HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-01-09, Page 60
o formerly resided In Connecticut, but
he AWN realties In Honolulu, writes: "For
20 years past, my • v1:o
and 1 have used Aycr's
Hair Vigor. and leo
attribute to It the alarlc
hair which she and I
now have, while'hun-
dreds of our acquaint..
anew ten or a dozen
years younger than wo,
are either gray -headed,
white; or bald. When
asked how our hair has
retained Its color and
fullness, wo reply, ' By
. the use of Ayer's Ilair
Vigor nothing
"In lass, my affianced
was nearly bald, and
the hair
kept full-
ing out
tp day. I
Pf r",•i"f induced
her to use
Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon. it not
only checked any further loss '• of Bair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
elan recommend this preparation to all In
,..:ed of a genuine hair -restorer. It is all
•'•at it is claimed to be."—Antonio Alarrun,
loastr,) Tex.
rhe Huron News -Record
$1.25 a Year—$1.00 in Advance
Dr. Talmage Delivers Another or Hue
Around -tire -world Borley—"Thera Came
wise Mph From the East to Jerusa-
lem." •
A Battle With A Burglar.
A few days ago the papers published
a dispatch from Stokes Bay, North
Bruce, briefly describing an encounter
which Mrs. Shute, wife of the post-
master, had had with a burglar, who
entered the premises at midnight on
the 18th, ult., during the absence of the
woman's husband: The Owen Sound
Sun gives the following additional par-
ticulars of the affair.
It seetirs that on coining downstairs
the plucky woman ordered the fellow
out. Instead of going he picked up a
stove -lid and threw it either at her or
the lamp she held in her hand. The
lamp was struck and the lightut out,
and the onlylook she had ofthein-
truder was fr the instant that inter-
vened. Mrs. Shute describes him as
a small man, with a very red face and
red moustache.
When the lamb was broken he rush-
ed out and clinched, and threatened to
murder her, and commenced kicking
her, catching her by the throat. Then
:t desperate struggle ensued.
With a knife she slashed the backs
the. -hands that grasped her throat.
This infuriated the villain, and he at -
erupted to throw her to the floor, kick-
i►lg her all the while.
Finally she was thrown against a
pile of boxes, and, fortunately for her,
her hand fell upon a hatchet. So
tight was she in the embrace of her as-
feebletblows on she
the back of the able tobit
The scuffle for like—for it mine to be
a life is death struggle—kept on, he
%brow her down and at the
ne geoid the blows of the h;tt-
d the knife in her hands.
BROOKLYN, Dec. 80. — Rev, Dr. Tal-
mage, continuing his series of "Round -
the -World Sermons," through the press,
chose to day for his subject, "The Fire
Worshippers," the text selected being :
Matt. 2, 1; "There came wise men
from the East to Jerusalem."
These wise men were the Parsecs, or
the so-called Fire worshippers, and I
found their descendants in India last
October. Their heathenism is more
tolerable than any of the other false re-
ligious, and has more alleviations, and
while in this "Round -the -World" series
I have already shown you tee worst
forms of heathenism, today I show you
the least offensive.
The prophet of the Paraees was Zoro-
aster of Persia. He was poet and phil-
osopher, and reformer, as well as re-
ligionist. His disciples thrived at first
in Persia, but'under Mohammedan per-
secution they retreated to India, where
I met them, and in addition to what I
saw of them at their headquarters in
Bombay, India, I had two weeks of asso-
ciation with one of the most learned and
genial of their people on ship -board from
Bombay to Brindisi.
The Bible of the Parsees or fire -wor-
shippers, as they are inaccurately call-
ed, is the Zend-Avesta, a collection of
the strangest books that ever came into
my hands. There were originally
twenty-onevolumes, but Alexander
the Great, in a drunken fit, set fire to a
palace which contained sumo of them,
and they went into ashes and forgetful-
ness. But there are more of their
sacred volumes left than most people
would have, patience to read. There are
many things in the religion of the Par-
aees that suggest Christianity, and some
of its doctrines are in accord with our
own religion. Zoroaster, who lived
about 1,400 years before Chribt, was a
good man, suffered persecution for his
faith, and was assassinated while wor-
shipping at an altar. He announced
the theory "Ho is best who is pure of
heart !" and that there are two great
spirits in the world, Ormuzd, the good
Spirit, and Ahriman; the bad spirit,
and that all who do right are tinder the
influence of Ormuzd, and all who do
wrong are under Ahriman; that the
Parsee must he born on the ground
floor of the house, and must be buried
from the ground floor; that the dying
man must have prayers said over
him and a sacred Juice given him to
drink ; that the good at their decease go
into eternal light, and the bad into
eternal darkness ; that having passed
out of this life the soul lingers near the
corpse three days in a a Paradisaic
state, enjoying more than all the
nations of the earth put together could
enjoy, or in a Pandemoniac state suffer-
ing more than all the nations put to-
gether could possibly suffer, but at the
end of three days departing for its final
destiny ; and that there will be a resur-
rection of the body. They are more
careful than any other people about
their ablutions, and they wash and wash
and wash. They pay great attention to
physical health, and it is a rare thing
to see a sick Parsee. They do not
smoke tobacco, for they consider that a
misuse of fire. At the close of mortal
life the soul appears at the Bridge Chin -
vat, where an angel presides, and ques-
tions the soul about the thoughts, and
words, and deeds of its earthly state.
Nothing, however, is more intense in
the Parsee faith than the theory that
the dead body is impure. A devil is
supposed to take possession of the dead
body. -All who touch it are unclean
and hence the strange style of obse-
quies. But here I must give three or
four questions and answers from one of
the Parsee catechisms :
Que tion—Who is the most
man blithe world?
Answer—He who
Question—Who is
man in the world?
Answer—He who walks in the path of
God and shuns that of the devil.
Question—Which is the path of God,
and which that of the devil?
Answer --Virtue is the path of God,
and vice that ot'the devil.
Question—What constitutes virtue,
and what vice ?
Answer—Good thoughts, good words,
and good deeds constitute virtllh, and
evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds
constitute vice.
Question — What constitute good
thoughts, good words. and good deeds
and evil thoughts, evil words, and evil
Answer—Honesty, charity, and truth-
fulness constitute the former ; and dis-
honesty, want of charity, and falsehood
constitute the latter.
And now the better to show you these
Parsecs, I tell you of two things I saw
within a short time in Bombay, India.
It was an afternoon of contrast.
We started for Malabar Hill; on which
the wealthy classes have their embow-
ered homes, and the Parsees their
strange Temple of the Dead. Ab we
rode along the water's edge the sun was
descending the sky, and a Disciple of
Zoroaster, a Parsee, was in lowly pos-
ture and with reverential gaze looking
into the sky. He would have been saldd
to have been worshipping the sun, as
all Parsecs are said to worship the fire.
But the intelligent Parsee does not wor-
ship the fire. He looks upon the sun as
the emblem of the warmth and light of
the Creator. Looking at a blaze of
light. whether on hearth, on mountain
height, or in the sky, he can more easily
bring to mind the glory of God ; at
least, so the Parsecs tell me. Indeed,
they are the pleasantest heathen I have
met. They treat their wives as equals,
while the Hindoos and Buddhists treat
them as cattle, although the cattle and
sheep and swine are better off than
most of the women of India.
This Parsee on the roadside on our
way to Malabar Hill was the only one
of that religion I had over seen en-
gaged in worship. Who knows but
that beyond the light of the sun on•
which he gazes ho may catch a glimpse
of the God who is Light, and in
Whom there is no darkness at.all?"
We passed on up through gates into
the garden that surrounds the place
where the Parsees dispose of their dead.
This garden was given by Jamehidji
ally", when thrown against the
t"' &niter, Mrs. Shute got her opportun-
ity, and with one blow on the forehead
the burglar dropped stunned at her
Then she sprang out of the house and
across the road to a boarding house
and summoned help. The keeper eanae,
but he was afraid to go in alone, and
went to a hotel to secure further assist-
ance. In the meantime the burglar
staggered to his feet and made his way
out through a back windo;w and es-
• caped. His constant derraind in the
j, struggle was for the medley, and he
was told to go to the t' 1 and get it.
He had been through a ery corner of
the store, post and • egraph offices
In the three hours )Ne is supposed to
have been there Precaustlons had
the rnoney hid. A
ai ides, including part of
legraph instruments, was put
p, but wet a found on the counter
when the fellow left.
A man answering to the description
Mrs. Shute gave was seen next day in
an old lumber shanty, with his hands
tied up, but the ratan who saw hint did
not know of the occurrence. Nothing
further was heard of him, although
three constables searched the whole
country over until Saturday last, when
it was reported that he was seen near
Jl rlliam Stoddart, who came down
the peninsula on Saturday, was
kes' Bay on Friday and says the
Sin,J"'rences of the struggle leave no
rbtas to its desperateness, the floor
ng covered with blood. The night
re which Mrs. Shute wore was torn
ribbons and saturated with her as-
ilaint's blood.
dredlfcet above the lev 1 of the sea.
Not far from the entry ce lea building
where the mourners of (he funeral go
in to pray, A light is dere kept burn-
ing year in and year out. \. We ascend
the garden by some eight stone steps:
The body of a deceased aged woman
was being carried in toward the chief
"Tower of Silence," There are five of
these towers. Several of them have not
been used for a long while. Four per-
sons, whose business it is to do chis,
carry in the corpse. They are followed
by two men with long beards. The
Tower of Silence to which they come,
cost $150,000, and is 25 feet high and
276 feet around, and without a roof.
The four carriers of the dead and
the two bearded men come to
the door of the Tower, enter
and leave the dead. There are
three rows of places for the dead—the
outer row for the men, the middle row
for the women, the insldarow for the
children. The lifeless bodies are heft
exposed as far down as the waist. As
soon as the employes retire from the
Tower of Silence the vultures, now one,
now two, now many, swoop upon the
lifeless form. These vultures fill the
air with their discordant voices. We
saw them in long rows on the top of the
whitewashed wall of the Tower ot
Silence. In a few minutes they have
taken the last particle of 'flesh from the
bones. There had evidently been other
opportunities for thein that day, and
some flew away as though surfeited.
They sometimes carry away with them
parts of a body, and it is no unusual
thing for the gentlemen in their coun-
try seats to have dropped into their
dooryards a bone from the Tower of
In the centre of this tower is a well.
into which the bones are thrown after
they are bleached. The liot sun, and
the rainy season, and charcoal do their
work of disintegration and disinfecticn,
and then there are sluices that carry
into the sea what remains of the dead.
The wealthy people of Malabar Hill
have made strenuous efforts to have
these strange towers removed as a nuis-
ance, but they remain, and will no
doubt for ages remain.
I talked with a learned Parsee about
these mortuary customs. He said, "I
suppose you consider them very pecu-
liar, but the fact is we Parsecs rever-
ence the elements ot nature, and cannot
consent to defile thein. We reverence
the fire. and therefore will not ask it to
burn our dead. We reverence the
water, and do not ask it to submerge
our dead. We reverence the earth, and
will not ask it to bury our dead. And
so we let the vultures take them away."
He confirmed me in the theory that the
Parsees act on the principle that the
dead are unclean. No one must touch
such a body. The carriers of this
"Tomb of Silence" must not put their
hands on the torn of the departed.
They wear gloves, lest somehow they
should be contaminated. When the
bones are to be removed from the sides
of the tower and put in the well at the
center, they are touched carefully by
tongs. Then these people beside have
very decided theories about the demo-
cracy of the tomb. No such thing as
caste among the dead. Philosopher an 1
boor, the affluent and the destitute must
go through the same 'Tower of Si-
lence," lie down side by side with other
occupants, have their bodies dropped
into the same abyss, and be carried out
through the same canal, and float away
on the same sea. No splendor of Necro-
polis. No sculpturing of mausoleum.
No pomp of dome or obelisk. Zoroaster's
teaching resulted in these "Towers of
Silence." He wrote, "Naked you came
into the world, and naked you must go
As I stood at the close of the day in
this garden on Malabar Hill and heard
the flap of the vultures' wings coming
from their repast, the funeral custom of
the Parsee seemed hohrible beyond
compare, and yet the dissolution of the
human body by any mode is awful, and
the beaks of these Cowl are probably no
more repulsive than the worms of the
bodyled vouring the sacred human form
'. cem t•ies. Nothing but the Re.ur-
re y can undo the awful work of
death, whether it now be put out of
sight by cutting spade or flying wing.
Starting homeward, we soon were in
the heart of the city. and saw a buitd-
ingtll a -flash with lights and resound-
ing with merry voices. It was • a Par-
see wedding, in a building erected
especially for the marriage ceremony.
We came to the door and proposed to
go in, but at first were not permitted.
They saw we were not Parsecs, and
that wo were not even natives. So very
politely they halted us on the door
steps. This teinple of nuptials was
chiefly occupied by women, their ears
and necks and hands a flame of jewels
or imitation of jewels. By pantomime
and gesture, as we had no use of their
vocabulary, we told them we were
strangers and were curious to see by
what process Parsees were married.
Gradually we worked our way inside
the door. Tlie building and the sur-
roundings were illumined by hundreds
of candles in glasses and lanterns, in
unique and grotesque holdings. Con-
versation ran high, and laughter
bubbled over, and all was gay. Then
there was a sound of an advancing
band of music, but the instruments for
the most part were strange to our
ears aid eyes. Louder and louder
were the outside voices, and the wind
and stringed instruments, until the pro-
cession halted at the door of the temple
and the bridegroom mounted the steps.
Then the music ceased and all the
voices were still. The mother of the
bridegroom, with a platter loaded with
aromatics and articles of food, confront-
ed her son and began to address him.
Then she took from the platter a bottle
of porfume and sprinkled his face with
the redolence. All the while speaking
in a droning tone she took from the
platter a handful of rice, throwing some
of it on Ms shoulder, pouring some of it
on his hands. She took from the platter
a cocoanut and waved it about his head.
She lifted a garland of flowers and threw
it over his nock, and a bouquet of
flowers and put it in his hand. Her part
of the ceremony completed, the band
resumed its music, and through another
door the bridegroom was conducted into
the centre of the building. The bride
was in the room, but there was nothing
to designate her. "Where is the bride?" I
said "where is the bride?" After awhile
she lovas made evident. The bride and
groom wore seated- on chairs opposite
each other. A white curtain was drop-
' ped between them so that they could
not see each other. Then the attendants
put their arms under this curtain, took
a long rope of linen and wound it round
the !leek of the bride and the groom, in
been taken a
is the result of a healthy physicial con-
dition. "Beauty is but skin deep" yet
it greatly depends oh a clear complex-
ion, free from wrinkles and hollow
Health always brings wealth of
beauty. A healthy state of the system
-comes with Doctor Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It's a medicine prepared
for woman's ailments—it cures those
derangements and weaknesses which
snake woman's life miserable'.'
A woman who neglects to take prop-
er exercise is particularly prone to
excessive congestion, debility and a
sluggish circulation. This is the time
we advise the "Prescription." In all
derangements and displacements of
the special orgi ns which result
in "signs of infiamation," in cat-
arrhal discharges frotns the lining
membranes, and in distressing irre-
gularities—this medicine is guaran-
teed to cure, or the money will be
The Brazilian Government has or-
dered a million dollars' worth of war
material from the Armstrongs, of
is the most inno-
the most innocent
the curtain on. the headof the bride,
PA the bride responded by throwing a
handful of rice aeross the curtain on the
head of thegreom. Thereupon the cur-
tain dropped and the bride's chair was
rerliovc'd and put beside that of the
groom. Then a priest of the Parsee re-
ligion arose and faced the couple. Be-
fore the priest was placed a platter of
rice. He began to address .the young
man and woman. We could not
hear a word, but we understood
Eest as well as if we had heard.
ver end • anon he punctuated
his ceremony by a handful of rice,
which he picked up from the platter
and flung now toward the groom and
now toward the bride. 'The "ceremony
went on hlterplivably. We wanted to
hear the conclusion, but were told the
ceremony would ;;o on for a long while ;
indeed, that it would not conclude until
two o'e'oek in the morning, and (tilts
was only
v u and eight
between seven
o'clock in the evening. There would be
a recess after a while in the ceremony,
but it would be taken up again in ear-
nest at half -past twelve. We enjoyed
what we had seen, but felt incapaci-
tated for six more hours of wedding
ceremony. Silently wishing the couple
a happy life in each other's companion-
ship, we pressed our wary through the
throng of congratulatory Parsecs. All
of them seemed bright and apprecia-
tive of the occasion. The streets out-
side joyously sympathized with the
transactions inside.
We rode 011 toward our hotel wishing
that marriage in all India alight be as
much honored as in the ceremony we
had that evening witnessed at the Par-
see wedding. The Hindoo women are
not so married. They are simply curs-
ed into the conjugal relation. Many of
the girls aro married at seven and ten
years of age, and some of them are
grandmothers at thirty. They can
never go forth into the sunlight with
their faces uncovered. They Must stay
at home. All styles of maltreatment
are theirs, It' they become Christians
they become outcasts. A missionary
told me in India of a Hindoo woman
who became a Christian. She had nine
children. Her husband was over
seventy years of age. And yet at her
Christian baptism he told her to go, and
she went out, homeless. As long as
wotnau is down, Indilt will be down.
No nation. was ever elevated except
through the elevation of woman.
Parsee marriage is an improvement
on Hindoo marriage; but Christian mar-
riage is an improvement on Parsee mar-
• A fellow -traveler in India told me he
had been writing to his home in Eng-
land trying to get a law passed that no
white woman could be legally married
in Redia until site had bean there six
months. Admirable law would that be !
If a white woman saw what married
lite with a Hindoo is she would never
undertake it. Off with the thick and
ugly veil from woman's face ! Off with
the crushing burdens from her shoulder !
Nothing but the Gospel of Jesus Christ
will ever make life in India what it
ought to be.
But what an afternoon of contrast in
Bombay five experienced ! Froin the
Temple of Silence to the Temple of
Hilarity ! From the vultures to the
doves! From mourning to laughter !
From gathering shadows to gleaming
lights! From obsequies to wedding !
But how much of all our lives is made
up of such opposites. I have carried in
the same pocket, and read front them in
the same hour, the liturgy of the dead
and the ceremony of espousals. And so
the tear meets the smile, and the dove
meets the vulture.
Titus I have set before you the best of
all the religions of the heathen world,
and I have done so in order that you
might come to higher appreciation ot
the glorious religion which has put its
benediction over us and over Christen•
Compare the absurdities and mum-
meries of heathen marriage with the.
plain, "I will," of Christian marriage,
, the hands joined in. pledge "till death
de you part." Compare the doctrine
that the dead may not be touched, with
as sacred, and tender, and loving a kiss
as is ever given, the last kiss of lips that
never again will speak to us. Compare
the narrow Bridge Chinvat, over which
the departing Parsee soul must trem-
blingly cross, to the wide open gate of
heaven through which the departing
Christian soul may triumphantly enter.
Compare the twenty-one books of the
Zend-Avesta of the Parsee, which even
the scholars of the earth despair of un-
derstanding, with our Bible, so much of
it as is necessary for our salvation in
language so plain that "a wayfaring
man, though a fool, need not err
therein." Compare the "Tower of
Silence" with its vultures at Bombay
with the "Greenwood of Brooklyn" with
its sculptured angels of resurrection.
Attd bow yourselves in thanksgiving
and prayer as you realize that if at the
battles of Marathon and Salamis Persia
had triumphed over Greece, instead of
Greece triumphing over Persia, Par-
seeiem, which was the national religion
of Persia, might have covered the
earth, and you and I, instead of sitting
in the noonday light of our glorious
Christianity, might Rave been groping
in the depressing shadows of Parseeism,
a religion as inferior to that which is
our inspiration in life, and our hope in
death, as Zoroaster of Persiaas in-
ferior to our radiant and superhuman
Christ, to whom be honor, and glory,
and dominion. and victory, and song,
world without end. Amen.
The Deg Wanted His Old Friend.
The Deer of SCOtlattd.
Of the four -footed game the largest
are the deer, The roebuck is the only
member of the family in a truly wild
condition. His small size, nimbleness,
and ungregarious habits enable him
to wander from one place to another
with a measure of impunity. In wood-
ed valleys and within roach of the hills
he seems to be well able to look after
himself. He abounds in the northern
counties—in Perthshire, the highland
districts of Aberdeenshire and -Pods, -
shire, and is thinly scattered over the
central valley.
The red deer, or stag, has by no
means the same claim to be regarded
as a wild animal as in the days when
the Commons King made his memor-
able excursion through the Trossachs.
He is now cooped up in savage fast-
nesses, with mountain fences 3,000 feet
high, behind which
he only
wanders in
an exceptionally hard winter. The
"forests" with which I am acquainted,
would neither maintain it crofter nor
even reimburse a sheep farmer, and are
simply incapable of being put to any
other use.
In the middle of the day the deei
are seldom to be seen, except by a
practiced eye, as they are then at rest
and lying .quietly among the rough
heath, or it may he in the shadow of
some birch copse. In the early morn-
ing or on the approach of evening they
feed downward toward the grassy
sides of the rivers and burns. Their
scent is sharper than their sight.
They detect the intruding botanist or
gedlogist long before they see him,
and, by their actions, apprise the
keeper that a trespasser is at hand.
The fallow deer is still further from
the true feral condition, and can only
he regardedas an ornamental domestic
animal, kept to give picturesqueness
to the park arouud the mansion. His
grass is provided and his water is sure.
Ha aIMAM t.IIp: ., >• MEM 7
wbero all otiai1: Cough, Crotor..
Throat, Hosnherssnesa, Wboopisgaa Cougupjr. and
Asthma. For Consurnptioa it nail , strati
has cured thonirinds, and will Cn Ton It
taken in time. Bold by Drugglsta o guar.
TB ER25e..
rn Tbie remod ie nrt
you i;utar 7 rats.
ve,o y
food to ours you. ,prloo, facto. Tnf eotoriree,
Sold by J. H. COMBE.
"Old, yet ever new, and simple and
beautiful ever," sings the poet, in words
which might well apply to Ayer's Sars-
aparilla—the hnost efficient and scien-
tific blood-purifler ever offered to suff-
ering humanity. Nothing but superior
merit keeps it so long at the (feet.,
Citizens of Vancouver are terrorized
by the visit of a gang of highwaymen,
burglars and firebugs, who have found
their way to the city by way of the
Sound. People are robbed at all hours
of the night.
Poultry Notes.
The most profitable breed of ducks is
the Pekin, both as market fowls and
egg producers. They are hardy,
quick growers, and are just the sort
uited for an early market.
The best use to make of waste cab-
bage is to chop it up, mix it with.a
little meal and give it to the hens. It
supplies the green food which the hens
crave in winter. Loose, unmarketable
heads may be hung up somewhere
where the hens can pick at them. 1t is
the best way to dispose of thenal.
The Oregon Farmer says : One
bushel of wheat, where chickens are
given the run of the farm will produce
ten dozen eggs. In many sections of
the Northwest late sowed grain did not
produce over ten bushels to the acre.
In those sections ten dozen eggs are
now worth as much as ten bushels of
wheat. That is to say, one acre of
wheat and ten hens are worth ten
acres of wheat, with the care of the
extra nine acres added, or at present a
good hen Is worth more than an acre
of wheat.
George Z. Dow, in the Country
Gentleman, sums up the poultry bust-
ness, in its relation to the average
farmer, about right in this paragraph :
Hens kept in comparatively small num-
hers can he made to pay, and do pay,.
as a rule, a fairly good profit, but not
enough to excite any one. Neither is
it as large as one can obtain from
many other occupations, such as berry
growing or keeping sheep. 1f it were
so profitable as these hen -cranks would
have us believe, would it not stand to
reason that farmers all over the coun-
try, with their usual perspicuity,
would have long since discovered the
fact, and one and all have become
largely engaged in the business?
Jijibhai. and is beautiful with flowers token that they were to be bound to -
of all hue, and foliage of all styles of gather for life. Then some silk strings
vein and notch and stature. There is were wound around the couple now this
on all ssides great opulence of fern and one, and now that one. 'Thenn the
cypress. Tho garden is not one bun - groom throw a handful of rice across
William Winpenny, of Queen Lake,
was, until a few days ago, the owner of
a pet parrot, which be had purchased
in New Orleans several years ago. The
bird was a veritable household- pet,
being allowed liberties that no other
parrot ever enjoyed. Its constant
chatter amused the members of the
fancily, especially at meal time, when
Polly was regularly placed at the table,
receiving the choicest tidbits for her
meals. A few days ago Polly died, and
was reverently buried in the yard, with
a little headstone to mark the 'grave.
Tho next day's dinner was a mournful
one for the family, Polly being sadly
missed. The old house dog, Pomp,
looked on with a wistful eye, surmising
that something was wrong. The in-
stinct of the brute solved the problem,
and without more ado, he went into the
garden, dug up the parrot, and carry-
ing it in to the dining -room, deposited it
in its accustomed place.—Philadelphia
Evidence of Lavish Expenditure.
Tom—The management seem to have
spared no expense in the production of
this play.
Kitty—No, indeed ; they have given
each chorus girl at least three coats of
There are many ways of providin
the hens wtth cheap foods that wil
prove serviceable in promoting egg
production. For a dozen hens a sheep
liver or refuse pieces of beef.
may be cooked to a broth, thick-
ened with ground oats and cornmeal,
equal parts,, to a stiff dough, and fed
every other day. Cut hone is also a
cheap food, and a mixture of equal
parts of bran, middlings, ground oats,
corn meal and linseed meal, twice a
week, is 'an agreeable change. Clover
is one of the cheapest and hest foods
in winter, when cut fine and
scalded, while sunflour seed, millet
seed, sorghum seed and cooked
turnips are excellent. All of these
foods are cheap for two reasons.
First, they cost but little, and provide
the hens with a variety ; and next he -
cause when the hens are so fed, they
give a larger number of eggs. No food
is cheap if it does not induce or pro-
mote egg production ; and if the liens
can he made to give a profit by provid-
ing thenal with suitable food, they will
return all the cost with interest.
Finds Hood's Sarsaparilla leading
everything in the way of medicines in
three important particulars, namely
Hood's Sarsaparilla has
1. The largest sale in the world.
cures in the world.
2. The greatest
It has
3. The largest
What more can he said ? Hood's
Sarsaparilla has merit ; is peculiar to
itself, and most of all, Hoods Sarsapar-
illa cures. If yore are sick, it is the
medicine for you to take.
Laboratory in the
James A. Bailey. Nat. A. Salisbury
and W. F. Cody have formed a part-
nership to consolidate the Wild West
and Forepaugh shows next season, with
a capital of $1,000,000.
Sir John
Thofnpson's Change of
Iltelip,ioli •
St. Thoma.+ Journal.
George Johnson, the Dominion sta-
tistician, who was a schoolmate of Sir
John Thompson, says that when Sir
John was about to become it Catholic,
there was a severe struggle in his mind
between his conviction of duty and his
worldly interest. He saw before hila,
if he took one course, the possible lack
of the comforts of life for himself, his
wife and the babe. "Never mind,"
said he, "I know stenography and
can scratch a living for them even
though it is a poor one," and he took
the step. Years after Sir John Thomp-
son in speaking to Mr. Johnston of
his experiences during this critical
period of his life, said : " You
don't know how much I love my old
Methodist friends. Do you know, not
one of them left me. I did not lose a
single client of thein that I had." This
story is as creditable to the Halifax
Methodists as to Sir John. His change
of religion does not appear to have af-
fected his fortunes orie way or the
other. Nobody thinks for a moment
that he been niept'enoNova Scotia,
or judge.dge, minister of justice,or
premier of the Dominion, or an imper-
ial privy councilor, because he was a
Catholic, but being a Catholic did not
stand in his way when any of those
positions were open before him.
If you are troubled with a cold or
cough, however light the attack, look
out for it, do not allow it to settle on
the lungs , break up t • cough by
loosening the tough legm with'
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsa
Another Morris pioneer has passed
away in the person ofThomasFarquhar-
son who departed this life on Sabbath
week, at the advanced age of 79 years.
Deceased was horn in Dundas, Scot-
land, and was married twice. By the
first marriage there were three sons,
Alexander, of Kincardine; William, of
Walkerton; and James, in Manitoba.
He was married to his now bereft part-
ner in 1846 and with her ca e,to Can-
ada in 1852 and moved iIi o Morris
about 42 years ago. Mr. Farquharson
took up the farm on which he lived and
died, His widow; who is in her 87th
year, and son survive hint.
• For Whooping Cough and all throat
affections, chest troubles, etc., Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil is the hest embroca-
tion ever discovered. It promptly
rel Teves in fln.unnation,pain and soreness
from whatever cause arising—
Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism. and Neuralgia,
radically cures in 1 to a days. Ita action upon the
system is remarkable and mysterious., It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately dis-
appears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
bold by watts & Co. Druggists.
On the occasion of his leaving school
No. 2, Blddulph, to farther prosecute
his studies,Mr. Elmore J. Hodgins was
presented with at handsomely hound
Oxford Bible, accompanied by en ad-
The recount in the Winnipeg mayor-
alty case has resulted in the success of
Mr. Gilroy, who was defeated by two
votes by Mr. McMicken, according to
the first count.
The hest anodyne and expectoran
for the cure of colds, coughs, and all
throat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is -
undoubtedly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
the only specific for colds and coughs
admitted on exhibition at the Chicago
World's Fair.
A despatch frotn Rome announces
that Rev. Father Langevin, of the,
Congregation of St. Mary Immaculate,
has been appointed archbishop of St.
Boniface, Manitoba. -
Skin Diseases are More or less
occasioned by had blood. B. B. B.
cures the following Skin Diseases:
Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions,
Pimples, and Blotches, by removing alt
impurities from the blood from a
common Pimple to the worst Scroful-
ous Sore.
M. C. Cameron, Esq., Q.C., ex M.P.,
Mrs. Cameron, Miss Cameron and Miss
Mabel Cameron,of Goedr ich,left on the
M. C. R. train last week to spend
the winter in Florida where Mr.
Cameron has a large orange grove.
For Nervous Prostration and Anae-
mia, there is no medicine that will so
promptly and infallibly restore vigor
and strength as Scott's Emulsion.
News Notes.
The corporation of Hull has author-
ized special work, so as to gives rploy-
rnent to as many of the unempl red as
Christmas day in St. Louis, Mo., was
rendered memorable by two murders,
thirty cases of cutting, shooting and
robbery and assaults innumerable.
A young man named Hardman shot
at Mr. Samuel Cameron, proprietor of
thy' Albion Hotel, Stratford. Mr Cam-
eron turned quickly and the bullet
went through his coat.
Rev. H. D. Steele, who has been pas-
tor of the Episcopal congreii.
tion of
Kirkton for the past five year will res
move to Wallacehurg in a fw weeks
time. His successor is not yet ap-
William D. Welter, who is in gaol
on the charge of killing young Hender-
shott at Middlemarch, was found with
the deceased's watch in his possession,
while Welter's timepiece had been
given to Mr. David Hendershott for
that of his son.
Old John Kidd, of Orangeville, ie
said to he dying, the result of the
recent robbery by which he lost $56,
His 16 year old wife who has been live
ing in Toronto was sent for and she le
now installed at his bedside as head