HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-22, Page 4TOE INTON NEW ERA AND WEEKLY GLOBE WILL AO SENT TO. U' ! SCR CRIME S TO DEC..
And allothers interested 9n Mode
fere invited to call often andlook
through bur Stock. We Want
you to feel at home here whether
ygu,liuy or not. We aro placing
iano,atypnr 4isp4Sa,1•eu hitt
all will have an opportunity of
trying music before buying.
Anything not in stock will be or-
dered and delivered preinotly.
On Saturday, we will offer 100
Songs and Piano Solos at 5 ots.
per copy. Call early and get a
e>j t gkiYQextioelueutLL
Furs-Hodgeas Bros
Taxes -Thos Neilans
Notice -W L Ouimette
Hub grocer -G Swallow
Fur sale -Jackson Bros
Mortgage sale -Jae Scott
A woman -W D Fair Co
Nov. 23.0 -Beesley & Co
$6 uleters-Hodgens Bros
Stook show -R Monlordie
Over000ate-Jackson Bros
Cheapness -W L Onimette
New books --Cooper & Co.
Day by day -W D Fair Co
Now till Xmas -Cooper & Co
Onr policy- Allen & Wilson
Hats and e
Huron ConntyCounc g W Lane
Boots and shoes -Jackson•& Jaokson
Saturday and Monday -Gilroy & Wiseman
MONEY by Electricity
When you want money
sent by electricity use
the Canadian Pacific Te -
graph Money Transfer
Money by Mail.
When the mails are
quick enough, use the
Orders. Both ways are
as good as the dollars
you send. The lair of
course is the cheapens
Telegraph, Ticket and
Steamship Agent,
Clinton, Ont.
7NQN;i GpQ S #KY r. TC
VI. Mosare ptQl
lf"tly fAt
i t e a
the;reoat easet t fesw sy the
y want*
Nobody eau oa g rt he paid, ed -WORDS !itOi nfngfaild-.d1'refilaiawY1,
item Of Tot mete Saturday Night, with
being anything but a Oo>aeervative;
In that city he is regarded as a stal-
wart r he has bee ,a, dil,ndida,te On'seve-
i{d'wa: k for
Fal occasions, sled .does hand
the party, but his opinion of matters
at present in his own patty are not fiat'
tering; in fact nothing stronger could
be said by the most bitter Liberal than
is being said every week by Mr Shep-
pard in his own' paper. Read the fol-
lowing comments of his on the propos-
al to have Mr Meredith enter Douiin-
ion politics:-
"A number of influential Conservative
papers are clamoring forCbief Jaetice Mere-
dith to leeve the bench and oome to the as-
istanoe of the Conee-.,'Vative Government at
Ottawa. It is not only unkind but impro-
per to bandy the name of Chief Justice
Meredith from mouth to mouth and from
newspaper to newspaper, as if he for a mo-
ment would consent to leave the bench, to
which he is an honor, in order to engage in
the petty intrigues of a political struggle.
Wry should he be suspected for an instant
of a willingness to eecbauge the dignified
and honorable position be occupies, for an
opportunity to soil bin hands in the mud
of Ottawa politics as they ate now constit-
uted? If now he were to sacrifice his prin
oiples as well as his robe to save the wretch-
ed politioal lives of a few panderers, this
province would have reason to rejoice over
his eeit from the leadership of the Ontario
Opposition and the judioiary as well.
Moreover, it is proper to enquire, 'whom is
he asked to help? Is it a brave band of
patriotic? Much abused as the word patri-
ot has become, to apply it to the majority
of the members of the Ottawa Governme,it
would be to makelthe staunchest Conserva-
tive laugh. Weakness and self-seeking,
pandering and procrastination have made
the present Government an object of pity
and contempt. The Ministry's absolute
lack of principle has left the ship of state
rudderless to drift with every wind and
tide of circumstance. .Imagine Chief Jus-
tine Meredith trusting his fortunes in a
sinking ship manned by mutinous sailors,
weighted down with barnacles, her sails
ragged said dirty, her anchors broken and
her hold full of bilge! Vie must imagine
hien as having taken leave of his senses, if
if we for a moment could think of him
making such a fatal move. Chief Justine
Meredith does not need to be told,
nor do the people of this province need to
be told, that the majority of the crew of
this hulk have always had their cutlasses
sharpened for him and that his throat
would not be safe for a moment from the
knives of a half a dozen of those who strut
the quarter-deck in their tarnished tinsel
and moth-eaten feathers. Even the cap-
tain, poor Sir Mackenzie Bowel!, hardly
dare snatch a wink of sleep unless peoteot-
ed oy double look, and bolt, and bar from
some of his own orew. I doubt if one or
two or a half a dozen of the beat men in
the Conservative party could to -day save
the old Government tub from going to the
bottom, and, furthermore, I fes ' quite per-
tain that neither a half a dozen, nor two,
nor one, can be found amongst our promin-
ent, strong and reputable Conservatives
*bo have no axes to grind, who would risk
the effort or who really desire the wrecketo_
again roach port. The present outfit at Ot-
tawa does not represent the opinions or im-
pulses of any considerable body of electors
in this province esoept the footsore heelers
who are still hoping for a job. There are a
number of able and reputable gentlemen in
the Cabinet who are overshadowed ani
overt swered by those in whom the electors
have nQ confidence, but as it seems imposs-
ible to get rid of the rubbish without firing
the whole outfit, the Conservatives of On-
tario will endure defeat with considerable
equanimity rather than see the rubbish re-
to go 00,9k t4 w ere dray ebPie roan,--
Mr and Mrs French have nq.envrable
position,and the fact that they, are
gaining the confidence of all t
he in•
Mates, ie evidence of their tact and
Ghulreli Chingos,
Rey Mr Stout preaohed in St.
Church, on Sunday, and Me
took Mr Stout's work.
Mr Mihson has recovered from his re-
cent illness, and expects to take his
pulpit woi k on Sunday next.
Thantsgiving service to -dao at 11
o'clock, in Ontano St. church, instead
of in the town hall as heretofore.
The special services which have been
held at Alma (Huron road) for eotne
time, were closed on Tuesday night.
Rev Jas. Livingstone, Kincardine,
and Rev Geo. Buggin, Blyth, were
among the visitors to Clinton last
The Methodist church on Ayr cir-
cuit. near Paris, will celebrate its 50th
anniversary oe Sunday and Monday
next, and Rev J. W. Holmes partici-
pates in the :celebration.
Sunday morning next the Royal
Templars will attend Ratteubury St.
church in a body, when Rev W. H.
Butt, of Centralia, will preach a spe-
cial temperance sermon, Mr Butt will
also preach in the evening.
On Sunday morning at the Baptist
church, the subject will be a' special
sermon on Thanksgiving in its various
aspects. On Sunday evening the third
sermon in the series on the xv of Luke
will be "The Prodigal Son,"
The new Methodist church at Exeter
will be opened on the 1st of December,
when Rev Dr. Williams, President pf
the Conference, will preach morning
and evening,, and Rev J. Livingstone,
of Kincar•dlne, in the afternoon.
The Executive of the County, S. S.
Association met here on Tuesday, to
arrange for the annual meeting of the
Association. It was decided to procure
the services of Mr A. Day, and Rev M'•
Rae, of Acton, in connection with the
Rev A. Matheson, of Springfield, has
been appointed Moderator of the Pres-
byterian Synod of Manitoba and the
Northwest, in session at Winnipeg.
Mr Matheson will be remembered by
many Clintonians as a former resident,
andthey are pleased to see his abilities
env gra
FRIDAY, NOV. 21, 1895.
Thanksgiving Day
To -day is the day set apart by the
Government as a National Thanksgiv-
ing Day, which is a fitting expression
of our recognition of God's goodness
to us as a people. It is unfortunate
and not altogether creditale, that so
many people quite ignore the real in-
tent of this day and Took upon it mere-
ly as a holiday to be spent in amuse-
ments of all kinds. Let us enjoy the
day by all means, but let us also keep
in mind the purpose for which it was
instituted. There is 'no nation on
earth that has greater cause for gen-
uine gratitude for many blessings it
'injoys than have the people of Can-
ada. We have a land remarkably rich
in all kinds. of resources. Our rivers,
our mountains, our fields and our for-
ests are stored with untold wealth, and
in every part of the Dominion nature's
choicest gifts have been showered up-
on us with lavish hands, and withal
we possess a climate of unsurpassed
salubrity; ' while we have enjoyed al-
most complete immunity from the
great dillands. Thenters ich have visited so
for all these bless-
Ings let ns be truly thankful. We
be bettter eater n ospe ityewo rid not huan rt
are, g '
musore crless edittlic able tons asia people,would
generally speaking the people of Can-
ada have abundant reason for gratitude
to Providence.
Xte lis o1 Xivaxcregl} r"
Now EsaC" r.lf T,410411%, BLIT NAT OP
r.:0 A t'9IItA A .ssine, •
GATHER Ta EM 1v,--tiTow isa good
time for far eels to gather up all awd
eta tnvat i..nplemeuts not in lute, a
1,¢t them u tder cover. Many men
lose n considerable sum every year by
letting ClitIV
ar ors, plows,
mowers, ,
mend out i,r the weather through the
w:titer. A. few hours work in this line
AVM save thein many dollars next
spring. •
The gray November days have come;
bur there's nothing gray about the
stores. the brightness reigns and will
con,,ione to reign till after the holi-
day. The stocks of dress goods, fancy
g ,ods, upholstery', chinaware, etc., are
lir fight with cherry tints that winter
warms to, and although the skies be
lowering, els',1r 'alights br ing out the
shades ford contrasts finely. Then
half the brightnesss is in the moving
throngs. At advertising is the power
that moves them,
tacCART T.11 f,M-Xrt Ciederioh towp>lillpt
'on Dot, 01s1, the wife of, Mr Fletcher
The men in power have increased
the public debt of Canada by $100,000,-
"Ao ask
A'and it re these► mes a n yet wr orthyoof tpubl c
The Mail -Empire expresses the opin-
ion that Lord Aberdeen may yet be
Premier or a member of the Dominion
Cabinet. The Mail must anticipate a
change of government for it is well-
known that the Governor-General is a
The Liberals
date for Cardwell, and they show con-
siderable pluck in doing so. We
would have preferred to see a contest
in thyihtet and thea straight govern ant.
To use a slang phrase, and by sway
of contradiction to the Goderich Star,
it may be said that "the vacant Regis-
trarship won't figure worth a cent"
in the coming by-election in West
HuronrNor e bosh toill it be
f it. incentive.
It's p
have selected a candi-
Up to Monday there were 39 inmates
to the House of Refuge. Below is the
list, just as they entered: -
Wesley Sutton, 21. . Exeter
Donald Bailantynet i.... Bayfield
Elizabeth Wallace 68.... Brussels
Sarah Williams . .Brussels
Sarah Lee
Margaret McGuire 65.... Goderich
Jane Knight 74. .Goderich
John Denby
Emma Cruse
Margaret Nicol
At a Conservative demonstration in
Smith's Falls, recently, one of the
speakers predicted that either John
i3aggart or Dr Montague would yet be
Premier of the down tons Well,
country may getpretty
level, but it is sincerely to be hoped it
will never see John Haggart Premier.
The Goderich' Star repeats a state-
ment that is untrue and has already
been contradicted, when it says the
editor of the Nnw ERA is an applicant
for the vatcant Registrarship, may
be just as deserving, and jhe He
is as mdse 9 most of t1 a spill ts,
butt be game, he is n one.
77.... Goderich
48 ..Colborne
David Kinsman -• . - . Grey
Christina McMartin 82.... Grey
John Connolly 82. .Grey
Wm. Mullen 67.... Grey
Margaret Logan ... 60.. -Grey
Quinton Logan 50....Grey
James Logan 75.... Grey
Kate Zimmer 29....Hay
Janet Zimmer 23... • Hay
Joseph Charette 35.... Hay
Louis Smith 82.... Hay
James Harvey 68.... Howick
Jos. Saunders 3.... How ick
Mary Hays
Andrew Crawford • 68... , Stanley
Malcolm McGregor 78.... Stanley
Wm Eagleson 65....Stephen
Jas. McLellan
Win Currie
Wm Ray
Wm Johns
Rich Rands
Robt Lowery
Ed Sadler
ST. JOSEPH'S CHURcu.-Next Sun-
day evening Rev Father West will
speak upon the division of the com-
mandments, and the meani ng of i nvec-
ation and also what infallibility means
and what it does not mean. All quest-
ions on these subjects will be answered
by means of the question box.
The Goderich district of the London
Conference intend holding a District
Epworth League and Sunday School
Convention in Ontario St. Methodist
church, Clinton, the last week in Janu-
ary. The chai rman of the district, Re v.J.
W. Holmes, and the sec. Rev Jos. Edge,
assisted by J. C. Stoneman, of Hensall,
and a few local brethren, met on Tues-
day and drafted the program. Some
excellent topics are to bediecussed, and
with the assistance of Rev A. C. Crews,
the genet al secretary of Epworth
Leagues and Sunday Schools, a profit-
able time is assured. Each league and
S. S. in the district will be asked t,o
send delegates.
LYON. -In Manitoba, near Brandon,
op Ott. 20th, the wile of Mr Benjamin
Lyon, formerly of Einllett, of a eon, A C+t ;
COLOLOUGH,-.-In loderiah townaphi , THE MFN QF THE MOS
R. C oa ...
1-a a
itMr W.o.
byS. R
is w ofq
he 11 t e
o t blot., n 11th
(slough of a dneghter-.still born,
S.511TH,---Ju Clinton, on the 9th inst,,
the wife of Mr John R. Smith, of a on.
ROSS -In W gin ham, on the 9th inst.,
the wife of Or Ales. Foxe, of a daughter.
VANEC1i 11LQNP.-.-tn Seafortl;, on the
10th Met.,the wife of Mr W. D. Van Eg-
mond, of a daughter.
CA RNO::HAN.-• In Tnokeramitb, on
the lith Met., the wife of Dir William Car-
noohan, of a son.
f3OGGARTH.-In Egmondville, on the
11th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Hoggarth,
teaoher, of a son.
MORROW -In Goderich,on the 7th inet,
the wife of Mr Thomas Morrow of a
lar meeting of the board of directors of the
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
held on Friday, October 25th, 1895, the
following resolutions of condolence were
adopted in memory of the late president,
Donald Ross, who departed from this life on
October 7th, 1895: "Whereas the Supreme
Ruler of the universe in his inscrutable wis-
dom, has seen fit to remove from our miast
,by death, our well beloved president, D.
Roes, who was a zealous member of our
company for the past fourteen years, and
president for four years, the duties of which
position he diecbarged with a courtesy most
agreeable to his follow directors, and a
fidelity inspired by a consoientioas desire to
advance the interests of the company in
every legitimate way, t1 erefore be it re-
solved that we keenly realise our loss, and
we do at this time tender to the bereaved
mother and orphans of the deceased our
succor and heartfelt sympathy, in this,
their sad bereavement. Resolved further,
that while we bow in humble submission of
our own mortality, we pray God to eanoti-
fy tnis visitation to oar own spiritual good,
and that as a token of respect to the mem-
ory of the deceased, these reslutions be en-
tered in the booke of thie oompany, and a
copy hereof be presented to the aged moth-
er and orphans of the deceased." (Signed
in behalf of the board,) George Watt, vice-
president; W. J. Shannon, seoretary-treaes
81....Sea orth
40.... Ashfield
67. - ..Ashfield
67 Tuckersmith
72 Tuckersmith
58.... Wingham
John'Sadler 56.... Wingham
George Williams .. - .72.... Wingham
Geo Smith 73.... Wroxeter
JamesCook 41.... E, Wa'neh
Last Friday evening, Rev Dr Shaw,
Assistant Missionary Secretary of the
Methodist Church, when riding a bi-
cycle on Yonge street, Toronto, was
struck by a trolley car and thrown
down. He was knocked senseless by
the blew. The doctors found that his
injuries consisted of a scalp wound on
the back of his head, but that they
were fortunately not sufficiently seri-
ous to cause alartn. As Dr. Shaw is
upwar ds of 65 years of age, his friends
are anxious lest his injury may have
results other than the doctors antici-
pate. [The Dr• is an old Huroniou,
and his friends hope that no serious
results may follow the accident.]
The annual National Social, held un-
der the auspices of the Young Ladies'
Mission in the lecture room of
Willie clurch', on Thursday, Nov. 14,
was largely attended. The urogram
consisted of a song by Fred Gilroy, a
reading from "Beside the Bonny Brier
Bush," by Mr Jas. Scott, a reading by
Mr R. Jeckel, Exeter, and a solo by
Mrs Hoover. Refreshments wereserv-
ed, and after half an hour of social in-
tercourse, the second part of the pro-
gram was commenced by a song by
Mise Mabel Bell; then followed a read-
ing by Mise J. Wilson, a solo by Miss
Elva Adams, a chorus by six boys,
trained by Miss McWbinnie, and a
song, introducing the bag -pipes, by
Miss McWhinnie. The proceeds were
J. A. MoGillivary is the Conservative
candidate for North Ontario.
It is rumored that the Sultan of Turkey
has been poieo•red.
Mr John Patterson is the Liberal candi-
date for tee Looal in West Wellington.
Mr Willoughby, Government candidate
in Cardwell, has announced hie opposition
to remedial legislation of any kind on the
Manitoba school question.
The Rev F.thar Riobot. on Saturday,
published in Winnipeg a statutory declara-
tion denying emphatically the charge re•
garding the alts ation of a date in the bill
of rights.
The advertisements in a newspaper are
more full of hjow!edgo in respect to what
is going on in a State or community than
the editorial columns are. -Henry Ward
REEVE -DAVID. -On Wednesday, Nov
13th, at the residence of the bride's father,
Superior City, by Rev. Edward Warren,
Mies Josephine Cecilia, second danghter of
Dr. John Reeve, formerly of Clinton, to
Wm. Charles David, M. D.,,all of Superior.
Poseoce.-W:LLARD.-At the residence of
Mr Samuel T. Pollock, Bruoefleld, brother
of the groom, on the 13th inst., by the Rev
W. W. Leech, Mr Wm. W. Pollock, of
Bruoefleld, to Mies Francie Willard, of
HUNTER-CAeEMORE-At the residence of
the bride's parents, in Morris, on Nov.
13th, by Rev. T. E. Hiehley, of Blyth,
John Hunter, of Morris, to ]Mary, daughter
of Wm. Caeemore.
TUCK-NoTMAN-On the (ith lust., by the
Rey. W. G. Wallace, at Bloor street west
Presbyterian church, Toronto, John Tuck,
M. D., of Gorrie, to Florence M., daughter
of -the late John Notman, Q. P., of Toronto.
Scoir-ScoTT-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on the 12th inst., by the
-Rev W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, Mr William
Scott, of Westfield, to Mise Jennie, eldest
daughter of Mr Lavfd Scott, of East We-
BL+cx-CORMACI.-,-At the residence of
Mr Adam Reid, Brussels, stepfather of the
bride, on the 9th inst., by Rev John Rose,
B.A. Mr John S. Blaok, of Chaplean, to
Mise Kate A. Cormack.
WARWICK -ARMSTRONG. -At the residence
of the bride's parents, 3rd line, Myrris, on
the. 14th inst., by Rev A. K. Griffin, Mr
Thos Warwick to Miss Sarah Jane, dangh•
ter of Mr Richard Armstrong'
by ANNIE S. SWAN : •+ + r"
by MRs CATHARINE PARR Tari . 09 p0
by IAN MeotaerN •,-, 1
yLan Mot mat ..... ......a .,.1, 2t5,'
F (by IAN MAOL+BEN • '
by S, R. CROCKETT..pa. 50o; cloth, : i
1 2fr'
Twelve of the above are females. -
Some of the inmates are idiotic, some
absolutely helpless; some don't know
their own age; others are suffering
from paralysis and other forme of ail-
ment which render them incapable of
working. Those of the males who are
able to work are employed in fixing up
the grounds, &c., while some of the fe-
males render assistance inside. Among
the inmates are a husband and wife,
neither of whom knew of the other's
presence until arrival here, as they have
lately been living apart. Two brothers
and a easter are here, all deaf and dumb
and they are among the best workers
on the place. One woman thinks that
because it is an "institution" she should
not be expected to do any work, as she
claims that the inmates of institutions
don't work. An Ashfield inmate is a
strong, strapping fellow of 40, who
looks well able to earn his own living;
when the constable started to bring
table's head
ere in rags, : and
m a bath, it
had hie shirt
e claseificn-
itelyt is ail ol•
M ettiodl ;
The Hensall Observer says : -"The
regular Monday night meeting of the
Epworth League was rendered doubly
interesting by the resting of a report
by Miss Washington, of Clinton, of her
journey to the Boston convention, and
also a description of the various meet-
ings in detail. It was decidedly the
most finished description the writer has
ever had the pleasure of listening to
reflecting credit on the aptitude and
powers of observation of the speaker.
Those who heard the report almost
imagined themselves at the convention
listening to the speaker. Miss Wash-
ington has talent which would place
her in the front rank on certain lines
of newspaper or magazine work."
by GEO. L. MACKAY, D.D ,. Jnr-
SUCCESSWARD; A Young Mee's book,
for Young Men, by EnwiRnW. Boa i Q0,
by J. R. MULER, D.D 1 25
by J. R. MILLER, D.D 25"
by W. G. BL40EIE, D.D., L.L.D1 50
of Congo Mission, by J. B. MYERS. 50.
CHRIST Isaias x1-Nlv, by J. B. Mna
MEYER• 90 t
A hook for young men,
everday book for the Children of the
Good Shepherd's Fold, 60
by Rose PORTER
RYAN -Drowned, in lake Superior, off the
steamer Colorado, on Nov. 9th, Thomas
Clifford, youngest and only surviving son of
the late Mr Charles Ryan, in the 39th year
of his age brother of Mrs Whitt, Clinton
WnIi•ELY.-l.n Goderich, on the 16th
inst., Albert G., third son of Mr Joseph
Whitely, aged 22 years.
FRASER.- Li Howick, on the 2nd inst.
Wm Fraser, aged 93 years and 8 months.
McGitATE In Platteville, on the 11th
Mrs McGrath, aged 86 years, mother of
Mrs C. H. Aitzel, of Brucefield.
(Intended for last week)
In loving memo's: of Jessie Mnteh who de"
pa. -ted this flre 0.1 Nov. 1201, 189i, ageo years'
5 months and 6 days.
The Grand Trunk Railway has inaugur-
ated the block system all ove'r its line -
This system provides that no train shall
follow another until the first has passed the
next station.
Mr Haycock, leader of the Patrons in
the Legislature, has addressed 90 public
meetings since the Assembly adjourned. -
This means a great deal of missionary work
for tariff reform.
It is positively announced that the Mae-
sey-Harris Co., of Canada, hoe definitely
decided to locate at Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
that the site has been selected and papers
passed for its purchase.
Hon. Wilfred ,Laurier delivered a speech
in Montreal, last Friday, in which he re-
pudiated the idea of a French republic on
the old St. Lawrence, but said that hie
dream was to see a great and united people
from ocean to ocean.
The news has been received in Constan•
tinople that about eight hundred persons
have been maesaored in Kharpnt by the
Mussulmans, and eight out of twelve build••
Ings belonging to the American missions
were eaoked and burned.
In Cleveland, on Saturday evening, a
heavy electric motor oar, es containing
ween twenty and thirty p g
through the draw of the Central viaduct,
and dropped one hundred Leet into the riv-
er below. Every passenger in the oar was
John Y. Lloyd formerly and for many
years engineer of the Eastern division of
the Grand Trunk Railway, oommited sui-
cide yesterday morning by shooting him-
self in the head. He was 73 years of age,
and was greatly depressed by a long ill -
him down, he cut the con
with a ade; his clothes
simply tied with pieces
when Mr French gave
that he
tion of the n teerall
loWE -ROk
On Thursday evening, the 14th inst.,
a meeting of the Local Union Execu-
tive was held at the home of Mr Will-
iam Cooper. Three items of business
awaited conclusions; they were as fol-
lows. 1. The subjects for the next Lo-
cal Union to be held in Ontario St. Me-
thodist Church early in January. 2.
Nominations of officers for the ensuing
year. 8. The Sabbath services at the
House of Retuge. As to No. 1, the
subjects chosen were. (a) A Christi-
an's relation to the Sabbath. (b)
Christ's methods in Personal work.
The former was allotted to Holmes•
ville, and the latter given to Trirner'e.
Officers were then nominated and the
third item reluctantly left over to the
more responsible parties for further
discussion. The Secretary hopes that
the interested Public may bear the
January meeting in mind and that one
of the beet meet in nyetbeld'lnaygreet
ail interested
Mr ]t, L. Git,
dry goods
died on Bat
or era. O. A. ayrlor,
A loving gi'', most true and kind,
She was to us in heart and mind.
d forgot by the world she may no.
The Orange Sentinel declares that "the
oonrse already pursued by the Cabinet ov-
er the Manitoba School question has, we
believe, been wrong, brit we never antic!.
pated this crowning blunder of calling a
moribund Parliament together to com-
mence the disastrous work of undoing Con-
At an early hour on Saturday morning
Reeve Chubb's residence, Wallaoebnrg, was
destroyed by tire, together with all its con-
tents, the inmates having barely time to
mope from the burning building. The
loss le about $3,000, partly covered by in.
snrance. It is believed that a fire -bug did
the deed.
Sunday morning, at St. James Cathedral,
Toronto, Canon DuMoulin preaohed a pow-
erful sermon in denunciation of rape -track
gambling, wnioh was obtaining a footing in
Canada. Rnfn and devastation were pic-
tured as the pertain consequences of the in-
troduction of this vice,nnd a stirring appeal
was made to all to fight it to the end.
William A. Shoemaker, one of the law-
yers who defended Holmes, the murderer
of Pietzel, was obarged on Monday in open
court with having manufactured evidence
for the defence by procuring a woman's
signstnre to an affidavit which she bee nob
read, and for which he paid her $20. The
2100120511021 at01
and Shoemaker was Owedunder arrest.
W. J. Lewis, a former pupil of the Can-
ada Business College, Chatham, Ont., ha
been been appointed Commercial Mesta
of the High oheel of Bay City, Weil
and supervisor of writing in the 'war
schools of the same City. Since toonptit*g
the abor position, be was. offered the tgisfi
Hon of 8 , orthand teacher In, one of/ the
leading , •• silvan Business Schools,
Other p' • ii was alio offered the ratttr
y oat r ,,-e
its ati3 in ettolr d
Unknown an
But the grate Lhat enshroud,. her is 10 0' y Lome
1 25 .,
North Ontario bye -election for }Itis Co
mons will be on December 12. `
Mr Thos Rattray, a former resident oft
Toronto, broke through the ice at St. Paul'
while crossing Red River, and was drown`.
Mrs Blanchford, a daughtea of Chief
Brant, of the Indian Reserve, in Tyen.
dinaga Township, was thrown from a wag
gon at Belleville and killed.
A proclamation has been issued fo
rally prorouguing Parliament to Dec. 3
Why has not the session opening not bee
gepair3 Satisfactory or Your ,Jlfon-ezy Back.
We're Glad
To See You
At all times, whether you expect
to buy or not. We want you to
feel yourself at home in our store,
so come in and see everything. WO
are trying to make friends and thie
invitation means YOU.
Gold and Silver Belt Buckles and
Waist Sets will be worn a great
deal this season. Our stock is com-
plete and the prices will not scare
you away. Come in and see how
low they are.
Don't go away without -looking"
at our'case 'of Side Combs all
Hair Pins. The latest designs In
Shell and Silver.
Our line of DiamondRings,Brace
lets, Necklaces, Pendants and Fan-
cy pieces has been very carefully
selected. Each article we have in
stock is an individual bargain.
You can settle
the question
of what to
the Jewelery
and Clock Store of
N B. -We just added to our stock the latest idea in Alarm OIock
The Alarm, by a mechanical device, cangqbe regulated so as to strike for Mier.
cones or a, min You'll have to long
t rias a tor chokeuit off t's the greatest Alarm Clock We
When you are in need of Boots and Shoes,
come and see what we are doing. OUR
A rapidly increasing trade is good evidence
that we have got the goode, and that the
prices are right. We are up-to-date in every
respect, and our establishment is becoming a
famous place in which to do business.