HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-08, Page 6ri i nv r.01,1 • • Si 7 `ELAHE, OF HAMILTON, ONTAL AFTER USING ,I.', IN•E'S. CELERY. COMPOUND, IS A PUCTUBE OF WOMANLY VIGOR e•AND BEAUTY. Story for AU who Stand in Need of Perfect Health. ; Xiss Isabella Blake, of 308 Hugheon Street, Hamilton, Ont., is one of the fair- est and 'best known young women in the .prabitiout oily. To -day elle is a picture of womanly& health, vigor and beauty, and joyfully declares, "I am now a new wo- ,',ulan, can enjoy life, and am as well eel wish tci be." 'When Mies Blake slakes the deolaration that she is a new woman, she does not wish 1110 iso understood that she has entered the ranks,: and adobted the fads of those light -brained women who would usurp the Ie timate positions of men, and go through life olad in half masculine attire,. with the fixed idea .of an all -wise Providence. and tgrning the world upside down. Ahi no; Ile is far from what Miss Blake wishes to imply when she makes the statement that' she is a new woman. The new woman that the world values is not; the modern creature that dons the Open vest, exposed shirt front, four -in - band tie, straight and high collar, stiff Derby hat, who walks out on cur streets with Dane in hand, giving evidence of em- ty brain and unsatisfied vanity. The true new woman is perfectly represented by Miss Blake, made healthy, vigorous, strong and active by the use of Paine's Celery Compound. This is the woman that sen- sible and rational beings' honor and appre- oiate—the type of woman that blesses home, friends and world at large. Mies Blake, though a young woman, can relate a tale of sad experiences. In the past, ens have stood in her way threaten- ing destruction; she knows what sore affiio- -tions are, owing to the -rough grasp of dis- ease; and at times the oold touch of th e destroyer, death, has made her shiver. and canoe her to think of the dark gloom of the silent tomb. When Mies Blake's heart was faint, sink and void of'hope; when all the doctors apd medicines failed to do good, and when threatenedthreaeenea with that relentless foe ocn- sitniption, au angel of matey Ainggested the use of a reneeey that has brought new life to thousands of'poor sufferers In the past. Yes, it is Paine's Celery ;Compound that is recommended; it is used, and in a short time makes a new woman from the mater- ial that the grave had battled for. These fate, dear reader, are not over- drawn or coloredtin the least, Miss Blake and her friends will gladly vouch for the truth of the statement that Paine's Celery Compound and it alone, under God's°bles- sing, was the agent that saved life at a orit • ioal juncture. The following letter from Miss Blake is surely of sufficient weight to oonvinoe the most hardened unbeliever:— "For nbeliever:"For years I suffered greatly, and was ander the care of doctors who finally told me I was going into consumption. I was becothing worse through the tise of medi- cines, and I gave up My doctors. While in a very oritioal condition, not able to sleep or rest, always faint and weak, appetite and digesilon bad, and my system run down and little life left in me, I commenc- ed to use Paine's Celery Compound. After taking one bottle I felt much relieved. I have used in all seven or'eigbt bottles, and am {low a new woman, oan enjoy life, and am as well as I wish to be. Many thanks for your great medicine." WOMEN AND MONEY. The opinion has generally prevailed among men, or at least has been ex- pressed for centuries, that women are densely and incurably ignorant about money. "He knows no more of money than a woman," is almost a proverb. The absurdest stories are perpetually told of a woman's total incapacity to learn anything about money, and some • of them are doubtless believed. What was current ages ago in regard to women is current now, and is almost as likely to gain credit as it was then. sass,Men are apt to forget what extraordi- nary changes women has undergone in this century, in the last half particu- larly. She may have been a financial simpleton in the remote Past; she sure- ly is not now, in most cases. Where she is wholly uninformed on the subject her lack of information is commonly due to the man or men near- est her. He or they fail to give her any instruction, and then laugh at her defects, as is much their custon in other things. Man gets his knowledge of practical affairs from constant experi- ence, and wonders why woman does not get hers without any experience. When he tries to teach her something about money—its value, its relations, its purchasing power—he finds her quick to learn, and his small exertion in her behalf amply recompensed. Who has known a woman that, having had any sort of financial education, has not profited by it? Of- ten she shows a grasp and comprehen- sion of monetary matters, as well as details of business, that are seldom shared by her husband or brother.— She is, notwithstanding contrary be- lief, an intelligent economist when she Dr, H. F. dierrIU. Resu its Astonish MIEN OF. SCIENCE. �� Sarsa- AY S A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Statement of a Well Known Doctor "Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1' without an equal as a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched Its effects in chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results, No other blood medielno that I have ever used, and I have tried them 'all, is so thorough to its action, and effects so many permanent cures as flyer's Sarsaparilla.'—Dr. H. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Ayer'sjj Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. Ayses Pate for liuer and bowel*. comes to learn what economy means. It is frequently said by the other sex that she can make a dollar go as far as they can make two; nor is this by any means the language of the compli- ment. Many and many a husband has discovered .that his wife can buy more with a small amount of money than he can, and he is in the habit of giving it to her for that special purpose. THIS 1S CONCENTRATION. One pill a dose, one box 25 cents. One pill relieves ,constipation'. One box cures an ordinary case. One pill taken weekly neutralizes formation of uric acid in the blood and prevents Bright's Kidney disease and Diabetes. True only of Dr Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Jas. Bayside, ex.M.P.P. fJr Glengar- ry, died at Lancaster. Toronto Week (Independent) :Altogether, Mr Laurier bas reason to feel that he com- mands the respect of the Dominion and that he enjoys the personal devotion of a very Large number of Canadians. The two most critical times in a wo- man's life are the times which make the girl a woman, and the woman a mother. At these times, Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription is of inoalouable value. It strengthens and invigorates the organs dis- tinctly feminine, promotes regularity of the functions, allays irritation and inflam- ation, checks unnatural exhausting drains, and puts the whole delicate organism into perfect condition. Almost all tbei lls of womankind are traceable to some from of what ie known as 'female oomplaint.' There are not three oases in a hundred of woman's peculiar diseases that Dr Pierce's Favorite Presoription will not oure. PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES aaI Closely allied to the periodically re- curring claims for the production of perpetual motion are the class of ex- hibe ions which have been prolitabie to their inventors by organizing' compa- nies• through active promotois, upon evidence, for instance, thata few drops of water can produce a pressure of 10,- 000 pounds per square inch, as though this was tantamount to the perform- ance of a useful amount of work. Again there is the line of pseudo ex- perimentation, based upon the oft re- peated assertion that harmony of sound can set up such motion as to produce large mechanical effects, such as the rotation of machines, or act with ex= plosive power in guns. All such de- vices may properly be considered as perpetual motion machines, for in such cases the power manifested is much greater than that required for its ini- tiation, and it must follow that the machine, after supplying itself with such initiatory excitement, will have much stirplus energy left over for use- ful purposes, if the facts are as stated. In fact, such surplus energy bas been - looked for by the promoters, but ties not yet so far revealed itself as to ren- der feasible the construction of ma- chines of practical use and commercial value. The means to carry on exhibitions of such reputed inventions are obtained from widely scattered sources. Gener- ally those who have furnished the capi- tal are not interested in the 'exposure of the frauds, or do not realize that ad- vantage is being taken of their creduli- ty,while those who are not pecuniarily interested are afforded no opportunity to prove the correctness of their as- sumption as to the fraudulent nature of the display. The floating of such schemes is much too easy, as the ordi- nary tendency of the human mind is to freely believe that remarkable re- sults may be obtained from modern scientific methods. This faith leads many to venture at least small invest- ments, in the hope that large returns will be realized, and 1 fear this tenden- cy will continue to exist as long as faith without reason is dominant in many minds.—Prof. Coleman Sell( re in Cassier's Magazine. �r � Children ,Cry fo I :t'Oher'5 Ca sea. asa CoU3 ;NUM IN JERUSA • MA 'cIIMAltiOg'lt4.PALE8T1 E 18 1U41s- 1UE0 OJP X Sre0I 111114 '1TiATYTI?r 8, Of enertebl as It i0. uown in4ineri- ca or England there -la none w,hatever Jrerusaleint writes Edwin S. illlace. • in 17o.vewkler L,adiea', Rode, d`put'nal,, ,�,, yolttlg $lohamiii den never seem he face of the girl who i& t4 becottue hie wife until at�r'ilaritage. 1Iis 1l utter end sisters' may ece' her and report Ode itppressiol#s; but if it is a care where the union is by themconsidered a desirable one they are likely to ac- credit her with charms she does not po dews and Christians ,itsess .e.alon g there is a greater latitude in this re- spect, tlioug'h the young people are never permitted to see each other witholu the presence of IL third p •ty. In every ease the services gt f. an inter- mediary are necessary. Brides at four- teen are riot uncommon and at twelve eceasion little remark. I have known of one bride at ten years. She was a Moslem. Angus McLeod, of Sarnia, rode a mile on the road in one minute 88.,2-5 seoonde, the fastest performance on record for a cyclist. : r ' GIVES c'FIESH- NE S aND o, _ r, w'�!!' -• :'SKI N • ( UR_ES CONS TIPATION INDIG..:' VV•.' DIZZINESS eRUP710`lti ON THE SKIN. BEAUTIFIES ` COMP! F_XION. 111 Fo B Pr Ail Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIO Bold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 25o., 50o.. and $1.00 per package. Samples free. The Favorite TOOTH' POW�EER KO N O for the Teeth and Breath.250. ' Sold by J. H. 3OMBE. Cook'. Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "Me hour and time of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for 'LSC OLVI1Ve and full particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3—No. 263 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Bim' Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. Valuable PROPEIt't'IEI For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North— Will be either sold or rented. For par- tionlars apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— being lot 12, let Con;7West Nissouri, good soil, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of 50 ACRES— being East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Nissouri. Will give party who want to do business a particularly good than on this property. Any of the above are good investment and all particulars oan he obtained o application to JNO. ROSSIb3R, Benmille Stock T opyo N8ITY OF FIGURES. T`he finite mind le utorl - inoapahhk of framing.an idea or of:ma Ing a cont,, parleon 100 will property illustrate the vast amount of vestel now existing It the five g eat Means of our plane Let uB. ee0;;A..00 gallo'n of wester weight. 10 Itis., 'and #1:003,, ow the area and depth of the 'Paclfte sbow.that there 'tire Aapproxlntately '200,000,000,000,000. (Two hunched•:trillions) of each galleons. of water in that ocean alone. The At- • lantic could be put down in tho Wein of the Pacific and only fill it 'one-third full, The Indian, the Arctic and Ant - I arctic oceans combined with the ether two, would give an area for the five of 142,000,000 •square miles, Perilaled-into a circle this would slake on ocean X2,000 Peet in depth and 13,000 miles from bank to bank. The contents wouw be about 195,1)00,000 cubic miles of water. If a standpipe could be built from the earth to the stria so that we could have a column of water 93,000,000 miles in length, that standpipe would have to be 2i} miles in diameter to hold the wa- ter now contained in the five. great oceans. It bas been figured that it would, take 1,500,000years for the water of the Pacific to flow over Niagara, the volume being continually as great as that which is now plunging over the falls. ToCanadianHorseExporters hien, L, proprietor of the RoyalOily(Repository, BarUte1i y London, 'England, respectfully calls 1,4.01410n to the exceptional faatlitfes for the as.. of al classes of$4r�see, at the Auction Nal.,, whlah aro held everyTuesday • and Friday, itl addition to sales by private treaty daily' Thu Repository is the largest and best at- tended in the City of I •ondon, and up wards of 800 horses, including Drivers, Trottieg Vanners, and powerful Cart Bones, are disposed of weekly.— A large number of Canadian horses have already been sol a at the Repository, producing remuner- ative prices, and. every attention is given them on arrival, in cased illness, &o. Farm aoeom. modation is provided; all arrangements for clear. ing orses at the docks will be made on receipt of Bill of Ladino. Bankers, London and County Bank. aldoreirato St., London, to whom reference may be made. Address, H. RYMILL, ROYAL CITY REPOSITORY, BARBICAN, LONDON, ENG. We want the names of 10,000 young people. The latest edition of our College Journal is ready for distribution and we want you to see it. Send in your names and the names of your I friends; we will do the rest. It will interest you and cost you nothing. You must see it. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. Ii. 1dIeINTOSH, Principal. FSYCHINE (PRONOUNCED Si-KF.EN.I will cern CONSUMPTION, Lung and Throat Disoasos. enniple Cottle Bent free to every sufferer. Give Express and I•, ,i wince A,Iar,.u. the T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can, RIPAN•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOW N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. D. Rose President, Clinton; Geo. Watt Viae Pres. Harioek; W. J. Shannon, Betty-Treas. Seaforth; M. Murdie, Inspector of Claims, Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jae. Broadfoot Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. Molieen, Tnckersmith • Tboe. Car bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadiinry ; T. E, eliillo MANY ,PARTI. U LtA I themeelvee, lfiud mean eftclt. he Who want to look Woe, *el good. and make the m help for T ;>tn Ass• . . that *alp ladies beautiful of fano anti forint and heel In bed„y. Wheal ,do fo others oan, lie done for you, oar't tell all about' At In; tbla advettleeagei t.t ALLEN do WILSONT, 10Ui Iton0fH4,Dru. g Is forenxy hook. These 'art�teloe are specially,,goq, for' stun Wer .use. FACE BLEAR $1 per bottle. Clears thea,opplego, ion, • You must ,have It if you want to, get'lria of teeclrlee , moth patches, Age. . FACIE ' POWDER -,-White, Flesh and Brunette, 60 cents a box, Perteeh%k1. • for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars• --•creates and improvegir44r beauty for maid,"wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie garrison, America's Beauty Doctor,40 and 4,21 (rear St.. San Francisco,, Cal. Eastern Office, fMMWashington Ave., Detroit,M•i6higan. A GUn Repoit Can be heard about 18,000 feet. Good reports of the Radiant ilome Cud Stove 'Can be heard from one end of Canada to the other. The reason for thisre simply that the Radiant Home is a powerful heater, economical on fuel and does its work so perfectly as to entirely satisfy everyone who uses it. This ex. perienoe will be yours too, if•you buy one. Call and see our stock—a large assortment. NA�)wkatyBlock r1e D AR LAN D , BIOS. Old Stand acBrick Block The House of Refine Notwithstanding the fact that tenders for the supplies for the House of Refuge were received from all over the county, TELE - CASH - GROCERY Was successful in securing the contract for all the Crockery, Stoneware, and part of the Groceries, which goes to show that our prices, and the quality of our goods are right. We have been in business just one year, yet with our reasonable prices, quality of our go. -11.1s and our cash system, have built up a trade we thought it would take years to accomplish. We take this opportunity of thankiug the public for their liberal patronage during the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of the same in the future. OGLE COOPER & Farm produce taken as cash.—Teleahone No. 2 CO. 60Have vou tried i 0 Our "Salads" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; prioe, 40 and '50 cents per pound. In Lead Packets. A large number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1. You had better try a package. Salmon—If you like something choice try a oan of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1895 pack A full stook of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality— bottom prices. Give us a trial order and see what we oan do. INCIIERRA.Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL ` *ROCERY—Telephone 40 caseesse We. commence stock -taking thd end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must be right, and we are going to make them right. From now until Aug. 1st every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction, Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August lst, .... $ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August 41st;.... 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August lst, .... 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. 4', rmmnu.w envnunnm.n itiawr w,m.nann,.nm.n..em R -I -P -A- N -S GIhYM.WWWq.4n•n..YnutulW44YlAimma(YOf,omesl e 4 J. Brunsdon & Sons LONDESBORO Agts. for all E,arm Implement MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills Seeders, Cultivators, Souffiers and all kinds of Plows Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs BINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine at low prices. A complete line of Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sbarply& Muir Wind Mille OUR MOTTO—First-class work and best material; prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work. JOHN BRUNSDON & SON, Londesboro. r - The Finest PHOTOGRAPHS (1) are taken by O IL H. FOSTER RUMBALL' 5 CLI1 FACTORY Huron Street, Cilia an We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first—class material and workmanship. If yon want a good article at the price ofa poor ono, callmnd see us. 4; •