The Huron News-Record, 1895-01-09, Page 5r 1 +...•all►'. OLDS f'o$tivel ouced by 1 ' DB ooki' a1>aam of Wild Cherry, It costs but 25c. a bottle, is pleasant, sure and safe, so why should you let that cough trou- ble you longer. COCOA C'RE.IA.1V., Fat Chapped hands, roughness and redness of skin, &.c., is Cream of Witch Hazel Improved. It drys right in; is not sticky; is pleasant to use and acts like a charm. Try it ,25e. a bottle. These are prepared and sold only at flLLEJ & WILSON'S Drug Store, - Clinton. Public School Books, Stationery, Journals, Ledgers, &c., Telephone 2. CASH VS. CREDIT Believing that the only satisfactory way of being UP TO DATE in business is to sell and buy strictly for Casb. I have decided after Febraury 1st, 1895, to adopt the CASH! SYSTEM, believing that it will prove the most adyautageous to every housekeeper in town and country. Iu order to do so I will mark all goods•down to R^ck Bottom Cash Prices. My Chiatmas and Now Year Spacial Bargain Days were wonderfully successt'ul,'•everybody was pleased and surprised at the quality and price of c ur goods. We are still 'offering same lines at Bargain Dy prices. 1f11LfQ .This is one of our specialties, having had 36 years experience in this particular j fj IJ. line. Extra values in Black, Green aid Japan, sole agents for Ram Lal s and Tetley's Indian and Ceylon Package Tea. Crockery, Glassware and Chum Goods.—Dinner Sots, China Tea Sets, Bedroom Sets, Five o'clock Teas, Berry Sets, Cheese Dishes, Water Sets, Fruit Dishes and Broad and gjtittter Plats. awps,—We have Hall Lamp?, Table Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Piano Lamps, flanging Latnps and Lamps at all prices which we are selling at front 10e to 20 per cent. below regular prices. Come and see for yourselves, no trouble to show goods. Produce taken as Cash. J. W. Irwin, McKay Blocks Clinton. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Iauy Persous Wishing to subscribe or renew for their Weebly or Monthly paper send direct to the Office of Publica- tion instead of handing it over to us find saving the expense and trouble of writing. If you think we cannot do as well for you as you could by dealing direct, then just call at our store and enquire ; but we know you will leave your sub- scription as our prices are the same as the publisher in ,every instance. A SHORT LIST OF THE -- LEADING PAPERS., UU7tt, N NEWS -RECORD, Clinton 'New Era, Christian (x:.larclialn, Sunday School :nines, Montreal Star, Montreal Witness, Northern Messenger, American Agriculturist, ;"0ronto Globe, Tt wont() Mail, Toa •onto Empire, Tore `nto News, Toro' ito World, Ladies Home Journal, London Advertiser, London . Free Press, Farmers' Advocate. market were small, Barley was linnet' 1 Other priceS were firmer.• Wheat—Steady, 150 bush. selling at 60iic for goose and 03c for white. . Barley --Firmer, 500 bush. selling at 47c to 48}c. Oats—Steady, 200 bush. selling at 84c to 84:}c. a Hay and Straw—The receipts were fair, there was a good demand and the market was firm i 40 loads of bay sold at $0 to $10 for timothy and 5 loads of straw at $8. Dressed Hogs—The receipts were larger, there was a, good demand and the market was firm, with sales at $5 to $525. Wheat,. $ 63 to $ 00 do red Oli to 00 do Goose', d(4 to 00 do Spring Barley 47 to 48i Peas 57h to 00 Oats 34 to 34i Buckwheat ' 42h to 00 Rye 50 to 00 Hay, timothy 9 00 to10 00 do clover 7 50 to 8 50 Straw, bundle 8 00 to 0 00 Eggs, new laid 25 to 00 Butter, Ib. rolls 14 to 16 14 to 16 Tubs, dairy Chickens 30 to 50 Ducks 60 to 80 Turkeys 0 to to 00 Geese Potatoes 50 to 55 Dressed hogs 5 00 to 5 25 Beef, forequarters 3 00 to 5 50 do hindquarters 0 00 to 8 50 Lamb.... 6 00 to 0 00 Mutton . 400 to 600 Veal 000 to 800 MONTREAL MARKETS. Pupil of Mr. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. The Mason Method used exclusively. It is considered by thole cling Musical Artistes that no method develops the tubule so rapidly as Dr. Mason's "Touch and Technic." Plano, Organ and Teehnioon for use of pupils. Apartments in Beaverluok, over r W. Beosley's, Albert street, Annual Meeting I Notice la hereby givetl that the anneal meeting of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will bo held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, January 18th, :1895, at 1 o'clock p.m, Business:—Receiving of Directors' and 9eoretary's annual reports; election of Dlrec'ors and other business for the good and wel- fare of the Company. All members aro requested to attend, W. J.SHANNON, Secretary. DONALD ROSS, Praatdeut. 843.2t OLD IMII3E NEW TAM IA HOME ECONO , PractiCC4 by all ladles. Old dresses are often mad ovor and become new ones. WHEN T1118 CANNOT BE DONE. And have made a good rag car pet. 'Thiels more economy, and from these old goods which may have already done good service, you will then get'still more use of in a cov- ering for your floor. BE EASY ON YOUR HUSBAND'S POCK- ET -BOOK. 13e a help -mate ;economical these times. Bag carpets wear better than any Hemp 'or Cheap Ingrains, and cost less ; why, then, not use thew? O,n Ivor,aix Handsome HAND-WovEN Coi1 & CO. CLINL ()N. Conservatives, Attention i CUT THEM INTO CARPET RAGS C.1ui PF3' AFI) ' 1'IAMMOCKS Goons Too Rugs and Aim TUR BEs'r HEAVY FOR You SHCot.D RAG C:111PETS Door Mats. if F.1,1' HOME WILL MAKE INDU',TRY. CALL ON OR WRITE TO W. A. ROSS, - East St., Goderich. When you want any kind of weaving done in tirst•c•lass manner at reasonable prices. the. TOO ne to need any further Intro,, ,duction, Ile was ,alseen and fully, eonflkln.e what Mr. ClitiVieftworth said. Some tin e ago Mr. Fairchild suffered from ne ,sous prostrittfon brought on by over ark, and eutl'eted also from a dull pat in the back' of the head. After spending dome time at a famous Chicago sanitarium he was advised to take something to build up his blood, the doctors mentioning Pinic Pills in their list of things advised. At first he took a fluid preparation, but as he found this unhandy to take with him as he travelled, he decided to try Pink Pills, as Mr. Charlesworth had very strongly recommended them. He found great benefit from their use and continued taking then. until restored to health. He has no hesitation in recommending them as a great builder up and purifier of the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may he had of all druggists, or direct by mail ilrom I)r. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., Schenectady, N. Y., 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. The pi ice at which these pills are sold snakes a course of ,treatment compara- tively inexpensive, as compared with other remedies or Medical treatment. Grain—Moderately good demand pre- vails for pears and oats, but dealers say they are difficult to buy at satisfactory figures. Local shippers have standing bids of 51c west tot pens and 30c on track here for oasts. Wheat is quiet and than. Corn, duty paid, 65c to 67c ; peas, per 00 lbs, in store, 07c to 68c ; oats, per 34 lbs, store, new, 35c to 36c ; rye, No. 2, 526c to 53c ; barley, feed, 45e to 45c ; hurley, malting, 514c to 52c. BUFFALO BARLEY R'fARKET. Barley—Active demand ; no low grades offering ; No. 3 western sold at o9c is sought, and 11,000 bushels about equal to that grade soul at 59c ; Canada values were made at hast week's ad- vance on a sale of 5,000 bushels ; No. 2 sold at 63e, or le higher than yesterday, which clears the commission charges and leaves freight and duty only out of Canada price ; No. 1 Canada quoted at 65c ; No. 3 at Ole to 62c, generally 61ic; No. 1 western, 62c ; No. 2 western, 6Uc ; State, 59c to Ole ; chevalier, 63c to 64c. 'The annual meeting of the NEST HURON LiBERAL CONSERVA- TIVE ASSOCIATION 'Will he held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, On accordance Lori A011lt with the re withtl aaopted at the last annual meeting,) on FSIDUY, JAI4UBRY 1etti, Commerioingat 2.30 o'clock p. m. Busi- ness, receiving reports, electing officers, and general matters. Each poll ing sub -division is entitled, to sead de- legates and a full attendance of all friends of the party is earnestly de - .sired. New Flour and Feed Store. pitman nt: ft,g. c'rd. The following are the Liverpool Quotations, for each of the past four days, the prices of wheat and flour being top figures : s. d. Red winter.. 4 10 No. 1. Cal.. 5 3} Cor•n... 4 6 Peas........, 410 Pork .60 0 Lard Bacon, h'vy. 32 0 Tallow, nom 24 6 Cheese, both 50 6 CASH AND ONE PRICE. 0. OLSON, - Bogs to inform th- people of Clinton and neighbor- hood that he has urely cash Flour end Feed Store on Victoria aStreeted 11. ,� next AioLennan'a Bak• Cry. A full stock or FLOUR, MEALS, CHOP STUFF, BRAN, OAT -1, WHEAT, &c., ace., at the lowest liv.ng prices for Cash. Selling for Cash Only I am in a position to give the very best value for Cash or Trade. Goode exchanged for grain at the bigheat market . price. Give me a call and i will do my beat to give one and all onteide value. Goods guaranteed or money r. funded. 0. OLSON, - Victoria St., Clinton. Interesting To Farmers. We beg to intimate to the farming commun- ity and STOCK FEED- ERS that we have add- # -' cid to our Steam er Mill Business a " o CRAIN GRINDER And will be pleased to receive a share of their patronage. When coming to Clinton throw ou a few bags of grain and we will cnoP IT r'I11LE YOI; AItE TRANSACTING OTHER BCSI Ess. Charges Moderate. . ANDREWS BROS. •ar the Driving Park - Queen St. 839•tf s. dr s. d. s. d. 4 10 4 10 4 106 5 34 5 3i 5 3i4 5i 4 5 4 46. 4 10 4 10 4 96 60 060 0 60 0 35 935 3 35 6 32 0 32 0 32 0 24 6 24 6 24 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 • A TALE FROM WINNIPEG. BI Ir'rIIS. BEST.—In Hullett, un Dec. 28, the wife of Mr. Andrew Best, of a son. DAvis.—In Blyth. on Dec. 21, the wife of Mr. W. J. Davis, of a daugh- ter. PA'rrERsox.—in East Wa wanosh, on Dec. 24, the wife of Mr. Alex. Patter- son, of as son. MCLAUGHLIN.—In Aberdeen, S., Dakota, on Dec. 28, the wife of Mr. D. G. McLaughlin, formerly of Clinton, of at daughter. GEIB.—In Seaforth, on January 2nd, the wife of Mr. Henry Geib, of a daughter. FREEBORN.—In Clinton, on Sun day, January 0th, the wife of Dr. Jas. 8. Freeborn of a son. HOW TWO PROMINENT CITIZENS OF THE PRAIRIE CAPITAL REGAINED HEALTH. ONE SUFFERED FROM THE EFFECTS OF MALARIA AND INDIGESTION, THE OTHER FROM NERVOUS PROSTRATION —THEIR STORY AS TOLLS A TRIBUNE REPORTER. MARRIAGES. THE NEWS -RECORD $l. R YEAR- 1 EN Pill I ATV /\ @OE. For years there has been cutting and slashing in the news- paper business. This hour, after long consideration, we have decided to run our business a little different as to subscriptions. THE NEWS -RECORD is well worth 81.50 a • year in advance. It readily commands our past price, 81.25 a year. The price hereafter will be 1\ICVITTTE--JonsSTON.—Oil Dec. 19, by the Rev. D. Forest, Mr. J. McVittie, of Hullett, to Miss Jessie Johnston, of Grey. ENGEL—RQ ELL.—In Grey, on Dec. 25, by the Rtry. 0. H. Cobhledick, Mr. John Engel, of Paw Paw, Mich., to Miss Edith Rozell, of Gr:'y. COWAN—JACKSON.—In Manchester, on Dec. 25, by the Rev. Mr. Baugh, Mr. Isaac Cowan, to Miss Sarah A. Jackson, both of East Wawanosh. RAMSEY-11ENRY,—III East Wawa - nosh, on Dec. 251h, by the Rev. Mr. Baugh, Mr. John Ramsey, of Guelph, to Miss Ellis Henry. BURRowa--VROJIAN.—Ii1 Colborne, ou Dec. 25, by Rev. W. R. Ross, Mr. V�'tll, 13uirows, of St. Albans, U. S., formerly of Ashfield, to Miss Orah Bella Vronlan, of Colborne. - B0uL7'oN—L0CKIIART.—•In McKillop, on Dec. 20, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Robt. A. Boulton, of Mooretown, to Miss Isabella F. Lockhart. ARKELL—TASKER.—In Hullett, on Dec. 25, by the Rev Mr. Fair, Mr. Thos. Arkell, of ' Culross, to Miss E. V. Tasker. b1cTNTosit—HENDERaoN.—At the residence of the pride's father, on January 2nd, by Rev. P. Musgrave, assisted by the uncle of the bride, Rev. I)r. McKay, of Formosa, Mr. Finlay McIntosh, to Miss Margaret Hender- son, both of McKillop. $1 STR/OTLY IN ADVANCE. CAMPBELL—CATTLE.—At the resi- dence of the pride's parents, Thames Road, Usborne, on December 19th, by Rev. Colin Fletcher, Mr. Alexander Campbell to Miss Elizabeth (`ottle, daughter of 11Ir. John Cottle. ` HENDERSON — KIRKPATRICK. — In Goderich, on New Year's day, by Rev. H. Irvine, Mr. Robt. Henderson to Miss Ada Kirkpatrick, all of Goderich. LITTLE—ELLIS.—At t he residence of the 'pride's parents, Grey, on New Year's day, by Rev. J F. Barker, of Ingersoll, Mr. VVnm. Little, to Miss Mary Ellis, both of Ingersoll. KEELER—MCMILLAN.—At the resi- dence of the bride, on Wednesday, Dec. 19th, R. B. Keeler, jeweler, to Miss Jennie McMillan, both of Tees - water. GRAY—MCKELLAR.—At the Manse, Blyth, on December 26th, by the Rev. A. McLean, Mr. Joseph Gray, of Winghain, to Miss Effie McKellar, of Morris. FRANCIS—STRUTHERS.—On the 25th December, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. S. Fisher, of Atwood, Mr. John C. Ftancis, of Logan, to Miss Mary E. Struthers, of the 10th con., Ehna. HYMER—IRVINE.—lu Christ Church, Listowel, on Xmas day, by Rev. J. F. Parke, Mr. J. J. Hymer, son of Mr. John Hymer, of Mornington, to Miss Jane Irvine, eldest daughter of Mr. John Irvine, of Mutat. • From the Winnipeg Tribune . The modern world is decidedly skep- tical, and in the case of cures by adver- tised medicines, it is sometimes relrmark- ed that they occur at long distances. Recently, however,• the Tribune was told that a Winnipeg gentleman had passed through an experience as remarkable as any of those published. and inquiry into the matter revealed the fact that several prominent citizens of Winnipeg had been greatly benefited by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. One of these citizens is Mr. W. A. Charlesworth, the well known contrac- tor, who during his residence in Winni- peg has added to the beauty and wealth of the Prairie Capital by erecting some of its finest and most substantial buildings. Naturaiiy whatMr. Charles- worth would say as to the merits of a medical preparation would be read with interest by the many citizens who have met him in business and socially, and it Tribune reporter was detailed to get from hint some particulars in the matter. Mr. Charlesworth was seen at his beautiful and cosy home on William street, a few days since, and while unwilling to attract publicity, yet, for the benefit of those suffering as he once was he consented to give a simple statement of his case. About thirteen years ago, while living in the southern part of Illinois, near Cairo, he had several attacks of malarial fever and ague, which left his blood poor and thin, and so deranged his system that for about ten years after he was a sufferer from chronic indigestion. He came north after residing there for some years in order to try to shake off the effects of the malaria, but without Hauch success. He has not had. while in the north, another real attack of ague, but every season he has had incipient attacks, which were only warded off .by the prompt use of quinine. Bilious fever also tl'.1'eiita'neii in the same way. Ile also suffered severely from indigestion. Determin- ing to make a decided effort to get rid of his complication of disorders, he he an in the fall of 1891 to use Dr. Williaatrls' Pink Pills, the advertise- ments of which he had read in the newspapers. Mr. Charlesworth- began to use the pills in October, and for the first month scarcely felt any improve- ment. However, from that time on improvement was rapid and the effect marvellous. The cold of the winter of 1891-2, as will be remembered, was intense, and yet so great was the toning up of the system and the enrich- ment of the blood, that be scarcely felt the cold at all that winter. His indi- gestion was removed, and since that time he has nob had another attack of malaria fever. Ile continued taking the pills up to shout the middle of January. In closing his interview Mr. Charlesworth said :—"However, do not ) rely upon my authority alone, , but see Mr. Fairchild, who has used the pills." MARKET REPORT S. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon. CLINTON. 'heat Fall 4, Barley. ()ate...... Peas 4... o 56 to 0 58 ,0 35 to 0 40 0 27 to 0 28' 050 to 051 ler bush.......... 0 30 to 0 35 Potatoes,1 0 16 to 0 17 Butter ...... 0 14 to 0 16 Eggs, per dok 6 00 to 7 00 Hay Cordwood ....., 3 75 to 5 00 Beef ^ STOCK MARK.'tT. -• 3 00 to 4 00 TORONTO t-lv, ,s each$25 OOtn$40 00 Miichers & spring+ -s, cwt. 2 50 to 2 75 Stockers and Feeclet e, ^wt 300 to 350 Butchers' eattle,ebork c wt 2 00 to 250 Butchers' cattle, corn , .... 3 00 to 3 50 Export sheep, per cwt. .. 2 50 to 3 25 Lambs, per cwt. . 400 to 4 10 Hogs, choice bacon, cwt.. 3 25 to 350 Hogs, stores and light,c'ert 2 00 to 2 25 Hogs, rough stags, etc. cwt.. , 00 to 3 50 Sows, breeding, cwt, 3 '0 to 700 Calves, choice, each 1, 1 to 300 Calves, common, each D Q TORONTO FARRIERS' MARIG'e. street The receipts of grain on am-, This is "cutting to the bone," grad shrewd readers will take advantage of our offer and become subscribers at once. A11 overdue subscriptions must be paid at the rate of 81.50 a year after the 1st of February, 1895 Up to that date we will accept 81.25 x year for back subscriptions and all unpaid ac- counts at that date will bo placed in Court for collection at 81.50 a year. Agents in every locality will be allowed the usual commission on NEW subscribers, but on OLD subscribers only the, actual cost for correspondence and in remitting money. Few papers in the Province give its much space t3 local mat- ters atters or spend as much money on a purely home produc- tion as does THE NEWS -RECORD. At 81 a year people might just as well ask us to live without eating as to ask for credit. The price is positively 81 IN ADVANCE. The business of the Dominion is corning to "cash and one price," and THE NEWS -RECORD expects to soon adopt the cash in advance principle. To those who cannot pay the small sum of 81 a year in advance for a home produc- tion like THE NEWS -RECORD, and honestly acknowledge the corn, should have the paper a whole year free. During the year 1895 THE NEWS -RECORD will be better than ever. Every department and every line will be of inter- est. The "Cut to the 'Roue" price of -81 strictly in adv- .ance will not snake any other change. THE NEWS -RE- CORD will continue to be as good as ever.. ~-µ Delinquents are now.on an equal footing. There will in future be one law for all, and the CASH-,IN-ADVAL payers will have the best'of it. A. M. TODD, Pub1i'fl1r4 DEATHS. ASHTON —In Morris, on Saturday, Dec. 29th, 1894, Francis, third son of Frank Ashton, aged 20 years and 22 days. MCNAIR.—In Grey, on January 1st, Jane, daughter of Jas. NcNair, aged 30 years, 6 months and 4 days. MCDONALD,—in Clinton, on the 1st, inst., the wife of Capt. Jim. McDonald, of Porter's Hill, aged 66 years and 10 months. SCOTT.—in I-lullett, on the 3rd inst., Margaret Hamilton, wife of Rotit. Scott, ex -reeve, aged 04 years and 0 months. I,ESUE.--In Clinton, 011 Monday, Jan. 7th, Lena .Jane, third daughter of Mr. John Leslie, aged 26 years. SMITTI.--In Clinton, on .Jan 5th, Ann, wife of Mr. Henry Smith, aged 82 years and 7 months. The Mr. Fairchild it is needless to say, is Mr. Frank Fairchild, the largest dealer in vehicles and farm machinery in western Canada. Mr. Fairchild's name too well known to readers of War. --China and Japan. Chinese Mixture 20c. Japan 15c. worth 20c. At IRWIN'S, for Cash or Trade. The Town News. The District flews. The County News. The Dominion News. The News of the World. Thoughtful Political Com- ments. All in Tim NEws-RECORD, and all for one dollar a year in advance. Are you a subscriber 7 At the• Brantford (Jreiincil a motion to dispense with the services of Miss Wooclyatt, assistant clerk, was defeat- ed by a vote of 9 to 3.. Leave Doubtful seeds alone. The best are easy to get, and coat no more. Ask your dealer for FERRY'S SEEDS Always the best. Knowe' everywhere. Ferry's Seed Annual for 1895 tells you sient Free.' Got 11. Add rand when to elsasnt. D. M. FERRY et CO., W Indsor, Ont. TO THE ELECTORS OF ST. CEORCE'S WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :— I thank you kindly for your vote and my election without a personal can- vas. As in the past, I will endeavor to serve you faithfully, and try to de- monstrate that; your confidence has not, been misplayed, Yours faithfully, W. C. SEARLE. NEW PUBI.TCATTON. A MEDICAL WORK Or PRACTICAL FAMILY VALDE. SPRC1lrIO MANUALP$B TB M lD K HUSID. - \ 110•94•4441, 474•04,64"110•• Place In Ganada to 4 get a Business Edu- cation, Snorthanu etc., is at the Cen- tral Business Cut•. lege. Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada' sGreaterCom- tiion this paper. Shaws& iii ott zuefie Men- leats.l- t0000000000044dz >� Grand Trunk Railwa Trains le. e Clinton station for all psi following time table:- 0OIV0 BA - 7.32 a m Express. 2.95 p m F.xpreee. 4.40 pm Mixed. BEST TS Thie revision of a '9:,9k ^wh'',.h has baeu before tbd 1 public for over 40 years, and which has an annual oh-enla fon of over throe million copies, In five different Iangnnges, is a somewhat remarkable one. Its venerable anther, 1n his 80th year, here gives the result of a half century of profaSSi00al experience, ane of over forty year', of constant perfecting of his now (among Homeopathic Specifics. It may be eon - Were(' as hie Vaiedicio-y to an immense aggregation Of patients In all plata of the world. As Ode to those who use lila widely known Bpoeifiea, this Speeltle Manual of 100 pages, is ad- mirably a/ etemized for the needs of the Mak room. Ite gronpiege et eyroptome, under the head of tbo several Speol,t¢e of the series, will greatly eaglet the anxious enquirer, in the streae Of sudden emergonoy, to select the appropriate' remedy ; while brief, but careful de•crlptiOne of variohs forme of disease, and valuable hints as to diet, and other related matters, give the work a permanent *Cine for family use. We especially notice the unmistakable profesaiOnnl tone which pervades every page of tie pamphlet, from title to colophon. Prepared as it le. In the in- I ne holism; oe of the • ar .oat lfe dill t 0} one of tho oil e g world, the Doctor never f xgata his professional re- sponsibility for the "leaner! of life and denth" Involved in the nae of hie Specifies. His nttorances oro pinin, wis4, helpful, conservative . fully uo to the latest Medias' and Boientifie etantlard•, and Ma dlendwalon of disease free from any trace of indellceay • every page reflenta the sincerity end benignity of the face which Tooke out from the title -cover of the parnphtet• A copy will be sent posteald on request; addread Iluut'rrurcvs' 5150101811Go., William and John Ste., New York, 00IN0 NOBTO 10.12 a m 0.55 p m 00150 10.15 a 1 28p .05p1t 22 p 9 00180 7.80 a 4.28 p CHRISTMAS EXCORSI Tickets will he issued a Fare good to go 24th and 25th turn on Dec, 26. At Fare and one third go 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Dec. and reti 3rd. For all particulars, apps W. JaciLlti,Q1 TOWN AGiElelT, O. B. THOMLl�„'t1,3OV VETERINERY SERBEON Honorary Oradnate of the °ntarib Veteripary0i lege, Toronto. Treats all dieeaaee of Domesifir ktinlals ell* moat modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Carle PromptfyAneweie8. Besidenoe—Rattenbury street, Weed Glen :1, FOR TWENTY -Fitt MI' UNN'S E3 KINC9 POWDEF THECOOK'SBEST'rr 1v LARGEST $ALB IN CANA,,e,-