HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-08, Page 7i; Ii IT • r N NEW EIU OD THE WEEKLY GLOBE WILL BE $LNT TO VIM SUBSV tIBEES TO . 1ST, OE•rERRE 18900' VON, ' $1,40 Di1' OVANCE ntiTOE1114,siitovs W 1013TVIIIRIK SHOP. unsleraigned denires'tp iptilllate't>r: Pee of .plinton and oicirl'ty hast be fled a butcher ellen in the dote of fie, Uuron ;$trees. Ee bas held many I exl erieuoe, and feels tlpat lie -,oaks give„ *tea litiefaetion, He will . sell for c4ab,1 end'at:the lowest Possible Q?anittel R>aepretWegix BOLXOiTED ti Wright, - Clinton, NTRtL,BUTCHER SHOP ]n:L RiPuY, (ocoassore to J. W. Langtord) Ua j bought Out the vini� g t t above basinessl we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, 4 fl will supply our customers with the best tette at the lowest paying prioes. Patrons Inay" rely upon good service and prompt filling of all °rdere. n�Myn, PORD & MURPHY Central Bntoher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP li ,wish to inform the pnblio that I will not be niedersold by any othee person in the l>neinese. I am a practical betohert and andetr9tand all the branches of the business. We keepthe very best meats and a full atoob always on hand, and will sell at the I.+pweet Cash Prices. Bring along your x -motley, and get the meat at the cash price. We will give Credit but not at cash prices. Please pall and see what yon can do for Cash at ' R. FITZSIMONS' Corobe's Blocq . Butcher Shop. COUCH & WI! SON. 6ubecribers desire tp notify the pnblio that they have bought out the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jas A.Ford, and will con. thaw the same under their personal supervision. -':Orders will have prompt gad careful attention, li'resh meats of all kinds twill be kept.in season. sold et reasonable rates pfd delivered anywhere is town. d / ARTHUR COUCH/ CHAS. N. WILSON OL' TON. Fresh' Sausage I 3" lbs. for 25c. NO BEEP' OR LIVER PUT IN. Pork Chops, Roasts, Cured Meats. Prices to sdit hard times. Pure LARD by the pail or crock. We make fresh ausage every day. JS STEEP & CO. FLUR AND FEED STORES. our, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that be will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and F EED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a hoice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. GOOK'S Flour Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL .KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Holsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1865; CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,800,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLBON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. B ARMORS. Money advanced to fames on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re qulrod as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. MCTAOGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansaoted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FA►.RHA-T% & TISDALL BANKERS, OLIN TOW. OS ' Advances made to farmere on their own natal at low rates of interest. Banking Bn1neee transacted g IlnieiresiNuotted on deposits. $elle Notes bough , TISDAZJi, Ksnsior. The moat prompt pleasant and per - feet cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, isironcttitla. Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, vai'Hronchial and LunIe the g Dtaeasand es.Throat, The healing anti -consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with Wild ,cherry and other pectoral Herbs and ftaisains to make a' true st'echle foi''alt forms of disease originating from colds. Price 35c. and soc. 111111=11111.111M 1 CURE FITS: Sufferer. treatise ive LYpreu sand of medicine addt Tree In ress. &u&. ROOT, M.O. 180 West' Adoiafde street, Toronto, Ont. NcLeodrs System RENOVATOR AND OTHER • • Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blcod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, i'alpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitia Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and Genera) Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON CLINTON MARBLE WOItis. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. his establishment is in fell o• enation and al rders filled in the moat satisfacto y way Come - cry and granite work a specialty. Prices as easonable as those of any establishL.ent SEALE & UDOVER,Clinton, lm For 7 wenty-Five Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER Ti1ECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. WEAKNESS'MEN Quickly, oroughly, Forster Carve by a new perfected scientific method that cannot fail unless the case is beyond human aid. You feel improved the first day, feel a benefit every day, soon know yourself a king among men in body, mind and heart. Drains and losses ended. Every obstacle to happy married life removed. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when failing or lost, are restored by this treatment. All small and weak portions of the body enlarged and /strengthened. Victims of abuses and excess- es, reclaim your manhood! Sufferers from folly,overwork,early errors, i11 health, regain your vigor! Don' t despair, even if in the last stages. Don't be disheartened if quacks Lave robbed you. Let us show you that me- dical science and business honor still exist; here go hand in hand. Write for our book with explanations and proofs Sent sealer], free Over 2,000 references. ' ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.T. Benm.iller Nus sere FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a speoir ty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection. will save money by par chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to, Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER J. C. STEVESON, —THE LEADING— . UNDERTAKER —AND -- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT 10 STOCK Th ebestEmbalming-Flu idu sed Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. ,CLINTON Residence overs tore ' OPi'OSITE TOW SALL rI,p$ied by RbeFovitism, . R' G'•$ Co,, AN.B., VAN SI 'VERU FOR rooRTik, WEARY NIQATil$ $.4011Beeerele A finest Waite ne WAS Atte:. Brz'Tp'TVBN rN idee Wzetatee nuns ter Dor.relt% Sphere,aN me 'Selene? ]los„ Renter—Ds W ale Plan i'Usree Ague Paan Team Woiteenve. Ezenee Giving Pawns. Fromitint #120/011,34 4.13'e Qhrop ole, • MrDk�id 5t�� Getlinin, ofd8aolrt!a Ba Road le the owner of pna of the""beet" in Hing's Coe N.S., and is one of tlii54. known farmers, in that section of the-tio ty. He is menially a hard wpr ` me and s en otrong is always to keppogi on hie place. Last winter he` epenti th whole semen in the lumber woods was 8trangemd h althy end, wpr$ed as bard se anyonet Bet' tit"hat''nbt alwayite been so. Tn faot, it is the wondered the neighborhood that be le able to work al all. Before tnov. Ing to Soott's Bay Road, Mr Corkum lived at Cheater, Lunenburg Co., N.S., andeehile there wee a great sufferer from 'rheuma. tiem, whioh affeoted him in such ai weer that he was unable to do manual labor of any kind. About this time he moved to hie present home, but he (mild not get a momenta respite from the effeots of his di- sease. Feeling that he must get well at any Dost he bad, his old doctor brought from Chester to his relief, but he was una- ble to do anything for him. He tried many kipiis of medieilia hoping to receive benefit bet to no avail. Being determined not to die without a struggle he bad doc- tors summoned from Halifax, but etill con- tinued to get worse. About three years ago he took to his bed and his oaee developed into bone and muscle rheumatism of the worst type. It spread through all hie bones, up into his neck and into his arm, pausing partial paralysis of that limb, ren- dering it utterly useless since he could not lift it above his waist. All the strength left his muscles, and he was unable to turn in bed without aid. He was able to stand upon his feet but could not walk. Still the doctors waited upon him and still he took their medicines, but with no beneficial re- sult. During this time Mr Corkum paid out several hundred dollars in hard cash for dootcr's bills and medicine, all of whioh did him not one particle of good. After ly- ing in bed for fifteen months his case wee pronounced hopeless and he was given up by all. About this time he heard of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and as a last resource he resolved to give them a trial. The first four boxes produced no noticeable effect, but at the fifth he began to notice a change. Feelingencouraged he kept on and from that time he rapidly improved and after using the Pink Pills for a period of some twelve weeks he was restored to perfect health. Such was the wonderful story told a repre- sentative of the Western Chronicle by Mr Corkum a short time ago. Mr Corkum is now fifty-nine years of age and perfectly healthy and feels younger and better than he has for years and attributes his recov- ery solely to the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and he is willing to prove the truth of these statements to anyone who may call upon him. These pills are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated condition of the blood or a shattered nervone system. Sold by all dealers or by mail from the Dr Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for 52.50. Them a are nu- merous imitations and substitutes against which the public is cautioned. t • n ILLEGIBLE ADDRESSES. THE WONDERFUL SKILL OF A WOMAN IN DECIPHERING THEM. Letters addressed illegibly or incor- rectly come to the Post Office Depart- ment at Washington by the million. To the "live letter division" of the de- partment come all letters of this char- acter. This division is in charge of a woman. She has a large force of clerks. Under her the division has grown from a mere adjunct to an im- portant and most interesting field of labor, and in the whole range of gov- ernment employment there is no other post which is so unique and requires more detective talent. About five million such letters sere yearly turned into this division, and ' nearly every one gets to its destination if there is the faintest clue on which tc work. A letter to be sent to the de- tective division must be so illegible or so curiously directed that none of the clerks at the post office from which it was sent can read it. When it reaches Washington it is an Egyptian puzzle which no one seems able to solve. But with her wonderful brain and her long course of training, this woman is able to send letters to destinations that one would never dream were meant. Once a letter came addressed to Bent Arrow, Neb., hut as there was no office of that name in the state, she sent it to Broken Bow, a'small settlement. Another missive was addressed to Goose Bay, N. C., and returned, as there was no such place. The lady reasoned there was somewhere about that part of the country a town of some such name, and decided upon Duck Creek as the onedmeant, and she was right. A third letter was address- ed to Rat Trap, Miss., and she sent it to its rightful owner at Fox Trap, in the same state. Some of the most interesting letters are preserved in a drawer, which is full of envelopes that have been de- ciphered, received and sent back at the request of the office. There is not one among them that the average person could lead. For instance, there is one in a cramped hand for Tigerfols, N.Y., but no one would dream that Niagara Falls was the place meant. Another letter was to be sent to Chunkie City, but Sandusky was the place meant. Knowledge was put on one envelope which was meant for Norwich, but it got to its destination all right. One of the most puzzling addresses was one in the State of Furgoine. It went the rounds of the office, and at last some bright body tried pronounc- ing it rapidly, and it was then discov- ered thatVirginia was the place meant. Some witty person wrote his address in shorthand, but it was read and de- livered. One letter came from New York that no one in the city could make. head or tail of. But this woman puzzle reader decided that what seemed but a series of meaningless scratches was meant for District -Attorney Nicoll. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. DEAR Srns,—I can truly say that Bur dock Blood Bitters cots like magic. I drove away all the pimples from my face cleansed my blood and inoreased my weigh by simply nsing one bottle. J. E. ED WARDS, Arnprior, Ont. Children ,Cry for ltche1'fo Ca$fo; lie, i 1' -MOM NOTM4' Mr d'e $.'I'iXtterSO4, loi'werly,Pritne NIttleter Qfi Victoria, Is dead. His ministry resigned Sept, 25th, i89I, Edna Schmidt, the yeengeat gbiid of K. G. Schmidt, the milliottere brewer of Ohio-. egg, elgpQ, IgG1 wet k with her fetker'e tlQaobman. :4 Mre T. 0. Eawkine, 0battnnooga, Tenn„ say: Shiloh's ,Vitalizer saved my life, I consider it the ,beet remedy, fora debilitat- ed' eyytem I :vet' Mode >?'or Dytpe ria, Livep or Hidfley troubles it excels: "Price 75 eta. ThQ cited States Government orop re. poets,' show the yield of wheat, oorn and oatte We year to be 8,621,230,000 uehele about 211,000,000 in mese of -I1, and nearly 50 per tient. more than 1814. "'The offloiai board of the George Street Methodist Church, Brookville have extend- ed their ball to' Rev; W. G. Henderson, of W innigeg to be theiripastor next year. Re haQ consented if his transfer can be secur- ed. A RzitenitejLs Oman.—J. W. Jennison, 'Ciilford—Spent between 0200 and $900 in consulting Doctors; tried Dixon's and all other treatments but got no benefit. One box of Chase's Catarrh Cure did me more good than all other remedies, in fact I zon. aider myself cured, and a 26 cent box at that. David MoClure, of Williameford and Robert McClure, of Chatsworth, died with- in two days of each other. David was 73, Robert 67. They Dame from Ayr, Soot - land, in 1854, having been neighbors ever since and each leaves a widow and 9 ohild- ren, Many people, when a little constipated, make the mistake of using saline or other drastic purgatives. All that is needed is e mild dose of Ayer's Pills to restore the reg- ular movement of the bowels, and nature will do the rest. They keep the system in perfect order. Theodore Durrant, on trial for the mur- der of Blanche Lamont at San Francisco, is reported to have placed a written state- ment in his lawyers' keeping in which he claims to have seen Pester Gibson and a young man in the act of murdering the girl. Ladies clean your kid gloves with Jos- ephine Glove Cleaner, for sale only by Hodgene Bros., Clinton, sole agents for the Perrin, Freres and Alexander Kid Glove in all the most desirable shades, dressed and undressed, lace and button. John Phillips, who shot Mr C'ruick- shanks, the lawyer, at Cobourg, was found beside his daughter's grave in the cemetery, having blown his brains out. His victim died Thursday even- ing The motive for the crime appears to have arisen out of a law suit. Doctors recommend Norway Pine Syrup because it is the best cure for coughs and colds. Price 26o. and 50o. at druggists. "King" Callahan, the professional bridge jumper, leaped from the Poughkeepsie bridge into the Hudson river, a distance of 212 feet. He was fatally injured. MARK IT WELL. A Development Peculiar to the p�eyg� Generation Danger-on.r and Often Fatale As each generation comes and goes it is marked by changes, developments and discoveries unknown to its predeces- sors. From aphysical standpoint one of the most to be dreaded conditions and peculiar for its rapid increase during the present generation, is when the mind labors under the delusion of persecution, continual restlessness, pain in the back and head, twitching of the muscles of the face and hands, furred tongue, breath foul and heavy, nausea and further indications of stomach troulee. There may be de- lirium, convulsions or sinking spells. Medical authorities apply different names to the conditions that are unintelligible to the average reader. The actual fact is the demoralized and dangerous state of the system is due to the accumulation of "Body Poison" in the blood that should and would be thrown off by the Kidneys if in a healthy condition. In order to re- store health, strike at the root of the dis- ease with Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the only medicine known that will control the ,changes going on in the Kidneys, enabl- ing them to furnish for the whole system blood free from disease -breeding poison building up the shattered condition of nerves, and relieving mental depression. Price 25c., sold by all dealers. Edman - son, Bates & Co., Toronto. ,very ani .HN Owl* Hadt _.t.- `•N dam,. INN axes �► �..: Breath04.11..c • ..,..,.K In the system, strains the lungs ud prepares • way for pneumonia, ones. times consumption. PYNY - PECTORAL positively ouroe coughs and .olds to a surprisingly short time. Ws soda. title certainty, tried and trgit, Mme• ing and herding in 1ta.ft.ata LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 25 CENTS. i$ s TaIF iled (1 dee IN IIIE� ilik13014 0,, i4. ' if: (,',)A TOOK SICK • vee "WHAT\ WOULD o DO? : =- i erriin Just spend his Four w� Quarters for a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters (* as all sensible people do; be- cause it cures Dyspepsia, Con- stipation, Biliousness, 5 1 c k Headache, Bad Blood, and all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and Blood from a common Pimple to the worst crof 1ous Wes AJA albtteet.e1esstarr. �lai4 erfits6, e; Irli i e•a.aicel sseliesesese, rte 8t oto . • Ili ,----*W1 WILL HAVE Qi 0I�EARI JG SAI K OF E , DRY 6.. CERIES, BOOTS! SIIETC From now till Dec. 31st. All will be sold if prices will do it, Tice following prices will ,give an indication of what we are prepared to do in alt departments. Best Granulated Sugar, 231bs for.... $1 or 120 pounds for $5 TEAS -50c lines reduced to 45c ' 40e lines reduced to 35e 25c lines reduced to 20c 1 CANNED GOODS—Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 8ceach,good Salmon 11c PATENT MEDICINES—$1 reduced to 85e, 75c to 65c, 50c to 43e, 25c to 22 CARPETS—several lines at great re- duction. All Canadian Tweeds reduced 20 per i cent, and imported ones 10 per ct per yard. � DRESS GOODS—Witte the exception of a few pieces of Black Cashmere, I reduced 20 per cent. WINCEYS reduced 25 per cent. GINGHAMS reduced 25 per cent CORSETS—$1 reduced to 90c, 75c to 700 50c to 45c. ' READY MADE CLOTHING—inolud- ing Children's, Youths' and Men's Suits and Overcoats, 20 per cent off HATS and CAPS—Several lines 25 per cent off, others at half price. BOOTS and SHOES 20 per cent off RUBBERS—Heavy and Fine 10 per cent off. WATERPROOF COATS—Men's $5.50 to 9114. Ladies' $4.50 to $6. Goat Robes and Fur Coats very low COTTONS—Gray and White lc per yd off all round. UNDERCLOTHING—extra value, res duced 10 per cent. Special Bargains in CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. Also many other lines of which we have not room to mention. As we purpose doing a Cash Business we offer this as an introduction. TERMS CASH. . . Now is the time to save money. The first $10 purchaser on Monday mornings will receive a special present extra ADAMS' EMPORIUM, Lt�NDESBORO R. ADAMS. CURES BALDNESS, fISTOPS FALLING HAIR, CURES DANDRUFF, RESTORES FADED AND GRAY HAiR TO NATURAL ° COLOR AND VITALITY. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. WARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. ONE HONEST MAN AND BUT ON E RELIABLE HAIR FOOD. NO DYE. e feed the Hair that which it lacks and nature restores the color. THEORY. Rov*t eCALP Foo o destroys the diseased germs of the scalp and a healthy to tion is sot up. It contains the principal properties of the batt that are necessary to its life N ichoutwhich it will not grow. It fertilizes the scalp the same c. i you do a field of corn and growth is certain. It invt;roretes the slag- g.ish scalp, cleanses ii and thoroughl•v eradicates all dandruff, which is the i'or.:vnnor of baldness. It is the ONLY remedy- over discoct:red that will re- store the Life, Beauty fir.•. N1'nrt' Color to the hair Without harm. MAI:.I')'!c7as 1'1tu.IPTLY FLOLrn. SEND Pon FREE 1',V'i,;',.H-tti. STATE AND LOCAL ei (: v'(:i WANTED. ROYAL S CI t_P F000 Ga. Box 305, WINDSOR, own AS CLEAR AS A BELL If a pupi -s%:se•,ti.l•-==.�•• _ Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. does not grasp a subject readily, we repeat and repeat until he gets it. We drill; some schools don't. Wo got our reputation that way; we intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught. Wo teach bookkeeping and ybusiness paper by a now method Enquire about Mr E A Coon has accepted aipositi position D Smith oWinona, Ont., as assist ant bookkeepor Catalogue free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVING. stye -shape TO Ladies' Dresses. A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated FE A- THERBONE CORSETS are corded with this material. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers MANITOBA SCHOOLS /� Look over these prices. SUGARS Special quotation in obis. Selling by $ ess than wholesale prima CANNED GOODS Put np by THE BEST PACII3;ORS. Tomatoe Corn and Apples Pnmpkine, Salmon and Mackerel. TEASExtraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. Good Japan only:15o a pound. Chinese Mixture only;20o a pound. RICE -25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -28 Ib. box for $1. PRUNES, CALI- FORNIA APRICOT and PEACII PIS tLargestleand boat assorted stook of "CROCKERY and GLASSWA 'tE in the oounty ll Selling at close prioes. See quality and prion. J. W. lrw. •,-aGrocer tc4or moole, 4 oT►,, .l. .a