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Clinton New Era, 1895-11-15, Page 7
.,i-... _ or dy i :W. "�,• .. ,, 10 , S--i'tl-a.+ �S�•!F a,w7F:�, r r•w. ,- -..g. ,P•.. IP .Tr. ' T' To'V �1 E aY ,dS. SENT To_111 f'V SUIRSoun,its *`'' ? +: C , + }y 7r�T7r 'rry`. AA tth IJ- . .. ,„ ♦G'.,-. Nl.ya{lW,. -eSM1MM .. ��i.1 i,.A�./ H{�1`� .. tr ONSU Yrl'ION C 1v� + � _ � fit h ' . h i fiflov r,9 .... ' r ,: Ci � -i$Ise, Lust wLl{t r mv Y tw 11.., coni, he opt}ld l#tl;dly st,eulz. flu waa par A, P. E. ISLANi1• EAbY,,U�M11FD suaildd to try 'Ilku yard'� 1'eotoral Baleaur JJTI�00 SHOP. �, t4 �% : TO HEALTH. noxa h s�^ r st last, and was aomliletely d by t + ekw r .,,,'i of one bottle, iupc�erri aecl dt3eiras to intLmtlte do cit• Si` P ., p LpI&S A. lYi CRITTENDEN, a t stpa,r7 , f llnton and vicinity tjll1:11e w ATrAOaLD wLTH A HAOL{LNC Q, qo , se oa ; 'l`•.,, n.,=,, A.PYETLTE AND �iIENEatL FEELdliltl OF 148al- Baldwin, Out. -•--- "`•^•--^^ am 4penod ikUtoher shop in the store of :tit _ . 3�1 TDDE—PrNE Pmts REsxoLtED 13Ea HEALTH W 'OotiajgUton, Street. He has had many Ie�g� > s ' "lt .�a A,rTEa Doo as FAuxD. QREENLAND METgORITES. WE WILL HAVE A CLEARING SALE OF•— r earr'experieuco f,pfltfeela thst las can give i ae .r s,, f ! 1 From the Chlol two, a,triot, co Yoyi i flee Largest ■may; BOOTS d best 9I A4 <isfeotion. lie will se 11 14 .fw�x .. a 'tbo it'aary Fsl t7'� / r x #z fitly lot C% Y, at the lowest possible i �r; c yl, Times wltho$t ix m ar ova thrate tl! now:, gpeotmeu. DRY j� j' S�, '111P I17fiGPr• ti h,�^, c, .the wonderful ceras affected by Dr, Wil- j �1 o i'�'" �.?' " lisma' Pink Pills, but generally e g The 06motleta an tea Peary d seem to have 1r O�naaa REBFEf1TBrLi,Y 801JOITED �� - :•(j monialB telling the tale had laid the Hoene Lound tyoiLY ing, if Peary didn't. Besides °' � ��{{• �v� in some of the other provinaeq.e iftis time ,six µnNgi�lgd nollootlon of arotio blrua, t' `� L� E� >l �. ' �r lIt Clinton. Noreow, �,• 1d iY e l however„ the matter is brought.,dk gtll4aTge,skins, tleara, walrus, oto ,they found.*� t'home and the testimony comes' i2�g a 4nd bring+babk, two huge meteorites. Ono .,•----•-----foe, — s ' Qt muob respected and Qllrfatjta,� w(yxLlin.— We}Rhe Half a ton—the other, It 18 said, From now till Dec. 31st. All Will be sold if priCHs will Coo it. " �� three tons. Moreover, they found tt far ll�' Uf HER SHOP 1 s t litre Sarah Striotland, now residing in the bigger one, which the estimated at forty The following prises will give an indieatiun of what we are suburbs of Charlottetown, has been mar- gg y i Rich is the lung-healingvirtues of the Pine C rigid many years, and blessed with .a large tops, and which seemed to Consist, nearly prepared f o too in all departments. FUIi9T-`tpURPN Y, combined with the soothln anti exaectornut 'and ` of pure iron. ''bey couldn't break off a (Bnoceos i iOpJ; W. Langford} properties of oth4r pectara� Legrs as barks. bust xifamL10onstitiut 6n, bad, until la yeagr sago, I Piece, even after, drilling halos for that A PERFOCOT OUN L: i u1r been In oompargtively good healthy About purpose, Best Granulated Sugar, ilbsfor....$1 DRESS GOODS—With the exception Having bought out the above busineii8; we tr+OUGHS QtNC3 COa C7�s that time she began to fte' "run down," This, undoubtedly, le the greatest me or 120 pounds for .............. $5 re a few pieces of Black Cashmere, r intend to conduct it on the cash principle, Hoarseness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat teorite that has boon found—at least. in reduced 20 per cent. her blood beoude 'ook and a ioneof feel- modern times. The ancient legends of TEAS—fine lines reduced to........ l5c WINCE'YS reduced 25 per cent. slid will anpply our customers with the best Croup and all ASES. ti BItONCHf s anti 40c lines reduced to............ 35c meats at the lowest paying prices. Patrons t.[�DI DI�gAS ES. Obstinate coo hswhlch ing of :lassitude took posaaesaion of Goth 25c lines reduced to ............ LOc GINGHAMS reduced 25 percent may rely a on good service and prompt re5ist�thir f emedf; cs yield prompt y to toils her miTuA and body. Har family and some euah bodies telling upon that part of filling of all orders, pleasant play syrup, fr'end 3 viewed vP ill 41"m the gradual de- the earth now known hi l and v and 75e to70 c pRL06 280. AND 600. P!"72 .soTTI.E. velopmant of her,lllpesg, and When a Dough Greece, are, at t)QaG, mythical and vacuo; CANNED GOODS -Corn, Peas and CORSETS—$I reduced ta90c, { e50. A .�� :.P„Ga,.,,, y Tornatoes, Sc each,good Saltoun Ile 50c to 45c. FORD MURPHY „at; first incipient, but afterwards almost they aro not boine ,gqut by any discovery of READY MADE CLOTHING—includ- - - - constant, espp4tally 1►t d j}tS,-+sat in,. doe. 'such ponderous libdies. This one 1n Green- ng Children s, Youths' and Men's Central Butcher Shop, Clinton , tore ogre .oRmmg �d o°1 everything that land ls'the jumbq'oE al) meteorites. It has PATENT MEDICINES— $1 reduced 5 o 22 1 CURE FITS. 50t sat lovin fonder, Dare and medical skill could been the bollef, 01 some geologh;ts that to 85t. 75c to fl5c, Suite and Overcoats, 20 percent off CITY BUTCHER SHOP g•. CARPETS—several lines at great re to Avae rrui rted re in, order to save ,the af- there is a vast meteorite in t,reonland; duction. HATS and CAPS—Several linea 25 per valuable treatise and bottle of medieine Bent Fres to '►ayy eotionate wife and mother, whose days ap- one, the enthusiastic Prof. Denton, who cent off, others at half price. augerer. Oive Express and Post OBta address. it. 9. ROOT M.O. 188 We-' Ldsaide Street Toronto Ont, peared to be numbered. Her appetite was lost his lips !n exploring the great tropical All Canadian Tweeds reduced 20 per I slab to inform the pnblio"that I will;not islands of New Guinea, going oven to the cent, and imported ones 10 per ct BOOTS and t3HOES 20 per cent off be undersold. by any other:, person, in the fancifully absurd' extreme of believing RUBBERS—Heavy and Fine 10 per til 11 eUd Sq Pei- yard. cent oft. iluaineesa 1 a - a praetioal b toher, and r , 1' that all North Greenland was covered by P budseBs;ndt'aa the pracjlea ftliebueirless. � 1 a meteoric LnAes whose thundering {m- COTTONS—Gray and White lc per yd WATERPROOF COATS—Men's $15.50 We Y � atelilRENOVATOR l t sot knocked t,l logo book and produced off all round. to 1b14. Ladies' $1.50 to $6. e keep the ver best meats and a • full �` ' ' s1F S r the obliquity of ate ecliptic; an pbaurdl r „stook al ays on thisnd, and will sell at the n q p y UNDERCLOTHING—extra value, re - ill Robes and Fur Coats Very low vq our ANIYO,TRBA 1 inadequate Cause for so stupendous an duced 10 per cent. owjeat 1�Tiheh -PrLoes• Bring :alopg y _� e t/ l effort. But the actual bringing back of an et the meat at the cash rice. li4�IlleJ[110N. 41?0$, d pp Xest e a Greenland meteorites weighing half a ton, x+, a wt�tgglve 6460—bilt nbt'aE''bhUp`ribes. l c „�; ,, sed three tone, is a new revelation of the Special Bitrgains in CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. Also many other lines .° lease Doll and see what you can do for 'SPE CIL+ p j') Le 1} G p se Ca' i dr see hat J 44 F tree �ta i+ hip p} state of things in that great Island of the of which we have not room to meutioli. As we purpose doing a Cash Business f, ; tl d far North. We have no such enormous we offer this as an introduction. n , Immure, ete,h and m uo kisbed iF'' T7 I011ONS Bicod • :IXyspep a, .>�leapieQepe>lP,. 1pa meteorites In any college or Government t f th Heart Liver Complaint �` 1 collection in this country—nor, we think, TERMS CASH. NOW is the tulle to Save honey. to On o e pp {}py ntp}{pp Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis 11 l are any such to be found in any country, ComboCUUtUUrfD ��UUII BUlUl1U1 Ship, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sid 1�j// outside of Greenland.The first $10 purchaser (except sugar) on Monday mornings will receive a special 's ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitue' Dance Uj These fallen meteoric masses Come from Present extra. We intend doing a strictly cash business after Jan. 1st. COZ7CH` wily SON. Female Irregularities and General Debility. "other worlds than ours." Whatever rela- LABORATORY, CODERICR, OKT tion or kinship they may bear to the little ' 1lubeoribers desire to notify the public that " "shooting -stars" starve of .the August and Nn- A-DAA1'' EM E'()itlU lYl, Jo).'int� tlaeir Mother on iter Appetite. ir' ADAMIS avo;•bobkbt out the butebOrIDg b�gzsIp�esu } ,�. t12. MoLEOD, veixaber night, little isaotuallymown LONDRSBOR0 ;%e4 b' 71ir Jt(iRlt•Fordishd 1ej11 poalriiost completely gone. Food was par- about their origin. But astronomer after 4, �00o or Qheixrersona iaupo felon Pro d Manaiaoturer / est Bel' Pa taken without relish, and Mrs Striotland much disputation, have seemingly settled de ay,p p m 1,s°d cgroftil aft on, gold in Clidt"din by was enable to do even the ordinary work own to an pgrooLent on at least one tai >11 be air 3n ,Mel on, ii. COMBE,, and, Ai AN cit W,I�SON of the household. She became gro�tJy, dm � in owri.e 1° s ::deliv�re :.anyw oro sl• + point. t'There i° one, .end •perhaps .more ., - . aciated and in order to partake of even the inistered. Whithan on©, groat meteor stream, having an ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON MARBLE WORDS. meet dainty nourishment a stimulant had orbit around the sun, somewhat (perhaps at lfirat; th be admt®, this very much) inclined to that of the earth— r: +� CLINTON. COOPER'S OLD STAND, g{ hong fiver the omePeyid the mother Next to Commercial Ilotel. sorrowfully thought o11 hots soon She would possibly as eccentric as the Astern id°—and h . ``{ nuc a —+" have to sa farewell to her ycung family, that this orbit forms a ring, a belt, of Fres Sausage! g his eetabli>;nment is in lull o• tratioe sada y Innumerable fragments of matter, mostly rders filled in the most satisfaeto y wav Cell - Spa wsa jnd.gced by a frignd to try Dr Will small, - but possibly containing larger }, cry and granite work a specialty. Isrioee as hams Pink Pills. Though utterly discour, bodies; the vast mass being unequally dis- vi lbs. for 2�c. easonable as those of any eetabUaft-ent Aged, and almost disgusted with me4icine M p/•�t^C t6�a� tributed along the entire orbit—an orbit, NO BEEF OR LIVER PUT IN. BEALE & HOOVER,Clinton, im she yielded more in P friendly way than in itis needless to.add, outside of the earth's. /�,�f �t �Q CP Qty a opeful spirit. After using the pills for It seems. to be agreed also that the motion �VBoNcS. ;a Shorn time a gl�adn of hope, a wish to get �. t wall again took possession of her and the of this meteor ring around the sun is re - Pork Chops, Roasts, Cured Fol' `l wculy -¢ ive -ie'Nrs treatment was olieerfully ocntinned. It trograde; that the earth's orbit, at the Aft Meats. Dint our Janet reaches about the 18th of O N E HONEST M A N was no false feeling but m genuine effort P P ,. November, intersects this meteor ring. Prices to suit hard times. Pure LARD �� nature was making to reassert itself, and The eriod of this ring is believed to be by the pail or crock. We make fresh 1 fore many boxes were used rhe family p AND BUT QN E RELIABLE were joking their mother on her appetite, about thirty-three years. The November sausage every day. star shower isapt t to be Boon to some er her disappearing cnnoh, cad Lite fn�ht she p HAIR FOOD. tont on two auaceaelve nights, and after JAS. STEEP & CO. SA ING had coven them. The use it of Pink l ills that is little soon for an interval of about waa continued for Dome time lon„or and now Mrs Strictland'a elaetio.etep and gen- thirty-three years; Indicating .that, al- eral, excellent health, would] lead you to thongh the,parth may pass through the o. NO DYE. FLOUR AND FEED STORES_ POWDEK imagine that you were gazing upon a dif. meteor -orbit ayery year, the meteors are ferent woman, not one who bars hren so grouped at Intervals along thering,and a feed the Hair that Which It lacks �+ T r *� their periodic time diffors so much from and nature restores the color. Our, Feed &,Seed store THECOOKS BE 1 I"���I�Q snatohedfrom the yore jaws of death. and k.ARGEST SA E GA 11A. was never in better heath and spirits, and that of the earth, that i requires nearly —��_ s " no matter what others say, she is firm in thirty-three years for this accumulating her belief that Pink Pills saved her life mud difference to amount to a complete revolu- $ . The undersigned desire to intimate that be '[ li ORY r restortad her to her wonted strength and -, in— of -tit LFinlgrlg Oali �SLatroup will keep on band the gory beet {]OVAL SCALP Foot destroys the diseased Bir $,9236=,nGr Z� %%X Ser. health, that supe le�wing to ilia earth's uttrao- ;, 'I of the rcatp and a healthy action Is Sot g rIt contsaeins the rineipal pro er"-ies of Lha hair that FLOUR and.aFDe� a,,� axh� -...- w -- .<.«-ate Dr. Williams Pink Pills are an unfail- tion, such a star shower as that rand one pp �roe� choicest variety of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES ing cure for all troubles resulting from of 1888, or -the lesser one of 188(5. It is also ,, 1t LettlIlzes the its thatll&o� htcviyhgouw do a field of w gill° Of,all kinds also the NORWAY ORNAMENTAL SPRUCE,'SCOTCH poverty of the blood or shattered nerves, found that there Is a close relation of the CURES,BALONEBS. corn and growth is certain. It In rates the,ShW- AND ASTRAQ)HAN PINE, and when given a trial in caseslike the tabovg �etoOr 10w, some at least, the comets tSTAR%3 FALLING HAIR, girh I , cleanses it and th"rou y eradicates ail Clover, Timothy & small Seeds � OURES,QANDRUFF, tc�OwR bleb is flew s rerununr o ae ,, ss f ' Which will bo eotd at Diose max�lns far cash. Tile {atter of which Wfl aiiake a specialty, stated, never fail. Sold. by all dealers or Bent he bite ofPOms comate seem to ooinotde it is th4 ON�.Y rem.y}y Cvor d+ec�?caail.th t 'tom ho tQ c� SALT also kept ld ,and. He will slapkeep a by mad postpaid, at 5na a hex, or six bb it 6atbt he ring; and the actual die- RC&75pRES-FA1pED AND , stere the Ufo, Beauty nl l' k3thrq, 0010 to the a hMcevarietpot all inde of e w which Ie¢ RGE `3TO17 t; N° T tN'D, for $2 50, by addressing the Dr WL1�iama'. anoe at least one of our short- •4RAY7HAIR TO NIATURAI. tri ltouthatFuza iit. '31 s Ai.rnnnlisPtwssrL7ilPrrasn. sumO will gpl�tobeexcellent valve, P' t Medic*up''GoWpany, Brockville, Ont., or period aometa, that btrokq- np und joined - •stCOitOR,AND,VITALITY. S ,yD%,StD 3# roWAizrLcn _ HILL th t ring,'Is a Bugg tivh'faot as to the P£NFROTLY• HR;IMME85. w TheAtbove ornamental-trer� apciehrubbe g{vpy Sobeneotdy, N. Y• pgtble Triiq►tlon of at least a part of the *y WARp�gN7 >:'p,_ HURON BT., CLINTON. be solid at very low prices, a d hose wanton A ,+y thing In this e0nnecttou will,ave woney by par bodler In that: gn3:st meteor ring. rijOLEAHrA8 WATER. RWAL % - oS IWI Imo' O C+d+ chasing hero. HAIR!lEVEN 1N--MlES LONa[R.. td0 8£DifAENTt NO.LEAD, Bax 303 WiNDSQR. ON e. I Hi• ' t �ooKsi� Order, by DfailtniU be prn•mpily attended gUt:Pi VR Qfi OHEMICAbB• 4 `j en. Addrexe, who Bar! d Twmy-8ev n Years AgoHwy • JOHN STE VART BENNILIIER Twenty-seven years ago pert November 161T -fi=r' i AwIwo i- eed Store = EiAN & �s�rORTS j f t Ham Wilson, eon of John Wilson, who� war well known by the older inhabitants this City,- died and war bdried in the old cemetery just east of the city, says his CURES 1�Cl�SALT ES;ECMIA, SALT RHEUM A, � ++,.�•v ��' � t If a ptipi%othe _ of gay! ! In large or small quantities. " Tp the pH of Wabash Tlmea At,the time or death, Harry Wilson was about three 1 RR 1 AN ' OIL CAKE and MEAL A Ripple MIN Pr' years old, and bad light curly hair about five Inches long. He was buried in a metol- "narrow H. J. Lisle, re eventing GanongBroc,gt. Big. phrn, N.$, say e'f Cbneo a ointment earodmeot Trlyd ly w 1 ' OF ALI. KINDS. 10 Pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 a ;�, Ito casket, and there he lay in his home" until about cloven years ago, a very stubWin ekes of Itching Lezema• everything advertised, several physicians'K.prr ecrtptione without permanent relief. Haow of _ t• bushel of Oats. t when the remains were taken up for the several eases r4 Itching filer it has eured." — 140teg discountedCollections made, Drafts ie- Notse and' American exchange bought D. COOK, CLINTON. �� EVERY, MAN wht, purpose of removing them to Falls Dome• tery• The lid was then romovod and the `" Ont - Forest Coity Business Spa Shorthand College, London, repeat until he gets it. We drill; some schools , , a w moved his ponos, auporetltioug Year of removing his re- WOU14 KNOW rho G}tANU boys relatives and former friends were }?ermlttnd to view the remains, which M R to farmer on their own note does not gqrrasp a subject readily, we repeat and don't. We got our reputation that way; we intend to sustain It by giving a thorouggh grind in all We teach bookkeeping and business paper by a new mothod h nqutre about mains a second time. So Tuegday, after lying in the earth for Gwontyeeven years, ggNgg, ';TRUTHS; the PI were just as natural and well reserved P I suaered 'rim paW, c a ointreent caro Lt+a subjects taught. IL Your money back tf not satistled. C D Smith, Winona, Ont., as assistant bookkeeper t �- Fadrl the Old Secret! I tndthe NewDlacoier• Now as when they had last neon them. He was then removed to Falls cemetery, as tea Jaa• .r i w Air E A Coon has accepted a position with Catalogue free, J. W. WEgTEI;VELT, Principal. ,.: { �j The �u�SUIlS UC�tl�e ins of Science I etatoaabove, and interned in the family Wilson �.��ERS ' (CEO. D. WTAGGAYL m t,18551 Incorporated by Act of Parliaen as applied to Married Life should write for lot there. A short time ago the faLu111y� decided to erecta monument on sea —I Uhare'r 881D'Bb�$rJ 4 el(�eti>Dr ~ I CAPITAL, - _ 12,000,000, . b ouI OL1410�1111jljttle PER. theli lot, and it was found that Harry where they d©- ointments t od-sent to anyone Isuffarin fmm �{1 rotum o �n itchin{�akin REST FUND, iB1,800,000 called' . HAD„ Wilson was interred right his Itre�ooItchiitgeblpero arrleft troa6'mha prat ap RR 1 AN sired to place it, necessitating remav' eation,—dxo. XXOG 1. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. To anyeamestmanwewilt trail one Copy ttrel Free in lain sealed Dover. Eny + P al for the second time. AS it seems that young Wilson was dif- J. H. R. MOLSON:.... ...President. F. W. THO1+iAt3,....GeneraI Manager. W. WHO MA refuge frointhO ggeleks• „ � forent from the famous English drama- ' . tiat,insomuch as he wrote vo epitaph call- n, Bator 140teg discountedCollections made, Drafts ie- Notse and' American exchange bought �/1f/� ��{{'�jj p y ��a MSICAL Y41ij �{{ 08 fir lr Ing down curses upon the persons that the relatives had no ` PRIOR OOo. +� end sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. lowed , , a w moved his ponos, auporetltioug Year of removing his re- Lombard St., Toron� M R to farmer on their own note mains a second time. So Tuegday, after lying in the earth for Gwontyeeven years, looney advanced I'Mone or more @ndorspra. No mortgage re gntr it ab Security t �y l\' the body was taken up. Quite a number of persons were oreaent �- H, C. BREWER; Manager. C.. pN at the time. curious to see if the features t ,.: _ + ' would still be natural. Upas removing �.��ERS ' (CEO. D. WTAGGAYL the fid the viewcontLha u the class were exposed to view through the glace cover- �r F -THE LEADING— Ing. There tho boy lay, every feature BA AER just as natural as when they were first an tsars ago ° consigned to duet twenty-sev y ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. UNDERVIP A•&ER But wht.t was the surprise of those pre• sent who knew and snw the boy at the 0FW1 D ar.�.�....��. ` —AND— time of his death, when his hair was geneiat log, to discover that about five inohen0 MANITOBA S C i O LS In length.Banking BII9lneK4 EMBALMER. it was now more than a foot ty ansta.cted It had grown at least seven inches, but wits the same curly, golden hair his NOTM DISCOUNTEIDfriends were wont to admire when he was A FULL LINO OF alive. Look over these prices. ]Drafts issued. Interest allowed on r �I11 deposits. GOODS KEN N� STQCK �Zr ce IS, UQ,,,A RS Special quotation in able. Selling by $ ess'.ban wholesale prices I UUl1u SH>.�AS�}AGKAC,FIE euBEs FARR 1% &TI$DAiLL _—_ uGL10, CANED GOODS Put up by T3G BC3T P.�CR lag. Tomstoe t dela fore. actle� Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackeral. � ��,����, BANKERS. rhebestEmbalmin; Fluldused TEAS Wjtll if1U,FubrPjLQ.and CNITI"cLEtHAp TEAS Extraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. Go id Japan only.15o �i 7C® • OKI, rJh Splendid Ilearse, a pound. Chinese Mixture only 20c a pound. CLI�t� ka6 JUbtpur onthar 01AM�i� OCAp Rj[Cr4,-25 pounds for $1. RATSINS-28 lb. box for $1. PR't YES, CALI- Bani�ghal'ofBaC6chq 0Y! ENTERyp FOI:I�rA APRICOT moria Pc�c>or � t largestland best assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLAS13WA-LE in the county c, // 4► ®■� ddoaaoee assde to farmers on their own 1 �LBER,PS,t,w,CLINTO]V "Iht �„� �Vi��l7}lOL p1�+5fEQ �y��1�,,,�;pq,If,�R1411YS, gelling at close prices. See quality and price. #, nab at low rates of interpet. J.EfoftMo�. p{ntmi Chene-,4tes: Noth• �6�y r� gt " L gneetvld clanking Residence overatore fag' 1, for d apk and Lumbago than the C1lf4b @" A@i {/ J. Grocer $noiness transacted, D. & 1,, Menthol i'tii4toi. 'lp� �llpwed on aeposits. , OPPOSITE low SALL . � A. E. MAOLSAN writ" from Windsor: '"'rhe D. and all Summer Cor4�+talnts and Fluattf ottha Bale None's lsctYgh N L�,,. Mebt IIrwiter is oudrr Sore B"Irs and $d'wrrs. It is safe And rel.141a for An l ttuntA�tlehu° {bh? tyoxtr viofnity. Chilgfar 3iabreu by a iope>Mirtrire CLINTON. o' 4, P. mISDALL, Manager. Mdtf>IAY H)<LOt7�t, - Y y .1,� -100