HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-11-01, Page 4r'r. i � , ,,. , a �, . � ) ' - i. •' - . w ..,; ;t frVilliv VVIAt& U THE '1�EE �+� ��t1yEE �'��IE � BEY :va,.,r,: „�. ;tie,- .,,�,.,.. r. - ,. . `tR ' . - : ._..._.--...--_,�..,-,�,-�„ —r.-- %ft A%W, Thal- AA *'.1R i , 111',►►`+ with t 0 011itton '0100 elq Light Oo., the; ThO riot' rolito �ro»a the. �� Gtlabat ' .�. w 1 :. uiteai�vl#oa�+ i arm. ire�a , • r o ug olQa;ad tlttiJi erg ytiirp '.>io i aid A xl :etb,lR6r $$lase, :. ,-.. 6"'.-I. ,., ` 1, Rev too 1 d 'AttiT ' s . » 1, DPQ It Q_ ��,.l,R . • gg - 4 t 9x : a1 X11 3,t` :. ,, . i 14 -TgOS tieirt.. a bA ao0e t ,► l?o Claom ors.law tli.: An Agr$014041 IVa ea. It .to gndertrto,0d ltat %'rotaler `f tYtt.tlAllif!� 17. fjJlAl�lfaN xuE >orlt0ua onaxAa ux 1 e t7 da . Itx@ukQ. aCBr�@.epi, to tkte t' tling Q. as entorad iinte withthe Bell vole boi?<o C ,, ;• xis S7oxrmlzrxorl. 1' . Ado ph ukan d 4:><4 1. ,Qxl►lxlitiPp, it a saox�a aXid a girt J%Aa V•0ntague, will ca ipe�ign' QtstaMI I :. f �for aoltuenpi(ilq 'zvitlt liteIt' iia$ 'boon dealded tea ta>�e GlYe Cie1" The Liboi'aia ai` waox Hurim met three er o b tkaat,hattine t4 ser, tbo next l�cuth. , pit t►ii 1Gatte!a., or strcct mitu.4clt, .1 st da pGu6p%.ny to build t- r ]~ reao , ° l?�paty l ltpri Lpntanx I.... . > ��t gap!'. 1 inl�e> ellnd ;Qn .lights t �, , aanyenoot;% At Vougalinpn to . :'rt .y W wQ d a 4, 'y c u :.:h. tltrou flout by Ansi wife, 019*06x, Who. to 811 the po` ,molly eirrived illi Pljterboro au Mpitciay in ,4 ire and light ht the R _ r ail>4elAi' g 1 P The attaudanpo was i;qt clulto.aa fear&Das at a ran xgat;Rn welre a ew. tsar es an all@ e;i 8entunky iaAur- , �.111 1�hf iRpee Sr, .q x the itioandeacent eyatetn. A aaup..fi o. t saute leaq, silicas; of pnrpt_ke d , n .@r r t g is the a ut to files previaua pon�antion In e P nt crt o to eater `n oil their duties darer. hen lte gat there he found' neith• . .1t y0+tw L , . new furnaces ate alasr to b p but there was naverthelrtes a lar e. number a #i.. z d .; . if..y� w�n"t.;tnythitig D vis & llawland, Same aligklt changes b t e aaaye>t. forthvrith ao eta to get the place' is order or the, � ra .darer nor the man wits eget the M I 1.ars also to be maga in the Beating ar- , e delegateq prepeitt, ai?d wits for the oatnin oP the tamales. W. OOats, . tele trate 1504od aumprically,1t -mAde up in on• & telegram. k I 1,Vvo r,04 ranRepuo its• . "' th4airfiaui. A$r daa. oriS'ia, of Q,aboold . of Qlintou, who is to ,las the Iaspeatac. ro- Reliable information from Quebec is to .'�"p llawdt Cticgait r Mil eon who aaaupFted the pulpit took the obeli, and bristly allud11 ed to the Geived sirntlar notiSGation.n . inauranon hae the edger that Hou. J. A• Glhaplpau bas V S be- of Mr St. Methodlst ClhUP014, ositiou of the association, and then asked of $12,000 on the bon tQ ti d $nt on d all on ref of the overtrtrea made to hire - ° u will; pay you, to see u Y g or nontinatians to the diftprant affiGes of contents, was arch. ed o put, on behalf o! Premier Sowell. Mr Clsap- Pre b�yip$, on t5unday tnornin iS a young max, �' oontraotora for furnishings and sapplies lean will not enter the Cabinet. ��� sQl� b� u� 1q "r ' , ., of considerable promise in future use, the assoolation, whish ieaultdasfollows:-- wore hotifled to have them forwarded at EMERSON fullness. Ho has a great deal of abil Preaidenb,•D. lkicGillioaitdy, Godarioh. On Saturday Svc men were araigned be- CEO, F. EME r ity, to figurative and flowery of speech let ldee-President, Jos. Griffin, Ashfield. once. The following is the plan deoided up- lore the Toronto Polios M,ogistrate oliArg- r"' on for the reception of inmates, the various I CLINTON, but uses too much lung' po ti otherwise w se 2nd Vine -President, Robt• Holmes, olinton P ed with counterfeiting $1 and $2 bills. • t %, iLII{ old , , 11 For all kinds of Musical Mer- afro s for his hearers who h i 3rd Vige•President, Jas. Yaatt , Aahurn. manioipalities in the County being group- is alleged that $7 000 worth of oaanleited . Young, ed alphabotioally:—Commencing on Mon- bills wers'►nade, read for distribution. 4 obandiae, would be a pleasant address. ,> Secretary -Treasurer, Wm- Coate, Clinton, day, Nov. lltb, the persons from Ashfield, Cheap Scotch and'- ��i� :' Sunday last Rev A. Stewart ex. Blyth, Ba field and Exeter will Another terrible massacre of Armenians, changed with Rev llr. McDonald, of The following resolutions were then Brussels, y y aoaompanied by the outraging of woman, is Bal�,�, �f% r enu �% a ••, Nov.l2bh Colborne, y r Seaforth; when the latter got here he Passed nnanimonBly: Moved by R. .Rey- be received. Tuesday, reported to haus taken lilaae quite resent• �1Qx1iQj1�a1Xi� was taken ill, and was unable to do the nolds, sea. by W. J. Paisley, that this son- Clinton, Goderioh township, Goderiah, and ly is the district of BQibnrt. The Turk- " * ' work necessary, so Mr J. Houston con ` vention, even at this late date, desires to Grey. Wednesday, 13th, Flay, Hallett, ish authorities say the Armenians provok- ' Sod(lena Brio convey to the widow of its lets president, Howick and Mo$illop. Thursday, 14th, ed the, outbreak. ` PQa'Rod ens BT ducted the morning service and Rev J. Y , y p s The 11,yams case comes up for tfial on + W. Holmes the evenin�gg', Mr Lough 6 • H• manning, its einoere regret and ser- Morrie Stanley, Stephen and rry, s q �n Soaks ,laodi�ens Bros su pl n the xil it of evening, t. row at his demise on the border of a life of Friday, loth, Tnokersmith, Tnrnberry, IIs- the 6th and rile defense elhime that a iar a �am Q �, h�t •#4 R► ; earuiforas, Hale p g pulpit . y rest romise, and usefulness. As an Ex- borne, Wingham and Wroxeter. Each in- amount of new testimony will be introda :', Hoots, -„'W' L ouimotte church in the evening, in the absence g P p R ed, whish will extend the oaee beyond th ' Sal, steep & �o of Mr Holmes. sontive officer he was both faithlai and effi- mate is to be provided with a and snit of ! 6i—Allen & witaon clout, and at all times was one a4 the most clothes and good ehoee, also a change of un- fifteen days it poonpied at first hearing.— i0 Order is any Cq�Q, A�>y' ;r the world—Jaokaoa Bros Rev. R. M. Craig, of Melville Church, zealous advocates of Liberal principles and deralothing. In addition to a trunk they The Crown ofi'icials are busily working up. ' t The alieriffYW D Fair Qo Fergus, has been called to the pastor- sod government; and we cannot aliow,the may bring a bureau and ranking chair, also evidence with a view of intronoing the shape, any she• YQ11PW * Rupturba—Allen & Wilson g g g P testimony as to the attempt to tneilre Mrs A retnindgr—A F Emerson ate of the First Presbyterian Uhurch opportunity to pass without this reoogni- a feather bed and feather pillows, on the 8edautlon sale—R Ada . e of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Mr Craig is tion o! his services and abilities, guarantee of cleanliness by the Reeve and Ryam's life. In the event of an segnittal What you are getting when _ ,,,.,,pea—o Olson d nn t • n and has had aver M d b Mr Dalton seo.by M.GAamer- approval o! the Caretaker and Inspector. of the twins on the oharye of mnrdsling bu diem from us. •._ an of in onto , He ova y + sucesssful pastorate in Fergus. a on,thabtheRefarmeraolWestHnron,in eon- Qn motion a committee, oondating of Walla, they will be prosecuted on a charge ty J spent last winter is New Mexico, and it vention assembled, bake this opportunity Messrs. Eliber, Kennedy and Herr, were of conspiring to murder Mrs Harry Hy - is only on account of his health that be of offering their unswerving a leglanoe to drafted to arrange for a forma! opening ex- oma• — consents to a change now, having ac- the leadership of Wilfred Laurier, whose eroise on the first evening of the County Mr Laurier returned to Montreal on cepted the call. course daring his tenure of office has been Council, viz., Thuredey, Deo. 5th, in the Monday, delighted with his tour through �' • A concert was held at the residence not only in the interest of the Liberals o! town hall, Clinton. The intention is to have Ontario. •'The Liberal party," be said and Lin chin , Going to Burope i of Mr T. U. Doherty, on Tuesday even- Canada, but a benefit to the entire populs- the County Councillors visit the House of is thoroughly united in every part of the �, ing. Among those who took part were tion of the Dominion; and we pledge our- Refuge in the early evening and on return- ooantry. As to what the general result of —Lillie Doherty, Nonah Miller, Maud selves to use every legitimate effort to send Ing to town a free musical and literary pro- the elections will be I do not forget what For art needle work is a s 9�. "° ;? g P the late Bir John McDonald once said, that i Cantelon, Maud Dowzer and Lizzie from this ridings staunch supporter of the ram will be resented in the Town Hall. cialt Of our business. We I'i _�&, Au" i Trowhill. Chairman, Miss Elsie Dow- great Liberal party at the neat aleotion, The Members of Parliament, Count offioi• ++there was nothing so uncertain as an el- 3' zer; Or ental, Mlss Josie Dowzer. The Moved by R. Holmes, and sec. by Mr H. stole, press, efts., will be invited. Mr Thos. action, a horse rase or a cook fight;' but in hdVe the newest and eholCegt proceeds amounted to $1.82. The pro Morrie that this convention unhesitatingly Jackson, jr., a well-known leader in muni- this instance if I had any advice to give my a ,+. y friends I would tell them that they can put `' ES gram embraced sineing, recitations, endorses the entire platform, as adopted sal circles, was asked and kind) oansented Cods. REDUCED M RAT etc., nd a sod crowd was present, by the national Liberal convention, held at to prepare a program of musts. Mayor their money on the Liberals winning this g g time,' ' who e�'oyed the entertainment of the Ottawa in •Inns, comprising act it dose:— Holmes was added to the committee: Rev Steerage $20 8acona Cable, $24.50; FirstCabia;8A5 little folks. Freer trade and reduced taxation; enlarged J, W. Holmes was asked to act as convener The three local papers published in Or- K ,;'.`; Faller information given by the local A Junior Epworth League of Christ- markets by reciprocity; purity of adminse- of the Clinton ministers and other church angeville agree that Cardwell will in all 11tt,, ,.s agent. ion Endeavor has been organized in tration and condemnation of corruption; workers in formulating a pian for the son- robability be loaf to the Government if Stamping done on Sunt connection with the Ontario fit, Meth- the strictest pnblie economy and a deareas dusting of religious services each Sabbath S. White's resignation goes into effect. A. T. COOPp.Ra sitar Church. It begin' with 54 mem- ed expenditure; responsible government afternoon at, the House of Refuge, The The Sun (Conservative) says: "If the Grits ' Ticket and steamship Agent, hers which h growing. The omeand the complete independence of parlia- cloak was about ready to ohime the mid- run a man, their prospects for electing a notice. following meat; the land for the settler and not for night hour when the members of the Com- candidate were never so good before."— officers are elected for the current half p The Advertiser (Liberal) says: There nevI 1,11 - CLINTON i' the speculator; opposition to the Dominion mittee cam feted their labors. „ year:—superintendent, Mrs Ford; pre- Franchise and a return to the municipal The NEw ERA wishes to bear its teetimo• er was a better chance for a Liberal oandf• IC" 14 tent, Lottie Wheatly; vice resident, system; the abolition of the gerrymander ny to the faithfulness and fidelity of this date in Cardwell than there is at the pre- �9 ftw Luc Grant; Secretary, 'Willie Plum- y p sent time. The MoCarthyite organ, the 1�' ,%.I /� y system and the preservation of the count spacial Committee. Public men do not re- „ i`�+✓j steel; Treasurer,!Nettte Smith; Pianist, boundaries in re -distributing aonetitnen- salve many thanks for their labors in the Banner, Bays, the general feeling is that if, ys Clinton Clara Steep; Agqsit, Pianist, Lillie- An- Dies; the mending or ending the Senate;and public interest, and we think the 000ssion an election ie brought on now the Govern. OOPERS B00K &ewe. The m0etings are held every a Dominion plebiscite on the prohibition is one that, at least, calls for some reoogni» meat will certainly lose the riding,1. FRIDAR, NOV. 1, 1895, Friday evening from 7 to 8 o'clock. question. We particularly condemn the tion. We have had an opportunity of _ " Rev. Father West will speak on Sun- policy of the present Dominion government watching the work o! this Committee at va E1 CLINTON�' A da evening, in St. Joseph's Church, in the matter of appointing members to the riouB times, as it met here, and we want to AW �due rtioi'meatd. STORE, � There are at present six seats in the Clinton, on the following pointe: -1, Senate, judiciary,and other offices of nmol- Bay that, without an exception, every mem- Dominion House vacant—three in On- Catholics do nc,t pray to the dead in- nment in payment of a slavish support of her of it did all that was possible in looking Tamworth Soar for Service. Taker, the Patron representative for ratio and three in Quebec, all formerly stead of God. 2, Forms of prayer now measures inimical to the public interest. after the interests of the county. Mr Eit- + held b Conservatives. in use by certain non-Catholics in their The independence of pa should be bar made an excellent chairman, and any Subscriber keeps' for service, at hie premiree, West Wellington, was unseated and diet= I`. y lot 81, 6th son., of Hallett. a thorobred regia- qualified for treating during his aleotion. he o ularit invocations of the living, the saints, held saored by all true Liberals, and every member of the committee could not have tered Tamworth Boar. Terms, $I at time of q g g ; It says a great deal for p p y and the Mn els. 3, Lidde 1 and Scott's evasion of this principlejby any government done more if furthering their own personal seryls with privile a of returning if necesary, He appealed the cabs, the asst being nnrep- of Mr M. C. Cameron, that in his 2S Greek -English Lexicon, in .giving the should beioondemned, not only by the Lib- interests, than was done in furthering those $I,25 i booked. J. McBRlEN. Hallett resented in the meantime. Decision was sere of political life no other name given on Tuesday, dismissing his a sal, y meaning of eidolon, does not say that orale of West Huron, by honorable men of the county; and we have no hesitation in R o g- P than his was ever brought before a con- shape, image, forin, idol and false God of all parties in every constituency. saying they are at least entitled to the car- NEW BUTCHER SHOP. that c n stitu a new election will be he d for veution at which he wa' nominated. are equivalent terms. 4, Catholics do President McGillioaddy then asked Vice- dial thanks of the community, and some that oonatituenny. not pray to images or relics. 5, What President Griffin to take the chair, and in I expression of appreciation from the County The undersigned desires to intimate to H. H. Holmes was put on trial on Mon - It is quite true that the Liberals of Catholics mean by the invocation of a brief but stirring add rasa proposed Mr M. Council. the people of Clinton and vicinity that he day in Philadelphia for the murder of B. F West Huron are not anxious for stye- saints. 6, Proots from the old and new C. Cameron as the candidate for;West Hu grucefielcl has opened a butcher shop in the store of Pietzel. His counsel withdrew from the case election contest, with a, general election Testament that, the saints have regard- roe at the ensuing election, at the same W. Core, Huron Street. He has had many because the judge refused a continuance -of following so soon after, as it moat,— ed in their prayers those who live on proposing the following resolution:— DisoRACEFUL.—Some of the would- years experience, ttnd feels that he can give the trial for 30 days, and Holmes is con - But they'intend to be ready for either. earth. 7, The three divisions of the ten That this convention desires to express be shining lights of a town near by, the best of satisfaction. Ito will sell ducting his own defence. commandments: (1) The Origen-Philo- its continued confidence in Mr Cameron, had a drunk in one of our hotels last strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible Mr D. McGillicuddy,of Goderich,who Josephus system of division, followed who has so often carried the Liberal ban- Thursday night; they are a disgrace to prices. . __ Was unanimously elected President of by Protestants generally,and the Greek ner to victory in the face of the most bitter the professions and positions they oc- ORnsRs REaEEcxaoi.r.r SOL-rcmi) - • the West Huron Reform Association church; (2 The Talmud or Jewish diva- and unsorulpulous opposition, and we feel cupy, and unless they make avery aud- last week, fills for the first time in his sion; (3) We St. Augustine division, assured that his best endeavors will still be den right rit5oiit tiiru will never shine History the only office of any sort that followed _ty Roman Cathalic6 and -Lu- given, act they always have been, to the ad- anywhere b tin a bar room. We are M W. Wright, - Clinton- THE BOY he Was ever prevailed upon to accept. therans. 8, As to doctrines there divi- vancement of those principles which are pleased to see" dies and gentlemen from r It'ceas ev y cannot be said that he has sions seem to have little or no practical the bulwark of liberty and are chrystalized other towns at all times, but we stren been an office -seeker. anno er. importance. 9, Images are not in them- in our platform. uously object to the moral miasma C! Q WANTS A WATCH aelvea, strictly speaking, venerated or The mention of Mr Cameron's name in liberated by such as our late visitors. Fresh . Sausage,l Because Wingham is in the West adored. Those who wish to hear these connection with the candidature for the l NEARLY A FIRE.— What would have lbs for 26C Riding for Local election purposes and subjects discussed, are kindly invited. constituency seemed to electrify the Audi- I roved a very inconvenient fire for • the East riding for the Dominion, the Questions will be answered by means feat, and the representatives rose a theiron `�rucefieldwasnoticedandextinguished Wingham Advance says, "This serves of the question box. the announcement made. When aoMr I before much damage was done, at the NO BEEF OR LIVER PUT IN. Every boy does. It's a lendable long• {a show how Ontario has been cutup station on Thursday of last week short I ing whish should be gratified. ay its Premier for election purposes.' Cameron took the platform he again receiv- 1 before the 4.46 train arrived; it is pork Chop$, ROasts, Cured Wehave jest the watohforhim. The only "cortin up" in this instance OCTOBER TRAv ELLERs.—Mra Geo. ed an ovation, being cheered again and Y ,." ,, Morrison has One to West Superior, again. Hee oke for over an hour with all , supposed that a burning match was Meats. Something strong and light,and -was done, not by 9ntario's ppremier, but, R P. carelessly thrown down, and dropping b the Dominion one. I ingham no, Wis., Mr Jas. sung, jr., to the Can his old-time vim, and went into a thorough y y adieu Soo; Mrs and Miss Gemmell( mo- exposition of the failure of the Govern- through a crack, set fire to same de- Prices to suit hard times. Pure LARD something we will guarantee as turallp belongs to the West riding, bris under the platform, and from this by the pail or crock. We make fresh O.K. in all respects. Open fans, and has all along been in that riding ther and sister of Mrs W. Manning,) ment's policy, dealing with their acts of I the latform ignited, if smokers would sausage every day. stem wind and set. The price have returned to their home at Carle- omission and commission in an nnspar- see that all matches are out before ii i' for Local purposes, but the Dominion ton Place. The were all ticketed b gerrymander put it into another,where y Y ing manner. Taking the blue books' fig- dropping them many serious fires 31S. STEEP & CO. is ...................... $Ci.5O it did not properly belong. A. T. Cooper, the C.P.R. agent. ores, he showed how the money had been would be prevented. !T ° A NIGHT WITH DICKENS,—Mr H. C. improperly expended, citing instances p ' Iiineardine Papers and Salt. Arnold, personal manM er for Gren- where it bad gone for no other purpose NOTES—Mr and M�lra Alex.Aikenhead AUCTION BALE Our popular watch is a 10 K Gold fill. ?, B.C., but now of Lon- -- Ville Kieiser, reader and impersonator, than to help some government supporter; ' late of Nelson, , Kincardine papers state that "A was in town -last week, and succeeded and the evils of the superannuation system I don, spent from Saturday Monday C H O t C Fi F t� R i�Y L 0 T ed ease, guaranteed.. Open Paas, >' syndicate makes salt jump 50 per cent," in placing Mr Kleiser here for his fa- and the uselessness of the Senate were con- with friends in this localit A lecture screw back and front,stem wind, Our syndicate should t j informed before mous, monologue of "David Copiier- elusively shown. Strong ground was also I was delivered in the Templars hall, on NEAR CLINTON and set. Excellent Elgin or they make rash statements. The retail field," to be given under the Mile ices taken on the Manitoba school question, and Thursday nicht, by Mr VVPP g The Eztoatore of the late Charles Carter will of- Waltham works, also gaaran-11.1 p I y " price was 85 cents to $1 per single bar- of fit, Paul's Guild, in the town hall, a thorough exposure of the bungling action I organizer oft a C. .F.; the lecturer is Wednesday, Nov. 27th. of the Government in reference to it was 1 a fluent speaker, and gave his hearers ter for sale on teed. Price................820 •' rel for years, now it is $1. The whole- presented to the large audience, an instructive and interestingaddress SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd, 189!i, sale price ranged abort .50 cents, that PROBLEMS.—Here are the answers . given to some papers set. for students Mr Cameron closed by accepting the l on the principles of the order; vocal at 2 P.M. meant ruin for all makers. Now it is °' nomination As an endorsation of the nom. I and instrumental selections were also at Ratteabary's hotel, in Clinton, that valnal"le I We guarantee satisfaction 65 cents, These are absolute facts. at the Collegiate :—Euclid—A right ination which had been tendered to him in j rendered. Mrs W. Adams and Mrs J Farm Lot, No, 34 in the First Concession, Huron Where. is 50°6 advance. angle is one that has all its sides equal. Clinton in 1693, and stated, amidst the Jamieson returned to their homes in Road Tnakeremith, The lot comprises 100aaros, A circle is a round figure enclosing cheers of the gathering, that no reason at I Edinburg, Dakota, on Monday; they lesst6e ac of G.T. with on enh orossii in Repairs Or your money ;k Additional Local News space. Parallel straight line, that runs present existed why he sbould not be pre- were accompanied by Miss Je'sie3amie- way erossin The soil is first class and unes- back. _ the same way, and coincides in any pared to once more lead the Liberals off son and Master Dave Payne; the form- .ousted; [611 ut eight scree alesred ane in gooa one point, without coinciding all to- West Huron to victor er is a ver popular our lad and eondition. Outaide feaaes goad. No building., Church Cl fees. ether. A sealin trig, is one that ha y' y p young e The Bay9eld River or sees the rear of the lot, Communion will be administered in A thorough h s stfm of or anization was i will be missed very much• The C, E. W Ci►. DUMERTYs two Of its sides equal. Axioms—If, g Y g which ie well suited for either a grain or grazing St. Paul's Church next Sunday morn- • immediately entered upon, and the meet- society of Union church, will hold cot- farm• About twomilea fromCliat . at equals be taken from equals the re- ing closed with the easel obeers for the Cage prayer meetings during the win- one mile from Stapleton salt Worka. The sellers ing. mainder will be equal. IY unequala be candidate and the Liberal leader - , ter months. The services to the Me- reserve one bid r the sale. It is expected that the electric light taken from unequals the remainder is thodist church were withdrawn Sunday third 1=emaineer to a hare; by of gale; meynj. COOPIIR'8 BLOOH -`''�-o will bs in use in St. Paul's church, next pain without coinciding altogether. i erne House of Sefuge CommittAe afternoon because of the Quarterly purchaser desires, remain on mortgage. For ,'i Sunday, Meeting. Meeting in Varna. At the quarterly further particulars apply to R. RANBFOriD, Eat- — _ g Mr S. Pol- outer or to H. HALn, Agent, or to the auction - The, re�ilar quarterly meeting ser- HERE'S A GOOD PROQRAM.—Invite The BuildingCommitteeof the House of lock, f meeting place, wasexaminedand can't• U. O—Lt9°- vices of both Methodist churches will ynourdfriendsMou can to Clinton ken theme to ser- Refna consitin of Messrs. Eliber, Mo- granted a local reacher'' license. The be held on Sunday next. vice at 11 o'clock in the mohnin , have R ' The subject i❑ the BMptist Church on g' Ewen, Kennedy, gHolt, McDonald, Cook nigght of the broke o a' lecture Jas.11 them help you eat the Thahks lying and gerr met at the Rattenbnry Hones, on Walker's 1}orse broke out of the hotel Sunday morula , will be, The Friend turkey at 2; take a stroll to the Counng ty at Mignight. E nin , The new birth. Y n Friday morning of last weak, vise meeting stable and headed up the London road; �� � 11 g Building in the afternoon, and return being held there owing to Division Comb Never mind," aim says, "that horse Messrs T. Jackson, jr., and R. Foster, in time to see the 'rand Base{Ball Con- occupying the Council Chamber. After go- knows a thing .or two, it wa goingg for two popular loco1, musicians, have been cert in the evening. There will be ing through considerable correspondence, any quern." Messrs Geo.Turner andj(?ilT. b - '`,i 0 1 .. added to the excellent choir of St -Pauls male quartettes, ladies quartette, mix- in the way of a report from Mr Heard, an bort McDonald attended a R. T. of a Rev, J. R. (#unday, of Windsor, is ed quartettes, special manouvres by the expert plumber of London, who made an entertainment in VMrnaort g on Tuesday�� slowly improving_ from his attack of Drill Corp', a broom drill, Indian clubofficial ionvwithisit t the heo the Hating andse of tplumbing; a tie in con- me; George sand ays he has been thinking e+ a� 0 ttyyphoid fever, r Gunday s son and exerciee,.paper bagchorus, a real base daughter are rapidly recovering. ball match, besides a host of comic and lottter from Government Inspector Cham- of going to Varna for weeks, while Gib- ,; other solos, duets, etc. Remember the berlain, Toronto, stating that he would in- bort would be satisfied with one leas, In St. Paul's church on Sunday, dMy, Nov. 21st. spect the building prior to the opening of From another correspondent L - . 11 I November 10th, at 1,80 p. m., Rev. J. the Local Legislature, so that the 25% NOTES.—The last of our summer vis - F. Parke will preach a special sermon COLLEGIATn NOTES. —On Wedues- granb.from them on the cost up to $16,000 icor' left last Monday for Dakota; the to the members of Clinton Court No. da evening a crowd of pupils from would . be included in the estimates; the attraction of home and of Peter's • • 116. C. O. F. An invitation is ex- y g P creek created a desire for a return neat Leather is a great thing but at the present time we are having tended to the general public. the Uollegglate and Model assembled in reagin of the arohiteot's re ort and other j the Odelfellow'' hall and spent a very lettere of minor importance, several so season; we extend a cordial welcome to Rev Louis G. Wood, formerly rector enjoyable time. The new pupils were counts were ordered to be paid and an ad- them. Miss Jennie Jamieson has se- a Wonderful demand fol' Rubber goods, and our sales have of Wingham, who has been apps made acquainted with the old ones, joarnment teas ;made for dinner.. Messrs. cured a situation at tb•p manse. Some been very large. We show a very exclusive line of goods and assistant clergyman of the Church of and will henceforth feel more at home Hardy, of Exeter, and Rynae, of Goderioh, of our boys have the m oustache craze, the Redeemer, Toronto, commenced in town. The first part of the evening who had beenohlledapononaprevione000a- where is the whisker club. George another large Shipment is now on the way. We are steadily I . hie duties on Sunday last by preaching was taken up by games lttc, the usual sion to inveatigkte certain deficiencies con- ha apparently survived the shock he Addie to Our stock, and we d0 not think that a finer and in the Inimning and evening. proceedings of a party, while after re- earning the roof, visited the• building and received fn ge��ing the second degree g At a matting of Rattenbury fit. Me- freshments, a programme, including a reported that the contractor had made the in the I.1 .F., last Friday evening. newer stock can be seen anywhere. We show all the makes of thodisl Church league, Monday iven- couple of selections from Miss Mount- necessary aiteratio>i`s and improvements as Mr Wm. Bell, of Knox College, Toron- ing, y Y to paid our village a flying visit last Howard Holmes was resented castle was rendered. The nice] fur- recommended b thom. The Committee, p P Y Tuesday. We are pleased to hear that ��'� �� �� �' 4 & S 5 with a resolution testifying the appre- nished� ball made everyone feel at home caretaker iand matron, contractor, Mr Jos. Robinson and Miss A gie Hart elation in which he is held by the mem- and the Commitee of management are Xnade an official in- � Mal- hers, and expressing good wishes for to be congratulated on their splendid gpeotion of the new hone �e and its belong- are slowly recovering. r p os, his future. success. Owing to the unfavorable Ings, and were well pleased With the charas- lay has the contract for painting Mr Sol Communion will be held at li p. weather, football is at a standstill at ter of the ork. The ComVittee, in be- McGre or's cottage; when done it will Holy school and if the boys do not get a half of the�o. Connoil, took the key from make a noticeable improvement. The COME �1ND SEE US M, at fit• James', Middleton; and ser- chance to practise, they will likel Contractor Cooper, retainingNorw"CIrking 0 until vises at fit. Peter's, Summerhill, at 11 t yMission Band of Union church held its 1. and at St. John's, Hoimesviile, have to let he Hou h Cti o for thio the December session of the Ooil as a closing meeting on Saturday afternoon a,m fall although they consider hey have guarantee, regardin the propeof last; Mra uir had charge Of it during 8t 7 p m. The comrdudson serviceata better team than ever. the beating appparafui, &a. 30 eek grass its sessions", it was well Attended, and St, John's church, Holmesvillt, _— mattresses to 9t the single bedstead§ were y was largely attends much interest taken b the littl9 peo• J Sunday g ', Certainly the Bowell Government with ordered from a. W. Ohidley, of Clint'F at le. The three months old child o£ Mr JACKSON ACKSON The official board of James btreet its hesitancy and fears and dissension and $1.90 each. It,was deoided to light >the ,m� }3e ryas buried ora Thursday methodist, church; Exeter, have invited failures in dealing with every question that House of Refuge wish inoandoeoent ele�o last in Bard's cemetery; much A sym- alba NOW Shoe Vi mtona Rev James Livingstone, of Kineardine, comes up before it, is a spootaolo for gods light and a contract was entered into t patty, is 1011. for the bereared p rents. f ' to become their pastor, as Successor to and man.---tAoutreal witness. 50 lights, m $180 per W*WM16 ytm %to r , . . I 11 I if I '# ., ,.. ') b ,. 6 ., . , 1 V i.i , x i �' � +� v .y 3, f ,N t �, -.y"r- . .,a n __.