HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-03-13, Page 51; 4 FARMER'S AND HORSEMEN Is called to - o OUR `CELEBRATED CONDITION POWDER. Tlli POiVdel~.is prepared from the best ingredients known to veterinary science. It 00et04an ap etite, aids digestion aud purifies the blood, giving Bothe animal posey.. oa't, h loose hide and a general healthful appearance. Satisfaction a certainty. 25e. a lb. package or 5 plc. for $1. R8ANATIVE QIP., for fresh cuts can't he beaten, 25c. a bottle only at LEN Si WILSON'S Proscription Drug Stare, •17s T•-C1La NTO Art Materials, Materials, Stationery, Public School Books. Telephone 2. aPEH'S A TISTIC"^VS. WALL PAPER, Iutetdor peoorations. Stationery and Books. NA:4HUn.1L.laliiii. �i 2.ti. it �',' - The Designs in WAIL PAPER YOU Know the Place __ A N D \Ve ask you to call. aro very handsome this spring. 'A little ready money invested in such improvements makes house cheerful. ALL THE LATEST BOOKS From the pens of the greatest • writers. STATIONERY,seak Of every description, for scholars, ladies and business men. COOPER'S BOOK STORE, CLINTON. Money. Money t.o lend on good security at 53 and 6 per pent. Amply to C. RIDOUT, Albert St., Clintelt. 852-t1. Brink for Sale. WETTLAUFER & WILFORD, Proprietors of the Blyth Brick Yard, have a limited quantity of their superior brick on band. They desire to clear them oat before the spring realm begins. .Intending builders will consult their best interests in writing or calling on no. WETTLAUFER & WiLFORD. Wash Day Made Easy. I have securetil the right to manufacture 111 famous Magic Washiiil Machine. Already I have made and sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To nae the machine on trial Ia euro to make a Pale If one is required. Wash -day is made very easy and earpete can be kept perfectly clean; no MI..,,..,ug or waalte water whatever. The priue has been set uta very low figure. The machine may be scan at my residence on Isaac Street. B. COLE 8004 Two Farms For Sale. Being composed of the south half of Lot No. 21, Bayfield Line, Goderich Townsnip, containing 70 acres, more or less, all cleared except about five ryes, in good state of cultivation: log houec on the pre- mises; well watered; well fenced. Also Lot No. 22, Bayfield Lino, comprised 0189 acres, more or lees ; about 20 acres bush; in good etete of cultivation and well watered; house, baro and frame stable, alai small bearing orchard. Terms reasonable. Apply to TORN SHEPPARD, 837-tf Clinton P.O. THE CLARENDON BUS. This newly equipped house has put on a new bus which meete all trains regularly. Calle mode. In all parts of_ the town et reasonable rates. Orders loft at'of5ce rh the Hritel Clarendon will receive prompt and careful attention. J. C. MILLER, Proprietor. interesting To Farmers. We beg 'intimate to the farming commun- ity and STOCK FEED- ERS that we have add- ei&t ed to our Stearn Cid-,;.' er Mill Business a ,74 GRAIN GRINDER And will be pleased to receive a share of their patronage. When conning to Clinton throw on a few bags of grain and we will 01101 IT I'HILE YOU ARP. TRANSACTING OTHER Rl'SI- Ess. Charges Moderate. ANDREWS BROS. •a1 the Driving Park - Queen St. 839-tf 004140.a*o•o•••osv.oa©o1340 B STPlace in Ganada to get a Business Edu- catlon, Snorthand, etc., Is at the Cen- trat Business Col- lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- mercial Schools. om- mercialSchools. Catao7ues free Men- tion this paper. Shaw & hItlott, Principals. se444:0•00m4164/40s440 The •Label Is it marked 1895 ? Tine NEWS -RECORD iS $ 1.50 per year, but if paid in advance only 81. This seems to be a good oppor- tunity to save fifty cents. Send along subscription now. Address The Huron News -Record CLINTON, ONT. Holmesville. Mr Oscar Forster has been laid up for a few days with a sore knee caused by the breaking of a whiffletree. Miss Iola Murch, we are informed, is slowly improving. Mrs. J. L. Courtice, who has been laid up for some time, is again conval- escent. The Woman's Missionary society hold their monthly meeting at the parsonage on Wednesday next. The thermometer registered 120 below zero here on Monday morning last. Tuckersniith. The Domino Club held their oyster supper on Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. W. Crich au'', spent a very pleasant evening. :hiss Maly Staribury spent a week with friends here. Airs. (:nsens has returned to her old home after sending the hardiest part of the winter with her slaughter, Mrs. D. Day, of Buffalo. • Mr. James Wafters has engaged with Mr. S. S. Cooper of Clinton for the summer. Miss Fannie Townsend is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Gihbings of Hallett. The contract for the building of Broaulfoot's school house has been 1 et to Welsh & ('ndmore, Hensall, for $850. John Hunter of the London Road left_oa ..Saturday last .with. lakes --fur the old country market. Mr. Chas. Avery is again b•tck in our midst; he has engaged with his brother. Mr. Sydney .Jackson, of Clinton, paid his friends a short visit last week. News Notes. On Saturday the Marquis .,f Queens- berry ons committed for trial on a charge of having libelled Mr. Oscar Wilde. - Simeon Gagneau was instantly killed by the breaking of a large circular saw vvhich he was attending in Sheriff's mill in Dover Township. Mr. Fred. Charles, aged 40, a married farmer, living one mile north of Bur- ford, was engaged in drawing and cutting timber in the hash on Satur- day, when a tree fell and killed hits. \Ve record the demise of an old and much respected citizen of Exeter in the person of Mr. ,Janus Garland, who died at his late residence on Andrew St. from a sudden attack of pleurisy, at the age of (35 years and 13 days. Mr. William C. Carmichael, whose mother lives in Markham, was return- ing with the bankers' hockey tears from Woodstock to London. He stepped off the moving train when approaching the city, and was found with his skull fractured on the track. He died Sunday afternoon. Dr. Chalmers, of Oil Springs, has performed a very successful operation of "stein grafting" on Lizzie, the third daughter of Mr. told Mrs. Wm. Gallo- way. Seven grafts have been applied, the members of the family and the doctor himself supplying the skin re- quired. Not one of the grafts have tailed, and the child is now doing splendidly. MILBURN'S MAGAZINE. Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont., have just issued a, neat and read- able publication under the title of "Milburn's Magazine," which contains many good things. The proprietors of Burdock Blood Bitters are to he con- gratulated on the enterprise they have displayed. Our readers can obtain a sample copy by enclosing a one cent §§tamp for postage to the firm's ad- 7lr•ess. There is one story, "The Little Weaver," which will alone repay the trouble of sending for the paper. LQOOAfOTOA, A DISEASE LONG UELD BY Pi1Y$IOIAN$ TU BE INCIURABLE. ITS HORRORS AR11 TLIOSIA OF A LIVING DEATH -THE VICTIM HELPLESS, 1118 T0f7I'OItE INTENSE -LOBES CON'T'ROL OF BOWELS AND BLADDER AND IS A SOURCE OF CONSTANT WORRY TO FAMILY 'AND P'Ri1NDa-A REMEDY FOR TILE DISEASE DISCOVERED. Mr. Jaynes McLean, a resident of Lefroy, Simcoe (kntty, Ont., is known to every uian, woman and child for miles around the vicinity of his horse, and fall know of the long years dur- ing which his condition has been that of a living death. Mr. McLean tells of his injury, his years of torture, and his subsequent release from the agon- ies of locomotor ataxia, in the follow- ing vivid language: - "In the year 1880 I was thrown from a scaffold, falling On my back ori at stone pile. 1 wits badly ltrtrt, and narrowly escaped death. Plasters and liniments were applied, and 1 seemed Lo get somewhat bstter. But the ap- parent improvement was short Lived. My feet began to.get unusually cold, and nothing. that, could be uoue would) warm theta. The trouble then spread to ley legs, and front the waist down I was attacked with shooting pains fly- ing along the nerves in thousands, and causing the most terrible torture for days and nights at a time. I could get no relief save from injections of mor- phine. Six physicians treated me at (liftet'ent times, but appeared only to faintly understand my trouble, and could do nothing for my relief. Some of the doctors declared any trouble was rheumatism, but two of them said it was a disease of the spinal cord, that trite trouble would get worse and that sooner or later ray arms would become affected. This prediction proved true. My left hand dropped at the wrist joint and (rung dead and cold, and I had no more control of it than if the hand were not on me. Fly blist - ers and electricity were resorted to without avail. My stomach was next attacked with a burning, aching, nau- seating pain, 'causing the most dis- tressing vomiting and I often thought I would not see morning. I have vomited almost continually for thirty- six hours, and nothing bet morhpine or chloroform could deaden the anguish I suffered. But worse trouble was in store for mc. I lost control of my bowels and water, and lay condition became most horrible, necessitating constantly the greatest care and watch- fulness. I was now suffering from. the top of my head to the point of my toes. 1 saw double, and had to keep my eyes fixed steadily on the ground to stake a step at all, and the moment I raised my eyes 1 would stagger and fall if I were not grasping something. I could not take a single step in the dark. For nine long years I suffered all the horrors of a living dearth. In 1889 I was admitted to the Toronto General Hospital, where I was treated for four months. I was told that my trouble was locomotor ataxia, and incurable, and I returned horse no better. After returning home I had further medical treatment, but with no better results than hetore. Finally I was given the following certificate of incurability : CHURCHILL., July 27th, 183)3. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that Jau:es )McLean has a disease of the spinal cord (incorable) that renders Biro unfit to obtain 0 living. A. T. LITTLE, M. D. About this time I was strongly urged to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and oh how I wish 1 has known of this great remedy years ago ! \Vhatanguish and torture I would have been spared ! Soon after beginning the use of Pink Pills i found Myself improving. The Trains left Ise and I was ;dile to discon- tinue the use of the morphine. I re- gained control of both bowels and bladder and gradually a feeling of life returned to my legs and arms. I can now walk without the aid of either crutches or sticks and can take long strides. My stomach trouble has all left ins, and I can eat as heartily as ever in toy life. My friends, who never ex- pected to see me about again, are as- tonished at the wonder Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have wrought in me. \Vhen I began the use of the pills my" weight was reduced to 136 pounds, and- 4t- has now increased to 105 I am a new man and it, is not possible for me to say enough in praise of your mar- vellous medicine. My wife also joins inc in thanks, and says it was a happy day for her when E began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as since then she has been able to get rest at night which she had not done for so Horny long years beforet_ t hope Heaven may direct this into the hands of some other poor sufferer, who may find as 1 did, release from a living death through your great life-saving remedy. Yours very gratefully, JAMES MCLEAN. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a cer- tain cure for all diseases such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheum- atism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of la grippe, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, Correcting irregularities, sup- pressions and all forms of female weak- ness, building anew the blood, and re- storing the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. With men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from trental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Sold only in boxes bear- ing the firm's trade nutrk and wrapper (printed in red ink) and may he had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. AN illiams' Medicine Company', Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six I,cktts for 32.50. _ - ----- MARKET REPOR'T'S. (Corrected every Tuesday afternooi .1 CLINTON. Fall Wheat Barley Oats.. Peas Potatoes, per hush Butter o56to058 0 40 to 0 45 032to034 0 55 tc 0 60 0 30 to 0 35 .. 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs, per doz.................. 0 12 to 0 13 it ay 600to700 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef ....., 3 75 to 5 00 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. The receipts of grain on the street market were small; prices were steady. Wheat --Steady; one load of white was sold, and prices were steady at 63c to 64c. Barley -Steady, one load selling at 48c. Oats -Firm, 500 bushels selling at 38c, Peas -Steady, one load selling at 06c. Hay and Straw -The receipts were fair, tilerel Wags geed, dtfMit,g.d and the wit)•ket' Nve0'etda y, 20 touds'c►f luny sell• ingg at $12'to t$,& for tiniotlly and $9 to $$SO for clover, -and 4 loads of tltraw at D.resset1 I:Togp-The receipts were larger but thele )vats a ggood-dernapd and a'll' offering were sold at $5 50 to $6. Wheat.. $ 63 to $ 61 do red 62 to 00 do Goose 616 to 00 Peas 60 to 00 Barley 48 to 00 Oats 38 to 00 Buckwheat 426 to 00 Rye 59 to OU Hay, timothy 12 00 to13 00 Hay, clover 900 tolO 00 Straw, bundle 8 00 to 0 00 do loose 6 (10 to ((0 Eggs, new laid 22 to (10 Butter, lb. rolls 13 to 15 'Cubs, dairy 10 to 12 Chickens 50 to 05 Turkeys t) to 10 Geese 7 to 00 Potatoes 50 to 55 1)ressed hogs 5 75 to 6 00 Beef, forequarters 4 00 to 5 00 do hindquarters (3 00 to 8 00 Lautb. • 600 to10 00 Muttenn. 1 600 to 700 Veal , 600 to 7 00 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARK .W. Milclters'& springers each$20 OOtn$40 00 Butchers' cattle,choice, •net 3 25 to 3 50 Butchers' cattle, coni., cwt 2 25 to 2 75 Butcher's' good cattle, cwt 2 90 to 3 00 Stockers and feeders, cwt.. 2 50 to 2 75 Export cattle, per cwt..... 350 to 4 25 Export sheep, per cwt...... 300 to 3 50 Lambs, choice, per cwt.. . 4 00 to 4 50 Lambs, ordinary, cwt... ,2 00 to 3 50 Calves, choice, each 5 00 to 6 00 Calves, common, each2 00 to 3 25 Hogs, fat, heavy. cwt 4 01) to 4 25 Hogs, long learn, cwt 4 30 to 4 35 Hogs, stores and light,cwt 3 25 to 4 00 Stags and rough hogs, cwt. 2 50 to 2 75 Sows, breeding, cwt 3 75 to 4 20 MONTREAL ()RAIN MARKETS. Oats are still the feature of the marker. The demand is fair and prices are firm. Sales have been made at. 41e on track, or equal to 416c in store. Pens are quiet and, on the whole, al- though the feeling is firm, there is very little doing in barley. \Vheat-No. 1 hard. nominal ; peas, per 66 lbs, in store, 69c to 70c ; oats, per 31lbs, store, 3()c to 41c ; rye, No. 2, 521c to 53 ; barley, feed, 49c to 50; barley, halting, 57e to 58e. BUFFALO CATTLE MARKETS, Sales, 3 cars ; closed easy, with spine unsold; fat oxen steers, $4 90 to$5 ; light,, 900 to good 1,200 lbs, $3 75 to $4 35 ; fat cows, $3 25 to $3 60 ; hulls, fair to good, $2 (35 to $325. Hogs - Sales, 3,250 head; closed shade easier lot light grades and Yorkers, with all sold ; roughs, $3 75 to $4 10 ; stags, $3 to $3 50. Sheep and lambs -Sales, 10,- 000 head ; closed dull and easy for all grades; good 90 to 105 ib wethers, $4 15 to $4 35 ; extra exports, $4 75 to $5. BRITISII MARKETS. The following table shows the quota- tions per cental at Liverpool for three preceding days, In the case of wheat highest prices are given : s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Spring tvheat 5 4 5 4 5 36 5 3i Reel winter.:. 4 9 4 9 4 8i 4 8i Corn... 411 4 IA 4 06 4 05 Peas......... 4 11 4 11 411 4 11 Pork .52 6 52 6 52 6 52 6 Lard 33 6 33 0 33 6 33 6 Bacon, h'wy, 28 0 28 0 28 0 28 6 Beacon, light'' 21) 0 29 0 29 0 29 0 Tallow, 24 6 21 6 24 6 24 6 Cheese vvhite48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 ICI ItTIIs. 1101c7'Os.--111 Tuc'kersntith, on Feb- r'uau•y 3, the wife of lar. N. Morton, of a datugitter•. TUEQUAIR.-At the 2110 'of Tucker - smith, on Saturday, Starch 2, the wife of llobt. Trequair, of at daughter. MARRIAGES. Si'uoA'r-AIOTT.---At the residence of the bride's parents, at Soper, North Dakota, on February 271h, by Rev. .1. B. Mtinroe, Mr. George A. Sproat, formerly of Tncke rsmith, to Miss Emma J., -dole (laugh ter -of -Mr.-Enoch Slott, formerly of Woodstock, Ontario. Bru'CE-Ft'r.ToN.-At the Methodist parsonage, Eliulville, by Rev. T. Coup - land, on February 27th, Mr. Edward Bruce, of Portage la Prairie, to Miss Mary Ann, fourth daughter of John Fulton, Esq., of Ilihher't. Douotri'1RTY - FI'LTON. -- At the Methodist Parsonage, Ellin ville, on February 27th, by Rev. T. ('oupland, 'Ir. .1. Dougherty, of Tucker'srnith, to Sliss Maggie Ellen, second daughter of John Fulton, Esq., of Hibbert. JAMIESON-GAPNT.--Atthe residence of the br'ide's ,father, St. Helens, on Felaruary 20th, by Rev. C. ,Miles, of Lucknow, Mr. John .Jamieson, to Miss Isabella Gaunt, daughter of Mr. John Gaunt. MARRs--SHAW-.---At the residence of the bride's father, in Brussels, on March (Ith, by Rev. John Ross, B. A., Dr. Marrs of Port Elgin, to Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr. John Shaw. FemonsoN-MONTOOMERV. -At the residence of the bride's father, Howick, on Feb'y 27th, liy Rev. J. Greene, Mr. Win. Ferguson to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Sit•. Andrew Montgomery. I3t'ioc;i xg-THORNE.- in Mitchell, on Tuesday, Feb'y `'27th, at the residence of the bride's fattier, by Rev. Dr. Williams, Mr. Walter W. Burgess to Miss Nettie Thorne. SCIi1ME(O0uR - \•VINMILL.-At the Methodist, parsonage, Blyth, on Feb- ruary 26th, by the Rev. George Huggin, Albert Scriruegour to Eltnina\Vinlnill, all of \\'(:4t. Watwannsh. DEATHS. MoNaoE.-- in Exeter, nn the 4th inst., John A. Monroe, 11. A., aged 50 years and 3 months. TEr.1mt.-in Grey, on Friday, March 1st, Thos. Tetter, aged 81 years and 9 mouths. SHAw. ---In Seaforth, on March 5th, 1895, Matilda Jotham, relict of the late Thos. Shaw, formerly of Guelph, aged 67 years and 13 days. PeriMn-'HAFT,. In McKillop, on March 6th, Mary Birchall, wife of Mr. Wan. N. McMichael, aged 65 years. COCHRANE.-- in Ilay, on the 1st inst., John Cochrane, aged 88 years. HARRts.-in UUsborne, on the 3r0 inst., Mrs. John Harris, aged 55 years. SCOTT. -In Clinton, on the 5th inst., .Tames Scott., youngest son of Mr. James Scott, librarian, aged 87 years and 8 months. TEN TO T WEL'V.'1 /OZErT Ali+;filet i e1car out at Out Priced, Secure a bargain before they are all spld. Reduced t'r'ice only $1.05 regular price $1.Z. 8,5 r, 1,110 .. „ 0 r , tt 75 rg • Beet Canadian Coal Oil only 10e. per Gallon No second grade kept in stems, GARLAND BROS. Reversing The Throttle ! 0- \Vhen the lever of the mighty steam engine is reversed the driving power roust act in an opposite direction. This will apply in several instances to sub- scribers in arrears and those particularly who may reasonably be class- ed :t8 non -payers. For several weeks we have advertised that the price of THE NEWS -RECORD is only ONE DOLLAR ;a year, strictly in advance, and that after the first of February $1.50 instead of $1.25 would he charged tthd accounts placed in the hands of our Solicitor for collection. At present we are preparing accounts for our Solicitor and the Courts, and once entered they will have to take :t legal course. This means a reverse; ;.and the reversal will mesal a lot of useless law costs -money worse than thrown away without the least value in return to our patrons. This notice is not intended for the great majority of our patrons, but is for the guidance cif those who have repeatedly ignored reasonable requests, at various intervals, to pity up. To delinquents we would say, once for all, there is little time to loose. Our Solicitor will take determined action within it very short time. Address all looney by registered letter, or. I'. O. Orders, at our risk, to THE NEWS-/?EGO/?D, Clinton, Ont, MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together. gine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration ' and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear What the Thank- ful Father Has to Say. MRS. JAMES M:cRITCHIE AND DAUGHTER. A leading local physician, whose profession takes him among the chil- dren of the various public institutions, remarked to the writer, that one would hardly believe that so many children were affected by nervous troubles, which sap the system and prevent proper development. In many cases the doctors are powerless to cure these troubles. They can relieve the suffering little ones, but in South American Nervine we have a medicine that does more than simply give relief. Its peculiar strength is that it completely cures where physi- cians relieve. A case in point came to us the 24th ult., in a letter, from Mr. James W. MeRitchie of Bothwell, Ont. He says :-"My daughter Maggie, aged 9 years, was afflicted with nervous fainting spells for over a year, which left her in such a con- dition of weakness afterwards that the child was practically an invalid. We tried several remedies and doctor- ed with her in one way and another, but nothing gave relief, Seeing South American Nervine advertised, as par- ticularly efficacious in nervous dis- eases, I decided on trying it for her, and I must say that I noticed a decided change in my daughter for the better after she had taken only a few doses. As a result of using this medicine, she is now entirely free from those faint- ing spells and possessed of that life and brightness that is the happy lot of childhood. I am satisfied it is an excellent medicine for any nervous weakness. My experience Ivo been further supplemented in the fact that my wife has also been using South American Nervine for indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration, and has found very great relief." Whether the patient be man or woman, young or old, South American Nervine provides a complete medium for restoration to health. It is • medicine differing absolutely from every other. A cure is effected by application to the nerve centres of the human system, and science bas proved that when these nerve centres axe kept healthy the whole body is healthy. For these reasons failure is imposs- ible. FOR SALE DY WATTS CO„ CLINTON.