HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-25, Page 61i 1•R vvr • 'BOE 'CLINTON NEW ERA AND. THE WEEKLY GLOBE SE T RE TQ: eT 1 The use of Si lid shot In viertere 1ia,a. - There are few country people, ll0 Inoue - SOW Shot Sihandeaed, p reertere of the bier p lhle tR the changes of tire u , l �" d so s the birder; h g O NEW, SUBSCRIBERS TO B ST DECEMBER 1896, FOR. $1.0 IN ADVANCE, V RIABLE , AUTUMN OFTEN SEALS THE FATE RHEUMATIC ,SUFFERERS. JOINS OIC RHEUMATISM +'INO A CURE IN PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. Nothing Like it' for Banish, ing the Awful Disease. ll i e tiThe projectile. Of to:daY a s Pe e e , i and sometiums,loaded Whit pave er @ to explode, or by a time fuse. It le wove derfuliy different from the shell of tweq• ty-five years ago. In those days one oould watoh the projectile as it sailed through the air in a graoetu1 curve, at length bursting. There was eeen time tp get out of the way, under favorable circumstances. But the new style of obeli moves at the rate of a little over half a mile a second. On striking a metal target its energy be- ing traneformed instantaneously into heat, it btoomos red•hot,and a flame is actually seen to burst forth from the point struok. Such a projeotlle moves, one might say,in a straight line, and its leaped at a dis- tanoe of a inile seems almost simultaneous with the discharge of the gun. Such a shell, passing near a man, will tear his olothes off, merely from the wind- age, If it comes very near, though with - t about aturall o.. been practise y i n they fail to Optic° the coining Af t i al shell of stool hollRw thorn that h y , �t a lou mpnatdn `of the vrin.! teff landeeepos find the dot etb ot life which !a its L00111panlrp4nt is auddeflIy broken by the advent in early•sprlpg of flock Utter flook of active and noisy bards, If we are abroad some March moreing wines the sun is shining warm car themore, a flash of blue in the apple orchard, a ripple of song, or the atraggling mass ot blackbird; rising and falling till ib °lusters on some small tree, are signet that Wo oan not help seeing and welcoming. Every one knovl'e when spring and the birds are here. - Not So when summer wanes into early fait Gradually and insensibly one bird atter the other leaves the {earn or thicket whore its home has been, and after a few days' wandering in the neighborhood die - appears. We notice some afternoon that the swallows are no longer eingtng on the out hitting him, it will, kill him. ,, Ho ridgepole of the barn, or playing abont i drops dead without a sign of a wound, its eaves, teat the fami.iar twitter of the , Whereas, an old-style shell would burst ohlmney-swifts no longer falls from the into a few pieces, tho modern projectile sky. If we refloat, we become suddenly files into a myriad of "small fragments, aysare':thet no thrush has sting from the each ot them moving withtremendops„ woodland for evenings past, and it hardly veloolty. It may easily be imagined that needs the unfolding of astora innumerable half a dozen six -pound Hotchkiss shells to toll us that another summer is over. finding their way into a vessel would scab- Not all the birds, howeifer, leave WI in ter death and destruotion in every dim- this silent and mysterious fashion. Walk tion, Protective saner, owing to its great for ain iso through the {trhliakeets onthe is too say, onlyy, river borders before long the familiar tee, o r vitals --hat s weight, oan along the the shipa middle dee, dee, of the ohiokadee Domes to you, part of the hull near the water line, so as and in a moment you oatoh eight of a to over the machinery. In future battles black cap hero and another there in the gunners will direct their fire against the sh little ybards But with in anyei coorms s es a fro 0 unarmored ends of an opposing vessel.of noisy, gray vlraos, bright-oolored warblers, nut hatches and creepers, and occasionally a thrush or a catbird. The company sur- veys you and passes on along a routo fa- miliar doubtless to them, though through what to us would ber a trackless tangle. Or pass to the neighboring cornfield, where the wends have at last won in the summer struggle, and bond with their loads of Seeds. As you draw near their brown forms fly to the fence rails or flit before you—field sparrows, ()hippies or a baywing with white feathers in his tail, and in more auspicious years than this, bluebirds— Old and Chronic Sufferers are Made Hale and Strong. Mr Wm. MoWilliams, of Bradford, Ont., writes as follows about his oase:— "Unsolioited, I forward this testimonial as to the valve of your Paine's Celery Com- pound. 1 am well up in 'years and' was sorely afflicted with rheumatism. I pur- chased and used six bottles of your medi- cine and am now perfectly well. I have no rheumatism left." Th ?above is just an ordinary sample of the proof that oured people furnish every week. Let as utter a few words of warning to all who feel the pafmgs of a disease that makes life a m'se'.y and a burden. ,;er, The most..daugerous season of the year is now with us• there is no necessity to en- large upon- !tt fact. Chilling winds, damp weather, and heavy, impure atmosphere; aggravate every condition of rheumatism, and bring many a sufferer to the grave. Take courage, all victims of rheumatism. If you have'failed with doctors and the or- dinary medicines of the day, remember you have not yet given Paine's Celery Com- pound a trial. This marvellous medioine has made new men and women• of thou- slihds who were pronounced incurable by physicians. It oan, and will do the same good work for yon, if you fairly and hon- estly use it for a time. Mr McWilliams' case was one that baffled all other medi- cines but Paine's Celery Compound, whioh pimroved torions at new and better life. Go thou giving d fo low his example. Mr John Bowles, one of the oldest residents of Ingersoll, died suddenly on Wednesday night. We know whereof we affirm when we state that Ayer's Pills, taken promptly, at the first symptoms of colds and fever, ar- rest further progress of these disorders, and speedily restore the stomach. liver, and bowels, to their regular order. ANECDOTES OF THE ABSENT- MINDED. TEIREATENED WIru PNi Ui41ONIA GENTLEMEN.—Last spring I had a very heavy cold and was threatened with pneumonia. I tried 2 bottles of Norway Pine syrup and it completely cured me. It is the best preparation for a cough I have ever used. J. B. MecDoesse, Whycoco- magh, Cape Breton. Another "absent-minded man" item has been received. This one refers to Ampere, the famous mathematician, who was noted for his absent-minded- ness. On one occasion. it is stated that while walking along the street he mis- took the back of a cab fora blackboard, and as a blackboard was just the thing he needed at the time, to solve a prob- lem which had been vexing his mind for some moments during his walk. he made use of it. Taking a piece of chalk out of bis pocket he proceeded to trace out a number of algebraical for- mulre on the cab's hack, and followed the moving "board" for the space of a quarter of an hour without noticing the progress of the conveyance. As to whether the cabman charged him by . the course or by the hour, or even at all, the item does not inform us. From the same source we have the following item: They have a good joke just at present on a well known lawyer who is noted for his absent-mindedness. He went up his own stairs the other day, and seeing a notice on his own door, "Back at two," sat down to wait for himself.—Harpers. "Auld Robin Gray." The famous Sootoh song has oonneoted with it a bit of personal history that 1s probably unique of its kTnd,indicating, as it does, a degree of aversion to notoriety suoh as is rarely seen. It was written by Lady Anne Lindsay, a woman of marked poetio gifts, but of singular shyness. She wrote the song for her own amusement during a day of loneilnese, and showed It to her mother and the mpembsre of her faintly under a promise of secrecy. By their advice she sent it to a publisher,who had it set to an old Scottish tune and issued it as anonymous, not even himself knowing who was the writer. The song proved immensly popular, and 1n a few years was sung not only in every corner of Sootland but in England also, while sol- diers and sailors boro it whereber the English arms and ships were known. For fifty years the seorot of its authorship was kept oonoealod, or at least the song was not aoknowedged by her, in so many words, during her lifetime, though many suspected her to be the writer. Tho near- est she oamo to an avowal of herself as a poet was In a letter to Sir Walter Scott, in which she inclosed a copy of the verses, made by her own hand, admitted that she had something to do with their composi- tion and gave him permission to tell his "dear friend, the author of Waverly." Yet, during this half century, a romance had been founded on the brief story told in the simple lines, a play had been written on the same subject, the name had boon borrowed for an opera and for a panto- mime, and even in the puppet shows the sorrows of the song found expr',s1on. It is probable that such another i.istance of concealment, where no cause existed but excessive modesty, is not to bo found in the history of literature. The secret of its authorship was not Cully revealed until after tho death of Lady Anne DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. is the truthful startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit cure that braces up niww„ized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. Yon run no physical or finan- cial risk, as NO -10 -BAC is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Cn . 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. Thoma. 4. Johns. A Common Affliction Permanently Cured by Taking AYI3RS a A CAB-D11.IVE 1'S STORY. "I was afflicted for eight years with (salt Rheum. During that time, I tried a great many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none gave me relief. 1 was at last advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, by a friend who told me that I must purchase six bottles and use them according to directions. I yielded to his persuasion, bought the six bottles, and took the contents of three of these bot- tles without noticing any direct benefit. Before I had finished the fourth bottle, my hands wore as Free from Eruptions retie Sisettoilepe, In tisSii age Otos eriloiirs to .IA tin. 10 th i �o � aft os x.a►r :the x o t oYa 0 ori t en p d. c p y perique .defects et aspLraetti to people laurels . Airy .metrical etruoture ;;whiok l tour, )4e.1o4iou6 receives there* et approvo1;, and is held up to. the publics gezeearek ret, men of poetic I rt--.oftea.•as the,.,411011i, form of art. Metrical perfeotio}t may .Pe.t and isut. often attained witho, reveallas the. elightest trace of terse poetio ,felony; and so lopg as the fleet requisite of good verso—inspiretign--•le 'gnpred by those: whose judgment, helps to make or md'r the poet, writers will (antinua to produce laborious exhibitions of ppotio form titter• ly regardless of substanoe. Verse, however, which will item/ the search -light of time; 'which is destined Le 11be beyond the pushing hour, must, der-, neath an elegance of form, betray the dis- tinct feeling and working of the poet's mind. It is not oven enough for a composition to be melodious, for unless the evidence of thought moves with , and es part of the melody, it will lose its charm' after a Bret reading. New Boot and Shoe Store :' : PART L U, L.AR , L.A D i Es f `Whp want to look �eef feel good(tad the � ua� 'p .c,i themselves, find nic an efficient -help for 1Make art - WO • ' that make ladle?} beautiful of; %Ace.at#d foxes., and hoa+lti ) , y, �'` i body. at do for others. can be done fpr• you. e T.----.4.-:. ., � in What f , 0a1A tell all about it fat this advertisement. , ALLEN 4 WILSON, Ciinton,Ont.;Drug StS - I�j for- my boob. These articles are specially goad for fj' W& " ,� mer use, his *jc FAOE BLEACH $1 per beottle. Clears the coma le» "" mon.You must have it ifyou want to et rid of free . S •- 1,1 FI . alrtt�'► moth patches, 440. n, t. • FADE• POWDER—White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Ferrertiarn% for powder users. VOLA.- MONTEZ CREME 75c. in' opal jars --creates and improves faoq,,'. beauty for maid, wife or widow, Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor 40 and 42 Gear7'" St.. San Francisco, Cal, Eastern Office, 30Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. The undersigned begs to aunoune0 to the pen plc of Londesboro and vicinity:that b P s ae opin- ed Boot and Shoe Store next to the poet otflee. where will be found a complete assortment of FALL and WINTExt BOOTS •end SHOES. Our goods are first-class, and our prices are,right.— Oastom work and Repairing done in a workman- like manner. Butter and before buying elsewherree.. o and see JAMES YOUNG, - Londesboro. t,;**ek.**t- eieti -i Can be heard about 16,000 feet. Good reports of the Radians iome Coal Stove J&ow1 TOOK SICK WHAT WOULD De? fiN Can be heard from one end of Canada to the other. Tlie reason for this is simply that the Radiant Home is a powerful heater, economical on fuel and does its work so perfectly as to entirely satisfy everyone who uses it. This ex- perience will be youre too, if yon buy one. Call and see our stock—a large assortment. T ckatore BockH ARLAND 'BBOS Old Stand o Brick Block 4 Whose warble clear Bids farewell to the dying year. These roving bands are bound together apparently by eimiiar tastes in food, but I always like to think by a little affection also, or friendly concern. They wander through field and woodland, till some night more favorable than the rest for travel, or some wind whose suggestion of coming winter le stronger starts them on that wonderful series of journeys which we term migration. Tho next morning finds them in Connecticut or New Jersey, and a fortnight later they, are in Virginia. Life is to them now as careless as a school- boy's vacation. .Only. the dark shadow of a hawk now and then interrupts their round of feasting and twittering. Spring comes with a rush, the barren- ness and bleakness of winter is driven from the earth as quickly as snow is driv- en from the hillsides by warm rains. The fall creeps on us as quietly as a tree changes .its colors. We. aro .unaware of the change till we look up some morning and ,say it is autumn. r 1 G V E S FR.:E;SH NS 111 1Egih sAR • t• ;7r..KhN C CvRrinlGE$TirQil;D(�X�k E15r5„; Rua;j�,1O:�l$ pN, TII •SK.:'r�l. BEPUTIFIES �a C'OMPL'EXION. Just. spend his Four Quarters for a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters 4� as all sensible people do; be- cal}se it cures Dyspepsia,,Con- stipation, Biliousness, S i c k Headache, Bad Blood, and all ^'ceases of the Stomach, Liver, 1;dhC; s,;'•ev ' arse rlo,,.d from 0:s4 a Cc' 1'DOL' P? r^1c tC) tee set ,A S' re.'“ . RFPA*S The House of Refuge The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Notwithstanding the fact that tenders for the supplies tor the House of Refuge were received from all over the county, THE - CASH' - GROCERY Was successful in securing the contract for all the Crockery, Stoneware, and part of the Groceries, which goes to show that our prices, and the quality of our goods are right. We have been in business just one year, yet with our• •- reasonable prices, quality of our goods and our cash system, have built up a trade we thought it would take years to accomplish. W e take this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage during the past year, and hope to .merit a continuance of the same in the future. OGLE COOPER & CO, Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. /' “Have you tried it." 0 An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC).jOKllbop Mutual Fire Insurance Co Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 25o., 60e., FARM &ISOLATED TORN PROPERTY ONLY and el.® per paoknge. Samples tree. INSURED KONO Tho Favorite TOOTH POWDER — !� for the Teeth and Breath 4ba OFFIaxlie. Sold by J. H. Oo Mi l51 D. Rose, President, Clinton; Geo. watt vise Pres. Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-Treas. Seatortb; M. Mardis, Inepeotor of Claims, Reaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seafortb ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuckersmith ; Thos. Car bot, Clinton ; C, Gardiner, Leadbury ; T, E Hays, Mohillop, AGENTS. Thos. Neilane Rare:nee Robt.McMillan ,Sea- torth; J. Cuminge, Egmon•lville. Geo. Murdie, auditor. Wo want the names of 10000 young people. Parties .sirens to effect Insurances or Iran - The latest edition of our College Journal is sQcet otherpbusiness will be promptly attended It adSend idniyouru names and we names of to our at or sed their ospoeto itvo offices the nfliaers friends; we will do the rest. It will interest you and cost you nothing. You must see it. Mutual Confidence. An amusing anecdote of a lady and gen- tleman who were traveling together runs as follows : They wore strangers to each other. All at once the gentleman said: "Madam, may I ask you to look out of the window. I should like to make some ohange an my toilet." "Certainly, sir," she readily replied, at the same time getting up ar d turning her back upon him. A few moments afterward he said: "Now, ihadam,I have finished, and you can sit down again." When the lady looked round she saw her male companion transformed into an ele- gant lady, wearing a think veil. "And now, sir or madam, whatever you are, said the lady, "I would also re- quest you to put your face out of the win- dow, as I, too, wish to make some altera- tion in my attire." "Certainly, madam," and the man in woman's olothes turned at onoe the other way. "Now you can resume your seat." To his groat astonishment the man in woman's gars, on sitting down agatn,saw his traveling companion transformed into a man. Ho buret out laughing and said: "It appears that we aro both trying to run away. What have you done? I have boon robbing a bank." "And I," said the quondam lady, as he fitted the "derbies" round his fellow -pas- senger's wrists, "am Detective J—from Amsterdam, and have been on your traog for the last couple of days; and now (pre- senting a revolver) keep still." as ever tboy were. My business, which is that of a cab -driver, requires me to be out in cold and wet weather often without gloves, and the trouble has never returned."—TimmMAs A. Jomvs, Stratford, Ont. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the :wot'1d4i iMl'idr, 0/1 • r.` Central Bitsiness College, Stratford, Ont. P. McINTOSH, Principal. PSYCHINE (PaoxoUNden SI -Ernst wul OO N S Ur M , Lung Throat Diseases. Samplecure Dehio sent rice toPTI everyONenfroror”and Givo Express and Post OMco Address. .The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can. Our "Salads" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; price, 40 and 60 cents per pound. In Lead Packets, A large number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1. Yon bad better try a package. Salmon—If you like something choice try a can of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1896 pack A full stook of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality— bottom prices. Give us a trial order and see what we can do. 11ICMURR4Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 J. Brunsdon & Son, LONDESBORO egess Agts. for all Farm Implenment MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drilla Seeders, Cultivators, Sealers and all kinds of Plows Full line of Machinery and Plow Bemire BINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine at few prices. A complete lino of A Long -Headed Newsboy. There as a newsboy in Ottawa who in the near future is bound to shine in the financial world. This futaro-to-be Napo- leon of flnaece some time ago opened an account in the savings department of the Rideau street branch of the Bonk of Ot- tawa. The rules of the savings depart- ment do not allow a deposit or withdraw• al of an amount less Ilan $1. It so hap- pened that ono afternoon this young fel- low wished to make a deposit of 75 cents but as the rules were against such a small deposit the boy had to retire with hie de- posit still in his possession. The boy had not left the bank very long when ho re - tinned and wlthdrodr $1.25 and adding to th1e the 75 conte ho itad already, he dop1o. itod the Whole whirr amounted to time getting in his .7 Cents. , Stock Taking Sale. , , Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons .,•yp' „�a-w «„we dW� +d /i a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharply & Muir Wind Mille good OUR MOTTO—Firs awork Repairing best and fall kinds ofoJob Work. axtioloe. Prompt; JOHN BRUNSDON St SON, Londesboro. uggles, Road Carts, Waggons We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we rices must be right, and we are goingto reduce rto make them in order to o ht. Fromthisountil Aug. 1st every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction. Our 110,50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,. ...$ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, .... 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,.. , . 13.06 See our 25 cent Pi t res nice shaded frame. They great JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. m,pp,orse,ol,yn„tarrom,nP.nln.,n1,.';,,,,,, ,In,nrnrl,,,,,,,emmP,P..n.n,,num.mastr.N.,mrn.nA,,nM./mmos.mmm,mTN„ I The Finest CC PHOTOGRAPHS "u) are taken by � H. FOSTER RI-P.A-N-S RUMBALL' SCLLI1 FACTORY Huron Street, oil stop► We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons ONE GIVES RELI OM to Wr'Oi11"riztvnAk? Whiilh rt guarantee flq be of iirlit-olass material and workmanship. It you watt t a good art : t the pt'iae of a poor ond', `' 11•nnd ape trio' 4Jin.lN.V4iilt