HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-12-13, Page 1e
0011.seleet, for a Xmas
They're always ac-
ta,ble tQ'a` gentleman,
, e*elf. bas too many
l>ristmas Neckwear
.ew, just in this week,
p[ at terns, colorings
stl.apes are the very
est to be had. Bows,
notfe,Four-in • hands,neat
slu,y patterns. The pri-
ces, 25c, 45c, 60c. If it's
e wear your thinking
don't' 'miss seeing our
ge. .
you don't care to give
at tie that 's Gloves,Neck
Mufflers, andkerchiefs,
Umbrellas, " &c., all of
which make suitable gifts
for a gentleman.
Cash and One Price
Hodgens Bros.,
On conditions. Buy one pound
of our Baking Powder, any time
before Xmas, and we will give
you one, and one only of the
the dolls now in our large win-
dow. We have now the majority
of people using our Powder, but
we want all, everybody. We
therefore offer you this • induce-
ment once to try it, knowing
that thereafter no inducement
can force you to use any other
--than ours. The Dolls area pret-
ty paper design, with hat and
dress detachable, something
that will please the children. The
Powder costs 25c. a pound, and
we let you run no risks, for we
takeet back at that price if you
don't like it. Remember, any
time before Christmas, but not
Prescription Drug Store
ONT., DECEMBER 13, 1895
$1 a year in advance
West Wawanosh.
NoTEs.—The excellent sleighing last
week made things quite lively. David.
Wilson had a wood bee in J. Mills bush
, one day last week: J. and P. Welsh
have not purchased the farm on the
2nd con. as reported. Mr Phillips, of
Fordyce, has removed his family to
Goderich, where they will reside in fu-
ture. Mr A. Rose gave a dancing
party to the young people of this
neighborhood last Friday night. Miss
L. Taylor is at Goderich at present
learning dressmaking. Mr P. Wind-
mill spent one evening last week at his
sisters, Mrs W. Seringion, of Beaver-
ton. Mrs Wm. Habkirk, of Fordyce,
was giving friends a call one day last
week. Miss Ellison, who has been at
Wm.Mc0abe's for thepast two months
returned to her home in Morris last
week. S. Gibson who has been engag-
ed in the painting business in Bruce
county during the summer months, re-
turned home last week. Mr Elliott of
the 6th con., was the guest of A. Thom-
as last Sunday. Deputy -Reeve Gibson
spent several days last week attending
County Council sittings. Several of
our leading Conservative friends took
in the convention at Smith's Hill on
Tuesday, and of course report having
a very enthusiastic gathering.
STOCK SOLD.—Wm. Elcoat, one of
the sturdy and progressive stock rais-
ers of this township, has just sold a
fine young thoroughbred Durham bull,
13 months old, to Robt. T. Dodds, of
McKillop, at a big price. It is from
Daisy, by Lord Lossie 4th, and is a
i promising. animal.
Are you going to buy
Your Silverware?
posy a big price for it,
when I can give it you
at cost.
ptty a big price for your
Jewellery, when I can
give you the best goods
,in the market at whole -
Sale .price.
l'0404V/64:id tillOhristmae. Why
1'ot;ibluy your 'prederits now, and get the
choice of my stock.
4 i yt1iing' at cost. for dash,
Bet USW I' n .al cililag 4out1
What wide-awake and reliable ooneepondents find worthy of recording for publication.
ENTtRTAINENT.—A magic lantern
entertainment will be held in 8. 8.
No. 7, on the evening of Dec. 20th,
when Mayor Gray, of Seaforth, will
participate in the exercises. In addi-
tion the program will embrace songs,
drills, readings, &c. The public is cor-
dially invited.
ENTERTAIMENT.—The people of S. 8.
No. 1, Hullett, intend having a grand
entertainment in their school, a mile
and a quarter north of Alma, on the.,
evening of Dec. 27th. Everythi g-
being done to ensure a good ti d. Mr
Money, of Mitchell has been ngaged
as comic singer; Beat brothers and
others are to supply violin music; be-
sides there will be mouth organ selec-
tions, flute music, instrumentals, quar-
tetts, dialogues, ventriloquism, etc.
All are invited to come and spend a
pleasant evening.
ENTERTAINMENT.—A public school
concert under the auspices of 8. S. No.
2, Hullett, is to be held in the school
house on the evening of the 19th inst.
The program will consist of music, both
vocal and instrumental, together with
recitations and dialogues by the pupils.
AsSantaClaus was recently seen in
Clinton, he is expected to be present to
unload the Christmas tree, which he
may provide for the occasion. A cor-
dial invitation is extended to all parents
and friends interested in education.
Come and hear one of Huilett's future
DEATH.—The Kincardine paper of
last week makes mention in the follow-
ing manner of the death of Mr James
Dawson, father of Mrs Benson Tyre -
man, of this township. "On Friday of
last week, Huron Township lost one of
its old settlers, a man universally re-
spected wherever known, in the person
of Mr Jas. Dawson, who for a quarter
of a century, owned and occupied lot 17
in Con. A., lake shore, south. His Life
had been a busy one, and he had al-
ways enjoyed the best of health, up to
week before his death. It was while
sitting in the house that he was strick-
en with partial paralysis, and he never
rallied from the attack, but gradually
sank until death came. and he was re-
signed to pass out into the glorious be-
yond. During his illness, he was sur-
rounded by his devoted wife and fam-
ily, whom beloved so well, and his last
Hours were soothed by their presence.
Mr Dawson was a man who never had
a taste for public display or for office.
He was -quite happy in his own home,
and his Lifework was to care for, to
love, and to provide liberally for the
dear ones of his family. In the highest
sense of the word he was an honest
man, endeavoring at all times to do un-
to others as he would have them do un-
to him. Deceased was born in Mon-
mouth in 1837, and when thirteen years
of age, emigrated with his parents and
other members of the family to Cana-
da. settling in the township of Clark,
Durham County. Here he was mar-
ried to Miss Elizabeth Rae, of that
township. It is within a few weeks of
25 years since the deceased moved to
Huron township, and during his resi-
dence there, James Dawson and fam-
ily were always looked upon as this
most desirable of neighbors, and as cit-
izens who commanded respect from
every person. For many years he was
a consistent member of the Methodist
Church at Pine River. In politics he
was a pronounced Conservative, but
was always willing to allow an oppo-
nent to have the same liberty of
thought and action which he himself
exercised. A wife and family of two
sons and five daughters survive the de-
ceased. The eldest s<.n is Mr Edward
Dawson, who is well known as a suc-
cessful seedsni:tn and gardener, and as
a lecturer in connection with ternper-
ance:and kindred work. The other
son, Mr Samuel D. Dawson, reeides on
the homestead, as does also the young-
est daughter, Angeline. Four daugh-
ters are 'married— Mrs E. Snowdon,
lake shore south; Mrs B. Tyreman,
Londesboro; Mrs J. Pollock, Saugeen
line, Huron township; Mrs Thos Pol-
lock, Durham line, Kincardine. The
funeral on Sunday last was largely at-
tended, Service was held in the pine
River Methodist Church, by Rev C. V.
Lake, after which the body was
brought to Kincardine for interment."
NOTES.—The special services that
have been held at Bethel for the past
weeks have come to a close. Rev. Mr
Becker is still continuing his revival
meetings at his other appointment,
Hullett; having wonderful success.
Rev. Mr Baugh, of Auburn, delivered
an appropriate missionary sermon on
Sunday evening last in the Evangelic-
al church. David Fischer has return-
ed from Dakota on Saturday last. Mr
M. Flick met With a serious accident a
week ago, being kicked by a horse; we
hope,to see him around again before
long. S. Barthel, who has been away
to Manitoba. has returned. and is vis-
iting among his relatives at the pres-
ent time. Geo. Warner and Albert
Mitchell have been going around for
the last week. with a broad smile on
their faces. John Tebbutt, of Gode-
rich township, was visiting in Colborne
last Sunday, M. Phrammer is going
around with a petition to get license
to run the hotel at Benmillee again.
John Pannebaker has moved ihto the
house belonging to Mr Blake, formerly
occupied by S. Fischer.
HYMENEAL.—The marraige of Dr.
Cunningham, dentist, of St. Thomas,
to E. Gertrude Hessian, of Toronto,
formerly of Wingham, was celebrated
in Toronto at All Saints church, by
Rev A. Baldwin on Wednesday. Nov.
20, The affair was of a quiet nature.
After the ceremony was over Mr and
Mrs Ounninghame repaired to the El-
liot House, where they were "At home"
to many friends on Thursday. The
bride, who vette a pupil of Prof. Torring-
ton's Orchestral School, was the recipi-
,ant of ma • y 4aluable evidences of es-
teem) tho gh; no invit tions were is-
sued. Th Dr and his bride strived in
St Thorn lad Nveelti
DESTH.—R, W. Williams, banker,
lost a child last Saturday ffromdiphthe-
ria, and stow his wife is net expected
to recover. It is supposed that a re-
cent death in town was from diphthe-
ria, but owing to concealment of the
cause of death many were exposed,
and now the innocent are suffering.
CHUROH.—Rev. Dr. Williams and
Rev. Mr Andrews, of Holmesville,
preached on Missions in North St.
curch on Sunday; the proceeds were
od and the services, much appreci-
ated. Revival eervices are still in pro-
gress in Victoria St. church. Rev. H.
Irvine has been invited to succeed Rev.
Jas. Livingston as pastor of Kincar-
dine Methodist church, at a salary of
not less than $1000; he has accepted,
subject -to the action of the Stationing
NOTES.—Goderlch is probably one of
the liveliest towns in the province at
present, owing to the number of new
works opening out. There is also some
mild form of scarlet fever in town, and
no placard is up to protect the un-
wary. There is beautiful sleighing in
the town and country, and all con-
cerned are taking advantage of it.
Porter's Hill.
NOTES.—Rev. Mr Graham preached
a very interesting and soul staring ser-
mon on the work of foreign missions.
Mrs O. W. Potter has gone to Wood-
stock to spent Xmas with her mother,
so our blacksmith wears a long face.
Geo. Weston, who has been laid up for
some time with inflammation of the
lungs, is improving slowly. Miss M.
Newton was very low with inflamma-
tion of the lungs. Alfred Potter is no
better. Miss E. Holdsworth has been
engaged as clerk in Mr E. 0. Potter's.
Next meeting of the Templars will be
on Tuesdayevening next. E. 0. Pot-
ter and wie were visiting friends in
Kippen this week. The entertainment
given by Mr Pearce, assisted by local
talent. in the hall, last week was real-
ly good, and although the evening was
very unfavorable a goodly number
found their way to the hall, and a very
enjoyable evening was spent. Reeve
Cox attended County Council meeting
in Clinton last week, and reports hav-
ing.a good time at the hub. Jas. Stirl-
ing paid allying visit to Seaforth last
week. Our smithy is kept pretty busy
these days, the horses must he shod if
pork is a low price. -
I.O.G.T.—The I.O.G.T. re -organized
here on Tuesday night. Officers elect-
ed as follows:—W.C.T., A. McDon al;
P. W.C.T., Georgie McPhail; V.T.,
Nellie McDonald; S., C. McPhail; A.S.,
Amy Cox; F.8., J. Roberts; T., Maggie
McPhail; Chap., O.W. Potter; M., W.
Lindsay; D.M., Alice'Potter; Guard,
Edith Cox; Sent., Geo. Kelly.
Goderich Township
NoTEs.—Misses Kate and Fannie
Richardson returned home on Thurs-
day last, afterspendinga very pleasant
three months visit to friends in New
EXAM, —A public examination will be
held in S.S.No. 9, Goderich Township,
on Wed. Dec. 18, in the afternoon. A
cordial invitation is extended to every
ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday night as Mr
John Eagleson was drivinghome along
the Bayfield road when te cutter up-
set, throwing him out and dislocating
his shoulder.
DEATH.—Word was received last
week of the death, at Cleveland, of
Jacob Connell, youngest son of Wrn.
Connell, 14th con.. which occurred on
the 22nd of November. He was aged
37 years and leaves a wife but no child-
ren. He has been a resident of that
place for about five yeats. Noparticu-
lars as to the cause of death were given.
COUNCIL.—Council rnet on Monday
as a board of health, members all pres-
ent, minutes of last meeting read and
passed and the report of the chairman
of the board of health was accepted.
Chas. Johnston was appointed de-
puty returning officer in place of S.
Johnston for No. 1 P.S.D. The ac-
count of Wm. Robinson's for damage
to his cart was laid over to the next
meeting; council to in vestige his claim.
The following accounts were paid:
For gravel, S. Rathwell, $4; IV. H.
Lobb, $3; S. Johnstcn, $10.80; E. Cam-
pion, $18.42; Mrs J. H. Elliott, $4.68;
Wm. Colclough, $1.98; Jas. Connolly,
$15.38; J. Johnston, $3.50; G. Tebbutt,
$3.24; J. Mair. $8.95; Wm. Elliott,
$8.16; D. Cox, $6; J. Trewartha, $6.54;
J. McDonald, $8.50; T. Cronyn, $27.72;
F. McCartney, $13.50; H. Baker, $4.50;
W.J. Elliott, $17.64; Wm. Murch, $23.-
46; W. Grigg, 60c; Municipal World
election supplies, $3.27; Board of Health
G10; clerk for school census 25; Wm.
rigg, drain, 37; J. Joslyn, tile, $3.67;
Councillors salary, $120; Clerk's salary,
$105; Treasurer's salary, $46.67; Reeve,
attendance at the drain, $3; Clerk,
services on the drain, $2.50; T. Church-
ill, contract on Colborne hill, $5. Ad•
journed to meet on Dec. 16th. NIXON
STURDY, Clerk.
FIRE.—Last Tuesday night about
9.30 Charles Stewart, of Krntail, lost
his dwelling house together with all
its contents and $4b in cash. He and
his sister had left home about an hour,
when fire was discovered by some of
his neighbors, too late, however, to
save anything. The loss is about
$1,000; no insurance, Mr Stewart lost
his barns by fire about a year ago.
NOTES.—The recent sleighing has
made business lively during the past
week. We are glad to learn that Ed-
ward McLean is now convalescent.
Zion teameeting will be held on New
Year's night. The public examination
of school No. 5 will take place on the
20th f t., to which the parents and
these f iterested in edification are cordi-
ally in 'sled to be present. The young
men o went to Manitoba last har-
vest h ve-returned greatly Improved
in h 1th. The, members of Maple
Cis ova ,l,t. No. 1044 field a,,,c al on
the 2n . init.
$t. Helen
NOTES.—The open meeting in connec-
rion with the I.O.G.T. was quite a suc-
cess on Friday evening last. Rev B.M.
Whaley is kept very busy on his pas-
toral rounds at present; he ie visiting
on Ashfleld Monday and Tuesday of
this week. Several from here attend-
ed the I.O.O.F. social held in Luoknow
on Friday evening last. The telegraph
office was moved from Mrs Millers, the
only office for about twenty years, to
Mr Geo. Murray's store, who will in
future act as operator. Mrs M. Mc-
Donald visited friends in Leeknow
last week. Miss McDonald was in
Wingham on Thursday last. Mr Will
Gordon is at present working at Dr
Gordon's house in Lucknow. Mr Wm
Cameron's driver took ill on the road
up to the village last week, partial par-
alysis being the cause; the animal was
taken to Mr D. Todd's barn, but was
able to be taken home the latter part
of the week, and is improving nicely.
Thomas Todd got the new boiler for his
mill home last week, and will be ready
for work in a few days. Miss Patterson
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs Haines.
Miss Annie Sturdy, Auburn, was the
guest of her cousin, Miss Jennie Sturdy.
Miss Radcliffe, West Wawanosh, was
the guest of her cousin, Miss Murray,
this week.
NOTES.—Messrs A. McGowan and J.
Habkirk, of Blyth, s jient Sunday after-
noon and part of the night with friends
in the village, Albert Coates is busy
drawing stone; he intends raising his
barn next summer. Rev. Mr Millson
preached to a large company on Sab-
bath evening last. Mr Wm. McCull
has been visiting friends at Blyth. A
large number attended the Epworth
League on Tuesday evening.
MEETING.—The annual meeting of
the Constance Cheese and Butter Man-
ufacturing Company for the winding
up of this year's business' was held in
the Temperance hall, Kinburn, on the
Oth inst. There was a good attend-
ance of patrons and shareholders. Mr
R. McMillan was called to the chair
The auditors presented their report,
showing that over thirty tone of cheese
was made during the five months the
factory was run, a dividend of 3?s per
cent was declared. The past season
was very unfavorable to dairying, on
account of the continued dry weather
and prices ruling low, yet in all pro-
bability the factory has paid better
than growing. grain. Mr Clark, the
secretary and treasurer of the cora-
pony. is prepared to settle up with the
patrons at any time. The following
officers were appointed for the coming
year:—President, J. McDowell; Direct-
ors, J. D. Hinchley, M. Armstrong, G.
Black, G. Stephenson; Sec. Treas., J.F.
Clark; Auditors, J, Britton, T. Mc-
Millan. Mr P. C. Papineau is engaged
as maker and Geo. Stephenson as
BETTER.—Mrs S. Woodman is so far
recovered as to be able to go out walk-
ing. We are glad to have her in our
FURNACE.—The matter of a furnace
for the Methodist church has most
likely received its quietus, as the true -
the board is not favorable to it, consid-
ering that the building is an old one.
TEAMEETING.—The Ebenezer Sun:.
day School on the Londesboro ciri:ilit
will hold its annual teameeting and
Christmas tree on Wednesday, Dec.
18th. A good program is being pre-
pared, music to be furnished ny the
Londesboro choir, assisted by Rev. Mr
Millson; Elijah Townsend, Superinten-
dent. Ample accommodation will be
provided for teams.
OFFICERS.—At the last regular meet-
ing of S.O.E.B.S. No. 143, held on Dec.
6th, the following officers were elected
for 1896:—W.P., G. C. Thompson; W.
P.P., Geo. Snell; W.V.P., Jas. Shob-
brook; W. Chap., Ed. Crawford; W.R.
S. G. E. Williams; W. Treas., A.
Woodman, (byacclammation;) Guides,
W. Thompson, Wm. Wallace, John E.
Taylor, T. Cole, Jos. Morris,, H. More;
Guards, J. Cumming, T. Sampson;
Trustees, 0, Snell, A. Woodman and
G. E. Williams.
OFFICERS.—At the last regular meet-
ing of L.O.L. No. 863, held in the Tem-
perance hall, on Dec. 5th, the following
officers were elected for the year 1896:—
W.M., Geo. Snell; D.M„ Bond Lawri-
son; Chap., E. Crawford; Rec. Sec., G.
E. Williams; F. S., Jos. Morris; Treas.,
S. Woodman; Dir.:of Ceremonies, J. T.
Lee; Lecturer,`. Mains; Com. Man.,
W. Jenkins, E. Best, John Brown, C.
Ruddell, W. Grey.. These were duly
installed by Past District Master, A.
Woodman, after which a pleasant
time was spent in songs and speeches.
NoTEs.—Messrs Lanham and Bell
paid a visit to the circular town on
Wednesday. Quite a number of logs
are being hauled to the sawmill here
winter. Robt. Cole and T. H. Cole
have exchanged dwelling houses. Mrs
Robertson and Mrs Riley, jr., are visit-
ing at Goderich. Albert Haggitt has
gone to Michigan. Several of our vil-
lagers are in Goderich this week. Mr
Bowers, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr
J. Cartwright's. Amos Watson has
gone to Mount Brydgers to spend the
winter in Mr Rockey's flour mill. Mr
John Green, of London, was in the
village on Tuesday. Home Circle
meeting on the 19th, full attendance
requested, as there will be election of
officers; ladies talk of having cake and
(Too late for last week.)
NOTES.—B. Lawrison has accepted a
situation with Dr. Kranssmatl, who is
attending Dr. Agnew's practice. Wm
Geddes, of Belgrave, is carpentering
for Robt. Cole, and Mrs Geddes is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs McKenzie, this
week. Thos. Lee bas sold to Walter,
Riddell hie houee In Londesboro at a
very reasonable price. TheMethodiets
are having some notion of putting a
furnace in to heat the church. Wood
is very cheap this year, being only
$1.25 yer cord for dry or green. Wm.
Addison returned from Menitohe on
S' t>,irday evening; he is about the last
to come, as the time has expired foxy:
b ts.
await CIIEESE Mi9ETIMG.—The Annual
Meeting of the IIolareavtlle Moose and But.
ter a
Com u7, (Limited) will be held in Pick,
ard's $aU, Holmesville, on Iaturdr►y Dee.
*111, at 1 o'clock, p. . All partiee Interest-
ed, or likely to become interested next year aro
requested. to be present. W. a FOttSTER,
President; W. 8, LAWRENCE, Seeretary.—
I.8. ANNIviiRSARY.—The anniver-
tory in connection with the Sunda
School here will be held Sunday 22nd.
services will be held morning and even-
P. S. EXAM.—The annual examina-
tion of the echoed will be held on the
afternoon of Thursday next, 19th inst.
After the usual examination will be a
program of music, dialogues, drills etc.
Refreshments will be served. All in-
terested in education are invited to be
R.T. of T.—The officers .elected last
Monday night for the term beginning
Jan. lst are as follows:—S. C., Geo.
Phipps; V. C.,+'dith Holdsworth;
Chap., Rev. G. W.Andrews; Rec. Sec.
Elsie Pickard; Fin. Sec., Emma Wal-
ter; Treas., J. McLeod; Herald, John
Ford; Guard, Alma Yeo; Sent., A.
Oourlice; Trustee, John Trewartha.
Text meeting, Dec. 22rd.
P.O.I.—The regular meeting of the
Holmesville Association P.O.1. will be
held Thursday evening Dec. 19, com-
mecingi at 7.30 p.m. A good time is
expected. Let every member be pres-
ent. The debate, as to which is the
cause of the most misery, waror intem-
serance, came off at the last meeting.
Mr John Trewartha was the captain
for intemperance, and Mr John Sturdy
captain for war. The result of which
gave Mr Trewartha the victory, viz,
intemperance causes more misery tnan
NOTES.—Mr F. 0. Elford is spending
a few days this week at the O. A. Col-
lege, Guelph. Epworth League will
meet next Monday, subject "Prayer."
Mr Atkinson, Seaforth, was the guest
of F. C. Elford over Sunday. Miss V.
Andrews left here this week to spend
the winter with her sister in Belleville.
Mr Lu. Proctor is busy getting material
together for a new earn. Mr Goode -
rich, son of Mrs Gooderich, formerly
of this place, spent a couple of days
here this week, with his cousin Mr H.
Elford. Mise Crich, of Tuckeramith, is
visiting at Mr W. Stanley's. Mr T. R.
Courticeis writing on. the Model exams
in Clinton this week; we wish him suc-
cess. Mrs W. Elford has been confined
to her bed, quite ill, for a few days.
Remember the Bible Society meeting
tonight in the Methodist Church here.
NOTES.—The ice on the river is good,
and skating is being indulged' in to a
considerable extent, Messrs Wilford,
Shane, J. B. Kelly and J. Sherritt at-
tended the Conservative convention at
Smith's Hill on Tuesday. Mrs Gracey,
Gananoque, is a guest at the home of
Mr John Buie at present. The second
monthly fair of the season, held on
the 10th, attracted quite a crowd and
created astir; some business was done.
Mrs A. Lucas, Markdale, is visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs Tanner,
at present. Bills are out fora concert
to take place on the 18th, for which
Mrs Whitt and her pupils are prepar-
ing a creditable program; this should
insure a good attendance. Mr Chowen
has disposed of his butcher business,
but does not give up possession until
the 1st of Jan. Rev. Mr Hi ley're-
turned from St. Thomas on Friday
night, where he had been spending a
-few days, Mr H. Irwin, Lislie, Mich.,
Ali old BMjrth boy, spent a couple of
days in town last week, as the guest of
his aunt, Mrs Shane. Editor A. E.
Bradwin attended the formal opening
of the County House of Refuge in Clin-
ton on Thursday. Miss B. McConnell
returned home from Exeter on Friday
night, where she has held a position as
milliner. Mr E. Watson spent a few
days in Toronto last week on business.
Mrs Brownlee, Lucan, was the guest
of her sister, Mrs McGee, last week.
Mrs Jas. McGee, son and daughter
started for Edmonton, N.W.T., on
Thursday, to take up their residence,
where Mrs McGee has two sons settled
and doing well. Miss Curtis attended
a concert in Chatham on Tuesday, tak-
ing part in the program, and will visit
friends before -returning.
WARNING.—We advise the lads who
seek to amuse themselves by abusing
an old lady on the way to and from
church, to be more careful in future, as
it is likely to make serious trouble.
We ought to respect and honor old
NOTES.—The regular meeting of the
R. T. of T. Council was held Monday
evening Dec. 9th; two committees were
appointed, one to seek out new mem-
bers, to be initiated Dec. 23rd, and the
second committee to provide refresh-
ments for the same. The sleighing
party who went to Chiselhurst one ev-
ening laet week, report a cold night,
probably not enough long shawls were
NOTES.—Mr Thompson, the teacher
who is to take the school after Xmas,
and Mr Hartley, of Clinton, were in
town last Saturday. Brigadier Mar-
garets, of Toronto, held a special meet-
ing in the Salvation Army barracks on
Wednesday night. A meeting of the
Bible Society was held in St. Andrew's
church on Monday evening; Rev. Mr
Graham occupied the chair, and ad-
dresses were delivered by the chair-
man, Rev. Mr Oaten and the agent of
the society; Rev. Mr Graham was ap-
pointed president; Miss Martin, sec.
treas. and depository. The Presby-
terian Sunday School Xmas tree will
be held on Monday evening, the 23rd
inst., in the town hall; a fine program
is being prepared. Alex Ferguson re-
turned from Cleveland on Saturday.
Mr OluteleSimons and family left on
Wednesday fox Goderieh; at a meet-
ing of the elders and manager of St,
's ehtrreli, ou Moeda evening,
esented with an addresses our
11 not allow for itspublidatioh.,
1 he was
space sv;
R Rrvn:—The many friends of Mr
Gregg ow of Colborne, are pleased to
that he recovering. The gentleman was
ill with pneumonia, and at one time li
was despaired of. •
ANNvaL Ex/al.—The annual examin
the public school here, will be held gd ..
the 16th inst., commencing at 10 in.
dial invitation is extended to all$1 intere.
be present. A number of toe tehohere 1
neighboring sections are expected to as
the examinations of the pupils.
L. O. L. ELECTION.—At the regular
on Monday evening, the following off(
elected for L. O. L., No. 928, for th
oar:—Joseph Rapson, W. M.; Thos.
D. M.; Samuel Lowery, Chap.; R.
Rec. eo.- Geo. W. Hill, Fin. Sec.; C.
Treas.; henry Watkins, D. of •
Sec.; Thos. Archer, Wm. J. Mcl
Hyle, Robt. Miller, r , Wm, Lbw
RETURNED.—Mr Edward Jordi,
ed from a three months' sojourn
The gentleman is well pleased
Since returning home while
shingles upon the roof of Mr 1
barn, his feet slipped off the pia
over 20 feet to the frozen
lit in a sitting posture,
bones were broken, an
jury has manifested i
BRIxFs.—Mr Henr
chininoy last week.
the male sex are woo
Joshua Hill has been ca
the interests of his cheese factory.
Wright is visiting relatives near
Mrs Wm. Downs was called to Gu
Wednesdayowing to the serious illness
daughter-in-law, Mrs Albert Downs, who
yield ngg her sister there. Mrs Charles OIe, (ne-
Miss M. ry Rill, of Marlettoe, Mich., Is visiting
her uncle, Mr Geo. Hill. and other relatives
here. Mr and Mrs Thomas Agar, of Belfast
paid Mr G. M. Kilty a flying visit on f•''rida
last; Mr Agar has rented his farm and le on 1
lookout for a place to engage in business; i
G. M. Kilty's family aro all well again exco
the baby who is still very 111. Mr John Lovet.
of Port Austen, Mich., is visiting his brother
Mr Chas. Lovett, sr. Mr and Miss Campbell
from north of Wingham, were visitors at M
Samuel Lowery's fora week. Mr Cam(boll re
turned home on TutsSr y, the 3rd inst. Mis'
Campbell is still visiti❑ t friends and relative.
here. A number from o helped Mr an.
Archie Cousons, of Holmo5ville, to code , , e tni.e'
fifth anniversary of their marriage ,Monday
evening, the 2nd inst. Messrs John Lo*ott, and"":-
Thos. Mair aro busily engaged in drawing wood
to Clinton. Mrs Nelson Bingham left on Satur=„
' day, the 7th, on a visit to her parents, Mr and',
Mrs Robt. Fulton, near Port Huron, Mich.
1.0.0.T.—The following are the of-
ficers of Summernill lodge of No. 220
I.O.G.T. for the present quarter:—O,
T. C. Lowery; V.'1'., S. Kyle; Chap.,
Wm. Butt; M., C. Williams; Treas., D.
Barr; Sec., D. Burns; Fin. Sec., G. M.
Kilty; A. Sec., J. Bingham; P.O.T., R.
J. Draper; Sent., H. Williams; Guard,
E. Mcllveen; S.J.T., James Rapson.
Quite a number of initations are ex-
pected at nett meeting, which will be
held on the 18th inst., commencing at
7 o'clock. The date for the next Gos-
pel Temperance meeting has not yet
been fixed.
9csooL REPORT.—The standing of
the pupils of the school for November
is as follows:-5th—Ethelbert McIl-
veen, Wm. Mair, Winnie Thompson.
4th—Mabel Huck, Frances Oakes, Jew 0
mie Bingham. Sr. 3rd—Wm. Butt,
Maddie Murphy, Vinie Woodyard.
Jr, 3rd—Olive Hill, Alfred Butt, Jane
Wright. Sr. 2nd—Ethel Huck, Jessie
Murihy, Thos. Hill. Jr. 2nd—Lily
Butt, Louie Johnston, Herbert Oakes.
Pt. 2nd—Minnie Lobb, Mebel Garvie,
Russell Colbourn. Pt. 1, No. 1—Char-
lotte Colborne, Carrie Butt, Goldie
Hill; No. 2—Melville Hill, Clifford Lobb,
Wilbert Mcllveen; No. 3—Lorne, Butt,
Ida Colbourn.
'Norse.—Mr A. P. Ketohen left for Guelph
A.qn Tuesday. He has a good position in the
grionitural College, under Prof. Rennie.
Anniversary eervioes in oonneetion with Mi. church will be held on Deo. 22-23; Dr.
Abrahain,•Buriington, will preach Sunday.
The following otloere have beon elected for
the Christian -Endeavor for the next six
months—Hon. Pro., Rev W. Meir and the
elders; Free., Jennie Fotlieringham; Vides
Pres„ John Snider; Treas., Maggie Burdge;
Seo„ T. A. Moteinghlin. Report mays that.
a wedding will take place in Oda 'infinity in
the near Yat e
r ar , The fortdnate geiitieinant
dome, fkiotfnear 'Sii,'T omtiitite ,