HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-22, Page 9• LRTON NEW ERA AND 'T ttJHEY GLOBE°"WILL Bpi SENT TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO 81ST ECEIIBIER, tsr)8, to.41,,t),1 I t VO'R 41,,,EW BUTCHER SHOP. e nnderoigued desires to intimate to i the people of Clinton and vicinity that he 114 u opened Is batoher shop in the store of r ` °�• Oore,-baron ,Street. He hes had many elr'a experience, end feels that he Pan give best of ' efttiefactton. Ire will sell 1 fly for Ptah, and at the lowest possible Prloeft, Q11DVI, BE9PEOTPULL1t SOLXOZThZD IA flat Dfterencr -a W. Wright, - Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP pour, & MURPHY, (Sneceeeore to J. W. Langford) 'Having bought out the above business„we ; nteitd:to conduct it on the cash principle, ilia will Supply our easterners with the best meaty at the lowest paying prices. Patrons Indy rely upon good service and prompt filling of all orders. r, FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wiiph to inform the public ,that I willlnot be nudesold by any other person in the 1lrlanses. I am a practical butcher, and a44eketand all the branohee of the business. �ir.Rra (the:Very best meats and a full rRgob'alwaye on hand, and will sell at the si rVaeh Prides. Bting along- Time money and get the meat at the cash price. s;Wessgrll•give Credit but not at Dash prides. !OOP dell. _•and; see what you can do for SCa41 at R. FITZSIMONS' Othe's act ' Dutcher Shop. COUCH & WIH SON. Bnbsoribere desire to notify the public that the have bought out, the bets ertn business y i d t d. Mr'Jas A.Fprd a l con- 'flaw Kir pereQt a1 stip .' *ion. 141ape t and a eful a tion, tool all; willbetkept in season. a reasonable bites and delivered anywhere In town. 1 ABTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON OLINTON. Fresh : Sausage I 3 lbs. for 25e. NO BEEF OR LIVER PUT IN. Pork Chops, Roasts, Cured Meats. • Prices to suit hard times. Pure LARD by the pail or crock. We make fresh sausage every day. JAS. STEEP & CO. ,FLOUR D FEED STORES. our, FeedC& Seed Store 'The undersigned desire to intimate that be will keep on hand the very beet FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for, cash. BAL'1' also kept on band. He will also keep a holes) variety of all kinds of TEAB which con- sumers win and to be excellent valve. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. (JOOK's 'Flour Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18551 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,.... General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- saed,Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. F'ARMrms. Money advanced to fancies on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re gnlred as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. MliCTAOGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. norm Banking Business ill ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts ieened. Interest allowed on deposits. ['ARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLI11Troore dimness made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of intereet. titieril lankino Bneinoas transacted intend allowed on deposits. 'Belle Notes bdngh P. li'ISDAIrt, 1iiNON sr, The most prompt pleasant and per- fect cure for . Culds, Bronchitis, Iloarseu.as, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, Pain 1n the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The he•„ing anti-consumpt I virt,:'• of the Norway Pine are c•. ubined 4 •i this med.cir.e with WILL C..erry ar.c: other poc•oral herbs and Boise:us to make a trite specific ror a]! fortes of disease originating- from colds. { 0 Price aye. and 5oc. 11/1111,1114.11,1.41k1 A, ;4.14: •, • „• 1CURE FITS! Valuable treatise anti bottle of mWletna seat ires to a. Sufferer. else rsprtw and Pat 001ct wiener. H. ROOT N.0. 186 W i d. Ie..t,.Toko 6, eel. NpLcod 's System -RENOVATOR AND OTHER Test tile�f'4' 1 SPtt FI:C IND `��I ' DOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpi- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitio Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility L'AB'ORATORY, OODERICII, ONT J. M. MoE,EOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. his establishment is in full o• oration and a' rders filled in the most aatisfacto y way, Came. ery and granite work a specialty. Prices as easonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOOVER,Olinton. lm For 'l wenty-Five Years DUNN'S BAKIN POWDE THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Benmiller Nur eery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOOK ON HADD. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, andtbose wantinga,ny thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders. by Mail will be promptly, attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, literal and Nervous DOwty, Walther of Body and Mint. Effects of lis• tori or Enceues in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully How towen- WImp im eakUnds..io d Organ*. and PartsofBoy. Abso1ut1 so- filling Homo tae s—Benefitsi n s Mentes* from O States and F Ccantrlas. Wrlta� Descriptive Book, ex - pissed= and proofs mailed (salad) fres. ERIE MEDICAL COI. 8tffi!o1 N.Y,. 1 J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT is STOCK Th ebestErnbalmi es Flnidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residenceovere tore OPPOSITE 'L`lSW BLD t- How to distinguish tLeGenu- ine from the Imitations at a Glance. Paine's Celery Compound "Makes People Well.” OTHER PREPARATIONS MIS- LEAD AND DECEIVE. There is truly a wonderful difference when the pure, solid, heavy and legal gold coin is compared with the miserable imi- tation. The genuine coin is passed with confi- dence -from one person to another; all per- sons believe in it, How is it with the imi- tation -,-that spurious coin made and is. sued by dark and criminal bands? It is made in dark places, and is issued *stealth- ily to, deceive and defraud, and all who are connected with the work of deception are ever fearful of the police. The genuine gold coin hoe music and crispness in its ring; the base coin sonnd& dead and harsh to hear. Aa the genuine gold coin and the imite- 'tiOn differ so vastly, so also ie there a world of difference between Paine's Celery Compound and the imitation of Celery that people are frequently deceived by. Pain's Celery Compound is universally popular owing to its great efficacy; it is hailed everywhere as the great healer of disease; it is recommended by professional men all over this continent; it is genuine, reliable and honest, and "makes people well.” The imitation and all its crude prepara- tions, are made to sell without regard to results. Deceived buyers are naturally in- dignant at lose of money and aggravation of their troubles. When such imitations are used life is positivelyendangered. Tho genuine Paine's elery Compound—. the kind that ouree—f, distinguished by the words 'Paine's Celery Compound,' and the stalk of Celery, found on the bottle and outer cartoon. Look for these special features and you will always get just 'what will meet your case. 1etstrne to the U.S. Department of Agriculture make the corn crop the largest in volume on record,with a rate of yield, however, sotnewhat, leas than that indicated by the returns of Octo- ber, being 26.2 bushels per acre. This must be regarded as a preliminary and . not a finahestimate of the yield. The average yield of buckwheat is 20,1 bushels, against 16.1 last year. The average yield of potatoes is 100.7 bush- els per acre; tobacco, 743 pounds, and hay, 1.00 tons. The crop of apples 1' reported as 71.1 per cent of a full crop. The old story of Prometheus is a para• ble. Prometheus was on terms of intim- acy with the gods. From them he stole fire, and gave it to men. For this sin he was bound to the rocks of Mount Caucasus, and vultures were set upon him. They only ate his liver. This grew again as fast as it was pecked away. Are his sufferings to be imagined? Take a modern interpretation of the parable. There is no cooking without a fire. In cooking. and eating the mischief lies. The stomach is overtasked, the bow- els become clogged, they cannot dispose of the food that is given them. The impuri- ties bank up on the liver. Then come the vultures—the torments of a diseased liver. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Die- covery is more than equal to the vul- tures of dyspepsia and its kindred diseases. There is no more need of suffering from dyspepsia than there is of hanging one's self. Sold by nT medicine dealers the world over. THE STUBBORN CAMEL. Camels are not like horses. If a horse does not want to do anything we make him. If a camel does not want to do anything heleaves it un- done. No amount of coaxing, no amount of cruelty, will make him budge. He has the detirmination of the mule combined with the strength of the elephant. A camel is one of those aggravating brutes which will drive a hot tempered man to distrac- tion. Nothing will pursuade him to listen to reason. He will oppose your will with a passive resistance that is absolutely unconquerable. The onlyway to treat a camel is to' humor ifyoucannot humbug him. They will often lie down if you load them with the proverbial last straw, and you might beat them to death or offer up all the pleasures of Paradise before they would get up. They are pig -beaded beasts. Sometimes when they have quite a light load they turn hastily and throw themselves to the ground. But, although they are ob- stinent, they are not lute, and an Arab, by pretending to submit, can get the better of the stubborn beasts. The drivers will ostentatiously remove three or four packages from the load, and the animal, with an inward chuck- le ofs atisfaction, rises at once without perceiving that the parcels have mean- while been returned to their former position. As he flatters himself that he has shirked some of bis duty, he swings away with a light heart, grati- fied beyond measure, like a spoilt child at having its own way. The camel is an unsociable beast. He is also habitually dull, except when be is sniffing the salt air of the desert. When he is treading the sand with the burning sun on his back, and the boundless waste before him, he feels himself at home. The immense heat makes him bubble over with pleasure, and fills his frame with a !sublime in- toxication. It has been stated that he can go nine days without water. And if you had ever seen a camel drink when he does get a chance of quench- ing his thirst, you would not be sur- prised at that. They have been known to put away seven gallons and a half at a time.—London News. STRUCK WITH LIGHTNING. Nearly describes the position of a hard or soft corn when Pntnam's Painless Corn Extractor is applied. It does its work so quickly and without pain that it seems magical in action. Try it. Recollect the name—Putnam's Paitiles Corn Extractor. Sold by all druggists and dealers every, where. Chi Crvfee Pitcher's Castor, PIQITS CouuTINGr, Che Rev ,7 lin i c'uwit, of Hadding- ton, the authap of the self -in( erpretitig Bible, was Man of singular bashful. •pees. Itis courtship masted seven years. Six and a half years had passed away, and the reverend gentleman had got no further thn he had been in the first six days, . 'A step in advance must be made, and Mr Brown summoned all his courage for the deed. "Janet," said he one day as they sat in solemn silence, " we've been ac- quainted now six years and rnair, and I've ne'er gotten a kiss yet. D'ye think I might take one, my bonnie lass ?" "Just as you like, John; only be be- coming and proper wi' it." "Surely, Janet, we'll ask a blessing." The blessing was asked, the kiss was taken, and the worthy divine, over- powered with the blissful sensation, moat rapturously exclaimed : "Heigh, lass, but it is gude 1 We'll return thanks!" Six months later the pious couple were made one. IN SPRING AND FAL L. Gazrra rI have takenBurdock Bhod Bit- ters every riprieg and fall as a blood puri- fier for several years and find it does great good, building up my system and making me feel like a new man. My wife also has taken it for nervous debility and weakness, receiving great benefit when doctors' medi- cines seemed to do no good. RUFUS AVERY, North Augusta, Ont. A railway -man talks to the Chicago Chronicle with regard to Mr Charles Hays, the coming general manager of the Garnd Trunk. He says Mr Hays is smart, and will no doubt be a suc- cess. Then he proceeds:—"Did I tell you how it was Hays came to get the appointment? Well it was all due to the impression he made on Sir Charles Rivers Wilson at one of the presi- dents meetings in New Yoak. Hays was there, and had occasion to address the meeting on an international mat- ter, and did it in his frank, terse, out- epoken way that has alwayswon him a host of admirers. He is one of those fellows who, it they have anything to Nay, always go at it in a manner that is convincing, and drives the nails home every time, and oftentimes fair- ly rattle their .older associates. The new head of the Grand Trunk was:im- pressed at once, and, leaning over to Joe Price, the vice-president of the company, said: 'That's the man we want„ and a few days later Hays was tendered the general management,of the company, and accepted'it. DON'T Toaneco SPIT on SMOKE Yong Ln'a AWAY. is the truthful startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or finan- cial risk, as NO -10 -BAC is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. It may be interesting to many *gliders to know that the returns of the chartered banks show that the total amount of the savings of the Canadian people in the banks on September 30 was $1$4,409,304, or about $37 a head, assuming oar popnla tion to be 6,000,000. The net debt of the Dominion would absorb all that and near- ly half as much more would be needed to square accounts. Those people who ars trying to make themselves believe that Canada escaped the hard times and is now in an excellent business condition don't read the commer- cial reports. There were 49 failures ret ported last week, against 42 in the same week of 1894. And the weeding process has gone on a long time. The N. P. is powerless to do anything but tax the pec- ple- DA UEROUS. COIiSOUTION. A11 Maid In a Day sr Tete, Dat tie Dar Never Cante. "All right in a day o- two" is the thought that consoles every one.who is suffering from any indisposition that does not pros- trate him. In the case of a per-on'bed- ridden for months with disease of the Kid- neys being asked, "Did you not have su,y warning of this condition you are now in? " Yes, I was bothered at first ith back- ache, with occasional headacl, but did not consider myself sick or th ecessity of medicine further than a plaster on my back or rubbing with my favorite liniment. It was months before I began to realise that it was useless to further force myself to ignore my condition. The backache had become a pain in the back and sides, weak and tired feeling, high -colored urine with obstructions 'and stoppage, pain in the bladder, palpitation of the hearpoor appetite, indigestion and a dull, languid feelin•, with entire lack of energy." Had e e rs nal of distress from the Kidneys— ack..a' • e—received the assistance of Chase's Ki. ney-Liver Pills, the after.state of misery andysuffer- ing would have been avoided. A few doses dispel first symptoms ; delay re- sults in liver, heart and stomach becom- ing affected. It is useless to expect to overcome this complication without a persistent and regular use of Chase's IC. and L. Pills. Price 25C.. sold by ail dealers. Edmanson, Bates & Co.,Toronto. 111,e ovy=�lA Just spend his Four Quarters for a bottle of 4 Burdock Blood Bitters as all sensible people do; be- cause it cures Dyspepsia, Con- stipation, Biliousness, Sick :4 Headache, Bad Blood, and all 41,4Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and Blood from �a a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. If THE MAN , (to, IN THE 4!)' MOON , a . Tw,tnrtSICK iOK WOULD 11E. I/ met IS To Ar_ ......n..YW 1 tock . • W f�Q --,---WE WILL HAVE A OLEARING SALE 011' DRY G001)S; GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, ETC . From now till Dec. 31st. All will be sold if prices will dO it, The following prices will give an indication of what we are prepared to do in all departments. Best Granulated Sugar, 231,bs for.... $1 or 120 pounds for $5 TEAS -50c lines reduced to 45c 40c lines reduced to 35c 25c lines reduced to 20c CANNED GOODS—Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 8c each,good Salmon llc PATENT MEDICINES—$1 reduced to 85c, 75c to 05c, 50c to 43c, 25c to 22 CARPETS—several lines at great re- duction. All Canadian Tweeds reduced' 20 per cent, and imported ones 10 per ct per yard. COTTONS—Gray and White lc per yd off all round. UNDERCLOTHING—extra value, re- duced 10 per cent. DRESS GOODS—With the exception of a few pieces of Black Oashiliere, reduced 20 per cent. WINCEYS reduced 25 per cent. GINGHAMS reduced 25 per cent CORSETS—$1 reduced to 90c, 75c to70o 50c to 45c. READY MADE CLOTHING—includ- ing Children's, Youths' and Men's Suits and Overcoats, 20 per centoff HATS and CAPS --Several lines 25 per cent off, others at half price. BOOTS and SHOES 20 per cent off RUBBERS—Heavy and Fine 10 per cent off. WATERPROOF COATS—Men's $5.50 to $14. Ladies' .60 to $6. Goat Robes and Fur Coats very low Special Bargains in CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. Also many other lines of which we have not room to mention. As we purpose doing a Cash Business we offer this as an introduction. TERMS CASH. . . Now is the time to, save money. The first $10 purchaser (except sugar) on Monday mornings will receive a special present extra. We intend doing a strictly cash business after Jan. 1st. ADAMS' EMPURIU141, LOND1SBORo R. ADA vy47:4 • CURES BALDNESS, IP STOPS FALLING HAIR, CURES DANDRUFF, RESTORES FADED AND GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR. AND VITALITY. PERFECTLY iHARMLESS. WARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. 737e041/99 Bb' s °52°exp ONE HON EST MAN AND BUT ONE RELi/ 13LE HAIR FOOD. NO DYE. e feed the Hair that which It lacks and nature restores the color. THEORY. ROYAL SCALP Foos destroys the diseased germs of the scalp and a healthy action is set up It contains the principal propertiee of the heir that are necessary to its llfe without which it will not_ grow. It fertilizes the scalp the same as you do a field o corn and growth is certain. It invigorates the . 1. Scalp, cleanses it and thoroughly eradicates . which it the forerunner of baldness. It is the ONLY remedy ever discovered that will re- store the Life, Beauty and Natural Cohn- to the hair without harm. MAIL Onoalcs Pao.PTIA FILLSa. Sean eon Fnea PeMPnl.trrs. 13TIIfan Loch1. Aoewrs wuaTan ROYAL SCALP FOOD Go. Box 305, WiNDSOR, ONT. Stock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must be right, and we are going to make them right. From now until Aug. 1st every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on , on our goods before we make the reduction. Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August lst,.... $ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August lst,.... 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August lst,.... 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. •'�`•�./. A.WJ..r..4.,,.r.n,I.W.rY...rYr.Y...W...r„r..r.A.r..nurlYl.ly..,..p,yya./�/My.,,lp.lp�ry R -I -PA- N -S ONE GIVES RELIEF. r.....nn.mr."aawg0.4a....n.n✓onu..s•..w. AS CLEAR AS A BELL 12. If a pupil of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, 1 -rridon, Ont. does notgrasp a suilject readily, wo repeat and repeat until he gots it. VV, 3 on't. We got our roputation that way; wo intend to snstai it by giving.a t' o subjects taught Wo teach bookkeeping and bueine:: paper\ a new motto { it. Your nioii hat . t eat! ed. 1�llfr IDA pooh hadaeeeptiid a position wi�la (D vino t fit., as Cate , ves o nohoola rind in all fro aboub per l