The Huron News-Record, 1895-02-13, Page 2-...,•••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••mr A Bright Lad Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said that I, too, would soon die, and all our neighbors thought that even if 1 did not de, I wou never be able to walk, because- 1 was Ivenk and puny. A gathering formed a: broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and g:ithered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. I had to take lots of medicine, hut nothing has (NO/O MO o JMICII good as Ayer's Sarsapa- :ilia. It has made Inc well and strong."- T. D. M., Norcatur, Kans. 4r,raa,s sarsaparilla 1'repn-,1 by Dr. 3. C. Ayer Co., Lowell,Cut Muss. others, will cure you rhe Huron News -Record 0..25 a Year -81.00 In Advance WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 189.-. BIG' AND LI7'7 LE ALEN. The Canadian Presbyterian is of opinion that this country is likely to suffer more from the petty spirit of localism which keeps many able men out of public life, than from the injus- tice to local claims which sometimes prevents good men from getting a start in polities in their own. localities. It is quite clear that our neighbors have carried localism too far and thus have lowered the standards of ability in their statesmen; while in Great. Bri- tain the constituencies have gone to an extreme in the other direction. But it must he adrnittel that the best results have been seen in the old world, where eminent ability and a genuis for public affairs are recognised beyond the nar- row hennas of locAl interesti. The Presbyterian says: "We have ae able men in all parties in Canada as we ever had, but the 'local cry' and the corporate vote of the societies help mightily to keep them home. They do things different- ly in the Old Land. Scotchmen are often said to be narrow and clannish, but no small number of the representa- tives of Scotland in the House of (Join - mons live in England. As the Old Country element dies out in Ontario the cry for local men who are said to know the 'wants and wishes' of the - people increases and intensifies. The result too often is that men are elected simply because they happen to live for the time being in a certain locality. Residence may he one thing, but it is a long way from being everything in the qualification of a member of Parlia- ment. Canada needs the strongest men that can he sent to her parlia- ments, and if ever we are to become a nation they must he elected without any question in regard to their resi- dence, their politics, their creed, or their society connection. Nation build- ing is no joke in these days." CURRENT' TOPICS. It is peedicted by a writer in the London Economist that Canada will eventual! Vontrol the shipbuilding in- dustry, thisfrom a remarkable factof y recent realizatioa. It is now practically proved, he argues, that steel mixt* witUrorn 3 to 5 per cent. of nickel is doub he strength of ordi- nary steel, and as it does not corrode or take on barnacles, ships constructed of it will possess the very great advant- age of never requiring to be scraped. Moreover, as ships of nickel -steel may safely be built much, lighter than ordi- nary steel ships, their engine power and consumption of coal may be safely reduced without' diminution of speed. In short, according to this writer, such steel seerns bound to supersede the ordinary materials in present use in ship construction, and this being the case, the nation which is in a position to produce this metal must necessarily control the shipbuilding industry. For the present, at least, there is no con- siderable supply of nickel outside of Canada,, which in fact possessed nickel- ferous pyrites xvithotit limit, the entire bleak region, extending from Lake Superior to Labrador, being rich in it. It is remarkable, indeed, but it is de- clared by experts that the Dominion can supply a million tons of the pure metal annually, if necessary, for an indefinite period. -- - Catarrh -Use Nasal Balm. Quick, positive cure. Soothing, cleansing, healing. „The many friends of Mrs. Samnel Madge of Usiporne will regret to learn of her sudden death on Friday week, at the age of 41 years. Deceased had been ill but a short, time and although recovered from a trying illness she was seized with a serious nffection of the heart, which latter trouble was the cause of her death. She leaves a hus- band and a large family of small child- ren to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. ---- ----- Rheumatism is primarily caused by acidity of the blood. Hood's Harm.- parilla purifies the blood, and thus cures the disease. "Oh, don't you remember Sweet Alice, Ben Mit ?" She asked (and it stirred up a row); "I do, he replied, As the street door be eyed : "You're always a-humating it now 1" The Poetic Modern Girt She was a lovely Modem Girl, Dressed in the best of taste, Who spoke with manner unafraid And language pure and chaste. "Will you?" the young man boldly cried, "Say, will you be my. wife ?" The lovely maiden, coy, replied: "Not on your natural life." "What's this?" he cried: thiscruel blow -- This speech so crisp and tart?" "It's this," she said in accents low, "Yon get the marble heart. ' 'Your words,'hesaid 'out reachliny ken - But must 1 bear this loss ?" "I guess you must," she smiled again, "Accept the double-cross." "Oh, what an answer!" was his cry ; "Is there no changing it 't the maiden winked her other eye nd coyly answered "Nit 1" 4. s. • • revere, sieve. Juniorus-The governor writes, in reply to lily last letter asking. for money, that he is on the verge of giving up 111 despair. Sophomorocus-That'e encour- aging. My end curtly informs me that lie doesn't propose to give up at all. - Buffalo Courier. "Are you used to serving roast beef rare ?" said the lady who was endeavor- ing to learn whether she suited the tiew cook , "No, mit'ain," was the loftily - spoken reply. "Up to me prisint im- ploymint Oi've been used to serving it frequent." -Washington Star. He (at the trvsting place) -What a time you have kept me waiting! She -Quite the contrary; it is only 6, and I did not intend to be here before 7. He -Just so; but you have mistaken the day; I have been waiting here since yesterday !-Humoristische Blatter. ••••+•••• George was gazing dreamily at the dear girl's back hair. "Laura," he said, making a motion as if to adjust it, "Do you know there is a lockout ?" "No.' she answered,"but I know there's going to be a strike." And ho got it on the ear. -Chicago Tribune. "I tell you„' said Mrs. Hunkles,as she let the illustrated paper drop in her lap, '"our senator is gittin' for be bigger an' bigger in national affairs:" "What makes you think so?" "These here comic pictures air makin' him uglier an' uglier." -Dallas Times -Herald. Natural History Discovery. "I always knowed," said Mr. Hungry Higgins, that a dog had pants, but I didn t know till yistiddy that he had a coat." "Coat of hair, you mean ?" murmured Mr. Weary Watkins. "Naw. It was thisaway I found it out. I went into a house ont in the suburbs and asked the woman if she could give Inc a coat. What does she do but commence yellin' right away : "Here, Tige ! Give it to him, Tiger The Robber Fake. "Do you value your reputatiolf fi your business," she asked earnestly, "or do you wish to be considered an im- poster 2" The brigand shuddered, "Then," she said, "you cannot afford to take my diamonds. I -I am au ac- tress." He paled. "Can it be," he muttered, "that the critics are mistaken after all ?" Her manner was very confidnt, and ho felt that the risk was great. The gems fell trom his nerveless grasp. Witn a sigh he turned and fled. The Elusive Trust Presideut, The Trust Magnate's Secretary -- Here's a man at the door,sir, who wants to know whether your company has absolute control of the market. I think he's contemplating an invest- ment. The Trust Magnate -Certainly we control the market. The Trust Magnate's Secretary -But ho may be an investigating agent from Congress, The Trust Magnate - Then tell him that the story about our control- ling the.market is a slanderous false. hood. The Latest. "Ha! and so you sing in the chorus?" "Well, we don't call it singing now. We chant, you know. The Vigilance people like it better." WHEN OTHERS FAIL Hood's Sarqaparilla builds up the shattered system by giving vigorous action to the digestive organs, creat- ing an appetite and purifying the blood. It is prepared by modern methods, possesses the greatest cura- tive powers, and has the most wonder - NI record of maim! cures of any medi- cine in existence. Take only Hood's. }loon's PILLS are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c. While Go. Seeback, a farmer living on Huron road nem. Fullerton, was en- gaged bticking a well on Wednesday week, a bucket of bricks which were being lowered into the well, fell upon his head, fracturing his skid' and breaking his collar bone in two places. 11,10retsng The '..Throttle 4 When the lever of the mighty steam engine is reversed the driving power must act in an opposite direction. This will applrin several instances to sub- scribers in arrears and those particularly who may reasonably be class- ed as non -payers. For several weeks we have advertised that the price of ry..ixE NEWS -RECORD is , only tort DOLLAR a year, strictly in advance, and that after the first of February 51.50 instead of $1.25 would be charged and accounts placed in the hands of our Solicitor for collection. At present we are preparing accounts for our Solicitor and the Courts, and once entered they will have to take a legal course. This means a. reverse; and the reversal will mean a lot of useless law costs -money worse than thrown away without the least value in return to our patrons. This notice is not intended for the great majority of our patrons, but is for the guidance of those who have repeatedly ignored reasonable requests, at various intervals, to pay up. To delinquents we would say, once for all, there is little dine to loose. Our Solicitor will take determined action within a very short time. Address all money by registered letter, or P. 0. Orders, at our risk, to THE NEWS -RECORD, <r Clinton, Ont •111.2"iiMMIIM3OWC Married. OLD IlifIDE NEW ! people and single all subscribe for and read the hest of all local papers-Tue. NEWS -RECORD. They want all the news and receive general satisfaction. Only 51.25, or $1 a year strictly in advance. Property For Sale, For sale, the large dwelling end lot owned and lately occupied by lir. AI pleton, on Ontario i•treet. Ras all modern conveniences. Centrally located. Also a house 11(.1 lot adji ining above moperty, facing Victoria street. For particulars apply to MANNING St SCOTT, Clinton. 807-tf Wash Day Made Easy. I have seemed the right to manufacture th (among Dingle Washing Machine, Already I have made and sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To nee the machine on trial la sure to make a sale one to required. Wash -day is made very easy and carpets can be kept perfectly clean; no spii.,,uing or waste water whatever. The priori has been set a very low figure. The machine trey be seen at my reeidenoo on Isaac Street. B. COLE 800.t THE CLARENDON BUS. This newly equipped lire has put on a new bus which merte all trains regularly. Calls made in all parts of the town at reasonable rater. Orders; left at elite in the Hotel Clarendon wIl raceive prompt and cal eful attention. J. c, WILLE, Proprietor. _1•1111111113relm,ter Exports of Ilay. According to returns furnished to the Department of Agriculture, Can- ada exported to Great Britain during the year just closed 28,711 tons of hay, as against 63,175 tons in 1803. This is a considerable falling off, and is held to be accounted for by the improved hay crop in Great Britain last spring. This theory, however, does not hold good, as the official ref urns show that the United States last year exported to Great Britain 152,423 tons of hay, as against 101,123 tons in 1893. Our neighbors were the greatest exporters of hay to great Britain, Canada being second and Russia a close third. IT NEVER FAILS. Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of the throat and lungs. Price 25 and 50 cents. A business man in Winnipeg who lost fifteen hundred dollars in poker threatens to 'bring action for its re- covery. Heart Disease Relieved In 30 Minutes Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief u all 0888 01 Organ e or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 80 minutes, and speedily effects a mare. It le a peerless remedy 1 T Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Sp011., Pain in Left Side aad all symtoms at a Diseased Heart. One dose eonyinces. Sold by Watts & Co. Mr. D. W. McKay has tendered his resignation as clerk and treasurer of East Zorra, a position he has held for the last thirty years. B, B. B. Purifies, renovates and regulates the entire system, thus curing dyspepsia, constipatk in, sick headache, bilious- ness, rheumatism, dropsy and all diseases of the stotnach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It also removes all iin• purities from the system from a coninum pimple to the wot st scrofulous sore. Mr. Thos. Bissett of the 2nd, conces- sion, Ushorne, has a ewe which drop- ped two lambs on the 27th tilt., and they are doing well. For Over Fifty Veered Mns. WINPLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hare been used by millions of mothers for thrir children trething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick child iniffdring and crying wh,b pain of Cutting Teeth sew; at once and get a bottle of "Mts. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp" forChildren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sofferer immediately. Depend Upon it, motherly. there Is no mistake about It. It cures Diar- rhrea, regal...tee the Stomach and Bowels, enree Wind Colte, enftens the flume, reduces Inflammation, and given t••ne nt energy to the whole system. "Mrs. SoOth ng Syrup" tor children teething le iSansent to i he taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurnee In the United 8:ateR. Price twenty five °ante a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and nek for "MRS. WiNHLOW'H 8001FITSIO SYRUP." — - Mt...James Fax, the popular singer, W110, has been confined in Toronte; hospital with small pox since Dec. 8, is completely recov(red, and left the institution on Saturday, Feb. 2. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. 1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanoogat Tenn, says : "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SA VED MY LIFE.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system 1 crer used." For Dyspeps1a, Liver or Kidney trouble i excels. Price 75 etis. Sold by J. H Combs. THIS IS HOME ECONOM Y' Practiced by all ladies. Old dresses aro often made over and become new ones. Wfl EN THIS CANNOT BE DONE. And have made a good rag car CUT THEM pet. This is more economy, and from these old goods which may have already don - good service, you will then get'ttill more use of in a cov- ering for your floor. BE EASY ON YOUR HUSBAND'S POCK- ' ET -BOOK. Be a help -mate ;economical these times. Bag carpets wear better than any Hemp or Cheap Ingrains, aijg cost le ; why, then, not use them? • NTO CARPET RAOS OLD INGRAIN C PET AND OoDS TOO HEAVY FOR RAO CARPETS WILL MAKE Handsome nAND-wovE tiAmmOCKS Rugs and ARE THE BEST YOU SIILTOLD Door Mats. THE" 1-108118 ANDIThiTitY. CALL ON OR WRITE TO W. A. ROSS, - .East St„ Goderieh. When you Want any kind of weaving done in first-class manner at reasonable prices. • Jt Arrived A lot of New Frames at Toron- to prices from 25c. up. $5 CABINETS, BEST FINISH for $3. A SECOND LINE at $2.50. 4 LARGE SUNBEAMS at 25c. GOOD WORK AND QUICK DELIVERY. PHOTOS er—A SPECIALTY. egrSee display in City Bakery Window CALL es ANDERSON, COOK'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. FISHING FOR TRADE. Business men in all Anes of trade like to conduct their business so as to bring a living return. In fact it is beyond common reason to attempt to do any- thing else. Customers are numerous, but the great difficulty, as a rule, is Co secure the class that is required-peoMe who buy and pay for what they get. The business man who does not advertise must expect to take a second place. And the adertiser must he honest and carry out exactly what he places in print if he expects to retain old custonters or secure new ones. To those who are fishing for trade, or the business men who desire to re- tain old customers, we would say that THE NEWS -RECORD is certainly the medium to talk to the people through Legitimate advertising is one of the great necessities of the present age. Retain old customers and secure new ones by casting_ your line in the columns of THE NEWS-RECORII. THE HUB ALWAYS RIGHT.'* GROCERY Our Stock is complete in canned goods such as SALMON, HADDIE, FRESH HERRING, LOBSTER, BEEF, DUCK CHIOKEN fURKEY. Canned Vegetablts—TOMATOES, PEAS, CORN, PUMP- KIN. Canned Fruit—PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we havd PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Pickles—MoCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWER, and WALNUT. All kinds of Spices, quality pure. Tea, all grades; we push the sale of Ben Her Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crockery. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. •••0•11111V THE PEOPLE'S GROCER. Having sold out my Stock of Boots and Shoes, my Grocery Trade will 'fences forth receive my undivided attention. By continuing to buy and sell Strictley for Cash, Customers will be supplied with the best goods at very close margins of profit. A call respectfully Solicited. REMEMBER THE STAND, bEARLE'S BLOCK. C. J. STEWRT, ALBERT ST., CLINTON L P-1 0 0 H E -I H co 0 0 g 0 0 w Ef Twa Farms For Sale. a) Cf/ 0 a) F -I Being composed of the Booth half of Lot No. 21, Bayfleld Line, Ooderich Township, containing 70 acres, more or leas, all alerted except about live acres, in good state of enitiVetion : log bonne on the pre - amines; well watered; well fenced. Also Lot No. 22, Bayfleld Line, eompriaed of 811 sores, more or leas; about 20 °ores bush; in good nate of cultivation and well watered; house, barn and frame stable, and small bearing orchard. The farmer farm will be rented or sold. Terms reasonable. Amply to JOHN SHEPPARD, 837-tf Clinton P.O. BUSINESS CHANGE! The undersigned begs to inforth the people of Chnfon and surrounding country that ho has bought the atook of BOOTS & SHOES of Mr. Goo, Stewart, and he will oontintfit the Dual - nese in the name place opposite the Market. He will WI Inc cant: only, and offer Speeial Bargains for the next 80 daya. He hopes by atria attentinn to bnainess to merit a [Mare of Pnblie Patronaglf. Re- pairing a specialty. 847-8m JAMES YOUNG - 0`) 00 r -f • • • • • p=s; City Hall Barter Shop. The undersigned has opened a first-class $hop in c own Hall Store, Clinton. and in prepared to please all who appreciate an easy shave or a atylbh Hair Cut. All bratiabee of the trade done in work- manlike manner. Special attention given to Ladles' Hair Dressing. Give me a trial. S47 -4t F. BAKES. — - - _ B. T HOML INSON, VETERINERY SERCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col - loge, Toronto. Treatil dimities of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Salentine Prineiples. Day and Night Calls Promptly Anewered Residenee-Rattenbroy Street, West,ClIten Ont Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of Mr. Marlon W. Landon, of Philadelphia. The Mason Method need exclusively. It la considered by the leading Minden! Artistes that no method develops the teehnie an rapidly en Dr. Mason's"Tonoh and Technic." Plano, Organ and Teehnicon for" nee of pupils - Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beenley'a, Albert. street, Clinton.