The Huron News-Record, 1895-01-02, Page 2ek Kennedy, GlintQU_
Instill Agent fox lrlie celebrated and
xeliable 7113,MVQRD « and MC•
To , 4vei tzser. $,
Ott shames of Acloertisonzents, to
° usure $nsertvon an the current issue,
-inugt be received at the office not
later than ,SAT URDAY NOON
Copy for changes received toter than
,SATURDAY NOON will here-
after be at the Advertisers own risk.
A. M. TODD, Publisher.
The Huron News -Record
1.2 . a Year -81.00 in Advance
to and Around the Blah,
1` uown &alit.
Cash paid for egg and butter.—CANTELON liens.
Every 00er ise neut, iii this paper
giumid 0e of Interest, ,
Sir, PAVIA X e' Role.—•Us Christ,
was Tree and Entertaiul lent in St,
M'aul's Ohurch 80001 room last Wed-;
nesday .ievening was well attended,
of ar o rtion ofctheip eviitus pro
gramme given in the town hall, magic
lantern views by Mr, Brewer, and the
distribution of prizes to the Sunday
School Scholars.
GER.—That excellent paper, the Rainil-
tn Spectator, says —THE CLINTON
NoEwt8-RECORD celebrates its seven-
teenth . birthday by issuing a mam-
moth 21 -page edition. THE NEwe.RE-
CORD is one of those papers, which are
better than usual.. when bigger than
meeting of the Huron County S.S.
Convention will be held in Goderich on
Monday and Tuesday, January 28 and
29. A very attractive programme has
been prepared and it will well repay all
the Sunday school workers of the
county to be present on that occasion.
wood Bee, a well edited local paper,
got out a dandy Xmas number of 24
pages brim full of good reading and fat
ads. The merchants of Clinton support
their local papers right loyally the
whole year round and as a natural re-
sult the publishers get out two excellent
sheets, second to none in the Huron
0.P. No. 10, Clinton,. elected the follow-
ing officers last Thursday :—P.C.R.,
James Finch ; C.R., R. Heywood ; V.
C.R., H. A. Glazier ; Chap., Isaac Dodd;
R.S., `J. P. Sheppard • F.S., Wn1.
Jones : Treasurer, Wm. 'Young ; S.W.,
T. D. Johnson ; J.W., H. W. Cook; S.
B., D. A. Cantelon ; .l. B., E. Robinson.
The installation will take place at the
next meeting.
Have you paid in advance ?
ADVERTISING.—Stratford Herald
"Tan CLINTON NEws-REcoRD0 cele-
brated its seventeenth anniversary this
week by issuing a mammoth paper of
21 pages, filled with interesting matter
and profitable advertisements. Long
life to THE NEws-RECORD."
Free Press says:—"THECLINTON NEWS -
RECORD excelled itself in its Christmas
edition last week. It gave a paper of
twenty-four pages of Christmas matter
and advertisements and manifested
miusual enterprise on the part of the
publisher and the business men of the
THE S. A.—The Salvation Army
have closed down their meetings for
this week on account of having their
barracks cleaned atm./painted and fixed
up inside. It will be re -opened with
special meetings Saturday, Sunday and
Monday. Saturday and Sunday the
meetings will be led by the saved store
keeper, Geo. Mason, from Wingham,
' assisted by Bro. Mitson, from Galt.
Monday night, led by Adjutant Tay-
lor and wife, aud surrounding officers
and Soldiers. A singing bottle and
coffee lunch. Everbody invited to
PROVINCE.— London Free Press —
Last week's issue of THE HURON
NEWS -RECORD. published at Clinton, is
one which does credit alike to the town
and its business men. It consists of
twenty-four pages of home -set matter,
,and bears., evidence Of liberal advertis-
ling patron ge. Tifisi !NEws- ORD is
x s11-1
11-1Itent enth year
bfptiblication, and;ono of the be.
conducted weekly newspapers in the
Province. The Free:Press heartily con-
gratulates theroprietor on the success
which is attending his efforts.
CHOSEN FRIENDS.—At the meeting
of the Clinton Canadian Order Chosen
Friends, on Wednesday night, the
following officers were elected for the
following year :—Rich. Horsley, P. C. ;
J. E. BlacEall, C. C. ; Wm. Snell, V.
i ;-W.S. Lawrence, Rec. ; Wm. Weir,
Treas.",:' Geo. bale, Prelate ; D. M. Mc-
Donald, Warden ; D. S. Cook, Mar. ;
A'. G. Sharp, Guard ; R. Jenkins,
stop G. J. Stewart;, Representative to
Sentry, Trustees, G. M Ki lay, O John
Wand Lodge, W. S. Lawrence; audi-
tors, Messrs. Irwin and Fowler. The
+'. order is in a flourishing condition and is
purely Canadian. now numbering
10,000 in Ontario with a surplus in
' Relief Fund of almost $100,000.
very pretty marriage ceremony was
solemnized at the residence of Mrs.
MacKay, Goderich street, on Wednes-
day morning last, the cotracting par-
ties being Mr. L. Ker.nedy, of Clinton,
nand Miss Nellie MacKay, sister of Dr.
MacKay, of this town. The Rev.
Rural Dea.n Hodgins officiated on the
occasion with the beautiful service of
the Church of England. The young
couple are both favorites h their re-
spective towns and the presents re-
ceived were many and pretty as well as
useful. Miss Minnie MacKay waited
)on her sister, ed like r. rian duties rfor,
of Clinton, perform
the groom. After the wedding party
bad partaken of a sumptuous breakfast
the hriae and groom left for Detroit
and other places on the 3 o'clock train.
Seaforth Sun.
With every $g40 worth of goods a
Beautiful Plate Glass ERROR Buckles .
China Cup and Saucer
Come along with your little $2.50, and secure one.
We make a specialty of Fancy Goods, and
can give you the best value. Don't be
led astray by flash- offers of sideline
MEETING.—The annual meeting of the
West Riding of Huron Liberal -Conser-
vative Association will be held in the
town hall, Clinton. on Friday, January
18th, commencing at 2.30p.m. Hereto-
fore the annual meetings have been held
at Smith's Hill, but by wise resolution
unanimously carried it has been de-
cided to have the annual gatherings
year after year, hereafter, at Clinton,
Goderich and Smith's Hill. There
should he a full representation from
every polling division on the 18th.
ST. JOHN'S DAY.—The members of
Clinton Lodge No. 81, A.F. & A.M., to
the number of about thirty-five, met in
their hall last Thursday evening. The
new officers, as follows, were installed
by W. Bro. R. Heywood :—W.M., Dr.
Shaw; P.M.,Thos.Smallcombe;
C. Bruce ; J. W., A. J. Holloway ; Chap-
lain, Rev. J. H. Fairlie ; Secretary; R.
J. McDonald ; Treasurer, O. S. Doan ;
S.D., O. Johnston ; J.D. J. Emerton ;
I.G., J. B. Hoover ; Stewarts, D. B.
Kennedy, J. E. Blackall ; D. C., W.
Jones ; Tyler, Joseph Rider ; Trustees,
W. J. Paisley, R. Heywood; Auditors,
J. H. Lowery,y Fred. Alcock
After the installation the brethern ad-
journed to Bell & Mason's hotel, where
an oyster !ginner was served. W. Bro.
Shaw occr.pied the chair and S.W., Bro.
Bruce, the vice. The intellectual treat
•was of, . high order, music, song and
speechmaking being indulged in until
a sea§onable hour. Clinton lodge is in
a highly prosperous condition and the
above officers are a sufficient guarantee
for future prosperity.
') he ex urrinalion of the students at the
•ton and Goderich Model Schools
commenced on the 10th of Dec. and
continued until the 17th. The County
Board met in Clinton on Saturday,
week and complied the work of the
examination. The following is list of
the successful canditates:—
Female.—Mai y Cornyn, Sarah J. Bell,
Maggie Duncan, Alice M. Cummings,
Tena Forbes, Phoebe Densmore, An-
nie Hamilton, Annie M. Ferguson,
Maggie Hartley, Mary Ellen Ford,
\Lilla Ishister, Agnes D. Hays, Etta
Johnston, Adelaide V..Jeckell, Annie
Laurence Mary Love, Bella Murdie,
Honora McIntyre, Carrie McDonald,
Maggie McIntyre, Agnes McGregor,
Maggie Skelton, Rebecca McNair, Tena
Sprang, Maggie A. Smillie, Alice Tyn-
clal, Emily Turner, Mary V. LeTouzel,
,Lucina Watson.
Males.—Thomas Brownlee, Allan
Bowles, George Bielby, John J. Bo-
lan,es Carter, Wm.
m. J. Brown -
A. Elliott,
rchie T. Elliott, Wm. Gordon, Henry
Fair, George Howard, Wm. F. Fyfe,
Wm. W. Hodgins, Wm. Holland,
j'attick Houlahan, Francis Kirton,
iIto M. Jones, Charles Lepp Ird, John
idiom, Coleman McIntosh, John
eke ie, Alfred McTaggart, Donald
Tt zie, Robt. A. McKee, Hugh
ynCDOaiid Wm. R. Mahood, Charles
Miitchell, John W. Morrison, Wm. H.
Reed, Chas; McKinnon, Jas. J. Powell,
Its. Rosh, Wm. H. Rowe, Robert J.
rd, Wilbert. Sholdice, John Rae,
a, W. Sanders, Frederick Tahb,
eel E. Thompson, Alfred E. `Veth-
, ,Wm. A. Turnbull, David Weir,
Wt ri Spa ton. McConnel, Wm.
. 7
FROM X1.50
We are offering a nice Artotype Engraving in a White and
Silver, White and Gilt, White and Bronze or White and
Pink Frame for $1.10.
This Line we were selling at $1.50, (and they were considered
cheap at that) but in order to clear'out the line we have
marked them down to $1.10.
Our Stock of them is so limited, so if you want a cheap Pic-
ture, come at once and get one before they are all gone.
That Antique Finished Rocker that we are offering at $1, is
Great Value for the money, The number we have sold
is good proof of it. This is a Chiar that looks wellin any
JUNIOR LEAGUE.—A number of the
friends and well wishers of the
Rattenbury St. Tunior League attend-
ed the Sociable given by them on
Friday evening.. The President, Miss
Ethel Doherty, made a graceful and
efficient chairman, and in her report
showed an increase of fifty members
since the League was organized eight
months ago. The abundant supply of
refreshments demonstrated one of the
practical sides of Junior enthusiasm—
and the following programme—the fact
that brain and heart are also given to
the work :—Recitation, Don't X cie Tell,
Norman Webb ; Duet, Vira Hey*ood,
Jennie Shannon ; Recitation, Borrow-
ed, Elva Potts ; Recitation, The Dying
Missionary, Floretta Stevenson : Duet,
Clara Holmes, Aletha Foster ; Recita-
tion, God's Wife, Flora Cunningham ;
Duet, Grace Sheppard, Blanche Mc-
Keown ; Recitation, The Countersign,
Olive Helyar, Miss Eva Cooper acting
as Organist. Miss and Master Shan-
non added much to the pleasure of the
evening by giving two selections on
the Guitar. The Rev. Mr. Holmes
gave a brief address. The proceeds
amounted to over $5.5(1
FRow NEW ORLEANS. --The following
are a few extracts from a letter
recently received from Wellesley
Whitely, formerly of Clinton, now
of New Orleans, to this friends
here, which may he interesting to
some of our readers. After referring
to the annoyances incidental to the
pesky mosquitoes even at this time of
the year, he says :—I go to the Presby-
terian church, and doubtless you would
have laughed, as 1 did, could you have
seen the usher walkingup and down
the aisle fanning himsef with a palm -
leaf fan covered with a big advertise-
ment, in large letters, reading," Smoke
and Chew King Bee Tobacco." But
everything goes in New Orleans. Near-
ly every nation is represented here,
you see on the streets Turks, Greeks,
Americans, English, Dutch, French,
Chinese, Japanese, etc., and matey of
them in their national costumes. Half
of the city is French, and is called "the
old town." The modern part is mostly
settled by English speaking people.
The quantity of oysters consumed here
is enormous; they grade the streets
with the shells and when freshly spread
on they emit a very spicy ,pdor. The
old part of the town is very ancient
looking indeed, ani appears quite a
century behind the times. Most of the
buildings have colonades and fancy
porticos. City government is had, pro-
bably as corrupt as that of New York
or Chicago, or even Toronto " the
good." The mayor and over half the
aldermen and city officials have been
indicted, some convicted and the trials
of others pending. One official fatally
shot another a few days ago over cer-
tain disclosures. One big piece of job-
bery was in the construction of large
iron towers for elevated railway pur-
poses. They cost between two and
three millions of dollars and are worse
than useless, as they are, a standing
menace to the lives of the citizens, be-
ing liable to topple over at any time.
The streets are in worse condition than
I ever saw those of Clinton, especially
the crossings.
The Pioneer Tailor,
HURON SREET, - Clinton
Full Lines of Fall and
Winter Goods.
See our Stock and Prices.
Wish their Patrons and Friends a bright,
happy and prosperous New Year. We
are grateful for your Patronage and hope
to be favored with a continuance of it.
We intend to merit it during the present
year even more fully than in the past and
will do our best to please you and give
you the choicest G-oods at the lowest
---"imitBEESLEY & CO.-----
Great Millinery and Dry -
Goods Emporium.
About two months ago We placed an order
for a line of Fancy Metal Belt Buckles, of
American manufacture. They were bought
for the corning spring trade, but we stipulat-
ed that if at all possible delivery was to be
before Xmas, as they are very suitable for
holiday gifts, they arrived on Wednesday
They are American goods, made from a
white metal. Will not tarnish, are strong,
and as far as appearance goes, not to be dis-
tinguished from sterling silver. The designs
are new, tasty and pretty, just what will be
shown for next spring and suminer.
We also have Black and White all Silk
Belting in two widths to Wire buckles.
The Buckles sell at 25c, 50c, 75c, 85c. The
Belting, 2 inch 28c ; 22 inch 35 cents.
If desired, you may select your Buckle
any color of Ribbon or the Belting, and we
will make the kelt complete.
Belts are worn now, and will bo worn
next spring. One of these would be an ex-
ceptionally nice Xmas gift.
To all appearances the same as sterling
silver, at less than one quarter the cost.
Esq, J.'Hoens,
We handle the lar
best Stock of Fu
in the County, a
who appreci. $6`
icle should se
A great many
Coats are on the
but if you want so
reliable come to
People who are o
cold cannot afFor
ice to their heal
without a Fur (i
— CIothiers,