HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-08, Page 5, ;. t)..'.TOL_D • Wo »ave;'all the latest Novelties in our line, consisting of . Ladies'' hong Watch Guards from $0c to $7 Side ,Cnmksin Sterling Silver for 35e a pair . Raek Combs . in Sterling Silver for 50c, and in Tortoise Shell, -,s *audio' Sterling Silver mounted Soap Boxes for $I.; ` Wate'lies, Clocks,Silvcrtvare and Jewelery, low prices SPECTACLES FITTED BY AN EXPERT M. D. J. 13. RUMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, 8&c.; TelephoneExchange White Pine Expectorant WILL ,CURE COUGHS AND COLDS We can honestly recommend it as one of the best cough mixtures. Of the many who have tried it, not one complained to us of its not being good. Our customers are asking already for the same kind as they got last season, Try It, 25c a bottle. Sm''ECIAL VALUES in 25c, 40c, 50c and 75e Hair Brushes J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Our Goods are Reliable ! Our Stock the Largest in this section. We have been in business in Clinton now 35 years, and when we recommend an artiole you know what it means:—that the article has merit. We recommend otit t. t sV°•etlli aeaaou, realising.trrlall,Pogo# • of 11100.000. A, number Qf O14n14dian horses wars sal • yesterday in London. The prices realm were not is good all erpectad, 0,1)lsen,a Norwegian settler in Manitoba will Shortly return to bis 'native 'land for the purpose of bringing out a large, party to. Canada. • Mr Herbert Morrie, of Niagara Falls, shot 'and seriously wounded .himself ' because he failed: to pass a dental examination. It is rumored that the Dominion Govern- ment intends putting two hundred thesis- and dollars in the next estidiates for a new Custom lioase in Ottawa, J, A. Martin, of Fort Erie, Ont., was sandbagged in Buffalo on Tuesday night. It is supposed that he was attacked by rob- bers, who were frightened away4befozo they had robbed him, Mre Andrew Foley, of Bedford Mille, Ont., while filling a lighted lamp was bad- ly burned, owing to the oil catching fire,, setting her clothing in a blaze. `:.'here are little hopes of her recovery, Two Toronto young ladies the Misses Jenkinson, who reside with an aunt of the same name at 90 MoKil1 street, are claim- ants to a very large estate in the old country, the share which they are to get being planed at the enormous figures of 10,00o,000. The noh-talked-of wedding of Miss Cgttonsuelo Vanderbilt and the Duke of Marlboro took place. on Wednesday in St. Thomas' church, New York. The hour set for the beginning of the cere- mony was 12' o'clock. At that hour the church was thronged with the representatives of New York's smart- est society, gathered to witness the ceremony. The church was georgeously decorated for the occasion, the floral display, being without doubt the moat lavish that New York has ever known. From 10.15 o'clock carriage after car- riage rolled up, their occupants quick- ly passing into the church. As the hour for the ceremony` drew nearer, the crowd became larger. The steps of houses and sidewalks up and down the avenue were jammed until it was almost impossible forrthe pedestrian to obtain a passage through the crowd. Traffic on Fifth avenue was practically at a standstill before noon. The bride gets 615,000,000 as her wedding portion. Combe's Sarsaparilla, Combe's Condition Powders Combe's Headache Powders Castle's Black Powders Combe's Iron Blood Pills Combe's Baking Powder Combe's Pure Cream Tartar. JAMES H. COMBE'S The Shoe That Cripples. The shoe that deforms is the shoe that hurts. Bandage your head unevenly as you do your feet, and soon you wouldn't know the difference between the shoe that cripples and Th : Slater Shoe. Ah I there's the shoe for yonr money. $3.00 per pair for the best shaped men' 9 footwear in Canada. Made with tk a (Geo. T. Slater& Sona, Montreal.) `Goodyear Welt, of finest imported calfskin. Black or tan—six shapes—all sizes—any width. Five Dollars worth cf Comfort—Free! Wit's very Po.l.r of TT_-=� SgOEw._ SZND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET FREE. 24 .►®AN61N60 O.1A�0�6�NNNN For sale by WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Clinton. Don'trifr elay' The bargains won't always last, time is pass- ing; we have a little less than two months more before our lease of store expires Lome and get your share of the profits we are giving away. This is an opportunity you should not miss for getting good goods at less than cost price. Some lines are al- ready sold out, in others we are fully assort- ed. We have a large stock of . Tweeds and Suiting's, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Staple Goods, Dress Goods, Millinery Having bought a very large stock of Ladies' Jackets, we have still on hand a good supply, which we are selling at half price. We are selling MOOTS .®.1\7'1) 81-10M8 At less than wholesale prices. A fair supply still left,. Come and see the bargains that are waiting for you. PLUMSTEBL GIBBINGS few dna tt einento. STRAY STEER Came on the premises about a week ago a rod steer, supposed to be two years old, lately de - horned. The owner oan have it by proving pro. MQR8y and paying ohRsrges, and take it 6, wGyd- .rich township, Porter's Hill. Valuable Farm for Salo. Valuable farm for sale one mile from Holmes- ville, containing 80 acre., with large orchard, frame house and barn. Also a 6 year old mare, good driver. For further particulars apply to MRS ELIZA SPARLING, Ciihton. pim Dress and Mantle Making. a The undersigned wish to inform the ladies of Clinton and vicinity that they are prepared to do first-class dress and mantle making at moderate prices. Shop two doors west of H. Hale's office. MISSES A. and E. FOTHERCILL, Huron street, Clinton. p TAM WORTH BOAR I will keep for use this season a thorobred Registered Tamworth Boar, Prince, No. 188. This breed is consideed toil be the acme of per- fection for shipping, packing and profit. Terms 81 C. HOARE, pim STRAY DOG. Strayed from the residence of Mr John Avery, London road, a gray collie bitch, wearing a col- lar with owners name on. Finder will be Suit- ably rewarded. Any person harbouring the same is liable to prosecution. -JOHN AVERY, London Road. TEACHER WANTED. Teacher wanted holdingSecond or Third Class Certificate, to teach in orter's Hill School, Sec- tion No 6, Goderich Township. Duties to com- mence on Jan. 1st, 1896. Personal with testimonials preferred. Applioations will be received up to Nov. 29. JOHN TORRANCE, Sec.-Treas., Porters Hill P. O. CAUTION Notice is hereby given that Sarah Tufts, my wife, having left my home and ceased to live with me, of her own accord. I will not' be respon- sible for any debts contracted by her, and she has no authority topledge my oredit on any .a count whatever. 11. J. TUFTS, Belgrave, 001 Dated this 2911,1 October, 1895. BLYTH MTHLY AIR Remember the dates of the Blyth Monthly Fair for the sale of Horses, Cattle, &o. -- 1%1 qv. 12, Dee. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 10, April 7. This is aoknowledged to be the leading fair in the county. Come and see , 8. HERRINGTON, C. HAMILTON, Seo -Tres. President Chattel Mortgage Sale OF' Farm Stock and Implements The farm stook of Messrs John and Robert Leech will be .sold by Public Auction, on the premises, LOT 12th, CON. 13, M.B., HULLETT, at 1 p.m., e haril0 BOYS OVERCOATS, all., sizes acid 001 - ors, broken , quantities, prices Which were from 37.50 to :34.50 Half price for these days only We have, 18 MEN'S SUITS, odd sizes and broken, lQt$ but all good .sizes from 36 to' 44, mixed colors and patterns. These go at quarter of these two days ,only We have 15 ends of TWEED DRESS GOODS, douN. ble fold, good colors and patterns. Some contain one dress, others two and three dresses, all broken lots and lengths, regular price 25c, 30e and 35c, all at 15c these two days only. Vire have 5 half rolls heavy twill back Canton Flannel to give almost away. Regular 8c goods; the 2 days 5e We have 30 ends Prints, all colors and patterns, good washing patterns and colors, vu ell worth 1Oc on any counter. We offer them all at 5c thesetwo days only We have 5 half pieces good Linen Toweling, regular 6c goods. We offer them these two days at 3c. CILROT & 'W'ISEMAN, Clinton On MONDAY, llth of NOV. Tssire–All sums of 55 and under, cash; over that 11 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. D. DICKINSON, Aact. TOWN CLINTON.N L r NOV 1. . THE CELEBRATED GUY BROS. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Nov. 7, 1895. Wheat, spring 0 66 a 0 Wheat, fall 0 66 a 0 Oats, .. 0 22 a 0 Barley 0 30 a 0 Peas 0 48 a 0 Floor per owt 1 75 a 1 Pork 5 50 a 5 Butter ° 0 15 a 0 Eggs per doz 0 13 a 0 Potatoes.. 0 20 a 0 •Hay, New and Old 12 03 a14 Sheeepskins No. 1 Trimmed Hides Tomatoes, per basket Chickens Ducks Geese Turkeys, per pound 68 68 24 40 50 90 50 16 14 25 00 025 a 030 400 a 425 O 15 a 015 O 25 a 035 025 a 036 O 40 a 050 006 a 007 MONTREAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS MINSTRELS 25 ARTISTS. Entire new show this season. The Guy pros. have spared. no expense in securing tins very luAt talent in the bowlegs. Entiize Change of program All new people, with the best Band and Or- chestra ever here. Seethe big street parade at noon. Seats on safe et JACKSON Bnos store. 5 There worn about 600 head of butchers' cattle, 120 calves and 700 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abbattoir to -day. The butchers were present in large numbers, but seemingly they were lase on business bent than to enjoy the balmy air bfa November morning. Only good cattle were in demand and they brought fully as much as on last Thursday, while all other kinds were decidedly weaker. A dew of the best cattle were sold at from S3 to 31e per ib, and a pair of choice steers were sold at 33c per lb. The prevailing prices of pretty good cattle were about 8o per lb, and of com- mon stock from 2c to 2110 per lb, while the leaner beasts broughtlrom lie to lie per Ib. It is pro- bable that a large number will not be sold. Calves were rather plentiful and lower in price, selling at from tie to 346 per lb. Shippers are paying from 3e to no per Ib for good large sheep; good lambs bring about ate per lb; and others sell at about 3o per Ib. Fat hogs are less plentiful than they have been of late and sell at from 4c to 41c per lb. We will send the NEW ERA, and weekly Globe, from now to 31st Dec., 1898, for $1.40 cash. , CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 188 acres being lot 11, Maitland oon., Colborne, about 105r lI acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance $1140 1 1 1 I hardwood bush. Frame dwelling hoofs good bank barn,driving house and other outbuildings. We will send the NEW ERA and week- Good spring in nearly every Wield. Bearing or- ly Globe from now to Dec. 31st, 1806, chard of a acres. School house on the farm Will for $1.40 cash. be sold on reasonable terms. MICHAEL SCHWANZ, Benmiller P. 0. FOR SALE The Cottage on Orange St., recently improved by the undersigned. Cellar, bard and soft water, plenty of room for small family . Terme reason- able. W. C. SEARLE. Tamworth Boar for Sex vice. Subscriber keeps for service, at his premises lot 31, 0th con., of Hullett. a thorobred regis- tered Tamworth Boar. Terms, $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necesary, $1.25 if booked. W. J. McBRI1,'N. Hullett BORN SCOTT. -In Clinton, on Nov. 1st, the wife of Mr James Scott, barrister, of a son. CRICH-In Tuckeramith on Oct. 28th, the wife of Mr Herbert Crich, of a son. LAUTENSLAYER-In Hullett, on the 2nd Inst., the wife of Mr B. Lautenslayer, of a daughter. . MANNING -At Woodstock, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr John Manning, formerly of Clin ton, of a son. HOUSTON. -In Tuokersmlth on October 27, the wife of MB Samuel G. Houston, of a daugh- ter. GRAY. -In Exeter North, on Oct. 22nd, the wife of Mr Samuel Gray, of a son. BROWN. -In Wingham, on October 25, Mrs . Brown, of a son. ELLIOTT.-In Turnberry, on October 22, Mrs Wm. Elliott, of a son. KERNEY.-In Wingham, on October 30, Mrs Frank H. Kerney, of a son. MARRIED THOMPSON-GALLANGHER-On the 6th inet., at Lake Charles Louisana, J. Stewart Thompson, (son of Mr .fames Thompson, Bay field,) to Miss Marie Gallangber. • LAITHWAITE-WILLIAMS-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Maitland con. on the 6th NAL, by the Rev. J. F. Parke. Mr deo. Laithwaito, to Miss M. F., second daughter of Mr Chas. Williams. RANN-HASTINGS.-In Turnborry, on the 23rd cot., by the Rev James Hamilton. R.. J. Rann, of Wroxoter, to Mary Hastings, of Turn - berry. BENNETT-BLACK. - At the manic', on Wednesday. Oct. 30th, by the Rev D. Perris, Mr Wm. Bennett, to Miss Margaret E. Black, both of East Wawanosh. - DIED. AITCHISON.-In Hullett on October 30th, John Aitchison. eldest son of Mr Wm. Altohi- son, aged 24 years and 11 months. McMANNUS,-In Wingh4im, on Oct. 31. Mar- tha James, beloved wife of Tedrow MoMannus, aged 58 years, 10 months. JOHNSTON. - In Goderioh Township, on Wednesday.Oct. 30 Jane Mcllwaine, relict of the late John Johnston, aged 72 years. MoDONALD.-In Godorich, on Oct. 29th, Catherine McDonald, aged 100 years. BAINES.-In Morris, on October 28th James Baines, aged 66 years, 6 months, and 23 'days. ELLIS.-In Eaet Wawanosh, on Oct. 30, Ann relict of the lata Jason Ellis, aged 67 years and 10 months. HASLAM.-Accidently shot at Devil's Lake, North Dakota, on November 2nd, W. A. Has- lam, son of W. A. Haslam, of Belgrave. aged 31 years, 0 tnonths, 141days. SALE REGISTER. Farfn stock and implements of R. & J. Leech, -•liot,12, Con. 13, Hullett, on Monday, Nov. 11. .4216 Digkiu8on, Auctioneer. Fatmn of the lato D. Molvor Stanley. at Cook's hotel, V;arn Wednesday, Nov. 13. D. Dickin- son, Auctioneer. Rtigidence of Dr Appleton Ontario St. Clin- 108 , oon Saturday, Nov. 23. b. Dickinson, Auo- •• tionllor. • Farm, being lot 34, ist coil.. H.R S. Tneker- emith,300 acres, belonging to C. Carton's estate I Clinton, oh Sattticlay, Nov. 23.-T, Carling,aue AUCTION SALE ov CHOICE FARM LOT NEAR CLINTON The Executors of the late Charles Curter will of ter for Bale on , SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1895, at 2 p.m. at Rattenbnry's Hotel, in Clinton, that valuatle Farm Lot, No. 34 in the First Concession, Huron Road, Tuokeremith. The lot comprises 100 aures, less toe track of the G.T.Railway, which Drosses it, giving two good fences, with convenient rail- way crossing. The soil is first class and uney. boosted; 811 but eight acres cleared and inood condition. Outside fences good. No building•. The Bayfield River crosses the rear of the lot, which ie well suited for either a grain or grazing farm. About two miles from Clinton etation,and one mile from Stapleton Salt Works. The millers reserve one bid at the sale. TERMS -10 per cent cash on day of sale; one- third no-third of remainder in 30 days; balance may if purchaser desires, remain on mortgage. For inrthor particulars apply to R. RANsvoaD, Exe- cutor, or to H. H&Ln, Agent, or to the auction- eer, T. N. CARLING. Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber has just purchased an improved registered Yorkshire Boar, from the well-known breeder, Joseph Featherston, of Streetsville which will be kept for service at his promisee Base Line, Hullett. Terms, $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning. JOHN GOVIER, Auburn. AUCTION SALE Valuable Farni Property - IN TnIC'- ,,. Township of Stanley. Under instructions front the Trusts Corpora- tion of Ontario the administrators of the estate of Alexander McIver, deceased, there will be offered for sale, by public auction by David Dickinson, auctioneer, at Cook's Hotel, in the Village of Varna, at the hour of 3 p. en WEDNESDAY, 13TH DAY OF NOVEM- BER, 1895, the following freehold property sit- uate in the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, and being lot 16, con. 8, of the said Township of Stanley, containing by admea- surement 100 acres of land. Tho above described property is situated in ono of the best farming districts in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and is said to have thereon 40 acres of good bush, to have the balance cleared and to be good farming soil. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid fixed by the official guardian. Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale and the balance to the Ven- dors within 30 days thereafter. Further and other terms and conditions Of sale or known at the time of sale will be made upon application to the below named solicitor, The Trusts Corporation of Ontario by JAMES McBRIDE, room 44, Janes Brook, 75 Young St., Toronto, their Solicitor herein. Toronto, Oct. 12th, 1895 SAVE MONEY And increase your bank account by buying your goods from a store where all goods are bought wnd sold for hard CASH. Read these prices. During our sixteen years experience as retail storekeepers, we have never known goods to be offered at such low prices as we quote today. All our goods are fresh and new. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your money back if you want it. Here's the bill of fare for next week: Rich Brown Sugar, dry as dust, 30 pounds for $1 Extra Standard Granulated Sugar, 24 pounds for $1 Our celebrated 25c Japan Tea, "Pure and Sweet," 5 lbs$1 Canned Tomatoes, Corn and Peas 8 cts a tin Royal Yeast, large box, ;new shape 7 cents Silver Gloss Starch, ..8 cents Corn Starch 8 cents ° British Columbia Salmon—Red 10 cents Biscuits, 1 lb box 8 cents, 3 pound box 20 cents Extracts, guaranteed pure 8 cents a bottle Raisins, best select fruit, large and clean 7cts a pound Figs—good quality—new, fresh and juicy 5 cts a pound Pearl Tapioca 5c Sago Sete Sulphur 5c Epsom Salta Scts Improved Globe Washboards 15 cents This is a good time for you to buy Crockery—Prices are leaning your way. White Granite Cups and Saucers, heavy, 80c, worth $1 a dozen English China Cups and Saucers, gilt sprig and band $1.10 Semi Porcelain Cups and Saucers, large size, printed ....$1 doz English White Granite Tea Sett, 44 preces....51.85 worth $2.50 English Printed Tea Sett, 44 pieces 52.40 worth3.00 English Dec'd Semi Porcelain TeaSets,44 pieces$2.75 worth $3.25 French China Tea Sett,:44 pieces $4.75 worth 56.00 French China Tea Sett, 44 pieces $6.50 worth 68.00 TOILET SETTS—Good shapes, good colors. A new line—live pieces in the sett; colors—Brown, Blue and Maroon, for 51.60. White' Granite, 8 pieces, $2. Decorated—Gilt Band, 10 pieces $4 We will continue list of special prices next week. Keep an eye on our newspaper space—you will see many lines on which you can save money. L. OiTIMETTE. T>t Cash Dealer, Londesbore. M1• ,