HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-01-09, Page 7004411Mfli.f1 -MESH CMA art 0011
Rb. 140'404 Ort►diir Meer, ')/hlle, Votes
Cor , WWr!nontfri, rites:
It ;lives ,ride plef are to eXPresr play. faith
fa the • viryue of r, 7'teroe s alders' ,isikal
Dli o Or 11 P ,.euffetQd fee three Years
grow Balt -rheum, aA aftfilr having been uu-
t111 7' t�re4 , 00.,p ysiviarl, ><
'began. the: We of
the. * Discovery.'
The humor was in
My tondo. 1 wall
obliged to keep a
covering 4p them
for mouths at a
bete, changing the
Covering morning
and night. The
etingip burning
and itching sensa-
tion would be so
intense that at
times it seemed as
111 would 8o crazy.
When 1 bent the
Angers, the flesb
IBS MARE. would crack open
)� :• and bleed. It la
1ruPda able for me to describe the intepee pain
an s ffering which 1 endured night and day.
takingly xui sties of the' Discovtry"
Discovery1 enough." Gold by Golden �6lodloal
The Huron News-Recora
1 25 a Year -81.00 in Advance.
Sir John S. D. Thompson.
of in a foreign country. Nol
Was life's lent scene,
But In tilanAnd cherished so,
near thy Queen,
Whose noble heart for thee a place had won.
Ohl Canada, death elaireed another ser.
Strangers they were not nt side •
When weakoea 8 came.
Froth Meter colonies, with pride,
They spoke thy name.
At death their tender arms wore round the thrown,
Ohl Canada, thy son was not alone.
Not to the banquet hall he came,
Too Wel oh, fate,
He cannot answer to his name,
011, do not wait.
I write no more, my heart with grlet is torn,
England, give back our eon, I mourn, I mourn.
•e Oda So IJI '
()lark of the Clo t-Reii ember, err
Qati wolllltin, You etre 911 your oath,
and tenet speak the trait, the whole
truth and nothing t he truth,
Mrs. Mc0arthy--Well, thin out av
politeness I'd have kept. it to myself,
`but if I must spike . the whole truth
sure, thin, yd re the u list man I ivver
sot eyes on 1 -London Quiver.
"May," said her husband, as they
prepared to go out calling, "do you
ralling chonetic visit-
n dsawithn to tyournamse those espelled'Mae
Kathryn Alys Smith?"
"I certainly do," replied Mrs. May
Catherine Alice Smith.
"Very well, then," said her husband,
thinly, "I aux with you." And he
politely handed her a card very neatly
inscribed: "Jorje P,hrederyc Albyet
Pat's way of putting it, Caller -
Your master's not at home, eh, Pat?
Pat -NO, so" 1 He do be in the ould
country these t'ree wakes, son.
Caller -Excuse me, Pat, but how is
it that when your mistress is on this
side of the water your master's on the
other, and vice versa? Is there any
trouble between there ?
Pat -None at all, ser. Only they
have IL grade bechune 'em that they
Carl live together better when they're
"This," said the enterprising con-
tributor, "is rx snap illustrating certain
phases of the Chinese Japanese war."
"We never touch upon such matters,"
said the editor. "This is a fashion
paper." "Good !" cried the enterpris-
ing contributor. "That being so, you
can use this same map for a pattern.
Cutting up here along the Lorean
boundary, and running down here,
and ending up at Pekin will give you
the finest pattern for a winter dolman,
suited to a woman of forty, you ever
saw,"-Harper's Bazar.
- "There is one .sign that should he
placed over every letter -box in the
city." "What is that ?" "Post no
If there is a language of flowers,
what does a six-inch across chrysan-
themum say when it button -holes a
man ?
Tommy -"Pa, what makes the stars
so bright?" Mr. ,Figg- Oh, these
astron niers are scouring the heavens
all the time."
Bridget -"Soy, Pat, for why is they
calls this our tin weddin'?" Patrick -
"Faith, an' it's becaze we've been mar-
ried tin years."
Money and Style.
Extract from an essay by Clara IL Melva,: vale, en
titled" Money and Style."
I have always believed my coutttrymen to
be the brightest people on the face of the
earth ; because, with a flew exceptions, their
grandfathers ha,l'strength and energy, I alight
say heroism, sufficient to cross the Atlantic
ocean in sailing vessels, to endure all the hard-
ships of the settler's lite, to contend with sav-
ages, to hew the forest and live in log huts,
for the sake of obtaining a wider field for
effort and making happier houses for their
I know that it was only the brightest and
strongest, that bad the courage necessary to
face these difficulties, and yet after three gen-
erations, many of the descendants of this Grand
old stock " cannot read." I use this phrase
in the same sense that Mr. Ruskin uses it.
Cannot read anything that requires a second
thought,,Aannot read anything that will en -
largo til,\ . iud or feed the soul, and the con•
sequence is, that in this generation our minds
are dwarfed and our souls are starved.
With our men, the increasing cry is, money,
money, money. \\lith our women, dress,
dress, dress. We mist dress as well as Mrs.
A-, and we moist have a house as large amt
as handsomely furnished as Mrs. L'-, or we
would not be anybody.
Thinking calmly nn this matter, would it
not be a higher ambition, if a woman were to
• try to r`4se, in the scale of society. on her own
meiiey.fAs a cultured, chartable, go,tfearin.,
lovablD woman ; than to rise on the size and
elegance of her house, or the dress that fur
cost andstyle. out -does all her neighbors.
The souls of the rising generation are fed on
the out•conle of these two words, " Money and
Under the new blenagement bnsineaa QQ11'
tinues tQ il4urisl),
Our Stock comprises everything required in
a first -claim Bakery and Restaurant --such as
Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry,
Superior Bread, Confectionery,
Cool Summer Drinks, &o., &o.
TY and prices reasonable.
Pie•nie parties dealt with on the most liberal
terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the
Better value than we offer cannot be obtained.
Give tis a call. Stand
the Grand Union
JAMES BOYD, Proprietor.
The , McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
Harper's Ma azne.
1)14 1895.
Tau P414114110$0, now navel b7 Tomos iTape fe,
will be begun et l t Deepinlitir Wenner, 1894, grid
centime( to ITlovomber, 7,595. Whoever may noolta'R
fevorltoamong English novelists, It will' ba eeneeded
by ail wines that l'UOMAe HARDY steeds foremost Se
R master artist in Hotton, and The Simpletons may
be expected to arouse enthusiasts nut inferior in do -
grey to that which has marked 'Trilby -the most sus•
oeeefuJ story of the year Another leading feature
will be the Personal Reoohectione of Joau of Are, by
the Slaw Louie nu CoN'rs, flor Pare end Sew eh ry,
under which guise the meet popular of living Amort -
0J0 magazine wrltets will preheat the Riot' of the
Maid of Orleans. In the January Number will appear
a profusely iilustrated paper on Charleetonl and the
Oarolluae, the that of a series of Southern Papers.
Northern Afrinn is nttraoting more attention than
at any other time since 1t was the Beat ,1 empires.
The next volume of HAMPER'S 1IAOAZ1NE will
contain four Illustrated articles on this lesion, and
three of them will depict the present life there.
JULIAN RAT.ru will prepare for the MAGAZINE a
series of ses of
CLiuoee T.110 end Manners epReshlaa leting (cholonal gstories,
there will begin in the January Number the neat chap-
ters of A Three Part Novelette, by Rrea.ARD HARDING
DAVIS-the longest work yet attempted by this writer.
Complete abort stories by o ruler writers will eon-
tinne 10 be a feature of the AIAG,tZINE.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The volumes of the 51AGIZINE heg'n with tbo
Numbers for,luon nndDec,mbar of each veer, When
no time is mentioned. enhscripthors alit begin with
the Number current at the time of reoelnt of order
Cloth macs,. for hindiog, 50 coma etch -by mal,
nastpnid. Title -page and index sent on applica-
Remittances should be made by Poet•omco Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose.
Newspapers are rant to copy this advertisement with -
oat the express order of Harper & Brothers.
Harper's Magazine, = one year, $4 00
Harper's Weekly, _ " 4 00
Harper's Bazar, = " 4 00
Harper's Young People, " 2 00
Postage Free toall a
Canada, and
iber in the United States,
P. O, Box 959, N. Y. City.
D.1t,00, President, Cliriton P. 0. ; Geo, Watt,
viae -president, Rerloek P. 0, ; W. J. Shannon,
SeeyTreas„ Sealot'th P. 0. ; M. Murdio, Iu:
peetor ofolaims Scalorth P. 0.
Jas. BroadfoCabrielotEIIiott,,h; Alex Clinton; Johnlt' Ilan
bury ;
nah, Seaforth : Joseph rh Evans, Beechwood ; Thos.
Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Neilane, Harlock ; Roht. McMillan, Sea -
forth ; J. Cummings, Egmundville; Goo. Murdle,
Auditor .
Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans
act other business will bo promptly attend
ed to on application to any t.t the above otlleert
addressed to their respective poet cakes,
"There's a bonnet." said the editor's
wife, "that is a perfect poem." "Yes,"
he replied, absent-mindedly, "hut we
never pay for poetry."
Lecturer (to medical student) -"This
subject's right leg is longer than his
left, which causes hint to limp. Now,
what would you do in such a case?"
Student -"Limp, too, I guess."
A man with a donkey for sale, hear-
ing that a friend wanted' to buy one,
sent 'him the following written on a
postal card : "Dear Jack, if you are
looking for a really good donkey, don't
forget me."
Artist's Friend (pointing to sketch) --
"I say, Harry, where did�i tuoget ut thiofnly
Harry -"Why, got
head." Friend -"Well, it's a Lucky
thing for your head that you got it
Ilorse Meat.
The Thirteen club of New York has
been trying to popularize the use of
horse meat as a food. Elaborate ban-
quets have been given, of which the
piece de resistance has been horse -flesh.
The most accomplished cooks have keen
employed to make the meat attractive
and palatable, and the Members of the
club have satisfied themselves that
horsemeat is as good as beef ; but we
are of opinion that it will require a very
long siege to popularize horse meat
among the people of the new world.
It is related on good authority that the
sergeants of the first Ontario rifles
dined on horse meat in Fort Garry in
the winter of 1870-1 ; but it must he
confessed that they didn't know it at
the time, and felt somewhat uneasy
when, niter dinner they were informed
of thenature of the banquet. It is not
on record that the incident had any
tendencly to make horse meat a popular
diet in'Canada. The prejudice in favor
of beef will probably remain tor some
are the most powerful, safe, sure and reliable
VII of this stud do the Market. Most
effective remedy in suppressed menstruation
and all female troubles arising from it.
Druggists sell it. Beware of Imitations and
see that you get tete Genuine Winchester's
English White Lily Circle Brand Pennyroyal
Pills, with White Lily in centre of circle. Our
box bears our signature, Winchester Chemical
Co. on every side. Ask your Druggist. If he
todon't ill
pus and we will it be sensend it uet it for pon receiptor idirectte
of price,
$2 by Mail, Postpaid. Bend 80. for Particulars.
slc, ill.
Winchester Chemical Co.,
Lewiston Journal: A gentleman in
Piscatar tris county who likes a joke,
although he has no purpose of making
light of serious things, tells a story of
an odd character in his neighborhood
who mixed up eccentricity, religious
fever and profanity after a most singu-
lti,r fashion.
One fall when the snow was too thin
for snow -shoeing, the "character" got
very uneasy, as he was anxious to go
hunting. He fussed about for several
days, and at last fell to prayingfervent-
ly, "Snow, Lord; send snow! Send
five dollars' worth," was the burden of
his supplication.
$1 in advance pays for THE NEWS -
Unaged In His Victim's Eyes.
In connection with the murder of
Jessie Keith it will he renlernbet'ed her
eyes were re moved and photographs
taken in the hope that a photograph
might be obtained of her murderer.
Nothing was revealed, however. The
medical men removed the eyes to sat-
isfy some who believe the image of the
last person seen hy a dying person is
held in the eye of the dead, and not
that they had any faith in the experi-
ment themselves. When nothing was
,revealed they concluded their theory
,yeas the correct one. Now, however, a
report comes from Jamestown, Pa.,
which goes to show that there is per-
haps something in the theory.
A Mrs. Shearman had been murder-
ed .and without removing the eyes a
photograph was taken, and it is said
with the aid of a powerful microscope
the figure of her supposed mtirdel er
wasdthe distinctly
unidentified partial silhoseen.. The uette
outline of a stalwart man in a very
1png coat, one leg appearing in peculiar
'trousers, and standing in a hent atti-
`tude. Later after the eyes had been re-
moved from the body an effort was
made to take another photograph but
nothing came of the experiment and it
is believed the removal of the eyes de-
stroyed the image of the murderer in
the eye.
That very night the storm struck, a
regular blizzard, and before it was
over the snow lay three feet deep
everywhere. As it was as light as
feathers it was no better for snow -
shoeing than when there was none,
and the disgusted hunter loosed out of
doors ruefully.
"If I had known the blamed stuff
was Rn thundei'lti' cheap,", he exclaim-
ed in his vexation, "I wouldn't have
prayed for more than at dollar's worth.
\Vhy he didn't expose him. -At a re-
cent gathering of, notable men, the
after-dinner chat turned upon personal
experiences, and at distinguished jurist
related this :
After graduation, he migrated to a
Western town ; months of idleness,
with no prospect of improvement, in-
duced him to seek a new home. With-
out money to pay his fare, he boarded
a train for Nashville, intending to seek
cue >loyulent as reporter on one of the
dairy newspapers. When the conduc-
tor called for his ticket he said :
1894. 1 Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
Prices of Stoves, for this month. Call and
got Prices. Another Car of the Best Canadian
Coal Oil, only 10 cts. per Gallon.
- -0
Old Store, ltirick New Zoo:
Block rt Mal BIOS.,MCKaYo.
Harp r't Bazar
IN 1895
Christmas & New Years BARGAIN DAYS,
Everything New and Fresh.
New Dates, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Peels, Nute, Oranges, j,etnons, Grapes.
Note a few prices, 24 lbs. Granulated 5 ugarRfor
rins for 41. 28 lbs.
Suga. rl.00
30 llbs Muscovado Sugar for $1.00.
for $1.00. 25 lbs. Rios for 161.00. Fresh Salmon loo. per Can.
TEAS I TEAS I TEAS I Extra value in Blacks, Green and Japans from IOe. up,
CROCKERY AND GLASS\VA1tE, 10 to 20% off regular prides. Six tables loaded
with Fancy Goods suitable for Xmas and New Years presents. 97 piece Dinner
Sets from 16 00 up, 44 piece Stone China Sets from $1.00 up. Bedroom Sets
trona $1.00 up.
r &MPS 1 LAMPS 1 LAMPS 1 Largest stock in the County. Hall Lamps, Table
Lau., L'brary Lamps and Piano Lamps, at unusually low prices. Come and see
for yourselves before purchasing. No trouble to show gooda. Sole agents for
celebrate' Ranla's &'retleys Teas. Best in the nrgpket.
J. W. Irwin, McKay Block, Clinton.
l'i'e^Rut and exclusive dodges for nut -lour aid In-
door Toilette', dawn from WORTH mod,la by SAN0DZ
and tltlArurv, are an Important feature These so -
pear every week, ac"ompanled by minute descriptions
and details. Our Puri, letter, by 11ATILARINE DE
FOREST, 15 a weekly transcript of the latest styles anti
eapriees in the ,nude. Under the head of New Itok
Fashions, plain directions amt rs are
given ea to ono es, fabrics, trimmings, and accessories
of the costumes of well- dressed women. Children's
Clothing reoeiv,e practical attention. A t rtni4htly
Pattorn•,.heet. Supplement' enables readers to nut and
make their own gowns. The woman who takes klAit-
PER'S ft AZ All 14 d la every
ceremotons or informal, where slite,
where beautifuldressiouaisre-
AN AMERICAN SERIAL, DOetoT Warrick's Daughters,
by REBECCA 11ARDINO DAVIE, n strung novel of Ame'i•
can Ole, partly laid in Pennsylvania aid partly is
the far South, will occupy the last half of the year.
My Lady Nobody, an iutensely molting novel. hy
MAAIRTEN MAARTENS, author Of 'God's FOoi,' "The
Greater Glory," etc., will begin 111e year.
Essay's and Social Chats. To this department
SCECTAToa will contribute her charming papers on
"What We are Dolog" in New York society.
Answers 10 Co, respondents. Questions receive the
personal attention of the editor, and are anaweel at
the earliest possible date after their receipt.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Locldesses s their
addrand date
A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0.
John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O.
219 -Root. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri
day on or before full moon.
662 -Thos. H. Coursey, Lucan, Satu
day on or before full moon.
493 - Richard Wednesday onto ibefa
before moon.
890 - George Wednesday nor or before moon.
921 -Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1087 -James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon-
day on or before full moon.
1210 -Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday
on or before full moon.
1343 -James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday
on or before full moon.
610-A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or
"i ate on the staff r,f the
of Nashville ; 1 suppose you will pass
me ?"
The conductor looked at him sharply.
"The editor of that paper is in the
smoker, come with me ; if he identifies
you, all right."
Ile followed the conductor into the
smoker, the situation was explained ;
Mr. Editor said :
"Oh, yes, i recognize him as one of
the staff ; it is all right."
Before leaving the train, the lawyer
again sought the editor:
"Why did you say you recognized
ase ? I'm not on your paper."
"I am not the editor, either. I'm
travelling on his pass, and Wats scared
to death, lest you should give me
away." -Fashions.
after full moon.
James Calwell, W.D.M., Goderich P.O.
145 -James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
153�d frile1,altford, Friday
on roei
182-Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tues-
day in each month.
1$9-k'. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon-
day on or before full moon.
262 -.Tames sday in each month. 3rd
; I t - ' H. Cook, Clinton, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
D. Canteion, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0.
710 -David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon-
day in each month.
813 -Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last
Wednesday beforeteionmoon
Summerhill,.1st -928-Joseph Rapson,
Monday in each month.
793 -Win. Horsey, Seaforth, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bayfleld P.O.
21 --James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
308 -Wm. Consit, Hillpgr'een, 1st Tues
day in each month
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work,
manship and material. qiarAll the latest styles and most modern improve-
mentu. M1 worts warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
vu. Prices to suit the times.
sEir FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657 -
Don't Come Home and Kick
up a dust by finding fault with your wife or her kitchen help because your dihnoris not
list what it should be. The wuuten are not to blame, the fault lies at your own door.
'Through a mistaken idea of false economy you have been induced to purchase cheap and inferior
groceries, and I speak advisedly when I say you carnet look for domestic felicty as long as
you continue on that line. Moral -the best is the cheapest, in grocery as well as any other
ro1iunndity. Therefore try our new season's Teas, all of this year's growth. "In Blacks,"
English Breakfast Tea at 40e. per lb., extra value. In Blends of Indian China and Cylons we
can suit the most fastidious taste Aso, at 6 lbs for ono we have
in value in and Japans. Try
ne' Jt
We have now in stock for the Holiday Trade New Raisins, Valencias off Stalk Selected,
Loiters, Sultanas, London Layers, New Currants in Cases and half cases. New Peels, Lemon,
Orange and Citron, Figs, Mats and Elme 10 lb Boxes. New Prunes, Sphinx Brand. Pure
spices, Essences, Extracts. Candies and Nuts of all kinds. In Crockery, China and Glassware,
full lines. We offer Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and' China Table Setts at rock bottom prices.
Conic early and have first choice. Special inducements to cash purchasers.
N. Robson, - Albert St., Clinton.
'The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the first
Number for January of each year. Whoa no time is
mew fooed, subscriptions will begin with the Number
current at the time of receipt of order.
Cloth Cases for each colonic, suitable for binding.
will be sent by malt. postpaid, no receipt of 21.00
each. Titlt.pa7e etas!' htlrx sent on application.
Remittances should he male by Poet -office Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance Of loss.
Ntnusuat I/o express order ers are not to of Iia pey this rttwith
Harper's Mag•xziae, one year, $4
Harper's Weekly " `}
Harper's Bazar, " 4
E arper's Young People " 2
Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States,
Canada, and Mexico.
P.O. Box 959, N. Y. City.
$1, $1.25 or $1.50? -which?
Hood's Sarsaparilla, acting through
the blood, reaches every part of the
system, and in this way positively
cures catarrh.
Harper's Weekly
IN 1895
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has hien under the personal supervision
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior` and
and one, owner for dight
prepare plans -.814.41X4
notice and on the closest
way and satisfaction
exterior material.
Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors,' Blinds, Etc.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing our orders,
HARPER'S WEEKLY is a pictorial history of the
accur. iy Pandnexha,'tivelynintailluetratiour and, do•
eo,Ipt yet,
scrlptivo text of the highest order.
The matter 1n watch, during 1894,14 has treated the
Chicago Railway strikes and the Chino -Japanese War,
and the amount of light it was able to throw on Korea
the instant attention was directed to that little-known
country, are examples of its almost boundless re.
sources. .rtL1AN RAteu, thedletingniehnd writer and
correspondent, has been pout to the seat of war, and
there Joined by C. D. AA'SLIMS, the well-known A ee6o
can artid, now for many years resident in Japan,
sending to HARPER'S has been aed to oWELILYperate wRALPHith Mr.
eacl ,siveinforme-
tion and iilustrati,m.
During 1895 every vital g0054lon will be discussed
with vigor and without pr Judice In the 011, Hui
columna, and also in special articles by the highest
authorities in each department. Portraits of the men
and women who are making htntnry, and powerful and
caustic political cartoons, will continuo to he charac-
teristic features. This Bney World, wi,Y. Its keen and
kindly comment on the lemur doings of the day, will
remalu a regular departmeot.
FICTION. There will be two powerful serials, both
handa,mely illustrated -The Red Cockade. a stirring
romance of olden days by STANLEY J. IErsn1, a d a
novel of Now York, entitled Tho Son of Hie Father,
(teal novelettes, and malty
short stories by popular
Wednesday in each Blake, 1st
mo' h.
733 Thurs-
day in each month.isai-, 1st I035 -Wm- Rathwell, Bayfield, lst
Thursday, in each month.
AV -Nom -Any omissions or other errors will be
promptly corrected on writing direct to rho County
Maetec,,Bra. A. 51. Todd, Clinton 1'. 0,
In the ears, sometimes a roaring,
buzzing sound, are caused by catarrh,
that exceedingly disagreeable and very
common disease. Loss of smell or
hearing also result from catarrh.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the' great blood
put ifler, is a peculiarly successful
remedy for this disease, which it cures
by purifying the blood.
Hoop's Pir.LS are the best after
dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent
The Patrons of industry of West
Bruce held a convention at Tiverton
to nominate a candidate for the House
of Commons. The vote was divided be-
tween Mayor Tolmie, of Kincardine,
and Mr. W. Valens, of Kinloss, but as
neither received a sufficient majority
no nomination was made.
-_cook n r
A Fine Parlor Suite, Oak, in TAPESTRY PLUSHI, banded, assorted colors,
$22.50 Cash ; best value I ever had fur the money. Pallor Suites in
Bedroom Suites $10.50 and upwards. Lots of Lounges, in PLUSH,MOQUET,
and The Peerlese Extension Table, no leaves to put away.
Fancy Brass fables, Marble Tops. Beautiful goods for presents. Mattresses
in Sea Grass and Wool. Cocoa fibres and cotton filling, &c.
Lot of Fine Goose and other Feathers, Steam renovated, for Sale.
Sideboard $6.50, Bamboo Tables 25c., 30c. and 40c.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volnmen of the WEEKLY
the first
Number for January of each year.
e is
mentioned, sob-criptions will begin wish the Number
currant at the time of r'oeipL of Order.
Cloth mases for each volume, enitab'e for binding.
will he sent hy mail, postpaid, on reeelnt of $1.00 each.
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