HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-15, Page 5Ix (W W, 11•„,-- ...I 4-4 1; Ca, I _ tT �l ,) 1 )Li.) We have all the latest Novelties4n .our.line1 v<oneieti lg of es'Iong Watch Gu, ards trOnt )M0e to .$7 de Combs. um:; -Sterling Silver for . . , . , , . 35c a pair. k Conies in Sterling. Silver.far 5Oe, and in Tortoise . Beantiml"Sterling Silver mopnted Soap boxes for Watches, ••Clocks,Silverware and Jewelery, low prices • SPECTACLES FITTED BY AN EXPERT ¥, P. B. E TJ M BA L L ►4t:Ounaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneEgchange e Y Pine Expectorant WILL CURE COUGHS AND COLDS can honestly recommend it as one of the best cough mixtures. Of the many who have tried it, not one complained tows of its not ;•being good, Our -customers 'are asking already for the same kind as they got.last season. Try lt, 25c a bottle. °UAL VALUES in 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c Hair Brushes J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. fur Goods are Reliable ! Our Stock the Largest in this section. We have been in business in Clinton now 35 years, and when we recommend an article you know what it means:—that the article has merit. We recommend rnbe's Sarsaparilla, Combe's Condition Powders uoinbe's Headache Powders Castle's Black Powders Combe's Iron Blood Pills Combe's Baking Powder Combe's Pure Cream Tartar. JAMES H. COMBE'S yti Winter Feet "Pe1sonep in. jubbu' over. shoe% oea a4 is wet e+psoof i `seta. -spa Odd and . at Ism imagism and befalUgyll Boum your iirtne. Is/16 Ys ow one w•tepstici - w•t'prbpR .' 1 •. -iA..11bOtwearovaib is. e Sixelboll"stiih= :....filipless Shoe,. • 112 • t' I` if �y 1 I`iu) • For sale by WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Clinton. Dou't � clay'$ ti. The bargains won't always last, time is pass- ing; we have a little less than two months more before our lease of store expires Come and get your share of the profits we are giving away. This is an opportunity you should not miss for getting good goods at less than cost price. Some lines are al- ready sold out, in others we are fully assort- ed. We have a large stock of Tweeds and Suitings, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Staple Goods, Dress Goods, Millinery Having bought a very large stock of Ladies' J'rackets, we have still on hand a good supply, which we are selling at half price. We are selling BOO'B'S A,\ -D SHOTS At less than wholesale prices. A fair supply still left. Come and seo the bargains that are waiting for yOu. PLUMSTEEL Bc GIBBINGS 0 Grr.otre4 :glint T urkilit Ifter;cob YYY,,, Thur iy, or.h14. 1090, .' 0.010tapY'l!��, • .• ,,., N n!1 } ..:. 05 a 0 0E1'1 Whkk..,4l'aa 005lb/0{4`1 '0041 ;.1 , 11 , „.} ., • , Y „. n, , 4 4 , , 4` _0 92 . .0 24. 1 Harley + 0".414.1r41410 Ss'? 0 80 R 0' 40 44144 }a} . ,,, .rR,AAt�,,4+},a 0 5a M.. 0 50 Floor yetow$'y,..,,►,..e4.r L 8(5� M 200. .l. '.iJ, ,!}„AT. 1 •n,.Rh.k„4y 0 MSI S 000 patted ,a,r:ear ...:,, ,R, 010 A 0'10 BASA{p•�e•�r 09A..+„.4.404•,,.. 0 (1(0 a'.0 14 “4 ,000.• ,1Yrkn14,4}rS}kT• 020 a 0 25 IH►yr, eW and OMd , „.°}. ,1 2 09 *1400 $heeepakine.:,4 ..,.,..•,••• 0 20 a 0 30 u No. Trime3 Eiden,.,,,, 4 00 a 4 4lj 'Tometoea, per basket... , , , •. 0 16 a 0 15 Ohiokena , . • • • • , , 0 25 a 0 80 l.tuoka••,,.:,,;, ..,.•.. 44440 25 a 0 30 Turkeys, per pound .. •, . • 000.s007 Geese, per pound, ,.. , 0 04.',a 0 05 MQ1 T1WAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS Thera were about 450 head of hitchers' cattle, 40 calves, and 150 sheep and lambs Offered for. sale at the East End Abbattoir. The butchers. were out in bnelderable numbers and there was an active demand with higher prices for anything really good in the beef. veal or mut- ton animals, but rho common and inferior .oat- tle are still a drug on the market and bring low prices. Good cattle were scarce, some of the butchers maintaining that there Were no really good beeves on the market; a few head were sold at about 31c per Ib and some more at about 310 do. but seareoly 50 head in all were sold, at from 2to to 21e per lb, and the lower beasts brought lees than 20 per lb. Good calves were demand and sold up to 40 per lb, but there ware several "bobs" which sold at from 210 per lb. All the good large Cheep were bought up for shipment to Britain at about 3to per lb, and the good lambs sold readily at about 310 do„ while the common Iambs sold at about 3o per lb. Fat hogs are very numerous and Bell atabout 4o per lb. BORN DONALDSON,—In Stanley on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr Chas. Donaldson of a sou. WPLLLS.—In Huilett, on Nov. 3rd, the wife of Mr Jas. Wells of a daughter. COATES. 'In Constance on Nov. 2nd, the wife of Mr Albert Coates, of a daughter. BOWLES.—In Wingham, on the and inst., the wife of Mr Ed. Bowles, tanner, of a daugh- te KERNEY.—In Wingham, on Oct. 30th, the wife of Mr Frank H. Kerney, of a eon. MARRIED BRANNAN—TWAMLEY.—On the 30th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. R. H. Hall, Mr James Brannan, to Miss Lucinda yy Twarnley, daughter of Mr George TPANNIbBAEER FRO0SS.—At the residence of the bride'simother, on the 6th inst., by Rev. E. Olivant, Mr John Pannebaker to Miss Min- nie, youngest daughter of Mrs W. Ross, all of Colborne. PORTER—CANTELON.—In Clinton, on the 11th inst., by Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr Porter of Medicine Hat, Man., to Mrs Alice Cantelon, of Clinton. SWEET—PRIOR—At the residence of the bride's parents Exeter, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. Ball, of Atwood, Mr Robert Sweet, of Dunville, formerly of Exeter to Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughter o1 Mr Thos. Prior, DIED. TAYLOR.—In Exeter, on Nov. let, Thomas Taylor aged 86 yeaars. TAYLOR—In yyEueter, on the 7th inst., John Taylor,SRBY 4In Goderioh, ears days. the 16th inst.. Jane Postlewaite, wife of Mr J. R. Sowerby, aged 26 years and 6 months. MILLER—At St. Helens, on the llth inst., Richard K. Miller, aged 37 years. SALE REGISTER. Farm stook, etc. of Mr John Weston lot 34, con. 5 Goderioh Township, on Wednesday, Nov. 2l. D. Dickinson, Anot. Residence of Dr Appleton Ontario St. Clin- ton, on Saturday, Nov. 23. D. Dickinson, Auc- tioneer. Farm,being lot 34, let con.. H.R.S. Tucker. smith, 00 acree, belonging to C. Carter's estate Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 23.—T. Carling,auot • Agar gkdverttSetutntL} Durham Cow for Sale For sale a splendid thoro-bred Durham cow, registered; dark red, 7 years old; expected to calve in a couple of months. — R. ADAMS Londesboro, FARM FOR SALE That fine farm of 127 aures, being lot 16, let eon., of Hallett, 21 miles from Clinton. If not previously sold will be offered byy�publio auction in Clinton, on Saturday,Nov. Y0. Fur portion - lora apply to W. SMITHSON. STRAY STEER Came into subscribers premises, lot 87, eon. 14 Goderioh township, some time in August, a red and white spotted yearling steer. The owner is hereby notified to prove pr pay chargee and take it away.—JOS. IZZARI): STRAY HEIFER Came intous bsoribers premises, lot 86, eon. 9 Goderioh township. on about July let, a red and 2 yr old heifer. The owner is hereby noti- fied to prove property, pay charges and take it away.—FRED FORD. Chattel mortgage Sale of the farm stock of John Weston, lot 34, con. 5, Goderioh township, at 1 p. m., on Wednesday, Nov. 20th.—D. Dickinson, Auct. Well Bred Sheep for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale 4 pair of aged Shrop• shire ewes, in lamb bred to aged Shropshire ram; also five pair of ewe lambs. These. are all well bred, and are sold to make room for other stook. Also a thoro bred Durham ball, nearly a year old, winner of the first prize at three riding shows, and a number of the branch shows. Will bo sold on reasonable torme.—W. SNELL, Clin- ton. AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE RES IDENCE IN CLINTON, There will bo sold by public auction, by D. Dickinson, on Saturday, November, 23rd, 1896 at 2 p• m., at The Rattenbury House Clinton, The reetdenoe of Dr Appletor, on Ontario St., nearly opposite the Cbnrch of England grounds, comprising parts of lots 3 and 4, Ontario Street, ulinton. There is a snbstantaai dwelling house oft the promises, containing 6 rooms downstairs and 3 upstairs, besides kitchen and summer kitchen; there 1. also a good cellar with water•lime floor. Hard and soft water. ThereIsala° a large frame stable and driving barn. TERMS—Ten per cent of the purchase money on day of sale; balance in 30 days thereafter, without interest, or one-third of the purchase money may remain [for a term of years on the promisee at 6 per cent interest. The vendor re ervas the right to make one bid at the sale. Immediate possession can bo given. Further terms and partionlare made known at the sale or upon application to the undersigned DDICKINSON, JA1IES SCOTT Aucti•.neer. Ho'icit'r for Vendor, Thanksgiving Excursions .'s7JJ/�i*v '�1iGG Single Fare to all poi. ts. Tickote at the above rate will bo issued to all stations on the 20th and 21st, good to return up 80 Nov. 21st. For tlokots qnd all information (applly+•►t0 {� r JAC SON., TOWN AGT. Gt,'1'. • , OLINTON. • M�I We have about Ro ends of Bea i u1 Dress Goods, fors and double',rangingin prices fold, f eo p � ro 3c to *1,25, lengths from 24 to 7 yards. The t d. se �''q ad's wi11 .go at halfprice. We have some ofthe Boys'Overcoats lel, about 14 or 15, all sizes, colors and makes, splendid goods 'but broken quantities. These two days halt price. We have severalbroken lots of Ladies' Fur Sets in. Beaver, Cooney, Oppossum, Raccoon, Lamb, Green- land Seal; all with Muff and StormCollar. Thesetwo days only, quarter off. We have a pile of broken quantities of Men's Suit s good all wool Tweeds, different sizes, but not a full range of any one lot. These two days quarter off 3 ends heavy Canton Flannel, regular 8c goods, for 5c. these two days. 6 or 7 ends heavy dou weed Dress Goods, regular 25c and 30c goods. These two days 15c 15 or 20 ends Prints, fast colors, 8c and 10c. goods, 50 2 or 3 half pieces Toweling, regular 5c for 3c. 8 or.9 ends Carpets, for these two days; quarter off. CILROT & WISEMA1 ”, Clinton FOR SALE The cottage on Orange St„ recently improved by the undersigned. Cellar, bard and soft water, plenty of room for small family. Terms reason- able. W. O. SEARLE. Tam worth Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service, at his premises. lot 31, 6th eon., of Buffett. a thorobred regi.• tered Tamworth Boar. Terms, $1 at time of service, with privilege of retnrnin 11 neoesarryy, $1.25 if booked. W. J. MOBRIEN. Hulled Valuable Farm for Sale. Valuable farm for sale one mile from Holmes - villa, containing 80 acres with large orchard, frame house and barn. Also a 6 year old mare, good Iare appto MBS driver. For SPARLINO, particulars pin STRAY STEER Came on the premises about a week ago a red steer, supposed to be two years old, lately de - horned: The owner oan have it by proving pro- perty and paying charges, and take It away. — MRS WILLIAM STIRLING, lot 23, con. 6, Gode- rioh township, Porter's Hill. Dress and Mantle Making. The undersigned wish to inform the ladies of Clinton and vicinitythat they are prepared to do first-class dress and mantle malting at moderate prices. Shop two doors west of H. Hale's office. MISSES A. and E. FOTHERGILL, Huroo street, Clinton. p TAM WORTH BOAR I will keep for use this season a thorotred Registered Tamworth Boar, Prince, No. 186. This breed is conaideed tog be the acme of per - Notion for °hipping, paokmg and profit. Terms $1. 0• HOARE. pl o TEACHER WANTED. Teacher wanted holding Second or Third Claes Certificate, to teach in Porter a Hill School, Sec- tion No 5, Goderioh Township. Duties to com- mence on Jan. 1st, 1896. Personal application with testimonials preferred. Applications will be received up to Nov. 29. JOHN TORRANCE, Seo.-Treas., Porters Hill P. O. CAUTION Notice is hereby given that Sarah Tufts, my wife, having left my home and ceased to live with me, of her own accord. I will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by her, and psire has no authority to pledge my oredit on any so - mount whatever. R. J. TUFTS, Bolgrave, Ont Dated this 29th October, 1895. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 188 acres, being lot 11, Maitland con., Colborne, about 105 acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance hardwood bush. Frame dwelling hots$., good bank barn,driving house and other outbuildings. Good spring In nearly every Meld. Bearing or- chard of 2 acres. School house on the farm Will be sold on reasonable terms. MICHABL SCHWANZ, Benmaller P. 0. Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber has just purchased an improved registered Yorkshire Boar, from the well-known breeder, Joseph Featherston, of Streotsville which will be kept for service at his promisee Base Line Buffett. Terme, $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning. JOHN GOVIER, Auburn. BLYTH MONTHLY FAIR Remember the dates of the Blyth Monthly Fair for the sale of Horses, Cattle, &o.— Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 10, . April 7. This is acknowledged to be the leading fair in the county. Come and gee B. HERRINGTON, C. HAMILTON, Seo-Treas President AUCTION SALE or CHOICE' FARM LOT NEAR CLINTON Tho Executors of the late Charles Carter will of fer for saloon SATURDAY, NOV. 28rd, 1895, At 2 p.m. at Rattonbury'e Hotel, in Clinton, that valaatlo Farm Lot, No. 84 in the First Concession, Huron Road Tuokoremith. The lot comprises 100 acres, loss tiro track of tbo G,T,Railway, whiob aroma it, giving two good fences with convohiont roil• way crossing. The soil is first class and nnAx- haustod; all but eight some cleared and in good eenditton. Outside fences goad. No buildings. The Bayfleld River crosses the roar of the lot, which is well nutted for either a grain or grazing farm. About two miler) from (Minton station and one mild from Stapleton Salt Works. The sellers TERMS -10 per cent cash on day of sale; ono• wird cf, roma Oder In 80' dare balance may, it 1895 -New Fruits- 1895 Currants, Apricots Peaches, Figs Dates, : Almonds, Filberts and Will it interest you to know that you can, when you buy from me, get the best cleaned Currants and Raisins at the rice Walnuts.. of uncleaned fruit RAISINS . • Valencia Sultans, London Layers, Imported Cabinets, Lemon, Orange.,* Citron Peel, C & B FRUITS—Special drives for Cash or Trade 6 pounds New Raisins 25c 6 pounds New Patras Currants for 25c 6 pounds good Rice 25c 6 pounds Cooking Figs 25c SUGARS—The third car Redpath's, Montreal, to hand 22 pounds extra Standard Granulated, 81 28 lbs Light Coffee for $1 26 pounds Bright Coffee, $1 TEAS—Extraordinary values in Japans, Blacks . . Green from 10 cents up Chinese MiXture 20c a pound or 6lbs for $1 CROCKERY ---Direct importations from England and Germany of China Crockery and Glassware. Special bargains in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets suitable for Christmas and wedding presents. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS J. W. Irwin, Grocer_ MACKAY BLOCK, • - - - CLINTON. And Now it's Clothin We have given our Ready made Cloth- ing a complete overhauling, and find some broken lots and odd sizes that must be cleared out. Note the prices and c ome and see the goods Lot No I-16 Youth's O'coats some with capes and some with- out. Sizes 23 to 28; prices $8 to $4, now offered for $2. Lot 2-30 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 29 to 35, worth $5 to $8; your choice for $4. Give the boys a chance. Lot 3-5 only Men's Black Worsted Overcoats . . Sizes 37, 38, 39; worth $8 to $10. Your choice for $6. Lot 4— 4 only, Men's Tweed Ulsters, Large Collar, Heavy lining. Sizes 87, 38, 1'!, Regular price $10, will be sold at $6, Lot 5-5 Men's Tweed Over- coats. Sizes 86, 38, 39. Your pick for 38.1 Loth --14 Men's Tweed Suits Sizes 36 to 42. Prices 86 to $8.— Your choice now for $4. Y Lot 7-18 Child's Suits . . Sizes 23 to 27, worth $8 to $4. It's worth remembering that these goods can't be repeated. In order to• give all our customers a fair chance we will not place the goods on sale until Monday morning, the 18th inst. And Here's Another Snap. 20 prs. Men's long telt Boots Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, worth $2.25 to $2.75. Monday next $1.50 a pip',. 12 prs. Men's long felt Grain Regular price $3; Monday, $2 Men's One Buckle Heavy Rubber—$1. 1 Gross Gillet's Pepper Boat Blue -- Regular price 10c, our price 2c. Raisins -28 pounds $1 'Sugar— We have still a few barrels Granu- lated Sugar. Best quality at 241b3 for $1. 30 pounds Yellow sugar $1 We sell Pratt's Astral Coal 011—no smoke—no smell—bright light. reserve one bad at the sale. OUI1V[ETTE, third desire°, tenitin ori mortgage. or fur e p r y , th r a timilars apply to R Rureronn Ext. ,t otltor dr to H. Bann, cut, or to the auction- serf notion. The dash Dealer,Londesboro eer4, M. CAnrnto, • r^,