HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-22, Page 8IL"Y ADVIC
• Al lA>tp Qir I smovBD;
u }ALT m AN: ;If t >?ill'1?j.Fila`.B.,
,*,:. 3' Wlrr.Cnss' Pont PiLM Sump Winos
Dgc4ouia aal, , FAxrx•n��. BOB 30 Yxuaa-Tse
On oilman ONE or NORTHUutlaar,tND Co' e
• NNowN Mx i.
1?rom the Trenton Advocate,
'Mr John Frost'a.ease is a most remark*
able one, He is one of the beet known
men in the county of Northumberland, be-
ing and
lis ngetired financial dealnner ingmple s with hundreds
ahronghout the townships. We have
known him intimately' for over ten years.
prom him ,ivo gleaned the following fade
In February last: "I was born in Eng-
land and' at 12 years of ago arrived in Can-
ada with my parents, who nettled in Prince
Edward county and remained there three
years. We then moved to Rawdon town.
'ship n :; the" neighboring county of Hast,
Inge, Fcr 80. years I was a resident of
Rawdon, three years I resided in Seymour
township, and I am at present, and have
been for the past 10 years, a resident of
Murray township. For 80 years I have
been a martyr to rheumatism. During
thatftime I have been treated by scores of
dooters.amldfonnd partialfirelief from but
One., " • t bade during the swine period, tried
- • \
Getting into the rig was agonizing.
innntnerable remedies, but all failed to
ours me Scarcely a month passes that I
am not laid up, and frequently I am con-
JIned to bed six or eight weeks, unable to
neve hand and foot and suffering untold
agonies. Two well known doctors told me
one time that I would have to have an arm
taken off to save my life. I tell you I
have been a great sufferer in my time, and
I would give anything to find relief. My
•busin�eeaoanses me a great deal of driving,
getting in and out of the rig is agony.
nowing his story to be true and anticus
t Dr Williams' Pink Pills should have
a severe test, we prevailed on Mr Frost,
much against his will, to give them a trial.
Be got six boxes and commenced to rise
them. At the start he smiled at our oonfi-
denoe in the pills. We saw him ]after he
used the firet box and he admitted some
relief and said he believed there was some-
thing in the remedy. He continued their
use and by the time he had finished the
six boxes he was as sound and proud a
man as could be found in six counties. A
couple of months have passed since the
cure was affected and we deferred giving a
history of the case in order that we could
eee for a certainty that the cure was per-
manent. We see him several times a
week actively attending to his business
and at all times loud in his praise of
Pink Pilin. All who know Mr Frost know
that his word is as good as his bond. Yes-
terday we said to him, "Now, Mr Frost, do
yon really feel you are cured of rheuma-
tism. Do you feel any twinges of the.�old ,
* '-trouble at all?" He"replied, "I am cured."
The Pink Pills have thoroughly rooted the
disease out of my system and I feel a new
man. The use of the pills has given me
law life, add I am telling everyone I meet
out the cure." Snoh isthecase, and hav-
known Mr Frost for years, the sufferer
pas, and seeing him now active, and al-
k youthful again, the rapid change
„Buffering to health seems almost a
However we are not at all enrpris-
all Bides we hear of cures effected
e of Pink Pilin. The druggists
eir rapid sale and the satisfao-
/,i give their customers.
The C. P. R. station at Ottawa was
destroyed by fire.
Geo. Am berry, an imbecile, was killed
on the railway track near Embro.
"I escaped being a confirmed dyspeptic
by taking Ayer's Pills in time." This as
the experience of many. Ayer's Pills,
whether as an after-dinner pill or as a
remedy for liver complaint, indigestion,
flatulency, water brash, and nausea, are
invaluable. (`
D. L. Moody has commenced a note-
worthy series of revival services at At-
lanta, Ga., in a tabernacle seating 7,000
people, which has just been built for
Miss Marion Campbell, a young wo-
man 25 years of age, arrived in Wood-
stock Thursday, having driven frcm
North Platte, Neb., in a four horse
"prairie schooner."
Ladies Olean your kid gloves with Jos-
ephine Glove Cleaner, for sale only by
Hodgene Bros., Clinton, sole agents for the
Peirin, Freres and Alexander Kid Glove
in all the most desirable shades, dressed
and undressed, lace and button.
Peter Merrill, a respected resident of
Deseronto, was killed on the Grand
Trunk a mile west of Deseronto. He
stepped out of the way of one train in-
to the way of another. He died about
two hours later, and leaves a widow,
two sons and three daughters.
Yellow Oil, used externally and internal-
ly cures asthma, croup, coughs; sore throat,
bronohitie and similar complaints.. Eater.
nally it cores lumbago, sprains, bruises,
outs, chilblains, frost bites, and sprains and
aches of every kind.
The Sarnia Observer corners the London
Free Press by pointing out that instead of
the price of .potatoes being so low in Michi-
gan that "but for the duty the Lambton
farmers might not get 10 cents a bushel
for them," they bring on Port Huron and
Detroit markets 20e. to 35o. a bushel.
Norway Pine Syrup aures 'Coughs.
Norway Pine Syrup cures bronchitis.
Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs.
According to the Windsor Record Essex
farmers are selling their surplus straw in
Detroit for 36 per ton. The beet price ob-
tainable on this side of the river is $4 so
that after paying 75o duty the farmers are
31.26 ahead. Even in the trifling item of
Straw reciprocity would put a good many
dollars into the pockets of Ontario farmers.
Free entry on beans would add $150,000
to $175,000 to the "revenue of the farmers
of Rent this season.
ChHdrert .Ory for
Pitcher's Ca*tdr1aM.
wi$DX CITY TROWn.ta,
C1419w4e Offers Vixen a ikeun 1$elai e
Ifouer here, Bt!tMot Par the City.
A oorreepondent of the New re* ld;tn
ball Sent thio letter from Chicago: The
Worid'e Fair; outside of Gov4rnmentitnd
Statednbsidles, post Chicago .the snug
spm of $22,Q00,000. If to -day she could
bond herself;' for $50,000,0000 she would do
It gladly, if only the effects of the big
exposition could be removed The city le
stagnant. The over -production, the in-
flation, and the ,boom incident to the
Fair having vanished, the people are
That le etre thing which is the matter.
with Chicago Another is that the great#
metropolis of the West le perhaps the
worst governed otty In the world,. Such
a curious mixture of municipal, county
,tori township administration was never
kno•vn before in the,history of cities.
1,, i.. in%ricate,feeble and corrupt. ,There
is township organization to awesvalues
and collect taxes, which is weak and
malodorous. There le a county organi-
sation, wholly uselese,,to $spend the taxes
and there is a'city organization„to spend
the olty's share of the total income, and
waste and steal as much of It as they can.
Happily, under ouch conditions, a emo-
tion of the state oonetitution limits the
amount of debt, and, therefore, when
Chicago gots,out of money she has to run
her trice; „when she,pannet, '•1o. that -and
that Is the condition now for Eastern cap-
italists will not lend her a penny -she
will have to go to the pawnshop.
lligrtn, the 'pipit. • of .00rrmation that
exists In public) life here is enough to
destroy the integrity of any oommnnity.
Chicago'ia Board o1 Aldermen is, perhaps,
the worst nest of thieves since Alf Baba's
day. There are sixty-eight aldermen, re-
presenting thirty-four wards, and the only
checking power upon them is the mayor's
vote. But as it takes only a two-thirds
majority to overcome that, and as a good
many more of the members than two-
thirds are, to Say the least, untrust-
worthy, the mayor's veto is rarely offsot-
The Chicago aldermen do not directly
steal from the city, for the city has no
money for them to lay hands on. They
do a, little petty larceny business in the
way of Stuffing the pay rolls, selling posi-
tions in the pity government, blackmail-
ing small industries, accepting small
bribes for aldermanio influence, etc.,
but the great field of corruption is In deal-
ing with corporations.. Here the field is
unlimited, and the opportunities great.
So much Ie been printed of instances of
wholesale bribery and corruption between
bbs City Council of Chicago and railway,
Bae, pipe line, eleotrto roadway, termin-
al, elevated railway, aid scores of other
corporations, that I will not sicken my
readers with a recital.
Then there is a secondary olaes of ras-
oals, who deliberately levy blackmail
upon dorporations already In possession
of rights, such as the assault recently
made upon the Tobacco Trust, the Chi-
cago Gas Trust. and the foe companies -
all conclusively proved, but yet not a
step taken to secure redeems or punish-
Lethargy on the pari of the people is
another thing which is the matter with
Chicago. There is no high moral senti-
ment here regarding public affairs.
There is no oivio pride in good things, no
popular demand for good government.
Year after year the people have had din-
ned into their ears the sensational expos-
ures of official corruption. They know
such corruption exists. They know that
franchises are sold by the pity authori-
ties. They ;know --that the -rich escape
taxation by bribery or fear or favor.
They know that grand juries are either
influenced or intimidated. They know
that proseouting attorneys are lax, ig-
norant and inefficient, that sheriffs are
grasping, and that judges are lazy, yet
they do nothing. Every Chicagoan is
bent upon harvesting his own Drop. He
bas but two ideas concerning public af-
fairs -adequate police protection for his
own property, and the dodging of as
much taxation as possible.
It may be askod.why do not Chicago
ben�rs.00me to the finanoial resone of` the
eltyf They have the money, and ought
to have enough municipal pride. The
Chicago banks are curiously organised,
however. The president of the biggest
bank in Chicago, with the greatest lend-
ing limit. is an amiable old gentleman,
and after-dinner publicist. His name
always heads everything. He is president
of the Civic Federation, formed here a few
Jame. E. Niohofaoa.
Passes Belief
Mr. Jae. E. Nicholson, Florenceville,
N. B., Struggles for Seven Long
Years with
AYI3 s�`'s
Mr. NI dirds,'n e:'y4t "I consulted doe-
G,'s , , ;,r .e.l for me, but to
no pus po-,e; t,u; cancer began to
'Tt�.t ?it# to F sh,
:n r'iy . ane, 1 suffered
s r, i ,,•; y •;;rs. Finally I
, ,i;,, ,:sc.; arilla. In
s, or tutuIU.ikeda
zy h flprovennent.
En^n:,ragsd by this result. I perso-
Ne,a�l, cosi] In FL n�ontli "r so ttie sore
u.., ;or :..y chin Lela i i" heal. In three
n10at'.s,i.iy Imp b�•.gan to heal, and, after
using the Sarsaparilla for six months
the last trace of the cancer disappeared.'
Ayer's Sarsapari
Adi�_itted at the World's Fa
AI'EB's PJLLB Iteguiura taw B'...014.
months ego. to micro] things, Innen
as the New fork Committee of. Irdon't.
I ..know,how-11aany was organized to per
fern], matters :n NOW York. Whateper
the Now Tork reformers may have ac-,
oomplishetdt the, Chicago ]reformers have
a,bleved esyet only a lot of blue tin patio
for waste paper, an&bangpets at the 'Un-
ion Dengue Club, at ,which the amiable:
old, itentleman presides. .A,t one o;: these
banquets we were Informed that until
Chicago's governmental affairs were
changed, nothing was to be hoped for
from the banks.
"Capital is ever sensitive," said this
gentlern sal. " We trust inspire greater
,eonfldence its our ability and willingness
to, pay; must show better secured as-
sets; we must have a better system of
government, and more honest officials;
we must, of course, have more revenue
before we can hope for proper credit and
financial stability."
Thin, then, le the story: Twenty mil-
lions of idle ]money in the Chicago banks,
and yet the city cannot put In its note of
hand for $1,500,000. Is it any wonder
that New York banks shako their heads?
iNDrt,Ls .. s)zzs
An Agreeable Laza •• and NERVE TONIC.
send 51.00 per package sent
ampless free.
�' •
KO $O The Favorite TOOTH P W
for the Teeth and Brea
Sold by J. 13. OOMBE.
ISubscriber has decided to keep on hand both
Con, and Wood r►t' the very 1►, Fl
and will deliver the same at lowest pricee. Or-
ders taken for future or present delivery of coal.
All kinds kept in stook. Patronage solicited.
representing us can earn 320 per week selling
our Hardy Canadlan.Grown Nursery Stock.
Permanent positions and salaries. Exclusive
territory. Write at once for terms to •
E. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto
Sept 20, 13w
R -I -P -A -N -S I
Ma. RYMILL, proprietor of the Royal City
Repository, Barbican, London, England,
respectfully calls attention to the exceptional
facilities for the sale of all classes of Horses, at
the Auction Sales which aro held every Tuesday
and Friday, in addition to sales by private treaty
daily. The Repository is the largest and best at-
tended 1n the City of London, and upwards of 300
horses, including Drivers, Trotting Van ners, and
powerful Cart Horses, are disposed of weekly.—
large number of Canadian Hors, s have already
been sold at the Repository, producing remuner-
ative prices, and emery attention is given them
on arrival, in oese.,f illness, &c. Farm accom-
modation is provided; all arrangnin'.ntsfor clea�-
ing horses at the docks will ,be made"on. receipt
of Erni of Lading. Bankers, London and county
Bank, Aldersgate St., London, to whom reference
may be made. Address, H. ISYMILL, ROYAL
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
]kirJL t. Morn oi'. Enihro Aropp`
ed dead. on Wednesday at hie hOlale nn
the 2nd can. Apoplexy was the.causo
of death. '
At Port Colborne the water in the canal
ie lower than it, lase been for 85 years,
The depth of the water on, the look of the
Welland usual hi 11 feet 11 inches, where-
as • it should be 14 feet.
Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with
Wild Cherry and Hypophosphitea is the
aurest and best cure for coughs, colds,
boaraneea, bronobitis and asthma. Price
50o. and 31.00 per bottle.
Dr Nelson F. Martin, of Brantford,
who was recently found guilty in
Montreal of opium stealing, was sen-
tenced to nine years imprisonment in
the penitentiary.
C. Donnelly, prop. of the popular and
well-known Wi„deer Hotel, Alliston, Ont.,
was troubled for years with Robing Piles.
He was persuaded by Jas. MoGarvey, Allis-
ton, livery man, to use Chase's Ointment,
which be did, was cured. and has had no
return of them and highly recommends
this ointment as a sovereign cure for Piles.
At the Assize Court in Winnipeg, on
Thursday, Joseph Henault was tried
for indecently assulting a little girl.
He was defended by Mr Henri Royal,
who told'the judge that he had lied
about bis innocence, and withdrew
from the case. A verdict of guilty
was at once returned.
Montreal Witness: It locks at pre-
sent as if not all the shuffling and re-
construction possible could save the
Government at Ottawa from going to
pieces as soon as it is forced to face
the country, and it is apparent that
the Government feels this.
Sine, -Last winter my father had such a
cough he could hardly speak. He was per-
suaded to try Haeyard's Pectoral Balsam
at last, and was nompletely cured by helf
of one bottle.
Baldwin, Ont.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Manufactured by T h e
Cook Co., Windsor, Ont.,
and Detroit, Mich., is the
only known safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which ladies
can depend in "the hour and time
of need." Every lady who reads
this is requested to inclose two post-
age stamps, with her address, for
Vie 0041(1/lie
and fu particulars, which we will
send by return mail in plain. sealed
An old physician, 35 years con-
tinued practice treating diseases of
women, has charge of the office. and
can be consulted by letter or in
person. Address our main office
Room 3 -No. 253 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Cool's Cotton Root Compound
is sold by all responsible wholesale
and retail druggists in the Dominion
of Canada and United States for One
Dollar per box.
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co
D. Ross, Pr isident, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice
Pres. Garlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy-! rcae.
Seatorth; M. Mnrdle, Inspector of Claims,
Jae. Rroadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliot
Clinton; J.B. MOLesn, Tuckersmith • Thdd. Car
bet, Clinton ; C, Gardiner, Leadilnry ; T. E
Hays, Mcilillop.
Thor. Neilans Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sea.
forth; J. Cuminge, Egmon•iville. Geo. Mnrdle,
Parties esirous to effect Insurances or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above otfloers
a•n reed to their respeoitvo oiloes
1896 -New Fruits- 1896
Currants, Apricots
Peaches, Figs
Dates, : Almonds,
Filberts and
Will it interest you to RAISINS
know that you can, when Valencia Sultana,
you buy from me, get the London Layers,
best cleaned Currants Imported Cabinets,
and Raisins at the price Lemon, -Orange &
Walnuts. of uncleaned fruit Citron Peel, L & B
FRUITS—Special drives for Cash or Trade
6 pounds New Rais'ns 25c 6 pounds New Patras Currants for 25c
6 pounds good Rice 25c 6 pounds Cooking Figs 25c
SUGARS—The third car Redpath's, Montreal, to hand ,
22 pounds extra Standard Granulated, 31 28 lbs Light Coffee for $1
26 pounds Bright Coffee, $1 -
TEAS—Extraordinary values in Japans, Blacks
Green from 10 cents up Chinese Mixture 20c a pound or elbs for $1
—Direct importations from England and Germany of China
Crockery and Glassware. Special bargains in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets
suitable for Christmas and wedding presents.
J. W. Irwixi, Grocer
Featherbone Skirt Bone
style$ Shape
Ladies' Dresses.
A light, pliable, elastic bone
made from quills. It is soft Auld
yielding conforming readily to
folds, yet giving proper shape to
Skirt or Dress.
The only Skirt Bone that may
be wet without injury.,
The Celebrated FE
corded with this material
or sale„by leading Dry Goods Des
i �!�,
A PARTI 1411, A
Who want to ]cols Woe, feel good and -'...
themselves, find m0 an efdcle t liolp for
that make ladies beautiful. of face , -and fo,
In body, What I+do for others crtn bo done
owl tell all about it ln,tbis. aflvertigem!ipt .L
ALLEN & WILSON, _C llntuu:Otttlr
for my book. These articles are specially goad /Or #10/14
mer use.
FADE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the comppII�e*■,
Ion. You must have it if you want to get rid of treckf,
an+u+' moth patches, &o.
FACE POWDER -White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perf ti 41A
VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. In opal jars -creates and improves fate. o,
beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles, •
Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 GOO
St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 86Washington
Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
for powder users.
A Gun Rep�it
Can be heard aboat 16,000 feet. Good reports of the
Racliallt soma Curl Stove
Can be heard from one end of Canada to the other. The reason for this is
simply that the Radiant Home is a powerful heater, economical on fuel and
does its work so perfectly as to entirely satisfy everyone who uses it. This ex-
perience will be yours too, if you buy one.
Call and see our stock—a, large assortment.
N'.+w -t.ire AMADOld Stand
NrackayBlock &I tinny . Brick
The House of Refuge:
Notwithstanding the fact that tenders for the supplies tor the House
of Refuge were received from all over the county,
Was successful in securing t e contract for all the Crockery, Stoneware, and
part of the Groceries, which oes to show that our prices, and the qual�C
our goods are right. 'We h ve been in business just one year, yet wit$- out -
reasonable prices, quality of our goods and our cash system, have built up a
trade we thought it would take years to accomplish. We take this opportunity
of thanking the public for their liberal patronage during the past year, and
hope to merit a continuance of the same in the future.
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23.
" Have you tried
Our "Salada” Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; price, 40 and 50 oenta
per pound. In Lead Packets. A large number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1.
Yon had better try a package.
Salmon -If you like something choice try a can of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1895 pack
A full stook of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality- bottom prices. Give
us a trial order and see what we can do.
NearPostOfpice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Tolephote 40
J. Brunsdon .4 Son,
Agta. for all Farm Implement
MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills
Seeders, Cultivators, Snufflers and
all kinds of P1owa1
Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs
BINDERtTWINE—Bost brands of TRIM,
at low prices. A oomplete lino of
= «, Ruggles, Road Carts, Waggons
d,s,,;," Fine Buggies and Standard Wag80fls
Agents for Gould, Sharply& Muir Wind Mille
OUR MOTTO—First-class work and best material; prices consistent with good articles. Pronipi
attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work.
The Finest
w are taken by
Huron Street, Cliintr'n
We have in stock a few
Buggies and Waggo
Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workman
If you want
t-argood artiai the price of a poor ono, callond e