HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-01, Page 7LINTON NEW i��. �N� ARE WEEKLY GLOBE WILL BE SENT TO SEW .SUBSCRIBERS TO 81ST' DECEMBER � :... DUTORAti SOPS CENTRAL BUTCHER, SHOP roux) . & M 7RPI3Y taocotsors, to J. W, Langford) l sving'bought out the bye business, we taltend to oonduot :it On the cash prinoiple, t 144 willsttpply our ouatowere with the best ate at the )(Meat paying prices. Patrons >kitay 'rely, upon good service and prompt filling of all orders, FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton It is undeetood that the postal .officials in Woehingtori,'bare ased;thoDominial. eov. . ern mentlfor;permiseioiitorun United:States mail care with olerke on board through Canadian territory, and they are sanguine that the permission will be granted. While Charles Peel was engaged in tear- ing down a brick structure in Hamilton, collapsed, burying' Peel in the ruins. When reeoued he wee nnconsoioue, and died shortly after his arrival in the hospi- tal. The deceased wan 24 years of age. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. Saye: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first remedy 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Price 60o. Sold by J. H. Combe. Lieut. -Governor Chaplean's horses ran away in Quebec and the carriage was over- turned but hie Honor escaped serious in- jury. Essex County Council will go on with the county buildingrepaira. They have award- ed the control:it to Frederick Navin, of 0oderioh. Hie figures are $10,999. t CITY' BUTCHER SHOP T wish to`i itorin the public that I willjnot be nnderdold by any other person in the brininess I am a practical butchery and tinderatp,ad all the branohes of the business. 10,tp ,`the Very beet meats and a full st0011,always on hand, and will sell at the owest gash Prides. Bring along your Inoziey, and get the meat at the cash pride. We will give Credit but not at Dash prices. •Pletiiie call and see what you can do. for • Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' Coffe's Block Butcher Shop. .CQUCH & WILSON. ilubsorfpers desire to notify the public that thelhave bought ont the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jas A,Ford, and will eon- ' =lee.the same under their personal supervision. Oers,Wi)1 have promp,t and careful attention, likelih meata of all kinds will be kept in season. lold'.at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere ipIowa. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. FJ.+OUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS : SEEDS We will exchange 'CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED �FOR— OATS, PEAS, WHEAT & Barley 101bs. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bush. Oats. Give us a call. STEEIL CWW8 DYSPEPSIA, BAD BLOOD, CONSTIPATION" KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, . BILIOUSNESS. B.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. BURRDOC�roughly on hKSK PILLSivact ge fly ys McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Bkcod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- 1 tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. McLEOD, ' Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON CLINTON MARBLE. WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND. Next to Commercial Hotel. hie establishment is in full or ern tion and a' rders filled in the most eatisfacto y way Comer ery and granite work a specialty. Prices as easonable ae those of any establishment SEALE , Il0OVE1t,Clinton, im Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that ho will keep on hand the very beet FLOUR and FEED Of au kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be Bold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a hofoe variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will end to be excellent value, J. W. HILL 41-ITRON ST., CLINTON. cJoox's FlourFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. MEN Z.AGES The MQ1Soas Bank. rt Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, $2,000,000. • FEST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAB,....General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is-. shed, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. F ARMEELS . Money advanced to farmes on their own nota with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re qulred as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. (CEO. D. MCTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A genera, Banking Business tI ansacted NOTES .DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. I,ARRA111 & TISDALL BANKERS, OLIN TON'. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A gneeral Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bough J. P. TISD&LL, Manager. New Boot and Shoe Store The undersigned begs to annennoe to the pee. ple of Londeaboro and vioinity;thathe has open- ed a Boot and Shoe Store next to the poet office, Where will bo found a compiete assortment of FALL and WINTErt BOOTS and SHOES. Our ggeode are first -clues and oar prices are right — Cnetom work and Repairing done in a workman,. .. like venues., Butter and r.gcs taken ad cash, Come and see tip• •befer, buying else' were. 4.0138 'YOins'/ , • Loudesbora. may be cared. We treat all sexual discs% dors of men. Four out of five who Buffer nerv. :unless, mental worry, attacks of'r tbo bines," are but paying the pen. alty of early excesses. The dread alarm of Impotency, the exhaus- tion of Spermatorrhoea, mar bo CURED in strict confidence at moderate expense. Bend for our free sealed book, " PERFECT MANHOOD." ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, M.Y. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25o., 50o., and $1. Sold by J. H. Combe, Mr John C. Nelson, C. E., overseer of Indian reserve surveys, died at Winnipeg. Wm, Cummins was sentenced to 20 years' hard labor, for attempting to as- sault Mrs Dormer, at St. Catharines. Two of the children of the late An- thony Koch of Hamilton died from in- juries received in the fire at which their father lost his life. The little girl is not expected to recover. A QUESTION. How can we raise more corn to the sob- er? Why of course by using Putnam's Corn Extractor. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor has given universal satisfaction. for it ie aura, safe and painless. Like ev• ery real article of merit it has a host of imitators. and we would specially warn the public to guard against those dangercus snbsitutee offered for the genuine Put- nam's Extractor. N. C. Polson, propriet- or, Kingston. Electric..: Irl,pot iti ,nor sru.rT,,te. An experiment is being tried in London which will bo watched with keen interest by municipal authorities in this oountry. Here the disposition of city garbage is oftener than not a source of perplexity, but in England they soom to have made up their minds that the proper thing to do with refuse is to make money out of it. Many towns are deriving muoh of their electric -current supply from the sweeping of the streets, and the vestry of Shoreditch, a district of London, is about to show that this utilization can be turned to more varied uses than have yet been considered. The vestry, prompted by the knowledge that the furnaces in which tho refuse Is destroyed may very advantageously be employed for the generation of steam or other purposes, has bought a piece of land upon which it is going to erect a dust do- structor on the newest principles. It will make the destruotor do treble duty—it will destroy useless refuse, generate steam for lighting the parish electrically, and supply electric power to those who neod it, and at the same time it will afford a sup- ply of hot water for the public baths and washhouses. Tho smokestack will bo 150 feet high. Around the foot of It will be the electric light and power station, the bathe and washhonses. As showing how little objection on the score of noise and dirt can be raised to the installation of such a plant as this in the heart of a crowd- ed city, it is worth while to mention that a large and handsome publio library is to be erected on a corner of the same plot of ground. For 'twenty -Five Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Bersmiller Nur scary FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to, Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER J. C. STEVFINSONJ —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND-- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebeatEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT S T.,OLINTON Residence overetore OPPOSITE TOW BALL ST. VITUS DANCE. A MALADY THAT HAS LONG BAF- FLED MEDICAL SKILL. A SPEEDY CURE FOR THE TROUBLE AT LAST DISCOVERED—TIIE PARTICULARS OF THE CRE OF A LITTLE GIRL WEIO WAS A SE- VERE SUFFERER. From the Ottawa Jontnal. In a handsome brick residence on the 10th line of Goulborn township, Carleton Co., lives Mr Thomas Bradley, one of Goul born's most eucceesfnl farmers. In Mr 'Bradley's family is a bright little laughter, 8 years of age, who has been a severe suffer• er from St. 'Vitus' dance, and who had been treated by physicians without any benefi- cial results. Having learned that the little one had been lolly restored to health by the nee of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, a oorre- "Now Entirely Free Froyn. Disease." epondent of the Journal called at the fam- ily residence for the purpose of ascertaining the facts, and found the little girl a picture of brightness and good health. Mre Faulk- ner, a gator of the little one, gave the fol- lowing information: "About eighteen months ago Alvira was attacked by that terrible malady, St. Vitus' dance, and be- came so bad that we called in two dootors, who held out no hope to ns of her ultimate cure, and she was so badly affected with the 'dance' as to require almost oonetant watching. About this time we read in the Ottawa Journal of a similar case cured by the nee of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, which gave ns renewed hope. We procured a couple of boxes, and before these were all used there was a perceptible improvement. After using six boxes more she was entire- ly free from the disease, and as yon can see is enjoying the best of health. Several months have passed ainoe the use of the Pink Pills was discontinued, but there has been no return of the malady, nor any symptome of it. We are quite certain Dr, Williams' Pink Pillso red her and strong- ly recommend them i similar 'cases. Dr Williams' Pin Pills are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor at- axia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effeote of la grippe, pal- pitation of the heart, pale and sallow com- plexion, all forma of weakneee either in male car female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sejit,poet paid on receipt pig pricel, 60' oentg a,btix,'or nit lsoires for $2.60, by addressing Dr Williams' Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y P +NASANT AS s roue.. Mr Douglas Ford, Toronto, Ont,. states that Milbyrnela Cod L: ler Oil with Wild Cherry Bark. is free from objectionable taste, being almost as pleasant as syrup, while for coughs and colds it gives com- plete eatisfaotion, noting promptly even in obstinate oases. FOR $MO it AuvANo.. Mr Robt. Dallas, of Wingham, has bean laid up.for upwards of three weeks, on ac- oount of having been severely poisoned with poison ivy while working on the rail- way near Heneall. The poison went all over hie body, and only by the greatest care and attention, along with medical treat- ment, was it checked. He is now abln,to be out. PERSIAN PASSION PLAY. ONE HONEST MAN AND BUT ONE RELIABLE A Primitive Affair, but the Effect on the Audience is Irurnense. The two months of mourning observed by the Persians commenced this year on June 24. During these months there is performed at private houses a kind of Pas- sion Play, whloh usually lasts ten days, each devoted to some episode in the lives of the martyrs Ali • Hassan and Hussein. The stage is erected in the oourtyard of a large private house, and consists of a oiroular central platform some 3 or 9 feet high, with a wide passage, along which, before or between the act's of the play, go the various prooesslone of camels richly dressed (with actors and musicians on them), horses and riders, and military bands. Thanks to some French and Ger- man bandmasters, the Persians now have military bands which play European tunes remarkably well; but their success has well-nigh killed the native music, which, with its pipes, drums,and stringed instru- ments is very interesting. We have had a ourious experience both in Egpyt and here, of the fact that our music has no associations for Orientals. In Cairo we have seen pilgrims returning from Mooea to the tunes of "Bonnie Dun- dee" and "When Johnnie Comes March- ing Home;" while here it is hard to keep one's countenance when, after a scone of lamentation and mourning, the band marches round playing "I Am So Awful- ly Clever." Another droll sensation ono has at the simplicity of the stage management. Papa caw a play in which a gigantic snake was screwed together like a fishing rod be- fore the spectators, and this year a certain prince,who lives next door to us, asked for the loan of my small brother's bedstead, to represent a bridal carriage, to the great indignation of that young gentleman, who, in the midst of a tragic scene in the theater, shouted out, "Addie, yook at my bed!" A top hat is sufficient indication that an actor represents a European, and in order to become a European lady an actor has only to wear a European lady's hat, back to front perchance. Scenery, of course, there is none, and as the women are not allowed to play, their parts aro taken by boys or young men. Tho actors sing a sort of recitation, and have beautiful voices. The effect on the audionoe is very great, and the wailing and weeping is loud and prolonged. Here is the story of a play I saw. Scone L—Solomon (King Solomon plays a great part in Persian tales) ap- pears to a Persian prince and, addressing his Vizier, tells of the arrival of Hussein, sun of Ali, at Kerbela, where the armies of Keefe and Damascus have hemmed him in by order of Obeidillah-Lead. The Prince proposes to help Hussein, and on hie journey meets a number of women, whom he asks who they are and whither they are going. They answer that they are going to Kerbela to help the daughters of Ali, who are friendless and in mis- ery. Scene IL—The son of Hussein, Imam Lelnel-Abodin, and the daughters of Ali ride in, seated on camels, and bound with ropes, and Omer -e -Lad, the commander of the victorious army, orders his people to behead them in the presence of their mothers and relatives. Scene IIL—A Christian lady with her retinue passes the place of martyrdom on her way to a monastery. The party dis- mount to rest,and the tents are ordered to be pitched. Blood gushes from the ground as the stakes are driven in. and the lady is told of the people who have been be- headed and burled there. She and her at- tendants weep, and go their way. Scone IV —Sareban and Jammed, camel drivers, come in search of plunder to the plane of martyrdom Sareban ee.+s a valu- able ring on Hussein's hand, but cin not get it off the finger He seizes a broken sword to cut the fingers off, when a loud voice is heard from heaven, saying"Allah Akbar" (God is great,. Scene V.—Prince Solelman (Solomon), after several days' journey, sees two Arabs riding on camels in a deplorable state. They say they come in from Kerbela, saw Huaeein beheaded and his family carried as prisoners to Damascus. Scene VL—The abbot of the monastery on the road to Damascus sees in a vision the Messiah, who tells him of the approach of the oaptives with the heads of the mar- tyrs and foretells his conversion to Islam- ism, to the great surprise of the priest. In the morning the Damascus army ap- proaches, but, hearing that Prince Solei - man le pursuing them, the heads of the martyrs are given to the priest, who re- ceives them with reverence and gives hos- pitality to the captives. The priest is re- minded of his dream the night before, and immediately ern brews the religion of Islam. And before the triumph of the Crescent over the Cross, represented by the man in the top hat, we bow our diminished heads and withdraw. Fergus, Apd1 11,11N To Robert Phillipe, Druggist, Fergus. This is to certify that I have suffered from les for a long time and aged several articles re. commanded for this eon. plaint, but none of them beneetted n• 1111 I tried Chase's Ointment, whisk has completely oured mw Mia. JOHN ORRRII. R. Phillips, h Drug Witnais "Msix• • r•olddaughter Dsll ,was siesta with J e forte months, tits pr�lync t eeatty( eruption being behind, her ears. I tried alio WW1 remedy I saw advertised, bought wawa - arable medicines and soaps, cudtookthe Brit gbSt NUM eFinalty listo iweekn ago, I pirrabtaasdd s box of Dr. Cheat Ointment, and the drat ap roe showedth♦ curative Oast of the Rea . have used only one•sizth of the bpx, blit gs is very marked; thecraption moan appaand, and Ican confide/illy ley le shred. (Mined) BAXWJELIIJOHlf ill5ttlnp St. 'oteair Sold by all fedora, or on rudpe I prise, IN. £Irnob MANSON, RAM* 00., TOUT$, HAIR FOOD. NO DYE. e feed the Hair that which it tacks and nature restores the color. CURES BALDNESS, STOPS FALLING HAIR, CURES DANDRUFF, RESTORES FADED AND GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR AND VITALITY. PERFECTLY HArIMLESS. WARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. THEORY. 'RovAL SCALP F000 destroys the diseased of the scalp and a healthy action is set up It contains the principal properties of the hair are necgsssry to aside with out which it will not It fertilizes the scalp tho same es you do a flejd of corn and growth Is certain. It invigorates the sl dish scalp, cleanses it nod thorough:: eradicates all dandruff, which 1s the forerunner of baldness. Itis the ONLY remedy env r di.,eusred that will re- store the Lito, Beauty and t±ah"al Co,or to the hair without harm Men, Oen TeRS PItOIIIpTLY Fjyypp. Scxro iron Furs PA-'P:n.1CT::• • STATE AND LOCAL t.J,:MTs 'WANTED. ti ROYAL SCALP FOOD Co. Box 305, WINDSOR, ONT: AS CLEAR AS A BELL If a pupil of the Fortte��st City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. dodont. We got ourreputatect it reputationthat way; we we at intdendGoat until sustain it gets it. We drill; ghsome grind d in all subjects taught. We teach bookkeeping and ybusiness paper by aynew nmethod g a thorough about Mr E At Coon has accepted aipos tion wiour thoC Da Smik thWiot nona, Ont., ae assistant bookkeeper Catalogue free, J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVING A light, pliable, elastic bone /� made from quills. It is soft and sty le Shape e yielding conforming proper re shay to AND ` folds, yet giving shape to • Skirt or Dress. TO The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. Ladies' Dresses.The Celebrated F E A - corded NE CORSETS are corded with this material. For sale by leading Dry foods Dealers MANITOBA SCHOOLS Look over these prices. SUGARS Special quotation in obla. Selling by $ ess than wholesale prices CANNED GOODS Put up by TdE BCSP PACKERS. Toniatob Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. TEAS Extraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. Good Japan only 1 a pound. Chinese Mixture only•20c a pound. RiCE-26 pounds for $L RAISIN S-28 lb. box for $1. PRUNE CAL FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and best assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the conn Selling at close prices. See quality and price. J. W. Irwin., Grosser MACKAY BLOCK, • - - - CLINTON. Important to you @ p WHAT?—The fact that we have received for the fall trade, a good good supply of Dry Goods, such as Tweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Cottonades Mantle Cloths, &c. Another shipment of Boots and Shoes. A consignment of Overcoats. Something new in School Supplies. MILLINERY—As usual our Milli- nery is up-to-date and ready for inspection. Everything will be sold very cheap for cash or produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, D e ADAMS. LONDESBORO 1 Sash, boor & Blind Factory 42\1c -de T Ve �l C 5 • .s..,.vertair P{Nih OEM say acre :: S: S. COOPER Proprietor : : Owing to my increasing bneineee, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrne ' ed to me. W prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of residences, . and ex», me oontraote for the same on ehort notice, and in a workmanlike manner. V manufacture to order and also parry in stook all kinds of Window Seal Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will fi. ,1 it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. SI Se COOPER, Clinton. li 4