HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-01, Page 5CLINTON NEW ERA AND WEEKLY GLOW WILL DE SENT TO NAV', SOSR TO r r NAV C 4 0 1 Store have all the latest Novelties in our line, consisting of 14 4100' Using Watch Guards from 50c to $7 � d Combs in Sterling Silver for 35e a pair tack Combs in Sterling Silver for 50c, and in Tortoise Shell, , . `Beautiful Sterling Silver mounted. Soap Boxes for 14 Watches, Clocks,Silverware and Jewelery, low prices SPECTACLES FITTED BY AN EXPERT M. D. J , B. RUMBALL atchmaker. Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange -r White Pine . Expectorant WILL CURE COUGHS AND COLDS We can honestly recommend it as one of the best cough mixtures. Of the many who have tried it, not one complained to us of its not being good. Our customers are asking already for the same kind as they got last season. Try lt, 25c a bottle. SPECIAL VALUES in 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c Hair Brushes J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Our Goods are Reliable ! Our Stock the Largest in this section. We have been in business in Clinton now 35 years, and when we recommend an article you know what it means:—that the article has merit. We recommend Combe's Sarsaparilla; Combe's Condition Powders Combe's Headache Powders Castle's Black Powders Combe's Iron Blood Pills Combe's Baking Powder Combe's Pure Cream Tartar. JAMES H. COMBE'S Tired Feet Then you don't wear The SLATER Shoe. Light in weight, springy to the step. (Goodyear Welt, you know). Neat in ap- • 4 pearance—and wear? " Gosh all hem- lock ! " Yes ; Wear ten dollars' worth. MADE DF BEST IMPORTED CALFSKIN. (Geo. T. Slater & Sons, MootreaL) Six shapes—all sizes -any width. Three grades: $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 per pair. Look for the price stamped on the sole. SEND POR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET FREE For sale by WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Clinton. ROUN 1fRAaER-�-Yri Uullotb, op Ootq 24th, the Wife of Mr Daniel ]'taxer of•t�tonr KINSMAN --In Tlingham, op Opt, 234 the wife of Mr B, Kinsman of a son. C+IB INS ---a Fast Wi avlangsh,.on Oct, 1 7tji,. the wife of M' i'• (Jibbius, of a sqp. WIIEE1.ER.-,.In Turoberry gil Oat. 23rd, the wife of lr Arthur Wheeler, of a daughter. DEWAR -In Stanley, on Oct, 21st, the wife Qf Mr Robt Dewar, of a son. Mr BEGWm'$eI.EY—In Blr a , oonft• Oct. nth, the wife of �to oths SLO A;N—In Morrie, on Oct. 20th, the wife of Mr Thomas Sloan, of a son. COAT11 S.—In Auburn, on Oct. 21st. to Mrs Coats, a son, MARRIED ELLIOTT—MASON — At the residence of Mr W. 8. Harland, Clinton, on Oot. 30th, by Rov, W. J. Ford, assistedby Rev J. W. Holmes, Mr M. H. Elliott, of East Wow/mesh. to Mies Emma, daughter of Mr Robt. Mason, of East Wawanosh. ELLIOTT—SIMPSON—At the residence of Mr W. S. Hesland, Clinton on Oot. 30th. by Rev J.W. Holmes, assisted Clinton, Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr James Elliott, of East Wawanosh, to Miss Carrie Simpson, (sister of Mrs Harland) former- ly of Toronto. — At St. Paul's churoh, Clinton, on Oot. 30th, by Rov. W. Craig, Pet• rolia, assisted by Rov. 3. L. Parke, Mr R. Lau- rin, of Palmerston, to Mise Lottie Twiss, of Clinton. COLE—MoVITTIE—AY the residence of the bride's mother, on Oct. 24th, by Rov H. J. Fair, Mr Thos. H. Cole, to 1ld1ss Mary J. MoVittie, both of Hullett. WEIR—PATTERSON—At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr Jos. Pugh, Bluovale, on Oot. 30th, by Rev. W. H. Moss, Mr Wm, Weir, of Goderioh township, to Mrs Jane Pat- terson, of Biuevale. CHAPMAN—HOARE—Ab the residence of Mr John Hoare on cot. 29th, by RevW. Baugh, Mr Emmanuel Chapman, of British Columbia, to Mrs A. Hoare, of East Wawanosh. FYFE—TREACY—At the manse, Wingham, on Oob. 23rd, by Rev D. Perri°, Mr John Fyfe, to'Mise Maria L. Treaoy all of Turnberry. • NEST—HANNA—Atf-Mildmay, on 005. lst, by Rov J. Laycock Mr W. H. West, of West- bourne, Man.. to hiss Mary Ann, daughter of Mr'John Hanna of Morris. COOPER—T1OMPSON—At the residence bf tbo bride, on cob. 30th, by Rev A. D. McDon- ald, D,D., Mr Robt. E. Cooper, M. D. of Con- stance, to Mies Annie Thompson, :of lllcKillop. MoKENZIE—CROOKS—At the residence of the bride's parents, Brussels, on Oct. 17th by Rev John Ross, B. A. assisted by Rev H. W. Reid, Tees water, Mr Adam McKay McKenzie. Teeswater, to Miss Jessie Ellen, daughter of Mr Geo. Crooks. DIED. AGNEW—In Clinton, on OeL 25th, Hannah, daughter of Mrs H. Agnew, aged 38 years. REID—At the residence of her brother, Mr James Reid, lot 12 Bayfield road, Stapley, on OEInbSta LGIEI Stanley, on Oot.:24th, Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr Geo. Elgie, aged 9 years and 2 months. MARE . HAY. WHILE THE SUN . . SHINES . autir Marvelous , Valine in .e1ia' We place on, sale to -day, certainly one of the finest and most stylish lots of New Dress Stuffs for fail and winter, that it is the privilege of the peopleto select from • - Since Sept 1st, we have sold for Cash only, and find it by far the most pleasant and desirable w ay of doing business, and never expect to go back to the old cred- it way. When we made the change we went through the entire shock and made such reductions in prices that people opened their eyes and have kept them opened ever since. JUST LOOK HERE ---Our heaviest Black and Navy,. Myrtle and Seal Dress Tweeds and Berges are now only 50c and 60c per yard, that formerly were 65c and 85 cents. We are selling beautiful double width Dress Tweeds for only 25c. Lovely NiggerheadTweed effects are here. The new things in Cloth Suitings, and at surprisingly low prices. =ROT eft WISEMAN, Clinton stogy "Reduction Sale WE WILL HAVE A CLEARING SALE OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC From now till Dec. 31st. All will be sold if prices will do it. Theollowing-prices will give an indication of what we are prepared to do in all departments. Best Granulated Sugar, 231bs for....51 or 120 pounds for o........ $5 TEAS -50c lines reduced to • 45c 40c lines reduced to 35c 25c lines reduced to 20c CANNED GOODS—Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 8c each,good Salmon llc PATENT MEDICINES—$1 reduced to 85c, 75c to 65c, 50c to 43c, 25c to 22 CARPETS—several lines at great re- duction. All Canadian Tweeds reduced 20 per cent, an:' imported ones 10 per ct per yarn. COTTONS—Gray and White lc per yd off all round. UNDERCLOTHING—extra value, re- duced 10 per cent, DRESS GOODS—With the exception of a few pieces of Black Cashmere, reduced 20 per cent. WINCEYS reduced 25 per cent. GINGHAMS reduced 25 per cent CORSETS—$1 reduced to 90c, 75c to70c 50c to 45c. READY MADE CLOTHING—includ- ing Children's, Youths' and Men's Suits and Overcoats, 20 per cent off HATS and CAPS—Several lines 25 per cent off, others at half price. BOOTS and SHOES 20 per cent off RUBBERS—Heavy and Fine 10 per cent off. WATERPROOF COATS—Men's $5.50 to $14, Ladies' 84.50 to $6. Goat Robes and Fur Coats very low . Special Bargains in CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, Also many other lines of which we have not room to mention. As we purpose doing a Cash Business we offer this as an introduction. Seize the opportunity for getting bargains while they are passing, our stock is getting Qsmaller daily, and we will not renew it. Some say our sale is only a catch penny sale to raise money, but it is not so. We have said that we are retiring from business, and when we say it we mean what we say. We are going out of business, and the goods will be soldwhether they bring cost or less. We are the only house in town that can sell goods at cost. No one in the regular order of busi- ness can afford to sell without some profit, neither could we were we to continue business, but our object is to get out of business as speedily as possible. and in order to do so we will offer you goods at prices that cannot be got elsewhere. If you will come and see us we will give you more for a dollar than you can get anywhere else. "A .Penny Saved is a Penny Gained." TERMS CASH. . . Now is the time to save money. The first 810 purchaser on Monday mornings will receive a special present ektra Plumsteel&Gibbings CLINTON ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDsBORo R ADAMS ()LINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Oot. 31, 1895. Wheat, spring 0 66 a 0 68 Wheat, fall 0 66 a 0 68 Oats, 0 22 a 0 24 Barley 0 30 a 0 40 Peas 0 46 a 0 50 Flour per cwt 1 75 a 1 90 Pork 6 50 a 5 50 Butter 0 13 a 0 15 Eggs per doz 0 14 a 0 15 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Hay, New and Old 12 00 a14 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Tomatoes, per basket 0 15 a 0 15 Chickens 0 25 a 0 35 Decks 0 25 a 0 35 Geese 0 40 a 050 Turkeys, per pound 0 07 a 0 08 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Business was a little bettor at the point Mon- day, than the previous market's transaotione, but this is not Baying much. Butchers wero out in good numbers and tbo offerings worn large, about 21c to 3S being offered for cattle. There wero about 700 head of butchers' cattle, 60 calves, and 1,100 sheep and lambs offered for sale at'the east end pbbattoir. Nearly all the cattle fore wore hold over from last Thursday's mtclrkets and the holding over will have to bo repeated again as thorn aro far to many com- mon and inferior cattle being pressed on the market at present, although prices aro rnln- ouely low. A few choler) beeves were sold at from 3iic to 3¢o per ib; pretty good animals sold at from 21c to 310 per lb; common dry cows and thrifty young stack brought from 2c to 210 and the leaner old cows from lie to 2c per lb. SALE REGISTER.' -- Perm sti.ok etc., of Mr John Chnrchill, lot 34 con. 14, on Thursday, Nov.7.—D. Dickinson, auct Farm, being lot 34, 1st eon.. H.R S.. Tuckot- smith, 100 acres, belonging to C. Carter's estate, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 23.—T. Carling,auct W. JACKSON, TOWN AGT. G. T. R., CLINTON. Agency for tho following Steamship linos Dominion Line Allan Lino, White Star Line Beaver Line State Line Ainlen Line Through Tickets to all points of Europe at lowest rates. FOR SALE TEACHER WANTED The Cottage on Orange St., recently improved Applications will be received up to Nov, 1, by by the undoreigoed. Cellar, bard and soft water, JOAN MARQUIS, Seo.-treas., S. 8. Nc, 3, Gode- plenty of room for small family. Terms reason -rich wn sip, for 1oeit on of teacher. ochtea- cher- uties able. W. C. SEARLE.Experienced cher required. Applicants to state salary ex - 1 an recon oe morin Holmesville, Oct. 3, 1895. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for Bale his farm of 188 acres, being lot 11, Maitland con., Colborne, about 105 aures cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance hardwood bush. Frame dwelling houle, good bank barn,drivingbouse and other outbuildings. Good spring in nearly everyidold. Bearing or- ohard a[ 3 acres. School house on the farm Will be sold on reasonable terns. MICHAEL SCIJWANZ, Benmiller P. 0. Miss Maud Held, of Hamilton, placed a handkerchief saturated with laudanum ov- er her face to relieve a pain, and lay down. She was dead when found. AUCTION SALE —01r— Valuable Farm Property — IN T1IE — Township of Stanley. Under instructions froth "the Trusts -Corpora- tion of Ontario the administrators of the estate of Alexander McIver, deceased, there will be offered for yalo, by public auction by David Dickinson, auctioneer, at Cook's Hotel, in the Village of Varna, at the hour of 3 m., on WEDNESDAY, 13TH DAY OF NOVEM- BER, 1895, the following freeholdproperty the rty County sit- uate in the Township of Stanley, y of Huron, and being lot 16, con, 8, of the said Township of Stanley, containing by admea- surement 100 acres of land. The above described pro ertyy is situated in ono of the best farming districts in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and is said to have thereon 40 acres of good bush, to have the balance cleared and to bo good farming soil. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid fixed by the official guardian. Ten per cent of the nurohase money to bo paid at time of sale and the balance to the Ven- dors within 80 days thereafter. Further and other terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale or upon application to the below named solicitor, The Trusts Corporation of Ontario by JAMESz McBRIDE, room 44 Janes Block, 75 Young St., Toronto, their Solicitor herein. Toronto, Oot. 12th, 1895 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of Robert Nott, late of the Town- ship of Tuckersmith, in the County of Hur- on, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 36, 11.8.0., Chapter 11that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said de- ceased, who died on or about the tenth day of Sept., 1895, at the said Township of Tuekersmith, aro hereby required to deliver or send by post pre- paid, to James Nett, one of the executors of the will of the said deceased, Teekersmlth, Clinton, Ontario, r,0., on or before the 15th day of Decem- ber, next, the names, addressos,land descriptions and full partiouiars of their claims duly verified end the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and the executors will, on and after the said 15th day of December, next, proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said estate, among the partner entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and the said executors will not bo liable tor the as- sets of the said estate or any part thereof so dis- tributed, to any person of whose olafine they have not notion at the time of such distribution. JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for Executors. JAMES NOTT Exeentore JOHN GOVETi'T, Dated at Clinton, this 31st October, 1895. peoted, expert d p t t ti ls. Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber has just purchased an improved registered Yorkshire Boar, from the well-known breeder, Joseph Featherston, of Streetsville which will be kept for service at his premises Base Line Hullett. Terme, $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning. JOHN GOOIER, Auburn. CITY BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. Having bought out -the business of Mr 11Z Beckwith, I purpose continuing the same. With practical experience of many years we feel confident to give all who favor ns with their trade the very best of satisfac- tion in Bread, Cakes and Pastry. The store will be found supplied with choice varieties of Pastry, Confectionery, Canned Goods, (Cc. Special attention paid to Wedding Cakes. Orders promptly filled. Bread delivered anywhere in town. Boy W anted—Good reliable boy want- ed for delivery cart. J. A. KING. N VICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Donald Ross, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Hur- on, Yeoman, deceased, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 36, R.S.O., Chapter 110, that all creditors and others having olaima against tha estate of the said de- eoaeed, who died on or about the 7th day of Oct. 1895, at the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, are hereby required to deliver or send b, poet prepaid, to Alexander ft. Fraser, ono of the executors of the will of tbo said deceased, at Clinton, Ontario on or before the 16th day of De- cember, next their names, addressee and do- dy tions and verified andthe nature rofothes of h ei r claims, uleourit es, (if any) hold by them and tho executors wilt, on and after the said 15th day of December next, ssets of the id es- tate amongtheroceed toribute perties ta netitl d thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice and the said executors will not be liable for the assets of the said estate, or any part thereof leo distributed, to any person of whose olaima they have not notice at the time of auoh distribution. JAMES SCOTT. Solicitor for Executors A R. FRASEre, M. MoEWEN I ltltgcutore. GEO, BIRD, T1104. FRASER I Dated at Clinton, this 31st dity of et., 1895. Boots Shoes Have you seen our Men's Long Boots with saddle seam and clamp sole 2 First-class Leather put to- gether with first-class linen, by first-class me- chanics, and will sell thein at $2.50 a Pair Don't buy Long Boots until you see this one. )4 Oil oal. Do you want the best Coal Oil you can buy? then ask for "PRATT'S ASTRAL," it costs more than coin - son oil. If you use it once you will know why. We have choice WINTER APPLES for sale by the poundie; bushel or barrel. Z. OUIMETTE The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. � •art .-_ - — -