HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-15, Page 6;f .' *1 ' t s ,e�..• - ,N . TBE-CLINTON NEW ERA AND THE WEEEf GL EEING * � always disgera • IrrRiTt4Merit, CNality and XVcrkh.lu tlfg vgoll• derful =,r DIAND DYES Made expressly for home use. Diamond Dyes are precious helps in city . and town homes. To the farmer's wife and daughters they are invaluable agents of economy. Diamond Dyes come in forty-eight colors for wool, cotton, mixed goods, silk and feathers. They are easy to use, and give colors that neither sun or soapsuds will fa,'c. Beware of imitations ; ask for the ",Diamond," and see that you get them ; all ealers sell them. • Ivy Direction Book and samples of colored cloth tree ; address WRLLS & RICHARDSON CO., Montreal. P.Q. Of scores of documents that have been issued since the pat ochial school agitation began, by far the most sen- sational has just been published by the Manitoba Government. It has been kept by the Government to be sprung on the eve of the general elections, and the effect of the document is all that had been expected. It arraigns the Roman Catholic hierarchy for alleged falsifying. The Roman Catholics have all along contended that their schools were nreserved to them under the bill of rignts adopted when Manitoba en- tered the Confederation of Canadian Provinces. The Protestant contention has been that while reference was made to parochial schools in a rejected bill of rights submitted in 1873, there was no such reference in the bill ratified and adopted in 1870 by both Provincial ,and Dominion Governments. In ans- wer to this Protestant contention the Roman Catholics produced a manu- script bearing the date of 1870, which reads that the rights of Roman Catho- lics to their schools should never be in- terfered with. This manuscript bore evidence of being reliable and authen- tic, and seemed conclusive. Now, how- ever, the Government shows that the date of the document was really 1873, and a scientific photographic process, it is alleged, reveals that the figure three was changed into a cipher. The original figure three is by a photgraph reveal in faded ink like the rest of the document, while the cipher is in fresh- er and blacker ink. IN SPRING AND FALL. GENTS.—I have takenBurdock Brod Bit- ters every spring and fall as a blood pini - ter for several years and findit does great. good,building a g up my system and makink me feel like a new man. My wife also has taken it for nervous debility and weakness, receiving great benefit when doom/a' medi- cines seemed to do no good. RUFUS AVERY, North Augusta, Ont. It is not likely that Murderer Holmes will get a new trial. He made a mis- take in conducting his own case. He revealed his extraordinary coolness and cleverness, and the jury saw that, only a man of his stamp could have have committed, with some diabolical ingenuity, the crimes he is accused of The late Eugene Field and James Whitcombe Riley have writt-'n the west -popular poems of the day in the United States. Both acquired ,their literary training in active newspaper work, which brought them into, close touch with human nature of every phase. Thoma. A. John.,. A Common Affliction Permanentir Celd byTakifg ,n. 'Sarsa- parilla AYF3R A CA$.DB1VRR'8 STORY. • , "I was afflicted for eight years with sit Rheum. During that time, 1 tried ab+reat many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none gave me relief. I was at last advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, by a friend who told me that I must purchase six bottles and use them according to directions. I yielded to his persuasion, bought the six bottles, and took the contents of three of these bot- tles without noticing anydirect benefit, Before I had finished the fourth bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My business, which is that of a cab -driver, requires me to be out in cold and wet weather often without gloves, and the trouble has never returned."—Thomas A. Jones, Stratford, Ont. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at bili ''W8ii1 ''i Fair. far, .Ljyar'a ,PWSI etranse the Bowels. ANA THE aREAT PPAMONO. 4, AL mitt the Rend -neer Wee flet tlA The N19g‘tl Mliperora were ylise a ougla to realize that if they did not build their own psausoleume they stood, but little Qbance of beinN. hurled with Otting rnag- nlfloenoe, and took a carious pleasure in rearing these•Itetoly sepulchers. That at Sloundra le like a city in ttsglt placed at the end, of a vat park -like .garden, and thereto nothing funeral in itp character or surroundipgs, for these monarchs had the pleasant F,asterd fashion of looking ehord'a fully forward to the inevitable, and made aro-ot their mausoiau>;ny,vyhilo they lived, as pleasure henses, and the surrounding gardens se appropriate place" for al frame entertainments: It was a poetic inpslrs- tion on the part of Akbar to have placed bis tomb out in the sunshine and in the middle of the wide marble court, with only the blue vault of heaven over it, and the Eoh-t-noor flashing like a star from the top of the little marble. column at the head. Ferguson does not mention the oh-i-noor, npr the little column 4 teat tgh, said to have been covered with gold. hat it still stands there, with the empty socket on the top,and it,was,at all events, a unique and pleasing idea, Few deserted elbles .are more impressive, than Futtipoor Bikri, ane -the splendid'gaitewiay of the toaoegps whlot;, towers to the height, of 160 feet abbre`• the..'jliounci, dwarfing' every . tryotuee within the walls, 11 a landmark fors ll thedaeigbbbring country. Every building whloh has in any measure escap- ed the ravI,iea P time ie of the �m e red sandstone,"anti tin* duly eltoeptfofi"l'e the white marble tomb of Selim Ohisti,w%t>,oh rands in the courtyard of the minor.. Such miracles ot, delicate tracery and each fantastically twisted brtiokete were surely never before wrought in unyielding mar- bie,and as the sculptured cells in the tem - pies of Mount Abut represent the highest attainment of Hindoo artkp this direotion, , o the tend:kif- Salim Chistt "may stand es as example of what ingenious Mussulman aiohiteolok May accomplish within the ,Range of purely geometric design, otroum- loNbed au they aro by the limitations of their creed The most unique of all the .little tarn*. uses, standing in the neighborhood, oven near margin of the tank in the Vast Court inclosed by the palace walls is the one oommonly palled the Sultana's kiosk, and lovingly- designed as the boudoir of an ip►perfal favorite. We know little to -day &;the Jewel which it sheltered, but one Isarst least hope that it was worthy Of / ooh a casket. The red stone 1s peotsllarly deep and rich In quality of color, and as every inok of it 1s carved and fretted, it re - !ambles °lonely a Japanese bibelot of ver- tbfi11on laogner. The "House of Beorbul's ``Dadgb'ter" igrid all tbo othere. .of which no two are ,show aslmilor exuberance of fancy, •0 that no one of 'these fortunate Sultanas ]sad reason to be jealous ot'a rival's instal - since all wore equally well lodged. Nothing qt Futtipoor BIkr1 le more im- pressive than the view of the' walls, end the strange court -lines of the structures towering above them, when one leaves, at sunset, the gateway on the north, whore stand two groat elephants of stone with lnteriinicerl trunks° and descending the steep pathway, ehoumbered with fallen fragments, he reaches the isolated tower bristling with elephants' tusks; Here he may look back to the deserted oapttal, or forward to the western glow, beyond the crumbling ruing !A the last and outermost wall, 1vh©re the great viilturis afid adjut• ant storks balanus themselves on the brok- en battlemen.± .. .When theY"p nbam as' c in it tae' cannot follow his natural inolinatigp4. He cannot eat what he wants to -he is limited to a very frugal diet. Is it not equally true of a dyspeptic? For all the real enjoyment he gets out of life, he might as will be in jail. He cannot eat what he likes nor en• ()sigh He Suffers mull`,' gets little syrup. thy. At first, perhaplrs little hea .¢¢�9e in the stomach, a little sourness, windy'belch- ings,and heartburn; headaches and bilion nese acd a foul taste in the mouth in the mornire. Chronic constipation is almost inevitabia,•and-'means that-the,body.ie-hold- ing poisonous, impure matter that should be gotten rid of. The poison is being reab- sorbed into the blood and the whole body. Impurity in the blood may lead to almost any disease. Constipati 'n is the start of it all. pr Pierre's Pleasan -Pellets mire con- stipation, cure it so it tktt,ye cured; No other remedy in the wort will do thdt. Send 31 cents in one -cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y., and receive Dr Pierct's 1008 page Common Sense MedicalAdviser, illus- trated. A SPIDER FARM. A Syrup Bottler Haa Recruited the Spider Against His Foes With Success. A syrup bottler has improved upon the prison lesson of Bruce. He has taken the spider into partnership in the Svc1•klrig of one of his most important departments. Flies, coekroaohes and other insects, at- tracted by Ms sweets and encouraged by the genial atmosphere of his bottling room, used to interfere with his work, get into his bottles, steal his goods and "worry him to death." He has recruited the spider against his foes and vanquish- ed them. Some 6,000 spiders now make their home on the ceiling and walls of his bottling departments. Their webs are everywhere, and they behave themselves with great intelligence. Said the bottler to an interviewer: " These creatures know more than a great many poeplo. Spiders do not Dare for sweet things. and never drop into my vats or get into my bottles, I never disturb them except to feed them ooeaelonally. They appear to know my call, and will oomo out and feed from my hand, or take a fly from my finger. They. bhfiti thergeelves up during most of the winter months in the little nests yon see ' Mick likeOhba of m ud fbotst the ceiling. When winter comes I brush away the wobe; they prefer to Weave dew ones every spring. Each May they reappear ready to unravel the silken fabric that 1s stored in their; little bodies. It is just about then that the ° files halo hatched their first young. If the spiders appeared earlier the Drop of flies would soon give out. I have been running this spider farm for two years; but I find my little partnere indispensable; they will not endure in the place a single fly or insect that is a plund- erer of sweets and syrups." TIIE FOOLS NOT ALL DEAD YET' Even a blind man can sec that more clearly than daylight, or else why should so many continue to use ill smelling, oily, and often useless preparations for the re- lief of pain, when a preparation just as cheap, elegant, more powerful, andpene- trating as Nerviline is can be purchased from any dealer In medicine? Nerviline cures instantly aches and pains. Nerviline is the most efficacious remedy for internal pains. Nerviline applied externally sub- dues tno most intense pain almost at onnel WILL RE SENT ``TO 8 $UESCEIEEIt$ TO 31ST DECEMBER, 18 ., ' F'OE 60 o e and $1.00 Bottle, One oent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. I1 eure..Ingiplent14onetunpben and' le the best Cough and OrotiP Clue. Sold by J. (11. .)0111BE. (JOAL AND WOOD YARD -- Slit ,oriber has depided to keep on hand bath �;uul and 'Wood of the very hi sl gtictlity, and will deliver the same at lowest prices. Or- ders taken for tutule dr present delivery et coal. All kinds kept in stook} Patronage solicited. W. 'HEATLEY. Huron St gents /edge W. W. Chapin of the i eeord. er's Court, Detroit, has struckterl'Q'to t.the saloani.eepers and hotel 'men by the announced decision that he will hereafter send to jail without the op- tion of a fine any violator of the liquor jaw who comes befoie hirn. As a re- sult, liquor selling on. Sunday is now very carefully undertaken. Theodore Durant, the murderer of Miss Lamont, has written a sketch of his life and ambitions, and has gone into the matter of how it feels to be tried for murder. He has some flings at curious people who stared at him; takes the churches to task for what he thinks is their lack of Christianity, and Bays that his self-possession, nerve and fortitude during the trial were due to the love and comfort given him by his mother. He stoutly proclaims his in- nocense and satirizes some of his cri- tics. "But," he says, "after all, this world is only a temporary trial, to pre- pare us for another and better world. This experience consists of only a few troubles and painful years at best, but there we will enjoy eternal happiness in the company of the angels of God." representing os can eke'n $20 per week selling our Bard* Ctfrladlan•44rowu Nursery Stook. Permttuont plsitions and salaries. Exclusive territory. Write atonce for terms to E. ,Q .GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto Sept 20, 13w ,1 ,-I �r?�-A-N-S ONHUGIVE8 RELIEF We want the nethos of 10000 young poopl The latest edition of our College *Journal i ready for distribution and we want you to se it. Sendin your names and the names of you . friends; we will do the rest. It will interest yo and cost you nothing. You must see it. ToCanadialnlorsedxporters MIs. ItymuD, prhprietor of the Royal (L'ltyy Repository, Barbican, 'London, England, respectfully calls attention to th. exceptional facilities for the sale of all classes of Horses, at toe Audtion Sales Which are held' every Tuesday and Friday, in addition to sales byprivate treaty dail�yy The Repository is the largest and best at- tended In the City' of London, and upwards of 300 horses, including Drivers, Trotting Vanners, and pox itul.Cart Horses, are disposed of weokly.— A largo number of Canadian horse ghave already been sole at the Repository, prod tieing remuner- ative prices, and every attention 1s gt\ en them en arrival, in case of illness, &c. Faro, accom- modation is provided; all arrangements for cies - ing horses athd.dooks will be made on recall,t of Bill of Lading. Bankers, London and County Bank, Aldersgate Si., London, to whom reference may be made. Address, H. RYMILL, Royal, CITY REPOSITORY, BARBICAN, LONDON, ENG. Valuable PROPER'FIE For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL !loth!, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmillor. Also HOTEL at Exeter North - Will be either Bold or rented. For par- ticulars apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN ROSSIER, Benmillor. Also, FARM of 200 ACRES - being lot 12, 1st Con., West Nissouri, good soil, 140 acres Cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60•aores good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of 50 ACRES - being East half of, Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Nissouri. Will givd party who wants to do business a particularly good chance on this property. , Any of the above are good investments, and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. ROSSILR, Benmiller Central Business College Stratford, Ont. P. AleliNTOSH, Principal. P(�NGED; s[$$EN.t will auto CONSUMPTION, rung and Throat' ULhu Sample nottto 8056 Ree to every suitoror. Give Exposes en Post Office Address. The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can R•I P A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. tiocWop Firl !ni urance C FAEM & ISOLATED TQw N PROPERTY ONL INSURED OFFIO*RS, • D. Ross, Prlsldent, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vi Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Seoy r real. Seafortb; M. Murillo, inspector of Claims Beaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuckorsmith ; Thos. Car bet, Clinton ; C, Ga, diner, Leadbury ; T. E Hays, MoRtllop, AGENTS. Thos. Neilans Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea• forth; ,i r , J. Comings, Egmo❑ villa. Geo. Murdie, auditor. ' Parties estrous to elfectloeuranoes or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officer[ a I. oFed to their respocitve offices stock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must be right, and we are going to make t;heu't rvght.--Fiero now until Aug. 1st every article of Furnittlr'ewill he sold at a reduction of 1Q per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction. Our $ 10.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, .... $ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August, lst,.... 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suite's until August lst, .... 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. JOSEPH W CRIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. RJ[PA N -S ONE GIVES ' RELIEF. Before Taking Wood's Phosphodine.—The Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs, until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment -a nombination that will effect a prompt and permanent euro in all stages of Sexual Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, Emitsions, Mental Worry, Excessive Use ,of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Phosphddine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed almost hopeless—cases that had been treated by the most talented physi- cians -cases that were on tbo verge of despair and insanity -oases that were tottering over the grave -but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phdsphodlne, these cases that had been given up to die, were restored to manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despair -no mat- ter who has given you up as Incurable -the remedy is now within your reach, by Its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. Price, ono package, $1; six packages, $5; by mail free of postage. One willIllase, six guaranteed to cure, Pamphlet free to an address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Oanada. Wood's Phoaphodine is sold by responsible wholesale and if.II druggists lathe Dominion. Y• ..PARTiCU A L il' Who Wyant to look nice, feel good and make'- the, rlosb q - therosel es find me an efficient help, for Ulanattica1e*; that make ladies besyutlful of face and form, and healthy in 9lody.: What 1L do for others can be done for you. We .040 tell all about it in' this advelti,temept. 4 k 4 . ALLEN t WILSON, Clinton,Ontt,»rug sts; for my book. These artiele9 are speci'all'y good for i3,ttt10 mer use. FACE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the com left+ ion. You rnuet have it if you want to get rid of fr9c� lel moth patches, &c. „',!;-• FACE POWDER—White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box, t'erteatlp' for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars—creates and impryveabfx beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to°wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cal, Eastern Office, 66Washington Ave„ Detroit, Michigan. -a A Gun Repoit ; Can be heard about 16,000 feet. Good reports of the Iiadiant dome Cbl Stove ► Can ba,heard from one end of Canada to the other. The reason for this is simply that the Radiant Home is a powerful heater, economical on fuel and does its work so perfectly as to entirely satisfy everyone who uses it. This ex- perience will be yours too, if you buy one. • a Call and see our stock --a large assortment. • ,vIackayBlock N'.,W Store Stalid HAA Cld' BliiebLA � BOOS. Brick B1ocL The TELE P Was part House of Refuge Notwithstanding the fact that tenders for the supplies for the House of Refuge were received from all over the county, - CASH - GROCERY successful in securing the contract for all the Crockery, Stoneware, and of the Groceries, which goes to show that our prices, and the quality of our goods are tight. We have been in business just one year, yet with our reasonable prices, quality of our goods and our cash system, have built up a trade we thought it would take years to accomplish. We take this opportunity ' of thanking the public for their liberal patronage . during the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of the same in the future. OGLE COOPER & CO, Farm, produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 28. Our f3iL1 A NearPostOiice—CENTRAL 40ii[atre• per»ponnd., You WfIIl='-lf full us • - - .. .��0 "Sala$a" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; price, 40 and 50 canto In-Lead.Paokets,. A large number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1. had better try a package. you like something choice try a can of our Horse Shoe Salmon31895 paok stock of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality- bottom prices." Give a trial order and see what we can do. MCMURRAY & SILT GROCERY—',40 . .. s t til .:,;� OUR ;: ; 'J. Brunsda 8 m, +,. LONDESBORO ' �` a,� , """ ' �'� Agra. for all Farm Implbi»eut ,n, -r -7,00,,D— r - MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills ` t n liter. s .'„ Seeders, Cultivators, Soumora'tand �1 I JlAll11 GIl1+�9 war lei ,• 1� all kinds of Plows �p(� _ Full line of Machinery and Plow repairs ^®1118 P � /� I ��> ��� y � t•- y'+ BINDER TWINE—Beet brands o[ Twine �� ^� ',' ,+ a at low prices. A complete line of 1 ';;_ Il =T ''' = � Buggles, Road Carts, gWaggons .:-.-„a-h..7.7`,.....,;; se-= >w� .-1:C/y .0,,•� Fine Baggies and Standard Waggons a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharp] & Muir Wind Mille MOTTO—First-class work and best material;; prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work. JOHN BRUNSDON & SON, Londesboro. . i�P .F.. The Finest c ddY , e - w pHoltGRApts il' 11 W are taken by �., • O FOSTER 1 ' I RUMDALL' S CLB IB FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggon► Which we guarantee to be of first–olass material and workmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call -and see us. CiTATIVIVCOINT , • •