HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-25, Page 2TA *t :+rr, :.pip r . yc Ae•1� �w�c. �gsrRy Px�'• ) f�r�r !fir t'4,- �,' s �. w p,
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- '" . l;lt>plant-K SIM . e.'ltulcen lax�tt+fw'w ter+ r pp,*a �xrs, -. ;reopinmend milburn a l.od r>of it !#
nOb tniy ]t9a.RtxftlPpe Drllitk0" XJgh, 0.ta, Vit' 3�Mluray7ClSl.� � 'I�evorde . In l�ta�tot n# �i�p aver O t
.prat o arcs, a 4100 >�' , .. , , .. ,1 ite.l, ., Noble, stege, � ll „r>n situ wI h ples4nce , Lse� C���QI� �4�W ��af 4�� 1
,R � .,� ,.� ,� July wf e. attacked with Conleotxoxl of tl1e: XA.� �?:. 4 Q ', a . <�
There li; its lurenter Who, to lmowb AA �peaktlu� ixt jlxxn�l{lr� held an old ziOW that the horse is 100,14 ,109!Vi orf} un W .4'il� WOW . : . ...
I': a I' f1 , ge. axle was in bed: Par tour weQke.' r •"
Y-Pat41g11 pf>iCq in Wa4414i't¢n+,¢i he- 4ea AAA W44 Iyal�b4ex1 wa�ohing eotn�l>ops -Arras as a ftt4t0i�In the travel Of the fifties � Barrister,
� g � t y +
t t were vary weak and Qoutd not apealt abova Vo ,new eubooribers. fro t 1t date , ,
. Wit 080. 'bila, narAo.Is ,0; yr , 2dabeail ;Plbpingloa i'.xofron t4a aodo, let{,metell anal all the world to tet paaoe, pa that be ie � � A.jl it � �'i - : t .
, a a the tea zzx vers fi whlsp4r; Ax.. >+aweon, ot�atnlata, a�- to the,l;lfif; of 9R, Q�t+.the tow ) ��iito
at RVI! Berne, . Q„ and'd1x n thQ .. ,y, .0 , t jR P 4 . ee?x, It . net ne. and in wtfirtare,It is worth while t4 tended me and Bent fix bottles of- lklilbOula sum o
Dec,,t a ,
4R years he pati obtalnoet patentf� i'or a was many years agot. When I Was little oast a retrospective glance over his his- P Pxuulsion, It !a kbe very Lest xasde and @ q.OltVi+i3tANgiiTit • dyyi,
ir mora than A lad, but I was bow oal'sman p g $1 4Q • ., -
i1pr�folein nuxnp4xat dovloesinglri torp, and rgoall feature's of set greatness, j scan restored my voice and blouhLt ,no y .'
A'Mong these Its lass coff la wTxioh W on 4 Whaletloat belonging, to the ohllt which musb always attest his, or h, i • faomxglostpnertor Untgrlp xnd'IRwrijbobpi;'
a li y ix w t .. t I back to boalth. a again. Truly yours, AIL This is a mere chance to et the twa O>Doq ixutnediatgly south a1 Gkurgy R W1seq?pxl "
i�a.rantead ptoofi agxizts# daoay sail ra$e. H4nrp btaples.' We bad had bad luck for play be thin he will augelr 'a temporary Smith Wheatlauds, Mau. � h' 4
o.29ng ata no daltbexatg ahem # ilk, xnnd_o seversi weeks; when one da Wa sighted n ' peyote at a little more than thel.
p .big whale, and two testa sat off !n a rave the tri only that his, reoord xxlap show all tai kR,Y x ,
+ to ave who would et theta iixat. It was enforced,
-" rtes of one,
id rfzirash "lt, ,1t ought to 1404 tOa ero>, 4kn- g brighter where he omergea froxii, the i In " ruernbrance of Dlokenq, BARRI$'Ctll , • + OTiICIIr�Q f !8R
t 10im 0044 ivanegs to,, 4; as 4q int3id4 6 creed retiromenG now Imminent, but There is a pie shop in .Condon that
„' '• _: , it011pxf! > p fairly smooth, what the sailors Cali a that he should disappear altogether from I Charlaa Wokensused to standbeforewhen. TO OU10 ORPUP, .PUBLIC, Fi''Ot, 1., E
whitc-eap breeze, and our boats fairly flow .the face of the earth, is an ultlmato pass!- , ssaohiid be drudgetl in a blacking factory, Dear sirs, --I have used Hagvards Yel. O>`BCts-,Bearer $f+p[it[. /`
e over the water, Finally the whale rose bllitp which takes on the aa#uro of a oat � i Every day, on his way to and from wont, low Oil with all my children and 1 think it Up -stairs, Opposite 1?aeter'e,1P}tgtC l�silerp,
not IOD yards away, beading directly, for amity. Surely a few noble specimens he used to devour elands with his eyes, is the beat medicine ever made. I any now ' CLINTON
us. The harpooner stood with his Iron all will be reserved for the racing sport, oo and sometimes, as bo said, he preissed. his never without !0 in the house, Mrs. T, H
ready to throw, while we grasped our oars dear to man, since not even electricity can tongue to the window panq,as if by so do-
JACKSON, Hilton, Man. I ivl% Vie' CAM Aij . ?"
. nervtiusty, prepared Go j wxlp at the word ober a dostrable substitute, Tho blua-grass tug he got a little bit of a taste of the good (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Oamertio
'stern ail,' that nearly always came when trotter proudly, points .to Ten Broeox, things that lay so near, yet so far beyond A little stowaway took ponaessioxi of the BARRISTER AND SO�'itOlI' O ,
a whale was harpooned. Not a word was Longfellow, Jay -lye -See, Lexington, his reach.
spoken,and suddenly a.mountatn of black Maud S., the fastest trotter of the can- An Amorloan who admired Dlokens sandbox of an electric car the other day Office -Hamilton St., 0p colts, colbornq ur'"I,,
appeared; it seemed to shut off the entire tury, Ethan Allan, and a host of others, hunted up this pie shop, when be was in and made two successful. trips without
, borizon. Up it went until I distinctly saw whose names ara indelibly written on the molestation, He was eomawhat of a must- , ,
y London, in order to gratify sentiment and 1 ►R. WM. CONN, L. R, C. P. and L. R. C p
u seventy-fogt whale over twenty Yost In horse's book ofpeeragq, thgAmerioantrot curiosity. Ib proved to bo a mem .bas of sal genius and at J,F Edinburgh. OHioe-Ontario L-rQet,Clintcn `a
the air hovering over ua. ting register. Among the horses of the a place, in a poor quarter of the city; but rising from all parts o! the ear aroused the Night calla at front door t rea choral*,,,'
,Itwttfllt '
H "The mate was the first to regain his past who led the world's record were Lady ! the original business was still conducted curiosity o! the paeaen$ere. Who was the boxy St„ oppos#tq Presbyterian Cmuro#?.,.
o senses, and gave the command `stern all,' Suffolk, one mile, 2:28; Flora Temple, ' there. As the traveler peered Into the ventri]oquletP The !saes of men and wo• DR J. L. TURNBULL M, j), TpBpLITp
t Just as we wore ready to spring overboard 8:19 3-4 • Dexter 2:17 • Barns, 2:13 1-4 ; men were eagerly watched on one side of
shadowy interior, a volae piped at his el- University, Al D. O.M., Victoria II 'ivereity°
e the boat shot back several PeoG,.and the St. Julien, 8:11 1-4; Maud S., 2:10 1-4, mow; the oar to fled whence the music proceed- M.0. P & S., Ontario. Fellow ofthoObotggetrlpAt d
m nowt second the gigafiGio animal dived Thfe was a wonderful roaord-betaking in I "Please eft, will you buy me a. weal ed. He was evidently an amateur, with a EdinbSocieturgh of $pepitalea` lOfloe� �D rpowEs�2yfe o3 -
o into the ocean, dust grazing us, having each instance but now rho trotter will �' good opinion of his own aapabillites. At ,',
p1eP the end of the second tri the conductor °ffiOB Rattenbury et. 'Clinton. Nig'." boll
completely sussed over the boat to the peva to do its lulls in two minutes to ex- The owner of the volae was a small, dt- P answered at the same place. '
tt biggest leap I ever heard OP." offs attention. A 8:10 gait is slow to the shoveled parson, with whom a veal pie or removed some boards from the sandbox in
Such gigantic j uin; are rare. A small- present generation. any other kind would have agreed right soder to frfinom
art outwitted by the DR J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, lace lock
s. or one was recorded b Dr. Hall, who at And how much were those famous sound from another part of the seat. Nos A Batter -bur
Car, eta., visas in the Pti}ao4lslaok
well The American replied: until the cushions and boards were lifted Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Di; Re4ve
the time was a mi+}s: itnuan on the stip horses worth in their day. Robert Bonner : "How•many boys do you suppose that could the merry little fellow be ejected, Clinton Ont. "
o Leander. They were lying !xt the harbor is Bald t0 b RVe paid Pj33, 000 for Dexter, and shop would hold?"
of Bermuda, when all hands were attract- „ and then, with a sweep, and the music of AS. S. FREEBORN M,D.. L.H.dtQ.C.P;I
v ed by the a� $36',000 for Rarus; Mr. Vandbrbilt paid ; Y dunno. About fifteen or sixteen, I "How lovely the lite o! a bird °mast be," C. P. & S. O., Graduate Rings and,(Ju�exie
appears of avert' large whmie $20,000 for Mitud S. He refused $76,000 should think " g
a that suddenly appeared in the harbor vary for her a Pow months later, It is said that "Well he sought shelter !n a leafy tree. This College of Physioiana, Dublin, Ireland. #sen, F :'
,yon go and get fifteen more boys little s arrow teaches the lesson of oheet- flats genervl medical Council, Groat. Brite ;
s much alarmed by the shallow water, on one oeonelot, whoa General Grunt was I and bring them bank here." lnlnoas under diffionitiesr ober ForCmer�y �esideat of Rotnndagoesp'it� 1, '
o floundering about violently. The young out driving with Mr. Bonner, behind Des- i The boy studied the mhn's face for a
midshipman joined a bent's prow that !Lying-in and Gyaecological)Dublin. Besidenc4 n
P j ter, he remarked, that in an artistic sense, ; moment, as If to make sure he was In the Learn to day No. —Rattenbury St, east, nest door to Ontario Sb, , •• }rr
t started in pursuit, and just as they were the animal in the shafts w.is vastl ea- , parsonage, 9;:
h"is looses desaribos it as tiluitable or o about to strike the whale diva y ! enjoyment of his senses, then hurled him- ` Only one more, George; only one P ppeared, porior to the two in the an'ky, and that ' self into a side street, with a yell. Hard- more," she whispered fondly as she olung >a
manufacture of neckties; shawls, table sinking out o1 sfght,lgnving m deep whirl- the suffered b physical comparison. 1 a minute ala sed before he returns about his nook like iv around a stnm R STAN1s17RY, GRADUATE OF TIIFI
y y P y P y P d, y P• I'M',', Td Do artment of Victoria Unt 6r�
. covers, etc. pool, around which the boat shot. Before It is 2,000 years since Bucophalus carried •i the head of a procession of sixteen gamine, The man flushed scarlet and 1n vain at- city, Toronto, formed of the Hospitals s>n4
In fabrics of this kind a very fine quail- it stopped up came the whale, having to Alexander to victory. This remarkable assorted as to size and clothing, unani- tempted to put her from him. Diepensarfes, Naw. Yyork Coroner for hq
ty of glass is used. It is spun in threads all probability struck the bottom, and horse had been given as a present to Philip, I mous in appetite and hope. This ragged ``Please, George 1 Oh, as you love me, County o1 Huron, Bayfield, Out. 1
of exceeding delicacy, and of these several went into the air like a rocket, "So com- father of Alexander, but It would not al- i battalion assembled close behind the bene. Georgo,only one morel" -
colors may be produced at the same time, plote was this enormous leap," says Dr. low him to mount, One day Alexander factor, and followed him proeipitat ly lata "Noll' he cried hoarsely wrestling him- DRe MILE LLtl�lV
They moo woven in a loom of ordinary put- Hall, "that for an instant he was fairly saw rho famous animal, tend Bogan to 'the shop, when he announced that by salt from icer convulsive embrace. g '
11, torn. Anybody may observe that a thin up in the air, in a horizontal position, at study his character. He saw that it was 1 going to give them all the pies they want- "Soonert ban take another of those liver SPECIALIST pi's•
sheet of glass is somewhat elastin. The a distance of at least twenty feet over our high spirits and not viciousness that oauo- .i ed. pills I'll sue for a divorce." The Medical and Surgical diseases of the Eye, ?,
threads employed in weaving are of such heads, While in his progress upward thane Nose and Throat. Full stock of Spectaolas Len. ?'•
i d p ed the animal to cot as he did, and asked , For a quarter of an hour the astonished ses ani Artificial Eyes. t ;ay�
fineness as to be perfectly pliable and not was in his spring some touch of the viva- that the horse might be given to him to baker served "weal an' 'am" pies, hand y ' 114
at all brittle. With a gown of glass would city with which a trout or salmon shoots I or 234 DUNDAS ST. LoNDox - �,
naturally g 1 p subjugate. Then, approaching the frantic over hand to the sixteen astonished pouthp ' � �.
y go a pair of lase slippers. ars. Not out of the water, but he fall back again in creature, be sprung on his beak with no of London, while the American eat sad To Smokers x;11
like Cinderella's. Oh, itoi Cinderella did the sea like a hullo log thrown on its sign of fear, ave him his head letting DR AV'ii�EWr ' ,e
not wear lass slippers. Her slippers to g g fs i watched the scene with hardly less estop- Londeaboro, jauceessor to Dr Young. � l`
g PP pP broadside, and with such a thundering him rush across the plains at the top of his fshment. Few words were spoken, and bh9
T. AGNE W, M. B., Toronto University M, D. - K
I.. , the original French story were of "vafr, " crash qs made all hands stare with aston- I speed, Icing Philip, looking on with frigght, onslaught was as fierce and perslstaut To meet the wishes of their customers M., Trinity University, Member of Catlege Pby. ` ),
which means . fur, Vair and `verre, " Whment, and the boldest hold his breath , lest his boy be dashed to the earth. When • while it lasted as the charge at Tel- !• f
p 5,
' meaning glass, are pronounced exactly for a time, Had the'whale taken his leap i be returned with his ounquerod horse, his Xebir. The exhaustion of supblies Bron The Geo. E. Tnokett &Son Co., Ltd., Method et ch Surgeons,ntario. anewoered sb triho '
sifts. Hence the corruption. one minute sooner he would have fallen $$ Hamilton;' Ont., have placed upon the same 1 Night,i''
father told him be deserved a greater king- the banquet to an and, And the bravel'9! to Op ave, 001oe hours a to 10 a.m., 1 to 8 aft
A Pittsburg man named Smith has in- plump on the boat." ' dom than Macedon to govern.. When paid the score, thinking }t, little to'pay In market A P.M. p' R
vented a process for making glass slippers Comparatively few people have seen a Buoephalus died; at the age of 30„his Mae- • view. of the fun he had had while the h q C�MB�N T I a N PLUG ,oF .,
in molds: They would not do early wall large whale, but we can imatrine what an tor.had him buried with great splendor I tumbled into the street cheerio and DR. • ]BRUCE, 'r D��f1 ►rs w
for dancing. There is no reason why a object an animal seven feet ;ion and g P g' '�'"'"�- °—ter 7'
1 seventy g and founded the city o1 Bacephalis above , went to spread the news of this mtraole L. D;S., Royal College of Dental Turgeonso Ont. ' n'
Claes gown should not be woven o1 irides- weighing As many tons would make fly- him, ! ' ^
cent glass, and its wearer would look like in hrough rho air• through the lanes of London. i� �� D.D.S., Trinity University, Toronto.
B t Another steed famous in history is the — -- — I Special attention 'b
an animated rainbow on a ball -room floor Within a week of the writingof theT & P given to the Praeervlltign of u-
—one dazzlingshimmer of ever-changing horse of the Cid Babieca,— SORES FROM BAA BLOOD. the natural teeth, •,•,
g l3 present article I was drifting along the -
hues, shores of t3anta Cmtalina Island, Cal!- - "Ne'er had they looked on horseman DEax Sins.—For quite a long time my Office, Coats Block, over Taylor's shoo store ”,;;
Until recently the manufacture of irides- forma, when n ,sixty -foot whale almost I might to this knight come near, + blood was very bad, large sores would break SMOKING TOBACCO. N. --Will visite Blytb every Monday and ,,
cent lass was set down in the list of the Nor on another charger worthy such a out on me from a small scratch. I started Bayfield lot Thursday of each month.
B cleared the water about a.thongand garde to take our B. B. B. which completely lost arts. But in 1878 it was rediscovered, from the boat.. I was about to ask the I oavnller," I y P y This supplies a lou felt want giving the -T E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON
and now it is a common commercial anti- cured me. I recommend Burdock Blood PP g g g d .Honorer Graduate oftheOntariovaterinary
ole. It is made b ea vain the melted boatman what rook it was when the groat The horse which William the Conquer- Bitters to all who are suffering from bad consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10centCollege. -Honorary
Gts adll ate oft otdemeatieateiand
lass to the ore of salts of sodium. ed head descended and the tail rose into the I er rode at the battle of Hastings was a blood. Olive Cole, Lynedoch, Ont. piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous 1 & mals on the most modern and scientific pzind- "+
g P air as the monster dived present from King Alfonso of Spain. As ' - $ brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. $los Office— Immediately south oftheNewEre
. the Metropolitan Museum of Art are ex- )yds•. Seorsby, the famous whaler, ehron- I William rode him on the day of victory a �� , 1800, Reeldenee — Albert St., Clinton. Cali
hibited great numbers of bottles, plates toles a number of incidents of jumping I nobles and people broke into a murmur of I "Philander," said a pretty girl to her Tin tae T & B is on every piece night orday attendedto promptly
and other articles of glass which were among whales, some leaving the water I admiration and historian of the day tells : bashful beau, "I wish you'd tie this rib- - - - -- --
pnade and used long before Christ was completely and rising twenty or more feet I us that "Never did knight beat lance more', bon at my neck; I can't see how to do !t ToCanadianHorseExporters B TOMLINrSyON, VETERINA1tY SURGEON,
roan. They were dug up In Cpyrus and Many of the lnbab}tants of the sea are I graoefully, or manage his horse with great- ; without a glass," — nary > Honorary
Grata ate offethe all Ont ria V terl-
elsewhere. Many of them have a beautiful good jumpers, and some have become to- I or skill." "Of course, I'll only be too glad to, he nix. Rsrtr;;r, proprietor of the -Royal city Domeatio Animals on the most modern and
Iridescence, but it is the result of decay. mous. Amon them should be mentioned White Surra was the name o! Richard said, and at once grappled the strings. Repository, Barbican, London, England, Scientific Principles, Day and night calla prompt
Among Y After an unsuccessful effort of five min- respectfully calls attention to the exceptiunal ly answered. Resideneo—Rattenbury St., west
Glass will rot like anything alae, end de the tarpon or silver king, which const!- I the Third's favorite horse. facilities for the safe of all classes of Horses, at Clinton-
oay has split the structure of this ancient tutes the famous game fish of Florida. ' The noble horse, "as white as snow," utes,during which he got as red as a brick the Auction Sales which are beld every Tuesday 1
glass into laminae or flakes which inter- I house, and perspired like a licher of ice and Prissy, in addition to sales by private treat
The leaps of this beautiful creature are which bore Henry V. on the great day of P P P and The Repository jViARRIAGE LICENSE, "AWES #SCOTT SR„
rapt the light so as to produce brilliant often astonishing., Several years ago a ' Agincourt, must not be fargotten, nor that water on a July windowsill, he stammer- tended in the City tof London,land upaward9 of 8a0L0 1u isauxer o1 Marr' Tficeuses, Library he
red, green, purple and other rainbow col- steamer was rushing down the St. Johns ' other noble white steed which carried , ed: horses, including Drivers, Trotting Vanners, and and Residence, Mars street, Clinton.
erg. river. The captain was sitting on the fore- � Jeanne D'Aro. A touching story to told "I—I don't think I can tie areRpeotable powerful Cart Horses, are disposed of weekly.—
Tho window -blinds of the glass house deck hltfnln against the pilothouse, of the Earl of Warwick who bore the nick- knot, Mise Mary." A largo number of Canadian horses have already TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO
g g P „ „ been sola at the Repository, producin�remuner- v ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIC'ENSEd. -11
at the future will be of glass, of course. suddenly there rose in the air a beautiful name of the "king -maker," and who Suppose, Philander, sbe whispered, at prices, and every attention fe green them No witneseea required
That 1s another patent, and the inventor tshining fish four feet in length. It came � killed his favorite horse, Saladin, an ani- with a pretty little blush, suppose you on arrival, in case of illnsea, &c, Farm accom-
suggests that such blinds may be made of pall in a reacher to assist." modation Is provided; all arrangements for clear- j�(jONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR `\
whatever colors are desired Baby in the like as arrow and landed In the lap o! the I mal of groat size and beauty, rather Chart P In horees'at the docks will be made on recei t t''1 SmgII sums on good wort a_ ge aeourlt
y captain as nearly as though it had been let him fall into the enemy's hand on the Like the unveiling of a beautiful mya of Bill of Lading. Bankers, London and Connpp moderaterateofintereet. H HAgg y • `' "
sur's perhaps la with lass build- ty LE,CifnLon. y.,,,
p P play g placed there. field of Barnet, charger" his tart', the situation unfolded itself to Phil- Bank, Aldersgate St., London, to whom reference y;.,,
Ing blocks, and at a suitable age he will psaifla waters the t I may be made. Address, H. RYMILL, ROYAL L t+,,
t1na, an ally of the , proud head humbly, and licked his lord's ander, and he feels better now. C1Tr BEroslmoxr, BennraAN, LONDON, ENO, F � W. L. B., Provincial
MEMBER of a dd•N OF
twelve a Chripitmas gift of a pair of roller horse mackerel, !s noted for its leaps. steel -clad hand." l Civil P. g ee Provincial Land Surveyor and �
Pkate , with glass rollers Both of these Sometimes a school sweeps up the oosst, I Literature ham much to say of the horse, You DoN T HAvit To ,9WEAa OiF Stewart's rooery 8t Store, Clintall, Office at neo, .
!fleas have been patented says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture Agents
and the powerful fish, often weighing and in holy writ this animal is most fre ,.,
When he is old enough to go fifshing he I in ah editorial about No -To -Bao, the fam-
eight hundred pounds, are seen in the gnentiy alluded to in the glowing Ian- I FIRS. WHITT M• ,T
7►lll not dig worms la the garden, but will to every direction. They are like an arrow, { guage of the psalmist or the bible histori- cue tobacco habit onrn. We know of many L'i- NI.
be provided with artificial bait in the cases cared by No-To•Bac, one, a promi- PEACRER of Music.
shape o! a hollow minnow o! la coated tarn gracefully flue or gas foal in the air , an. In stoop and song, the 'bores has ever , representing us can earn $20 per week selling
P glass, and tome down keeping the water for been a favorite theme, and the classics nent St. Louis architect, smoked and obew. our Unrdy Canadian -Grown Nursery Stock. Papel of MYCharles W. Landon, of Philadelphia `
• on the inside partly with a solution of gold &ores in a foam an If not the I , ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him Permanent positions and salaries. Exclusive The Mason Method used exclusively. It is con• i, �, d, greatest abound with mention of his brave dotage, territory. Write at once for terms to sidered by the leaAing Musical Artists that no ' ,
or silver and partly with a Iamiaons hi that even the small of tobacco makes
paint. The originator of this minnow sa s jumpers, they are s of
e s the most It has been said that "the o fling of hoots him sick." , No -To -Beta sold and gasoma- E. O. GRAHAM, Nureeryuian, Toronto method develops the technic so rapidjy as an ?,'i;a
g y graceful of the Iempere of the sea seems to run through the rolling verse of 8 Sept 20, 13w Mason's Touch and Technic," Plano, Organ . .
hat, it >e a brilliant object Sn the water the Iliad." The poet writes always with !teed no aura no pay. Book Free, terling and Pochnicon, or Masao dove a for ase o!
and calculated to compel the attention of New Tunnel Ander the Thymes. I Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. pupils. Rooms over Beealey's tore, Beaver •j',.
any fish that has a particle of appetite. The Blackwall Tunnel is soon to be an loving veneration or proud, picturesque ' gold by Allen &Wilson. Block Albeit street, Clinton. " ..
description of man's noblest friend.
Glass bedsteads may be proof against a000mpliehed feat. Work to now proceed- i �
Shakespeare wrote of the horse with exact R — I + P -- A -- N '-
llghtnin� and bugs, but it is hardly to be Ing very rapidly-, that is to say, the human 1�, A G N E V4 L.G.$ D.D.S.D()$
and sympathtetfo knowledge. Chaucer "IYltrn,mn is tic+re Nets •^
fromexpeed that glass moues should be tree moles smut d in compressed a air under- first wrote of the horse, and Spencer en- it teas in Lhe Pennsylvania station the ONE GIVES RELIEF DENTIST.
from mice o e inmate could hardly he teeth the bed of the river aro grubbing dowed the animal's hereto qualities in the other morning. In one of the waiting ,Raduate of Royal , allege of Dental Surgeons, •J
better than to employ glass trope for the their way along at the rate o! from 12 foal I'Faerie Queen." Bron ave no Maze room suints there sat a tired, worn looking Ont. Honor Graduate of Trinity University+,
capture of such vermin. The great ad- to 15 feet a week, anti if they are able bo I y g p' Toronto,
vantage of the glass monee-trap,aoeording maintain this rate of advance for the rest - Pa' man with a little boy of perhaps three in PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO,LET All operations in Dentistry carefnllv performed,
his arms. The little fellow's shoes were Best local Anaeathet4es for painless extraction,
to the statement of the inventor, is that of thedistance tbeir tunnel will reach the ' i "Bring forth the horse I" '—the horse was only half buttoned, his hair was awk- Office opposite Town Ball over Swallow's stere,
"!1 a moues should eater the trap, he float caisson on the Middlesex side of the brought: wardl combed, and his stockings were TWO ROOIIIS TO LET IN Will v!leSt Hensall every Monday, and Zuric
B � y 6 ovorysecond Thursday
may be seen by others who aIlanas to aroma Thames about the first week In October, I In truth he was a noble steed, I awry. At the man's aide sat two little e e snap month.
that way,and they will be inclined to join If that should be achieved then this sub- MAUHAY BLOCK. t�NlKbt bel] answered. 11
r A Tartar of the Ukraine bread, girls of perhaps flue and seven. Their _ ` a.
Me one inside, espeo'ally when they ob- aqueous portion of the work, 1,212 feet In Who looked as though the speed 0f thought frocks were buttoned crooked, but the One in Front and one In Rear. Rent Moderate, l{
serve that he to nibbling a choice mor- lengtb,will have been got through within Were in his limbs; but he was wild— younger had her hair combed in a pitiful W. COATS, for Executors Est. Joe. Whitehead A. O. U. W. , t
will, a twelve-month, a fast never before no- wild as the wild deer, and untaught; attempt at curls. The man kept glancing The Clinton Lodge No. 144 meet In Biddle.
Up to date the glass mouse trap has not oomplished In the time. It has been a With spur and bridle undefiled— i at the clock. By and by the elder little WEST faA LF OF PERRIN'S sombeHali on the gat and Srd Fridays in eco 1
?tado itpelf popular, notwithstanding the difficult and a dangerous task, and it is to 'Twas but a day he had been caught." I girl spoke. BLOCK FOR SAi.E. month. Visitors oordialIy invited, ,
Important arguments In its favor, and of be feared that the portion now remaining "Is mamiao. here yet?" she asked. R. STONEHAM, M. l . J� BEAN Record' i+#
the most of the other devices described it to be done, 100 or 126 feet, may prove the In fiction the horse has always been a "Lot us sae," the man said. Mahe me an offer for this. Say $soo or $400 A.
ie unfortunately true that they have not most troublesome of any. In evidence of prominent character. Dickens has many I The forlorn looking quartet rose and D eJ CAMPBELL 264 Main 11y Hamilton
proven profitable to the persons who have this it may be stated that the contractors, clever descriptions, showing intimate per- W., Hamilton Ont ,rc
contrived them. This remark, however, Messrs. Patterson & Son, have just ur- Ronal knowledge of his habits. In the straggled out to the There some J. ADES FO�VLE t& Co.
b no means applies to the }ass lemon- chased additional j P g I men were just lifting n long pine box from FOR SALE, ,t;
y pP f3 pumping machinery, stories of htghwapman,the animal div:dea 1 I
a wagon The man looked at It a me- -- Architects & Civil Engineers t,,;'
squeezer, which is already a familiar house- they have applied for and have obtained interest with its master. The famons mant. The undersiggned will loll ata sacrifice, Lot 461 .
hold utensil. The Inventor of it to said to from the Thames Conservancy permission "Black Boss" of Dick Turpin has been re- "Come" he said "let's go back. Mam. upon`apRailway errace SCOTT, Barrister rs Are prepared to furnish plane, drawings, Be-
have sold his rights for $60,000. to throw down Into the river an additional corded in the pages of "Rockwood" in ma to mono now." Calls, and speeiiicationg of all kinds of work
covering of clay,and their men are actual- glowing oolors, her exploits being equal to -
A Cuts voungster. ly working at this moment under an air those of her master. Another highway- TEN THOUSAND TIMES. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS VALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS
My little boy, aged 6, had just been pressure of 34 pounds to tete square Inch man's horse is honored with this fine do- I Ten thousand times over Hagyard's Pec- Loi 88, Maitland Concession, Goderiob CAREFULLY MADE ;.f
taught about the creation and had it im. over and above the ordinary atmospheric goriptlon: toral 'Balsam bag proved itself a cure for Town'ahi For Lerma and articulare a PATENT DRAWINGS MADE PATENDi3
pressed on his mind by teling him what pressure in caisson No. 2 ---considerably "His horse, a beautiful dark gray, stood ooughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sore ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister Clinton 013TAINED .
God had created on each day of the week. greater than they have ever had to resort quite motionless, with arched neck, and throat, quinsy and all pulmonary com- All work at reasonable emerges. 26 ygsrs expo.
Easter Sunday came just at the time, and to before. its short Bare moving quickly to and fro, plaints. , hence in Ontario, Post office address
he asked me, "Mother, why do we oat egg& The regulation of this air pressure is Remonstrative of that sagnoious and an. HOUSE AND LOQ.' FOR SALE
on Easter morning?" I said, "When you rather ticklish business. They are within tfeip +tive attention which oharaeterizes I A Commonplace Life. The very comfortable house on Queen Street BOX 210' CLINTON, ONT
are older, dear, I will explain it to you.,, 76 feet or so of the low-water margin of the noblest of ,all tamed animals. You The trouble is with you, m dear it at present occupied by C. A. Hartt, is offered
He was cry quiet for a few moments and the river. but the whole of the river bed would not have noticed the importance of y y y g l+ for sale on reasonable terms, The house Is well ClintonM�
then he looked np briglitly and, said. "I at this point consists of loose porous the steed but for the white foam that that you count little things as of no built, with stone foundation, and has every ac- Planing jr
sees God made the animal hen on that' shingle. W1thoSlt great pressure below gathered round the bit, and for an coca. I worth. Where we have one great renuneia- commodation. The lot is three-elghths of an t
g 8 P acre. Hard and soft water. Applyatres}donce
flay," The float time he saw an electric they would have the water in upon them atonal toss of tete mend " tion to mato we have a thousand little
light lit across the street he said, "Ia that by its sheer weight; on the other hand, if Among the writers of the past, G. P. R, ones, and lite, which you are inclined to FOR $ALE —•AND-�
the night's sun?" My little niece wao they overdo their prossur t, it is liable to James—famous for his beginnings, "a call commonplace, is not so, for every da _
laying with her dolls one da and began, blow off u through the bed of the earth solitary horseman might have been seen" can be made• rich ]n b°autilul deeds. Guy The following valuable residenal property in D D' Y R I L N i
i �i
pJesns,aadeashephered," repeating those and tete water above them. Than, of —and harles Lever,the breezy Irish nov- who is just, Is mero!lul, and when tempts the Town of Clinton, Is offered foandr sae. Lot 107%
words several time, She was so busy With course, the pressure has gone, and in ellst, introduced the horse most frequent I
ttoh oomtr� to you, e9en if you 1811, He re- High Street of 10Thereare two comfortable or able dwelling The subscriber having the very latest im p',IVFed
The fiolls she evidently could not conoen- would come the deluge Haw real is the i into the Interest of their stories. As
members that you tried to t1a what was Houses upon the property, In an excellent atato menmaeI nary and emploging the moatakflleNvrIM1F,�.
y g y „ right, and ea is tender to His thought of y mon is a ]e to do work In his line In the moatr
. trate her mind on what she was saying, peril of this kind of work has g of roptir, For farther articclars and terms
Just been late a novel as Beside the Bonnie Briar you. There !e not one of an who nobleree apply to JAMES acO ° 7 manner, at reasonable rates and
mad at last said quite vexed, ` Ah, will you Illugtrated by an accident hear Melbourne, Bush" gives a delightful description of _ I u tbo ebortest notice. A'trfal'molicited t;
Baton to what I've got to say to ydu?" She where a sewer to being aonetriiotoduhder Jens,, the doctor's horse, who divides in- even for one day, what we long to. But, FACTORY NF AR,-G•T R, STAT1ON,.CLWTON, 1.
of course meant to finish the line with the YAftow by the ordinary shield system. terest with the good physician and dies of I my dear, y ase always boy for tt We—(I(10D FARM[ POR BALE THOS Mok9iftlE
"pier ma" A little friend of mine when The water camp 1n upon them, and the a broken heart a week after her master Is can aro toady for Ems trenble that le before Subaoriber,oliers for Sale tete Eftstth alfa t let '� k,'
visaing 1n the country said to her mother, engineer of the work and five of his men "awe." th and equip ourselves ca by prayer bray cod in the Srd concession, B. D. of Ashfield, It son- t,;';
"Do we get buttermilk from the bull, were drowned together, Thin Blackwell th ughte so that we can meat it bxarety, tains 100 acres, with about 80 acres cleared and �! 3 i
", lith tett shwa glr0 ne the sweet milk} M Tunnel is, of course, a much larger and A Rumor Made Unofnl, and, possibly, overooms ft. Of oonree,11; tree loom 9toa " Frame house barn anal dole- YOV NG L , p n � r
My ' g to what we wish to da and yet It we are ing emend bearing erahad, or0oli rune tbrongh ��tt ���7iii
little slater had been told ropeatedly not to more formidable undertaking, and it to "Does ye hyah much 'bout wmut's goin' ' the lot, stt..r d 1} milom from PorcAlbert, on try G� N'�
not strong enough, If we fall by the way gcod road, Wtli lxs sold on reasonable terms.
play with the kitty. dee day mother found perhaps this vary foot that has Recured Oh as Tuhky level dose days?" aakod Sal side g a
her arms all earatahed as of old: She said, tmmuhity flrom serleus mishap. Tete hos- Jenkins. "Deed i doean', " replied Erns- we mast �et ub atsd try again, and to Pi OLT(EIODbB3 ICH R, HOLd4ESViLLE, or Send 9 vents in stamps or l0 ovate y�,l ��lIiiear, i
"Now, keep on tlt*tzig. That, in itself, will give we will sond yon ay teturn %PCV6, �;'',
11 Clara, I told you not to play with sibility of an inburst of water bag, of tus Pinkley; in timid consternation. I
kitty." The child looked up- roguishly course, been foreseen, and the conso- "Folks does tell me dat you done of In- as strength, And as tart years go on and -WRITE$
and said, "Well mfEli ttia, 'twos kitty quences to lite and „ g because
belongs to the ,bete it viii always, COAG AND 'WOOD YARD PERFECT LETTER
Y � , propertythat might gagt+d." "Me? , Ingagod?' "Yeas, !xi- beaaase of thistryitfg, be emeter to do that '"•"'-`
gin d it. ensue have been so appalling that no pains deed " "Go 'long. Who to?" "Tor me " wthich to r! ht and mardt "that psaoe Sal earlbermas dooided fA keep on mend batt art oltl,otttet Qgrj ging p utaia�Ifdea In th
have been spared to guard against such "Deed, I hasn' hyuh'd a word "bout IL 11 t . ,' Wood
o �, y Love,tFrie s ships, Buss, 1CS6ta sit mac .`
Tlie Ufalted states' acreage in wblsEt paeifebh all nndcrabe>ttdiiig, Cost and �3'ood of the ver bell Lava Friendship, baminers, oto„ vNtli vatod i
g grain is a calamity, No less than 80,000 cart Nelther has i. Da's wh 1 done ax ax: 4 y
greater than -the entire area of the flee'- loads -of clay have been brought up from I thought mebbe I was misain'some or do h4{s112PAhOl^Ne►W #A11+. -A �»Ol A.u„s« «.s,e..i,.�s 4, r,.�...c .,.•t.,.... �„_ woman ahonld bsvo this Be , A d, rw, -