HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-01, Page 8TOE, CLINTON NE
OT TiEniP7,9. is. --On Thursday
�tt QEa
Jlintou i �lryege 'nb a fraternal, visit from
r4xDAT -N. v.• 1, '
t3iiG. - olinesvi a G"auneil R, ` . of T The
initiatory .part' Af the meeting was per -
ferreted by tpern in grand style. After
yOpAL NO'I;'It1E;a• the business Was finished the doors
Mutteremll LIP P Ivente4--04trrELon 13xps were t.Iuown epee and, an interesting
flour exchan-qed for 'adieu., Roiled nate for pr�ogram was rendered by the Horne
Cato at Or QI9Q�#'s, Cllntou, conncii: Our numbers are increasing
Felt E--Oarefully selected, land -picked at •every meeting We have now a
�iinterApples by the peels, bushel or barrel. - very spacious and comfortable place of
• t'1/004 QN'Wante, .-A011ol n. meeting. We throw Rut a general in-
considerably, la dy, whose eshuires vitation for all to unite with us in lift -
a u 10 tram home st. Aee a
con to of Lady hoarders fpr oompuny. Apply ins up; drink, -fallen man and. in plac-
•,at Now Era Oiace. ing him on a foundation of moral tem -
•)♦That Briar t<'lpe with amber- tip for 54e Is crenae pprinciples. It is a noble work.
noes, light sad durable—a beauty, That new ei }t along.
le Cigar lTeiuplarJ is takiag hold; it is a mild
easy ewe er ot peasant flavor and taste -It Norms.•—Mrd Robert Brown, who has
satisfies, ALI,EN'.t WILOOli's always for a been working _for the corporation for
good cigar ora good pipe at •reaaoaable prices. some t me, left this week for Michigan,
itOlant gi3011tt efi„ • where he expects to put in the winter.
Mrs R. Holmes is spending a few days
.,'STOLEN HORSE RECOVERED.—Un with relatives at St. Catharines. Mr
unday Mr Wheatley received word R. Gardner, of Berlin, spent Sunday
Osla, constable at Sebringville to be with his parents here. Mr W. Moore
n the lookout for a horse and buggy has rented his cottage on Albert street
hich had een stolen from that place, north to Mr Harry East. "Wanda,"
nd, which, it was supposed, had been the Brussels mare, which is winning so
riven in th s direction. It was traced much money at races on the other side,
Within three miles of Goderich. The was bred by Mr W. J. Paisley, of town,
hief had unharnessed the horse and .who re rets now that he ever sold her.
.ed.it. to the fence, throwing the har- Mr H. L. Brown has rented one of the
est; across the fence, and leaving the stores in the Perlin Bleck, and pur-
rticles in this condition. The thief poses putting in machinery for a.gene-
eBcaped capture. ral repair shop for all classes of iron
ACCIDENTS.—The other day, as one work; he also intends to manufacture
of the afternoon trains wart approach- bicycles. The new dynamo for the elec-
ing Clinton, from Goderich, Conductor brit light and all the ot her appliances
atm was standing upon one of the were put in place this week, and the
steps, when he slipped off, falling on machine put into operation; it gives
,his face on the gravel roadbed. When excellent satisfaction, being much su-
he regained his feet it was found that perior to the former machine. Miss
his face and forehead were considerably Suiten, of Toronto, has been engaged
cut and the services of a doctor were as stenographer for the Canada Salt
net-essary to dress the wounds, which Association. Mr Armstrong, of Lon -
were bad enough to lay him off work don is performing the dutiesof baggage -
for a week. man here, owing to the illness of Mr J.
On Friday last Mr W. Cantelon met McGuire. Messrs J. Ransford and W.
Jackson were both visitors to Montreal
with a very painful of syrup, andHwas last week. Regular meeting of the
owering a barrel syrup, had town council next Monday night. The
laced an empty barrelbreak for it to falld Galt Reformer of last week contains a
pen, and barrel doing h its fall.aInstead the re ort of the annual meeting of the
f e to sip this, it allowed the omen's Hospital Aid Society, and
ther.so slip was cut rollingmupon his the work it has accomplished during
eg; y,a bootdtheo cut ere his foot at, the year; the treasurer of this society
so that
and foot le to wear somewhat, is Mrq Keachie, dau rhter of Mr J,Croll.
co that he was unable to anything A new bei bei ehop�ris been eta
.ted in
upon it for some time. It is a wonder town, at least it's a hair -cutting estab-
his leg was not broken. lishment, opened in Blackall's stable,
MULTIPLIED MISFORTUNES.—The old where a machine for clipping horses is
adage, that "misfortunes never come in daily use, the operation beir1 111quick-
bingly.” finds an illustration in the ty and neatly performed. r S. S.
family of Mr Jacob Miller, of town. A. Cooper is using Mr H. Stevens' factory
short time ago one of the children fell until he finishes up contracts he has
and broke it9 leg; last week another of on hand. Miss Orpha Miller, of St.
the children swallowed a button, and Thomas, has been spending a few days
has been quite sick therefrom; another home, owing to her sister's illness. A
was laid aside by a felon on her hand, cold confined Mr R. Fitzsimons to the
,r--,; while his eldest daughter, Miss Lily house for a day or two, and people re-
-Miiiery has been dangerously ill during ported he had a fever, but his ability
the -past week. His friends will be to get back to work contradicted this
pleasedtto' know that one and all are report. The friends of Mr Wm. Ma -
improving. son will regret to learn that he is not
No CAUSE FOR UNEASINESS.—On making the improvement that was
Monday some of the school children hoped for. Mr J. T. Westcott, con -
went home with the report that "the stable, of Exeter, was seen passing
school had been on fire," and parents through here quite smartly, on Tues -
naturally felt concerned about it. But day, going up through Goderich town -
there was really no ground for the re- ship; he is on the lookout for Regan,
pert. When Mr Lough reached the who is supposed to be hiding some -
school in the morning the rooms were • where in the township. Mrs A. H.
not quite warm enough and wood was Goodwin, who has been nursing ty-
added to an already hot fire to create phoid fever cases, in Blyth and Lon -
quick heat. The blaze reflecting on desboro, for the last six weeks, has re -
the tin pipe in o e of the rooms caused turned home. Dr Bruce spent Sunday
the alarm to be sounded, and the chil- in Lucknow. A young son of Mr
dren to be marched out, but they Todd, accidentally ran a couple of
marched in again when it was found nails into his knee the other day mak-
that there was no cause for alarm. It ing a painful wound. Mr H. M.
is claimed that a fire to the building by Wright opens his new butcher shop on
means of the furnaces is absolutely im- Huron st , to -day. Miss Rattray is
pOssrible. learningthe telephone business at the
A ,5'EInDBMAN'S COMPETITION.—Wm. Central. We understand that the
family of Mr C. Long are moving from
Rennie, of Toronto, offers prizes for town to Parkhill. The Brussels Post
vegetables, etc., grown from seeds pro- sa s:—Robt. Leatherdale, of Clinton,
cured from him. Mr Wm. Warnock, was in town for about a week; he was
of Goderich, beats all rrcompetitors with laid up with an injured hand, caused
his mammoth squash..He
heads the b a sliver from a board he was work -
list of six winners with 298 g
lbs., the in with a machine in the Doherty
ere ranging from 220 down to 185 organ factory " Mr Robt. Gardiner,
He also won first prize for a late of the Walker House, Berlin, and
napkin weighing 1551bs. Other win- son of Mr D. Gardiner, Clinton, has
el's in this county are: Jas. Mustard, been appointed clerk of the Tecumseh
ppen, first for three largest carrots, House, London, and has assumed his
lbs.; G. h. David, Belgrave, 2nd for duties: he is a young man who has had
hree largest nymphia dahlia; Robert large experience in this particular line,
matrons, Constance, 8th for largest and is a most exemplary ycung man.
yield from one bushel Siberian oats, Mrs J. A. Croll and little son, of Buffa-
2,584 lbs. Mr Thos. Holloway, Clinton, lo, and Mrs. Wes. Fletcher, and little
was one of the competitors in the car- daughter Eva, of Galt, are this week
rot competition. guests of Mr and Mrs Croll. The an -
PROPERTY NOTES.—Anything in the nouncement of the News -Record that
way of improvement Mr Searle under- the House of Refuge patients would be
takes he usually carries through; he received from the 11th to the 16th of
has fixed up his property on Ratten- "October," is so glaring an error that
bury street very much, erecting a coma- the wonder is it was allowed to be re-
modious and comfortable cottage in peated•no less than six times in 13 lines.
the place of the small one, which he Miss Agnew. of whose illness mention
removed to another lot; he has also was made last week, died on Friday, at
formed a boulevard along the east side her mother's residence; her death had
of the property, which will add much been anticipated, and did not find her
its appearance. Mr P. Cantelon's new unprepared; the remains were taken to
,hotise 18 about counpleted externally, hut Lucknow for interment in the family
won't be occupied till about Christmas; burial plot. Rev. L. W. Diehl, and
it is a fine building and adds very much wife, of Ailsa Craig' are visiting here.
to the appearance of that part of the Rev. W. Craig, of Petrolia, was a tem -
town. Mr D. Gardner's new house, on porary visitor here on Wednesday. J.
Mary street, is nearly ready for occu- Reid, of Stanley, shipped a car load of
patios; it is a snug, well-built frame lambs to the old country,, this week.—
cottage. The house on Huron street, Mr A. T. Cooper has been appointed
at present owned byr W. Wheatley, agent for North German Lloyd.steam-
and occupied by Mr Gardner, has been ship company, and the American and
sold to Mr James Appleby, for the sum Red Star tines of NewYork, also Beaver
of $400. line, of Montreal. The strong wind of
WEDDINGS.—Mr W. Weir is receiv- Monday caused Mr Forrester a loss of
ing the congratulations of his friends, about $100, by blowing over the Flax
on again entering the state of matri- Mill smokestack, and injuring it so had-
mony, the lady was Mrs Patterson, of ly that a new one is necessary. Mr
Bluevale, and the event took place on and Mrs. J. C. Stevenson were "at
Wednesday. \ home"to a very large number of friends
Ae pretty was that of Miss on Friday night. Mr Eman Chapman
Lottie Tories, which took place at St. and wife, relatives of Mr C. Hoare,
Paul's Church, on WeInesday; shortly left here on Wednesday for NewWest-
before 2 o'clock she entered the church minster, B.C., and were ticketed by A.
to the tunes of a wedding march, lean- O. Pattison, G.T.R. agent. By actual
ing upon the atm of her brother, of count the number of gentlemen who
Seaforth. Miss Lu. Worthington was witnessed the wedding in St. Paul's
bridesmaid, and the groom, Mr Laurie, church, en Wednesday, including the
of Hepworth, was assisted by Mr S. clergymen, was 11, and of these only
Ezra, of the same place. The ceremony three will follow the example set them;
was performed by Rev. W. Craig, of the number of ladies was legion. Mr
Petrolea, assisted by Rev. Mr Parke. Edward Carter, who bas been laid lip
The couple lett on the 4.45 train, on a with inflammation of the bowels is re -
trip to Detroit, and other places. covering, though not yet out of clan -
As intimated last week, the home of ger. In addition to being the hub of
Mr W. S. Harland was the scene of a the County, Clinton also seems to be
double happy event, each bridal party "the marriage centre,"and we will say
standing beneath a floral bell. Mr M, for the benefit of the unmarried pub-
s. Elliot, of East Wawanosh was lic that the supply of handsome, amia-
married to Miss Emma Mason, c�augh- ble, genial and able -to -work young la-
ter of Mr Robt. Mason,of that town- dies is practically inexhaustible here;
ship; the groomsman was Mr Jas. Rob- in fact quits a number of them have al-
ertson, of Bluevale; the bridesmaid, ready the promise of life engagements.
Miss Annie Howe, of Clinton. Mr Jas. Miss Ida A. Watch is at present visit -
Ewa, also of East Wawanosh, was ing friends in Goderich. No important
married to Miss Carrie Simpson. for- cases were disposed of at the Division
meriy of Toronto• the assistants in this Court last Friday. Conductor Snider
event were Mr W . A. Elliot, East Wa- lectured in the town hall last night on
wanosh, groomsman, and Miss M. "Queer People;" it would not be an un -
Washington, bridesmaid. These cere- truth to say that some of his subjects
ilio les were performed 15y Rev J. W. were in the ball. We are glttd to learn
Holmes and W. J. Ford. The print}- thatyybus nese at the end a Organ
n Fa oonew
tan the evening train for their hands are being taken on to supply the
ht5me near less to m. dethand. The weather hpe had a very
It is needless roll t that the Nliip- wintry aPpearaince for the hist few
obr, and ors after all the editorial Slip- days with a few inches of snow; the
happineeko r, and wtshLs them ,tbtindanch of latter, hdwe'er, is disappearing..
We have (rite a number of
very choice Greenland Seal
Capes in stock, 26, inches long
full skirt, Satin lining, worth
$25. This week,
The above is word for word a copy of the advertisement of
one of the largest city furriers, and appeared in the daily .pa-
pers a few days ago. We copy it because it might as well
have been written for us as we are selling the same• kind of a
Cape, the same size with the same kind of lining, at the same
price, $20. • They are the best value in the trade, and when
gone we can get no more of them,as prices for this kind of fur
have greatly advanced since these were bought.
We are Leading
The Trade
The Sheriff
Demands that we have a fair profit, and -we get: it and UG, a
the benefit afterwarde is all yours.
We want to include the above in a little paper tall -abox*
Wall Peer
In Ready Made Mantles. 'We've hit jest the correct styles,
and have put correct prices on every ticket. You can hunt
all over town and you'll not run across as good values as
you'll find here. We know it—not because we're told so, but
because people come in and look, then go elsewhere and look
and then come back and Buzz Sere
The stock is practically) all new, but we have seven Mantles
carried over from last season, the sleeves of which are not as
large as now worn, and they are a trifle longer than the new
styles. If you want an up-to-date Mantle you won't buy one
of these, but if you want one for rough wear, and are not par-
ticular as to the style being the very latest, you can take your
choice of three of the seven for Ninety-five cents, and of the
other four for two dollars.
Is there anything at so email a cost that will give r}o n:i i
satisfaction and in provewent in the home as the paper of
the wall.
Purses and their Owners.
Our 52, 52.50 and 53 -
Ready Trimmed Hats are sellers. They sell because they're
stylish, because the trimmings used are good, because they're
by far the best values to be had in the trade,
e World .1
We claim we can suit in variety ot design. and price, in
gance of finish and colorings. We trim it properly, and fr pq.,
"Often the Cheapest—Always the Best."
The W. 11 FAIR 00.,
News Dealers and Agts. for Parker's Dye Wort
Protect Your Few
Has the money and we have the goods. Those two truths
are emphatically impressed upon our mind. We are certain
that the money part of it is correct, for all around us we see
evidences of returning prosperity and money waiting to get
into circulation, provided the holders of the same can get fair,
square, equal value for their cash.
As to the goods, we know we have them, the goods for the
money, good bought intelligently and sold so that the pur-
chaser knows he has made a wise and economical investment
every time We refer to our
Invite inspection to their fall stock of
Which is now completelwith all kinds of seasonable Footwear, purchased
before the advance 113 leather. We cannot enumerate all the different kinds
in an. advertisement. Suffice it here to say that we have antitipated your
wants in our fall purchases, and now the goods are here. We give a cordial
invitation, to inspect our stock and compare our prices.
We buy and sell for Cash --You get the benefit.
SOLE AGENTS for Slater's $3, $4 and $5 Shoes. The large sale of
which give evidence of their superiority..
Our Motto—"Nothow cheap but how gooa for the money"
Wm Taylor & Sons
THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Butter,.and Eggs taken atSasb prices
Men's FriezeUlsters, 56.50, 58, 510
Men's Tweed Suits, - $7, 510, 512
Boys' Tweed Suits, - - - 52 to 56
Boys' Reefer Coats - - 52 and 3
Boys' School Pants - 50c, 75c & 51
Men's Tweed Pants - 52 and 53
V' hen you put yourself in our hands, we aim not to make
you one sale, but to win you as a constant customer. An
examination cf our goods will verify our statement that
"they are unexcelled."
We expect a brisk trade, and are prepared for it, fully back-
ed by resources and ability.
Jackson Brothers,
Popular - -
Is our Millinery department, and we attribute its popularity
to the fact that it's our BIG SPECIALTY and that
no where ,is there to be found such an assortment of
as here; and if you do not see just what suits you, trim-
med up, well take your order. Our Milliners have the
knack and reputation for trimming to suit any face or
purse, whether it is a $1.50 hat or a better one.
LADIES OVERHOSE with cut heel at 45c and 65c. See them
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
Ladies' Elysian Natural- Wool Vests, full fashioned,
perfect fitting, high neck, long sleeves, pure wool in
natural and white, all sizes. 45 and 50 cents.
Ladies' Drawers 40c and 50c, better goods at 70c,
75c and $1.
MEN'S and BOYS' UNDERWEAR 50c, 90c, $1, $1.35 and
$1.50 the suit.
Big Clearing Dress Goods Sale Afiki
Unequalled Bargains the order of:..
the day here.
Low price does not with us mean a worthless stock made up
for exorbitant figures in some other department. Our
price feature are based on equitable calculation. If
we save a customer a dollar he comes again, and repitt-
lar patronage is worth striving for.
COTh5II1v01t0 Estttblisbasest:w
,vI1iA `l l�i IltoOE1
°UN rOs.