Clinton New Era, 1895-10-18, Page 5Leading
i��l�li tEo` fit... IIII
cwelcry ,
We have all the latest Novelties in our line, consisting of
Ladies.' Long Watch Guards from 50e to $7
1de Combs in Sterling Silver for 35c a pair
' •Bac!. Combs in Sterling Silver for 50c, and in Tortoise
hail. ' Beautiful Sterling Silver mounted Soap Boxes for
$1. Watches, Clocks,Silverware and Jewelery, low prices
Watchmaker. Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange
White Pine Expectorant
We can honestly recommend it as one of the best cough mixtures.
Of the many who have tried it. not one complained to us of its not
being good. Our customers are asking already for tate same kind
as they got last season. Try It, 25c a bottle.
ESPECIAL VALUES in 25e, 40c, 50c and 75e Hair Brushes
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
t"P1'1 1 q9 We have just received an import order of New sea -
.L ..LJ..L�.17 son's Teas, direct from the place of growth. The
following are a few of the leading lines, viz: The Mazawatte pure Ceylon, the
finest packet Tea in the market, 3 qualities; Moning Congow; Choice Sifted;
Hyson and fresh uncolored Japans May pickings. All have been most care-
fully selected and guaranteed to satisfy. To the most fastidious taste—try our
Popular Blend 25c; Russian Blend 45c; Crown Blend 50c.
F . L - IIS I New Raisins, Arguimbans Select; New
.G' J J.. �Currants in cases; New Figs, New Orange,
Lemon and Citron Peel, New Evaporated Plums and Apricots. Pure Spices,
whole andground. In Vinegar we sell Cider, White Wine, Crystal, Pickling
• and Cross & Blackwell's Malt Vinegar in bottles. Extra values in stylish Din-
ner, Tea and Toilet Sets, the latest designs of decoration with new colors and
tints. Cash for Butter and Eggs.
N. ROBSON, - Clinton
Our Goods are Reliable
Our Stock the Largest in this section.
We have been in business in Clinton now 35 years, and when we recommend an
article you know what it means:—that the article has merit. We recommend
gmbe's Sarsaparilla,
Combe's Headache Powders
Combe's Iron Blood Pills
Combe's Pure
Combe's Condition Powders
Castle's Black Powders
Combe's Baking Powder
Cream!. Tartar.
The tall openings have taken place, and me
are now ready for business. , The universal
verdict by the ladies is that our Millinery
, cannot be surpassed for beauty and style.
We hope to receive the larger part of the
Fall Millinery business, as we have. the
correct styles at prices that cannot be equal-
ed on accountdof our retiring from business.
We are still well Assorted
With a full stock in all the different depart-
ments. We are well pleased with the
amount 01 goods sold since we have com-
menced to sell out, and trust to be able to
clear all out by the time our leaselexpires,
Dec. 31st, 1895. rhe goods must all be
sold anti ion • prices and good goods will do
the business. Colne and see what we have.
Crisp County Clippings
Morke Council agree to a settlement of
the Baron Co. vs, Morrie townehii bridge in corresponding terms to Chief Juat-
ioe Meredith's deoision,
Mr. John Kay has sold his farM near
Fargnar to Mr. Mr Wm. Stewart of the
boundary, for the sum of 24,900. The
farm contains about 90 acres.
Mr. James Lennan has cold his farm oa
the Huron road, MoKillop, near Seaforth,
to Mr. John Devereaux, Sr., for the cum of
26,000. There are 2 barns but no habit-
able house on it.
Last Sabbath evening, ane of the chan-
deliers in St. Andrews church, Kippers, af-
ter being lit for the evening service, drop-
ped to the floor, causing some excitement
for several minutes, but the lights were ex-
tinguished without any serious resulte.—
The chandelier was a total wreak.
We learn that Mr. John Andrew of Us -
borne, met with an aocident last week.—
While taking a load of grain to the market
the lines slipped down behind the horses.
In trying to regain them he fell behind one
of the horses and they ran away. The
load went over him, breaking one of his
legs and severely injuring another.
A good man in the person of Mr. David
Moore Sr. of Egmondvrlle, passed from this
life on Tuesday last having reached the
good age of 87 years. He settled on a
farm on the Kipppen road, Tuokersmith,
where he continued to reside until about 13
years age, when he retired from active dut-
ies of life, and oame to reside in Egmond-
The coleotor's roll for the township of
MoKilop is now with the Collector, and
ratepayers may expect a call from him
any day. The total taxes are $10,959. The
Canada Company owns 1,571 acres that
are only assessed for 220,100, and 400 acres
more, rented, assessed at 224 50 per acre.
Other private parties only 1,560 acres, on.
ly:partly improved, assessed at $22 50 per
acre. One fourteenth of the wholb town-
ship is for sale, and is assessed at a low
rate, while 100 acres is assessed as much
in some parts as 300 sores.
Mr William Landaboro of the 3rd con-
cession of Tuokersmith, this year procured
3 pounds of oats of the Wallace variety,
from the 'Ontario Experimental farm.—
He sowed them with an ordinary drill,
and he threshed as the product of these 3
pounds, 11 bushels and 21 pounds, being a
yield at the rate of 132 bushels from one
bushel'sown. He also received 4 ounces of
a variety known as the New Danish Island
from a firm in the States. From this 4
ounces he had a yield of one bushel and
ten pounds, or at the rate of 176 bushels
from one bushel of seed. It mast be said,
however, that the latter were planted by
hand thus giving them a better opportun-
ity to yield well. He likes both varieties,
but prefers the Wallace, as he thinks it has
a better straw than the other. It is by ex-
periments of this kind that the best yields
can be obtained, and it is a promising feat-
ure that many of our young farmers take
so deep an interest in them.
Caw verti ement ,
WATCH LOST.—Between con. 14, Goderich
township, Bayfield road, and James VanEg-
mond's, Gravelaroad, Hullett on Sunday an
open-faced, nickle stem-winding Waltham
watch. Finder will be suitable rewarded on
returning same to NEW ERA Office. p25
House and Lot for Fale "Or -to
The cottage on Albert et. North, recently oc-
cupied by the undersigned is offered either
for sale or to rent. The lot is one-half acre,
with good stable and drive shed, and the house
has 2 bedrooms, front -room, kitchen, woodshed
and stone cellar. Hard and soft water. hent-
edvrsold on. reasonableltertn4, W. MOORE,
Singer Sewing Machine Agency, Huron Street,
I wish to inform the public that I will not
be undersold by any other person in the
business. i am a practical botcher, and
understand all the branches of the business.
We keep the very best meats and a full
stock always on hand, and will sell at the
Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your
money and get the meat at the cash price.
We will give Credit but not at cash prices.
Please call and see what you can do for
Gaels at
Have you noticed the continued success attend-
ing the pupils of the
The Canada Business College
Mise Lillie Harmer, Thamesville, a pupil of
both departments, has just been sent to Alma
Ladies' College, St. Thomas, to teach Commer-
cial subjects and shorthand.
3'sMiss Jennie McLachlan, who secured a good
position as Stenographer in Chicago a short
time ago, has resigned to accept a better one
with the Haney Desk Co., Grand Rapids, Mich
Carl Fleming, of the Shorthand Department,
has accepted an excellent position with the
Adams' Express Co., Chicago, at a good salary.
Four of our pupile have taken positions as
teachers of Commercial Subjects and Short-
hand in Business Schools since Sept. 1st, 1895.
Our now Catalogue for each department aro
now out. If interested write for either.
A testimonial from D. W. Barn Piano and
Organ Manufacturer, Woodstock, giving his
opinion of this school will appear in this space
next week.
D. McLACHLAN, Chatham
Valuable Farm Property
— tv TRE -
Township of Stanley,
Under instructions from the Trusts Corpora-
tion of Ontario the administrators of the estate
of Alexander McIver, deceased, there will be
offered for sale, by public auction, by David
Lickinson, anetioneer, n l'ook's Hotel, In the
Villagge of Varna, at 1 h hour of 3 pi. m.. on
BER, 1895, the following freehold property sit-
uate in the Township of Stanley, In the County
of Huron. and being lot 16, con R, of the Bald
Township of Stanley, containing by arlmen-
surement 100 acres of land.
The above described propoi ty is sit untoil in
ono of the best farthing districts in 'the Pro-
vincc of Ontario, and is'air1 to have thereon 10
aeren of good bush to have the balance elearcd
and to he good Parfet ng soil.
The property will be sold subject to revery
bid fixed by the official guardian
Ten per cent of the purchase money to be
dpaid at time of sale and the ors 30 days thereafterinnce to the Petr
Further and other terms and Conditions of
sale will be made known at the Iime of sale or
upon a plication to the below named solicitor,
The rusts Corporation of Ontario by.1AME4
MeS IDE, mord 44, Janes Bioek, i5 Young
St., Toronto, their Solicitor herein.
Toronto, Oct. 12th, 1895
Ootober 1B, 1,694
We have just marked off and passed into stock a large
lot of first-class Grey and White I3lankets in all. wool
Union and pure Cotton in 8-4, 9-4, 10-4 and 11-4. AS
these goods have advanced, in price about 15 per cent
since we bought them, you ,will And our prices will
save you money.
We offer 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 Heavy Cotton Napped Blank-
ets, . as heavy as wool ones, fully as warm and com-
fortable, and much easier washed, at 85c, $1, $1.15,
$1.25 and $1.50. It will surprise you to find the
weight, softness and actual warmth of these Blankets.
They have beautiful colored border s, and are bound
at, the ends when cut. Where there are children these
are the very blanket to buy, as you get four pairs for
one of wool, and they wear well and give the greatest
satisfaction. Come in some time when passing and
let us show them to you.
0orrected every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, Oct. 17, 1895.
o 60 a 0 62
060 a 062
022 a 024
030 a 040
046 a 050
175 a 190
550 a 550
0 13 a 0 15
012 a 013
025 a 0 30
600 a 800
025 a 030
400 a4 25
015 a 015
035 a 040
060 a 070
035 a 050
Wheat, spring
Wheat, all
Floor per cwt
Egg eper dos
Hay, New and Old
No. 1 Trimmed Hides
Tomatoes, per basket
W1'rade continued dull again to -day in live
stock. Butchers wero there in great numbers
at both abattoirs, but the business transacted
was comparatively small. .At Point ISt. Char-
les stock yards cattle were selling at about it
to 21c and a large number of hogs were offered
at 84 25. There wero about 450 head of but-
cher's cattle, 150 oaives, and 1 000 'beep and
lambs, offered for sale at the East End Abat-
toir to -day. Really good cattle conned° scarce
there being only one good lot of 10 head on tho
market to -day. Mr George Nicholson, offered
31e -per lb. -for this lot,;but was refused. He
some time afterwards bought them by the dol-
lars at about the same rate that he had pre-
viously offeree!. Pretty good stock sold at from
21c to 31c per lb; common dry cows and thrifty
young cattle from 21c tone, and the lean beasts
and hard -looking bulls from Ile to 25c per Ib.
Calves were plentiful and lower in price, good
weals selling at from 86 to $12 each and com-
mon ones at from $3.50 to $5.50 each. Shippers
aro paying :about 31c :per Ib for good large
sheep, and 3c per ib for good large buck lambs.
Ordinary sheep sold at from $1.25 to $150 each.
Lambs sell at from 21c to a little over 3c per Ib.
Fat hogs are in good supply and sell at from
41c to 41c per lb.
RYMON—At Flint, Mich., on Sept. 6th, the
wife of Mr Geo. Rymon, (nee Miss Polly For -
den) of a daughter.
McKINNON—In Tuckorsmith, on Oct, 6th;
the wife of Alex. McKinnon of a daughter.
KR.ESS—FOLLAND.—At Seaforth, on the
6th inst., by the Rev. Dr McDonald, at the
residence of Mr F. Hammet, Mr Wm. Kress,
of Preston, to Mise May Folland of Seaforth.
TWEDDLE—WILSON—At Ingleside at tho
residence of the bride's father, on October the
8th, by the Rev. A. D. McDonald. D. D. Mr. F.
Tweddle, L. S. D. to Miss Dorothy Isabella, 3rd
daughter of D. D. Wilson, Esq., both of Sea -
forth. •
rich, on the 9th inst., at the residence of the
bride's mother by the Rev. H. Irvine, Mr R.
Postlothwaito, to Miss Agnes Andrews.
PHIPPS—On Oct. 17th, Stillwill Phipps, of
Holmcsvillo, aged 59 years and 11 months.
The Cottage on Orange St., recently improved
by the undersigned. Cellar, hard and soft water,
plenty et Doom for small family. Terme reason•
able. W. C. SEARLE.
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)
Office—namilton St., opeosite Colborne Ile,tel
For School Section No. 6, Hullett, to cosh•
mance January 1896. Male or female holding
Second Class Oert'ficate, Experienced teacher
preferred. Applications received up to Oct. 12.
Apply tk 1THOMAS• NEILANS, Secy. -Treasurer,
Applications will be received up to Nov, 1, by
JOHN MARQUIS, Soo,-treas., S. 8. Nc. 3, Gode-
rich township, for position of teacher. Duties
to commence Jan. 1st, 1896, Experienced tea-
cher required. Applicants to state eatery ex-
pected, experience and present testimonials.
Bolmesville, Oct. 3, 1895.
Improved Yorkshire Boar for
Su'scriber has just purchased an improved
registered Yorkshire Boar, from the well-known
breeder, Joseph Featherston, of Streetsviile,
which will be kept tor service at his premises,
Rase Line Hullett. Terms, 31 at time of seri ice,
with privilege of returning. JOHN OOVIER,
.JAMES HOWSON !has reopened his es-
tablishment above CANTELON'S Grocery
where he will do all kinds of
(;leaning, - Repairing - and
At Moderate Prices. A trial solicited.
Then you don't wear The SLATER Shoe.
Light in weight, springy to the step.
(Goodyear Welt, you know). Neat in ap-
pearance—and wear? " Gosh all hem-
lock! " Yes ; Wear ten dollars' worth.
MADE OF BEST IMPORTED CALFSKIN. (Geo. T. Slater & Sons, MontreaL)
Six shapes—all sizes --any width. Three grades:
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00 per pair.
took for the price stamped on the sole.
For sale by WM. TAYLOR tt SONS, Clinton.
New Boot and Shoe Store
The undersigned begs to announce to the peo-
pie of Londesboro and vicinity;that ne has ol.en-
ed a Boot and Shoe Store next to the post office,
where will be found a complete assortment of
goods are dm -class, and our prices are right —
Custom work and Repairing done fn a workman• Good pasturage for either horses or cattle.
iike manner. Plecty (f glass and water, good fences, and no
Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Come and BOO barb %Ore. Apply to Mil MAT, GLEW, Orange
us before buying elsewhere, hall '2nd con., Hullett, or to 8 , APLE'.fON SALT
JAMES YOUNG, - Londesboro. WOHK't.
The north pert of Lot 10, in the 4th eoneessipn.
of Hullett, is offered for sale at a bargain Ap-
ply to GF:t). F. EMERSON, Clinton
We are
Not Prophets
But we can predict without fear of contradiction
that winter, with its blows and blizzards, is
You'll need Underwear
We show a full range from 25c to $1.25 a garment.
Our special all wool at $1 a suit is superior to any
other we have seen at the price.
You'll .need an Overcoat
Our line of Dark Frieze Ulsters at $6.50 is the best
value in the County.
You'll need Heavy Wool Tweeds
We have them at right prices.
You'll need a Warm Cap
Our assortment of Beaver, Persian Lamb, Astrachan,
Sealette and Cloth will supply what you want.
We are here t(, (1(1 business—our stock is large—our prices
are f;lvtiroble. to the buyer. We want your trade and
think you will do well to make your fall purchases
from us.
The Cash Dealer, Londesboro.