HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-25, Page 7FRII l" w r .. �' IY. •�i( ilAI.i S� + l! � 001 • NS'1. ' ,;lsttrawula, l�t►xuta ax �r � , , X��, ; � .. � ' . ti� trent 4�t f - �'� � " ° �„�. 01i1RIAi•, AI_4 4i% 1 eta and G ema>ut'th �» Rontr h to a;sI1at1op,M. #th,,loiinMglt., On I. 1' �. 1 • ` :: ,, C '�f;1��s r {rye �'/�` .'yi'�{ �i t� e . Batt }�,> 7> Ah'xl�i�ta. tu, , r!t ��! # z� � laoltivd u#i eAxzae at #�#s � :1 „ 4 - ''� (��Jl�A .. t�S w+. T7 ,� ' rr�,i;l. Px.5+-r�F•'1Q �•"�r1��;�±',, � ,�' �. , . .. , I t QovuxriDons% l±s:ttAi;1,oCQti►.�i x ti'4I 11 y, �# " o bgia k Cvtr�ritid' aid�xue� �ba lixtla courts bnaaa#n a� 0 ` UP, 3�i�1'`�'G Ai4p. h ri once the doo , f � ur w 01piet ,by � W04 uega.;Age- U he a' T#3F1 Ri5Cl7k3 W. @ rxiNn #@. u@iai# b@ ox thin a �' +� lt3fICaTLI+. i qe.. ttakA6 lto#d'of i>, $ to $ 1 thpt A1flA i!4ipses them cilia. . OF UO1, Ali n be tub sot, 1?bQ t X W0 , " o an lm anal. ,, o_ . t. , � , tti tT'Af ;the (#h I oudoxi} aTox-SlxeMaut C �i� *.c^F ` i,, , .dad A IN- o aa? t •of ilio: Wag g{tt Cha i , j �. j�,�j ,.,... dill , r `F� TIi QxAxId/� ANi) -Ii r at bile. AwII Possibili 7 ltOtlp9 �n O3}0: ART+X Gt�xrrxsu 'Wes rA on esters Op ppi1AW#?Ram`,> Id s faus•4t4ry ? n . D pis B&ii3O-`-VOIt Two That st >ra ah &, r il"Mo to became A .R04 Of 00Q � v t , P: LbeW, eaugh 13gaare, he lived A1# the " �' * �� , t UC Anti �>�rla a DA.,�i1X WOnai— 4, ►, p o x,u xA d hs q andel Clan r@let Of tlF ##f.. wsa in pr@p.ara•ty Ynaass Q da . . T hirR and p . � * P Vii+. •r r� f5• �,� a and tnPans'to:pro.veut such seven y@ariF he digtigneyy l iGh4 rr�uaaa P Fua�s, ltas� ouA@ f�l+� day#o#ug w Pa . ,. i r of Bd6 d ]N " W . Sxnse#i or to oth@tr Alon,shQ hex ilio death of b#s artfa xelgpp• ..,,. 11 +T gen. �� i o ALra, w oalaanity haPppntntt to h utas Qt thm alt#ai coerce$ at sat.#vtagtioai. 1lID4 IArR x - ti MEN {{,..�� �* I 11 m th@ i h@lburne EAAngrnieta' e" ' . N � i"�1l .0 , - FrG rho $pea e?< �t'at a a!�u► oolong teci a?#Gh bhp O $Peat ~k, aha clasp #s nav4000n�#acl N; y,,���pal►ti1?ofut':Au:d6ane,writeeN4 he„oo1??Plvtpn ox tlae #A!��1 telephone neoiC#tioalio's largerlt Qeruetoriea, set# h#s' A`, ...', a atadl+t !? ° r barn aaa Ifornin p o fiep> Ick rvioe b9tween Shelburne ne iF ho leo#dant which brought Out ;hp romar>a by sr htefYT*aiahow n to the Atte whad very ms � � Q�7 O N "•, �� c ' Xk ][ext lel. �s ne stare Sohu Metnat.Yg and. >?V, , t Wlnaeer: orbs R A' #* „ta Ecoos �r Bore HaQt;>wnd 1iI>lla'by 1ki d to in those polowns ire- was at romarkabtegte �, Aria AdoeA aagrava hislltq ary'a�Prk wag done, by the print - 1 #enalr i9. e°r'"trii..laloitY. Marlatt, r@xerre�ii, O a►t*�x�,t9°#q oentl ,was ilia means of bringing to the through the gena ty during �� m * i , k er pf the k7aonomiat the vthicb w@e not tilled 1n,mlthouh tlLe gAn qr $ dQvf}, . Bow atten that tun0tionsr3r , I �ts ,, olrktik ` notice Of a repofit. overed• the pavan ydaia'�labor. But the vary doe#1 ...'``T” ,. 'fast of th0xemaxkablerastorationto health 1FatrdBpOsited#n it. In$tead•.pi`.th6., var,h had ol#.mb@ tll°ne stairs Pr OOpy �Y�• SHOPS some limo age of Mr Matoalte, the chief being thrown 10 'Ctrs grmve . � g os$osaion of that attta by right of storageg now has I ;11 � I � , r '�V () it xamaim of the line. For about two years 'with boards, On theca boar "caro alae of blood? Sud thunder ll yr ig cockneys who • 11 ,: pp oemst¢ry until wanted by the young 0 feed the HAW Which it iACk8 p kir lyletaalfe was a terrible sufferer from flower$ that had bean used alit a funeral. p �j' ��y1rx R�� sciatica, and nnabla to work. While not The mon connected with i1� A$uPB rpAi0r68 the COI(iP. "� altogether bedfast; he was ao badly crippled aeernad disinclined to talk about the inoi• have nothing else to teed on. T believe �- London, but in the sanctum sanotorom of , o no ublic lating was who was ther . , Horning's Mills,willing to tell what it meant. THEORY. ,, the public that I will not that his hent form, t s of oaoasionally bola- dent, bat anally oils°in ,that grave, rte a d the v'tQra�tp (7a�aeo1oPuLStekrcttubellangwe , yQieh "tQ infArxn P ther person in the bled about the stxee a y� v : , undersold by any A tiaai butcher end excited univareal sympathy, The trouble There to d i man rominent Chicagoan stacks of Broad Arrow Jas , a ns•naes: S 'alit& prac� to what ''1ws ofRheaAcoipanaah alihYao ioniesetnplseasodg d all ,,%branch°s °f the bus nes�. was in one of hie hips and be could not Her husband is a p It contains the principalprof hiehitwil hat$ ilial ;` 1 rsttaQed allvo. When had for a penny, C gro , "'a ata and a fall stand or walk erect. His familiar Millsillattitude an the subject o bieinghe °ailed li oxaenal as Boys" and "Pirate Chief,""which can be a eneeessary toftatitewithou W seyon dol ift t ' keep the very best me � , ?_ his clip died he delayed the fun CURET; BA4DNESS, tt Lertllizcs the sca1P•the s+atiae y � ,. + at4,0�1" always on hand, end W l &t along your as the residents of Horning s lYi long as poagible. bui' ev@p thou the taus Uncle (to.small visitor 1n Chfoago}- corn and growth is curtain It invigotx9Erm e- a� 4. i+AWQst Cash Prices. atBring at"the Dash price. r^ t that lila 9v.iYu's3tigt#t°ye4''b'e,alivo aeemod to Those Lall bn111dngs era what wo Dail G]=� r3TOPS FALLING HAIR, Slab scalp, cleanses tt and thocouhly_9 ;1laQaey and get the me 1 sol r r dandruff, which is the forocuannr o hal t to It la the ON" remedy over discovered that WiIl re Wa,uill glue credit but not at cash. rices. H, haunt bite.' At his $sanest teats were flip" sorapera, SobbiA, rutty hi%'1 atom the Lite, Beauty and idutural Color to pas. Bobbie (lootingupwith 61g ' CURES DANDRUFF' 1 ,p -•,,p,) ^ '_, t` piled and ha was assuredtherowas nop The sky needs scraping p RESTORGB FADED ANO Mafr.ORDERSYaonfr Li FiLt�n' 5 1@(kse pall and ae° what you Dau do for +' ! 1' 1� _ elbility of any spark of lite remaining. j7noteitobertP GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL wsmur)�a aaP� -$}$Circe. L Cash at rr i �[ ��:� COLOR AND VITALITY. ���ONsy But he had read of oases whore even the doesn't it, Sr�zm axe LO°� AOuxrra Win• r FITZ� µ,, '- 4tSr 3�- doctors had boon mistaken and h° resolved pSRFECTLY HARitpLESS• " I , li v- to take no chances. So he ,$sada arrange- cLeucl a WARRANTED. L SCALP FOOD G0. - i �C Monts with the cemetery management�to CLEAR AS WATER. ROYAL ""11 pf U1 �� , + lliufr'' allow the grana of his Qite He comes -Ponbore c�} RENO Y ATOR NQ SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, BoX 305. V1/INUSOR, Cyleii'+ s �J��u s �IUCk �"�"� �>* m certain length of tim Sym Uem SULPHUR OR CHEMICA48.,1111111111 but ,lila morning he said that — t eyarp day, AND OTHER t� ;, WI[.SON• s COUCH , = _-p .®..- the grave could be filled in to -morrow• emeries. �' Then tide man talked of sumo of the TBSted ��� V " �` oasesa the minds CL•�j, a � y a` / , 1'"* ubaoribaza desire the but hetiug blusineee - sohomes and ldsas tliaL p � �'�'� AND A4 tDT `/ 11JJ.1.a - 11^ .4 f ;that' ha?e.wqug . � - of some men and woman who are ailed d,a f ' lMta yaoR to byy Mr Jae A.Ford, and will eon• ���,. with the dread of bele buri°d alive or of Weak and impoverished ' �' ,, 1 iF;.$ttt .t1F9 ��qs under their pdrsonal any t(intion. �0 ge11;:11ave prompt and careful attention, gg If a u it of the vlaint s�:,Orki fearing that some of their friends might For Impure, �,-0a ipgatahf all kinds wrllbekept in season.' wal%fct in a stooped po3ition:' ., $clda xe&sottable rates and delivered anywhere meet such a horribl, Yate. $e told of some Blood Dyspepsia, Sleoplesanesa, Paipa- P. 1 of rho devlaos that have be�n invented with Cation of LoseQof r einiory, B°ronlchitis Ing C vouch, was a stooped over position, with thta mottvo in view and of the time spent Neuralgia, Gal', Stones, Jaundice, Kid c to QRS N, WILSON d ., + IIR COUCH, by n,anagora of cemeteries in llst°ning to Consumption, C7dNTON. one hand on his knee. ills Metcalfe says:- nay and Urinary Diseases, St.Vitus,Dance ears I was not able to do { For about two y thO1. arti-r amid, hoe a scheme by which Female Irregularities anti General Debility N ._ =_ I;®DEHIGH, ONT �J S�fQF�4TR§#Y, _ �— -Y out. 1 '� 'USINE�S CDANGE an work. Localphyaioiana failed to ° by would fix a circ in rho coffin of a per• _ - �' l/ 1 f 1� Vii, me an good, and I want to Toronto for 1 uall unsatisfactory re- J, Mr YfcLEOD, Loddon, T E v ": treatment, with eq y eon when ft was buried. This wird is o �'da+ + atelia �40p salts. I also 'tried electrical appliances be serried into the offioo of the cemetery and lYlmnufnsturer Forest City fittsiness and Shorthand College,We - i � %ill al B I returned home from Tor- does not rasp a subject readily, waropoat and repeat until ho got giving a thorou h 1,6nc1 h° all ',', .. f d �� without avail. and rho thing is to bo arranged so that Prop no with the slightest movement in the coffin Sold in ()lin Lon by tted having bougbt the buteberi,15 onto discouraged, dna seemed I lwould°die J• 11. CgMBE, j ' Ttte ttrlers don by 1Mr JohS Sc� more medicine, and en alarm will bo set cif in the office or subjects tggaughb. We teach bookkeeping and business pa or by a now method. ltnquuo aboub and ALLAN ac WILSON don't, VVo got our reputation that way; we intend to sustain it y g •1 + 4 easlste y Dorris a stem was very much ren �, it. Your money back if not satisfied. a '^x on Ube sawn in the old stand. As be Mr E A Coon has accepted a position with C i) Smith, Winona, Ont., as asstst ant bodkkeopor �`ti yaewlti:°aY oreonal attention to all t and toile anyway, �y y• Swy tQF ail haststo be mado,nin disinterring OIZKS, Catalogue free, J W. WEiSTERVELT, PrlucipAl. will° gin¢' 4 down and the pains at times were exoraoi- tt osaitilA save a lit°. Gj,IN'COl� h1A•ItI3LE ' ' ' of°,tl?@' ,psi.... outloaudssatietaotorilx tilled. ating. I adhered for several months to the'eoliiil anti, P locoalriototormfn - �, oyprgybeing proaup Y my determination to take no more medi Anothgr ma4tawvuid P 00 ^ a Sia 1.mQtq le"g0 meat at reasonable prices. r' !; `, u. Cmeh�isid for Hides, Skins, &o. ^in e, but finally oouaented.to a trial, of Dr, the coffins of all pArsana. t The a11Ve °and �e oOEe Common a1 A lotol. �. Williams' Pink Pills strongly recommended. agpAn; shtiul- liapP OuPan' mpiad +the ,least mOVAmOr}t„ .lite his establisnment is in full o' eratlon and ta ' r W. J. LAN GFORD by a lone i fang yet a0 #better my ap- $dela filled in ilio most eatlsfaaw Y waY Fea'fi�'ler'bo�,e �ki#. t one chloroform would be relsasod #ri such a ¢rices as Albert St., Clinton' very g aa'tb quickly, endi the miwtlartand pre cry and granite work a specialty. petite returned diad the pains diminished. way After using the pills for some timsijonger o enduring emaonablo as those of any eetablishL.unt lm vent the unlucky victim I in" 1"k" any o•f the horrors of thesituatlbn. In this eEa1,E goovEx,Olinton. liable, elastic bone t.IrI,OUR AND FEED STORES. I was able to atand and walk ereob, and re- FOR GIVING Alight, p Sr , , sums my work, in the full enloymont of case there is no way of knowing whet whether made from quills. It is soft and �,,'k,ti+ ` ��'(i1T1 health and strength, PeopleBud' knew the person was alive or dead when buried. ��� �� �����No MAIR0000 yielding conforming readily to shim ' j''jj jj''JJjjJJ and 'on my to ineuro death le by means Q �% .�.+ me marvelled at the- ehan&', �notherway �i /„ �� folds, yet giving proper shape to _ personal To many have used of the old dagger Plan. Like the chloro- ^�� /��D (, �` n however it morel provides for death in (`J t/ ('j Skirt or Dress, {,�. ; Pink Pills. This is the first time, „ form idea, Y P f • t l We will exchange that I have given the feats far pnbliostion. Daae it has not taken place before burial. QD418t11 aHIl8�4ua Debttltr f The only Skirt Bone that may � On being asked if the sciatica had ever The dagger idea is from the Italiana, and til TO be 'wet without injury, ' t d TIMOTHY SEED lea of It is that as soon as a certain i,' weakuees a Body and CLOVER° returned, Mr Metcalfe stated that once or the p k r , i,M : twice, ur a° the result of unusual exposure, be weight of earth r°eta on the coffin lid a Mind. Effects of Er The Celebra t e d F E A- `< t r FOA^ ig lgaaed, whish to Its T,IONE CORSETS are had experienced slight attacks but heal' owerinl spring irorserExcessesinOld t ��•�s) ^ "-. ' • • OATS PEAS, WHEAT & Barley ways kept some 0. the pills at hand for t1 urn releases a dagger ao placed that n will To Young. Robust, L It �Ye�I S penetrate the heart of the person in the ccccbY ung. R felly . corded With this matt sial. ,. 101be. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bush. Oats• use on ench occasions, and they never fail - t iK Give us a Dell. ed to fix him up all right. Mx Metcalfe, p Itestared. How to ea - is in the ,dour and coffin. This idea has ,but used have never For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers ------ who is 52 years of age, in some parte of Italy, large tvncl Strenglheri t�Tt��iG�rr roof of his such a eontriv- Teaks UndevelloFed L �1� '\ d� f! Ds, • provision business, and, ae p heard of any one piecing ` and Far. ST�'+ ],,+ 1L v ability to do as good a day's work as he secs is a coffin !n Chicago, aithony of t Absolutel ' " 'e : ._-___E-----^-'-- ever done is his life, we may state that the cO�e it could be done and n^body but �� " r+ly ,p most of the work connected with the erect- those who did tt would w the wiser- Homs ' O O 7' I 111*, Feed &Seca S l,+l/ [[77 ,on of his six miles of tole line was Sensible pooplo, however, when in doubt meat—Benefits ltl 7 r^T SCHOOL L 10tirf performed by himself. Mr Metcalf also about death having taken place. will bave dyrr , ldcat" fr•am M A r,1- 1 J .1 the coffin placed in the vault, and then it 50 states sial acigfl undersigned desire to intia y bustat he then Use of Pink Pine dertioned several other ived great benefit, ca be watched daily until there is n0 ���� Write them will, keep on hand the very among them being that of a lady resident doubt ss to dissolution. •i2► ties Boolrr �' FLOUR and FEED offlorning'aMills. The Boa nomist knows P and p� these rices. of a number of instances in Shelburne STRUCK WITH LIGHTNING owned("4�"f e. Look over where great good has followed the use of Neatly describes the position of a hard or ees than wholesale prides Of all kinds also the ohoiceat variety ci ������ P ,1 I,plovers Timothy & SMall Seeds ,this well known remedy. lied. It does its work so HEB�AAt Cds� B �Of.M_a, Special quotation in obis. gelling by $ x e for cash. ,The public are cautioned against'im ti age traotori a �pppntnam'e Painless Corn Ex- TSE BEST PACKERS. Tomatoe ions and substitutes, said to be ') quickly and without pain that it seems Put up by Which will ba sold at ,lose ma Stn offered by some q CANNED GOODS Salmon end Mackerel, WALT atai kept ld hand. He will also keep q magical in notion. Try it. Recollect the Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, holesvarlety0f all kinds of TEAK which con- nnorupulous dealers Only there i a mag all druggists and dealers every �U1, r� wC„f,(y�li�1 pe years y F m samara will and to be a:oellent valga, TEAS J. W• 2IILL larger, profit for them in the imitation. name-Putn ll dr Painless Cora Extractor. Extraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. Gloaxl Japan only 150 There is no other remedy that can success- Far eels by fig Ia gonad. Chinese Mixture only 2oa a pound. HURON ST.,CLINTON. telly take the place of Dr• Williams' Pink where• ___. CALi- s pills, and those who ars in a tm°d of a thegennine Th• Life Which Hollow$.DUNNS I RiCE-2b pounds for $1. RAISgI4C,'OT-28 Ib and rPEACHEBES, ��A 003 S cineshould insist upon g ; g Nature teaches that the life which tol- FOIZI+IIA AP which are always put up in boars bearing„ �� .,`,,�� , ; lows the resurrection will be higher and 1 Largest and best assorted stook of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county 1 the words "Dr Williamn Pink Pills for nobler, and more abundant than. the Pres• 13AKING �^n , Feed Selling at close prices. gee quality and price. V�{.a ed Store Pala People.deals you cannot obtain them a rain of corn to ex- !,;,- a- , Y, Prom year dealer, they will o sent goat- out yon take up g POWDERf 1rW* Gr00b&%*1 ” & ". p,'lid to you Upon receipt of 50ota a box, or amine it, but its emalinosabinsuch alias it i's •�" N & SNORTS $2,50 for sin boxes,byy addresing theCD r• slips through your fingers; er9�/+a Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, is it hue within it the germ of a larg_ - uantities. life. Burp it in the ground and from . CLINTON. In large or Small q or.Schenectady, N. Y. THEC001(SBEST FRIEND MACKAY BLOCK, ""1. i1 a,nci MEAL that one grain ,hero some save, atalach- OILCAKE and upon each stalk several grains, OF ALL KINDS. London's Great Lily. ing sometimes more than the standard of LARG687 SALE I ty CANADA. % .. Thous who have never beheld the glories a hundred fold. And revelation clearly to IO pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 ina may enjoy that ds affirms that the corruption, dishonor, ill era N+��®x' �� bushel of Oats. of the Victoria Reg resent you t t • ' light at the present moment. One of the weakness and naturalness of the P tion, 330u miller tOO77' life will be replaced by the lneorrup , ""^- v l>. CLINTON• anent specimens pec rocordad ie ffoworing glory, power and spirituality of the recur- FgUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES ��^ in the garden of the Royal Botaulo So reattonitie -Rev L Lloyd. NORWAY SPRUCE+ IMPSCUTCH y� • clety, Regents' park. One canna, think ++ AND ASTRACHAN PINE, BANKS. oY 1t, in cc without an eats gush of Freak I. Cn,umUerA. WHAT? -The fact that we of Drhave PeQoods,ceived fau h aeall trade, a good " perspiration on such a morning as this. good supply y The steaming warmth of its residence A Danbury, Ct., man has suooeeded The latter of which we make a Specialty' D I The �gl�ons Beak. raising white cucumbers on his farm. LARtxE STOCK ON RAND. meet be such as would astonish even a lasted Tweeds, Dregs Goods, Prints, Cottons, Cottonades Mant e Chu spring be bought the aced a planted cloths, &C• 1 Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 native of Bombay. ° P lest netroetughat tt in tour hills It sprouted ver q Y, 1t is so awfully reduced were nnugnally The above ornamsntTtcese and those wanting any �+ and the vines it p be gold at very low p R' (lAYITAL, $2,000,000. fifty degrees more need not concern ve thrifty, vigorous and healthy looking. thing in this con ohaigio g 'will save money by cur REST FUND, $1,$00+000 mush, The spectacle fa worth some brief Presently they were thickly set with Another shipment O' Boots and Shoes.MIL INERY As usual our 11Ziit of li- sacrifiee of comfort. The plant has ten. So y t up-to-date and ready or inspection. Everything will be sold MONTREAL. issues which Dover a aurfaae of 40o Poet, Orders by Mail will be p y Something new in School Supplies.p HEAD OFFICE, white, fonder cucumbers. e. They were of to Addrda, attended very cheap for cash or produce. en commons at BEN31ILLER °, > �-,, J. H. R. MOLSON.... • ©... Manager. an dseOn ench a (layasthis, cloudy though bast fruit of the akind in the world. When, JQH� SiE���Rrr, �II �j ADAMS, ,": V. W. THOMAS,,.••O n o may probably not close their the cucumbers were asst sot they A BAMS, t; MPO R If ao, but the color changed Ina tis JG f • Dream colored, ,--- ��'mECt s] ['1Q p Notes discounted Ooltectiona made, Drafts 19 h baking, they few days a chalky 1� jJ IJt1Va�+ sued,Bterting an`d American excbsngee ougglt scant naives when the sun gots up. white, II hue, and when they and sold at lowest ,arrant rates. visitors will have a chance to lusts in h to were fit for the table they were as lowed on deposits, the sontimentsl poet meant by wishing _ Those who have as snow. They were at no time '/ p AAIE I �� • die of "odorous agony" nearly, _ SIMBSON on their ownnote .watched a bloom of VictoriaReginaom its green Sn ooior. Money advsn,edto' formes erfume from its ry ' �t ilii dealers that the rush of that it seams al HEART -BEATS. ) (y�Y I!, milli Dna or inquired as security mortgage Y0 opening lips is so strong _� (�J Blind ��� �`ry o.s,. boor w H H. C BREWER, Manager. most to be felt. We uses not believe this the 1lcart Hitters Pal- ouitc implicitly. The gravest and ice, of 1h0 Beason Why ressed, anti dew to �( ((' men may be tempted into pootio license �'i� �+�vc and is oppressed, —THE LEADING- �i� j�rio� 111C�l�OOARl . when his theme is Pe°uilarly thrillThe ing, � p, , rte; �� 11��jj�y/ 1J' I and he has no i°n°optalBi hp a trisenfear, bolo a withinhtself does h of excitmmuch nt dis- ���E�T A Lam � � s �C.'� est BANKER i many livi g A. Lamp •Y- _ �;.. GET.— 'to observe a flower haveuperformod play the troublingofsymptolms of opalp ta- ..--+� 1W'<; labored breathing, OP-A'ND'— � / ALBERT ST - CLINTON. earliest ray? Those w fluttering, � that remarkable feat would naturally wish tion, etc on account of diseased B�L�E 4 n to get all the credit possible. If an Be- umo pWidn on, I - eomPliee averred that the rush o1 per( ((ouid the n assage sof t hecblood dthrough their -� « i J Business caused a ripple on the water, they passage t. S gOIIet ,, Banking need some Congo of Self-restraint to defective secretive structures, causing li A FAL INID OF ij�� staff ti ane disavow him. However, the scent of these morbid chane in the blood unsuited - - "•�'-' vas, white sowers is "Strong enough for nourish the Ussues and noxious to them. .« t� STOCK, NpTE43 S�I8Cj4iJNTED -that to cartatn. Ineaperteno- The minute ler, resu resist the passage of xgoDS �e of �� �A i' atron's ,of hortfoultmre clic have t'aom walls of the arteries. sat itall pparal lzed, rxetor : • Drafts leaned. Interest allowed on P enthusiasts Of Wonder that all this foul blood, resulting in the muscular _ �' Caa�ER Prop deposits. ' • L enough end conveniences do not grow the heart becoming P Y t' s S. �r Vtotorim Regina. Perhaps enthusiasm is and'from thiS'cause results much o the YhebgatEmb>3ilmint Fluidused I am building an extensive addition to my °r �� �16im I lllJ always inexperienced• Did they know the so-called heart disease, which is owing to - o owing to my inereseing business, i� would be doubly grata- form their functions. In order to relieve premises, and aleo'pntting in one of the latest im roved Patent Dry Hiina, and enailvee trouble and'annoyanae of a trope- wasting Kidneys riot being able to per and ea0d t contracts S cal lily tank, they dee -Liver Pills, I�earee will then be in a bettor position than ever to re all order a entr" manufacture usted tome. W tr a'' B A lY 8 B R s • ful to the authorities of Kow and Regent's heart trouble remove the cause in the �plf�iid id rapers pians and estimates for alor l kinds of residencost I. dik, anti such few private individuals as Kidneys elieve the bloods of poisonous de- or the same on short a ktioen nd in stock all kinds olfkWindow Saab. !i it Frames, Q�I r 0N. 014T P They to order and els 9 persevere in spite of them. osits, it oes on its way a stream of .�— Blinds, Camber, Lath, &o. Persona who inland to build will ai•�l it totheir z , ^"" pp h fle every tissue of the body. ALBERTST•,CLINTON own interest to see me before eodoing. Dg AND ANKLES RAW- htalth, relieving the heart and imparting �^�_ 11 v 1 HAN rest sufferer strengt •-.� 1, �s $nada to farmers on their own For years I have been a g condi, Residence over store�.5} �ys+� ddwnoe from itchy skin trouble and salt rheum.- igyuj�kly J`emovt ithe�t:ausitlg saes t S5 , 'f I fir 1 � Clinton y •1, nates tow rates of interest. My bands and ankles were literall raw. oPPOSITR TOVY HALT.8 „f� ,1 J i � y t B&aindaa tr"esoted The first application of g, itching saniiat' count of disorder of thef kidn,ystlliver •1eJyi aiwa3 edl ssvo dinoa i ;r SWt& want alleged the burning, P $tonaach or of nervous affectioft fiolc{ • ria. • peed on deposits. ion. Uate box and a half eutivel oared ,luw bloo 3o noW Dibill 11 tl ed Sale N'oer3 bcagh by all �talers. Pfice sec. Edmt►rrson, me. It ie also instant relief for Chilblains- Bates & Co., Toronto, " 7, P. TIS'DALL, Manager. HiNh°f A.-PAftiIt�r>ter St, Catharines, Ont. 11 I d e ! 1' r � a � vt . I ,. , 1. , �. 11 �i, � . -F. , 'Y: