Clinton New Era, 1895-12-20, Page 2,� c F70", - - + :Decolm 1{ ' . f 11 I. '189611, _LL___ - -- aa ova: 1. I 1' liatou I . , I., , , i�k70. 20 uoo. l�'RI�UA,X, f 1 ! . ' ( uta clippIl� ' 4:�+•- . Aft'', Bcawn, of. Blyth, has eoidhia ' ,t *rM In. grey County, for the suint of l�4"R. t ' Mrs T. Oroves, of Lower Town, , 1.y[ringgbam, has been seriously ill, but is rslotvly convalescing. $., McKee has been re-en��gagged to teach at the school In Na. 8 McKillop, #or the coining year, ,F Mrs Hostettler, formerly of Blake, died in New Hamburg last week. She was in her 61st years. Cold in Head—Nasal Balm gives instant relief; speedily cures. Never fails. 11 I On a half day's hunt, recently, four of Wroxeter's sports succeeded in bag - i• Bina 17 rabbits and one partridge. W. Iii. Gnnily, barrister, of Leaming- ton, and Miss Mise Edith Verity, of 'I , `, _ ° Brantford, both former residents of Exeter, are to be married Wednebday. Wm. Shroeder, of Zurich, on Satur- l. ,,; , urday last, was fortunate to bag a fine y,;1;; ,` wildcat, ,while out shooting. The cat weighed 25 lbs, k A genuine ghost -story has yet to be at- tested; but not so a genuine blood purifier. Over and over again it has been proved that 1.111. Ayer'B Sarsaparilla stands alone among 11, medicines as the most reliable tonic -altera- tive in pharmacy. It stood alone at the World's Fair. 11 Miss Bella Bethune, daughter of Mr '`"'' C. Bethune, Seaforth, has accepted a I osition as teacher in the school at Fort Erie. The suit of Halliday vs townshi p of Stanley, though decided in favor of the township, cost the latter $SM. Mr Geo. Shaw, of Wingham, killed a pair of steers this week which turned the scales at 820 Ibe of dressed beef each. John R. Govenlock, Winthrop, was `1' taken suddenly ill one day last week, caused by a rupture of a blood vessel. He is now improving. ,,t„",,_ , w , C, Donnelly, prop. of the popular and well-known Windsor Hotel, Alliston, Ont., 1. was troubled for years with Itching Piles. He was persuaded by Jae. MoGarvey, Al - 11, liston, livery man, to use Chase's Oint- ment, which he did, was cured, has had no . 1, return of them and highly recommends this -� „ Ointment as a sovereign Dore for Piles. I A new post office is to be located in the northeast section of McKillop. It �;, has been applied for,and we are pleas- ed to say that the prospects of having one established are very fair. ? ' H. J. Morden, who has been cashier '� in the Standard Bank at Brussels ever X since it started, has been promoted to r the position of accountant in the ('~, : Fingston branch. Who his successor 11 ' is, is not yet known. r; . KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great .Ablood purifier, gives freshness and clear- �' ness to the complexion and cures Consti- !W'1 ,tion, 25 eta., 50 eta., $1. Bold by J. H. p,'" Combe, Clinton, fi" ;. s1. We are pleased to learn that Miss Cresswell, daughter of G. E. Cress- well, Tuckersmith, who has been con- t fined to the house through illness, is considerably better. ' - , ":,1 Colin McArthur has sold his farm, 41being the south 126 acres of lot 24, con. 9, Morris, to John Shortreed, for the sum of $7,000. This is the best sold farm in the county, even if it is a goon farm. Isaac Smith, of Talbotville, brother of Mrs John Spackman, of Exeter, died very suddenly on Monday. He drove a team of horses to the black- smith to be shod. At 4 p.m. he was sit- ting in a chair, when he suddenly fell over, expiring in a few minutes. Ladies clean your kid gloves with Jos- epbine Glove Cleaner, for sale only by Hodgens Bros., Clinton, Bole agents for the Perrin, Freres and Alexander Kid Glove in all the most desirable shades, dressed and undressed, lace and button. Very general and deep regret is ex- pressed at the very unexpected death of Margaret Glenn, relict of the late An- drew Stewart, of IIsborne, whopassed to the great majority, on Friday last,at the age of 71 years. Mr Harold Clarkson, son of our es- teemed townsman, Mr C, Clarkson, principal of the collegiate institute, of Seaforth, has been appointed to deliver the valedictory address at the close of the present term at the Toronto Norma School. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guaran- tee. It cures incipient Consumption. It is the best cough care. Only one cent a dose. 25cts„ 500to., and $1, Sold by J. 11. Combe, Clinton. �; Dr. Agnew, of Londeaboro, who has been ill with typhoid fever for some time, is so far recovered as to be able ,,`;' to be out. He was in Wingham on '.A Wednesday shaking hands with friends, 1. '" There is but little to report in regard to municipal matters to Wingham as yet. Most of the presen, council will, we believe, offer for re-election, but the Mayor and one or two of the Court.�'t'!� eillors, it is said, will not be candidates. °, The many friends of Jas. McIntosh, of the Mill Road, Seaforth, who had his feet so severely injured a shorl time ago, by getting them caught in a �- horse power, will be pleased to learn that he is getting along nicely and it �' now able to walk out with the aid of ' 'J,, crutches. Mrs W. H. Dearing, of Stephen, mel `' with a painful accident on Friday last Which will doubtless confine her to the ?' I'll, for some time. She accidental 1 stepped on a rusty nail, which rat through her slipper, and into her foo for about an inch, ''„�,, The numerous friends of Mr W. R ,;,i Counter, Seaforth, will be glad to leart . ' that a decided chane for the better has taken place in his condition ant that every hope is now entertained bi his medical attendants for his ultimab s; recovery. The Secretary of the Local Board o Health has received a communicatioi from Dr. P. H, Bryce, Toronto, Secre 11 tart' of the Provincial Board of Health intimating that a complaint bad beet lodged with himhs to a nuisance the exists in Wingham, and asking th, Local Board to report on carne. I C,lNdroit err fa if . 11Flesher'* 0 ► �►r1a �.. \ r .' " I '", , ) I T""'q�­"'W' 1 R - 11T :_: � I . , � � . . . .. � � J ,._ .�:.., 4, - Y e,. I 1�1 �co r ^#Y X ty . , I . I _ L I � . 11 5 . I L . - . . I I" _1 I .1 . I .. -!-1 1. L I I. I . . f�' 1. I,�- L L . I � I ..'. C,TaT ' 'C !1� . RRA + , a' We, alangavlGhtb@ nt}tnerpu0Ir%ends John s tan 1.f n '.pltol� . aces 4 � p AL salt a d t t n.a� 1 4. a ease & all r .� w n0 tWa �p ee , o heat'thaG he is nicely recovering ficin i +serious attack of in 10%, soon, )rought.oti by having contracted a cp�d vhic�t settled on the lenge, On Sabbath last the' reinaiga of Mrs �lizttbetli'Mg ze, relict of the late W M. Baize, were interred in Dungancon )einetery. They were escorted from ter late residence In Ashfield to the :emetery by a largo concourse of sor- 'owing relatives, friends and acqualn- ;ances.. . F. Hess of Zurich, had a narrow es - Ape one a%lastweek. Whileworking n the planing mill his clothing caught .n the planer, and had It not been for tiegreet presence of mind the result night have proved fatal. However, he •cached over and threw off the belt, rut not before some of his dry goods lad gone through: ,• The session of Carmel Presbyterian :hurehI of Hensall, have engaged the iervices of Miss Steinbach, a member A the Methodist church, of Zurich, as >rganiat, hiss Murray having, as was it%ted last week, resigned, owing to finding it inconvenient to continue her iervices. Miss Steinbach is a very good musician. When Baby coat sick, we gave her CastorK When she was a Child, she cried for Castorle• When she became N113, she clung to CastorK When she had Children. she gave them Castor* Two sons of John Taugher, of con 12, Turnberry, had been engaged in chop- ping wood. They had an old gun with them. On Wednesday afternoon, shortly after dinner, a rabbit suddenlyy a peared, when the eldest boy, aged about 18, picked up the gun and pulled the hammer quickly, when it flew back from not catching properly, and the charge was fired, the shot entered the neck of James, the younger brother, on the right side, causing instant death. The dead boy was about sixteen years of age. The bay who so instantly caus- ed his brother's death was crazed with grief. PLAIN FACTS. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies, renovat- es and regulates the entire eystem,tbas cur- ing Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head- ache,Biliousness,Rneutratiem, Dropsy, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It also removes all impurities from the system, from a oommonipimple to the worst scrofulous sore. 1t is our painful duty to chronicle the death of Wm. Borland, of West Wawa - nosh, which event took place on Thurs- day night. He leaves one son and two daughters, all of whom reside in Mich - Ig -%n , He was one of Huron's pioneers, farming was his employment, until his family got married off, and then he lived retired for a few years. After his wife died he went to live with his fami- ly until a few months ago, when he came back to Canada to spend the rest of his time. The funeral took place from John Willard's on Sunday, and was largely attended by his old neigh- bors. His remains were buried in Ball's Cemetery, along side of his departed wife. On Sunday last Wm. Davidson, of Exeter; met with an- accident which' might have resulted in the burning of his stable. It seems be went to the barn with his son to do the chores, and in trying to hang the lantern on a nail let it fall on the floor, the oil spilling out on the hay, and becoming ignited. The blaze soon spread and reached the A.- 1 , , I NEW ,OARS,-„.- Ili tl4n plata ., for ton teat that, rho ( A starsvox 1n the Vain way. ail the platen . e. '.� � h.4 1. o 8*0hr, S,I 1 :,, �ttp�iit�'t�' 1t��f 1tt�y X11 J!S L/ gl , A O N ]fir �� , J oto a li t t n, h r a in e P & lean al9 tlI o, a dargonstrt3tQ the f,he?t9mena bQyotrd the Rome ;'.. I e $ l t '%elr the dt~.i elf y llt4n ilii fi�tt. Cattle, w4l1TEiIB 'l'HA l' 1lAR Y TIiEI� I RiLLIANtiY INITtl EACh1 HC3UR, possibiity of a, doubt, r Tbo Arequipa attltlon taJzes about 'tv�o ..' Fsir a. ee ;t a �¢iah a"oi tlxeir v>astoraero, for , the anis at $orla4al; s>$q.-:,, w.: int, Deq.1% ,telt, ... Ba Shiloh's Vitalizer saved m life. I y: Y tll4uaand Phototgra hu 0 year of thesouth- P . The Goo, $. Tuokett & Son lips, Ltd., Ve6t p X.ore ,0! • W -P 7, ,, _- ,--,-- t ter 1Har�. e#otogropued In P'ar Fera —who o r ern heaveng, This Work to about all the atAtiou ase takes Detre of,aud th P1a .. Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the , marke4 This I's 4eknowlooged to be $hn Iea<dlirg folk '' in the oopnty. t%Ptl#P stat AIAe rt the vardObservatory HasrDone to Oha ii shipped to Cambridge after only A cursory PP lnapeotloil,. there tP be exstrtlntjd ,?arefulty p u ` {{{�► G�MIIATIaN4u qF @. $ER1 WoTwi Qe UAXMTO$r ' >He#►vQAw>ITrw.. Viewing a wt Her SR4xk. for averytbing of lnterest• Professor Pick- office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell 130.v r"s kregt io , Two discoveries of unusual Interest have been anonnood at tete Harvard Observatory Bring deputes this task to Mrs. M. Flem- Ing, who, with ten or a doz$n Young a, small ,. 114T �! i9rof>>t+of1iXi.wo . y U44 - otb (440t' • --one of a "new star" In the constellation Carina and the other of several clusters of women to agsist her, 000uples brick building in the rear of the library, Carelessness in girlhood causes the great- est suffering and unhappiness in after life. made her so dirty, "variable aura." Soot occurred in the where already literally of these plates SMOKING TOBACCO. r�M�� ato��► . 11 southern hemlapheMand werereoordedon photographs taken by the telescopes at the are stared. Professor Pickering said to -day that the 'observatory bad advantage in cos- no less than eighty-seven stars have proved � } Barrister, Solicitor + branch station at Arequipa, Peru, It was not until the plates were shipped to Cam- a great Bossing the great series of obart plates of the heavens, by means of which an ob- This supplies a lou felt want giving the consumer one 20 cent la or a 10 cent the famone c'T ,t,.,,.� -le . CONY>tYdNt)Ipii ao, ti bridge and there examined that the die- coveries were actually made Servation of a spectrum plate, or a result�� be lees or a 5 Dant lace of P brand of pare Virginia Tobacco, Commissioner for Ontario andl4lanitraba. , The "new Star" referred tole not one that has always existed and has just been published by another observatory, can corroborated and extended. It was an- Tin tag' "T $ B" is on every pieceI Office immediately Beath of Gfilroy 6c WIii*Aitj' 11 observed by astronomers, but one of the class that comes into existence sudden- nounced in 1891 that a nava---Nova Auri- gee—had appeared In February of that cos BRYl�ON I IT PAYS TO ly, Increases in radiancy until it reaches year. The Harvard ohart plates were lm- medlately examined, and it was discover- in doubt about was counted. In general no variables were found within about one BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA,R' its greatest brilliancy and then fades into obscurity or entirely disappears, ed that the nova had appeared as early as PIIBLIC FITC. Office—Beaver $lock. Nova Carinae, as the new star is called, to the fifteenth to be discovered in two thou- December, 1890. By the spectrum analysis of novae.tbus child as security,' And then the rich Up -stairs, Opposite Foster'e'(t'hoto Gallery, . sand years. The one preceding the made light is thrown on their composi- -' CLINTON latt, seen October 26, 1893, was also die- covered at the Harvard Observatory. The tion. It is not known whether novae re -A4 sult from the collision of the two bodies, of the highest order Success „ M: Q4 GAM ERQ . Cambridge method is a most admirable and effective one. The photographic plates from a meteor passing through a nebula, )canic ti laws, still attends pupils of The Canada Business College (Formerly of Cameron, Holt R Oameronjl BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. . nalm"now star" helpsrformEach the and, the law established, astronomers will CHATHAM, ONT. Office -Hamilton St., opposite Colborne Hotel, J(D be able to predict about what every future few J. D. Staple has been sent to take charge of Sutherland & Innes Co's office Munising, GODERIC , ONT M ,*.4 nova will do. The spectra of the last novae, it may be added, have been re- the at Mich. Chas. Ball to take charge of same firm s New Orleans. Three other former j�R. WM. C ONN, L, R. C. P. and L. R. C. 8. D markably alike. office at pupils.have been added to their staff in the home office, M. McBrayno and Bertha Garrett Edinburgh. office-Ontariobreet,Clintou Night calls at front door of residence on Batten Mrs T. C. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn ae Stenograpaore and Frank Elliott as gg,,, rel Willertou bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. Ba Shiloh's Vitalizer saved m life. I y: Y assistant. Anotlrer former pupih Toung, has had charge of the books in the New TR J. L. TURNBULL. M -,D., TOIiONry'I university, m D. C.M., Victoria Unlvarsity consider it the best remedy for a debilitat- York office of the same firm for Othree years. M C. P & g., Ontario. Fallow of the obstetrical ed system I ever used, For Dyspepsia, IT PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL. Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng , and Liver or Kidney troubles it excels. Price it Edinbnrgh Hospitals. Office.-Dr.Dowse ly'sold 5 eta. For catalogue of either department address office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell - D.MeLACHLAN, Chatham answered at the came place. A Cow's Strange Actions. Down south lives a geniteman who owns a most remarkable cow. She looks like a most ordinary black cow, but she isn't at all, for she absolutely refuses to be sep- arated from her owner's children. If the children are at home the cow will stay in the pasture which to near the house, separ- ated from it by a low fence. But if the children ico away she will jump high fences to follow them until the to caught. When the cow has been pat in pasture She remains quiet; but If put in the lat near the house when the children are away from home, it its impossible to keep her there. If allowed, she will follow the children about exactly like a dog, keeping behind them and apparently watching over them, perfoolty happy 11 only the, children are within Sight of hearing. Willy wfap's Temperance Lecture. Father and mother went off one cold day last spring, and left me at home alone. I went out to the hen -house for the eggs, and there I saw a Speckle sitting all humped up, and lonking very dumpish. I thought she was going to die I picked her up and carried her into the house. She seemed to tremble and shiver. I thought she was cold. The )Harvard Observatory in Arequipa, I hardly knew what to do for her, but I Peru, has a photographing telescope which remembered what mother does for young took the above pictures. The first photo- lambs when they aro obilled,so I warmed graph shows the heavens when certain a little milk, and put in a few drops of fields of stare were dim at the pointe indi- whiskey that she koepe on purpose for the cated by the arrows. Ih the third picture Jambs,- I would dy ahave you know we don't --these fields were found -to be brighter, keep r for anybody else. Nobody drinks with the result that many more stars were fa our house. a am all temperance folk, seen at points where there were none be- father, mother and L fore. See the arrows. In the cantor pic- I tried to feed Speckle come of the stuff tura are two photographs. The upper with a too spoon, but she would not eat it, shows the field without the new star, and She shook her bill and spattered it all over the second shows it plainly at the point of again, velveteen suit. I tried it over and over the arrow. again, till I was about as speckled as she was; then I gave it up, and carried her loft Hoop, and 1t was with great 1 cu - ty that they succeeded in getting the used are of two aorta—spectrum and chart. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET back to the hon -house, and one went to oat• ing corn, as much as to say,' i I won't make flames extinguished. Mr Davidson in The latter contain, on their surface of , believe sick any longer, if I've got to take fighting the flames burned his hand night by ten inches, thousands of star I that horrid stuff I" considerably, and his oon Alf, in getting points, the plates being sprinkled all over I I went back to the house, and I tried to out of the loft, in the excitement struck with tiny dots. Such a plate must be gone I make my kitty eat the rest of the milk his head on a snag and received an ugly over very carefully if a chance nova on it and whiskey. wound. is to be found. The spectrum plate, how- The Medical and Sur cal diseases of the Eye Ear She tasted of It, and then she went be- BIIRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ever,shows fewer stars,and each spectrum Is large enough to be easily made onti and Impos- stoppedIm In front of the building an os- ing carriage and team. The occupants hind the stove and washed herself all over. I wonder if she thought that one taste Pnrifiee, rDOCKea and regulates the en- Its peculiarities noted. Carelessness in girlhood causes the great- est suffering and unhappiness in after life. made her so dirty, , thus tine system, thus curing Dyspepsia, Con- tire system, The plates come to Cambridge from improved farms or stock ranches with irrriga- I thought I'd call Bose and have him ick Headache, Biliousness, Arequipa, in boxes of one hundred plates, no less than eighty-seven stars have proved eat it. Dogs know sornothingI But Bose Rheumatism, Dropsy, and all dieeaaea of As soon as a box arrives Mrs. Fleming, ., only smelled it, and then wouldn't taste the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. who has charge of this work, goes over the three came in. The mistress of the party it tat all. It also removes all impurities from the spectrum plates, drawing a circle around Prescription promotes regularity of all fem- inine functions, makes strength and builds "Well," I thought, "if hens and oats system, from a common pimple to the each spectrum which seems worthy of and dogs know enough not to drink whis. worse scrofulous sore. special attention. The spectra thus mark- in doubt about was counted. In general no variables were found within about one key, ft's a pity a boy shouldn't know at The Queens shorthorn heifer won the ed aro afterward carefully examined and Mrs, much." I made up my mind then and championship cap at Smithfield Cattle determined. It was In this way that Fleming discovered, In 1898, Nova Nor- child as security,' And then the rich there that I'd never drink, and give folks a chance to say that I was not as wise N Show, mae, and a week ago Saturday Nova Car- $',I have been a Sufferer from female weak. a hen, a cat, or a dog. Among the many bills introduced in the Inae, Vag -immediately south Bice. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Call ness' for six years. I grew worse- had severe in left and United States Senate was one by Mr Allen, Nova Carinae was found by examination Talent is more valuable than R&lus, disfranchising any citizen of the United of the plates to have appeared between acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance hardwood -bush. Frame dwelling houe c, because a man can control It. St t '- h-" --licit or accept a title M h 6 end A ril 8 On nine plates the of -- a es w o s a o are p , patent of nobility, or degree of honor from ,fret taken on, April 8 and the last on July a foreign nation, and punishing this crime 1, the nova appeared, Its photographic by both fine and imprisonment. brightness diminishing during that time AN EVIL FOLLOWER from the eighth to the eleventh magni- tude. Consumption follows neglected colds. The two cuts give one view of the region Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, asthma, where the nova dues not appear, and the i sore throat, bronchitis and lung troubles. other where it is clearly defined. These Price 25 and 50, cuts are from photographs enlarged eighteen times. The arrow in the first out shows the point where the nova afterward A baby as security. appeared. The large star near it is One of the women attendants out at the designated in the catalogue as A. G, C. I children's sanitarium on the Lincoln park 15, 269, magnitude 5. 5. The brilliancy lake shore, toils a pretty story. of Nova Carinae gives a magnitude of f h fi I "A woman who was sick enough herself g tobe In a hospital came up here with her DB. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET AaooaohSt. , oto,, ly oe in the Palade Block Rattenbnry St. formerly occupied by Dr, Reeve A dee reason why women Lrc so genet- enetto ally troubled with some deram,ement of Clinton Ont. - . — . I , J AS. S. FREEBORN, M.D., L.S.&Q.O,P.I., M. . C. P. & S. O., Graduate Rings and peens icon. NEST HALF OF PERRIN'S BLOCK FOR SALE. College of Ph sfoians, Dublin, Ireland. bate General Medical Council, Great Brit& _ Make me an offer for this, Say $300 or 84M Member of College Physician ants Surgeons, On- tanto. Formerly resident of Rottppuds Hospital, oash,balance as can be mutually arranged• D. J. CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilton Ont Ting -in and Gyaecologloal1Du11Kn. Residence - at enbary St, out, next door to Ontario St, parsonage. FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at s Baorifice, Lot 451 g DR STANBURY, GRADUATE OF TH$ Medical Department of Victoria Untver- or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &v afty, Toronto, formorly of the Hospitals and Dlepenearlee, Nex York, Coronet for h9 County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. . FOR SALE ON EANY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich, DR. MtcLEL.LAN Township. For terms and particulars ap- The Beeond discovery relates to the vari. able star clusters. The photographs ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton { SPECIALIST . she could see the lake. Soon after taere The Medical and Sur cal diseases of the Eye Ear "A woman who was sick enough herself g tobe In a hospital came up here with her Nose and Throat. gull stock of Spectacles, Lap- s, lo. A comparison o t ese two ,* gives some hint of the activity of matter s dee reason why women Lrc so genet- enetto ally troubled with some deram,ement of childIt was a tiny thing, and so weak _ The following. valuable residental property in for Lot 107 in that far away region when a star of that the distinctly feminine organism is that as that it could hardly cry. The mother had magnitude ban come into such sudden DR AG%EW girls they learn nothing about their own to be assisted under the shelter, and then ., prominence. physical make up, Parents are waking up we gave her a reolining place from which The Beeond discovery relates to the vari. able star clusters. The photographs in to the importance of edu:ation of this kind and young women are becoming mon 4Q she could see the lake. Soon after taere this case, as in the other, were taken at more able to take care of tbeir health. Impos- stoppedIm In front of the building an os- ing carriage and team. The occupants Arequipa, with the 18 -inch Hoyden tole- same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to sp,aa: Carelessness in girlhood causes the great- est suffering and unhappiness in after life. were a woman, whose dress Indicated to 9 P.M. scope. In the cluster in Canes Venattel improved farms or stock ranches with irrriga- Little irregularities and weaknesses in girls riches and refinement, a pretty and ela- tion, buildings and fences, in the District of Al- no less than eighty-seven stars have proved should be looked after promptly and treat- borately dressed baby, and the nurse The ., to be variable from an examination bothment D.D.S., Trinity University, Toronto, �ivcn at once. Dr. Pierce's Favorite three came in. The mistress of the party Special attention given to the Preservation of , by Professor Pickering and Mrs.Fleming. They made fifteen plates of the game clue- Prescription promotes regularity of all fem- inine functions, makes strength and builds saw the tdek woman and spoke to her. I did not hear what was Bald at first, but a Valuable Farm f"or Sale. ter, and no star that either observer was up a sturdy health with which to meet the trials to come. The "Favorite Prescn - few moments later I heard the firs woman in doubt about was counted. In general no variables were found within about one Bayfield let Thursday of each month. universalpanacea, is good is directed eay: „ , Don't be afraid. I will leave you my minute of the center of the clusters on se- for butaone thing. It c solely at one set of organa. child as security,' And then the rich MRB ELIZA SPARLING, Clihton, pim count of the closeness of the stars, None $',I have been a Sufferer from female weak. woman picked the they child that was of these variables are more than ten min- Vag -immediately south Bice. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Call ness' for six years. I grew worse- had severe in left and ri So"weak and carried it herself to the our. , utas distant from the centers of the Dins- cutting patois in left ova also side c p stomach. The pale in ie side was constant. 1 riage and got in and was driven away, i The nurse and the rich baby remained at I tars. In N. G. C., 5,904 a circle 110 seconds acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance hardwood -bush. Frame dwelling houe c, would have light Spasms previous to montht� period and when the spasm would leave 1 would the Sanitarium and entertained the sick in diameter contains sixteen stars, six of suffer from severe soreness all over and could bear nothing to touch me. I also suffered frost ) woman, and when the other returned the W or nearly forty per send are varl- able. In the entire cluster about 750 stars severe headaches; burning pressure on bract cased me to be insnue. I could almostu sick child had on a now dress, and a bunch a ere examined, and forty -Fix found to be which not lny my bend dowu without smothering. M1 of sweet peas was fastened about Its neck, P It was so quietly done, and so pretty, too, variable, so that they form ab t six the tars per face was poor; eyes looked dead; wanted In flesh I w s constipated and suffered severe pain whey for fust I I just went off alone and cried from joy." cent. of the whole, Of all visible to the naked Bye legs than O e per Cant, ' bo�ets would net. I could not eat the of 6tomach. I tyytgoave in rdoctors —Chicago Chronicle. are variable• Subscriber,ofiere for sale the Enstbalf of lot 2 he bestss here but they onn me tem - • WEAK AND TIRED. The outs presented show rtain vari- ables" at their minimum r dianee, and TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO J MARRIAGE pornry relief. r had given up all hope of eve well again, At last I concluded to giv, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription a trial, i hav, Ur taken two battles, one of the 'Golden Medica ) DrAn Sins,—I can heartily re ommend Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulaior. For a also at their greatest ohsery magnitude. The Hold is the cluster ssior 5 N. ( G. Discovery' and cue of 'Petters.' I have not ret any signs of my cid disease; headache all done ion time I felt so weak I oonidhal keep g Y C. 6, 904, 1 and the photoja he were taken good road. Will be sold on reasonable terms. menses reguinr without ache or pain. Indeed up, every little thing tiring me o I too k pk only two hours apart, b on August A, eel like a new person.'• yours truly, two bottles and the tatlgae and ti ed fooling loft and have never eoturned.-=' E, 1896. The arrow point i each Daae indi- "variable" The , ��'. 4 &1 ' me oaten the to b ompared.", i ts�li , Churchill, Springford, Oct, variations might be expla ed as a defeat) ' - y o e ne on da, irk, e mss'--• 1 ,, ': l ,� I t o j w I ,_,.. ... .. _. -' cos . '.,...•,...,.._a _..,. FOR SALE Nose and Throat. gull stock of Spectacles, Lap- ° "• sea and Artificial Eyes. _ The following. valuable residental property in for Lot 107 or 234, Duress BT., LoNno� � ~ the Town of Clinton, is offered sale. and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 1113 _ HigbBtreet. There are two comfortable dwelling DR AG%EW Honees upon the property, in an excellent state of reprir, For further particulars and terms Londeaboro, tsnccessor to Dr �onn g• apply to JAMES SCOTT, T. AGNEW, M. B„ Toronto University, M. D. C. M., Trinity University, Member of College Phy TO FARMERS sicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Office opposite Methodist church. Night calls answered at the same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to sp,aa: An excellent opportunity is now afforded to farmers with small capital, who desire to obtain to 9 P.M. ' improved farms or stock ranches with irrriga- tion, buildings and fences, in the District of Al- DR- BRUCE, ?,DEM TIST- berta, N. W. T, on easy terms. The raisin¢ of horned cattle, Horses, sheep and pigs is rapidly L. D.B., Royal College of Dental Turgeons of Ont. ., developing in the district, The unders,gned D.D.S., Trinity University, Toronto, will furnish information or answer enquiries. Il. W. C. MEYER, Q. C„ Calgary, N. W.T Special attention given to the Preservation of , e natural tooth the u • Valuable Farm f"or Sale. Othce, Coats Block, over Taylor's shoe store N. B. -Will visits Blyth every Monday and _ Valuable farm for sale one mile from Holmes- Bayfield let Thursday of each month. ville, containing 80 acres, with large orchard, trams house and barn. Also a 6 year old mare, good driver. For further particulars apply to B, ,pLACRALL VETERINARY SUNGEON J • HtinoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinarp MRB ELIZA SPARLING, Clihton, pim College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and mate on the most modern and scientific pprinol- Office oftbeNewEre CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. Vag -immediately south Bice. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Call M -Y Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 138 acres, night orday attandedto promptly being lot 11, Maitland con., Colborne, about 105 acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance hardwood -bush. Frame dwelling houe c, , TOMLINSON, VETERINAI-Y SURGEON, ' B� Ontario Veteri- ,. gcod bank tarn,drivingbouse and other outbuildings, Honorary Graduate -of the 1 nary College, Toronto, Trests all dineasesr Goods ring in nearly every field. Bearing or- School house the farm Will Domestic Animale on the moat mode, n and chard of 2 acres. on be sold on reasonable terms. Seientifio Principles. Day and night calls prompt 1 answered. Residence-Rattenbury St., west MICHAEL SCHWANZ, Benmiller P. O. Clinton. 1 11 T� i ARRIAGE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, SR., GOOD FARM FOR SALE 1C1 iseurer of Marriage Licences, Library Room ' _ and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. I Subscriber,ofiere for sale the Enstbalf of lot 2 in the 3rd concession. E. D. of Ashfield, It con- 80 and TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO J MARRIAGE tainn 100 acres, with about acres cleared free from stumps. Frame house, baru and driv- ing ahead bearing orchad, crack rune through ISSUER OF MEENSES, No wituesaes required the lot, situated 17r miles from Port Albert, on MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR good road. Will be sold on reasonable terms. 171 Small sums on good martga a security H HALE. At, p iy to ALEX. BADOUit, HOLMESVILLE, or moderaterateoft nterest. Clinton. to P. HOLT, GODERICH• . � - l,1 W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF �` - • P. L. ee Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont at Gco, •-^' I .Office Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. - - mss'--• 1 MRS. W H ITT, M. C- M: } TEACHER OF MUSIC. Pupil of MrCbarles W. Landon, of Philadelphia 11 The Mason Method used exclusively it to con• leaning Musical *,1,, n 1 „ eidercM byy the Arttats, that no method develo s the technic Bo rapidly as Dr " Mason's Touch and Teobnio." Piano, Organ and Teobnioon, or M,Bcle develops for use of Tamworth Boar for Service. pupil'b, Rooms over Mr G. McTaggart's Bank, y Albeit Street, Clinton, Subscriber keeps for service, at his premixes, lot 31, 6th con., of Hullett. a thorobred regis- tered Tamworth Boar. Terms, $1 at time of a"'. AG N E W , L. D.S D. D.S. service with priviletro of returning if necesary, DENTIST. +, - $1.25 is` booked. tV J. MCBRIEN. Hullett TAM WORTH BOAR Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surged s Toron,Honor Graduate of Trtntuy University, All operations In Dentistry carefully performed, Ansesthetics I will keep for use this season a thorotred Beet local for painless extraction. RegIstered Tamworth Boar, Prince, No. 166. be the Office opposite Town Hall ever Swallow's store, Wilt visit Hensall every Monday, and Zur1a Tbie brood is cons)deed tog acme of per. fection for shipping, packing .and profit" Terms every second Thursday of each mouth. 81. O HOARE. pi. AWNIght bell annwered. Improved Yorkshire Boar for A. O. U. W. Service. -- ',Subscriber bag just purchased an, Improved the The Clinton Lodge, No. 144 meet in Biddle. eombeHall on the let and Bra Fridays In eao mgiewred Yorkahirt Boar,4rom e11 -known month. Visitors cordially invited. breeder, Joseph Featherston, of streetsville R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN Beoorder wbich wi:l be apt for service at his premiaes Base LinoHullett. Terme, $1 at time of service, witb privilege of returning. JOHN GOV1Ek, Auburn. ToCanadianH_orseExporters Mn- RTUILL, proprietorof the Rowal City Repository, Barbican London, England resppectfully calls attention to the exceptional facttitieg for the Bale of all Classes of Horeoo, at toe Auction Salop which are beld every Tuesday and Friday, in addition to Balesbyprivate treaty dal )pp The Repository is the largoet and beat at- 'tendled in the City of London, and upwards of 800 borses, includin�gDrivers, Trotting Vannere, and powerful Cart Horace, are disposed of weekly. - A largo number of Canadian borsea have already been Bola at the RepositoryY, producingremunor- si lve prices, and every attOutten Is given them on arrival, in eMe kit illness, &o. Farm accom. modation is pr bided; all arrangements for clear- ing borsen at Jho docks will be made on rceeipt of Blll of Ladi . Bankers, London and Oonnty Rank, Alder8ga , Bt„ London to whom reference may be made, Addrose, Ij RYMILL, RoYAL CITY RnPo62Ton ', BAItBIcAN, LONDON, ENG. J. ADESS FOWLER &S CO. Architects & Civil Engineers Are prepared to furnish plans, drawings, de tails, and specifications of all kinds of work VALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS CAREFULLY MADU ' PATIENT DRAWINGS MADE & PATENTS \ - - OBTAINED All work at reasonable charges. 25 years expe. rience in Ontario. Poet office address BOX 210, CLINTON, ONT Sept ,Agen )getting us can earn $20 w olrn olVars likLll &