HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-08, Page 3V. 1 p�lqp1 ' 1 l V • ,,r , IF t ifs:, c, , y ,,. I I'll 1 Aiv r y 11 . , , 0"; � r + it W i ,, Think t7#' it. hard- x a, r , . 11 , i 0 .�`x. 11%0, 404J� **4, who Andsi �� , pp .4 ot$ gI1t, ; " . r • t dii� ,.'' _ #nest, cult io itxfi -1111i ONbRAV� LI. ;; OC pU ,IYO tea ads leo �' .t NOV 'TiN " aa�t s ria >~uja riri . ', A ! • ar Cr'� ;000. it! 2,Qlti1,- ,.. q ingtedroint te: s $eith, Bell ar, Ce lei as ; $ r d Pekmwnea, tjl of a ;�# t, . , 11 ,i9! i 1augrgneqd in .passe .o?t (7ofl.. 'phis debt was added to feet b .% r " Q .ip,ipougng✓to; Ali W*alriiesaesr,.1oad field Eii�i>; I>ldeaege.,, It nes bagerl on <3 .oe i r e . It'_ ,rn> 140tiEd10t- QotnOl;: or ov 8,000000 ,..,.:. p►,x tft4o g #quit, Qte�r s nu siicl � i(lht CJornple;tfon, and: Rplibgil� all fI a iia .b : M 0 . 'ro, , . , _ • )'� �' 16;r. e. • ., ., .aa.k, K t IVcon .. "r , o,,W_ Q, m its is A,g4t 440. " ° . 4r r s et debt Its,s increased by $100,M0,,, s id�.tI��..,t° 4']G~gRN , ?I��•ug eta.. w C(>�itQl�:kp�efittu to ,fit ► U9U qca ate 1>l�h tax ' int• - XA I+�X 49R '>i"»1; No x'1 government at- 1, '� sed 10 • other tai power, 1V�rSQT'x'A$ 'fA4 MNY q CrTQR¢. Uvea,$ ,WQ,QW a year is taken out , of the: eo !e in taxaa to a 4� . ppn7mentin stn Air, Tarw a spfaecheo fn p, p y far the i -' :.. Antario , pp +1 tJllaftaxn11'. lorry, eOMi of a re-' !, NO Qtua for Xeµ Ulu;ear Ton stave , ,t 'i'hainnifieg Fcee $'rase saga; terest Rik lila debt. f ,. Mr T�rto has basil held up as the Quelbeo The P ' gto ppay $39,000 A day fair fu- Pfi45a�l nn�r Who liveg. Ynen> gnlcoe, b I. ' "f)aaiietl'"frill, agent of STr Laurier vrhO rasa abq La terest on t#le saint. i , . " ' cos ted'? ' stealin w at, is. oro din Q $ h aG king : , That is at•, h $ , g horse, and - FF.. RP One dootwr,to ca the xtremQ view Oa- this`.(ecllaol) gttoption t. e Tata of 1 000 an holm, x , aexikeltirz�d to 23:Inonths In the Uak►l~ral thouyapd., of . the .populat'xAn la, a fair that is st4Pposed to appeal most readily to The Cou(Itry needs a Chan e. g ;.._. ,,i. t,. , " 3?6ori, s . average suppi3� for Mian demand Qnffioleat the Frenoh•Canadian eleators of that pro- ""'------ �ut'(tut. alas " been • Yound guilty of to ttoohein areml stn rk,ialr living. Zn, Toren vines. Instead o! a .firebrand, wit find kiln You DQn',x HAv1a To Swmu Oso Sg4ludex jrl too fixat de roe, in Connee- o People and about,il6p° an 'extremely rational arson. a sa ebbe St. Louis Journal owe' iamne�'lttehe2`'fl llresexiptfmu f'olr I doctors, or arta medioai man to tsbautt 69Q , weeks and tnanths pRse person. mor© axi e y R Agriculture 111Rd fJhildr�ln. It eontltins Aeithe ,' tt ll �Vrah they death o ' Miss Lamont, rn an editorial about Na•To,6 a6, the fam_ r Qp1tYICr, IVI }�, citizenp, Algain, Crow many of each 6A0 d ]� orpilinelnp alft*lpt + o vael#bu>�d deadfll, aSan Francisco inhabitants aro hopeleaely'unablS to • tpore as if the Liberals laud bald of the Ottetobacoobabit cure. +'Wekaowofmany other Naxcotle sulk stan1 e. Xt i�► a harulless flub ch4reh, pay right end of this Manitoba sohoo!-question, eases bured by No-To•$aa, one, aprons- _-„ -11, ,...;,,,, LutO for the services of a phyplol'au, or receive Justice" with peane; no ooercidn— that is a nent St. Louis arclhitect, smoked and"chew• fOr Pareggries DrOPS, f30othi'.0 f3 ne, and C1iataac sit, i, '+' r treatment gratuitously, ala, for example, .1 better policy than a remedial order. ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him It IS Pleamut. 11tfl gUar' ntee thirty eargt �.membere of a club, or are dead baste, as so that even the smell of tobacco makes @ , for •9sample, the nIojority of •the olergy, him siok." No-To-Bac sold and guaran- Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms an4 snap *htlrt tw*sh1dlc;' voga'her,C6iorla,' or who can and will not pay, navidenca Before the finished p y i fruit come bad and teed no Dare no pay, Book free, Sterling feverlshness, Cagto Prevents vomiting Sour RP4eneheprasaOhild,uheorledforCas Oris, of Which, accumulated ledgers full of bad ,� bloesotttI Bud grows ROmody CJs., 374 Bt. Paul St., MontrOal. s 'Vien�4became ,debts are always present with us, So' 1 ! into blossom - and Sold by Allen & Wilson. I Cures idarrhma, and 'Wind Colic. Cafltoria relloM Al Mist'' "elle slung to Castoria, that the number 690 may blossom into fruit �„WhOuqhs, hadMildren,shegavethemcastvrik divided by tufo, y �eonably ba ; � ,-• � M, And so On FridNy afternoon over two thou- t"thin t OUblefls cures constipation and, llatnieU07 ` girth°od sand members of the various Liberal ' The same state of affairs exists is evb we es into woman• CastOrla 88simfllate9 the food, regulates the Stoniaeb hood and the woman elute in the country left the monument 1c ' city and town in O,ario,and !s probably into motherhood. Natianat, Montreal, to march to the Bud boWeln, giving healthy and natlural bleep. Qap worse 1n the IInt`ed States, where, p) The two most crit- grave cf the Iate Premier Ooant Hon- s Vit. Fort Worth, Texas, a young tie- least in some states, the public are n00 kcal times in a wo- ore Mercier. They took with them a the Ohildren 8 Panacea—the Motheza`s 1'rie>ria1�. Cte�a, o)iarg'ed with murder, was taken protested from unqualified praetitionera man's life are dye waggon load of flowers, with which a mob from the officers, and slowly w lube profession were net ovor.orondeQ, times which make the coffin in the vault was covered. G"i1,�tOT3�. (�aS�O�&► 3 >� „4t d t4,death Ha was tied and would we see the sorry slleetacle of medical , the girl a woman, ' men advanoed in a and the woman q Prayers were said by one of the Jesuit " „ T .� ,i blazing spiirits of light wood and small y era, who ought to l mother. qt Fathers, and the crowd joined in Cas6atlatsanexceilentmedioine f*! shit• "CnaWrlalasowelladapted t°children be taking life and its °ares lightly, times, Dr. Plaice's Irecommenditaseu i tI6�'aheia tl plied to various parts of @ ghtly, fill, chanting the Libera, dren Motherehaverepeatedl7coldmeolira thsi p I g Positions of res good effect upon their children." Pm orWangpregcripttos 1n 5 oCty 'Utitii he died. ponsiblilty and fair Favorite Preserlp- "Turn the rascals out"—the familiar known to ri 1. E7E BOTTLE CURES, emolument, struggling with each other ,,.► tion is of incaicula- art or Dr- Q. C. Oeaoon, H. a;, anotnta,>yf, )a, `'D AR Sias— Por the office of lodge physician to a so. I ble value, It ttt e party Y —maybe applied to microbes as towel; y Iii t3o Oxford st , r tPbis winter I was troubled suety of laborers for Dna dollar or even i danger into safely ad pain into ease. I� well as to men. The germs of disease that . Brooklyn, N. Y, W;th,a"deyertroold, I tried several remedies a medicine which as but one Into act. It ie lurk in the blood are ,turned out' by,Ayer's"���tsrlsisthebesiremodyforchtldiettot •bur , seventy-five oentw per man nor annum; E sod for but one rag. It afrengthe send Sarsaparilla as effectually as the old post- wblahIamataluaiuted, Iho the l�� In the 6hildiettr depart bnf y'without avail, On the adyiee^ of a or would industrial Insuranoe oompaniee q pe day, is not menu have spoken hfgitly of their !xpo> friendl bought a bottle of Hagyard's Poc- be able to claim the servioesof competent iLvigorates the o no distinctly feminine, masters are displaced by a new adminie- far distant when mothers willconsiderthereef once in their outside practice withCasteriar, tarnal"Boleam, which completely cured me, P i promotes regularir of the functions, tration. p=- Interest of their children, and use Castoria In- and' although we only have among crani: ROY $, STAPLES, Holland Man. Physicians to visit, iaepeoi and ,spore I allays irritation efts in@atpmation, checks steads[thevarlousquacknostrumswhichar° medical supplies ilea tisLnt fa known as regular 'on their oases for the ridiculous sum of unnatural exhaustin drains end Puts �e Britain has a population of about 40,- PP , f.f1t.is understood that Sir Wm. Hitt a6 vents per mane These are a few of the Whole delicate o l{i P (100,000 and a net debt, less Suez Conal deetroyingtheirlovetl ones, bytosoIngopium, products, yet we are tree to confess that W I will be asked to resent Wmse f evidences of overcrowding, and could be "p"sm Perfect condi- morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits. of Ciastorla has won us to look with ' k p tion. Almost all of thele of womankittd shares, which aro as good as gold, of £636,- $'; .{ , h `' t$e Conservative candidate at the multiplied. , tire traceable to some form of what is known 000,000. In 60 year,jb0 of whish have been �m down their thioate, thereby sending favor upon it," al `female complaint.' 7jttd this getter- under free trade, she has paid off about themtopre-abure fives'„ f3eriTan Hoarrrtt, si+n larsreltesiai• t ,, T "appxoal hang lecture in Montreal Centre It is said on Tellable authority that there ally begins either at the tires of p tarty or $1, ba J. B. Sntatnxwts, ' fox elle House of Commons. fyrn not more than nine phy+aiatane in , childbirth, or at the "tum o� life 't lati0o0n Oo�'abou tab 000 OOOa ani as deb tof M `I r 11 y Mx J. Israel Tarte gave instructions Toronto making over six thousand , dol• There aro not three cases in a hundred of nearly Conway, Ark, damn O, sem' prm., BOH ' M� et tq `bis lawyers to commence legal pro- leis a year in praotloo, and that 90, pair 1 Woman's ppeculi diaeatse that hu d e d ofce's Y $320,000,000, and she has no great The Centaur Company, T7 Midway Street, Now Yorif City. , cesdings for $50,000 damn es a ainst cent• of the practitioners in this dt do. Favorite Prescrip n ivil� ware and has no °arnehing'military system t y, g g q not care. Thou. Toronto World, on account of a not collet a thousand dollars a sands of grateful women to kee u gross debt about $140,- y0ar dared health l ha been ren. P" P• Of this r despatch from Mor_treaI published in We think we have shown reasons for be- y and happy try its use, ang 000,000 has been piled up in 16 years,•of "", # Iievin 'the profession of medicine do be the e$perienee and testimony of IIsenq o protection and crushing taxation, What P ghat journal, in which certain charges g them has been included in Dr, Pierce's a showing! 1 Wore made against him, full to overflowing, and we doubt vee' Common Sense Medical Adviser. moot i1 itis not sinal anfl a great ,visna gARL S CLOVER ROOT, the great r'` w> `+ ` PLEASANT Ali SYRUP. on the part of anyone , to advise yotm$ when Dr, pierce Pclbii°hed the Sret a riay of blood purifier, gives freshness and clear- 1lIr Douglas, Ford, Toronto, Ont., states his work The Peop e q Coy mon Sense Medical nese to the complexion" and aurae Conati- i � •that Milburne's Cod Liver Oil with Wild men to enter its ranks, unless he be one Adviser, Ise announced that after 680,000 co i Cherry Dark is free from objectionable °f the rano individuals blessed With a had been sold et the regulatpdce, Ez.So parse y P®tion, 2b cue., 50 ate., $1. Sold by J. H,T as -1 I� i 1 I the rout on which wouldd re ,in4 oomp*tenoy, or one whose soeW pay him f r the Combe, Clinton, r VM", Rw pt,,� t, , ' ;taste, being almost as pleasant as syrup, POsI• �' qq �. 1 ' P y p' tion will advance him without the usual producinK itthoe woudagive awn thepnez�t4�alf sWW yr e .,tiw5�,; while for soughs and colds it gives Dom- „ ovv33 The Manitoba Fres Press says the pan Weary waiting, " million Tee. He is n dlstributiAg absolutely adopted by the C. P. 'R. of taking wheat vk. 11 3 1,j w {t ,plate satisfaction, acting promptly even in free goo,00q of this most campfete, interestin 1 PA ` t + ," Obstinate•caees. andwaluable common sense 8 for and Bold to settlers is working well.— a '• .�,a Terrors of an Aro°to Rt ht, afeaicat work ever It enables the farmer to hold his wheat at a'ad to "priit and Bear It"when he >'' 9 a Zt "is arranged that Miss Vanderbilt'a g published—the recipient only beanH required to bad n paha, you can grin and r l r i 1 illi. Gonetantin NOsslloff, reporting lA mail to the wo0rld's ir3pensary Medical Ae"ocia• all events until the very day his payment i"SI atones by using Pries DAvls'°� .!t " dot on her marriage, with the Duke of "La Tonr du Monde" his eciontiflo res- tion, at suffal PT, Y., tone cent stampps to pay to the company is due. If ho had to raise Marliloxo will be $10,000,000, bat so settled searches Sa Nova Zembi Pnrniahos an w'll be sena meatus ma$!ng only,&&rad the book the Dash, he might be obli ed to sell sev- a• Alter 'k4 +` + Ort her'that she only has the use of the in a post-paid. It is a veritable medical g g� `t Come during her life, and at her death the Interesting description of his sensations I library, complete in one volume. It cofitains eras days earlier, and possibly miss the and oaporlenoas during the iong arobio over lose paces and more than 300 illustrations benefit of an advance cvhioh might spring �, ' principal will descet,d t0 lust' issue. The FYee &dt7ibn is precisely the same a. that g t night, which began on November and ; sola at V -so except only that the books are up in the meantime. t, SBILOH'S CURE is sold on a ltuaran• ended b bound in stron manilla payer covers instead Sold nI[uleeve�woTmofexternalor stern inose. * 6 y January 20. g toe.. It Cttre6 insipient Consumption, It September was of cloth. Send Now tater rail are luau away, } {, Doss—A teaspoonful in half gln"s of water or Oink (w rwnventenq, fly r i' is the b@st sough cure. Only one cent a says. Then suddenIytsnowmoovered� Lh0 delay send g mm dia�ey�i} thereore-11 oneAot "'O'l�'9ot (ke ��Ctrt ak.1fli a il9tl6y, 2gets„ 50ats., and $1, Bold by J. H. mountains The Samoy*d*s, his only alrld �O�eu}er , I mb6, Clinton. " �. 4 inmpanione,pnt on their winter sloth- The annual report of the Department • Mt1it1S a eiZeht Mr Justice Meredith absolutely re- g, the fishing boats set sell for Groh- I of Finance On the business of the ]can f v ' ; : Used in Kingstgn, Friday, to hear the angel, the ground froze, the sun lost its I companies of Canada for the year end- / "" not 4r D11111ECT �tdse of Moncuteff and Preston, in warmth and heavy snows Pell. Winter i ung Dec. 31, 189.1, shows a very regret- irrflie: Which Mr W," , R. Preston, the late had Dome in earnest. On the day when table increase in the quantity of real ►lteltthel plaster, ''�t Liberal otg.ertifzer, is charged with the sun showed itself for the last time, estate rnortgaed and in the amount of T�.1� We have just received an import order of New sea- I16Clidltlg �tYlq?ly illegally in connection all hands went out of doors to bid it fare- total loans. The value of the real es- �Wt�e Dime sons Teas, direct from the lace of ,<vrtbt the late electron, Mr Meredith, well. It remained lri eight for ,half of an tats mortggaged is $115.800,000, senna,- i one, t?cured following ars a Few of the leading hues, viz: The 1Vlazawpa�te pure Ceylon, the ( , 4xvFhenityader_of this -Opposition iu the hour sole, ed with $110,916,000 in 1893, an increase tiiietme Magic, finest packst lea in the market, 3 qualities; 1Vloning Congovv; Choice Silted; Chia;o LegishV#ore, had occasion fie- Fora few days longer there was a of $4,900,000, In total loans the amount Hyean 1 rad fresh uncolored Japans lvlay ppickings. All have been most care- quelitly; to meet Mr Preston as a very morning twilight: Then this faded and returned is $121,600,000 compared with pl:t? a lou time i ntflsred with Rheum�tti.attra t y s acted and guaranteed to satisfy. To the most fastidious taste—try arm f A gtive'opponent, as an or anizer and gave lace to black ni ht. The stare $ an increase in the g y that Iceuld not eveneit p g P g $115,346,000 in 189., flue sack .o eeverol Po ular ]ileus 25c; Russrau Blend 45c; Crown Blend 50c. as a platform speaker. There was not shone the whole twenty-four honra. The year of $6,254,000. The figures show +sht• My wire advised • D. a i` iiiantliol !i i ', the best of good feeling between the huts of the colony were buried under the that never in the histor of Canada has 42bler. [trial It and was soon going '�-y-->r+"T'f�'7�y New Raisins, Ar uimbans Select; New 4 t � "two, and after Mr Preston was appoint- snow, of whish thick whirlwinds filled the land been so heavily mortgaged. Price 26a e' C' 13uiir�' seeet Caaaeta .L�.r V .L �L 1,� Currants in cases; New Figs, New Orange, ed librarianI , Mr .Meredith bad occasion the air , The winds shook the huts to When Mr McKenzie left offlce the Lemon and Citron Peel, New Evaporated Plums and Apricots. Pure Spices, , to criticize Mr Preston and his methods their foundations Sometimes for daps amount of total loans was $44,703,000, IT PAYS TO whole and ground. In Vinegar we sell Cider, Whits Wine, Crystal, Pickling . adversely. Some of the Liberal papers, together the inmates of -the dfforent hay iso that the increase has been over 350 -- and Cross & BlackwelI's Malt Vinegar 1n bottles. Extra values in stylish Din- .r such as the London ?advertiser, object- could hold no communication with each per cent. Returns were received from ::;® ser, Tea and Toilet Sets, the latest designs of decoration with new colors and a ed .to Judge Meredith presiding at the other, though the huts were aide by side, 94 companies, of which 84 veers in On- tints. Cash for Butter and Eggs. trial, and the (Nobe, white expressing If any one went out lie was seized by auks tario, 8 in Quebec and 2 in Nova Scotia. 11 f every confidence in the Chief a of e s wind and had to be dragged bank by Provincial returns show about $20,000,- l r (� �"\ 7 , y fairness, suggested that some other means of ropes. 000 additional of mortgage debt in On- 1 V L� �-J �v •eve I i n n sl , I .11udge should relieve Mr Meredith sur- Iu this darkness and desolation the aur. tarso, and in Ontario the larger I ::