The Huron News-Record, 1895-02-27, Page 7The aro News -Resor
'W ll ]PA,Yr VIf$1WAEY 27th, 1890.
:ool Teachers
Beware !
A Profession Not Over-
paid that has Many
Bad* Ventilated Schools
And Contact With
Pain's Celery Compound
Cleanse3 the Blood and
eeps up Strength
ad Vitality
It Banishes Languor,
Despondency and Irri-
•1,000'.000 Man now/4Ni now/4N01e rear
leek muerte.* and Ma Mateo.
Tp +a large cage near the centre of
Madison Square Garden what is pro-
bably the highest priced rooster in Am-
erica strutted about during the Poultry
Show as if aware of the fact that bipeds
of his style come high. America 1s his
name, and with him were six hens of
the samo'breed and fine coloring. These
birds are tho property of Adams, Pur-
due & Young, and they were raised by
The majorty of our public school
teachers, male and female, have many
dangers to face in the profession that
is never overpaid.
Many teachers are suffering to -day
from maladies and diseases contracted
in crowded and badly ventilated school
buildings ; the seeds of fatal troubles
the system ten
1 from
are takenY
drainage, and contact with child-
ren 4ifho carry infectious diseases from
their horses.
At this moment hundreds of school
teachers are invalids, or go about the
performance of their duties in a half-
dead way. Nervous troubles are pre-
valent amongst .teachers ; headache,
dyspepsia, languor, irritability and
despondency are common. troubles, and
make life truly miserable.
The school teachers' friend and life -
giver, Paine's Celery Compound, has
done a wondrous work in the ranks of
the afflicted ones. During the year
1894 scores of cases have come before
our notice, of sick and suffering ones
having been restored to new life,
energy and activity through the use
of nature's wonderful medicine.
Paine's Celery Compound has been a
true blessing to every teacher who used
it. The great medicine has done its
work promptly and efficaciously. It
always begins its operations at the
great nerve centres; it cleanses and
purifies the blood, and takes all impuri-
ties from the system; it strengthens
every digestive organ, and builds sp
the entire system. Every school teach-
er in the land, male and female, should
use Paine's Celery Compound if sound
healt d perfect bodily strength is
Mr, Newton Adams at his farm near
Utica, N.Y. America is a leinon buff -
colored cochin. and to obtain this par-
ticular purity of shading brings a feel-
ing to the fancies' very much like the
satisfaction a potter ,'eels when a per-
fect peach -blow vase 1s produced.
America was sired by Wonder, a bird
that took first prize at the last poultry
show as a cock, and first prize the year
previous as a cockerel, and whose get
are said to be better birds in every way
than their sire. The particular breedis
known in England as the Mrs. Harris
strain. The characteristic mark is the
extreme length of feather all over the
body. as well as the heavy foot feathers.
Mr. George Perdue, one of the owners
of America and sisters, said that Mr.
Adams experimented a long time before
he was able to produce their particular
shade otcolor and still retain the proper
form. The birds were merely on exhi-
bition, and they aro not for sale,
although $1,000 has been offered for the
About People.
The friend and compatriot of
Kossuth, Tihamar Fennyery, who was
assisted by the great Hungarian to
escape to this country, is still living in
Before he left England for the Unit-
ed States Charles Dickens received the
following note :
As . vol are going to America and
have kindly offered to execute any
little commission for me, pray, if it he
not too much trouble, try to get me an
autograph of Sandy Hook's. I have
Theodore's, Yours vety truly,
writes from Montreal : "I was suffer-
ing from skin disease, and after all
drugs failed tried Burdock Blood
Bitters, of Which three bottles restored
i me to good health. I recommend it
also for dyspepsia."
EUREKA. IP K t 1 µ
Under the sew Management business con-
tinues to flourish.
Our Stock comprises everything required in
a firat•olase Bakery and Restaurant -ouch as
Plain and P'anoy Cakes, Pastry,
Superior Bread, Confectionery,
Cool Summer Drinks, &o., &o.
TY and prices reasonable.
Pic-nic parties dealt with on the most liberal
terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the
Butter value than we offer cannot be obtained.
Give us a call. Stand next the Grand Union'
Hotel, Clinton.
Tanning Sheep Skins.
A writer in The New York Tribune
gives the following directions for pre-
paring sheep skins for r-ugs, etc.:
While still waren from the animal
they should be thoroughly washed and
salt well rubbed into the flesh side.
After wringing the wool as dry as pos-
sible, fold the pelt together, wool side
out, and plenty of salt, mixed with one-
third its weight of alum, within. Let
it lie thus in pickle for two days. Then
scrape the flesh side severely with a
dull ratite, removing every piece of fat
or flesh. Now stretch it tight, with
nails driven through it into the inner
side of the barn door, leaving the flesh
side exposed. Treat it again to salt
and let it hang and dry for two weeks,
opening the door to expose it to the
sun and closing it against dews and
raid. After taking it down trim off all
rough edges and wash it in several
suds, rinsing at last in clear, cold
water. Wring it then as dry as pos-
sible and rub powdered chalkinto the
flesh s de while damp. When dry have
it scoured harshly with dry sand and
pulled and rubbed till soft and pliable.
When obliged to cut the pelt use the
knife on the skin side. But there are
many uses for sheep skins besides those
mentioned. Closely sheared it makes a
soft and durable saddle cloth, chair
bottom, waren insoles, shoes tor young
children (wool inside), house slippers or
foot coverings to go with rubber coots
to ventilate the foot and prevent per-
spiration, and, best of all, a foot bag for
elderly and invalid folk troubled with
cold extremities on retiring. Still
further, it makes the warmest chest pro-
teetor known. This should reach b low
the stomach and hang even lower on the
wearer's back. which is even more sus-
ceptible to cold than the chest. For
shoe strings, thongs for lacin machine
belts, harness collar and saddle pads,
wagon cushions, etc., the sheepskin has
a distinct mission,' and farmers' families
who get accustomed to them would feel
lost without them. For rags and robes
it has no equal. 1t can be dyed any
color and used with long or short fleece.
Mats with deep fleece three inches wide
around the edge and short wool center
are Inxurious. Again, a combed fleece
with a margin of short wool six inches
wide is delightful. Such a rue' should
be at least six to eight feet long and
four feet broad. Nothing is so proof
against cold in the carriage and sleigh
as fleece rugs and robes.
The Pall Mall Gazette, in an editor-
ial article on the Hawaiian question,
said last week that there seems to he
no hope for Hawaii save in a protec-
torate, and if some one must have the
island America had the hest right to
i y, it.
JAMES BOYD, Proprietor.
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
D.ltnee, Presldent, Clinton P. J.
nonWett, don,
vice-president, Hartnett P. 0. ; W.
Scey•Treas., Seaforth P. 0. ; M. Murdie, In-
pector of claims Seuforth P. 0.
Jae, Blab iel Clinton
t Elliott,ElliotthtonJohn Ilan
bury ;
nab. Seaforth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos.
Garbutt, Clinton.
Farm N"tes
Seed corn freezes if exposed to severe
cold, but the liability to injury depends
upon the amount of moisture in the
Born, It should be dry and al<o kept in
a dry place. Any precaution used in
=ring for the seed corn may prevent
>Ss in the sprung.
Snow does more injury to manure
heaps than rain. The rain may run off
rapidly, and not carry away so much of
the soluble matter, but snow covers the
heap, keeps the cold out, induces the
creation of warmth within the heap,
and then slowly melts, percolating the
satire Class, and carrying off the soluble
substances imperceptibly.
For Over Fitly Years
MRs. WINSLOW'B SOOTHING SYRUP has been need by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
If dieturbed at night and broken of your rest bye at. It
child eUfertng and crying wl„b pain of Cutting Teeth
send at ()nee and get a bottle of "Mr.. Winelow'e
Soothing Syrup" fnrChildren Teething. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it,
mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures War-
mest, regulates the Stomach and Beagle, aurae Wind
Collo, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and
eves tone and energy to the whole system, "Mrs.
Wiuetow'e SoothingSyrup" for children teething le
ploltesnt to the taste and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and boat fetnaie physicians and nnrcee in
the United States. Prior. twenty live cents a bottle, �
Bold by all deuaglst• throughout the world. Be sure'
and ask for "Mne. W INBLOW B SooTBINo SYRUP;' t
11,e Ox m, the Farm.
The investigations of Mr. Aubrey
Spencer, one of the assistant commis-
sioners to the Royal Commission on
Agriculture, have brought to light the
curious fact that in the Cotswold dis-
trict oxen are still used for ploughing
and tor other operations in husbandry.
What is more, those who employ them
aver that it is impossible to farm land
as well without oxen as with them. It
would be interesting to learn how many
other primitive methods of cultivation
are still adhered to, and what effect
they have had in producing the un-
doubtedly severe depression prevalent
In the locality alluded to. Rents have
•ecently been reduced by as much as 60
per cont., and yet things are going
steadily from had to worse, except, per-
haps, with grass farmers, whose labor
bilis are comparatively insignificant.
Thee, Ne(lare, Hariock ; Roht. McMillan, Sea -
forth ; J. Cummings, Egmondeillo; Geo. Murdie,
Parties desirotis to effect Insurance or trans
act other bneinese will be promptly attend
ell to on application to any of the above officers,
addressed to their respective poet mess,
If some men had a bulldo'e^'s teeth
Shay would bite when he wouldn't.
A selfish man is about the ugliest thing
upon which angels have to look.
It g.+neratly takes a blockhead a good
while to find out what ails hien.
are the most powerful, safe, sure and reliable
Pitt of this Kind in the Market. Most
effective remedy in suppressed menstruation
and all female troubles arising from it.
Druggists sell it. Beware of Imitations and
see that you get the Genuine Winchester's
Enptish White Lily/ Circle Brand Pennyroyal
Pills, with White Lily in centre of circle. Our
box bears our signature, Winchester Chemical
Co. on every side. Ask your Druggist. If be
don't keep it he will get It for you, or write direct
to us and we will send it upon receipt of price,
S2 by Mail, Postpaid. Bend 60. for Partionlars,
Winchester Chemical Co., Chicago, ill.
r ,P,sA mine
tN 1805
Tas srartaTolia, a new novel by TlresAS HARD;
will be began In the Dooember Number, 1994, and
gonith,ued 10 November, 19118, Whoever may buonc's
favorite am'ong En dish novelists, 11 wilt be eunceded
by all critics that 'faunae HAttur Stands foremost ea
a master artist In action, and Thu Simpletons may
be expected to arouse ontbnulnent uut inferior io de.
greet. that which has marked Trilby—the runet see -
easeful story of the year Another leadjag feature
will be the Personal Reee11"ctlugs of Joan of Are, by
the Sleur LOUIS De CONTE, IIse Pure and Secretary•
ander which gutte,tbe most popular of Llrintl Autert-
can magazine writeia will pa/Aent the atnr) of the
Maid of Orlosns. In the January Number will arpeav
a profusely Illustrated paper on Charleston and the
Carolinas, the fleet of a ,cries o1 Southern Papers.
Northern Africa is attracting more attention than
at any other time eineo 1t was the tient el' empires.
The next volgme of HALCPYR'S SIAO.I5I5I1 will
contain four Illustrated'artiolee on this region, and
throe of them will depict the present life there.
JULIAN RALPH will prepare for the iti.GAZINL
series of eight stories, depleting tynieal pheeee of
Chinese Life and Manners Besides the long etcries,
there will begin to the January Number the twatclien-
tele of A'rrhree•Part Novelette, by RICHARD HARDING
Davis -the longest, work yet Attempted by this wt iter.
Complete abort stories by p oiler writers will con•
Untie to be a feature of the 51AGAZLIS II.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Masters, their post office
addresses and date of
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
Tbo Volumes of the M,\0 .ZtNA: hog;n with the
Numbers for June andDec-ether of each year. When
no time 1s mentioned, subscriptions will begin with
the Number current at the time of receipt of order.
Cloth ease, for binding, 50 cants each—by mail,
postpaid. Title -page and Index sent on applica-
Remittencea should he made by Post otilm Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Newspapers are not to caper this advertisement with'
out the express order of Harper & Brothers.
Harper's Magazine, = one year, 54 00
Harper's Weekly, - 4 00
Harper's Bazar, _ 4 00
Harper's Young People, " 2 00
'Postage Pre, to all subscribers in the United States,
Canada, and Mexico.
P. O. Box 4150, N. Y. City.
i3plievin({ that the alit? aatiafatotory. way of being YIPIMT4 TQ ylu baeiinetfe;.iv to t#11
and bey strictly for Cash. have decided atter ll'ebraury ler, 1896, to adept Oa CASH
SISTER, lnth.eving that it will prose the most atdy'antageoua to every hof0ekeppaT intOS%.
and aountry. In order to do so 1 will &lark all goods down to 1 nck Bottom CAeh Prigeat
Illy Chistmas and New Year Special Bargain Days were wonderfully successful, everybody,
was pleased and surprised at the quality and price of our goods. We are still offering 801,3O
linen at Bargain Day prices.
Phis is one of 'our specialties, having had 313 years experience) in this pperticula
T e peline. Extra values In Black, Green and Japan, sole agents for 'Ram Lal a and
Tetley's Indian and Ceylon P'eckage Tea.
Crockery, Glassware and China Goods.-Dinnor Sets, China Tea Sets, Bedroom
Sets, Five o'clock Teas, Berry Sets, Cheese Dishes, Water Sets, Fruit Dishes and Bread and
Butter Plats.
Lumps. -We have Hall Lamps, Table Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Piano Lamps, Hanging Lamps
and Lamps at all prices which we are selling at from 10c to 20 per cent. below regular prices.
Colne and see for yourselves, no trouble to show goods. Produce taken as Cash.
J. W. Irwin, McKay Blocks Clinton.
Harper's Bazar
IN 1895
Elenaut.and exclusive desigur CroOut-door and In-
door Toilettes. drawn from AN earn models by SANDOZ
and UnAVUDi, are an important feature 'these ap-
pear every week, accompanied by minute deecriptione
and details, Usti Perla Lotter, by KATtiORi5R DR
FOREST, is a weekly transcript of the latent etyles and
caprices iu the mode. Under the head of New York
Fashions, plain directions and full are
given au to silepee, fabrics, trimmings, and acoee eOries
of the costumes of well- drawled ADMAN]. Childretee
Clothing reeeivte practical attention. A 1. rtnightly
Pottern•cheet Supplement enables readers to cut and
make their own gowns. The woman who takes llAlt-
PER'S B e.ZA1i is prepared for every occasion in lite,
ceremonionu or informal, where beautiful dress is re.
AN AMERICAN SERIAL, Doctor W arrick's Daughters,
by )tKE,'CCA HARDING DAVia, a strong novel of Ameri-
can lite, partly laid in Pennsylvania and partly in
the far South, will occupy the last half of the year.
My Lady Nobody, an iutoneely exciting novel, by
MAARTEN MAA1(TRNS, author Of "God's Fool," "The
Greater °tory," etc., will begin the year.
Essays and • Social Chats, To this department
SPECTATOR will contribute her charming papers 011
"What We are Doing" in New York society.
Answers to Correspondents. Qneetionn receive the
personal attention of the editor, and are answered at
the curliest possible date after their receipt.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the fuel
Number for Jauoary of each year. When no time is
mentioned, schen.nlions will
begin with the
current at the time of receipt of order.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding,
wid be sent by mail, p..stpaid, on receipt of $1.00
each. Title -Paye and Index sent on application.
Remittances should be male by Pont -office Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss,
.arwspaperd are not to ropy this advertisement with
.out the exvresa order of harper & Brothers.
Harper's Magazine ,one year, $4
Harper's Weekly It
Harper's Bazar, " 4
Harper's Young People " 2
Postage free to all subscribers in rhe United States,
Canada, and Mexico.
P. O. Box 059, N. Y. City,
A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0.
John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O.
219-Roht. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri
day on or before full moon.
032 -Thos. H. C nur-iey, Lucan, Satu
day on or before full noon.
493 - Richard Hodgins, Saintsthury,
Wednesday on or before full moon.
890 - George Walden, Alaplegrove,
Wednesday on or before full moon.
921 -Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1087 -James Iienniston, Parkhill, Mon-
day on or before fall moon.
1210 --Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday
on or before full moon.
1313 -James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday
on or before full moon.
610-A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or
after fu!I moon.
James Cttlweilt•W.D.M., Goderich P.O.
145 -Runes Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
153 -Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday
on or before full moon.'
182 -Gen. M. ('ox, Goderich, last Tues-
day in each month,
189-F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon-
• day on or before full moan.
202 -James Mclean, Saltford, 3rd
Wednesday in each month.
- H. Cook, Clinton, lst Mon-
day 111 each month.
D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0.
710 -David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon-
day in each month,
813• --Robert .Scarlett, Winthrop, last
Wednesday before full moon.
928 -Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday in each month.
793- -Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bttyfleld P.O.
21 --James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
308 -Wm. CoTit, Hillsgreen, 1st Tues
day in each month
833 --Robert McKinley Blake, 1st
Wednesday in each mo' h.
733 --Wm. J. Clarke, Hetrea(-, 1st Thurs-
day in each month.
I03.5- -Wm. Rathwell, Bayfield, 1st
Thursday in each month.
I5e"NoTw.-Any omissions or othe• errors will bo
promptly eorreetedon writing direct to the County
Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P. 0,
Harper's Weekly
IN 1895
eslie's Carriage Factory,
BUGGIES, PHAETONS,, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the hest work,
manebip and material• j'All the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
JOY -FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cli:tton. 657-
Don't Come Home and Kick
up a dust hy• finding fault with your wife or her kitchen help because your dinner is not
u st whit it should be. 'Phe women are not to blame, the fault lies at your own door,
Through a mistaken idea of false economy yon have been induced to purchase cheap and inferior
groceries, and I speak advisedly when 1 say you cannot look for domestic feliety as long as
you continuo on that line. Moral—the best is the cheapest, in grocery as well as any other
commodity. Therefore try our new season's Teas, all of this year's growth. "In Blacks,"
English Breakfast Tea at 40c. per Ib., extra value. In Blends of Indian China and Cylons we
can suit the Most fastidious tante Also, we have the best value in Hysons pia Japans. Try
our Japan at ti IN for one nlollar
We have now in stock for the Holiday Trade jlew Raisins, Valencias oil' Stalk Selected,
Laifers, Sultanas, London Layers, New Currants in Cases and half eases, New Peels, Lenton,
Orange and Citron, Figs, Mats and Elmo 10 Ib Boxes. New Prunes, Sphinx Brand. Pure
Spices, Essences, Extracts. Candies and Nuts of all kinds. In Crockery, China and Glassware,
full lines. We offer Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and China Table Setts at rock bottom vices.
Conte early and have first choice. Special inducements to cash purchasers.
Ne Robson, - .Albert Ste, Clinton.
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short
prices. All work is auprrvised in a mechanical
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and
prepare plans and give
notice and on the closest
way and satisfaction
exterior material.
Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Etc.
HAR2ER'S WEEKLY in a pictorial history of the
times. It presents every important event promptly,
accurately, and exhau•.tively in illoatratiou and de-
scriptive text of the highest order.
The matteriu which, daring 1894,11 has treated the
Chicago Railway strikes and the Chino -Japanese War,
and the amount of light awes able to throw on Korea
the instant attention wax directed to thatllttle-known
country, are examples of its almost boundless re•
Hourees. JIILIAN RALPH, the distinguished writer and
correspondent, hue been sent to the seat of war, and
there p.luet by C. D. *sums, the well-known Ameri-
can artist, now for many years resident in Japan, who
has been engaged to co-operate with Mr. RALPII in
seeding to HARPER'S WEEKLY cxctnaive informa-
tion and illustration.
Daring 1805 every vital question wild he diecnseed
with vigor and without pr.judiee in the editorial
columns, and also in special articlee by the highest
authorities in each department. Portraita of the men
and women whn are making history, and powerful and
caustic pelitioal cartoons, will oontinno to hn charao-
teristie features. This Rosy World, with ite keen and
kindly comment on the lesser doings of the day, will
remain a regular department.
FICTION. There will be two powerful serials, both
handsomely illustrated —The Red Cookade, a stirring
romance of olden dnye by J. WErm4N, nod a
novel of New York, entitled The Son of Ills Father,
by BRANDER MATTnEws—several novelettee,and many
short stories by popular writers.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volumes of the WEEKLY begin with the first
Number for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, snh.eriptinne will begin wi,h the Number
current at the time of rteeipt of Order.
Cloth 00500 for each volume, enitab:e for binding,
will be sent by mall, poetpnirl, on receipt of $1.00 each.
Title page and Index weft on application.
Remittaneen ehould he made by Poet -office Money
Order or Draft, to avoid armee of loss.
Newspapers are not fn cope, this advertisement with-
out the express order of harper A Brothers.
Harper's Magazine, - one year, 84
Harper's Weekly, = 4
Harper's Bazar, = t` 4
Harper's Y oung People. " 2
Postage Pree to all subscribers in the rnited Stairs,
Canada, and Mexico,
,P. O. BOx,959. N Y. City,
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYI3ILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders,
Is KIN@.f,
The up-to-date Grocery is
T13E CASH G1=t0C Rte",
'fell us your wants, and we will do the rest if your wants refer to Groceries.
is what we aim to give over Customers and by careful attention to their wants we
hope to secure and merit a portion of the Public Patronagefor the coming year.
Bargain Day Prices, our Every Day Prices; EveryDay Bargain Day with us.
For sale on easy terms, en bloc, or divided to suit
pnrehence : one quarter cash or other good security,
balance a 14 per cent., or will exchange for a good
form. J. P. TtSl)ALL, Banker, In the bintk will
show premises. Tho land coat$1,000 and the building
neer 58 non.
D. J, CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilton, Ont.
ass -
THE CASH GROCERY Telephone No. 23.
Stand 1 Door North of THE NEWS -RECORD Office.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Monson Tea.
King of all ' • , '.e. f; ., . Absolutely
Bicycles. te: '. ' - the Beet.
Light Weight and ,J 4*?a . Superior (Material
Rigidity. Every Ma- s +; ° IV and Scientific Work-
chinefullywarrnnted I• •^,1,C manship. . . .
; we
� r !
11, g Styles .
!,A r
Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Boa twoecoit stamp for our a4-pago Catalogue -A work o1 Art.
Monarch Cycle Company,
Retail Salesroom, a8o Wabash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
NY. Yi