HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-18, Page 6WNW,,Sj'.'; - .'1[.:p,_ "> r'""'�1 �.g, l!IC�.,!j 'd"�s�7gM :amoi ,'I ," 7'RT'"r`1T'IRRit'i�7' w.l'L'a.Ti" •-'{q--- ,•.a„q, ' • ( ,� �,. ,. t... •4 . ..;1'`'"
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tlatttlttg I>aa.CJauapb�ll, 14f1 a Stirling; xa�x����rui�� 01 �x�>I iv, f,�,`
{ 1 �, two hove bad
fent a dsc standing
Tether etching` 11 sotto n ar ab , M>ra .Nott, Mra ' To, // - s
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C-Jtll a >ten war of their i'guments led• tq S UW pafn bells �aBrandgl a la ri a d `�11 11
' ' to ' - Mrs Campbell, �� pp EC11` ;
' hard
u which h Glen fatedsvery Nadlepr --H AV DRAut T. Brood edwfn ot, + • ]J7,rs Walker,
t JA
' .z�A ► 4 T, l a, 1895, y — gg p
his infurles beta such that. for a while l3oRSEs B g R krait Mra I1 cDOu a11; feather Ta tnget lite wtehas,oi Choi: gustowers Barrister S�110t. )r
- g mare, Geo. Dale; foal, G Dale; 2 yr old The ilea. U. TugkoO & $On .Ca„ Ltd., •
lain hie was considered in danger, The elding or fill , G Dale, Was Sterling, lwere, Mira 142a1)ot��y all, Mra Walker; h ' p aazr�Exi9�tR ells,
., , ax Too Many Fttiirs- astral is one thin Is•muah regretted, g y 8 darned socks or stockings, Mrs J 11�c- Hamilton, Ont., ova placed u on the
w . q 4th can; yr old elding oi• filly, G Dale; Miss Stirling; .berlin wool market .
"" as both parties are wall known, related W Far lane, �"�
eve>r(ia al' elle provincial weeklfes s�pan wor•k•Jng crops, Ise & San, work It Sat, Mrs Walker, Mftts Stirlin , p j� ooinmtaaioi,ertorOntarlo ad4ianitobg,
1 s are, too to. each other, and and men of gaud J:1 Folland. g' Office lmmeaiatelyeoath of tillroy 4.WiaezO(ln
�y>le 7toaietinR rrflaG 4he fat fart standing fn the cotumunity, McPhee berlfn cool work, raised, Mre Camp. �, e�Mp��T�Q �l�U QF
I1lNmerous, xtnd haat a u�IIion of forces slatted to be tired by His Honor with- • GENERAL PIIRPOBE- 2 yrold gelding •bell, Mrs os Hudson; drawn work, W.. QRYIaC?NrC,
iii certain localities would give better out a jury, and the case will. be vents- or filly, Wm A,lke,ne, J•as Wild; yr old tats Camp 1, Mies Stirling; pin I! BARRISTER, 6OI,IOMA, NOTAU + ;
;satisfaction and better results. The di• rated on Monday, 28th suet. ' gelding or filly,W Alkens, T Harrison; i cushion, Mrs Walker, Mrs Campbell; �il�
�eeccOrs,at the EIgI.n County Fair have S pun working horses, Win Elliott, M pencil drawing, Mrs Parsons, Mrs PIIBLIC, ETC.
. tal�en the l I itlation by abandoning . Auburn. MoNaughtou; beatwafking team. Robt Uampbell; crayon drawing, Mrs Camp- Vffice--Beaver Bloeki
th , fair and inviting the neighboring (Intended for leer week.) Nicholson, Jas Cooper & Son. bell, Mrs Parsons; water color paint- rr MM �/ ty ��yy�± D ��ti upstairs, opposite Foster's',94otp �{o `, r„�
��,,ggti.,ultural societies to amalgamate. ROADSTER. -Brood mare, T Ward; Ing, Mrs Campbell; oil painting, Mrs H �7i1101t1f1117 T�DQ4CQ• y- ULIATO14 ` .
?Ittibh the object of holding ous big Pair, Ths ladfee nP our town were delight foal, T Watd; 2 r old eidin or filly, Erwin, Mra Campbell; Kensington --- i
iWatt? id of several little ones. If this ed last Saturday evenin�g by the mill- Y g g aintin , Mrs Cam bell, Mrs Parsana; R, wM. GUNN, L. R- P 11,114 Is Ia`3t i 4 '
suggestion Is. a ted it is probable every opening at Mrs. Howson e, The R & T Snowdon, W Walker; year old , p g P This supplies a long felt want, giving the 1) Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Freg�, 9 A;Q
eugge r leowill be followed in stella or illi G Dale; s an, A Turn- 'lustre painting, Mrs Walker, Mise goneueer one '20 Cent plug, ora 10 cent sight calm at Sinai door of residencegln letet►11
�ltathe ex imp evening was tyll that could be der?ired. B y+ secs or a 5 cent piece Of the famous "1 Lary bt., opposite Presbgterisu ohargl}.
other districts, with the result that The moon seemed to be ernl(in dcwn all, A Forbes; sin le roadster, Oliver ,Snowden; painting on silk, satin or
tstren th wfll Sow ba found where velvet, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Walker; g++ brand of pure Virginia Tobacco.
g with specisxl brilliancy in Pavoll- of the Johnston, Arthur Forbes. Mrs G H I IR J. L. 7 URNBULL, M. D, 'JCOIl6 l�eC1 .
CARRIAGE HORSES. -Brood mare. J colletGion of house plants, 1J
vtreakuess was formerly a characteris• occasion, while the Melodious strains 'Coo Cooper &Son; foal, Jas Cooper &Sun; Huston, Mrs Walker. Tin to '•T a� B"is on every piece univerb,ty, m u. c.M, Vioofth Ouivarpity ;
ti11�e.--Mail &Empire- - of our far famed band stole like a charm 2 r old gelding or , J R Blair; r old JUDGES -Horses - James Connolly, io ie P do a„ t,uturgh belloof w of Eno,,
over all. On solaria the duan you at Y g g y. y Y+ Foolety of E ospitule. tate e.lir.London, s g„snit ,
The NEW ERA has for years taken g s��tella or rill D Prauae; s an, Jay Porters Hill; John McNevin, Kippen. [T PAYS TO EdinburghYloepltale. Omce.—Lr.Dowsely'sOlii
once found yourself in fairy land and g g y' p Cattle -Wm Graham, Brucefield'; Alex - „nice Rattenbury Bt. Clinton. Night bell'
'" the ground that there are too many forgot all the trials of this world. The Wild, E Swarts; single borne, A Me- answered at the tame place-
s g Murchie & Co, W Fes; lady driver, Grainger•, Clinton. ,Implements -Jas ''
shows, and is more firmly convinced room was beautifully draPed,ancl wrtis Miss Elliott, Miss Cook; saddle horse, Fowlie, Bayfield. Poultry -S Moffatt, R. J. W. SHAW, Phee in the
lace block
tical] arranged, while mirrors at vari Wm Stettin ,,. Varna. Ladies' work -Miss Kate Me- DAacoucheur, eta., office in the Palace ldlgolt ,
than ever of the correctness of its pas- ous intervals reflected the happy, swil- g' J John- Nangbton, Cliatan; Miea J M-Jssip, Rattenbury at. formerly oocupied by D:'.Reov�
t The hate GRADE CATTLE—Milch COW, 1
ition. In this county there are about ag faces of the a ectators. Ston, W Elliott; 2 yr old heifer, Wm Stanley. Fruit and vegetables -Jos Clinton ant.
g p Minton; Robt
< a dozen of them. and there is scarcely stud bonnets would delight the most Elliott, John Johnston; yr old heifer, 1 A.11anson, Jn Johnston, nton; AS. S. FREEBORN, f&D.. LH &Q.C.P.L, M.
fastidious tastes. Missutheringham Thia ie the exparlence of the graduates e� O. & s. O Graduate Kirgs and ueHaa
anp one but will atlm(t that three and 2 Wm Elliott: Pat cow, heifer or McIlveen, Stanley. Grain -.John Wil- p.
,, was in charge, look ing her bet and ser, 1 and 2 W J Stinson; 3 year old liams, Zurich; Jae Thompson, Bayfield. Oollege oY Phsioians, Dublin, 1raGt=Bdt igen•,; ' ; would answer the purpose .and be infl- s steel neither time nor trouble in .die- feet, 1 and 2 T Stinson; 2 r old steer, ManuPacturea and deiry-Wm Scott, tiarai;tnara1iledicaJ Counoil,pp y Brucerield; J T Cairns, Varna; Thomas �� �����a, hial
C1511Member of couege Physioians ane Sargeone, On•11', nitely better than so many. The small platy Pladdie th rhuiAl' h hextptl+tin�nounle 1 and 2 W J Stinson; yi old steer, W ■ NNNNw tarto. Formerly roeldant of Rotunda Hoepltal,
r show has been useful and has served ato 1 1i Woods; thorobred bull calf, Elcoat Johnston, Zurich. Sheep and pigs- (Ly ing-in and c3 a000logioal)Dublin. Residenoe
best milliners, anti c nines very highly Bros W Elliott; thorobred heifer calf, Geo Stanbury, Stanley; By Beacom, -Rattenbury 8 . east, next door to Ontario St,
n �; , CHATHAM, OMT. parsonage.
I pgi'pcse, but its day is over, and recommended. We thought the mill- Eleoat Bros, Win Elliott. Goderich township.
nery laFt season grand9 but this far SHEEP-LEICESTER$.—Aged ram, G This week Orwin Shoemaker,puplloftheBus- i ,R gq•ANbURY, GRADUATE OF TSB
it cannot be long before some of them Sul-pas,sea anything ever seen in Au- iness Departments )tae aces ted the position of L Medical Department of Victoria URIver �-
,,,Penhale, R & T Snowdon; . shearling bookkeeper with Thos. Bary & Co„ hardware
�; must go under. Last year, Hensall burn, and we cougratula`e 14Irs. Haw ram, Geo Penhale, W H WOOdA; tarn merchants, of Norwich, Ont. city, Toronto, formerly of the coroner
she -
':' found it impossible to keep up its show sou oa her success In obtaining the ser- lamb, G Penhale, Eleoat Bros; ewes, Mr welfare has aooepted the position o! Dispensaries, New York, Ooroner for be l
t• vices of one so accomplished. Stenographer with Globe Gaslight Co., Brood- County ofHnrov, Bayfield, Ont.,
and it is just a question if at least half- 1 and 2 Geo Penhale; shearling ewes, 1 way, New York. DR. MGLELLAN,
a-doit i this pear ars not "in the hole." and 2 Geo Penhale; ewe lambs, G Pen- whenBtlbrwaeltfckwegaveherUaetorl4. dIIE YOU INTERESTED IN A f noBTRAND
NEWS NOTES hale, Elcoat Bros; fat sht•ep, Elcoat when.shewaaaCLild,ahecrtedlorCaetorl4 Olt BUSINESS COURSE. " ,
It would be much better altogether if -- Bros, W H Woods. When she became MISS, she clung to CaswrK If so, cannot afford to go elsewhere. We SPEGIALIST
several of the societies woul11 Id am&lga- SIiROPSHIREDOwNs-A ed ram, Jas pay your railway fare. (food board for ladies, Too Medical and Surgical diseasesoLtheE)e,Ear. �
At Snider Depot, near Tu reel. Ont., Cooper &San, John Salkeld; shearling 97lmnahahadChildien,taiegavathemCaetorlr\ only $2 per week, gentlemen 2.50. For rata- Nose and Throat. Full stook of Spectacles, Lou.
mate, even if some of the towns and six children of Thomas Lindsey were ram, 1 and 2 James Cooper & Son; taus rogue of either department, address, see ani Artificial Eyes.
villages had to go without its usual Corned to de th. lamb, J Salkeld, J Cooper &Son; ewes, D. McLACHLAN, CLatham olr 234, I)ttxnee BT., LorraoN,� ___
1.';, exhibition. At present the prizes ars The Methodist Mission Board has J Cooper & Son, A Duncan; shearling ToCalladl�nHorSeEXQOrters DR AGhEVMs r'
hardly worth competing for. It is decided to recall the six dissatisfied ewes, J Cooper & Son; ewe lambs, Jas _
f;,;'< missionat ies from J ttprn. Cooper §z Son. thirty-five additional locomotives Londesboro, rducceasor to Dr 'Young.
foolish and absurd to try to keep up so Sher'ff Springer, of Waterloo, is it' a Plan -BERKSHIRE -Aged boar,brood have been ordered for the C, P. R. MR. RYX LL, proprietor of the Royal Clty T, AGNEW M. B., Toronto University, M. D.•O.
societies and the sooner nn am, ver low state, and slight hopes a e sow, young boar, young sow, 1 and 2 freight service between Winnipeg and Repository, Barbican, London, England M•, Trinity University, Member of antiage Phy
. many , Y W m McAllister. t p eioians and Burgeons, Ontario. o8ioa o�posit0
al sestina takes place, the better. It calci rained for his recovery. Fort William. Wheat shipmea a are
ro thelealetot tall classes Horses at Methodist ohuroh, Night calla answers at the
l g POLANDC)HINA--Aged boar, W WFish- going out at the rate of three hundred the Auction Sales which are held every Tuesday same plane. Osloe hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to'8p,mt
will come to that in the end. Wit). Graham, a ruiddle nc,ed man er, W Sinclair; brood sow, W Sinclair, cars daily. and Friday, in addition to salealiyprlvate treaty to 2 P.M. 1
{'„kl (•om near Hamilton. was bill to W WFisher; young boar, W Sinclair, W daily- Thee City f 1r is the largest and beet a •
death at Pa+ a, Out. WFisher; young sow, W W Fisher, W tended in the City of I,onaon, aria uppwards of Soo
` horses, including Drivers, Trottingvanners,and DR• BRUCE, DENTIST•
`r This is Frank The torLu a of witnesses at Elie Kit- Sinclair. Advantageous Features Of the ppowerful Cart Horses, are disposed of weekly.— L. D.S., Royal College of Dental Turgeona of Out.
--- Cbeog iuqu;ry was bo revolt; nq Lb A ANY OTHER KIND PIGS.—Aged boar, A large number of Canadian borses bave already
i „ j� Unconditional A CcuniulativO been sola at tbouepository, producing remuner- D.D.S., Trinity University, Toronto.
Light is beginning to dawn al the the But sli re t e�entar ive Kaci' io - o- Win Parsons, sow; W G Johnston, J ative prices, and ever attention is given them Special attention given to the Preservation of
"° Orange Sentinel, and it candidly ac- test. Foster; youn boar, 1 and 2 J Foster; Policy is by the Con- on arrival, in case illness, &e. Farm scone- the natural teetb.
knowledges that Protection is an evil, Harley Davidson rode a m'le on a N- young sow, J Foster, W G Johnston. federation Life- modation ie provided; allarrangementsforclear-
Not onl does it do that, belt it denoun- DAIRY PRODUCE -25 lbs salt butter, ing horses at the docks will he made on receipt Othce, Coate Brook, over Taylor's shoe store
Y CYC:e down B.tLliun�t s.aeet, TOiOtILO, of Bill of Lading Bankers, London andUountp N. B: Will visits Blyth every Monday and `i
ccs ft as having resulted iri evil in the :n Lt 12-i, the 4astebt [Wile ei•er' ,'idt'en Wm Stirling, Geo Notingg; 51ba butter, 1. It contains but one Condition, that is, Bank, AldersRateS+.,Lottdnn,to whom reference rayfield 1st Thursday of each month, ���
I;, Mrs Ju Johnston W C uok; homemade may he made. Address, Il. RYMILL, ROYAL
�3'*r-,; States, whence anti-Bt•itish Yankee ;n C+tnada the payment of the premium. CITY ItEPU9_TORY, BAIMICAN, LONDON, ENG.
imitator; in Uanadadrety their iuspir,i_ cheese, R & T Snowdon, Geo Young; 2. It permits eutiro freedom in regard to E. BLACHALL Graduate of
Bice tax SLIcGEaOryN
t`:, Human life is he'.'i too cheaply when the homemade wine G H HeWSOD, Mrs i3 t p � J.
tion, and where Canadians have been +, residence, ravel and occupation from date
inatvtdeks who verde s tonin for his Sys• Agents
' taught to look for evidences Of ily Nott; honey in lar, Jas McFarlane, A of issue. mate on the moat ecientiaoprinai•
' beneficent influences. The Sentinel tem, seeks fo cover his wa.,Le by parohas. Duncan; homemade bread, W Stirling, 3 It allows 80 days' grace in the payment
plea Office—immediatelyeouth of the ewErB
says: ing every new mixtu-e that is recommend. Mrs T Stinson; baker's bread, T King, of renewal premiums. Office. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Call
"The United States put up a tariff ed to him. Remember that A•yer's Bar- GRAIN AND SrF,DS-White winter 4• It it a simple, concise and definite , night orday attendedto promptly
wallto spite Britain. It was a good saparilla has a well-earned rep i of wheat, J Salkeld, T Harrison; red win p representing us can earn $-o per work gelling
¢e, lift ear's standing. J Salkeld; spring contract, in which all the terms and pro. our Rarely Cunadlnu-Grown Narscry Stock. TOMLINBON, vETERINA1tY BURGEON,
thing for Britain, and a bad thing,for Y Y g ter wheat, W Thirsk, visions are fully set forth. Permanent positions and salaries. Exclusive B, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-
t` the United States, It has practically The A,ion Fish Company of Dulutb, wheat, J Salkeld, J Wilds; large peas, 5 It offers to the insured six modes of territory. G1�AiIA1In hurseryrin�n�Toronto nary College, Toronto. Treats all dieeaeesl
>.. killed the trade of ocean shipbuilding Alinn., bas Begun a suit against the J Salkeld, R Penhale; small peas, Win settlement at the end of the dividend per. Sept 2o, l3w Domestio Animals on the most modern and
in the States; and has made it impos- Canadian, a-ove+-nment, to recover Thirsk; 6 rowed barley, Jri Salkeld. Jn iod, thereby enabling him.to adjust his in- IT Scientific Principles, esid ce-Ra night p.,Wept
r; 1y answered: Residence-Rattenbury St., west
i, sible -for Yankee manufacturers to heavy damages for ,he confiscation of Herd; white oats, J Dewar, A Duncan; surance in whatever way will best suit bis Clinton.
cope with British manufacturers in a fat of netting which the company blank oats, Jos Hudson, Jos Wilds; requirements, 15, 20 or 25 years hence, y
any branch of industry. True, the claims was i❑ A me', ic.au water at the Timothy seed, Jn Salkeld, corn, John without lose to himself. R - I .. P - A. - N - � ARRIAGE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTlI', BE.,
y States seemed for a time to flourish ties of the ser iu'e, Salkeld. 6. It is absolutely and aatamatically ' ONE GIVES RELIEF M securer of Marriage Licensee, Library Room
and get British trade, but it was only FRurr-Collection of grapes, dna Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
'z' ; Captain sweeney, U. B. A., Ban Dego, Ct H non -forfeitable after 2 years, guaranteeing _�
for a time. Now the reaction which is Cal says; "Shlloh's Catarrh Remo I1 is HeWSOn, J Wilds; fall apples, R & T in the evAnt of non-payment of a premium TAMES CAMPBELL LONDEBBORO
' certain to follow all such artificial Snowdon, E Talbert; winter apples, W PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET d ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LiCERNS .
{,' props to trade has set in, and the States the first remedy I bave ever found that Elliott, Mrs Weston; collection apples, when dee. No witnesses required
Mould do me any good. Price .5Oo. Sc)d (a) Extended Insurance without applica-
must still further lower its tariff, if the b J. fL Combe. R & T Snowdon; W Elliott; pears, W tion, or TWO Rt TOMS TO LET IN • ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR
I•' country is to be saved from more serf- Y Stirling, G Nott; collection of ppears,W (b) A •'paid-up Policy” upon surrender M Small same on good wortgage security
1'M ous evils.” During the progress of a case in Sterling J Wilds; peaches, lVlrsWeaton, or ALAC1CAY BLOCK. moderaterateoffaterest. H HAhE.Clinton.
c,. Hamilton Assize Court, a well-dressed Miss Parke; grapes, G H Hewson, Jos
+ P Wilds. c A "Cash Surrender `alae offer five
matt a,'ose in the audience, and a O One in Front dna one in Rear. Rent Moderate. F W. L. S., Provincial
proachin Chief Justice Meredith, saiU, VEGETABLES. -Early potatoes, D years. w. COATS, for Er,ecuttrs Est. Joe. Whitehead . p L. B:, Provincial Land Surveyor and .
risp County �1lppingS Y g Z It is issued span all approved forme - Ste Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Gueo.
, "Do you re,lresent the spirit of a,u- Prouse, R Penhale;, late potatoes, Jos
thority here? How long is this to Wilda, C Tippett; long red mangolda, namely. All Life, Limited Payment Life, WEST HAG]' OF PERRIN'S Stewart's store, Clinton.
'r )art?" His Lot'dehip ordered the man's p !l Endowment and Annuity Endowment
1";` Mr Wm. Robertson, teacher in S. S. P Baker, E Talbert; ye ow globe man- BLOC offer
FOR SALE. 30MRS. W HITT+ M. G• M. °.
removal. and a was taken to the olds, J Salkeld, J Johnston; beets, Jil Plane.
11 No. 8, McKillop, has tendered his resig Salkeld, R & T Snowdon; cabbage, W Write to either Mr. W. Taylor, or Mr. Make me an offer f, r this. Say m3o0or a400
county jail, e refused to tell his TEACHER of MUSIC. c;,
nation, as he purposes taking a course value or hold any conversation, but is Stirling, Jas Burns; cauliflower, Robt Israel Taylor, Clinton, the Company's oast,, balance as can bo mutuauyY arranged.
fn medicine,. with the intention of err- Agents, for full information before incur- D. J• CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilton Out Pupil of MrCharles W. Landon, of exclusively. It is con
evidently demented. McIlveen, W Thirsk; carrots,W Tutt u- :The Mason Metnoa.used al Ari it is non•
tering in the drug business. The t1 us send, G H Hewson; aranips, W Stirl- sag elsewhere. FOR SALE. Bid ed by the teasing Jlusical Artiste that no
0 tees have en a ed Miss Agggie Hays, The death of Mrs F. Neil, one of the p - -- method ,,evelo s the technic so rapidly as Dr j
g in , J Salkeld; pumpkins, �J Herd, W .
'.; daughter of � Thos. E. Hays, to teach oldest women in the county of Mic'dic- g P P Masons "Touch^ and Muscle
develops rigor Organ t
Stirling; squashes, R & T Snowdon, J A FAMOUS SH9E. The undersigned will sail ata eacriHce, LOt 461 and Teohnicon, or Muscle develops for nee O!
the remainder of this year and a18o sex, Occurred at hes-residebeefin Lucas BtlrnB 'ot to Onions, Canadian, R & T or 12, Railway Terruce Clinton. particulere pupils, Roome over Beesley's store, Beaver
fi., nest year. &few days ago. The arse a. deceased P Block Atbe,t street, Clinton.
was 1CJyeare and 4uiont.ls. She came Snowdon; other unions, Jn Salkeld, D A striking instance of the tendency of upon application, JAMEfi SCOTT, Barrister &.
r�, Mr Jae. Sweet, of Exeter, while out to this country from Ireland ;u the Prouse; field turnips, R & T Snowdon, the success
toward specialty i afforded o- R. AGNLW, L.D.S D.D.S.
'} in the woods shooting, Saturday after- year 18 A, and settled with her hvs. J Hudson; carrots, R Bailey, W Stirl- the eaccess which has attended the intro- FOR SALF. ON EASY TERMS
`,< noon in elfin over a to accidental] in white celery, J Wilds, G H Hew- duction of "The Blazer Shoo for Men - Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich DENTIST.
g g baud (who is still alive) and family in g y
stepped ge a limb, and wrenched Els Ottawa district; remaining there for :1 son; red celery, J.Salkeld, G H Hewson; Every pair has the maker's name and Township. For terms and particulars ap- nt. Honor
or Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
le in such a manner as Lo break the earwa die the removed to the town- winter radishes, R Penhale, .J Wilds; puce branded on the sole so as to insure 1 to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister Clinton ant. Honor Greduatr or Trtni,y University,
g y y their being sold at the figures intended by ply Toron•9.
small boue in his ankle. In this pain- ship of Biddiilp i. They lived talon citrotis, Mrs Weston, John Galbraith; All operations in Dentistry carefully performed.
11 ' fol condition he walked home, a die- their firm in th•s township until fp.ew mink inelons, G H Hewson; water- the manufacturers. It is generally under- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Beet local Anaesthetics for painless extraction.
melons, Miss Yorke, R Penhale; large stood that when a dealer buys shoes they office opposite Town Hal) ever Swallow's store.
, ; tanee of two and a half miles, years aro, when they removed to Lu- beans Mrs H R Walker, en Townsend; are his shoes, to 0.11 at auch price as he The very comfortable house on Queen Street Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurio
can. the old man, her husband, 1 leases, but ii is not so with the Slater ever ebcond Thureda of each month.
11 Mr W. F. Tate, who purchased the vests of age, was in attendance at the small beans, Wm Elliott, W Stirling; p at present occupied by C. A. Hartt, is offered Y Thursday
h Tate, w h business a Sea- large tomatoes, Jn Salkeld, Geo Nott; Shoe, the makers of which aboally Bell to for sale on reasonable terms. The house is well ¢�Nlahc bell answered.
6' P P ittalP.t'al, built, with stone foundation, and has every so -
forth three montns ago, has, owing a small tomatoes, W Sterli-ng, Mre H R on,y one firm in each town or city, and ere- commodatlon. The lot is three-eighths of an
an affection of the eyes, due to close Aman who gave h`s name as Andrew `Volker, ate the demand for their shoe by liberal ad- acre. Hard and =oft water. Apply atresidence1.
A. U. U. 'W
fir... application to business, been compelled J. Sterling, and who is understood to IMPLEMENTS. - Lumber waggot,, L vertising, so that the dealer has but to The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet In Biddle. {
i' to relinquish work for a flute, and Left bave last plied his swindling ouerations Beatty; chilled plow with skimmer, L supply the ;roods when asked for them. It HOUSE: AND LUT FO.0 BALE combeHall on the let and 3rd Fridays in each
on Friday for North Bay, on a visit (o in Toronto, where he is wanted by the Beatty; iron beam plow without skim- is only a few months since these shoes were month. visitors cordials invited.
his old home, after which he leaves for police, was arrested at I;uffalo on a mer, L Beatty; pump, J Ferguson. pat upon the market at $8!10, $re and The on Ontario dna canvenicntl situated R. BTONEHAM, hI. J, BEAN Recorder
Australia, where he will Spend the charge of fraud. Sterling's modus POULTRY. -Ducks, 1 and 2 R Pen- $5.00 per pair, yet their merits are alma- house on Ontario tic., rectntly oocupied by Dr. i;
operandi in Buffalo was to insect in Appleton, ie offered for sane on veryy nary
�;r:,-•, winter. hale; geese, Wm Bates, R Penhale; dy known from the A tlantio to the Paaifio, terms. The house Is adapted for oxdhlary tamll '
1 We are called upon to record the t,ie newspavers advertisements for Dorkings, 1 and 2 A Duncan; White and quite secretly a large and very hand- ane bas every convenience and requisite. Ful
P chambermaius and wait.•esses to ;;o to Le horns, Win Makin; turkeys, D some retail store wag opened on King St., particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT Architects & Civil Engineers
I death of Mr Isaac Luker, Exeter, on or R IRt� IN, Clinton.
Thursday, at the age of 76 years and 8 a mythical hotel in California, and Prouse, R & T Snowdon. Toronto, by Messrs. Ciu(nane Bros. rupee
then to exact a depos;t of $16 from Lhe MANUFACTURES. -Colored flannel, cially f)r the sale of these shoes. There FOR �JALF. Aro prepared to furnish plans• drawings, de'. [
months. Deceased has been in a feeble applicants, as an evidence of good faith q p g tang, and specifications of all kinds of work
:; pp Mts Nott, R & T Snowden; woollen were some unique features in the o ruin _
S - state of health far some years, caused on their part. Evidences of his own blankets, Mrs J McFarlane, Mrs Nott; too -an orchestra, floral decorations, in- The following valuable residental property in
by the infirmities of old age, He wss
good faith, however, were so sadly woollen yarn, Jno Johnston, Mrs Wes- vitation cards, proYrammes on silk, and a the TOnn of Cho Lori, is offered for sa e. Lot 107 VALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS
formed a well known resident g p ton; stocking yarn, Mrs Stirling, Ino P
,Y lacking that the nista arrested him. �r tactical illustration of Slater Shoe con- end part of 108, Victoria fit., and part a+ lot 118 ,CAREFULLY MADE
s Centralia for man years. His t emains He is said to have Swindled at least g y, g' ' High Direst. Thera are two comfortable dwelling
y JOhnBtOn;wOP11P❑ stockings, Mrs 5url- struction. The Toronto paperB took an goners upon the .property, in an excellent state PATENT DRAWINGS MADE & PATENTsd "'A
were interred in the Fairfield cemetery [went young iris. nvueasl interest in forwarding the enter- of reprir. For further_ _particulars and terms OBTAINED
on Saturday. • YY g g ing, LVIrs Weston; woollen sucks, Mrs J'-" ;l
A few nights since Rev Mr Cooper, Nott• bI rs Weston; cotton stockings, prier and were exceptionally profuse in ed- apply to JAt:IEs SCOTT. • All work at reasonable.charges. 25y rs earpe- ,(',
The District Committee of Odd-Fel- Episcopal minister, Kirk ton, wasstrick- Mrs Weston, Mrs Not I; cotton b+,t:..c, itorial aouument, so, of course, the Slater — Ilencein Ontario. Poet office a�ees
lows, consisting of Past Grandy Taylor, , with paralysis, and has lain at MrA \cit t, 1VIry WesUm; woollen gloves, shoe opening was a great success. GOOD FAUM FOR SALE BOX 210, CLINTON, ONT
Fuke and McDairmid, met on Monde faro. T. Slater tit Bona, r Montreal, are
Y• death's door ever Since. He had not Mrs of t, n, Mrs NO't; woollen tulle, S ubecriber , ffers for sale the Enstbalfo f lot 2
The elected four lodges to exemplify 6: g the first shoe mohnfactarera in Canada to
Y g p Y Neon feeling in the best of health for Mrs 6VeALon, Mrs single bar- in the8racouceseion,E.D. of Ashfield, titan• Clintonthe subordinate work of Odd -Fellows, some days. After retiring be rolled ness, ,Jno Tippett; douhlo hat nese, Jno (evoke alis aide advertising on an extra- iree flour sive sit Frame hut ouse, acrbarn eared
Ci1Planing 1► "'"
eonsistin of Exeter for the initiatory sive scale. The work they ti]1n out dr- P • ,
g� out of bed, and Mrs Cooper being un- Tippet t. monstrstes beyond a doubt that Canada tug ahead bearing arched, Wreck rune through
- degree, C linton for the flrst degree, able to rouse him, thought he was In a LADIES WORK. - Braided pillow Y file Jot, situated 1; mttaa from Porc Albert, on —AND—
f Hensall for the second degree, and fit, and h+irriedly called in a neighbor, sham, airs C Campbell. Hiss Stirling; can now make as good footwear se any good road. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
l . Gloderich for the third degree, and the who at once saw it was a paralytic embroidered pillow sham, Alre L Cam other country in the world. Appply to ALEX. BA DOUR, HOLMEavILLE, or
work to be given in Seaforth in Janu- p to P. HOLT, OODERICH D R. Y ° S I L'N ! }
g stroke. The right side is completely hell, Mrs Geo Nott; crazy work, Mrs G
f ary, 1896, at the district meeting• powerless, the power of speech gone, Nott, Airs J McFarlane-, crochet table We will give the FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber having the very latest improved
Catarrh -vee Nasal Balm. C,lniak, poli- and very little motion in the left side, mats, Mrs Nott, Mrs .1 Johnston; toilet maebinery and employing the most skilled work,
v tive cure. Soothing, cleaning, healing. while he is unconscious part of the it ,t8, blrsNott,IilrsJMc•Fitrlane;crocliet New Era and That ane Farm of 127 scree, being tot 16, let men is tore to do work in his naA in the most
r; time. There is little if any hope of re �' •r pe, Mrs Nott, MrS H Irwin; table Clinton' con„ of s in f . All cleared but about all
aoree; satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and
On Thursday, while Messrs FrankCampbell;' + ten acres in fel) wheat balance ail fit for cults• on the shortest notice. A trial solicited
t.. cover Rev Mr Cooper only went to drape, %tis Nott, Mrs C Sofa Weekly Gtaire • • vation;never taiHnagepring;goodorchard. Frame
Marshall and Chas. Bosaenberry were Y house and outbuildinge. Situate suet 23 miles FACTORY NE&R"G.T R. STATION, CLINTON
I working around the roof of Mr W. Kirkton circuit a few months ago from pillow, JI vs H R Walker, Mrs Nott; To ne yr F+ibScribers from this da. a east of the Town of Clinton, and le const Bred a THOS MORENZILI
Moores new house, at Hensall, the Tara, where he had been p%stor for 28 chrorhet in twine, Mrs G H Hewson, to the bt of Det•.. 18£3, for the low first-class farm- Possession given at any time.
E, scaffolding gave way and precipstated Years. He is about 69 years of age, Mrs Wilds; hooked mitts, Mrs l3 , sum of He would be willing to takeiionse property in
►, both to the round, a distance of fort and has a family of email children. \talker, Mrs Nott; embroidery on silk, i Clinton for part,pp-aymeut. A ply to either W. CLINTON MARBLE WORHrr9.
P, satin or velvet, Mrs Campbell, MJ6 1.50 Clinwn�oor' ED ladder wore, Huron street,
five feet. r Bosaenberry received a An interesting episode is reported to Not bouquet of flowers, Mrs Hewson, WIN SLY, on the promisee. COOPER'S OLD STAND.
bad ahakiu up and internal injuries, have occurred at the banquet to Lieut- q This is a rare chance to get the two Terms reasonable. Next to Commercial Hotel.
g Mrs Walker; bouquet of small flowers, a erS at a little more than the
. while Mr Marsnatl escaped with a few Gov. Patterson at the Rideau Cluh Ot- ty
P firs Hewson, Miss Stirling; crochet ii Valuable Properties for tale. his sfille In is is fall o+eraay and e
alight bruises. Itis surprising both taw&, the other ntgnt. Mr Patterson g• price of one, relate filled in the most eattefaotoy way came.
; were not killed. and Mr Iveb were members of the same work in wool, MrgCampheil, t11re Nott; ery and granite wor)c a specialty. ]drfoes ee
crochet work in cotton, Mrs Campbell, The following vainatle and errgable pa, either
ser "sortable as those ofuny eatablishmenE
V: George Hogg, of the township of Us- Cabinet which adopted the remedial Mrs Nott; embroider in silk Mrs are offered for ease on reaeo„able forme, either _ ,
order, and the incident of the banquet, + y • In one block, or in separate parcels: - SEALE A HOOvER,Clinton. 1111 ;
borne, appeared before Judge Doyle Campbell, Mrs Nott; fancy whisk hold-Awl,o
The handsome brick residence atpresent oc•last week, and wanted Samuel of the i£ true, shows the want of harmony pwhich existed on the school question. er, 1Vlre Nutt, Mis Walk9,r, knitting in oa sed by Mre o e Manning, Albert etroet, noni • same name bound over to keep the worsted, Mrs Brownett, Mrs Cam bell; tanning every convenience. YOUNG LADIE5 '111 I"peace. These two had a controversy, Mr Patterson, in hiss eech. said Man- The remises adjoiningthe above, ocoupiedstabs was of a s, and erfeetl eom- knittin in worsted, fancy, Mrs Camp -b Mr N. Robson, and being in all respects aim AND GE111TLEMENand Samuel. threatened a few weeks g p Y hell. Mgrs Nott; arrasene work, MrsWar to the other.
pstent to manage her own affairs. Mr Nott, Mre Campbell, chenile work Mra Fall particulars on •pplioation to
a� �oto make mince meat O£ his br other. + we want the names of to 000 young people. p
Ttae facts Caere en uued into b iiia Ives, speaking shortly after, told Mr y Thr latest edition of our, t5ollegr Journal ie J. P.TIEIDALL Clinton Bend9oentainstamps or l0oenteiitailvelr,
d q Cam bell Mre ott• bread work an we will send you by Tetuan m a
Honor, and Sam, who is a bigheavyPatterson that he hoped Manitoba P Urs Nott; read for distribution and we want you to see
would do justice to the minority. The design, Mrs Nott; point lace, It. Send in your names and the names of your
;r man who loses control of himself when one of the two speeches was so de- crewel -embroidery, Mrs Campbell, Mrs friends; we will do the rest. It will interegtyou GOAL AND WOOD YARD PERFECT LETTER W R)<x'ER
in liquor was bound in his own recog- Nott; silk patch work, Mrs Campbell, and cost you nothing, You must gee It.
nuance or ($200 to, keep the peace for cfdedly o posits that at the end of the A neat attic boot being a oortA Gidde ,ffi the
p p Mrs Parsons, alit in stab wet k. Mrs Batrterlber has deoidetl to keep on band both
ban net, it is said. there was a ttcene + q _ p art of fettez Wrtbag. It oWntebta r e4t. op
ogle ear. q J McFarlane, Mrs Nott; Pansyy quilt, Coal and Woad of the very bell Lore, >3'rone , xscz *. X ,eta., ,titch trtible
Oil 7'ueSda Qhatleer' Mtlt?llee of Cal- between Messrs Ives and Plttterson, Mrs T Stinson Mrs t7ampbell; to�g cab- Central �►tigiilC�� COUO"'C uitalltys laetrnetione en adrlee. lSvery Mona mea wfr
3r' and that Mr Ives told the Lieutenant- e+ f Wolman air navd this Boo . A�are.l�,
1.htirxld a dared' brat Jtid a ole to lane: Witted or cP cltmt quilt, gMre J ,f6tfritare e et ldvret pilose. Orn-
y Governor that had his views on the In guilt, Mrs am bell Mrs J MFar- i
elect how lie Mould be tris fol an tt$- echaol queetlun beenknown before he McFar ane, Mra R Penhale;_ge1lt'fI tin- LNTO81 p iteipal. ¢A am bApi Irilttolilr. P" of(ti Ytseimt �' Of ' Np � 02=0 D ft n4;'
ratltt admtnitfed•oln A lei: G}lenli, of the neer would heii+e baso appolDteB. P y , W, 'c#anit,
'of toWiaithip, some Weeks ergo, The ext shirt, Niue Stirling[ lM, s under. .
♦ . y.
. t r' : +,
.e ' I „ ,' _ y
/�q 'v - !,
s +'_r.a.._ .•1,ear �!• vlt _ . -_ t 9 .. - .UM.i..1-AL aBiY.." ,,-- . a