HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-01-02, Page 4r Saved Her Life. Mrs C. J. WooLDnllnami, of'�Portham, Texas, saved the life of herchildby the ase; of 4yer'tl ClIterr9 +" Qne of my children had Croup. The ease Was attended by OUT physician, and was supposed to be. well uncle? control. One night I was startled by the child's hard breathing,, and on ging to It found it s hard g It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarming condition ;gpad become possible in spite of the medicines be no avail." vinAIIparremedies et aibottleof Aye 's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave the send three doses, at short intervals, and anxiously waited results- From the moment tlio Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew easier, and, In a short time, she was sleeptn quietly and breathing naturally. The ob d is alive and well to -day, and I do Ft hesitate to saythat Ayer's Cherry Pee- ry,' saved hgperrr life."�rrrl 1l AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer .&Co., Lowell, Mees. Prompt to act, su re to cure The Huron News -Record ,1.50 a Year—$1.25 In Advance WEDNESDAY JANUARY '2ND, 1890. I>Iis 4roat Country.: The, London, gland. Fitattnclitl ?Moses the grol,t 00E014 11 lottrntil O, the world, 4479 t t'Qanttda;seems to he t40 pl�aar or, the wpllld which i4 not lteenly sutfet^iug fruila the W,ides»heat', depression of last Let the Canadian e ramify hOwlel's. head taut. Letthe 1 Outs preach "hard tli,tles' and howl anent "ctepre;3sion," the face of that statement, Canada/ stands sprue- the Onlyart. of the wevld which dist not keenly suffer last year. It its worth while'll icg; in C iSti- ada ; it is worth while putting confi- dence in the Government of the only country that came through the terrible Ordeal of hist yea creditably. The Financial Tirries gives no taffy; it is ti business paper', and its statements are thoroughly reliable. HILOH'S VITALIZER. 1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, C.attanoogat Tenn., says : • "Shiloh's Vitaltzsr 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used" For Dyspepsia, Liver oy Kidney trouble i excels. Price 73 cts. Sold by J. H Combe The London Daily News on Thu.'s- day, in commenting upon the, new Canadian Cabinet, said Mr. Rowell has shown good taste and sound judgment "' not disturbing the arrangements made Sir JohnThompson. 1n d by J h rHeart Disease Relieved In 30 Mutates Dr. Agneas s Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief nail casae of Organ o or Sympathetic Heart Disease t in 80 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It le a peerless remedy f r Palpitation, Shortmees of Breath, Sntoth.ring ¢pelt., Pain in Loft Side add all eymtome of a Drs,eased Heart. One dose convinces. -Sold by ' Watts& Co. . Honor Juage McDougall, sitting ay as local Judge in Admiralty, udgwent in the case against the can fishing tug Grace, declairing scaled with its cargo and all its ings for illegally fishing in wat- ithin Canadian territory. itsIticxatIou. The New York Commercial Adver- tiser, which has mounted the "conti- nental union" hobby and is ridingit with much ener;, , printed on Sunay a letter from its Ottawa correspondent reviewing the political situation in Canada. The writer, after stating that the Conservative party is pledged to British connection and is not likely to shape its policy in such a way as to Deopard the iunperial interests of the ominion, goes oa to analyze the policy and attitude of the Liberal par- ty. He says : "On the other hand, the Liberals are taking their stand on a continental as distinct from an imperialist platform. They waut closer trade relations with the United States, and if they should win the elections, would not care if it took the shape of a customs union. with tariff discrimination against Britain. "This is how the opposing forces are ranging themselves. A Liberal victory would be a long stride, therefore, to- ward the political unification of the North American continent. Even if they are Neaten at the elections in the spring, the Liberals are almost sure to be in power by the time the Repub- licans enter into control again . at Washington, and it ought not to be difficult for the two parties to come to an understanding." Here is the frank opinion of an un- prejudiced student of Canadian politi- cal affairs. He is friendly to the Lib- eral party because he recognizes the, fact that a victory gained by that par- ty at the polls would help along the great cause of annexation—the extinc- tion of Canada as a nation. THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM According to the best authorities, ori- inate in a morbid condition of the lood, Lactic acid, caused by the de o ge' .reams' awl ssues,• circulates with the tacks the fibrous tissues, in the joints, and thus loc;t•l manifestations ,of the he hack and shoulders are par usually affected by rheurna- m, and the joints at the knees, kles, hips and wrists are also some - es. attacked. Thousands of people Ye found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a itive and permanent cure for rheum - It has had remarkable success g the most severe cases. The f its geseass lies in the fact that s`,aonce the cause of the dis- eutralizing the tactic acid and the blood, as well as st.rength- ry function of the body. e and enthusiastic meeting of fives was held at Rat Port- ednesdu,y night, when it was to nominate a candidate iu op - to Mr. Comnee, the Ontario 'tentcadidate in West Algoma. on'6 CURE is sold on a guaran caves Incipient Consumption. est Cough Cure, only one ose; 23 cts., 50 cts. and 81.00 je. Sold byJ. H. Combe. ring to the carper of Mr. Mac- Bowell, and noting the fact rose from the printer's case to remiership, the Buffalo News h• t in Canada as well as in the tates a poor man has a chance ing for himself an honourable 5 IN Six house.—Dletr ,sling Kidpey and !licenses relieved In six bourn by the "Naw 11UTE AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE " This POW 9 e great sarprire and delight to physicians of its exceeding Promptness in relieving Metier, kldnoyS, bac]: and every part of eegee.iii male or female. It roliovee and pain in prsdne It almost (m— yon want quick re.,ef and cure this la y. Sola by Watts & Co. Druggists. rincipal feature of the Pales ex - n of 1900 will he the largest teles - n the world. The instrument, is two hundred feet long and to n objective of four feet diameter. DO THOU LIKEWISE. APTA1N SWEENEY, U. S. A., San o, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh edy is the first medicine I have found that would do nie any Price 50 cents. Sold by J. H. tbe. A Lady Saves Fifty Dollars By Wisely Investing Seventy - Five Cents. 'shop McDonnell, of Brooklyn, N. has issued an ecclesiastical interdic- a i'?nst secret societies, including ]fellow', the Knights of Pythias h Sons of Teglperance. THE HUB GROCERY. ALWAYS RIGHT.-* Our Stock ie complete in canned goods such as SALMON, HADDiE, FRESH HERRING, LOBSTER, BEEF, DUCK, OH N rURKEY,, \ Canned Vegetables—TOMATOES; PEAS, CORN, PUMP- KIN. Canned Fruit—PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we have PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Picliles—McCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWA, and AVALNUT. All kinds of Spices, quality pure. Tea, all grades; we push the sale of Ben Hut. Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crockery. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. Snap Slots A wise, careful and thrifty wife and mother living about five miles from a l -a l Ke. v ad t;':hs•:iahirl Ontv.e.a t,taNe tells how she was enabled to save fifty dollars by the judicious investment of seventy-five cents. Her story runs as follows:— "Lastitutumn I found it was necessary to provide new overcoats, suits and dresses frthreeboysandtwogirls. The materials for these garments and the making and trimmings would cost fifty dollars. This was a large sum to ex- pendjust at a time when we were mak- ing great efforts to build a new house. "For two days I thought the matter over, and after carefully examining my children's garments, the question strongly presented itself to my mind, 'can 1 rurtke use of the Diamond Dyes?' "I had used the Diamond Dyes before with great success in a smaller way, and so I determined to see what could he clone, with the view of saving so large a sum as fifty dollars. My chil- dren's garments were not torn or very badly worn; they were simply faded, dingy and old looking. I commenced with an overcoat to test my skill, and succeeded in dyeing it a lovely dark shade of brown. I pressed and finished it in such a way that it looked like a new garment from the hands of a tailor. "Meeting with such great success, .I tried the other garments and achieved wonderful results, and the total cost of the work accomplished was only sev- enty-five cents. "My boys and girls were astonished, and were quite as wel pleased with the renovated garments as they would have been with brand new ones. Very few people around me were aware of the fact that I had used Diamond Dyes to renew my children's clothing, and fit it for another winter's wear. Of course I told some of my friends how I had saved fifty dollars, and they are follow- ing my example, and are freely using the Diamond Dyes. "You will clearly see how any intel- cligent and handy mother can easily ave quite a good sum of money every year. Diamond Dyes are certainly money savers." `or Over Fifty Years SNsL 'e SOOTaINO STROP has been used by of m there for noir children while teething. ed at 'abtand broken of yourrost bye sick firing a 1 orvina wl„h pain of Oat, log Teeth ea an get a bottle of "Mts. Wiuelnw's trop" t -dblldren Teething. It will relieve tie stiff ^r iii, ^;1lately. Depend upon It ere is no retake about it. It (tures Mar: tell the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind the Oume, rednoea Inflammation, and ltd doorgy to the whnio system. "Mrs. tithing Syrup" for children teething, is e taste and It the prescription of ono of a; beet female physicians and nurses in edl3 tee, Price twenty five cents a bottle. '11 dr plate tltroughout the world. Be sure Or " S.' WINeLOw'e 800Tn1NG SYRUP." en liner Sarmatian went the Clyde at Glasgow last DULL TIMES, OR GOOD TIMES, CONTINUOUS ADVERTISING IS JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. In dull times, because, no nutter how dull, there .are always tl ose,<vhn must buy for legitimate needs. , The wide-awake, contirihious advertiser catches the orders. DO YOU CATCH, THE POINT? - In good times, because the wide-awake, continuous advertiser is enabled to select from the great volume of orders the best, leaving the undesirable to the other fellow. ERGO -ADVERTISE CONTINUOUSLY, BUT JUDIC- IOUSLY A small annoucement in the right medium is better than a large one in the wrong medium. In dull times you cannot afford to take chances. THERE IS ONLY ONE NEWS -RECORD The London Chronicle says that the long -pending dispute in the tin plate trade in South Wales has been settled, the masters and men agreeing upon a 10 per cent. reduction in wages. CATARRt Bntravao 1N'10 TO 60 MINUTES.— Ono short' puff of the breath through the Slower anpplled with each bottle Of Dana's Catarrhal Pow der, diffuses this Powder (Iver the enrfaoc of tho nasal passages. Painless and delightful to nee, it re- lieves Instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Toneilitio and Deafness. 60 cents. At Allen & Wilson's. An excursion train On the Chicago and Gr{tnd Trunk, loaded with Cana- dians bc"fund for Winnipeg, Wag wreck- ed at Schoolcraft, Mich., Thursday, but no passengers were hurt. AFTER LA GRIPPE. After la Grippe obstinate coughs, lung trouble, etc., frequently folio .v There is no remedy so pt'otrlpt and, at the scone time effectual and��,,ppieasltnt, as Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophos- phites, which is the latest an4 best combination of anti -Consumptive re- medies. Price 50c. and $l.QO per bottle. - --_ There was a terrific snowstorm in north-western Nebraska last Thursday night. ear Advertise in THE HURON NEWS -RECORD, best medium in Huron. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. ao D. Bose, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Geo, Watt, vice-president, Harlock P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, SecyTreas., Seaforth P. 0. ; M. Mardis, In- pector of details Seaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS, Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lea bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; John Han nah, Seafdrth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nellans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth; J. Cumminge, Egmondville; Geo. Murdle, Auditor . Parties desirous to affect Insurance or Irene act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective poet cairns. Weeklij Free Press --•AND— FARM ANI) HOME ©-For I895:-1 $1.00 BOTH PAPERS FOR $1.00 ENLARGED AND JMPROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACH NUMBER WILL CONTAIN REV. De. TALMAGE'S SERMON delivered the Sunday previously WAKEMAN S WANDERINGS. A• AGRICULTURAL SLITTER—Illustrated. LA DIRe' PAG E—Illustrated. SPLENDID SHEET OF Bfus each week. RETRIAL TALE, andot er interesting roading'matter '•SUBSCRIBE. NOW:. Ice, One Dollar a year In advance for the Weekly Free Press ant' Farm and Home— in all 16 pagee. Balance of 1894 free. Agents wanted in every unrenroeented district to solicit subscriptions. Big commission. FREE .PRESS PRINTING CO., London, Ontario. It is announced that the old suspen- sion bridge ,at Niagara Falls is to be taken away shortly, and a new canti- leyer bridge will replace it. THE NEWS -RECORD Has a limited supply of Wedding Invita at a much lower price than city offices ch CASH IS KING And when b eked by low prices always wins. Having bought our goods strictly ft THUS S AVING THE DISCOUNT and leaving no bad accounts on our books, i doing_a Cash Business, we are in a position to give better value titan an . WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We want it because we need it ; beta' f making a living. We sell for Cash because our judgment says that nod to accomplish our pnrpo e. Our Stock is ent'ir'ely new no shelf wor •ything in the Store fresh and clean. DEPARTMENT.—Bargains to remember us by; just received 1 Car{14 Sets which we otter at the following exceptionally low prices, 44 pied' 5.75, $6.00, $6.25, $6.50 up, 97 piece Decorated Dinnot•Sets•to>;:$C China Decorated $2.15. Bedroom Sets from $1.25 up. , ,Jr assortment of Fancy China, will bo pleased to show goods wbethei' that by the trad our way best met but eve CROCKER'O China TL Tea Sets piece Ston Call and see our • Jost Arriverl or not. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASA. OG E COOPER & Telephone N Stand 1 A lot of New Franles at Toronto prices from 25c. up. Now is the time to got those photos you have framed for Xnias, or get a large photo of Mother or Fath- ers for then ; or perhaps you have an old photo to copy. Now for a good Xmas present, the best thing isa Cabinet photo of yourself to give to your friend ; it will please them and will be cheap for you. For the Xmas trade we are making $5 CABINETS, BEST FINISHfor $3 A SECOND LINE at $2,60. 4 LARGE SUNBEAMS at 25o• Order Xmas Photos Now. GOOD WORK AND_p QUICK DELIVERY CHILDREN'S PHOTOS .-A SPECIALTY: • • 'See display in City Bakery Window CALL AND Co SEE ANDERSON, COOK'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. EUREKABAKERY AND RESTARUANT. 23. oor North of TIIE NEWS-RECOR Advertising Always Pays .i, If you go • about it in the right way. There is o I ex- ception to this rule. No de- partment,of your business w ill give better returns for th looney. invested than the ad- verti Ong department, in truth it is'the main spring of all th dee rtments. Observe pi inent pogition an.' neat display of THE` 's - CORD advertisenfeats and col side].' whet' the opportun your business been long and seeking. Under the new Management business con- tinues to Aotlrish. Our Stock comprises everything regnired in a first-class Bakery and Restaurant—such as ►Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Superior Bread, Confeotionery, Cool Kammer Drinks, &o., &e. WEDDING CARES A SPECIAL- TY and prices reasonable. Picnic parties dealt with on the most liberal terms and Bread delivered to all parte of the town. Botter value than we offer cannot be obtained . Give us a call. Stand next the Grand Union Hotel, Clutton. JAMES BOYD, Proprietor, er this is not iu tor increasi let you b anxi S. HURON ORANGE DIR 1894. TO Names of the Disterasters, Prima Lodge Masters, their post office addresses nd date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O. 219— obt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri d on or before full moon. 662—T s. H. Coursey, Lu can, Sate day .'n or before full moon. 493 — Ric. and Hodgins, Saintsthury, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890 — George Walden, Maplegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924—Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday in each month. 1087—James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon- day on or before full moon. 1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343—James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610—A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or after full moon. 1\ 1 r Property F For sale, the large dwe' lately occupied by Dr. A p Hae all modern oonvenien Also a house and lot ad facing Victoria street. For p MANNING A SCOTT, Chalton. Prop For 5 In the th, porch balone farm. show prim Iover $8.000 D. J. CAB 887-10 GODERICH DISTRICT. James Calwell, W.D.M., Goderich P.O. 145—James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon- day in each month. 153—Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday on or before full moon. 182 --Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tues- day in each month. 189—F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. 262—James McLean, ' Saltford, 3rd Wednesday in each month. 300—T 11. Cook, Clinton, 1st Mon- day in each month. HULLETT DISTRICT. D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 710—David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month, 813—Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full moon. 928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 793—Wm. Horney, Seaforth, lst Mon- day in each month. STANLEY DISTRICT. Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bayfield P.O. 24 ---James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon- day in each month. 308 --Wm. Consit, Hillsreen, 1st Tues day in each month 833—Robert McKinley Blake, 1st Wednesday in each mos h. 733—Wm. J. Clarke, Hensel_, 1st Thurs- day in each month. 1035—WmA4 Rathwell, Bayfield, 1st Thursday in each month. teirNoTF..—Any omissions or other errors will bo prom,itly corrected on waiting direct to the County blaster, Bro. A. M. Todd, aileron P. 0, LIVE Hignest N D. C 793-1f. A P M THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE Telt PLANT TO IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the growers as a sample of the best •qualit Teas. Therefore they use th0 grate! selection of the Tea and its blend, Cha put it up thrmselvrs and sell it Only it package., thereby .ecuring*itepfirity a, Put up in h Ib., t Ib. and }S ib. pafkagt sold in bulk. ALL 0000 GR' 0E118 KEE If your grocer docs not k tell1211 STEEL, HAY Icr'4& 11 and 13 Front street Esta, 7 are the most powerful, safe, .Pill of 'is Riad in 011 effective led �` Cyd pre and all 1 fftI Drusistsel it.1; Beware of see at pu get the Geassine English esite rAly Circle Bra Puts, twIulfhite-Lll,' in centro box bearstar slp•nature-Winch'. Co, on ev0 sides Ask your)) don't kee the will get it for yen, to as an' ,ewllt bond it epee r, (lis by M filsOde Band otien deal Mt X01'