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't kn,ow when they get.a. soap in Jewelery
whit lkbargain is 1 w'r l give .ou the foam -
Mt atone, atROL Si"l 3 tJ E OST
Al " 6t,:
.each, .100 IOc Collar Buttons at 5c
hat;. Stick. Pink at - - - I0 and 15 cents
and 75 Cent Cuff Buttons - - - 25 cents
arm ' &nsonia•.Clocks at • • • • 65 cents
,01 i Miekle Teaspoons at
Black, Brooches at
15 pairs oI . $1.50 Bracelets at
l Ladies' 25'and 35 cent Hair Pins at • 10 cents
50 Tie Pins at 5c. 50 Pepper and Salts at 15c a pair
n Gold Filled, 21 year Hunting Watch, Ladies' 6 size
case, with Elgin or Waltham Movement, $18, for $12
=1An' Gold Filled 15 year case, was $13.50, for - $9
ent's 7 ;jeweled, 3 oz. NickeCase,Waltham or Elgin,$4.65
Gent's '7',jeweled, 2 oz. Nickle, Stem Wind for - $4
Oue day Walnut or Oak American Clocks, for - $2.25
day Walnut or Oak American Clocks, warranted two
years, for - - - - - - - - $2.75
Rernember these are first-class, new goods, and we warrant them
itr `ever `way or your money back. What we tell you is Itrue, and
yogi wtil be convinced if you inspect our stock. These prices are for
Gash only. We are here to stay and will give you great value.
50c per dozen
5 renis peach
- 25 cents
Miall Malone was burned' to death a
Markham. Whiskey..
An enonymollie donor bail Bent 11,000
new *Penny pieces ' to be distributed.
among the. London workhouse children.
Dr.:Moniegue has been trangferred from
the Department ot $414 end given the
portfolio of Agrionitnre,
Mies fluke, a•, school teacher, was
drowned while skating at Desert Lake
in Frortenac.Oounty.
SpeakingPt Edmonton, Archbishop
Liangevin vigorously attacked the pre-
sent Territorial school system.
'The Rev. Jas. Whlting, pastor of the
Forest. Ont„ Methodist church, d The
ped dead at his home on Friday.
deceased was ( years of age.
The death is announced of Rev Thos.
Alexander, superannuated Presbyter-
ian minister of Burford and Mount
Pleasant, at the ripe old age of 91 years
Mr Alexander at his death was the
father of the Presbyteliau.Church in
Iecemb r 27
hmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange
• •
6 not fail to see our magnificent stock of
r the Chtistmae Trader. . . • •
Our seleo lluloid and Plash ;Goode is very complete consisting of Dressing-
.' 'Cases, Manicnr Odor Cases, Glove and Handkercheef Boxes, Jewel Cabinets,
,'s.Work Boxes, P oto see, Shaving Sebe, tko. Bay early. Yon will have more
time and a better eeiwt on. The prices at the present time are at the lowest point.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
a idsh Water 5c a Bottle
Perfume makes a most acceptable holiday gift.
Our :stock embraces all the leading makes:of
-'- ! We want your trade and make a bid for it. The question of relia-
bility, of standard sterling goods and long experience should tip the
beam Ino youasomething handsome for or. Add to this our moderate
0c, $1p rices. a can give
and $1.25.
The address delivered by Mr. R. D.
McGibbon Q,C. at Lachine in favor of
the candidature of Mr. Chin bonneau is
a prominent feature of the Jacques Car-
tier campaign, Mr. McGibbon has
been all his life a Conservative, but
like many other has got disgusted with
the Government. He has adoped the
only practical course in such a case and
is supporting the Liberal nominee.
The Legislature of Manitoba has
been dissolved and the writs for a new
election issued. Nominations will
take place on January 8th, polling on
January 15th, less than a fortnight after
the opening of the eixth session of the Fed-
eral Parliament; and the new Legislature
will meet on January 24. In his address
to bis constituents Premier Greenway de-
clares that "the menacing attitude assumed
by the Dominion Government with refer-
ence to the educational legielation of the
Province has made it necessary to take the
sense of the eleotors upon the question thns
forced upon them." The Premier asserts
that the people of Manitoba are competent
to deal with their own educational con-
cerns, and resents the imputation that
they have treated any portion of the
community with injustice or in a spirit of
intolerance. The notion of Parliament, in-
vited by the Dominion Government is de-
soribed as deelruotion of the National
School system "without inveetigation and
ignorance of the cironmetances," and the
belief is expressed that en overwhelming
vote of the people of Manitoba, in favor of
autonomy will materially influence the
Dominion Parliament and may avert coer-
cive legislation.
410111144••• %114,41011
'They must be sold and low prices will do it.
We still have a heavy stock and but a short
time to dispose of it, and we have to take what
we can get. Getting value for our goods is now
out of the question. We are bound to sell.
Come and see what we can give you.
We have, without doubt, the
best values in Overcoats and
Beadymade suits ever offered here
We have large stock of Ladies
Mantles, at two-thiras regular whole-
sale price. Get one before they are one
We have fine stock of Millinery
that you can get at your own price
Come quickly
We have a lot of Boots & Shoes
that you can buy cheaper the whole-
sale men can make them•
We offer everything at prices that no one else
can approach for value.
Household effects of S. J. Pollock at Bruce -
field, on Friday, Deo. 27.—T. M. Carling, Anat.
House and lot on Maple Street, belonging to
estate of Mrs May, at Commercial Hotel. Clin-
ton, on Saturday, Jan. 11th.—D. Dickinson,
Farm stock of W. Best lot 10, con 11. Hullett,
on Friday. Jan. 3.—D. Dickinson, Auct.
As the stock is going to be cleared up of
all remnants and odd lines, and goods
that we have too many of, so you may de-
pend upon it you will get great snaps.
Every one with a little money in. their
purse can that day make big investments.
Come early and each bring a friend
SPENCER.—In West Wawanosh, ou Doo. 13,
the wito of Mr H. Spencer, of a eon.
NIGH.—In Tuakersmith, on 18th inet., the
wife of Mr John Nigh, of a eon.
Wingham, on Dec. 17, by the Rev. D. Perrin,
Charles G. Campbell, to Mies Winnifred War-
wick, daughter of Robt. Warwick, all of Mor
MILLER—DENNIS.—At tho Methodist par-
sonage, Walton, on Tuesday, Dec. 17th, by Rev
W. M. Pomeroy, Mr Robt. Miller, of Morris, to
Miss Maggio Dennis, of McKillop.
McLEAN—MILLER.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Clinton, Dec. 25, by Rev W.
F. Parke, Mr E. ht. McLean Science Master
Clinton Collegiate, to Miss Lida Miller, eldest
daughter of Mr J. C. Miller.
TOWNSEND—NOTT.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Tuckersmith, on the 25th
inst. by Rev H. J. Fair, Mr William Townsend
to Miss Selina Nott, second daughter of Mr
Geo. Nott, all of Tuckersmith.
KEMP — SHEPPARD — At the residence of
Mr Alex. Morris, on the 25th Dec., by the Rev.
W. J. Ford Thos. Kemp, to Jessie, daughter of
Mr James L. Sheppard, all of Clinton.
MURCH—EVANS—At the residence of the
bride's father, Holmesville, on Doe. 24, by Rev.
Mary Andrews,
daughtteer of Mr H B. Elora,
vans Mise
EDW ARDS. —In Gode a"rt •idis Deo. 24th,,
Thos. R. Edwards, aged 7,8
SINCL c1IR.—In B 11th inst., Mar-
garet Sloan, relict of tai. Dld Sinclair,
aged 77 years and 8 month
SHARP.—In Ethel, on Deo. 17th, Elizabeth,
relict of the late William Sharp, aged 85 years,
5 months and 9 days. „
MURRAY. In Clinton doe' Deo. 26th, Wm.
Murray, aged 79 years: Funeral on • Saturnay,
at 2.30 p.m.
Just opened the second lot of CORSETS with
the new perfection fastening, in Buff, Drab
and White, all sizes. The ladies now buy
no other make.
etv gkauertioit>a sato. -
Good atle-boiied gr ,Mas Fngeneral ee ant.
Good wages. Apply to
of Refuge.
Hut lett Agricultnt-al Society.
Tho annual meeting of the Hullett Agrioultur•
el Society will be held in the COUNCIL CHAM-
1896, at 2 p.m.. for the election:of officers and the
transaction of other business.
W. COATS, Seo. D • FOW WHA EVloo-Pres.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, Deo. 26, 1895.
Wheat, sppring 0 61 a 0 68
.Wheat, fall 0 61 a 0 68
Oats, 0 22 a 0 28
Barley 0 80 a 0 40
Peas • 0 48 a 0 50
Floor per owt...... 1 85 a 2 00
Perk 4 00 a 4 00
Batter 0 13 a 0 15
Egg per dos 0 14 a 0 16
Potatoes 1 20 a 0 15
Hay, New and Old 12 00 a14 00
Sheeepskine 0 25 a 0 80
No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
Chickens 0 25 a 0 30
Ducks ° 0 45 a 0 50
Turkeys, per pound 0 05 a 0 5i
Geese, per pound 0 06 a Q 0'
TO STOCK FEEDERS—Lar a amount beet
No 1 Yellow Corn. Present price, according to
kind and quantity, 41 to 49 cents a bushel.
We sell for cosh or exchange for oats or any kind
of grain, some oases give one to six months if
desired. Don't feed oats without -milking oorn
meal. Experience has proved that pound for
pound good Yellow Corn Meal will pat on more
and better fat than any other meal; for mixing
to give body to oats, cannot be beat. Will have
loti of Ensilage or Fodder Corn at propor time.
Drive right to the Warehouse opposite Grand
Trunk Passenger Station, Clinton, Ont W,G
The annual meeting of the Stanley Branch
Agricultural Society for the purpose of electing
officers and directors for the ensuing year will
bo held in E. hltiott's Hotel, Bayfield, on Wed.
nesday, January 8th, 1896, at the hour of one
o'clock, p. m., when an abstract of the affairs of
the Society for the past year will be Laid before
the meeting. H. W. ERWIN, Secretary.
Bayfldla Deo, 20th,1895.
Special attention paid to the prompt Cartage
and shipping of all kinds of fre ght. Baggage
delivered or galled for, and goods handled with-
out demLgge. Orders may be lett at residence
lcorner of
and B os'.storm—JAMES Hattentinry and 1OWE lliam St., or Sar -
Dnring the few months I have been Deputy -
Reeve of Clinton, and also during my service !or
several years as Councillor, I have endeavored
to serve your best interests and ask your suf-
frages for 1896. If elected it shall be my errneet
endeavor to olds e,y guard the beet interests of
Clinton, and the welfare of every elector.
Yours faithfully, D. OANTELON.
I have looked attar your interests for the past
two years as councillor to the best of my ability,
and now ask your support for the Depnty-Reeve-
sbin, and if elected will do the very best I can to
look after your interests both here and in the
County Council. Yours very respectfully,
Improved Yorkshire Boar.
The undersigned keeps for service at their
promisee, 16 con., Goderioh townsnip, an im-
proved (registered) Yorkshire boar, No. 1292, of
Canada Improve ad Yorkshire Swine record.
Shippers consider tbie breed the best for .hip.
ping,aekirg and profit, and brings the highest
price in the h.nglish market. Terme $1 at time
01 service with pr.vilege of returning if neces-
sary. Also 6 good miloh cows for sale; simply
overstocked.—LINDSAY BROS. pd
Clinton Horticultural Society.
The undersigned is authorized by the Minister
of Agriculture to hold the ftr.t meeting of the
Clinton Horticultural Society, onIWEDNESDAY,
8TH OF JAN., at 7.30 p.m., in the Council Mem-
ber, for the election of officers and traneaotion of
other business.—W. COATS, Sec., pro. tem.
In order to win 1 up the old year in good shape,
we will offer epeoial bargains on Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday, Doo. 28, 80. 81. In fact our
BargaiuTerblcs Will groan with bargains in shoes,
While as w•ual, the Grocery department will he
tn" of acro ale, 1Be• sun and eo Mixed d w 1
be opert on N W Year's day.
5o per Ib; lintel Mt, 10o; ainfohde and war te,
I.5o; lemon peel, Or lb, Tbrms cash
M. -/J .'SS( t7tC►r0 $G
is sure M attend those
Success who melte good use of their
timo',while attending
The Canada Bu si ness College
NoveltyBakery and Restaurant.
Don't forget that we have the finest
assortment of
Fruits and Confectionery
in town
Candies from 5c to 50c a lb
Seasonable FRUITS at low priees
Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. In fact everything at the very lowest prices.
James McClacherty,
Last week showed:the placing of five stu-
dents In choice positrons; this wook three.
Bella Mitchell, placed as soco•Id stenogra-
pher with the Van Anken Steam Spec'aity Co.,
of Chicago. The first stenographer, in the same
office, Mies Anne Moffatt. is alsoa former pupil.
Jams Warren as stock -keeper and office as-
sistant with Wm. Gray d: Sons, Chatham.
Fred Thompson changed from stenographer
with Geo. B. Douglas to stenographer with
Messrs Wilson, Rankin, MoKeough it Kerr,
Barristers, Chatham.
College re -opens for the new year, Jan. 6th.
For oatalogno of either department address
1). McLACHLAN, Chatham
•— or —
Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods.
Quality fine and prices low in
Groceries, Crockery, Glasswarg
TEAS—Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. Yon will save
from 5 to 10 cents per pound if yon buy from ns instead of Tea peddlers. Com:
pare quality and prices.
SUGARS—We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal refiners. Keep beet
quality and sell at close prices.
NEW FRUITS and PEELS—We have already disposed of during the holiday
Beason, over tour tons, and still have a large stook on hand. Different brands
selling cheap as to quality.
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our
Imported Goode, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Sete, Tea Sets, Toilet
Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Batter Plates, Cups and Saucers and
Lampe of all kinds. Call and Bee our goods and get prices. No trouble to show
Under and by virtue of the power of sale con-
will belproduoed on tain he day of ge, este thh ere will
be sold by public ¬ion by David (Dickinson,
Auctioneer, at
The Commercial Hotel, Clinton,
at 2 o'clock, p. m., on
Saturday, January 11th, 1896,
The following property, viz: Lot 889, on the east
side of Maple Street, tin tho '.own of Clinton,
containing one rood, more or leas. There is er-
ected upon the promreen a one story frame
dwelling house, in good state of impair, newly
shingled containing throe roomskitchen sum-
mer kitchen
lot some good fruit trho eoa, also on
. Ton per cent of the purchase money da o
the day of sale and the balance in 80 days 0- ,
after, without Interest. Farther terms and o
ditiond made known on day of sale or upon sp- I
lioatioqq to the and°reigned.
Alietioneer, t or's Bono
D00,99, 1895, A ,
We extend cordial
thanks for the very gen-
erous patronage accord-
ed us during the year
just closed, and solicit-
ing a continuance of the
same, which we will do
our utmost to merit.
We wish each and all a
Happy and Prosperous
New Year.
W. L. Ouimette,