HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-01, Page 6Airlol Loss of Burnan Li. a ;•'l t• w i', I e - W •-..._ j' t :^'.,.. THE, CLINTON ON NE's _ERA AND WEEKLY EKLY GLOBE WilIL BE SENT TO 'NEW SIDS C . TEEAS, TO DEC. 1st, 1896 FOR *1,40 .IN ADVANCE. THE ENEMY'S FAVORITE SEASON. Victims of Rheumatism tak en off Every Day. Paine's Celery - Compound a Perfect Cure for Rheumatism. Are you numbered in - the vast army of rheumatics? If you are, be warned in time. This is the season moat fatal to all who suffer from rheumatism, Already, alarm and consternation is spreading in the ranke of the suffering and disabled. To -day, sun- shine cheers you; to -morrow and suooeed- ing days, gold, damp, shilling and piercing winds May bring you to' the verge of de - Spam, from agonies and excruciating 'pains. Can you afford to go on bearing agonies that may prove fatal at any' monient? Can you afford to experiment with useless medicines when you ,know of Paine's Cel- ery Compound, .and the wonders it has trial others? If you value;liie, ,hake a trial to -day of the only medicine under hes- v'en that can banish your terrible afiitotion. Eaoh bottle of Paine's Celery Compound is full of Life-giving virtue, and power. It 'cannot fail in your case; a onre is guaran- teed; what stronger promise can yon desire? ,Your friends and neighbors have been oar- ed by Paine's. Celery Compound. Many of them lingered in pain for years, and failed • with scores of medihinee; but victory was theirs after using Paine's Celery Compound. Health, strength, perfect vigor and com- plete victory will also be yours if you take hold of the same great curing agent. Rev. Canon Townsend, died at Amherst, N. S., in the 88th year of his age. For 61 years he was rector of the Parish of Am. horst. The only permanent cure for chronic ca- tarrh ie to thoroughly expel the poison from the system by the faithful and pereia- tent use of Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. This won- derful remedy proves successful when all _ other treatment has failed to relieve .the sufferer. Mr Mark Spencely and his sisters, who were, living in poverty in Peterborough, Ont., were on Tuesday notified that by the death of an aunt in England they had fall. en heirs to about $100,000. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. is the truthful startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength,avigor and manhood. You run no physical or finan- cial risk, as NO -10 -BAC is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co , 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. Some years ago there lived in Alam- , ba, a judge who was noted- for the sar- casm which he dispensed during the administrations of justice. On one occasion a man was tried for stealing a pocketbook. The next case was for murder. The evidence in the larceny case was slight, but in the other seem- ed to the fudge conclusive. To his amazement and wrath, however, the jury convicted the young man and acquitted the murderer. In passing sentence upon the convicted thief, af- ter the discharge of t he other prisoner, the judge said: "Young man, you have not been in this country long?" "No, your honor," replied the prisoner. I thought not," said the ,judge; "you dots t know these people: you,nay kill them' 'kit you don't touch t heir pocket books." On another occasion, when the evidence seemed to point conclu- siviy to the prisoner's guilt, but when the judge, from long experience, dis- trusted the jurymen's wisdom, the counsel for the defendant said: "It is better that ninety-nine guilt v persons should escape rban Thai one innocent man should suffer." In hi, charge to the jury the judge adlnit led the sound- n.e , of the proposition, hitt he added impressively and severely: "Gentle- men, I want you to hese in mind that ninety-nine has -c ,-h rel,'., escaped." Maples H. Hutchings. Sic Headache CURED PERMANENTLY DY TAZCING yer!sPiIIs A headache'twee usuallyiaccompanied with severe pains In the t4mpioa, a sense of fullness and tenderness In one eye, a bad taste In my mouth tongue coated, hands and feet cold, and slokness at the stomach. I tried a good many remedies recommended for this complaint; but 13 was not until I Began Taking dyer's Pills sentbereceived . Singlebboxof theserpiill did the work for me, and I am now free !rem headaches, and a well man.".— O. H. Ifvrallfrtos, East Auburn, Me AYE R'S PILLS wlll►tfdad Medal et Worfd'$ Ibbs, 404014,_ !e i1raararUlm is itis►. #06 , 7.. %'HE T'UT.[Tf#,,q dF `IWN AT GROWING. in Canada arenl the number States who cannot see anything better for them to do than to grow wheat. They are men who go into b -eaten ruts, and have been in them so long that they cannot Pee out and over thasides. It is impossible to get them to look broadly and study their relationship with the rest of the world; and they continue in the'sltme old rut of wheat growing, Talk to them about making a change in their farming, about dairying, pork -making, podltry-raising, about considering the farm as a factory and themselves as' manufacturers,wbere the coarse, crude products of the soil are worked up into products of less weight, greater value, and consequently of much less cost in transportation to market, and all this is Greek to them. No matter if wheat is only50 and 60 cents a bushel; no matter if 'their land will not produce. half as much per acre as it did thirty years ago, they must continue to grow wheat. For the special benefit of such farmers, we wish to call their attention to the developnidnt of wheat in the Argentine Republic. The Buenos Ayres Herald says:—The Argentine Re.ublic produced in 1894 more than 2,111,000 tons of wheat. . In 1878 it im- ported $10,000,000 worth of'wheat. '•'I}ese two statements will show at 'what pace the country is being devel- oped. A single railway that fifteen years ago did not carry a ton of wheat now transpo s 427,000 tone a year, and others in pro ortion, and yet no one who knows anything of the country will deny but that a small fraction of the land has been sown even in the wheat belt; so that if all should be sown which is adapted especially to wheat the 2,000,000 tons would be 20,- 000,000; indeed it will not be long be- fore $10,000,000 per annum is reached. We are speaking now of the north- western belt, but we must nct forget the far south, where nothing has yet been done in the way of corn growing, which is as fertile a country as that which has been planted. ONE BOTTLE CURES. Dann SIRS,—This winter I was troubled with a severe sold, I tried several remedies but without avail. On the advice of a friend I bought a bottle of Hagyard's Peo- torial Balsam, whioh completely cured me. ROY B, STAPLES, Holland Man. Mise Robson, of Siddalville' who was murderously slashed with a razor 2 weeks ago, is improving, and her recovery is now almost assured. Arohbishop Langevin has published in Winnipeg an official denial of the statement made by the Rev J. E. Starr, of Kingston, to the effect that Premier Greenway made advances to his Grace to compromise en the school question. Mr Starr's utterances are described as absolutely false, and with- out any foundation in fast. How mar ' young men and young wo- men are cut cff just as the future seems brightest and fullest of promise! They are taken away by the disease which causes over one-sixth of all tho deaths in the world— the disease which doctors call con - is on in the world why tion. econ consumption should no sbe fatal—why it should be even serious. It is a disease of the blood, and can be cured ab- solutely and always by purifying and en- riohiiig the blood. The only exception to this is the case where the disease has been neglected and improperly treated until it is stronger 'than the body --until the body has become so weak as to have lost the ability to recuperate. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure 98 per cent of all cases of consumption if used according to direc- tions. It also cures 'all lingering coughs, bronchial and throat affections. Send 31 cents in one -cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr Pierce's 1008 page Common Sense Medical Adviser, illus- trated. A Dream and Its sequel. Ono night I dreamed that I happened to have a serious acoident. I don't know bow, but my limbs wero nearly severed from niy body, and I sank down while the blood gushed through my.,uslin gown. So intense were my soneatlons that I awoke and shuddered; furthermore, I had tho conviction that my dream was ominous and prophetic. It happened, notwithstand- ing the night's experience, that I was par- ticularly lively and well next day. Never- theless the dream would recur, and each time I wondered, "What will It bo?' When I nearly out my hand in halving a limos I thought, "Was it merely this?" Later, when the horsokooper was thrown while exercising my mare, I asked myself the same, but know immediately it was neither of these. When my husband oamo home, we went with our little fox terrier, Nello (my com- panion and pot), for a walk, and as It grew dark I said with a sigh of relief, "The day is nearly over, and nothing bad bas hap- pened." Strange, "such dreams with me are always true." After turning home- ward we hoard the Colombo train ap- proaohing, and, as usual, called, "Nollo." Galloping In answer the little dog got In the rays of light from the engine and ap parently bewildered halted on the rails right in front of the train. Too late 1 I felt the shook, the sensations, lust as In my dream, and with a cry sank on the grass. It was as though my limbs were savored from my body, and my hands instinctive- ly bolt down my dross, though of course there was actually no blood on mo. My littleNello was kiilsd,mangIed before my very eyes. THE NOVEMBER NUMBER OF THE DELINEA- TOR Is CALLED THE THANKSGIVING NUMBER, and illustrates a bewildering wealth of An- tumn and Winter Fashions, the collection or Stylish and Becoming Garments being particularly complete. A novel departure in Millinery is noted, and the Dolours and combinations in the Season's Dress Goods and the glint and glitter of their Spangled and Jewelled Trimmings are attractively described. Mrs Roger A. Pryor furnishes a gossipy and circumstantial account of Dinner Giving in Society, and Juliet Cor - 8'n writes interestingly on Domestio Ser- vice as an employment. The best kind of a Thanksgiving Dinner is described, with recipes for all its dishes; and a timely arti. cle on carvingtells just howgracefully dismember the noble bird t occupies the place of honor in the menu given, and other interestingarticles the latest a in Knit- ting, Tatting, Lace-Making,Address all communications to thofor Pub, lishingCo, of Toronto, Limited,83 Rich- mond St. West, Toronto Ont.ubsorip- tion price of the Delineator 1. per year, Py• to that idea g g ate. Delineator S $ 00 or 150 per single o0 Children Cry for F:teher's Castelrl&• / Mr Thos. Bennet, a highlystespeoted far- mer of the township of oxford, died very suddenly•of heart disease iii Woodetook,.on Saturday. He was 68 years of age. - When Eaby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When ohs was a Child, ape cried for Cestoda. When she became iSiss, ate clung to Castorla. Wheal she pad Children; oho gave them Cestoda, A deputation from St. George's church, Walton consisting of the incumbent, Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Kelly and the two war- dens, waited on Miss Annie Sage at her home, and made acknowledgment of the oongregaticn's appreciation of her services as organist. - Last spring Mr Herbert Crioh, of Tuck- ersmith, contraoted with Mr Wm Copp, of Seafortb, to supply and plant him 106 ap- ple trees. This Mr Copp did, eo well pleased was Mr Crick with the work done, that he awarded Mr Copp a further con- trast to complete his orchard. Of the 106 trees planted not one has died. A REMARKABLE CURE.—.J. W Jennison, Gilford—Spent between $200 and $800 in consulting Doctors; tried Dixon's and all. other treatments but, got no benefit. One box of Chase's Catarrh Cure did me more good than all other remedies, in fact I son• eider myself cured, and a 25 sent box at that. A partnership has been formed be- tween A. Bauslaugh and Fred Burgess, of Brussels, andtheyhave leased the well known photo studio of Farmer Bros., Hamilton. CtJRE TATNE THATCCE8'i :.VH 1,\10 TH. SHI L 25 $1Oo . 50$1 .oto,, and F E $Ioo settle.CU One Gent a dose, It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It cures Incipient Consumption and is the best Clough and Croup Cure. Sold by J. 13. ';OMBE, Vanuah1e P;r OF°E 't"'1Es . .Pr Sale or t0 Rent. COMMERCIAL iolr•I 411inicm.' A splendid stand, «here good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter. North -- Will be either sold or rented. For par- ticulars apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN ROSSI.ER, Benmiller. Also, FA Half of 200 ACRES— being lot 12, 1st Con„ West Nissoc-i, good soil, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple bush. ' Also FARM of 50 ACHES— being East half of Lot No. 1, 2nd Con. of West Niesouri. Will give party who wants to do business a particularly good chance on this property. Any of the above are good investments, and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmiller Chas. Northcott while going to Creditgn for a load of brisk last week, bad a ,narrow escape from being severely injured; One of the clevlabolts same out -and the tongue dropped; thgg horse sprang forward, and the tongue entering the ground, the wagon was turned over on Mr Northcott, his legs being oaught under tlie box. He plushly hung unto the hbaees and remained in this po- ; sition for about an hour, until Mr. Carroll same along and let him out. T e Brussels Post hues for the 112,000s payable sby the Friday shet 0. U. W. Order to the heirs of the late ' Peter Thompson, who was a oharter mem- ber of the Brussels Lodge, were received by the toRandeoorder the interested When handed itisover- membred that Mr Thompson only died on Sepap- era h d to gobatember c k ack andforth to and at pooAlgongn n Park, and Toronto, the puhlio will see that the A. 0. U. W. lose no time in settling olaims, as in less than a month from the burial the money was paid in full to the 4 'daughters, Mrs Jones, Mrs Whitely, Mrs Humphries and Miss Clara Thompson. We the olejopliThe latest edition of oumes of r College people. ready for distribution and we want you to see it. Send in your namos and the names of your friends; we will do the rest. It will interest you and cost you nothing. You must see it. Central Business College, Stratturd, Out. P. McIN'!`OSH, Principal. PSYCHINE Will cure(PRONOUNCED Si.KEEN.) CONSUMPTION, Lung and Throat Diseases. Sample bottle sent frac tb every ouforer, Give Express and Post 011co Address. The T. a. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can. The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common -day ills of humanity. Mc!(ifoll iH ituaG Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TON% N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED • OFFICERS. D. Rose, President Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Harlock; V , J. Mannon, Secy -Frees, Beafortb; b1, Murdie, Inspector of Claims, Beaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broarifoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. B1cLenn, Tueliersvnitb ; Thor. Car bet, C,lnt,,n ; 0, Gardiner, Leadbury ; T. E ,lays, M^Hifop, Thos. Noilane Harlock; Robt. beoMillan, Sea• forth; J. Cuml,lgs, Egmon•iville. Geo. Murdle, auditor. Parties ('limos to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above otMoore a t ,sed their reepecitve offices Wood's PloSphodine.—The, Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs, untll at last we have discovered tho true remedy and treatment—a combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure in all stages of Sexual Debility, Abuse or Ercesses, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Mental Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Befote Taking, Phosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of canes that seemed almost hopeless—cases that had been treated by the most talented physi- cians—cases that were on the verge of despair and Insanity—casae that wore tottering over the grave—but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phosphodine, those cases that had been given up to die, were restored to manly vigor and health—Reader you need not despair—no mat- ter who has given you up as incurable—tho remedy is now within your reach, by its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. Price, one package, $1; six packages, 85; by mail fres of postage. One will please, six guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont-, Canada. After Taking. Wood's Phosphodlno Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists In the Dominion. stock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must be right, and we are going to make them right. From now until Aug. 1st every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction. Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August lst, .... $ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,..:. 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, .... 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. J OSE PH W. C H I DLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. WhnY hmouro *,arum,,,,,,, mmm .nrt,m 3 .YMu.W.,49.1%.h.1..W.Wb•WW.WOtVWILOUIV.A•0,b./14ULL4tWUNV.W10,,AttAal n,tiOrloi,q,./, WW104100.10:10KRIMalaltAl RSI-P.A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. MANY PARTICULAR LADIES Who want to loose nice, ;feel good and make the • themselves, find Me an efficient help for Imake a rtie that make ladies beautiful of face and fora, and heal in body. What I do for others pan. be for you,, Can't tell all about' it in this adv eztisement, ALLEN tit WILSON, Clinton,Ont.,Druggisfit done for my book. These articles are specially good-fe1T'sttgl.: mer use, FACE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the ample*. • ' ' ar m' ton. You must have it if you want to get rid of freckl alo moth patches, &c. FACE POWDER—White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfecti on for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c, in opal jars—creates and improves face beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and .42 (ear* St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 56Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. A Gun Repoit Can be heard about 16,000 feet. Good reports of the Radiant ilomCoq.1 Stove Can be heard from one end of Canada to the other. The reason for this is simply that the Radiant Home is a powerful heater, economical on feel and does its work so perfectly as to entirely satisfy everyone who uses it. This ex- perience will be yours too, if you buy one. Call and see our stock—a large assortment. New t,,re LAN Akin Old Stand E•ackayBlock SOS, Brick Bloch The House of Refine Notwithstanding the fact that tenders for the supplies for the House of Refuge were received from all over the county, TETE - CASH - GROCERY Was successful in securing. the contract for all the Crockery, Stoneware, and part of the Groceries, whish goes to show that our prices, and the quality of our goods are right. We have been in business just one year, yet with our reasonable prices, quality of our goods and our cash system, have built nil a, trade we thought it would take years to accomplish. We take this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage during the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of the same in the ,future. OGLE COOPER & Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. "Have vou tried " Our "Saluda" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; prise, 40 and '50 cents per pound. In Lead Packets. A largo number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1. You had better try a package. Salmon—If you like something choice try a can of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1895 pack A full stock of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality— bottom prices. Give ns a trial order and see what we can do. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY --Telephone 40 J. Brunsdon & Sono LONDESBORO s Fi- Agts. for all Farm Implement v v y a• .a 6t + a '!+ 1 .2Fty[++xT MASBEY-HARRIS Binders, blowers, Drills rri ) '• t,inr SRB Seeders, all kinds of lows rs and all kinds of Plows Full lino of Machinery and Plow Repairs tt P pI4y s ti BINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine at low prices. A complete lino of Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons p y a spec i alty. OUR MOTTO—First-clasAs work ente and besr tmSaterial; prices consistent with good articles, Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Worst. JOHN BRUNSDON & SON, Londesboro. tt The Finest Pi PHOTOGRAPHS w are taken by • IL H. FOSTER RUMOALL' 5 CIZ FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. If you want a good article at the pride ofa poor ono, cal kind see as. 3E1. IrT : - a► 4 1+ - - CL.71-, 'i'l";) .8 . .