HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-22, Page 2,: i u3 l , 1 iv, P Tl►TrTI1V AT'N'ti 'f'g1' IVU A ILT" MI Illn 1111rem"it'r. t .r jlj� F >1101.08'1i' It `thil's sepal. the conscience by ivin retro X gi l al ,iu t t a ee' 1, � �e �e to �� is , classes,. enc e islnbnb' i$to''thH'liolticlkl. VAIDAT, Nov..� ;:. �,, '' ; ri0 jo,l ,ter and. chaMrers, C ed sentence frgm <a, prQviQus charge 'r land before xudge .Moyle, 1G is: expected s` that bO Will, se ltenipe her to, A. term tit ;, the Mercer Relor,'rnator , Tornnto in e the hope of reelairrlingyher :from #the o downward path. - 11 + On Wednesday, between thirty and e forty of the earlysettlers, on the invit- e Won of Mr and Mrs AbrkhamPe6bt6r; assembled at their residence, Belgrave, to celebrate their golden weddingg. A sumptuous dinner 'was served,, to which All did ample' justicel and the of 'terriaoii'and evening was sperit'itr stiei- al intercourse and in, recounting the trials and of. hardshlps of,the etarly pi- oneers, `Mr and Mrs were s made the recipients of many valuable presents amongst the others being a pair of elegant easy chairs. r Since last week the manner in which W. A. Haslam, of Belgrave, met his sudden death hawbeen ascertained. It a appears that he was out duck -shooting driving a team of bronchob hitched - a light wagon. Stopping his team. up he . shot one barrel at some game. The re- . port scared the team and it started to run away. He dropped the gun to take ... i R. W W 4A A A L t, V 11� aF. y' t at con, d ,never be anything but th �__�_, TRIP'Q7L TON^ N#,W E . , R� fgsterin rof special •lntgrests at. the e x' It ]ll be given to New Subscribers from �� . pen a ofthe rest, is fatal to ho P ctf;aryongement, or evert to,the rete. �$. xioW until the leG of Januar" A, 1891, for y �' tion df'whut has been aalned'by civil Vt xation." • rJ�I1lQ �TevP Fara and Weekly Globe -vvill be given to New Subscribers' from t , •� i G Isp County Clxppin now. until 1st January, 1$87, for $1.40 --- Here is an offer of one of the best local About $40,000 worth of new building have been erected in Exeter this yer papers in Ontario and the best city I . weekly for less than the price of one Miss Kelly has been re-engaged' as a s. sistant ill Walton Public School fo '• paper. 1898. Subscribers who would like to get We regret to record the death of Mis ,' the Globe also, can have the same Berate Irwin, of Belmore, on Saturday y, Nov. 9th. privilege by renewing their subscrip- Miss Winnie Raynard has been en tions now, at the above figure. gaged to teach in the junior depart These figures do not pay for the cost a went of Ethel school for next year. "Wanda," Beattie Bros.' fast trottinE 11 ' , of production, but we make this very mare, may be sold in the near future t ` liberal offer with the hope of largely an American. She's a good one , increasing out- subscription list, know- Mr Harry Diment, near Belgrave Ing that most of those we get will re- took 3000 bushels of turnips from fou acres of land this fall. ' main with us for many years. On Wednesday night James Troyen { Let each subscriber show this to his of Hensall. lost bis v+tlaable stallion the reins, and as the gun fell the ham- mer struck the seat and the remaining o barrel was fired. The ch0ge struck the unfortunate young man on one + shoulder, entering one side of his head r and comeing out the other. He died in- stantly. -r Igh ,pricflp ' house 011CA0 which are pcci Or months,'t,a q(ealthy epicul ces for thein. . . , . ,1!� ? . , � - ..SCIUMP, R'S - TQ 3��T, DEC9 '01 this way coat one shilling each or x per pound, and the Worthing grower raised the price to guineas a pours this year. Peaches frequently bring shillings 0, pence each and grapes I shillings a.po 'nd.' I'.. T, � ers 1� To meet the wishes•of their customer The Cleo. E. Tuokett sec Son Co., Ltd. Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon th market A CnMBINAT'ION PLUG OF f 16T & 139! ' SMOKING TO 0 This supplies a long felt want, giving th consumer one 20 cent plug, or a Mesa piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "1Y' S" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Tin tae "T & B" is on every pies ..r' Surprise. There was no insurance. ]neighbor who does not now take The T The Main street church, Ezeter, ow - New Era and induce him to subscribe- Ing to an unavoidable delay, will not Surely this is not too much to ask of be opened until December list, ���e�k'`r°gO'1D��O� when she was a Child, RhoCrWforCastotta. TOi N�RING. y, ' our old friends. John Gentles bought the Stevenson farm, 13,Ashfe Wtens1ebecameD�'aheclungto,fi�orla. When bail CaNtorlN� -�Ii,E -�`J.rarra j�. ... . t ', con. d. The rice aid A very large number of our subscrlb , 1 p p we behave was $3 000. she ;`,; . i-"`'^.'^'"'�-4� tFIA,, -111 Iars have taken advantage of the.ad Nearly one hundred fat bulls have ? � - IN" 4K $1. vance price, but a good many have not been shipped from the Lucknow stat- done so. As the past year has been ion to the Old Country markets within T 1 -0 AMY Y � 3-W-3.14 the past few weeks. A Very Notable Event. ,I Ids IN U31N8 hard and money scarce, we ;make this fold in Head -Nasal Balm gives instant • • special offer: Any subscriber who has relief; speedily cures. Never fails. When anything Canadian beats the worlds it becomes everyday talk everywhere. A Jj'*d,(� ` not yet paid for the present year, but Miss Myrtle Wilson, Brussels, who who will pay before the 1st of Jan. has been a prisoner to the house for very notable event in this way is now being recorded, The Family Herald and Week- y tiifHOE next far this year, we will accept two the past 18 months from a disabled ly Star of Montreal, always a •great paper, �1.. I '� 10 . R? ' dollars for the two years; that is 01 for limb, is improving quite nicely. has shot away a head of even all the Amer- ican M. Ellwood has purchased the new and Engliah Weeklies and as become _. - ,•• the present year as well as for next year brick residence on the Muir Survey, perhaps one of the most striking successes AU(7T]rON 'SALE Hensall, which Mr Brown has. justcom- Eyery subscriber who does not do plated, and will mgve into it. The sum of the age. The Family Herald and Week- ly Star, has been increased to 128 columns ,or this,. but who is still in arrears on the paid is in the neighborhood of $1,300. which will equal 100 good sized volamns in CQ C E ri A I� ]� L 0 T Ut of Jangary.neat, will MOST POSI- Mr John Shepppard; the pQ;iuI0 sleeve e year. And ouch ;magnificent, contextpa-- Fleet of all the Family Herald amd Wdeki y NEAR o1;ItrtoN TIV Abe charged at the rate of of Tuhkef'Amith,, thinks pf b' etih g p g a fine drivelling in Hensall, 116n the ldt Star in s grant, newspaper; it is a gre*t - - The gYeontors of the Lie Charles Caber Will of . x.80 per year. he Ii l some time ago "irbm 11t1r A. authority, on all farm and deur nes tare . for for sate on s ;.11 es Wasatch: oh. We make this liberal offer, hoping . and is now preferred by great o eef3e and butter makers and, at0,pkbreedere-thq con- SATURDAY, NOV. `L8rd, 18915, *' twill be taken advantage of by many. Ur Robt. Ilardson took the ;jclo of Any, therefore, who have to pay, the .allyl, ttug tl�g• tri . . fa, WiT', spoke stag at '(jCin lam, or a cogslde tinent ovez., In inat«ers of fatiiily reading, aoienoei iatoxies,, sketcher, the, Family He; �-� 'aid and Spar of Montreal, at 2 p.m. at 8 ttenbury's Hotel, in Clinton, that valnatle Farm)Lot, No. 84 in the First Concession, Huron Road Tuckeremith. The lot 101, '"` long price must blame them and not us. fltlon of $10. The height is about 100 feet ,Weekly eilglpty towers over every•thiug of its kind. pis cowpri6es 100 sorsa, le.atlte track of -the' G,T,Railway, which creases it, giving two good fences, with convenient Any who are two years and over in and a man when the top appeared to be about the size of a ten year old boy. kliing certain everryy ppee;son should see the Family Uersid'ans Weekly Star even it ft ie ,,an- way oroeeing. The soil is fleet olaes and aaez- h .rod; all but eight sores oleates and In good F_. p arrears on the [list of January nezb will have their accounts placed in court A cow belonging to Mr,fiames Lace ;to see what can be produced every week for Sl a year to saynothingof the great condition. Outside fences good. No buildings, The Bayfield River crosses the rear of the lot, is for !or collection as we must have our near Beechwood, gave birth to twin calves last week, one of which has ex- premium picture wich we har ie oomia P g with the Family HeAraM this season. We which well suited either a grain or gracing farm. About two miles from Clinton elation and one mile from Stapleton salt works. The sellers n books cleared off. cited great curiosity, being without a tail. The is understand that the pubiiahers of the Fam- reserve one bid at the sale. Sent remittances by Post Office Order calf alive and apparently doing well. ily Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal will make no charge for sending sample papers g TERMS -10 per cent cash on day of eels; ono- third of remainder in 30 days; balance may, u purchaser desires, remain on mortgage. For or registered letter. It is the safest The trotting stallion,WilderLee, one of the horses shipped for the to those who do not know about it. Those who know any tens of thousands of further particulars apply to R. RAN.FOSD, Exe- enter or to H. HALE, Agent, way and only costa a trifle. ROBT. HOLMES old country, by Mr Berry, of Hensel), was brought people are now subscribing for it. It looks ae I the demand or to the a❑ction- eer, Y. M. CARLING. back on Friday, as it was was going to be greater than found impossible to get him insured the presses can turn out. Canadians and . l'" ) The people of Canada pay over $1000 sufficently to incur the risk of taking him -ac. oss-the oceanr—- ----•- Americans too know a good thing. Certsn- ly the Fwmfly Herald and Weekly Star` is AUCTION SALE - an"hon"r every hour of the day, for in- Master Simon Haliahan youngest the leader' . OF tercet on the national debt and yet son of Mr William Hallaban, of East VALUABLE RESIDENCE duringg the last 12 months the Domin- Wawanosh, met with& severe accident Monday, NEWS NOTES IN CLINTON. ion Government has increased the groes debt by $11,425,643, on while playing at school, by one of the other boys throwing him -- A dispatch from'Rome says that the -- There will be sold by public auction, by D. down and falling on his head, causing Pope has a slight cold and suspended Dickinson, on concussion of the brain. the giving audience on Tuesday and Saturday, November, 23rd, 18911 �.._, . What it has left Undone. o Miss Simpson, Hensall, had the mss- Wednesday. His illness is not serious. The latest at 2 P. m., at The Rattenbury HOURe In their efforts to uphold a moat in- fortune to fracture her leg on Saturday evening. She census shows that there are 26,000 Canadians in Detroit far C'Iinton, The residence of Dr A fetor, iquitous piece of legislation, the N. P., was standing ing OII a ver- anda shaking a tablecloth, when her y the greatest foreign representation in o❑ Ontario St., a Church hear) op pp g gronndeI glance the Government organa are continual- foot slipped and she stepped to the in the city. Another reason why the comprising parts s 3 and 4, street, ulinton. I/ ly boasting of what it has done for the ground, a distance of four feet, and two nations should live in. peace. There tea substantial dwelling house on the J country, Isere are a few of the things coming down on the side of her foot the fracture occurred. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the greet blood purifier, gives freshness and elect- premises, containing 6 rooms downetditb and e ❑petaire, besides k;tchen and summer kitchen; f, 9 it has not done, and a momenta hon- est thought will convince any intelli- Mr Hugh J. Grieve, has purchased the Martin farm, nese to the compleaion and onree Const[- Patton, 26 ots., 50 eta., 51. Sold by J. H. thorn Is also a good collar with water -lime Hoer. Hard and coif orator. There ie also a largo frame stable and driving barn. gent man of the truth of this: It has old on the 3rd con- cession, H. R. S. Tuckeremith, for $4,- Combe, Clinton. TERMS -Ten per cent of the purchase money not given the Government sufficient t0 its 400. It is a splendid far P m, well cit- uated, and contains 100 acres. There The lives of Geo. M. Pullman and his manager, John B. Griffin, were threat- day of saes; balance in 80 days thereafter, without withooc tntorest, or one third of the purchase money may remain Ilor revenue meet expenditures; it P has not given employment to Canada's is a brick house and two bank barns. It is ened °Tuesday by a madman, who has a term of years on the Premises at 6 per cent interest. The vendor re - ervea the to population. There were 263,281 more Canadians in the United States a cheap place, and Mr Grieve has got a good bargain. been removed to a hospital. He was be employe ed to aPullh sp right make one bid at the sale. Immediate possession can be given: at the census of 1890 than in 1880. It has not The sale of stock of the estate of;Thos The Patron convention for Center Further terms and particulate made known at the sale or upon application to the undersigned prevented failures in business, notwith- standing the tall talk of tall chimneys. Werr'y, of Usborne, on Monday, was largely attended and the prices ruled Wellington was held in Moorefield vil- lage on Wednesday, and was well at- D DICKINSON, JAMES SCOTT Auctioneer. Solicitor for Vendor, 1 Last year the failures in Canada aggre- high. The farm, which contains 200 tended. Mr James Tucker, a farmer, - -- - - - '' gated $17774,621, and in January of this Blain, acres, was sold to Richard Williams for $9,600• -The swamp farm in of Peel township, was the unanimous 1 ' , year resident of the Toron- to Board of Trade declared that "with Hay town- shi was sold to Roger Northcott for choice of the convention for the vacan- cy in the Legislature. IT PAYS_ TO the exception of the lumber and )cath- The Conservative claim to all the 'At er trades 1894 had been the most unsat Mr Adam Scott, jr., of Morrie, has patriotism is about played out, and isfactory and disastrous year since Confederation." Yet there had been purchased the seven acre plot on the Huron Alma, should be laid upon the shelf with % seventeen years of the N.P. It has not kept up the prices of farm lands. road, near from Mr John Wynn, of Brueaels, paying$400 there- for. 'He will remove to his newly ac- Mercier's bones and other relics which the dominant party has dignified into issues. The Liberals and Independents . ,-. It has not kept its promise to keep up the price of farm produce, It has not quired property this fall. He has leas- ed his farm, lot 16, con. 7, to Robert are just as good Canadians, just as goopatriots as the other party. -TO- and the most gratifying success still attends the pupils of �• increased foreign trade. Under Mr Mackenzie the foreign trade of Canada McCutcheon, for five years. A ronto Star. The Canada Business Cone e r was $69 a head; last year it was $49 per head. It has not increased tide cap of muddy coffee is not wholesome, neitber ie a bottle of muddy medicine. The incorporation of British American Business College, Toronto, has led to won - CHATHAM, ONT. The 'i with Britain. That trade had fallen in the last ten years $38,000,000, while trade One way to know a reliable and ekillfally repared blood -purifier is by its freedom derfnl changes in the old methods of beef- near training. Prominebt citizens such Ae following pupils and graduates have been placed since last similar notice appeared: Mise Carrie with the United Staten, which was to from sediment. Aver's Sarsaparilla is al - ways bright and sparkling, because it is an S. Caldecott, President Board of Trade; E. R. C. Clarkson, F. C. A., Fred Wyld and gist a .i ns Stenographer with Edwin Bell, barrlstor. Chatham. be destroyed, had increased $44,000,000 in the same time. It had not favored extract and not a decoction. S. F. MaKinnon, wholesale merchants;- David Walker, billing clerk at Williams, Davis, Brooke & Co's., the largest wholesale trade with Great Britain, but had not Dr Thompson, of Hensall, had a very with Edward Trout D. E. Thompson, P Q C., drug store in Mich. discriminated against her. It has not furnished a homemarket for the Cana- close call for his life, while Ont. shoot- ink recently. He slipped, while in pur- and W. McCabe, Manager North American LifeIneurance Co., who now own Fred Thompson as stenographer with Geo. B. Douglass, barrister Chatham. dian farmer. Last year they exported $113,000,000 of farm and their suit• of game, discharging accidently one of the barrels his the this school, insist upon having the newest system introduced. In a word, the stud- IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Nothinglees than a thorough predose, market was where it had always had y gun, charge leaving a hole in the ground be- in eat shares the benefit of their ideas and ex- course in a superior chool should satisfytheintending been. The N.P. has notprodueed com- forcers his feet. His many friends will perienee. They aro no longer required to business or shorthand student. petition nor cheapened goods. It was be pleased to learn of his fortunate es- Doily from old books but at once deal with facie shorthand or business catalogao sent free b addressing. y to have been fair as between led to c- toter and farmer, but has failed to cape. P Mr Dan McCormick, been not theories. No time in wasted.- The work is genuine book-keeping and of- t�, Mel ,. li LAN / , Chatbam so. The advantage had all gone to the he who has fire living in Zetland for the pa4. three practise. David Hoskins to the Com - pany's Secretary. --'_ — - manufacturer. years on a rented farm, has bought Mr Thomas Gregory's A dreadful MR, BAYARD ON PROTECTION, farm, being lot 27, con. 1, Township of Uulross. The farm is consists of 122 acres, 100 of which is accident occurred at what known as Maynard's Crossing, about a mile east of Drumbo, on Thursday, CITY BAKERY - Hon. T. F. Bayard, United States Ambassador cleared. There is a frame honse and in which one George Amberry was to Britain, spoke before the Philosophical Society at Edinburgh '•Individual shed on the farm, but no barn the price paid for it being $2,900 cash. soiree killed. The poor fellow was driving cows across the track and suc- OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. on Liberty, the Germ of National Progress and Permanence." The reside of David Scott. of East seeded Wawanoah one, in getting them all over but. when a was struck by a G.T.R. Having bought out the business of r M same. , In the course of his address he sounded a note of warning apainat the many was the scene of a gay and engine festive throes on Tuesday last when atantly his daughter Jane and he and the cow were in- > killed. He was about 45 years Beckwith, I purpose continuing the With practical ea erien ;e of many years p p propposals of political Interference and under state management under the garb of g O, was united in the old holy bonds of wedlock to William nard, Scott, West and had been living with Mt• May- doing ebores and other light we feel confident to give all who favor ns with their trade the very best of estisfac- philanthropic aid or paternalism, and {I of Wawanosh, Rev R, H. Hall, of Belgrave, officiated. The work for about twentyayeare. He was tion in continued: -"In my own country I have witnessed the insatiable growth g that form State harmlessly alar i couple are among the most pop- no hist n the townships In which they silly but very faithful, and doubt thought the cows must be Bread Cakes and Pastry. of of socialism styled protection, which, I believe, has done foster have resided. got Mrs T, C. Hawkins, off the track at all hazards, The store will be band supplied t with more to class legislation and Chattanooga, Tenn, g , , A POPULAR WEEKLY. choice varieties of i create inequality of fortune, corrupt h p Public life, anis men of independent any. Shiloh's Vitalizer saved my life, I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitat- Among newspapers the com- pp Paste Confectionery, . y� �'e a ¢ mind and character from public coun- tile, blunt public conscience, and place ed system I ever need. For Dyspepsia, mending Liver or Kidney troubles it excels. Price Globe positiCanadon position ilyaoccupied no the Toronto is universally acknowledged. Canned Goods &c t . pohtles upon the low level of a mer- canary scramble than any other single 75 cts. enterprise buter Last week May Gibson arrived it is unrivaled, as a news diatri- ri it has no equal, as a leader of nblie gpeoial'attention it paidq tndeliive cause. Step by step, and largely, ow. in to' the confusion of civil it at opinion Brussels from Sandwich, Essex county, felt exercises an influence that is Orders from one end of the Dominion. to the promptly ed - anywhere in town. strife, has succeeded in obtaining control of and Sunday morning was found on other. Turnberry Street in an intoxicated departments The Weekly Globe, with its varied -- agricultural, commercial ,t4 Boy W anted --Good reliable boy want. the sovereign power of taxQ,tiota, groat- fugg the revenue into an engine Por fel• condition and placed under arrest. aerial Monday slie was sent by the Reeve torial stories, cable and general news, edit and . ed for delivery cart, A L_''., 8sh and private profile. Its allied . beneficiaries and combines are called and A. Hunter to Goderich jtNil for a excellent month. As she was special artioles-makes a most home paper, and is diserved'ly at J. A. Q KING. � out on a stlapend. popalar in all parts of the country. • 1. 1 �,. „ , •�, . . , ^ �G 'J ' �, .. '.tort.+'..1. J 1. 1 111411111- 1� . � ,� 11 Qnre ,inn cry - A �: 'RQPRiITIBO V0 $A.LE on To. LET` ors > o>,;,� '. f FLOC& 'r i�AT�0 aAR".. '" ''i I, HO a nilA dry Qgi9t`,fpr, tLie ,any . 940 or 64QO each, Lalauoe ea can b tall rr @ ma u, a an ed. s ,284 Alain w , $smitten out I). J. CAMPBELL d. -,FONT)~ ALR, , 0 The. undersigned — e 1!a a stifle Lo ill t, l t Rai, e, t 451 ;or3$; Ba lwiy Tailrace SCOT , i'artioulara, upon appliontion, JAMl$6 SCOTT, Barrlster 4v I ,, r Lot 88, Maitland Concession, GFoderioh Township. For terms and particulars apt ply to JAMES SCOTT'', Barrister, Clinton, Ltd. HOUSE-AND LOT FQR S,AIiI'. The very comfprtahis house on coon street at sale on reasonnbl btyerms TlitouseiA wall built, with stone foundation and has every a0- oommodation. The lot is thee -eighths of an acro. Hard and sett water. AppI arrest encs FOR SALE T}tafollowingg valuablereeidental pproperty is the Town df Ulfatonlis offered for' sale. Lot 107 • and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of ;lot 1;18 High dtreetil aeHouses !freprir. ft applytoJA'SOOTY. TO,, FARMED e An excellent opportunity Is now afforded to farmers with small capital, who desire to obtain improved farms or stook' ranches with [rrrtga• tion, buildings and foliose, in the Distrl9t of Al. box$% N+ W. T: qq ease terms, The raielna of lyt�orned cattle, ho sea.p �cep" and' p' Igo is rapi4ly u6bib`ping In th `'di)strt0C Thb tindeketgned will furnish Informatibu yr answer enquiries. H, W: C. A'IEYHR. Qi C., Calgary, N.W.T FOR BALE The Cottage on Orange St., recently improved by the undersigned. Cellar, hard and soft water, plenty of room for small family. Terme reason. able. W, 0, SEARLE. FARM FOR SALE That fine farm of 127 notes, beln8 lot 16 let con., of Hallett, 2 miles from Clinton, i, not ppreviously sold will be offered by public auction in Clinton, on saturdapy� Nov. 30. For portion- lare apply to W. SMITHSON. Valuable Farm for Sale. Valuable farm for sale one mile from. Holmes - containing 60 acres, with large orchard, frame house and barn. Also a e year old mare, gcod driver. For further ppartioalare apply to MRS ,ELIZA SPARLING, Ofihton. plm 0HOI0E FAUX FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for Bale his farm of 188 acres, being lot U,Maitland con., Colborne; about 105 acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance hardwood bush, Frame dwelling howr,, god bank barn,driving house and other outbui�it its. Good spring in nearly every 'field. Bearing or- chard of 2 acres. aobool house on thofarm Will I be sold on reasonable terms. MICHAEL SCHWANZ, Benmiller P. O, GOOD FARM FOR SALE Subscriber, offers for sale the East half of lot 2 to the 3rd concession, E. D. of Ashfield, It con- tains 100 acres, with about 80 acres cleared and free from stumps, Frame house, barn and driv. ing ahead bearing „rchad, crock runs through the lot, situated li miles from Port Albert, on good road. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Appply to ALEX. BADOUH, HOLMESVILLE, or to P. HOLT, GODERICH• 4*1111,„ Tamworth Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service, at his premixes lot 31, 8th con., of Hullett. a tborobred regis- tered Tamworth Boar. Terms, $1 at time of service with privilegge of returningg if necesary, $1.25 i booked. W. J. MCBRIICN. Hullett TAMWORTH BOAR I will keep for use this season a thorotred Re Tamworth Boar, Prince, No. 186. Thi. breed is consideed toe be the acme of per- fection for shipping, packing and profit, Terme $1 C HOARE. plm Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber has just purchased an improved registered Yorkshire Boar, from the well-known brooder, Joseph Featherston, of Streetsville which wit] be kept for service Featherston,, his premises Base Line, Hallett, Terms, $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning. JOHN GOVIER, Auburn, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of Robert Noti, late of the Town- ahip of Tuckeramith, in the County of Hur. on, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 88, R.S.O., Chapter 110, that all creditors and others having claims a ainet the estate of the said de- ceased, who died on or about the tenth ,day of Sept., 1895, at the said Township of Tuckersmith, are hereby required to deliver or send by post pre- paid, to James N-tt, one of the executors of the will of the said deceased, Tuekeremith, Clinton, Ontario, P.O., on or before the 15th day of Decem- ber, next, the names, addresses,land descriptions and ful: particulars of their claims duly verified and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and the executors will, on and after the said 16tb day of December, neat, proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said estate, among the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to the claims of which they Nave then notice, and the said executors will not be liable for the as- sets of the amid estate or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person of whose claims they have not no'ice at the time of such distribution. JAMES SCOTT . Solicitor fcr Executors. JAMES NOTT', Executors JOBN GOVETT, Dated at Clinton, this $let October, 1895. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the TLatate of Donald Rosa, late of the Totonehip of Stanley, in the County of Hur. ) on, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given,;pursuant to Section 86, R.S.O., Charter 110, that all creditors and others having alaime against tba estate of the Said do - ceased, who (lied on or about the 7th day of Oct, 1895, at the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, are hereby required to deliver or send by poet prepaid, to Alexander R. Fraser, one of the executors of the will of the said deceased, at Ciiuton, Ontario on or before the 16th day of De- cember, next their name$, addreeees and do- ecriptione and fu:i particulars of their claims, duly verified and the nature ofothe securities, (if any) held by them, and the executors wit on ,+ lv t__ I .� , : , .. Remerabfir the dates'ci! that Islyth pr!. Fair for the sale of RorNea, (7lttlllltr Q , .t Nov, 12, Doa.10, Jan. I "" Feb. - 1 a �. M 1O , 1' �', 44. �. j>11 . This is aoknowledgeflto. be the: letld3ri flphs in the county, ;0pme and. 4- S, HERft;NGTQi$,, ,0.11A,1111Ta'si'Obi; See -T reap , P lailifle k ' '` I. 1Ic10If$;jUlial $I ' QX.0 x' " Ito JAMES s sac�T =k #, Barrister, So icadt - . , , CONVEYANCER ac. .. r;,- r.{.; Commissioner forobl ario and Ditinitoba, 4, Office immeciatvlySeuh of Gfhpy4W4�msa1 , )i Wa PIR "DONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 1199 a PUBLIC, ETC. 1. ' ' O�t•B-4goyeR'1��o *i , t Up -stairs, Opposite Footer's•.Phote, alt I CLI1 TON.., ; � ", 7► 1111: ' (a OA�{Atij0111' : 1 (Formerly of Oameyonoliblittt Oaniot n)' ' + �, BARRISTER •AN,D,, SQWCIT'Cllt. 11 . OJHoa-Hamilton St, o oche Colborne ,HGtd GODEM; ,, ON R.' WM-IGUNN,SI,,R,' FeandL. `1" R. Q. 6 ' sl D Edinburgh. IM7.1 ario sr.i. glisten NIAtit calla at front (icor rot realmQQnce on Rattan ' t bury St., opposite Presbyterian olinrolr, . L. TVRNBtlr,r.. •:lir ffiae Rattentituy 8t. Ulinton. ­N1gh heli newered at the same place. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN Svii4 Ols Accoucheur, eta„ office in the kalaaeT3loott attenbury St. formerly occupie$ by Afle Beeve Union Ont. IAS• S. FREEBORN; M.D.. L.H.&Q.O.P�I., M. C. P. & S. O., Graduate Hinge sad, u college of Pb .icians, Dublin, Ireland, =- la'io' LOeneft Medical Ooan011, Great Brita [ember of Collele Physicians and soNeot'in, Ort. arto, Formerly resident of Rotunda H:224 Lving •tnandGyaecological)Dublin. B -Mattenbary is east, next door ta.Qatarlo'St, areonage. )•�R STANBURYi d1f"VAt1TS )61F'i T8){7Z f Medical Department,of•V1otoMla.'Unl ty, Toronto, formerly of the Iloiipttals aaQ dspensaries, New York, ,Coroner,. for he onnty of Huron, Bayfield, Out. ,.: t DR. M L.RLLAN, SRAG,1.,AL-401 r. hOMedical and 13it7losldiseallesol tlepa, Ear, ose and Throat. j1lF1] sqt�ock of SpectSOTes, Len- ses ani ,=Cial Eyes. or 284, ,OUNDAs ST., Lotmov. DR AGhE1M, __.. Londesboro, 6auccessor to Dr Young, , AGNEW. M. B„ Toronto University M, D. 0, Trinity University, Member of Cotlege Phy clans and Surgeons, Ontario, Office o posits ethodistohuroh. Night calls answered at the 4me place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1, to 8p mt to 9 P.M. 1 , DR BRT3GE,, IDEA TASTR L. D,S.,Royal College ofDental Turgeonsof Ont. D,D.S., Trinity University, Toronto, Special attention given to the Proservatioc of the natural teeth, Office, Coate Block, over Taylor's shoe store N. B, -Will visite Blyth every Monday and, Bayfield let Thursday of each month, E. BLACHALL VETER1NAhl bLRGRON • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinaaaannrrddyy malls on he most modern and . Treats all diseases of ds entiflo ptdincl- Offlee.les Office-ImmediatelyResid ne A beSt.. south oftheClinton Call night orday attendedto promptly Uuv TOMLINrSSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, naD.ry o/lege, Toronto. Treats all dLtescrio es �- rn anji. Scintiflc Principles. Day and nigon the ht callaep om 1y aniiwered. Residenco-Rattenbury Be.. west: Cliuten, M�(ARRIAOE L10ENbE, JAMES SCOTT 6R„ insurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICIMNSES. No witnesses required lN1ONEY TO LEND 1N LARGE OR Small sums on good wortgga��0 security moderaterate oft u terest. H H=. Clinton, F. W. FABNCOMB, ��M���fffEMBER OF ASSN OF Civil Engineer,PrLo d3nl, Ont. om a yat Geo Stewart's Grocery store, Clinton, MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. LEACHER OF MUSIC. Pnpll of MrCharles W. Landon, of Phfladelpnia The Mason Method used exclusively It Is con. eiderod thod T the ppleaAing Musical Artippeta that no Mseon.e •• Touchs and Technic,, Piano, Orgiy an an and Teohnicon, or Muscle develops for use of Pupils. Rooms over Mr G. McTaggart', Bank, Albeit Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW, L.D►.S D.D.S. DENTIST. 31aduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons,. Out. Honor Graduate of Trinioy University, Toronto. All nperationa in Dentistry carefully performed. OffiBc t If 'It Town Mall ever Bwallowe store, Will visit H....11 every Monday, and Zarlo every second Thursday of each month. AWNight bell, au.wored. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet In Biddle. combeHall on the let and 8rd Fridays in sae montb. Visitors cordial] Invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN Recorder J. ADES FOWLER & CO. Architects & Civil Engineers Are prepared to furnish plane, drawings, do tails, and specifications of all kinds of work VALUATIONS AND INsPECT1ONs CAREFrLLY MADE PATRNT DRAWINGS MADE & PAT.E q OBTAINED All work at reasonable charges. 25 yqtre eppnd of r the said 16th day of December next, rionce in Ontario. Poet office atldreR_ tntedmongthe Parties heetltlotdsthero n, having Box 210, CLINTON. ONT regard only to t 'e claims of which they have ' hen notice and the said executors will not be table for the acacia of the said eny A or any part thereof Iso distributed, to any ppaYOUNG of � wbo'ee claim they have not notice at ttro time of L A ,�i;:! ES ash distribution. ARD GENTLEMEN JAMEgg SCOTT. Solicitor for Executors d R. FRASh'tt, of MoEWEN Ezeontorb. SandOoentsinetam— GEO. BAIRD, THOy. FRAShR I 0 o nta send Pe cir10cents fin allrrer. Dated at Clinton, this 81st day of pot•, 1895. yon by retuan mAH'he P 1± EFECT LETTER H 111TE C. ! I IA NE /� A neat little Book being a rierfisct Guido in tate ', A V art of Utter Wri>ring. It contains,, Letters off i /� �o Watt! n N Love, Friondebip, Bnalness, eta. With valnabl , tepit;'ib#' brYr of instructions an d� advise $v ky 3q�onnt� roan and ', � , $arrrrismeaad ( w0lslari e1inU"]d bare tbibl;nok Address. , , 111tifY1 tits IM, I � NOVELT PUBLISHERS, .A, - .1., '. ­ �� ��,� ttt'y .. . .. 1114t)v,., ...,,..7 ... 1.