HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-18, Page 7• n•wl+.'•' ; Tr;l.,7.-'7" .y#:Tib'" . , r. *Srr• i. re a +o T 'HE ChINTQN NEW t,V' R A el it ;,1 WITII BEEF,.„IttON and WINE. ' NEW AND WONDERWUli BLOOD PLJRIFiER AND NERVE TONIC. Contains I.n(2 Injuirlone Drugs! Everyingredient is a Health Builder, Certain and Permanent Relief ie guaranteed in oases of Con- ytipetion, ilyspepele, Nervousness, All weaknesses, Blood and Skin Diseases. it is based on Glycerine instead of Alcohol. For Pro-. . 'incise Boft, Clear Shin and Bright Complexion and Believing all ills Peouliar to Women it is Unsurpassed. ' Sold At:,A LI. N & WILSON'4 Drug Store, Clinton. Be certain to get "MANLEY'S." Take No other ! i ,e Tike fall show of the East Wawanosh g . Dr Oronhyatekha gives ,notice on behalf •',A,.grieulttiral Society was held at Bel- i Jas. Walker.' Plow, T. H. Ross, 0, of the Independent Order of 1'orresters that ,•: glaye'on Monday and Tuesday of last � Hamilton. Gang plow, C. Hamilton, applioation will be made at the neat session week. The display in the inside de- T. H. Ross. Set horse shoes, Van of Parliament to increase the mortuary ben- - pertmentss was good, even the fruit Vannorman. Washingmachine, recom- `efits from $3000 to 85000. making a very creditable exhibit. The I mended, C. Hamilton, Ladies clean your kid gloves with Jos - fine arts and ladies department was GRAIN—Fall wheat, white, R. Scott, o bine Glove your k for este only b Jos- : 'Well filled and the competition close. R. McMurray. Fall wheat, red, Geo, Y y The weather Was fine on Tuesday,' Moffatt, R. McMurray. Fall wheat, odgene Bros., Clinton, sole agents for the though a little cool and there was a any other kind, R. Scott. Spring Perrin, Freres and Alexander Kid Glove Ott large crowd. The show of wheat, Jas. Dow, R. Scott. Six rowed in all the most desirable shades, dressed "fees was full up to the average and barley, H. Edwards, Geo. Moffat. and undressed, lace and button. �- y 1xecattle some fine animals were shown. Black oats, T. Wilkinson & Son. Mrs. John Dewitt, of Wilton, oontraoted $hcep and pigs were well represented, V hite oats, Geo. Moffatt, Chas. Poe- typhoid fever while waiting on her brother, hitt ,it was noticable that there was not tor & Sons. Small peas, Geo. Moffat, and succumbed. Her daughter, aged twen- a;-Tamworth pig shown. Pork packers , Thos Brides. Flax seed, Robt. Mc- ty, died a week ago in Hotel Dien Hospital. ) ithly-;'recommend this breed as pro- `Gowan. Timothy seed, . McGowan, Her brother came to take the body home, } iilg .a superior meat for their pur-S. Irwin. when it was found he had the fever, and ee, but they do not appear to have J ROOTS AND VEGETABLES.—Elephant was detained. otatoes, Geo. Soular, Chas. Proctor & Ayer's Hair Vigor, which has outlived Idoig'rave Fall Show. T. L. Jobb. Democrat Jas, Walker. NEWS NOTES Buggr, J. Hrunsdan, IJ. J, Walker, Of Double, carriage, T. L. Jobb. Cutter • een taken up by our farmers to any extent asyet. Implements were shown • IN good variety. The show as a whole was quite successful and the officers of the sueiety"will come out with a sur- plus to' still furter add to their prize 4010,0 pularge their show. The paw h91le ,1r vlaities full particulars : HORCES.— Heavy Draugllb Blood bga�;" `•«Sipier:' Mare foal, A Spier, B rber Bros, Two year old filly, J. art Pox; Bros. One year old tkl , 4:S ``etreepd, Yearling gelding, tII 'Taylor, Bitrber Bros. Team, N Oniuing, John Fells, C. Proctor & Son, General purpose—Brood mare, J. ,Owens, Barber Bros. Horse foal, John Taylor. Mare foal, Jas. Owens. Two year old filly, T. Ross. Two year old 6lllin , .Barber Bros.• Yearling filly, John lalei'. Yearling gelding. R. Cor- T„ lr. Taylor jr. Team, Jas. Dow, lor gos. Carriage Brdod n5are •R. a ; Kirkby, Ti Bridges. Foal, Kirkby, R. Pollard. Two year filly, R. Pollard. T. Bridges. Two year gelding, H. Kirkby, Alex. Scott. Yearling fllIv. T. Bridges, Alex. Scott. Yearling, gelding, J. Kling, 13. Kirkby.- .Bugg horse, W. Snell, Jos. GOliey:, Hack horse, John Cornyn, L. •Lott. Team, L. Lott, V. Vannorman. Brood. mare, R. Pollard. Team, in har- .nese, •L. Lott. CATTLE—Thoroughbred cow, R. Cor- ley, Geo. Soutar, T. H. Taylor, jr. Two year old heifer, David Cook, M. H. Harrison. One year old heifer, R. Cor- - ley, N. Cummings. Heifer calf, R. Corley 1 and 2. Bull calf, Wm. Snell, R. Corley. Two year old bull, J. Short - reed, H. ' Perdue, T. H. Taylor, jr. Bull under two years, T. Bridges. Grade Cattle—Cow, M. H. Harrison 1 and 2,- '. Wilkinson & Son. Two year S31sl heif ir, Thos. Ross, R. Corley, One year el, Wilkins Harris°, Thos. R Corley, Tay oss 1 a SHEEP Cumin i sN in , . uming. Shearling ewes,•N. CImmg 1 and 2. Ewe lambs, • G'eo. Henry, N. Curring. Downs— Shearling ram, Jas. Tabb. Ram lamb, Jas. Tabb 1 and 2. Aged ewes, Jas. Tabb, W. Snell. Shearling ewes, Jas. Tabb 1 and 2. Ewe lambs, Wm. Snell, Jas. Tabb. Fat sheep, Jas. Tabb 1 arid 2. Pen, Jas. Tabb. ;SwWE.—Large breed.—Aged boar, John Potter, Robt. McMurray. Brood Sow, H. Edwards, R. McMurray. Boar pig, H. Edwards. Sow pig, H. Ed- wards. Small breed—Brood sow, Jas. Owens. Boar pig, H. Edwards. Sow, H. Edwards, Jas. Owens. Pen, H. Ed- wards. POULTRY.—Geese, D. Showers, R. McMurray. Turkeys, D. Showers, R. McMurray. Ducks, D. Showers, C. Proctor & Sons. Leghorns, W. Taylor 1 and 2. Any other variety, W. Tay- lor 1 and 2. IMPLEMENTS.— Farm gate, Wm. 'Watson. Pump, D. Showers 1 and 2. Lumber wagon, John Brunsdon & Son, heifer, D. Scott & Sons, T. n & Son. Heifer calf, M. H. 1 and 2. Two year old steer, ss 1 and 2. Year old steer, R. D. Scott & Sons. Steer calf, T. lor, jr, R. Corley. Beeve, T. d 2. —Leicesters—Aged ram, N. Shearlin ram, N Coming. 8 Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE,. AVER'S. parilla A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN E�UAL. Statement of a Well Known Doctor " Ayer's Sarsaparilla is without an equal as a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, and Gannet have praise enough. I have watched its effects in chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have been esronfslicd at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, is no thorough in its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla"—Dr. H. F. Mannar,, Augusta, Me. Aye&Sarsapara 4.dmitted at the 'W'orld's Pair. lyar'r. ' Ztt�;%t" Inver and banal*. f g.a • .:,c.td. ons. Matchless Corlies, Chas. Proc- tor & Sons, D. B. Anderson. Empire State, F. Anderson, Chae. Proctor & Sons. Any other potatoes, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Early cabbage, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Winter cabbage, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Pickling cabbage, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Cauliflower, W. Taylor, Geo. David. Blood beets, W. Taylor, Geo. David. Turnip beets, W. Taylor, Chas. Prae- tor & Sons. Mangold wurtzels, Geo. David, John Taylor. Swede turnips, H. Edwards, D. B. Anderson. Field carrots, D. Cook, W. Taylor. Early horn carrots, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Parsnips, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Onions, from seed, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Onions, any other, Geo. David, F. Anderson. Celery, W. Taylor, Geo. David. Corn, W. Taylor, Jas. Dow. Water melon, Geo. David, W. Taylor. Musk melon, Geo. David, W Taylor. Pumpkin, Geo. David, Robt. Mc- Murray. Squash, Geo. David, H. Wightman. Citron, Geo. Henry, Geo. David. Tomatoes, Jas. Henry & ,Son, Chas. Proctor & Sons. Beans, D. Scott & Son, Geo. David. Collection garden vegetables, Geo. David, W. Taylor. DarnY PRODUCE.—Butter, 50 lbs., M. H. Harrison, H. Wightlnan. Crock butter, C. Proctor & Sons, Jets. Iliettry & Son. Basket butter, Geo. Suular, P. Porterfield. Bread, home Made, S. Irwin, Mrs. F. Anderson, R. McMurray. Maple syrup, Jas. Dow, W. Scott. Oat Cake, W. Taylor, Geo. Moffatt. Home made cheese, Jas. Dow. MANUFACTURES. — Union flannel, Jas. Owens, Jas. Dow. Blankets, Jas. Owens, D. Scott & Son. Home made wine, Robt. McGowan. Jas. Owens. FRUIT AND FLOWERS.—Golden russet apples, C. Proctor & Sons, R. Mc- Murray. Baldwin, Fox Bros, R. Cor- ley. Snow, M. H. Harrison, R. Scott. Rhode Island greenings, R. McGowan, R. McMurray. Maiden's blush, R. Scott, W. Geddes. Northern spy, M. H, Harrison, R. Scott. Colverts, R. McGowan, M. H. Harrison. Tolman sweets, R.McGowan, S. Irwin. Variety winter apples, W. Scott, R. McGowan. Variety fall apples, Chas. Proctor & Son, R. Scott. Fall pears, Fox Bros., R. Corley. Winter pears, W. Scott, Fox Bros. Variety grapes, H. Wight - man, R. Corley. Crab apples, W. Geddes, W. Scott. Peaches, James Henry & Son. Collection of fruit, R. McGowan, R. Corley. Table bouquet, Jas. Henry & Son, W. Taylor. Hand bouquet, W.Taylor, Geo.David. Flow- er in pot, James Henry & Son, Geo. David. Collection house plants, Ed. Sackrider. Foliage plants, Ed. Sack - rider. LADIES' WORK.—Painting, still life, Miss Owens, Mrs. Hele. Pencil draw- ing, Mrs. Hele, Mies Soular. Oil paint- ing, Mrs. D. B. Anderson, Mies Soular. Collection oil paintings, Miss Owens, Mrs. Hele. Collection photographs, Miss Edwards. Tatting, Mrs. Tamlyn,. Mrs. Hele. Crochet work, Mrs. W McKenzie, Mrs. Bridges. Bead work, Miss McClelland, Mrs. Tamlyn. Hook- ed skirt, Mrs. Bridges, Mrs. Jas. Henry. Fancy knitting, Mrs. W. McKenzie, Mrs. Moffatt. Gent's linen shirt, Mrs. W. ifcKenzie, Miss McClelland. Gent's flannel shirt, Mrs. W. McKen- zie, Mrs. Moffatt. Braiding, Mrs. Moffat, Mrs. Hele. Feather flowers, Miss Owens. Woolen stockings, Mrs. W. McKenzie. Woolen socks, Mrs. W. McKenzie. Woolen gloves, Mrs. W. McKenzie. Woolen mitts,Mrs. W. McKenzie, Mrs. Moffat. Log cabin quilt, Miss McClelland, Mrs. Tamlyn, Ktlit quilt, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. W. Taylor. Patched quilt, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. McKenzie. Rag mat, Mrs. Tay- lor, Mrs. Henry. Berlin wool, raised, Mrs. Moffat. Berlin wool, flat, Miss McClelland,Mrs. Tamlyn. Sofaillow, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. Hodgson. Ootton stockings, Mrs. W. McKenzie. Card work, Mrs. Moffat. Leather work, Mrs. Tamlyn. Hair flowers, Miss Mc- Clelland. Embroidery on silk, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. Bele. F mbroidery on linen, Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss McClelland. Lace work, Mrs. Moffat. Twine lace, Miss McC leiland, Mrs. Tamlyn. Rag carpet, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Proctor. Collection, Miss McClelland, Mrs. Tamlyn. Pillow shams, recommended, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. Robertson. JUDGES, — Horses — Jas. Reynolds, Clinton ; C. Ruddell, Londesboro and Geo. McKenzie, Wingham. Cattle— Jas. Ferguson, Brussels, and Robt. Medd, Auburn. Sheep and Pigs—Jas. Steel, Ripley, L. Tasker, Harlock, and Thos. Anderson, Auburn. Poultry— R.Elliott, Wingham. Implements—H. McQuarrie, Biyth. Roots and vege- tables—D. McKinlay, Wingham, .It. Sellars, Blyth. Fruit and flowers—J. A. Morton, Wingham. Manufactures —P. Purvis, Blyth, W. Robertson, Wingham. Dairy Produce — R. C. Sperling and T. A. Mills, Wingharn. Grain and seeds—W. Clegg. Wingham. Ladies' i)epartinent—Mesdames Mn - ton and Clegg, Wingharn, and Mi•S Visa Lane, Ashfield. and superseded . hundreds of similar pre- parations, is undoubtedly the most fash- ionable as•well as eoonomioal hair -dressing in 'the market. By its use, the peoreat head ,t hair soon becomes luxuriant and beautiful. The father and brother at home were no- tified that the young lady's body would be sent to the cemetery , butby the time the notification reached then they were in bed with the disease. The fnthee and two sons are now in the hospital. SHILOH'S CUBE, the greet cough and oroup cure, is ingreat demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25o Children love it. Sold by J. H. Combe. To show bow rapidly the atosk-raising industry is developing in Maititoba, it is only necessary to state that with six weeks of the. season yet ahead, 0110 firm of oattle exporters has shipped thirty thousand head, while last year's total was twenty-two thousand. NOT MERELY RELIEF BUT CURE, It is said of many remedies that they -re- lieve for a time but the disease afterwards returns. Burdock Blood,Bitters being a radical cure, not only reliees but perman- ently wires Dyspepe}a, Constipation, Bili- ousness, Sick Headache, Bad Blood, eto. Hundreds of healthy witnesses tell gladly that B. B. B. cured to stay cured. South Dakota has a school question, but it is not in any way eimitsr to the one now under consideration in Canada. About a week ago it was necessary to close the schools thereon account of the intense heat, and two days later they were closed again because of the excessive cold. Variety, in addition to being the very spine of life, is often the cause of death. YOII DON'T HAVE To SWEAR OFF says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No -To -Bao, the fam- ous tobacoo habit cure. "We know of many cases oared by No -To -Bao, one, a promi- nent St. Loris arohitect, smoked and obew- ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of tobacco makes him nick." No -To -Bao sold and guaran- teed no ore no pay... Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. A serious accident happened the other day, at the farm of Mr Fuke 8. Webb, near Fort Covington, N.Y., when Duncan Mo - (Millis, a Glengarry man, employed by Mr. Webb, bad an adventure which he will not forget in a hurry. He was bringing the cows from pasture when a vicious ball at- tacked him. After getting the man to the ground, the animal, which, fortunately had been dehorned, charged him repeatedly, and rolled him over and over for a distance of forty yards before the exhausted and al- most nnoonecious man managed to seize his assailant by the nostrils. In this way MoGillis beld his enemy powerless for more than an hour. Three of his ribs were broken, and he was suffering from other in- ternal injuries. He had very little strength left when Mr Webb, who had become alarmed at his prolonged absence, arrived on the scene and rescued him. Doubts of his recovery are entertained. KIDNEY FACTS. In Jan., 1892 my son was taken with Kidney disease. Though attended by three physioians, and change of climate he grew worse and by '93 had fallen from 195 lbs. to 95 lbs. In 10 days from otarting to use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pill# We were Able to move hire home. In 4 months,lie gained 50 lbs., and wets felly restored* to health by the nee Of this, • Toed knee, Joltifl S. Testings, 23 St, Pani St., Montlesi a• f DOCTORS SAY IT IS THE BEST. Dean Sirs,—I recommend Milbnrn'e Cod Liver Oil leleleio{t, With pleasure. Leet July, I weeattacked with Oorljestion of the Lunge anwas in bed ;for four weeks, I was very weak and could not °peak above a whipper. Dr. Lawson, of Hamiota, at- tended me and sent a bottles of Milburn's Emulsion. It is the very beet made and soon restored my „voice and brought me back to health again. Truly yours, Alf. Smith, Wheatlends, Man. Hsauties of tis Material Life. All the hymns, ill the prayers, all the seriatim* readings are as nothing unless yon make their bennty coma Into your daily life, writes Rath Ashmore in the October Ladles' Home Journal Take some of the ore off the shoulders of the busy mother; make life seem more plea- sant by your gracious thought of that father who toils all day long. Make it easier for a sister to dislike the wrong and do the right; show a brother tits rosy side of the Dross and so make it lighter for him to oarry. And do all this, not with loud protestations, but quietly and gently, let- ting God's name bo whispered la your heart, and being only the sinter and daugh- ter Without forcing the knowledge that you are the Christian. Then, vory soon, some one will realize that your beautiful life is lived for Christ's sake,and then you will represent Him as all men should, not by spca:Jug from t!:^ pulpit, not by giv- ing commands, but by living every day the lite that He would wish should tie yours. Playing for Company. If you know how to play dose when you are asked by friends who aro your l.,iests or whose guest you aro. Remo- ni'air in this, as on other ocoa111ons, others am not thinking half so much about you or your performances as yon are yourself. You feel that you are nt.l ui ; well. z.ns1• clans will make alioa.ance for rorv- ousness, and these who, ,lo no, u..• • r„and music will probably not h •ar C. i ails - takes. A brilliant woman says • '' I al- ways do what I'm asked. It the _, .al any do not like it and aro honest Isbell not bo troubled again. If they do not like It ash yet ask me they shall sulfur the penalty of their hypocrisy.” Mrs.MOBr1de—"George, dear, what sort of game do pot -hunters go after" Mr. McBride, —= `De you mead Jackpot htinters,,lOyaV' Children Cry for PItohees t_. l,e`tti'(tr, 1;$ 1899,. TEN TRQUBAND'IIFIEB. Tau thousand iimee ,over Ragyard's POO - to d Balsam has prgved atselt p cure for oou;.',a, colds, bronchitis, aethma, sore thro , quinsy and all pulmonary com- plai., is. A Point in Daily Uyglene:. It is not fully appreolated by the public that the article we oarry BO an everyday and necessary part of our attire may be- come charged with elements of Infection. If h ware there would be shown amok more Dare in the use of handkerchiefs and in their cleansing. Especially should this bo the ease in families of whom any mem- ber is troubled with a oold or with an in finance. One person with a catarrhal a. Lection may impart the trouble to an en- tire household. This fact should, make it common practice to isolate the handker- ohide of an individyal who le affected by an "influenza," The handkerchiefs toed by such a. person, too, should be treated in the following manner: They should be placed under water into whtoh a gnaptlty of kerosene oil has been poured and then remain for say two or three days; then the water is to be heated by pouring on bofins water, and when this is cool enough limy may be washed, soap being used, of course. Another washing la oil and soap makes the disinfection sure, and oonipletell rip moves all stain and effeote of nasal apro- prlattou. Then rinse the handkpr efs carefully in warm water; and, if pose! le, bang upon a lime to dry in the open OA Inst them remain out on the Hue ores alight', When handkerchiefs are treated l* this manner, disease matter is robbed of its clinger, a tabsio of delicate oharaoter spar- ed the sacrillee 000adoned by bard rub- ble( and widaoard penalty, and Me Bila• try of a soft, Olean and white appliance spay be had far the suffering nose, which is liable to be for a time very seneltive 'tun effects at "blowing and excoria- tion." If the beat quality of kerosene oil 1s need, the haa4kerohiefs are freely rinse sd aIMr 011 an4 soapy water has cleansed and distnfeotd them, and there will be to odor of kerosene discoverable after 11 the neatly faded and ironed handier °hist. Lincoln's decd arsediaa. The writer remembers very well Se have heard a very fastidious lady, a member of the Speed household, say, that though ail that time Linooln had none of the polish and gracefulness to be expected front those acquainted with the *pages of sootety, he was one of Nature's gentlemen became* el his kindliness of heart and innate refiner ment. And after saying this sea recalled an instanoe of real good monikers op Mf part. At dinner there was a) Saddle, il mutton. The servant after handing the roast passed a glass of jelly. bir. Liner) took the glass and ate the jelly Som I The servant got another glass and pass 11 around. Mi. Lincoln noticed that the others at table merely took a spoonleL Without embarrassment or s oiogy he laughed quietly and remarked, "I seem to have taken more than my share," s�tiund then be went on with his dinner. ]'loll persons, thin lady thought, after commit• ting such a solecism would have been coy. &red with confusion and profuse in apolew glee. CARE TAKE THAT TBEST COUGH pir WITH ,lt slate.. 50o1.. and C) CURE �I.00 Emote. One oent a do... It 1s sold on a guarantee by all dtogglate. It mires Inorpint Consumption and is the best Cough and Croup Cure. Sold by J. 11. COMBE. Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, .Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terme made.known on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Ex ter North— Will be either sold or anted. For par- ticulars apply to J. T. WESTOOTT Exeter, or JOAN ROSSLER, Benmiller. Atso, FARM of 200 ACIiES— b'ir lot 12, let Con., West Nissotl14, good sail, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 aures good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of SO ACRES— beinq East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con, of West Niesouri. Will give party who wants to do business a particularly good chance on this property. Any of the above are good investments. and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller 1 CURE FITS! ., a valnabl• trestle', and bottle of medicine Bent free to any Sufferer. Oise Express and Post Office address. R. 0. ROOT, ILC., 186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Oct BLOOD -^,: ,1 BETTE: CURES resisemzerasseenisesseurecesse- DYS PEPSIA, BAD BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY TiIOUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. 8.8.8. unlocks 41134'pe aiionspndremoves all impurities frontthe sync th Item ff common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. 8T,1nPoCl l'�irLB act gently feet iljitkA !Murrell the• to ash, Liver and Bowels. 1 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Tdorphin€holt other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cards cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieU teething troubles, cures constipation and f iatuleney; Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving . healthy and natural sleep. Cas• torte, b the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Outrage is an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. 0. Osa000, a Lowell, Maw. "Casten*. is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the varloue quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." De. J. F. Kutosa os, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "• Castoria is so well adapted toebildtrilhli I recommend it as superior toanypreectiptfoa known to ins" IL A. Aaouna, 7L ' 11180. Oxford 8t., Brooklyn, N. T, "Our physicians In the children's depart, went have spoken highly of their. owe. ewe in their outside practice with Callorint and although we only have among oaf readies' supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that te merits of Castoria has wog ue to took with fafor upon it.' tramp Homnran MID Duiratisa . nonce. Now Arias C. 8tarn, Pres., The Centaur Company, ri Kerrey Street, New York City. cratcbes, 5prah, 'and all pains, external or internal, are instant- ly relieved by PERRY DAVIS' Pain This old remedy L used and sold everywhere. Get land keep it by you. Not Giving up Business I But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods. New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readymade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON HUB GROCERY - t As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as th cow pass. The quality of our goods do not change; we buy the best in tht market. We have a big stock of WOODEN WARE. If you need a Washtuii, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop or Scrub brush, it will pay you to call. Ari We have Ben Bur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilia, the finest of TL t].S—C'eylons, Japans, the best that can he had in the market. (3(3 I'['EE— Fresh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for a Bedroom Set. (.4 1:() AWA 1.1.C) VV, Clinton STR=CTLY After 1 he Ist of Fehr ,cry, I will sell for Cash or its equivalent—feeling ae- eurt•d it will he the inost sati,-factnry- to all. It will enable me to 1 o my goods to better ad i antage, and conse- quently will sell at a clnscr , inaigin, giving my customers the benefit. Thanking my customers and Patrons for the liberal support extended to me in the past, 1 respectfully solicit a con- tinuance of your favor, feeling assured that the Cash System, being ,the true principle, will recommend itself to all right thinkinapeople. The Crown Blend and Russian Blond—We direct your attention to those high grade Indian and Ceylon Blends. I have had the exclusive sale of these Teas with m,st gratifying results; nothing bot high grade Teas are used in th, ee b:euda; ask for these and take no other; get sample. Sole agent for Sailor Boy orand Japan Tea, 80o., 41b for 81. Special valne in all Teas. Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddie,OannedFisb Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatooe, Flour Oatmeal, &o. Bargains in Crockery,China Glassware, Dinner, and' Toilet Bete, eta. Produce taken as Cash. N. ROE3SON, C1.1 ton i