The Huron News-Record, 1895-02-20, Page 5>Why Not Try Aof Rottle> OR. DOCK'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY for that cough, ommend it not only because we know that for years it has given s,itis- faetioi but also and chiefly because we know every ingredient in it. Now don't you think it willbe wiser and safer for you to try this prelim ation which we guar- ant(;e,to be safe, than for you to try any of the touch advertised remedies about Which, not knowing their ingredients, we know nothing, and which on this ac- count we can not conscientiously recommend. tic. a bottle, only at fLLLEN & WILSOK'S Drug Store, - Clinton. Art Materials, Stationery, Public School Books. Telephone 2. Sprillg Wall Paper. It is rather early to talk of Wall paper for spring, but as we have our com- plete) stock now in, those who are papering early will get -a better choice than is usually offered at this time of the year. The bet American and Cana- dian lower year. duct, and prices t K n any former Cooper & co. CLINTON. mar royaaIF1llltary College of Canada. Information for Candidates. THE ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS for Cadetabipa in the Royal Military College will take plcac at the Head Quarters of the several Military Districts in which candidates reside, In Juno each year. In addition to the facltltiea the College affords for an education in Military subject., the course of fn. strnctton is ouch as to afford a thoroughly practical, scientific and sound training in all departments which are essential to a high and general modern education, The Civil Engineering Conroe is complete and thorough in all branches. Architeotnre forme a separate aubject. The Coarse of Physics and Chemistry is Ruch es to lead towards Electrical Engineering, Mateorolegioal Service, and other departments of applied science. The Obligatory Conrae of Surveying IIcinden what ie laid down aa neceaoary for the profession of Dominion Land Surveyor. The Voluntary Conran comprisee the higher subject& required ter the degree of Dominion Topographical Surveyor. hydrographic Surveying is also taught. Length of Course four yearn Four Commianiona in the Imperial Regular Army are awarded annually. Board and inatrnetion 8200, for each term, conelat- ing of ten months' residence. 4Ffarther information apply to the Adjutant Ge 11 of Militia. Ottawa, before 15th May. Department of Militia and Defence. 1895. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of Mr. Charles W. Landon, of Philndelphle. The Mason Method used exclusively. It fa considered by the leading Musical Artlatos that no method develops the technic so rapidly aa Dr. Mason's "Toneh ar>d Technic." Plano, Organ and Teehnicon for sae of pupils. Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beeeley's, Albert street, Clinton. Property For Salt. For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario street. Has all modern convonienrea. Centrally located. Mao a house and lot adjoining above property, facing Victoria street. For partionlare apply tb MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. 801.tf Wash Day Made Easy. I have secured the right to manufacture th femorae Magic Washing Machine. Already I have made end sold a number, The pnrebosere are delighted. To ase the machine on trial is mire to make a nate If ono 1. required. Wash-dny is made very esus end -earpate ran be kept perfectly clean; no opt.....ins or waste water whatever, The price lute been set atm very low figure. Tho machine may he soon at my ros>denoe on i,taac Street. B. COLE 8004 cAVEATS,TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT I For a prompt answer and an honest opinion write to MUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experiencee in the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific n the o Ameribic and thus are brought widely before the public with- out coat to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 83 a year. Sample Tee sent free. Building Edition monthly. 82.50 a year. Single co les, !L5 conte. ,'very number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans. enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., N8w 'foam, 361 BaoADwe.Y. FISHING FOR TRADE. ` Business men in all lines of trade like to conduct their business so as to bring at living return, In fact it is beyond common reason to attempt to (10 any- thing else. Customers are numerous, but the great difficulty, as at i ole, is to secure the class that is required --people who buy and pity for what they get. The business man who does not advertise roust expect to take a second place. And the adertiser roust be honest and carry out exactly what he places in print if he expects to retain old customers or secure new ones. To those who are fishing for trade, or the business men who desire to re- tain old customers, we would say that THE NEWS -RECORD is certainly the medium to talk to the people through Legitimate advertising is one of the great necessities of the present age. Retain old custorners'and secure new ones by casting_your line in- the coltlttlns of THE EWS-RECORD. TIR, R+ N T CAN1iT Pete rboro and Lakefield Division. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EALF.D TENDh.Rti t , ad, -rase r n th n ern' nor of a nd i 1 R �t endorsed 1'eude•r for Treat Cu ul " well 1.0n be received at this (an tc until noon on Saturday, Mare)), 1805. Ger the cou.trurtion, of about air end a half !Mica of Canal on the Peterboru' nod Lake - field Division. Plana and specifications of the work can be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Hallways and ('souls, at Ottawa, or at the Ruperiu- tending Engineer's (Mee, I eterboru', where forme of tender can be obtained on unit after Monday, 18th February, 101. In the case of firms there must he attached the actual signatures of the full nnmo, the nature of the mom/Ation arid Praia of residence of each member of the game, and, further, an accepted hank cheque Inc the sum of $7,0410 meet accompany the tender ; this accepted cheque meet he endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Camila, and will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for work at the rates and on the tering stated In the offer submitted. The accepted ehegne thug sent in will be returned to the reupurtlv a parties whose lenders are not accepted, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order, J. H. BALDERSON, Secretary. Depertmont of hallways and Canals. Ottawa, 15t3 February', 1805, MARKET REPOR'T'S. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon. CLINTOJ.Q Fall Wheat C 56 to Barley ... 0 40 to Oats .... 0 27 to Peas 0 50 tc Potatoes, per hush ... 0 30 to Butter .. 0 13 to Eggs, per doz.................. 0 14 to i -lay 600 to Cordwood 3 00 to Beef ...... 3 75 to O 5l O 45 0 29 O 55 O 35 0 15 O 16 7 00 4 00 5 00 BRITISH MARKETS. The following table shows the quota- tions per cental at Liverpoe.) for three days. In thi' ease of wheat highest prices are given : s. d. s. d. R. d. R. d. Spring wheat 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 Red winter.. 4 7i 4 7i 4 7i 4 7l Corn... .. . .. 4 0>} 4 Oj Peas ........ 4 1011 4 10-i 4 10a 4 10i fork .. 5(3 3 5(3 3 53 9 53 9 Lard 31 (I 34 0 34 0 34 0 Bacon, h'vy. 29 6 29 () 28 9 28 9 Beacon, light 29 0 29 6 29 0 29 0 Tallow, nem 24 6 24 (3 24 6 24 6 Cheese 47 0 47 0 47 0 47 0: Cheese, col. .40 O 49 0 49 0 49 0 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. The receipts of grain on the street market Were larger ; prices were stead y. Wheat-- Steady, 1(10 hush. selling at 61i to fl2c for red, 59e to (103c for goose and 64c to ()tc for white. Barley- Steady, 1,20) bush. selling at, 476e to 48e. Oats -The receipts wore large hot the prices were well rnnintained, 1,0)0 hush. selling at:3W to 3Me. Peas - Steady, one load selling Rt. (14e. Ilay and Straw --The receipts were fair, the demand was gond, but the market was easier, 40 loads selling at $21 to $12 for timothy and $7 to $850 for clover, and 8'l9ads of straw at $7 to $850. Dressed Hogs -The receipts were more liberal, there was a fair d'ernand and the tuarket was a trifle easier, with sales at $5 to $5 25. Wheat., $ do red do Goose Barley Pests Oats.... Buckwheat Rye Hay, timothy Hay, clover Straw, bundle Eggs, new laid Butter, lb. rolls Tubs, dairy Chickens Turkeys Geese 1<,ta e' t is Dressed hogs Beef, ferequar t ars tin hindquarters Lamb ,.... .1 III.Lt 11. Veal 64 61i 59 47i 00 35)a 42i 59 11 00 0 00 7 O6 25 16 13 50 10 7 50 5 00 3 (10 (3 (N) 650 600 000 to $ 6th to 62 to 60i to 48 to 64 to 36i to W to 00 to12 (14) to10 00 to 8 50 to W to 18 to 14 to 65 .to 11 to (14) to 55 to 525 to 500 to 0 00 to 760 to 700 to 700 TORONTO LIVESTOCK MARK'•:T. Mile -hers & springers each$25 00tn$40 00 Butchers' eattle,choice, "wt 3 (X) to 3 25 Butchers' cattle, corn., cwt 2 00 to 2 25 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 2 50 to 2 75 Stockers and feteclers, cwt.. 2 50 to 2 75 'Export sheep, per cwt...... 350 to 3 75 Lamb:;, choice, per cwt.. . 4 (10 to 4 25 Landis, ordinary, cwt... ,. 3 25 to 3 50 Calves, choice, each 5 00 to 6 00 Calves, common, each 1 25 to 3 50 Hogs, fat, heavy, ewt 4 20 to 4 30 Hogs, stores and light,ewt 350 to 3 75 Stags and rough hogs, cwt. 2 00 to 2 25 Sows, breeding, cwt 3 50 to 4 (10 Butchers' sheep, each . 2 50 to 3 00 MONTREAL MARKETS. (11 ;tin -Apparently there is no change in the market. The auu)1nt o1' busi- ness doing is still comparatively small, though prices are well maintained all round. Oats find peas are difficult to obtain, especially the former. Peas are not altered. Wheat, No. 1 hard, nominal ; peas, per Eli lbs., in stere, (17e to (ii8c ; oats, per 34 lbs., store, 861,c to 37c; rye. No. 2, 5 Ac to 53c; barley, feed, 47c to 49c; barley, )milting, 53c to 551e. BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. Spring wheat -Limits are easy on round lots but fire) for NIP lots ; the demand is light. Sales :---14 cars No. 1 hard, 644c to 0-04e. Closing -No. 1 hard, Ole to (lite; No. 1 northern, new, (Bic to 63 n;• do old, (314c. Winter wheat dull and weak ; No. 2 red, 57,4c; No. I white, 50}c on track ; No. 2 red, 5J 1c No.1 white,50c asked d Istore.e. Oats --Weak. Sales : -2 cars No. 1 white. 30e ; 4 cars No. 2 wnite, 35ic; 1 car No. 2 mixed, 33nc, new billing. A BATTLE FOR LIFE. THE RESCUE OF A C. P. R. OFFICIAL'S WIFE. HELPLESS ANI) BED RIDDEN FOR MONTHS -$275 SPENT IN MEDICAL TREAT- MENT WITHOUT AVAIL-FIER FARLY DECEASE LOOKED FOR AS INEVITABLE -BUT HEALTH AND NTRE:NGTIE HAVE BEEN RESTORED. From the Oven Bonne Tintee, Last fall when the Times gave an Re- count of the miraculous cure of Mr. Wm. Belrose through the use of Dr. Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People, we had little idea that we would be called upon to wr its up a case which is even more remarkable. The case re- ferred to is that of Mrs. John C. Mon- nell, whose cure has been effected by these marvellous little messengers of health. The Tinges' reporter was met at the door by Mrs. Monnell, who though showing a few tract's of the• suffering she lied undergone, moved about very sprightly.With apparent- ly )Iwren -ly all the gratitude' of a than who ltad been saved out of tate deepest afflic- tion, Mr. Monnell gave the following account of his wife s Miraculous cure. I have been in the employ of the C. P. R. at Toronto Junc- tion for some time. In August last year, after confinement, my wife took a chill and what is commonly known as milk -leg set in. \Vhen I carne home from my vs)t'k I was informed of the fact, and next morning called in the family physician. The limb swelled in a -very short time to an enormous size. Every means known was adopted to reduce the inflammation, but without avail. Consulting physicans were tthesatisfaction called 1) hut all sats faction they could give me was that the doc- tors in attendance were doing their utmost. A tank was rigged up, a long line of rubber hose attached and wound around the afflicted limb and ice water allowed to t.rinkle down through the piping to relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation above the knee. The leg was opened ani perforated, a tube inserted from the thigh to the tinkle with the hope that it would carry off the pus which formed. For five lotig anxious months I watched the case with despair, while my wife was unable to move herself in bed. At the end of that tiriie she was placed in a chair where she spent another three months. To add to the compli- cations gangrene set in, and for weeks there was a fight for life. At last the physicians gave ftp. They said the only hope was in the removal of toy wife to the hospital. After a brief consultation she emphatically refused to go. stating that if she had to die she would die amongst her little onms. At this tita'y she could not put her foot to the ground. Icer nominal weight was 13.5 pounds when in good health, but faction reduced her to a living skele- ton for she lost 65 pounds in the five months. To all hurnan intelligence it was simply rt case of waiting for the worst. Up to this time I had not. thought of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, until one day I came across an advertisement and determin- ed to try theta. This was two mo,rths ago, just about the time we were mov- ing up here front the Junction." At this point Mrs. Monnell took up the story of the 'marvellous cure, and corroborated what her husband stated. Coutinuing she said : "After using a few boxes i could walk on crutches, and after their fnrtheruse i threw away my crutches and now ata doingail my own housework. The limb is entirely healed up, and the cords, which in the terrible ordeal had been forced out, of their places, have come bark to their natural position. And to show how complete has been my recovery i am pleased to say that. 1 have recovered my lost weight and five pounds more. 1 now weigh 140 pounds. "We spent 8275 in doctors' fees and other expenses without avati, before beginning the use Qf Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," said Mr. Monnell, "and it seems marvellous that my wife, who a few months ago was considered past human aid, has by this wonderful medicine been restored to health and strength ; " and the Times concurs in the conclusion. Mr. Monnell is one of the 0. P. R. staff of clerks at this port, and he is always willing to tell of the cure effected. But there are hundreds of witnesses to the truth of his statements both in Owen Sound and at Toronto where he resided up to two months ago. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are offered with a c•onfdeuee that they are the only perfect and unfailing blood build- er and nerve restorer, and where given a fair trial disease and suffering roust vanish. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents a box or $2.50 for six boxes, by address- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and refuse trashy substitutes alleged to he "just as good." It1ILTlls. GIDLEY.-In Blyth, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. S. H. Gidley, of a daughter. STE I tN'ON -- n Stanley, on the .Y L. b 1 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Arthur Stephenson, of a son (still born,) Kays. -1 rt Stanley, on the Oth inst., the wife of Mr, Jas. Keys, of a son. MorFA'r.-In Stanley, on the (0th inst., the wife of Mr. John Moffat, of a SOIL IR\'INE.-in Morris, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. Samuel Irvine, of a son. MARTIN. -In Hallett, on February 11th, the wife (>f Mr. James G. Mat -tin, of tt sun. O'BIuEN.--Ili Tuckersmith, on Feb- ruary 7th, the wife of Mr. Thomas O'Brien, of a daughter. HANLEY.-In Goderich township, on the Ilth inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Hanley, of a son. MCTAGGART.-In Clinton, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. D. Mc- Taggart, banker, of a daughter. (it'NN.-In Clinton, on the 10th inst., the wife of Dr. W. Gunn, of a sols. BRrr•roN.--At Stapleton, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. Britton, of a sun. MARRIAGES. CUNNINGIIA:uE--\VEl.I.s.--At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Saltfurd on the 12th inst., by the Rev. 1-I. Irvine, Mr. D. R. Cunningham, Col- borne, to Miss Marion C. Wells. SLOAN-KRAHLING.-In Morris, on Feb. 13, at the residence of the br'ide's father, Johanna, eldest daughter of Mr. George Krahling, to Mr. Thomas Sloan, Blyth. RIDDELL-WoonMAN.--At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Mr. S. Woodman, Londeshoro, on the even- ing of the 7th inst., by Rev. H. J. Fair, Mr. Howard Y'. Riddell, of Hallett, to Miss Maty J. Woodman. POLLOCK-ADDISON.-On Feb. 6th, at the residence of the bride's mother, Goderich, by Rev. Jos. Edge, Henry Bartholomew Pollock to Eerily Bornes Addison, daughter of the late James Addison. SINcLAIIt-RtMIIALL.-At Murder), Manitoba, on Tauuary 28th, by Rev. 51. C. Runthall, brother of the pride, Mr. A. E. Sinclair, to Miss Susie L., third daughter of Mr. E. Rumball, of Goderich township, Ontario. 14IcDuxAI D -ANDERSON. -At the resilience of the bride's parents, on February St h, by Rev. S. Achtsoii, Sit, Thorrlas McDonald, of London, Ontario, Miss i' to . L.. Grace e i'.. Andersen, of Stanley. Ross -ALLAN. --At the residence of the bride's mother, on February I3th, by Rev. S. Acheson, .Mr. Alexander .T. Ross, of Stanley, to Miss Annie M. Allan, of Tucker:smith. ANDERSON'--PENTLANo.-Neatt' Dun- aunon, "Woodlawn Farm," on January 30th, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Geo. Anderson, of Lucknow, to Miss Bertha A., daughter of Alex. Pentland, Esq., W. \Vawanosh. -•�►eee DEATHS. CUNNINGHAM.-In Hallett, Feb. 7th, Mrs. Agnes Wight Cunningham, age 75 years. CRAIG. - In Goderich Feb. 1111 WM. Craig, aged 65 years. STEWART. -In Goderich, Feb. 8th, Otway Stewart, son of the late C. Stewart, of Colhot ue, aged 19 years. McDoNAGrl.-in Colborne, on Wed- nesday, February 13th, 1895, James Mc- Donagh, aged 83 years. MAC•MATiI.-In Goderich, on Thurs- day, Feh. 14th, 1895, Christina Mac - Math, beloved wife of Samuel MacMath, aged 83 years. MURCIT.-In IIolmesville, on Feb. 15th, Etta Murch, third daughter of \Ven. Murch, aged 21 year's and 21 days. 141cIvoR.--In Clinton, on the 17th inst., Wni. McIver, aged 35 years and 2 months. Well and Stylishly Clothed in the Hard Times. Thousands of women in Canada with very limited means have found the secret of dressing well and stylishly in their homes and for the streets. These fortunate women have found nut that, by spending ten cents for a package of one of the fashionable colors of Diamond Dyes, they can re -color an std and faded dress, anti make it look like a new production. A lady recently {inform- ed os that she had not purchased new material for it dress in three years. - This same lady is always neatly and prettily dressed, because she 11505 the diamond Dyes. She has several old dresses and dyes each one twice a, year, and produces as good colors with the Diamond Dyes as can he found in new goods. it is wonderful, indeed, the saving in dollars that can he effected by a judicious Ilse of Diamond Dyes. Reversing The Throttle! 0 When the levet' of the mighty' steam engine is reversed the driving power must act in an opposite direction. This will apply in several instances to sob - scribers in arrears and those particularly who may reasonably be class- ed as non -payers. For several weeks we have advertised that the price of THE NEWS -RECORD is only ONE DOLLAR a year, strictly in advance, and that after the first of February $1.50 instead of $1.25 would be charged and accounts placed in the hands of our Solicitor for collection. At present we are preparing accounts for our Solicitor and the Coutts, and once entered they will have to take a legal colu'se. This means a reverse; and the reversal will mean a lot of useless law costs -money worse than thrown wr away without the least value in return to our patrons. This notice is not intended for the great majority of our patrons, but is for the guidance of those who have repeatedly ignored reasonable requests, at various intervals, to pay up. To delinquents we would say, once for all, there is little time to loose. Our Solicitor will take determined action within a very short time. Address all Money by registered letter, or P. 0. Orders,; at our risk, to THE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton, Ont, Axes - IkXES. TEN TO T\VELVE DOZEN AXES, to clear out at Cut Prices. Secure a bargain before they are all sold. Reduced price only $1.05 regular price $1.75. it ., 4485 tt tt 1.00 ft 75 Best Canadian Coal Oil only 10c. per Gallon No second grade kept in stock. HARLAND BROS. THE HUB GROCERY. ALWAYS RIGNT.'w Our Stock is complete in canned goods such FRESH HERRING, LO== STER, BEEF, DUCK CHICKEN rW KEY. Canned Vegetableo-T®MATOES, PEAS, CORN, PUMP- KIN. Canned Fruit -PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we have PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Pickles-1,IcCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWER, and WALNUT. All kinds of Spices, quality pure. Tea, all grades; we push the sale of Ben Her Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crocked'. ng SALMON, HADDIE, GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton.. THE PEOPLE'S GROCER a Having sold out my Stock of hoots and Shoes, my Grocery Trade will Hence. forth receive my undivided attention. By continuing to buy and sell Strictley for Cash, Customers will be supplied with the beat goods at very close margins of profit. A pall respectfully Solicited. REMEMBER TIIE STAND, SEARLE'S BLOCK. C. - J. STEWART, ALBERT ST., CLINTON. ( NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled tenders will he received by the undersigned ip to 12 o'clock, noon, on the 23rd of Feb. tor the erection at Bolmeaville, of n hrirt or frame building for use as a Cheese and Ratter Faetnry. Pia/mend specifications can be eeen at T. C. Pickard'e etore, Ilolmesviile, on and after Monday next. The lowest .r any tender not necessarily accepted. Sealed applications will also be received np In the same time for the position of cheese maker appllonnts to state salary expected,,tire references and security. The managers have the promieo of about 500 Bowe, W. II, FORSTER, President, llolmesville, BUSINESS CHANGE! The undersigned begs to inform the purple of Clutton and surrounding country that be baa "ought the stock of BOOTS & SHOES of Mr. Cie". Stewart, and he will continue the mud - Mel in the Herne pine, epnoaite the Market. He will sell for eeeh only, and offer Special Itargnins for the next 110 day a. Ile hopes by strict attention to bn.lness to ,n.rit n share of I'nblto Patronage. Ito• pairing it epeaaalty, 547.8m JAMES YOUNG. Two Farms For Sale. Being composed of the entith half of Lot No. 21, Peyfleld Line, Goderich Townentp, rontaining 70 tierce, more or Ieae, all cleared except nhuot Ove a^rrn, In good state of enitivation: log bruise on the pre- mi.ee; well watered; well fonend. Mao Lot Nn. 22, Rayfield Linn, rumprioeti of N9 nrrno, more or less; about 20 acres hush ; in good elate of cultivation and well watered ; house, harry and frame stable, and email boaringorchard. Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN SFIEPPARD, Clinton P.O. 817-tr Interesting To Farmers. We beg to intimate to�� the farming commun- ity and STOCK FEED-. MS that we have add- ere! ed to our Stearn ('id- ;Toger Mill Business a".• GRAIN GRINDER And will he pleased to receive a share of their patronage. When coming to Clinton throw on a few hags of grain and we will CHOP IT VIIILE Yon ARE TRANOAr'r1Ne ()TITER gest• sett. Charges Model ate. ANIiRE\\'S TIROS. 'at' the Duiving Park Queen St. 8:19 t The Label • Is it marked 1895 ? THE NEWS -RECORD i9 $1.50 per year, but if paid in advance only $1. This seems to be a good oppor- tunity to save fifty cents. Send along subscription now. Address The Huron News -Record CLINTON, ONT. .0000000000000000000001 O�T"y•E P Place In Ganada to LKS ��1/ 1■ get a Business Edu- c n t l c n, Snorthand, etc., Is at the Con- tral Business Col- lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- mercialSchools. (.ala agues free. Men- tion this paper. Shaw & liiliott, Principals. 000000000044,00000C Leave Doubtful Seeds alone. The beat are easy to get, and coat no more. Auk your dealer for FERRY'S SEEDS Always the beat. nown everywhere. Ferry's Seed Annual for 15935 tells you what, how, and when to plant. Sent Free. Het it. Address D. M. PERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont.