The Huron News-Record, 1895-02-13, Page 8Lack Kennedy, Clinton Is still agent for the celebrated and 'reliable BRANTFORD and Mo- LAUGHLIN (.`UTTERS. To 'Advertisers, All changes of Advertiaentente, to insure ansertion in the current issue, must be a received ut the once not later than SAT URDA 1' NOON. Copy fur ch.unges received Cuter than SATURDAY NOON will here- after be at the Advertisers own risk. A. M. TODD, Publisher. • The Huron News -Record 1.2b a Year—s1.0a In Advanoo WEDNESDAY FIMUWAltY 13th, 1805 LOCAL NEWS. In and Around ales Hub. tun lath. Cash paid for ega;e and butter.—UANTaLON Bads. FOR SALE.—An improved farm, 150 acres t or will exchange for private resi- dence in Clinton, centrally located. Apply at this office. t -f WANTED.—A first-class Reed Organ Builder, one who understands the manufacturing right through. Apply to Thos. F. G. Foist, Montreal. MR. CHAS. COOPER, of Toronto, is en a visit to his parents. MR. R. J. MACDONALD, of Jackson Bros., was in Stratford on Wednesday. VETERINARY BLACKALL'S sf able has been full of horses for several days, SAD NEWS.—Last week Mr.W.Murphy received word that his nephew in buf- falo, aged 17, had his foot crushed by a moving street car and the leg had to be amputated at the knee. At last ex- counts scounts the young man was very low, with chances for recovery. FRozEN.—Tuesday's frost was hard to stand and frost kites are numerous. W. Foster, in walking from Weir's bush to town, had his ears, nose, and fingers and thumb of right hand so badly frozen that he has since been laid off work. A TRIBUTE TO WINTER.—The fol- lowing tribute to winter is of unknown origin:—"It snows and it blows and it stings your nose—makes all creation shiver ; it bites your toes, increases your woes and freezes up the river, The frost nips all, both great and small ; the dismal, dreary winter, freezes types, it bursts the pipes, and vexes sore the printer. So let her roll —we mean the coal—it takes the cash in winter ; so please be kind and make up your mind to settle with the printer.—Ex. A CLOSE CALL.—The residence of Mr. J. P. Tisdall had a narrow escape from fire last Friday morning. About 10 o'clock the previous evening the inmates smelled smoke and the furnace was examined without detecting any cause for alarm. In the morning the servant girl awakened 9 r. Tisdall by the announcement that aehe place was goif on fire. It seems that the tile in and around the coal grate on the upper floor had conveyed fire to the joist under the floor• ing and it had been smouldering all night. It was noticed justintime topre- vent a serious fire. 1 he damage was slight. . THE TOWN HALL ESCAPES DISAS- TER.—The annual meeting of the Pat- ron of Huron was held in the Council Chamber, town hall, on Tuesday of last week. The meeting is said to have been a very warns one, hue probably no warmer than the fire in the furnace. Be that as it may, however, snluke was noticed ,,using from the hot air chamber leading from the furnace and the floor was discovered to be on lire. Through the alertness of caretaker Welsh the fiery fiend was extinguished with little or no damage and the Pat- rons tvere in consequence allowed to figt out numerous burning questions. A :Ile Mil AGE i)REAM.--Mr. A. T. Cooper, of the bgok store, Was in Kin- cardine on business when Friday's storm set tn. He was, of course. com- pelled to remain for several daye and his thoughts are said to have turned 1n the matrimonial problem. At 'a11 events the wires ticked the result of a supposed dream A. T. had, said to be induced by the exceedingly cold wea- ther in the fresh -water sea town ;and other favorable causes. In dreamland Monday was set for settlement day, and Tnesd-t.y the happy couple were to get clown to home -life in Clinton. Me. Cooper has returned—but alas, alone. These (dreams are cline ppelnting, sure, Gut we are not, in the ,ea.et perplexed. When A. T. doubles up there will be no dream connected with the affair. lie has been too long on the road to not do the job on modern principles, New BANKING Flaw. --The private bank at Blyth has passed into new hands. Messrs. Jatn s i11c'Morrhie, son of the esteemed reeve of Clinton, and H. T. Rance, so long in Ferran & Tis - dell's hank here, took possession on Monday. The people of Blyth and neighborhood will find in these two worthy citizens all the sterling quali- ties which go to make capable and re- liable business men with quite suffici- ent capital to conduct a successful hank. For a considerable Lime Mr. McMurchie has conducted his father's vntensive money business at his Clin- ton office. Although not ILS well known, probably, as the reliable fan- ning, mill manufacturer, we may say he is a "chip off the old 'deck." Mr. Rance has for about twelve years con- ducted the business of Ferran & dell's bank hank in Clinton. There is not n more capn.hle or trustworthy business Hurn to be felted. THE News -Remelt regrets the remove] of two so worthy citizens. We predict. that. Licit cut Per Will be a prosperous one in the neigh- boring village. 'rhe book auld stalt.loil- . r y business Of Rance & Spalding here will be continued as usual. TWA latest about cold -weather snaps la the modern plan of freezing out a eongregration without fuel. MAeoNIC.—Clinton Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A. M., will meet in their hall next Friday evening. THE DICK CONCERT'CUMPANY failed to connect on Tuesday evening A very slim audience would likely have greeted them. TAXES.—In Hamilton all unpaid taxes will have added 25 per cent. after the 16th of this month. There is a pointer here of interest to local taxpayers. HARLAND BROS. have secured the contract for the plumbing work tor the Hotel Clarendon. The same firm have put in attractive lettered glass in the front door of the same building. WOOD.—Deputy Reeve Kennedy and Councillor McMurray have called for tendcr•s for 30 cords of 48 -inch green hardwood, maple and beech, to be delivered on the Market Square before 111e 1st of April. LOST THEIR WAY—Two.of the Messrs Kemp were chopping wood on the Hitchcock farm near Stapleton on Fri- day when the snow storm set in. They were lost for several hours, hitt finally found the road without serious results. S. A. OYSTER SUPPER.—Last Wed- nesday evening the members and friends of the Salvation Arany had an excellent time at the Barracks Oysters were served from 0 to 7.30 p. in. and at 8 o'clock a very profitable Hosanna meeting was held. ANOTHER CARNIVAL.—The managers of the Clinton Palace Skating Rink will hold a grand carnival to-iuorrow (Thursday) evening. In addition to a good prize list foI' fancy and Comic costumes, special comic events will be introduced by the management. The Citizens Band will be in attendance. UNION CHARITY CONCERT.—The Re- lief Committee of the W. C. T. U. of the several churches in town will ten- der a union charity concert in the town hall on Friday evening next. An excellent progrannne of the best local talent, consisting of singing, choruses, duets, &c., will be presented. The town band has been secured. Ad- mission 25 cents, all pupils of the Col- legiate Institute and Public school 10 cents. Proceeds for the poor of Clin- ton. TIMELY ADVICE.—When the New Era quotes auything from THE NEWS - RECORD or its correspondents, even respecting the death of an honored citizen, our totem. is sure to garble facts. Our advice would he to state positive facts. Itt correspondence the manager or owner of a newspaper may he misled, but that is no reason why any editor should rush in "where angels fear to tread" and act sponsor for the "father of lies." "Hoss talk" may be all right in its place, but our 0otem. cannot be allowed to play any of its "hoss bizness" on THE NEWS - RECORD. MEAN Doo.—The other day Mr. J. T. Harland bought a nice haul at Cooper's Cash Grocery and cut it in two in his cellar. Exit was Blade to the rear where Mr. Harland shoveled snow until he had worked up an un- usually good appetite. On returning to the cellar the smaller and most bony portion of the haat could only be found. The door was promptly barred and with a club the cella' was search- ed for the dog-theif without reward. The animal and haps had 41.4 ce clis- appeared. One way to get evils will be to shout, "toad dog" the next time the thief appears on the public streets %vhen the chief is on hand with his shooting iron. KIND Warms OE APPROVAL.-- The St. Mary's Joaenal says :—At the adjourned vestry meeting held in Christ church on Tuesday of last week the following resolution w'as passed: "That it being understood that Mr. Parke purposes resigning his charge of this parish, this vestry desires t.) place on record their hearty appreciation of the ability and earnestness displayed by hiss in; his ministry and recg(,re!. the decision which is leading hits to another field of labor and we tvould unite in bidding him God -speed in his future work ; that in the event of Mr. Parke's resignation the question of the appointment of his successor to the parish be left entirely in the hands of the Bishop." Punter Scuoor. BOARD.-1'he regular meeting wags held on Monday evening. Present -Chairman W. Harland and Trustees J. W. 1r•win, T. C. Bruce, .J. ('. Stevenson, Isaac .Jackson, 11. Stevens, J. J3. Hoover and Secretary Cunningham. Principal Lough's re- port for January showed : - Boys enrolled 2:17, girls 214, total lel ; aver - ego aattendaun'e 3:)2, being 52 below Jametry of hast year. Accounts Wert passed as yellows : \ti'. Beesly f.: Co., :We.; S. S. Cooper $0.(i11 subject to ap- proval of Finance ('m11110ee. The Propelty Committee were authorized to secure 0 quantity of dry woad, say 20 cords ; also to procure kindling wood. The uaatter of putting in furnaces and securing penper' ventilation was dis- cussed by the Bor(l, and the Property Commit tee instructed Io estimate pro- bable east of same and report, at next meet ing. Secretary Cunningham treat- ed the Board to oyster's after adjourn- ment. LA W AND THE SPIRIT 07•'FAIRNI'.SS.— The New Era, in referring to the voters' list, court here .and the points of objection raised by Mr. Hays as to the Reform appeals not being in the hands of the RevisingOfficer on the 20th as prescribed by aw, is not Consistent. Our Cntelll. says "evident fairness And impartiality was shown by the Judge" in the appeals disposed of, and adds : - "His judgment on the point above noted is awaited with some interest, as it might undo all that was done (by t he Reformer's) at this; court, but it is believed that his spirit of fairness will prevail, and the objection be over- ruled." According to such logic the law nn the point should not he seriously considered and the ,Judge would he fair only in over -ruling the objec'ticn. \\-hat Itis Honor's verdict will he we do not know, bet, had the Conservative nppel(Is been delivered in the same manner and on the same date we could not reasonably expert other than be laughed out, of court.. There is nothing fo show that the Grit appeals were in Goderieh on the 10th and the .Judge did not, receive them until the after- noon of the 2lst.. if thi. is within the meaning of the law well and good, if not Ills Honor will in fairness throw therm out. SI b RPLUS. STOCK SALE. We have more sleighs than we should have, so have decided to sell all we have at rediculously low prices. Baby Sleighs reduced 82 and $3 Boy's Sleighs at half price, Girl's Sleighs at cost These are all good stock purchased last fall, Have you subscribed for the Ladies Home Journal, $1, Sunday School Times, 50c., Delineator, $1 If not, why not ? We receive subscriptions for thee and all other Magazine au..l Perioi cals. RANCE & SPALDING, BOOKS, STATIONERY, and FANCY GOODS. BIBLE DEPOSITORY. .. — — CLINTON, ONT, (AGENTS FOR PARKERS' DYE WORKS,) Clinton Furniture ands Undertaking Warerooms. Bedroom Spites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards. Hall Racks,• Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Couches, Lounges, . Book -Cases, Secretaries, -Easy Chairs, Rockers, • Beds, Mattrasses, Bed Springs, Cane Chairs, Perforated Chairs Wood -Seat '° In fact anything ill the Furniture line can be had by calling on us, and at prices as low as the lowest. Have you had one of our $1.00 Rockers yet ? The pro f the value of this chair is the number we have sold - We have a l'tr„ e' assortment of Picture Moulding. and make picture framing a specialty. V 1► cll/DLEy9 'FandEmbalnerler, Jackson's : Clothing : Store. 0 -SOMETHING THAT] CONCERNS EVERYBODY. - - Considerably over Two Thousand Families Read THE NEws-RECOIRI) every week. 0 Over 3,000 families buy Clothing and in all cases they want to know where they are going to buy the cheapest, which is quite right and as a general thing they all read the tnany advertisements in this paper to see which is the most reliable place to invest their money end the general verdict is .JACKSON, 111E CL01'IIIER, and Up To•Dato Cutter, where you are sure to get perfect fitting garments. People are all cotnplaining of hard times, which is true enough, and as a natural con sequence they want to bo careful how they lay out their money. But yet they must bo clothed an 1 what I want to toll the many families who road this paper is that I ant offering special inducements to compere with the hard times and if you will ouly call and see what we have got you will be convinced that this is your place for Finn Ordered C1 )thing and fur two weeks mire will continue to sell READY MADE CLOTHING at Cost Price. ---CALL AND EXAMINE. -- T. JACKSON, SR, - Practical Cutter. NEW GOODS CO, ;1.re tlll'lblllln ill on les. We have opened up this week New Prints, New Flannelettes, New Ging- hams, New G-rey Cottons, New White Cottons, New White Lawns, New Check- ed Muslins, New Striped Muslins, New Art Muslins. New Black and Colored Dress Goods, New Ladies' Cloth for Suits and Capes, Black, Navy, Fawn and Brown. New Watchspring Corsets, New E. T. Cor- sets, New Dress Improver Corsets. BEESLEY& CO. N.. The Ladies Favorite Establishment Bi':.\VER. 13LO('K, CLINTON. A SQUARE TALK WHAT is it that you as square men most firmly demand? Is it not satisfaction ? in whatever you purchase. TO SQUARE MEN IN A SQUARE WAY, 140. THAT is it satisfaction at reasonable prices rather than cheap John Goods and prices and disgust. The great regu- lator of trade is this mighty trade producer known as satisfaction. ICAN a merchant give his patrons satisfaction by advertising low prices and carrying cheap goods. No ! decidedly No ! THE firm name Jackson Bros. is linked with the reputation of handling food material as firm- ly as ever rock is joined to rock. FOR ourselves we have to con- fess that it is much better to have 8.4350 yearly customer satis- fied than a $100 purchaser dis- satisfied. TI-IEREFORE we have not and will not carry cheap goods that is in the sense of being trashy BEING as square elan yourself, you will deal where you re- ceive value for our money— Vell, that is just all we claim to give. THE tune is near at hae0 when your stock Of clothing will need replenishing, and if you have never tried ns before do so „this time to your satisfaction JACKSON BROS; FEBRUARY 1 The meaning of the word We've just found out that it is (derived from the Latin word ,Jc/)rrru—to purity by sacrifice. That applies so aptly to our stock,ancd intentions that we can't help mentioning it. Just as our stock -taking sale ends, and as new goods are corn- ing almost every day, we propose to clear out the odds and ends remaining of our winter stock, even if we have to make great sacrifice to do it. Among a lot of new goods received this week is a line of all silk Ribbons that are very much cheaper than anything we have evCr 5110W11. Remember they are pure silk, and we have nearly all colors. They are in our Rattenbnry St. window. Here are the widths and prices : ilre' Sell )if) 10 (frt!(' (Iuu(l. (tt nf) 10 (l(t1(' 1)riei", Watch 611' our special Embroidery announcement next week. Est. J. Hodgells CLINTON.