HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-12-13, Page 10,
'Rpt c D
Zi0GAit **ICES,
tier and. � ted-CoveLOa; 8roa,
UOIRN+t Two ears of Dern just arrived -will bo
QiSiz',at421,1u 4pnnititil�.Hfr'i1+.& IO N1R,..
!Flour Isle ed for w 4,ef$r'Rolled oats for
Oats at 0. 914903/ Clinton.
WANTED rTurkoys. Geese, (hickene. wing*
and. s' up lucked, Highest Dash prioe.—
F AT N. -,good Goma, Duck and chicken
era taken, in ,whims° for inrnitnre at J. 0,
8TE EV SOIVg Furniture Store,
WLNT� Two or three furnished rooms
without, board, imitable to young married
ppi•oo app I to Ur A. II. i3 8T C, et Om Moir
GIFT 149 &(Rimming' of a pipe is sure
to bo ^eeelved wlt?r' 'gratitude. It is some•
ing he will prise 'Solnethim be will keep,
• J'ut drop !u and see our stook. We have
beelines all tlio way from '2$s' up to V. If he
d u't smoke a pipes box of geod Cigars will
k� him in . good humor until they are done,
flyway,Wo can Wye you a box for la or g},
eet �ypu Wce-gnpd, Cigars we mean. Think of
lt'%hen (milieu 1-e s. Wo have the stook to
suit a holy et- s to snit everybody.—Ale.
r LEN 1,1 , prescription Drug Store,
l f•A.4 SIQLLINO.-Before Police
Magistrate Seager, ' of Goderich, In-
., ap'ector Paisley, last week, laid two
fnformalttiions for selling liquor in pro-
jbited . °urs. In both cases the charge
s%,�� ilnt-d'ined. W. McConnell, Gode-
ri l ,`>wes lined $20 and costs, and Wm.
Tilt, the same amou$t,
SOLD OIIT.-111r Chown, formerly of
town, who has been laid up for several
Mitchell with severe illness, was
eturn to is home in Blyth
week. He hfs sold out his busi-
se there to Mr Goodland, of Palmer-
' "'i • /ston, who takes possessions on the let.
a Mr Chown intends to move to Clinton
if'he can find something suitable.
LO.G.T.—The leader of the govern-
m ent side House of Commons would
like to have all the blue badge members
ar . • 't present this Friday evening. A good
program is expected. as well as import-
ant business. The government may be
vt_ ,asked to resign and allow the opposi-
' "tion"to go into power; that will come
thea governmeof the ntawilll show
gihy•he should not resign. The lodge
se ',seeming, initiations take place every
' meeting and over 50 members were
,, present at the last meeting.
Vii' to
Ihlephone line has e House of Refuge.been, Religiouscomdser-
• vices were`condiicted at the House on
Sunda last, for the first time, by Rey.
J. W. Holmes; they will be conducted
every Sunday afternoon hereafter by'
• bha different ministers of town'alter-
nately. It has been decided that no
peraiin shall be allowed to visit the
House on Sunday, except relatives of
inmates; Thursday afternoon will be
the time that Olintonians ca'h visit the
ouse, and thelout side public any other
fternoon of the week. By bearing
this in mind people will save them-
selves trouble and avoid unnecessary
aannoyance'to.Mr and Mrs French. A
great deal of their time has already
r: .•
slit taken up in showing visitors
around, and while they are quite will-
in• gtodo all in their power to satisfy
pei?claims upon their time, there
is s ch attiring as being unreasonable.
ar meeting of the Board was held on
Cbnday night. The report of Princi-
pe ', ough showed an average attend-
• for the month, of 4181 an increase
of over Nov. Several:'eounts were
paid. summary of the estimates
chot+�ed that the total cost of the new
rrxacec, including work, etc., was
18, although the estimates bad been
• 8950. ' Inspector Robb made report of
. . his inspection in Nov. He commended
. ,lite better ventilation, uniform tem-
: perature and comfortable atmosphere
• - of the school, and stated that the seat-
ing esteseity had been increased 10 per
cent by the removal of the stoves, ex-
pressing also the opinion that the mo-
ney' spent in improvements would re -
1 ' ppay, its�gglf'rnany times over. He closes
- hie'treplart�with this statement:—"I be-
lieve every assistant teacher is doing
a good work, and above all, trying to do
her very best for the.welfare of tho,�e
under her charge."
EARLY OLosnece—During the last
.x, few years merchants and other busi-
s ess•men have been planning to have
`the' 1burs of business shortened, and in
the cities we see a�' marked progress
•icing this line. There is not a business
teal 4p4town, we will venture to` say,
that<hrlrild not do all the business that
.she does now between the hours of 9 in
the morning to 5 in the evening, pro -
I. vided the public would come out in
s. ' these hours. Merchants an clerks
taeddlfresh air, recreation and home
• study.ab well as any other person, and
`we'hope for the time when business
�, 4 hours will be very much shortened.
, We are glad to know that the Clinton
business men have decided to close
their stores on Saturday nights at
nine o'clock, and we expect that the
F. •
general public will do their part in
helping the merchants to keep the rule
• to`the letter. It can easily be done if
people will only get over the habit of
.cro �t'ng the business of the week in-
to4Sitturday night, and decide to shop
earl 1n the°day or week.
bEATH'S DOINGS,—Last week the
brief .aanouncemeint was made that
Mrs Taylor, vgjfer f Mr RichardTaylor,
"sof the:•Londort" rtl , had passed away;
sbe orris in her i0lth year, and had been
e suffering fpr me time with an ab -
cess on the lungs; a, member of the
?.r '' .Roman Catholic church her remains
e..interred in the Mullett burial
Fa very large number following
ithe she leave`kone son and
sisters. Last Sataftday Mr T.
tended. the funeral of the
t Wingham, who had
n bed; deceased at
Mr McKenzie.
and Mrs Geo.
1 sympathize
eir daugh-
.�, C7fu.-$01 t.•• --J. W, . Crane, who
been Baggageman.at the Grand True
Station Eat Blyth. for thepast year, lute,
dome to Oiinten wherehe is acting In
the same capacity at ' station, : Mr
John Mctaiuire has beep transferred
from Clinton to ,London.
DArte ROUs 1►RQrr9,'*- net fall som°.
one dug drain across, the walk leading
to the Cemetery, lepving it in a dan.
roue edition, and we are told it is
et in th same way-, f any one gets'
hurt by reason,of it, the township. of
Hullett. and the person -who' did it may
have some damages to pay. ,
Visrr a—Mr l aird•Otaneffer of Was
terlooIo use of Refuge, made a visit to
Clinton . n Tuesday, and iuq ted the
'houee here. He vas exceeuggly Well
pleased t the equipment and furnish.