e95, for the delivery of Indian Supplies, during the fiscal year ending 80th June, 1890, at various points in Manitoba and the North-West Ter- ritories. Forme of tender, containing full particulars, rutty be had by applying to the undersigned, or to the Assistant Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. This advertisement is not to be Inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queena Printer, and no claim for payment by any newspaper not having had such authority will be admitted. HAYTER REED- ---- - Deputy Superintendent-Gencral of Indian Affairs. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, February, 1895. 851-31 OLD MADE NEW THIS IS HOME ECONOMY Practiced by all ladies. Old dresses are often made over and become now ones. WHEN THIS CANNOT BE DONE. And have made a good rag car- pet. This is more econom and from these old goods which may have already don.' good service, you will then getstill more use of in a cov- ering for your floor. BE EASY ON YOUR HUSBAND'S POCK- ET -BOOK. Be a help -mate; economical these times. Bag carpets wear better than any, temp or Cheap Ingrains, and cost k !s ; hy, tbyn, not use them? CUT THERM N TO CARPET RAGS OLD INGRAIN CARPET AND Croons T00 HEAVY P00 RAG C.ARP➢TE WILL MAKE Handsome Rugs and Door Mats. HAND•WOYE kIAMMOCKS ARE THE BERT You SHUOLD IIELP HOME INDUSTRY. CALL ON OR WRITE TO W. A. ROSS, - East St., Goderich. When you want any kind of weaving done in first•olass manner at reasonable prises. FISHING FOR TRADE. Business men in all lines of trade like to conduct their business so as to bring a living return. In fact it is beyond common reason to attempt to do any- thing else. Customers are numerous, but the great difficulty, as a rule, is to secure the class that is required—people who buy and pay for what they get. The business man who does not advertise must expect to take a second place. And the adertiser must he honest and carry out exactly what he places in print if he expects to retain old customers or secure new ones. To those who are fishing for trade, or the business sten who desire to re- tain old customers, WO would say that THE MONS -RECORD is certainly the medium to talk to the people through Legitimate advertising is one of the, great necessities of the present age. Retain old customers and secure new ones by casting your line in the columns of THE News-REcoRD. ,i To Smokers To meet tho wishes of their customers The (leo. E. Trickett Sr Son Co., Ltd., Hamil- ton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T & B" SMOKING TOB4CCO. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 21) cent plug, or a 113 scent piece or a 5 cent. piece of the fapl- OUP( "T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag"T & B" is on every piece.