HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-25, Page 11r7f7r-rer r,
or Day
ladr came into the store
a asked if we had any
more of our men's fine wool
tlnd:erwear at 50e the sin-
le garment or $1 the suit,
;she said the same goods
;were 75e each garment or
.,,50 the suit elsewhere,
told she wanted some more
'before they were all gone.
We've got some yet if you
want any
you want
An Overcoat that's as good
value in overcoats as the,
Underwear is in its line, get
" our Frieze Ulster at $8. It's
a good one.
Cash and One Price.
odgens Bros.
ri-r"; Stanley
]l'gTE .—Mr Jos. Dunbar last week
:fir :��Jl4.d a short visit to his son-in-law, Mr
Whoa, Baird. Mr Wat. Dickison and
Mr Harry Lednore also paid a short
visit to Mr Thos. Baird this week. Mr
J' 1 n . Butcbart, who was on a visit to
iends in Grand Rapids, Mich., has
returned home again. Miss Lizzie Fal-
coner, -of Bayfield, has been visiting at
Mr John Gilmour's for the last few
is getting his new stables ready for his
stock; he has the assistance of Mr A.
Thompson, of Blake. Mr Wm. Scott,
of Brucefield, has been repairing the
dwellinghouse on the farm occupied
li Mr ohn Cameron; Messrs Ross and
Campbell did the job.
NOTES.—MrBurgess is putting a new
ton his former residence. The Red
roh'hote} has been torn down, and on
this site a new residence is being etect-
ed by Mrs Walmsley. Jas. Thompson
has located a saw mill in his bush, on
the 3rd con. of Goderich township.
Quite a number of the villagers attend-
ed the funeral of the late Rev Mr Mc-
Connell. -
CHURCH NOTES.—The Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper was dispensed in St.
Andrews Church on Sabbath last.
$,ix uew members were added to the
roll, and the service throughout was
exceedingly solemn and impressive.
Mr Ferrier, from London, preached in
Trinity Church last Sabbath. Rev Mr
Muir, of Brucefield, conducted the pre-
paratory services in the Pres'I,yterran
Church, on Friday of last week. Rev
Mr Aitchison, of Kippen, paid a flying
visit to the manse on Wednesday.
PERSONAL.—Dr Shaw, of Clinton,
was in town on Tuesday evening. Mr
Thompson, of Wingham, has been en-
gaged as principal of the public school,
with Mr John Whiddon as assistant;
both come well recommended. Mr
John Falconer has returned from
Michigan, where he spent the summer
in the neighborhood of Grand Rapids.
Mr Will Struthers is at present visit-
ing his home. Miss Wilson is at pre-
sent visiting friends here. We are
pleased to see the stately figure of Mt
Eason, as he again appears in our
midst, looking hale :and hearty. Mr
Tom paid his accustomed half -yearly
visit to our school.
We will send the NEW ERA, and
weeklyGlobe, from now to 31st Dec.,
1896, fr $1.40 cash.
Do you know
A good thing
When you see it!
If so wend your way to
I am offering my business for sale
on account of failing health, but
before getting a purchaser I
have to reduce my stock; to do
Why 1 simply because it will pay me
better to take cost from you than
to take less from whoever buys my
business. That is all there is to it.
I benefit, but you benefit equally
with me.
Everything goes at Oost;Watch-
es, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware
1 want the money, if you want the
. goods come along. I will trade
niy goods for your cash.
ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor.
OHvxon. - The.' second quarterly
meeting of the Methodist church, for
this year,will be held on Sunday, Nov.
3rd, Rev G. W. Andrews will preach
a special sermon, next Sunday even-
ing, in the church, to the Royal Tem-
plate of this place.
FA,RliIRENTED.—Welearn that MrW.
Murch has rented the farm of Mr Isaac
Brownlee, on the base line, Hullett,
for a term of five years; he will remove
to that place short,lp, We regret this
fact, as }n Mr and MVlrs Murch we will
lose valuable help in the Sunday School:
CHEESE.—Our cheese factory closed
on Saturday last, and Mr Johnson, the
popular cheesemaker has been engaged
again for next year. We congratulate
the directors fol having secured the
services of such at: efficient man, who
has, during the past season, raised our
factory to such an enviable reputation.
There is yet about 350 cheese for sale.
NOTES.—The funeral of the late Still -
will Phipps last Saturday, was largely
attended; the widow and family have
the sympathy of the neighborhood in
their sad bereaveme t. Mr T. Murch
is moving some ofis eitects to the
Walsh farm this week. Miss Addie
Stephenson is visiting her grandmo-
ther, Mrs Elcoat, Tuckersmith, for a
couple of weeks. Mrs and Fred Mul-
holland returned from Chicago on
Tuesday. The Royal Tempiars will
meet next Monday night; F. Elford's
side will give their program. Mrs J.
Holmes still continues very low. Mr
and Mrs Elford spent a few days this
week visiting the former's sister, Mrs
A. K. Birks, in Teeswater. The iron-
mongers have gone to Smith's Hlll;
they have succeeded in getting quite a
pile in this neighborhood.
From another correspondent
RATHER CHEEKY.—The party who
took a mouldbourd from under the
gangway leading to the waggon shop,
a short time since, is advised to return
the same at once. The mould is of a
superior pattern, and as only a couple
of bolts were required to attach it to
the plow, it was not necessary to take
it to the blacksmith to have it fitted.
If not returned at once further pro-
ceedings will be taken, as the owner
knows of its whereabouts.
RETURNED.—Mr V. Diehl, who has
been on a visit to his three married
daughters in Manitoba, returned on
Saturday. He enjoyed the trip very
much, and found his sons-in-law all
reaping good crops, some of them,
however, slightly touched by the frost.
NoTEf.—Mrs Fred Long, of London,
is visiting at the home of her father,
Mr Jatnieson. A number from our
village went to Hensall on -Friday, the
night of their fire; among those in our
neighborhood who had flax in the mill
barn burned were Mr Wm. Berry,who
lost $200, and Mr Chapman, sr., who
lost $150. The remainder of the cheese
in the factory here was sold this week
to a Montreal firm. Mr Wm. Berry
sold his stock on Saturday afternoon
RESIGNED.—Miss Hamilton has re-
signed her position as teacher, which
will take effect at the new year. The
section is sorry to part with her, as
she has •. prcved herself a splendid
teacher. She has secured another po-
sition in a school near her home in
(Another correspondent)
NOTES—Mrs W. Adams is visiting in
andaround Hanover. MrsFred Long,of
London, is visiting at the home of Mr
J. B. Jamieson. Mrs Robt. Boyce,
and Miss Mary Gibson, are visiting in
London and vicinity. Messrs. Wm.
Fotheringham and B. R. Higgins are
attending the Provincial Sunday
School Convention in .Col onto this
week. Mr Fotheringham went as a
delegate from Union Church Sunday
School. Rev W. Muirreached in
Bayfield on Friday. Mr Woodley,
whose barns were destr oyed by fire a
short time ago, purposes putting up
one large barn. Mr Berry, whose term
had expired, has leased the farm again
for a number of years.
LIVERY.—So great has been the de-
mand for livery rigs in our town, that
a new firm to be known as Jarvis &
Kennedy has opened a barn. Believ-
ing that it is best to begin on a small
scale, and -increase their outfit as trade
grows, they began with one horse,
which however, is an old ringer, and
has a mark which most of our horse-
men would like their equines to have.
The new firm was destined to learn
early in its existence that no enter prise
is launched without some inconvenien-
ces. The very first night someone
broke into the barn and carted off a
bag of oats.
Goderich Township
ILL.—Mrs Pannebaker, of the 16th
con„ is very ill, suffering from a para-
lytic stroke. As she' is up in years it
may go hard with her.
HUSKING BEE.—Between forty and
fifty of the young people gathered at
the barn of W. Stirling, of the 6th con.,
one evening last week, and husked
over 200 bushels of corn, for which he
is much obliged.
GooD WORK.—There are more than
Irishmen who can handle big potatoes.
An old roan who lives on the Maitland,
over 80' years of age, with two boys,
one day last week forked out, bagged
up and stored in the cellar, over 86
bushels of potatoes in 6} hours.
FARM RENTED.—Mr G. Laithwaite,
of the Maitland, has rented from his
uncle what is known as the Blake
farm, on the Huron road, and expects
to take up his residence thereon at no
distant date. This means also that he
will secure the assistance of a most
estimable young -lady on the Maitland
to help him look after it.
ANTON, ONT., QCrOBER 25, 1895
'i�.;n,`87.-y,3•+,•.. ,y :,•R.-� l'itI-.3.s,Y ...._ti_ _..,
��, '
$1 a year in advance, $1.50 when not so paid
FARM Sow.--lktr, er, of the lath
con., has sold his farm of 80 acres tc}
his son, for the sum of $4,500.
New HOUSE — Mr George Watt lyes
let the contract for a new frame hoose
to Mr S. S, Cooper, Clinton.
FARM CHANGE.—Mr W. Mureb, of
Hoimesville, has rented the Brownlee
farm, 100 acres, on the base line, for a
term of five years; the rental is in the
neighborhood of $300 AP year. Mr
Murch is a person who will prove to be
an excellent tenant, and will improve
the property. Mr and Mrs I. Brownlee
leave in a few days for Michigan,where
they purpose residing in future.
ScRooL.—At the promotion exami-
nation •of S.S. No. 2, Hullett, for the
term ending with Oct., the following
pupils were pi omoted'—Sr. 3rd to 4th,
marks attainable 880—Maud Porter 591,
Ida Murphy, 532;' Dorothea Snell 520.
Jr. 3rd to Sr.3r•d, marks attainable 860 —
Hattie Bullen 577, Jennie Churchill 548,
Sr 2nd to jr 3rd, marks attainable 536—
Percy East 313, Randy Churchill 284.
Pt 2nd to 2nd—Ede. Miller 284; Clara
Biggin 245, Flossie Noble 204.—Taos.
MunCH, Teacher.
NOTES.—The council has had the
road in front of Mr B. Churchill's, from
the gravel to the base line, graded up
by the road machine, and an excellent
job has been done; the grader is in
charge of Mr R. Wallace, who has
thoroughly mastered its operations.
Mr W. Riddell, who has been in Mani-
toba and the North-west territory for
a visit, returned last week; he reports
good crops generally, but some of
them touched by frost; he left Mani-
toba, fearing that he would be caught
by cold weather, and was surptised to
find a slight coat of snow covering the
ground here. The four year old child
of Mr Geo. Farquhar died on, Sunday.
NOTE.—Mr Geo. Haxby and friend,
Mr Kilty, from Clinton, spent a couple
of days in visiting their friends here,
and scouring the country for prey.
CHURCH.—Quarterly service will be
held in the Methodist church on Sun-
day next, at 10.30 a. m. Epworth
League is still active, and the Leagues
are doing noble work for God; all are
invited to attend the meeting every
Wednesday, commencing at 7.30 p.m.
NEw OFFICIAL.—It is reported that
our Mayor, Mr T. Johnston, has re-
signed his office in favor of Mr F.
Keyes, on account of business affairs
taking his attention to other places,
though we give hien credit for dis-
charging his duties so faithtully for
such a long period. We , trust our
vigorous, enthusiastic and enterprising
young mayor will ably fill the position,
of which we think he is quite capable
of so doing.
PROMOTION.—The following is the
list of names of pupils who were suc-
cessful in passing their examination :—
Martha Keyes passed the Entrance.
Sr. 3rd to 4th—Alfred Johns, Rhoda
Reed, Percy Wanless, Willie Cook,
Ethel Reed, Maggie Campbell. Jr. 3rd
to Sr. 3rd—Oliver Keyes, Norman Pur-
dy, Wilber Leech, Fannie McKenzie,
Annie Reid. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Har-
1 vey Bayes, Laura Cairns, Cleve Adams.
Sr. 1 to Jr. part 2—Lloyd Moffatt, Ar-
thur Johns, Bertha Cairns, Frank Mc-
Kenzie, Darwin Bayes, Willie Reed,
Chester Dunkin, Thos: Stinson. Ave-
rage attendance, 45. JNO. HARNwELL,
ACCIDENTS.—While Mr S. Rathwell,
jr., was driving up the Parr line to
Varna, he was greatly shocked by the
icollision of a buggy, which struck the
cart with such force that he was im-
i mediately landed out upon the ground.
He claims to have given nearly the
whole road, and that the accident was
• result of carelessness of the other
party, who is unknown. He escaped
with a few bruises and a little shaking
up, and gives no thanks to the other
party for their assistance, as they did
not even stop to see whether he was
dead or alive. There is too much of
this same kind of work practised by
young fellows with swift horses, and if
an example was made of some of them
, it would be a lesson to others. While
Mr W. Smith was driving Mr Cairns'
horse through the village, it became
unmanageable, throwing himself and
three children of the latter into a
small ditch. All escaped with little
injury, though the rig was badly dam-
aged; it would no doubt have been
worse, but for the driver's gtit in stop-
ping the horse.
h +
i.;10iilltlu,�'lillp,ll' III'lllll I ,,
Fowler is Fowler, Architects
As the time is now at hand when the
House of Refuge is to receive its inmates, a
detailed desoription of the building will be
of interest to our readers. It is hardly ne-
cessary to reoapitulate all the steps which,
atter many years' waiting and work, led to
the establishment of the House of Refuge
and farm as an asylum for those indigent
or disabled inhabitants of the county whose
circumstances force them, often even after
a life of ceaseless industry, to look for their
'sustenance at the hands of their more for-
tunate fellow -citizens.
In the fine building which has been erect-
ed for this purpose by the County of Huron,
on the London road, half-a•mile south of
Clinton, every detail which humanity could
suggest, consistent with proper economy,for
the care and comfort of those who are
brought as inmates, has been attended to,
and health, as well as ever other requisite,
will be attended to in t, : use on the hill.
The fine breezy situati' n cA ,, manding such
county, forms a' fine
oee only ornamenta-
ement of its parts to
1 effect and give some -
ental oharacter whioh
(From photo by H. Footer)
extensive views of th
site for a building w
tion can be the arra
gain an arohi eotur
what of the m
should chew the public building.
Owing to the restrictions imposed on the
deaigeera by the official regulations, the
height was limited to two stories; and great-
er height was obtained for the elevation by
keeping the basement as much as possible
above the ground.
The total length of the building is one
hundred and twenty feet by a depth of for-
ty three feet; behind this extends a wing
thirty-six by thirty-nine the same height
as the main building, and a one story
addition as coal shed, etc., in rear. Cor-
ridors run the full length of the building—
North and South—on'each floor.
The basement is nearly all covpred with
cement concrete, even those portions which
have wooden flnore have concrete ,.grouted
under them. This flat is ozdapied by the
boiler and room in con.
nection therewith,lann-
dry, and store room for
near everything which
can be kept under the
house roof. The ends
of the building are occu-
pied by washrooms and
lavatories; the front at
each end being large,
cheerful and light win-
ter work rooms.
Throughout the whole
of the floors the full and
oomplete separation of
the -sexes has been care-
fully provided for; each
corridor having a screen
and doors which are
kept locked and ender
the control of the mana-
ger, who 000upies the
centre portion of the
building on each floor.
The ground floor has
the main entrance, vee -
B. S. Cooper, Coptrsotorffa
make, and are provided with non -corro-
sive mattrasses. The manager has hie
private bedroom in the centre, and has
control of the stairway to the attic, in
which is the steel water -tank from whish
the supply is drawn for the purposes of the
hoose, and which in its turn le supplied
from the well by the pumping of the wind-
The design provides for the accommoda-
tion of seventy-two inmates with very
ample space, so that should occasion arise
the number might be increased to very
nearly one hundred, the only limit being
the sleeping facilities as at present built;
the kitchen, dining rooms, etc., providing
for a larger number than will now occupy
them. Future extensions will form wings
to north and south of the main building,
and be devoted to dormitories and private
inmate's rooms.
Plumbing of good quality has been in-
troduced into the building, and baths and
oloeets are on each floor where needed.
In addition to the acoomodations of the
house itself the building affords a small
hospital, with a men's ward, women's
ward, and lying-in ward. The hospital
can be entirely isolated from the other
part of the building.
Thp low pressure steam, with Safford
Radiators, is that adopted by the archi-
tects as the means of warming the build-
ing, the steam being generated in a large
boiler built of Siemens and Dalziel steel
plates, tested when built, up to 160 lbs, the
heaviest pressure, however, will not exceed
under any circumstances eight pounds,
the automatic blow off valves fitted on
every radiator provide for letting off steam
at that pressure.
The building has been erected ander the
personal superintendence of one of the
architects, J. Ades Fowler, of the firm of
Fowler & Fowler, whose designs were
chosen by the Committee out of nine sets
sent in competition; it has been erected by
Contractor Samuel S.
Cooper, for the sum of
$9,874, and the extra
works involved are not
of an extensive nature.
The building, as now
finished, is a plain, ser-
viceable and substanti-
al pile, built for use and
for public purposes. It
will remain a monu-
ment to those who had
the constructing of it,
and whose names are
destined to be handed
down to posterity by a
marble tablet, in a
handsome hardwood
frame, on which are in -
1 scribed the names of
the Warden, Building
also County Officials,
Architects and Contrac-
tor The tablet is of
Italian marble, 3x4 ft,
OPER. supplied and engraved
by Seale & 1"'over, marble dealers,Clinton.
As far as possible local men have been
employed and county materials used ; Wm.
Wheatley and Steep excavated the site and
put in the stones; Mr T. Walker did the
masonry and concrete flooring; Messrs
Heywood & Pryor the brickwork; Mears
Seale & Hoover, the out atone; Messrs
Grummett & Webb, the drainage and
pipe laying; Mr John Croll, the plastering;
Mr A. S. Chrystal, the tank, boiler and
blacksmith work; Messrs. Harland Bros.,
the galvanized iron work; Messrs Hutson &
Sons, of Toronto, the slating; MessrsHarper
& Lee,Godericb, the plumbing; The Bennett
&WrightCo,the steam heating; theContract-
or himself taking thepainting and woodwork
It is intended to light the building by
electricity, and to have telephone connec-
tion with the town system.
The building is a credit to the county,
and has been well constructed. It may not
be perfect in all its details — few large
buildings are—but that it is well built is
shown by the work itself, and the fact that
it is done much to the satisfaction of the
architects. It says not a little for the enter-
prise of a contractor so young in years as
Mr Cooper, that he should be able to carry
out successfully so large and important a
contract. The hope of his friends is that
the profit from the undertaking may be in
harmony with the size of the building and
responsibility involved.
tibale, oentral ball and S. S. CO
corridors,with a solid,substantial and easy -
to -climb stairway up to the first flcor,
all of hardwood, and this and the up-
per floor are all laid in maple flooring, the
narrowest being used in the kitchen. The
room for the committee and general pur-
pose is on the north side of the entrance,
here also the doctor sees his patients, and
so his dispensary is located in connection
with this roofn. On the south side of the
entrance is the sitting room for the man-
ager and wife, and connected by sliding
doors is their dining room, the two rooms
forming one nioe apartment. The remain-
der of the front at each end is occupied by
the large day or sitting rooms for men and
women, respectively; these are as sunny
and bright as can be arranged. In the
rear are the spacious dining rooms with
adjoining rooms devoted to the occasional
use of the very infirm; these communicate
with the dining rooms by means of large
folding doors, so that should there be need
of a Targe apartment for Sunday services,
concerts, etc., a large room can be soon
formed. There are also email private
rooms on this floor for aged couples or pay-
ing inmates. At either end are also other
stairways from the basement to the first
The first floor is filled with bedrooms of
various sizes, in which the manager can dis-
pose of the varying numbers of inmates.
The beds are of Central Prison Industries
NOT THE SAME.—We are glad to
learn that the property burned at Elk-
horn, Manitoba, by the prairie fires,
and thought to belong to Mr J. Middle-
ton, of Goderich township,was not the
place owned by that gentleman. Mr
and Mrs Middleton were both in the
west when the fires occurred and the
telegram in the papers naturally caused I
some anxiety to the fatally here. 1
Cooper's Planing Mill and Factory burnt down.
I1 is not only unusual but unfortunate
that this issue of the NEW Ens should con-
tain, at one and the tame time, an an-
nouncement of the destruction by fire of
one of the important industries of the
town, while, at the same time, the pre-
vionely-prepared article above is published,
complimentary to the work of the same
industry. Wednesday afternoon the plan-
ing mill owned by Mr S. S. Cooper was a
hive of industry, turning out work to com-
plete building contracts still unfinished;
the Game night at 11 o'aloek, it was a heap
of smouldering ruins, every piece of mach-
inery in it—and it was well stocked—com-
pletely ruined. The fire was discovered at
10.30; the very nature of the building and
ite contents were Ruch that it was impos-
sible to cheek the flames; west of the build-
ing considerable lumber was piled but the
wind was blowing fiercely to the east, and
thne the lumber escaped. On the east side,
a short distance away, is Mr Geo. Emer-
son', house, and it was only by prompt
and hard work that it was saved, after be-
ing on fire a couple of times. Mr Stevens'
house to the south also bad a narrow
escape. Mr S. S. Cooper was 'out of town
at the time of the fire and only got baok
yesterday. The workmen lose all their
tools, as nothing whatever was saved.
Quite a lot of finished material ready to go
out was also destroyed. Mr Alex. Cooper
went into the factory at nine o'clock, using
no light, and at this time everything was
all right. A man who passed, at 10 o'clock
naw no sign of the fire, so that its origin
is unknown. The property was valued at
$6,000, and was only irieured for $2,000,
one policy for $1,000 expiring the let of
Nov. With his characteristic posh Mr
Cooper goes at once to tradition to aeonre
brick, of which the new factory will be
built, to be completed before Ohriatmae;-A•-
and in running order. Thio is the kind of
enterprise and spirit the public like to see
displayed under theoiranimetancee. "Your
own Sem" desires to most cordially thank
the firemen and others for the assistance
they rendered.
We will send the NEW ERA, and the
weekly Globe, from now to 31st Dec.,
1896, for $1.40 cash.
RE-ENGAGED—Mr D. Weir, assistant
teacher of our public school, has been
re-engaged for next year, at an advanc-
ed salary.
McLachlan rechived a telegram, in-
forming him of the death of his bro-
ther, who resides in the county of El-
gin. On Monday Mrs McLachlan tele-
graphed for the Dr to return home,
their daughter Annie having taken se-
riously ill; we are glad to be able to
state that she is out of danger.
SUCCESS.—The friends of our late
pastor, Rev James Ferguson, now of
Southampton., will be pleased to hear
of his success in his present field, and
that the work of God is plospering in
his hand, and that souls are being
brought to Christ through the ordinary
preaching of the word, some fifteen or
more having lately united as members
of the visible church. The finances of
the church are well sustained, as a re-
sult of a special appeal for a large col-
lection nearly $400 were put upon the
NOTES.—We are pleased to note that
Mr R. Adams is rapidly recovering,
and is now able to sit up and move
around a little. Mr John Bell, of the
Mansion House, is confined to his room
on account of illness, as is also Mrs
Haggitt and her daughter Libbie; we
hope for their speedy recovery. Regu-
lar meeting of Court Pride of the West
No. 31 will be held to-night`E'riday); a
large attendance of the members is
requested, as matters of importance
will come before the Court. Mr John
Weymouth left on Monday on a visit
to friends in Callendar, Mr H. Pingle
left for Trout Creek, havingsecured
work there. Mr Walter iddell re-
turned from his trip to Manitoba, last
Saturday morning. A number of the
villagers and people of the surrounding
country purpose visiting the C. P. R.
exhibition car, which is to be at the
station to -day (Friday). Mr Thos. J.
Bell, of the Commercial hotel, Clinton,
was in the village on Tuesday. Mr J.
J. Walker left on Thursday for Chica-
go, Ill, for the purpose of studyiug
medicine; we wish him success; his
aunt, who has been visiting here for a
lengthened time, accompanied him
home. An event that has kept the
young folk in this locality in suspense
for sometime came to a climax on
Thursday. Mr Wm. Hiles has his new
house almost completed. Mr McFad-
yen has been engaged to take charge
of the Harlock school Mr M. Braith-
waite has rented his farm for a term
of five years, to Mr Howard Riddle, of
the 13th con., and has himself taken a
situation in a fire and life insurance
company. The farmers are busy tak-
ing up their turnips, and speak
of them being very much damagedby
lice. Mr Robt. BowcocK has complet-
ed his new stable, and has everything
convenient. Our new shoe man seems
to be doing a lucrative business. Quite
a number of dogs in this neighborhood
should be dispcsed of, as several sheep
have been killed by them, and others
considerably bit and torn; dogs are no
doubt a source of annoyance as well as
a source of service.
ANNIVERSARY. --The anniversary in
connecti,n with the Methodist church,
on Sabbath last, was a decided success.
Rev W. Neal, formerly of Londesboro,
but now stationed near Brampton, in
the Tor onto Conference, conducted
the services,which were in the interest
of the Sabbath School and Epworth
League. In the morning he addressed
the children from Song of Solomon 2,
15, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes
that spoil the vines, for our vines have
tender grapes," applying it to the
many things in this life that destroy
the character of the youth. It was of
a most interesting character to all,
while the children were delighted, and
no doubt will long remember the lesson
of the little foxes drawn by Mr Neal.
He addressed the children again in the
afternoon. In the evening he preached
especially to the League, from the
words "Who then is willing to conse-
crate his services this day unto the
Lord?" It was conducted as a song
ser vice, and was a most impressive ser-
vice, showing what God required of us
for consecration to his work, and we
trust that the seed sown may bear
much fruit in the lives of the hearers,
so that they may be doers as well as
hearers. We hope and pray that Mr
Neal may long be spared to sow the
word of eternal lite, and that ere long
we may have the pleasure of listening
to Mr Neal again. His many friends
here are pleased to meet him, and see
the development of Christian character
in him and his earnestness in the vine-
yard of the Lord. On Monday even-
ing an entertainment Was given by the
members of the Epworth League, and
was a grand success in every way, the
financial receipts being $13.60. The
program was of a high order all
through, yet special mention might be
made of the recitations rendered by
Miss Washington, of Clinton, both of
which were good, especially the one
entitled "The measuring wand;" also
the solos given by Rev Mr Neal
and Mr Millson, anil the music by
the choir of the chug eh, all of which
was appreciated by ti'•'se present.
REMOVING.—Mr Thomas Asquith in-
tends removing his family to th'e Soo
in the spring. Mr Benjamin Akrigg
had a sale last Thursday (24th inst) of
his farm stock and implements. He
intends removing to the Soo in the
spring. He will be accompanied by
his brother•in-law, Mr Jos. Lawler,
who has also taken up land there.
NOTES.—William Asquith, son of Mr
Thomas Asquith, who has been sailing
all summer, paid a flying visit to
friends in this locality last week.
Messrs Brown and Howson shipped a
car -load of horses from Blyth last Mon-
day for Liverpool. Mr A. Knox and
G. Howitt take charge of them across
the Atlantic. The Nimrod's are busy
this week. They had better be cau-
tions, and not transgress the law or
we may have a circus before our J. P.'s.
Mr John Clark passed through here
last Tgesday evening on his way to
Hamilton on business.
I 1f it $I•O • it i
We will send the Nem Han and week-
lyGlobe from now to Dec. 81st, 1
fr $1.40 cash.