HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-22, Page 7,taw ,li Gni'' hASED 00L0 111 Store • We have all the latest Novelties in our line, consisting of adies' Long Witch Guards from 50c to $7 e• , `Combs in Sterling Silver. for 35c a pair COnbs in Sterling Silver for 5Oc, axed in Tortoise Beautiful Sterling Silver. mounted Soap Boxes for atcles, Clocks,Silverware and Jewelery, low prices SPECTACLES FITTED BY AN EXPERT M. D. J. B. RUMBALL • Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c,, TelephuneExchange White Pine Expectorant WILL- CURE COUGHS AND COLDS We Can honestly recommend it as one of the best cough mixtures. Of the many who have tried it, not one complained to us of its not being good. Our customers are asking already for the same kind as they got last season. Try lt, 25c a bottle: SPECIAL VALUES in 25c, 40e, 50c and 75c Hair Brushes J. E. HOMEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. ur Goods are Reliable ! Our Stock the Largest in this section. We have been in business in Clinton now 35 years, and when we recommend an artiole you know what it means:—that the article has merit. We recommend ''=Combe's Sarsaparilla, Combe's Headache Powders Combe's Iron Blood Pills Combe's Pure 1 Combe's Condition Powders Castle's Black Powders Combe's Baking Powder Cream Tartar. JAMES H. COMBE'S Foot Coffins but orape .on—your hat when .� you wear rubber on your feet 'Draws them—`Pains them—'Kills their Comfort and telegraphs the trouble to your eye•eight. Wear the new Waterproof Calfskin Shoe. with rubber outaole, Dolge felt insole, and Goodyear Welt --Safe, stylish, springy, durable, and ever: ready for rain, snow or shine: As"" the Slater Slipless Shoe. For sale by WM. TAYLOR tt SONS, Clinton. aon't $ way $ The bargains won't always last, time is pass- ing; we have a little less than two months more before our lease of store expires. Come and get your share of the profits we a"e gi%ing away. This is an opportunity you should not miss for getting good goods at less than cost price. Some lines are al- ready sold out, in others we aro fully assort- ed. We have a large stock of Tweeds and Suitings, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Staple Goods, Dress Goods, Millinery Having bought a very large stock of Ladies' Jackets, we have still on hand a good supply, which we are selling at half price. We are selling BOOTS .AN'D SHOES At less than wholesale prices. A fair supply still left. Come and see the bargains that are waiting for you. UMSTEEL .. GIB o-IN6.S $ NEWTS: .r 1. $ ndilo'w "Uote1, at. Bethbpru,,wag burn* t ead'211veri wore lent. 'hundred dear Ways landed at Mgekaka wharf, the fruits of reoent hunting expedit, ions in Miraoke, At Victoria, B. q., j. , PrOvoet late Registrar of the Supreme Court, was Sen- tenced to 4 years for stealing. Mre James Walton, widow of Mr John Walton, died in Peterborough, Ont., Sun. day, aged 88. The deceased was olio of the oldest and most respected residents of the district. Mr W. J. Belcher, who for a number of years has held a prominent place with the Bell Organ and Piano Co., and for the last year has occupied the position of Manager at London and Western Ontario, has re- signed his situation to resume his vocal studies in Detroit, where he will also be connected witb one of the leading musio houses of that oity. Mr P. Macdonald, M. P. for East Huron, has completed a moat interesting series of articles, in the Wiugham Timee, desoript. ive of a trip over the Canadian Pacific Rail- way to the western coast of British Col- ombia. Like all visitors to Canada's great west, Mr Macdonald baa been impressed with its grand possibilities, and like all keen observers, he has Been how the re- strictions imposed from Ottawa hamper and impede the natural developements of the country. The writer concludes with a warm eulogy of the Canadian Pacific Railway, its excellent condition, efficient service and courteous officials. Mr Mao. donald has the agreeable faculty ofoon• deneing extensive information on many topics into compact form, and presenting it in pleasant readable style.—Globe. Mr 0. C. James, Secretary of the Ont - aria Department of Agriculture, has issued a bulletin giving the final estimate of yields of crops in Ontario for the year 1894, which are based on actual threshing re- turns reported to the Bureau of Industries by correspondents. Briefly summarized the report is as follows:—The poor bay orop of 1895 is the most important item in farm production. There was a dropping off from 1894 of over 1,7(3,000 tone. This deficiency represents a loss greater than the value of the entire wheat crop of this Province. There has been a shortage of straw also, The Dorn orop, however, has been extraordinary large, and in many cas- es will help to make up for the loss of coarser fodder. The grain Drops have turned out better than was at one time an- ticipated, all being well up to the average. Fall wheat has turned out fair, Spring wheat about the average, corn away above the average, barley fair in quantity, oats an extraordinary orop, peas fair, potatoes exceptionally large, roots fair, olover-'seed almost a failure, buckwheat over the aver- age, and beano very good. flew Aduerti eme>xt,o. Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in Town Hall, in the Town o f Clinton, on Thursday, Dec. 5th next, at 10 o'clock a.m.—W, LANE, County clerk NOTI:.'E The annual meeting of the Londcsboroagh Butter and Cheese Manufacturing Co., will be held in Bell's Hall, Londesborough, on Thurs- day Nov. 28th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Mr John Mc- Millan, M. P•, Pnd others are expected to be pre- sent and address the meeting. Tho attendance of all who aro interested in dairying is particu- larly requested. GEO. WATT, Pros. W. L. OUIMETTE,Sec Hu'lett Township Taxes. The collector for the Township of Hullett will be at t -,e following -laces on the dates named for the purpose of receiving taxes- At Londesboro on 1November 28th and December 14th; at Kinburn on December 13th; at the Comn-orcial Hotel, Croton on December 7th. All taxes remaining unpa.d after' the above dates will be .harged 5 cCientsork. en the dollar ex.ra,—THOMAS NEILANB, MORTGAGE SALE —CF - VALUABLE .• PROPERTY — IN THE — V TOWN OF CLINTON. Under and by powtr of sale contained In a cer. tain mortgage, which mor gage will be produced on the day of sale there will be sold at public auction, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at• the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, at 2 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, December 14th, 1895 An acre blook oomnosed of lots number 745 and 758, on the west ei,.e of M••ton street, and 748 and 754 on the east side of Erie Ptreet in the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, containing each one rood o1 land. There is on the property a brick house containing 5 rooms. also a good frame barn. The soil is ell enitab.e for a good garden, and there 's a number of fruit trees thereon. T .RMB—Ten per cent of the purohaee money down and the ba•&nee In 80 days thereafter with out interest. The property will be put up sub- ject to Is rase'. ve prioe. Further terms and par- ticulars made known at the sale or upon app.fos- tion to H. HALE, Esq., or o the undersigned, D. DICKINSON, J A MRS SCOTT. Auctioneer. Vendors'e 8olioitor South Huron Fat Stock Show. Tho South Huron Agricultural Society will bold a show for the inhibition of Fat 8,,00k and Poultry In Hensel] on Tue ley, December 17th, 1895, When the following very liberal ',remitting will be offered for oompotition OAT/LE, PURR DREED, let 2nd Steer 2 years old end under 9 $10 485 Steer 1 year old and under 2... ....... • • , • • 6 4 Stour oalf nnder 1 year 4 2 Low or ho'fer 6 4 GRADES AND THEIR CROSSES. let 2nd 3rd Steer, 2 and under 3 $5 $3 89 4 2 1 3 2 1 5 3 2 5 3 2 8t9er, 1 and under 2 Stour calf, ander 1 year Cow 3 years or over Heifer, 2 years and under LONG WOOLED SHEEP AND THEIR OROBBES. 1st 2nd &•d 32 3.1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Ewe, 2 yes re and over . 88 Ewe, 1 year and uuder 2 3 Ewa under 1 year 3 Wether, 1 year and over 3 Weibel , under 1 year 3 DOWNS AND THEIR OR058R8 Same as long woolled above. P -Ga. Is12nd 8rd Barrow over 9 and under 18 months $4 82 $1 Barrow. a Jder 9 moo HIP 4 5 1 SoN+over9monthBRndou.berl8months 4 2 1 sow, under 9 months .... . ....... . 4 2 1 A eweepsonLes badge will be awarded to the best beatlog animal, sheep end pig of any ago or breed. Age of all aatmals will be oempciad from date of show. DIVISOR -5 POO ',TILT. lst 2nd erd Best pair of turk+Tf000lere's. hatch- ed in 1895.. $2 el 40 50 Best pair of to -key pup1s•., hatehed in 1893.. .• 2 1 Best end hoav •.. turkey of surae. r Best pair of geese batched in 1895 ... 2 1 Bit pair of (Inas hatohed Ln 1895-.: 1 .f6 Beet pair of cockerels hatch05 in 'a3 1 .15 BAA2bt pair palleterhatobsd n 1896....1 fa Beet display of areesed pc levy....... Dressed meansdr n sod trussed AND THEN ON THAT BELOW! For Saturday, 23rd and Monday, 25t13, 1 Case fast colored German Prints, heavy cloth, all patterns, 1000 yards in case, regular price 16 to 18 cents, these two days for 12h cents. 50 dozen Fine Handkerchiefs, assorted borders, re- gular price 5c each; these days only 1 cent each. 11 dozen Fine Black and Colored Cashmere Gloves, all sizes, regular price 25c to 60c; these days for 190 10 pieces heavy Grey Cotton, regular 6c for 41c 19 pairs HeavyBlankets, regular price $1.15 to $2.25 these two days from 79 cents to $ 1.89 per pair Be here here these two days, as first choice means a great deal to the buyer. GILROY' cf4 WISEUArt, Clinton CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursdayafternoon Thursday, ov. 14, 1895, Wheat, spring 0 65 a 0 68 Wheat, fall ... 0 65 a 0 68 Oats, y 0 22 a 0 24 Barley 0 30 a 0 40 Peas 0 60 a 0 50 Flour per owt ... , . 1 85 a 2 00 Pork 550a550 Butter 0 14 a 0 18 Eggs per doz 0 16 a 0 16 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Hay, New and Old 12 00 a14 00 Sheeepskina 0 25 a 0 80 No. 1 Trin'nled Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Tomatoes, per basket 0 15 a 0 15 Chickens .... 0 25 a 0 30 Ducks 0 25 a 0 30 Turkeys, per pound 0 06 a 0 07 Geese, per pound 0 04 a 0 05 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 60 calves and 1,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir today. Th9 butchers were present in large numbers and their was an active de- mand for anything choice for Thanksgiving Day, but common and inferior animals were neglected and prices continue very low, with the probability of a considerable number not being sold to -day. A few choice cattle were sold at from 310 to3lc' per lb; pretty good animals Bold at from 2io to 3}o do; common dry oowe and thrifty young stock sold at from 20 to 2}c and the leaner beasts at about 1}o per Ib. SALE REGISTER, Residence of Dr Appleton Ontario St, Clin- ton. on Saturday, Nov. 23. b. Dickinson, Auc- tioneer. Farm being lob 34, 1st con.. H.R.S.. Tucker - smith, l00 acme, belonging to C. Carter's estate Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 23.—T. Carling,anct Durham Cow for Sale For sale a splendid thoro-brod Durham cow, registered; dark red, 7 years old; expected to calve in a couple of months. — R. ADAMS Londoeboro. 'TRAY HEIFER Came into subscribers promises, lot 88, con, 9 Goderiob township on about July 1st, a red and white 2 yr old heifer. The owner is hereby noti- fied t3 provo property, pay charges abd take ft away.—FEED FORD. STRAY STEER Came on the premises about a week ago a rod steer, supposed to be two years old, lately de - horned. The owner osn have It by proving porfy pro - MBB WnILLpIaAMThRLggNnd 23ak, ceont. 8fayd— rioh township, Porter's Hill. Dress and Mantle Making. The undoreignsd wish to Inform tho ladies of Clinton and vioitht,that they are prepared to do Brat -class dress andmantlemaking at moderate prices. Shop two doors weet of H. Hale's office. MISSES A. and E. FOTHEROILL, Huron street, Clinton. p TEACHER WANTED. Teacher wanted bolding Second or Third Olpes Certificate to teach in Potter a Hill School, Sec- tion No 5, Certificate, Township. Duties to com- mence on Jan. lst, 1896. Personal applicatio.I with testimonials »referred. Applications will be received up to Nov. 29. JOHN 'TO1taANCE, Seo.-Treas., Porters Hill P. 0. CAUTION Notice is hereby given that Sarah Tufts, my wife, having left my home and ceased to live with me, of her own accord. I will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by her, and she has no authority to pledge my credit co any .c - count whatever. R. J. TUFA, Belgrave, Ont Dated this 29th Ootobor, 1895. Well Bred Sheep for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale 4 pair of aged Shrop• shire owes, in lamb bred to aged Shropshire ram; also five pair of owe lambs. Those aro all well bred, and are sold to make room for other stook. A:so a thoro bred Durham bull, near) - year old, winner of the first prise at three riding shows, and a number of the branch shows. Will be sold on reasonable torms: W. SNHLL, Clin- ton. Thanksgiving Excursions A •• pie aocommodatton 11 be arovided for all aaqol... a�ren4 poopullstry. Fo &ruler rales and TM0 seaAll tieo ft. dldORDT1ll Pt4e; Biagio Fare to all pointy: Ticket, midi* above rate will be leaned to all stations on the 20th and flat, good to return up to Nov. 26th- For Minnie and all information apply to , W. 4' ►CKSON. TOWN AGT. . T. R., OLINTON. The Finest {w PHOTOGRAPH oare taken by •Um H. FOSTER H U B GROCERY :: •. ., Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article. New Raisins, " Prunes, Walnuts, Canned Salmon Tomatoes, ci is cc New Currants, " Dates, Filberts, Blueberries, Mackeral, Apples. - Our stock of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China for Christmas is worth your while to examine. cc ci 14 New Figs • Peels Peas Corn Herring cc cc ci (.- F.O tS.W t LL(> fir, (Dc.i 'ikon Cheapness alone will not build up a business, the goods must have merit. We stand at the back of every article we sell, if it does not turn out as represented, you have your money back. Such a furore as has been in the Cloth- ing department, could only be brought about ny the wonderful values. Pleas- ed customers have sent their friends to us and they in turn have spread the good news. The only cheap thing about the Cloth- ing is the price. The style, St, finish and'quality are all that you would wish. There are still a few Suits left, the $7 and $8 sort for $4. A few Overcoats, the $8 and $10 sort at $6. If we chance to have your size there is a bargain awaiting you. Long Felt Boots Offer ed Monday and Tuesday at$1.50a pair were all sold except a few pairs, sizes 6 and 7—if you can wear that size they are here for you at $1.50 a pair for the $2.50 and $3 kind. Table Linens Where is the housekeeper who does not take a pride in her Table Linens. Half the charm of the dinner lies in the setting of the table, and the greatest charm of all consists of having a clean white cloth. We show extra value in fine Bleached Damask Table Linen, ex- tra heavy with satin finish, 66 inches wide, at 80c, well wor th $1. White as the driven snow are our made up Linen Table Cloths, size 2 yards by 21 yards, $2, $2.25, $2.50. Childs' Table Oovere, small size, assort- ed colors, regular 60c, now 25e. each. Table Napkins, $1; 1.25, 1 7 $2 a doz. Unbleached Tabling, 25c, 40c, 50c a yd. FURS Black Muffs, full size 75c. Collar and Muff—Cooney, $4 Black Oppossum Collar and Muff $8 Wool Seal Cape, 22 inch $14.50 Men's No. 1 Persian Lamb Caps $5 Men's Beaver Caps, $3, $4, $5 CHI NAWARE White English Granite Tea Set 44 pieces, regular price $2.50, $1.1#5 Fine French China Tea Set, 44 piece0, the $7 kind, our price just now, $4.75 -- four patterns to choose from. Printed Toilet Set, 5 pieces, the $2 kind for $1.60. SUGAR Brown Sugar 80 lbs for K. Raisins at $1 a box of 28 pounds. Red Salmon at l0c a tin are among the magnets that attract shrewd buyers our way. We receive subscriptions for all the Daily and Weekly Newspapers, and can save you at least the postage. • We can handle an'- quantity of good Roll Butter, and will pay the highest market price in cash. M1 L. OUIDHTTE, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. i