HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-12-20, Page 3ef
EL . •
'W f'tU ESEXot IRO sg(t, WINE.
it NSW ' D . WONDEWWUT, 8.1,40011 ?URXFJER . IDD . NU tVE TONIC.
talo ►tame no Injurious I ruga I Eye tri edirint is; a Health .Builder, Qertailr a nd Pyuruanant *lief le guaranteed In oases, of. ow,.11I1 /Beet,, Dyslle le1a, N+ vageuttee, A'li Weakueaaeei Hiood and Skin Dieeanoa. It is based oq {,11ycarira ineteed 9t Aloohoi, rot Pro-
o>ieilDg: oitt Pleur Skin send Bright CoAnplellion and Relieving all ills PeonHer taw Women >jt.is Uniturpagaed,
004 1114 4.10', I W4'.SON'$ •Drug Store, .Clinton, Be certtiltlt to net " Nil NL1+ 'S," Talks, No other;
(NEW Et4
Last 'Week A. M,, Bell, of Portage la i
1'i.'airle, while hunting, mistook hie
Oau?pauiolli 3,. Muir of Dakota, for a
Obi. and shot bila dead, ft now trail-
splrea that this accident forms part of
an a1414 incredible Goj{ncidence. On 1
the same. day a similar accident, in
which a eon of Mr Bell's figured, took
'lAbe,at the Soo. The son was out
unting with. a doctor of that town,
apt; mistook the doctor for a deer he
was stalking, and shot him. Fortun-
ately, the wound has not proved fatal.
'Mills father and solo, on the [Arne day,
hoOdzeds of miles apart, both mistake
their comrades for deer and shoot at
From the Ingersoll Chronicle.
That a sound mind in a sound body is
one of the best and greatest gifts of a kind
Providence no one will deny. Mankind in
all ages have sought to obtain the elixir of
life, have hunted for some means of pro-
longing health, vigor -and vitality -have in
fact hoped that they might find
"Some blithe wine
Or bright elixir peerless they could drink
And so become immortal."
But while man can hardly hope to attain
that coveted prize this side of the eternar
world, yet it Is evident to all who give the
enbjeot any consideration, that modern
science, skill and education in the treat-
ment of the ills that flesh is heir to, have
worked wonders in restoring the human
body to its original "form divine," and in
relieving many sufferers from untold miss'
ery, bringing them back to health and hap-
piness, and giving them a feeling that life
is indeed worth livigg. A case in point, in
our own town, having reached the ears of a
reporter of the Chronicle the eoribe deter-
mined to satisfy his cariosity by calling on
the party who had had snoh a happy ex-
erienoe and investigate
"Busily at Work"
for himself. He called at the boot and
shoe shop of Mr John Toull, King street
west, and on entering the building the re•
porter foundC"Father Tonll," as he is fa-
miliarly known in town, busily at work on
a pair of boots for one of his many custom-
ers, at the same time humming over to
himself the tune of a cherished hymn, for
by the way, in hie younger days Mr Tonll
was considered a good local preaoher among
the Methodist of this section and frequent-
ly filled the pulpits of some of our looal
churches in the pastor's absence, and he
still loves to sing, preach or expostulate on
some scripture theme or favorite hymn.
The reporter was cordially received, and on
making known his business, the old man's
countenance brightened and his eyes spark-
led with delight. It was interesting to note
e the fervency with which he volunteered, as
he said for the sake of humanity, to tell
what he could of his Daae, and we will let it
be told in his own words. He said: -"For
twenty years I was subject to heart trouble
and could get no relief, although I bad tried
almost everything that kind friends recom-
mended to me. YIy family physician
would sometimes give me some medicine
that would help me for a short time, but
without permanent benefit. He told me
I might drop dead at any moment, and I
tell you I expected to do so on many oc-
casions. I had heard of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills when they first Dame out but I
had used so many remedies that I just
about lost faith in everything of that kind,
and had become resigned to my fate. How-
ever, I Dame in contact with so many that
had need Pink Pills, and who asenred me
that they hac been benefitted by their use,
that at last I decided to give them a trial
also, and several years ago I commenced
taking them. I continued their nee until I
had taken eight boxes, and I am now happy
to say that I have never had a symptom of
the disease since, and I am oonvinced that
by the blessing of God, Pink Pills cured
me. I might also say that last fall I was
attaoked with rheumatism, which became
so bad that I could scarcely walk from my
work to the hoose, and for a long time I
could not get ont to church. I tried a num-
ber of things recommended to me, but re-
ceived no good from their nee, so I }raid to
myself one day, Pink Pills did me so much
good before for my heart trouble, I'll try
them again, so I gave them another trial,
with the result that the rheumatism has
all gone out of my bones, and I have not
been troubled a bit with it ranee. Every-
one, said the old man, as he waxed warm
over the thought of his happy experience,
who knows old Father Tonll, knows that
what he tent is the truth." After thank-
ing Mr Tonll for his kindness and courtesy,
the reporter left the shop with the same
opinion as to the troth of his statements,
and impreeged with the belies; that from his
rugged, hearty appearance and cheerful
disposition, the old gentleman is still good
for many yearn of a healthful, contented
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great-
est blood builder and nerve restorer known
to medical snienco, and cure when all other
remedies fail. If not kept by your dealer
they will be a nt poet paid on receipt of 50
merits a box o 'six boxes for 12.50 by ad-
drebsing.tlrer. Williams' Medioine Co.,
Brookville nt., or Schenectady, N.Y. Get
the gennin imitatione and substitutes are
Worthless lerhap. dangerous.
The devil Is generally the gainer when
the preacher gets an easy place.
Wisdom can live on whas fools trample
under foot.
A wrong desire overcome, ie a tempta-
tion resisted.
Give a lie the right to live, and the
devil can never be looked up,
Wrong prinolples are as wrong in poli-
tics as they are in religion.
The devil has a fieh on hie hook every
time some man says, "I can drink, or I
can let it alone."
Some people are willing to give the
devil any room in the house, if he will
only pay good rent
There wouldn't be so many people op-
posed to the Bible, if it were not opposed
to so many vices.
It sometimes means that a man is far
away from the Lord when he makes a
good deal of noise in church.
Parents and children drift apart right
where they begin to think there are some
thinge too small to talk about.
Shouting in church during a revival is
one tiling, and paying the pttoaoher in
chips and whetstones is another.
What good will it do for the man to
pray for the heathen who never takes
anything bigger than a niokel to ohuroh?
i The Lord save us from adoring brains,
and scoffing at purity of heart.
It is not hard to win heaven, when we
are willing to give up the world.
If we do not learn from little trials, '
the lesson may have to be taught in great
It isn't the biggest horn that makes
the best music.
Tho man is travelling in the wrong
direction who thinks money can make
him happy.
The trouble is just this: There are too
many ohuroh members and not enough
Christians. -Ram's Horn.
The course of true conectienoe never did
run smooth.
We admit the superiority of any other
person with more or lees mental reserva-
Lovers pay sweethearts compliments;
husbands pay wives' bills.
When a woman's tear hits a man right,
it flattens him out
It is a good time to dodge when a
woman begins to talk in a high key.
Riches have wings, but Poverty can't
afford them.
Cupid possesses' most of the virtues and
The marriage ceremony is the dividing
line between romance and reality.
The 'gossip habit to more injnrtouo than
the liquor habit
Carelessness in girlhood oaneee the great-
est suffering and nnhappinees in after life.
Little irregularities and weakneeeee in girls
should be looked after promptly and treat-
ment given at once. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription promotes regularity of all fe-
minine functions, makes strength and e
builds up asturdy health with whioh_.to
meet the trials to come. The Favorite
Prescription is not a universal panacea.
It ie good for but one thing. It ie directed
solely at one set of organs.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad-
viser, a 1008 page medical work, profusely
illustrated, will be sent free on receipt of
31 one -Dent stamps to cover postage only.
Address, World's Dispensary Medical As-
sociation, Buffalo, N.Y.
is the truthful startling title of a book about
No -To -Bao, the harmless guaranteed tobac-
co habit cure that braces up niootinized
nerves eliminates the niootine poison,
makes weak men gain strength, vigor and
manhood. Yon run no physical or finan-
cial risk, as NO -10 -BAC ie sold under
guarantee to cure or money refunded.
Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co , 374
St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen &
First the bud, 'then the blossom, then the
perfect fruit. These are the several stages
of some of the most important ingredients
oompoeing the painless and sure corn cure
-Patnam's Painless Qorn Extractor, The
juice of plants greatly oonoentated and pur-
ified, gums and baisame in harmonioue un-
ion, all combined give the grand results.-
Putnam's Extractor makes no sore spot,
does not lay a man up for a week, but goes
on quietly doing its work until a perfect
cure resulte. Beware of aoid eubetitutes,
It was openly skated in the papers
the other day that the government
hadromi'ed to put up $25,000 for their
candidate's election in Montreal Chen-
! tre, and the presumption is that they
' will do so. But it shows how demoral-
ized a constituency may be when such
a statement goes abroad with no pro-
test against it.
Scheme of the Woman's Christian Temper-
ance Association for Willard Sanitarium.
No prettier idea has• been started for a
long time than the last plan of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
In that great army, which is forever
laboring to improve the moral condition
of the people, there aro, as in every army,
numbers of sink and wounded: The
bravest heart cannot work forever with-
out getting tired, nor can the most zeal -
one Christian .toil 12 hours a day for
months and years without requiring a
vacation. Heretofore, there has been no
regular place where those desiring a rest
could find it, but it will be so no longer.
Tho executive committee have made a
superb tel sanitarium out of the
beautiful estate known as the Forest
Home, at Janesville, Wis.
It is doubly dear to the temperance
heart, as it was the early home of DDSsFrances Willard. It consists of a large
farm of wood and meadow land, situated
on high ground, with beautiful roads
and scenery in every direction, and an
abundance of streams and lakes. The
house and 50 acres will be reserved as a
home, while the remainder of the prop-
erty will be out up into small lots and
converted into a temperance settlement.
This idea is somewhat like the ideas o1
the Countess of Aberdeen and Lady
Henry Somerset These have long taught
what has been poetically termed the
gospel of rest and the advantages to be
gained from bringing human beings
bank into touch with nature. In the
English system there le a rest for work-
rs who are in good health, excepting
that they are Worn out. There is a,
anitarium for workers who are sick ;
there are homes and sanitariums for
those. who wish to esoape from the
Watcher] of the drink habit, and, further,
there are homes and sanitariums for
those who have been unfortunate in life's
struggle and desire to retrieve the past
and start anew. All of these establish-
ments are in the country, far from pities.
In everyone there is a farm or garden,
orchard or hot -house, where the inmates
or guests can find healthful occupation
as well as entertainment. In every one
the results have been memorably excel-
lent. -Buffalo Express.
Another Story of Jenny Lind. •
'Mea T was In Canada in 1851," says
Ns Waidegrave-Leslie, in the Montreal
Herald, "I was stopping for some time at
the Clifton House, Niagara Falls. It so
happened that Jenny Lind was making
her American tour then, and the dry at-
mosphere of this country had so affeoted
her voice that she had lost her upper and
lower semi -tones. Her physiofan advised
her to go to Niagara Falls, thinking that
the dampness might restore these powers
-which, by the way, it did. She was at
the Clifton House, but, as look would
have it, she was planed in a room next to
which was a very noisy party of young
men. She objected, of course, and the
landlord said that he would change her
room and put her next a quiet young
"I," added the old gentleman, with a
chuckle, "was the quiet young English-
man." At any rate, I became well ac-
quainted with the great singer, and was
privileged on several occasions to hear her
practise her wonderful thrills, to the ace
oompaniment of the deep diapason of the
"It was nearly twenty years before I
saw her again, and this was in London at
a dinner party, and was privileged to take
her to dinner. She did not seem to re-
member me, but suddenly In the middle
of dinner she turned around In her chair
and embraced me, to tho amusement of
everybody, and cried out, "Oh, my dear
friend of Niagara. I did not recognise
you at first, but I know you now."
A few days afterward Mr. Leslie was
sitting with Jenny Lind and her husband
at one of Charles Dickens' readings. The
great novellet was reading the scene from
"Oliver Twist," in which Bill Sykes
strangles Nancy. The audience was al-
most gasping with horror, and tho can-
tatrioe, hiding her face, said "Mr. Leslie,
that aoting is so terrible that you must
make the Prime Minister atop 1t."
The Prime Minister was sitting a few
seats in front, and after the performance
he was introduced to bar. She remarked,
laughingly, "My Lord, you'll have to ao-
oonnt to God for allowing such an exhibi-
says the St. Louis Journal of Agrioulture
in an editorial about No -Te -Bao, the fam-
ous tobacco habit cure. "We know of merry
cases cured by No-To.Bao, one, a promi-
nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew.
ed for twenty years; two ibexes cured him
so that even the smell of tobacco makes
him sick." No -To -Bao sold and guaran-
teed no cure no pay. Book free,, Sterling
Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul St., Montreal.
Sold by Allen & Wilson.
Children Crvlor
Pltcher'n Ceeter1i
decline may be arrested berme tleeayi
strength may be restored; powers when
impoverished by youth's reckl.es overdrafts
may be reinvigorated by our home treat-
(lever has its citadel In the breasts of those
who have weak, shrunken, undeveloped or
Btseased organs. The evil that men do
through ignorance in boyhood and errors
of early manhood leaves wasting effects.
to -vigorous vitality you mightbe successful
In business, fervent in spirit. Our curative
methods are unfailing. Writ. for our book,
.. P3sR.FECT MANHOOD,' sent fru
!BUFFALO. 1i. T.
Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN-
TERNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won-
derful in its quick aotion to relieve distress.
Is a euro cure for Sore
Clsllle, Diarrhoea, Dyyssentery`Crnnsps,
Cholera, and all Bowel Complaints.
is THE BEST rem.
edy known for SON.
siemens. Sick Ben,hsche, Pain In the
Back or (Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
MADE. It brings ester nun rTx LINIMENT
!n an cases of Bruises, Cute, Sprains, Severn
Berne, etc.
Is the well tried and
trusted friend of the
Mechaante. Farmer. Planter. Senor, -and In
Moen ea wanting a medicine always at hand,
and.Atrf TO tors Internally or externally with
aro°"Ciw.u�bgen"raaAM,aawywhe e. ane.
Will, a womazt always think her new
t+at the, Worst thing she, evar �W.r.
WJI1 women beglO a. prolonged conger.
motion, Jost a• they ,tare about to separate?
Will some ?gran. you know. ,raise. high
jlnks wbeAl tbelr wives are away?
Will a short, fat woman wear puffed
eleevee, a flaring skirt and a big leghorn
Will a wan kick about his hard work
and then walk ten miles around a .bil-
1Iard table?
Will the man with obtrusive and objeo-
ttonable feet Dross his lege in the street
Willa dentist ask questions when your
mouth is pried open and your tongue is
gagged P
Will women who want to vote not
know their own mind in selecting the
parlor carpet?
Will a man negleot to treat hie girl to
toe dream, and then spend half a dollar
on drinks?
Will men monopolize the seats in the
ladies' cabin of ferry -boats and allow the
weaker sex to stand?
Will some one not form a suspender
trust in view of the imminent adoption
of bloomers by all the girls?
Will a woman never find out that ebe
loves a man until his engagement is an-
nounced to another woman P
Will clergymen overwork themselves
to such an extent in winter 'that they
oan't attend to their Hooke in summer?
Will a woman who has never been ac-
customed to anything aot when in society
as if nothing was good enough for her?
Will youths who stink their tongues
between their teeth when they write in-
sist on wearing college colors on their
hate P
Will a girl tramp for miles and play
tennis by the hour during the summer,
but never bo strong enough to sweep and
dust a room when she is at home?
Like the Touch of Magic
Desperate Itehings of the Skin Allayed by
Chase's Ointment -The Recognized
Skin Specific.
It 1s only a few mouths since Dr. Chase's
Ointment was brought prominently before the
lublio principally by its cures of stubborn and
ongstanding ca,os of Itching Piles that had
defied all other treatments. To -day it le recog-
nized frau ocean to ocean as an infallible cure
for Itching Piles, Eozomatic Eruptions and all
Itching of the Sk.n. Its cure. have rendered
its Bales la, ger than those of all other prepara-
tions for such ailments combined. People nae
Dr. Chase's Ointment with confidence. because
in everycommunity someone has been bens
fitted like Mr. Simpson, Berlin Ont.,who, under
date o1 Feb. 8, '94wrltes that for a numbs of
years he was troubled with Itching Piles ; they
cau.ed :intense suffering, and although downs
of advertised remedies were used, none of them
did any good,although some of them had longs
and thorough trials. Here are hie own words
quoted from his letter. Last fall I got a box
of Chase's Ointment from Mr. Landreth's drag
store, Berlin. I applied according to direetlope
and Boon found it was what I wanted. Only
used part of one box when I was well as ever
in my life. Once in a while since I have reit
slight symptoms of itsreturn but one applies -
tion of the Ointment and all is right again
Such expreeslone as this from those who use
Chase's account for its popularity.
Break Up a Cold in Time
The (prick Cure for COUGHS,
MRS. Joezpa NORwICi,
of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes:
77 Pectoral bas never 611e4 to car.
my Lren of croup "Yrs few does It
cured myself oreremedied
h long-standing cough atter
several other remedies bed Geed. It has
also proved erexcellent cough euro for my
tartly. r prefer It to any other medicine
for coughs, croup or ho.neno'a,'•
of Little Rocher, N;B„ writes:
"Aa a cure for coughs Pyny-pectoral Is
the beat selling medicine I have; my cue.
• tomer' will have no other."
Large Bottle, 213 Cite.
Proprietors, MONTREAL
--^rte ••• .11P,
Oastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine no.
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use 137
Mullions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curds
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve/
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulent,.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cass
toric is the Children's Panacea -the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria 1s an excellent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Du G. 0. Maroon,
Lowell, Masa
"Oratorio in the best remedy for chlldron of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day 1s not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria in-
stead of the Various quack nostrums which are
destroying their Loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. lenvotmwa,
Conway, Ark.
"Castorla is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any pre¢orlptikee
known to me."
H. A. Anon:KR H. fit,
111 So. Oxford et., Brooklyn, N, Y.
" Our physicians in the ohlldren'e depart,
meat have spoken highly of their Oxpe-
ence in their outside practice with Castorlas
and' although we only have among otlr
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that tY
merita of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
BotWn, 31aee.
Aisne C. Sona, ,Pres.,
The Centaur Company, Tf Murray Street, New York Clfy.
Who Does Not Know'
That Christmas will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe
it you must have a good padding, and that to have a good pudding you
must have good material to work with. Granted that yon already
know this much we wish to inform !you that we have the material of
the highest quality at a very reasonable price. We have also the in-
ferior quality at a lower price, but much prefer giving you the best, as
it is cheapest in the end. Everything you need in the way of
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &e.
As low as any,]dered. We are in a 1
as others, anwilllgive as good value in any 1 neoof goods wesition to l handle aas s
on be got in town.
OUR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If yon have not
tried "Salada" you should do eo, as almost daily we are getting new customers
for it. The best 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din-
ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prime.
tvearPostoffiCe--CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephoce 40
rimAS We have just received an import order of New sea -
I eon's Teas, direct from the place of growth. The
following are a few of the leading lines, viz: The Mazawatte pure Ceylon, the
finest packet Tea in the market, 3 qualities; Moning Congow; Choice Sitted;
Dyson and fresh uncolored Japans May pickings. All have been most care-
. fully selected and guaranteed to satisfy. To the most fastidious taste -try our
, Popular Blend 25c; Russian Blend 45e; Crown Blend 50c.
t pEco-i J.. 1.7 I New Raisins, Arguimbans Select; New
. v -+� 17 Currants in cases; New Figs, New Orange,
Lemon and Citron Peel, New Evaporated Plums and Apricots. Pure Spices,
I whole andground. In Vinegar we sell Cider, White Wine, Crystal, Pickling
and Cross & Blackwell's Malt Vinegar in bottles. Extra values in stylish -Din-
h ner, Tea and Toilet Sets, the latest designs of decoration with new colors and
tints. Cash for Butter and Eggs.
Reasonable Rates, Improved Courses, Ef-
ficient Teachers, the only practical system
of business praotice. Thoroughly equipped
Shorthand tippet meat. Satisfaction guar-
anteed or wo,iey refunded. These are some
of the foundations on which we build up
our attendance. We will have a gold one
during the winter term, prospects show it
even now. Will you join us? Winter op-
ening Jan. 6, 1896. Write for free catalogue
Central Business College,
Stratford, Ont.
P. MCINTOSH, Principal.
SHAW & ELLIOTT, • Proprietors.
(PRoworn:can SI-KaeN.l
Win euro CONSUMPTION, Lung and Throat Diseases.
Sample bottle sent free to every sufferer. Give Express and
Poet Office Address.
The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto„ Can.
New Boot and Shoe Store
The undersigned begs to announce to the peo-
ple of Londoaboro and vicinity:that fie has open-
ed a Boot and Shoo Store next to the poet office
where will bo found a complete assortment of
goods are first -elan, and our prices are right —
Ouetom work and Repairing done in a workman-
like manner,
Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Como and see
fie before buying elsewhere.
JAMES YOUNG, - Londesboro.
Clinton Planing Midi
The subscriber, having the very latest improved
machinery, and employing the most skilled work-
men is able to do wd k in hie line in the moat
setiefaotory manner, t reasonable rates and
on the shortest not oe. A trial solicited
1TH08 MolL1112I2
N. ROBSON, — Clinton
Not Giving up Business !
But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods.
New Flannels. and Flannelettes
New Cotton and Woollen Blankets
New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc.
New Ladies' Underclothing
New Readymade Clothing
New shirts and Drawers
New Dress Goods
1' •
The Finest
cn are taken by