HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-18, Page 34,4, r. r McLeod's System RENOVATOR Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weitk tend Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Slee lessnese, Pallia• t tion of tale Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, ..GODERICN, OMT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton b J. IL C011IBE, and ALLANy& WILSON WOMAN, AND HER DISEASES, BUTCHER SHOPS Cofho's Block Botcher Shop. COUCH & W i 1 SON. Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately conducted byMr Jae A.Ford and will con- tinue the same undr their personal supervision. (Were will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere in town. . ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. BUSINESS CHANGE .Central Butcher Shop The undersigned having bought the butchering business lately carried on by Mr John Soreton ho will oarry on .the same in the old stand. As ho will give personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their gqrrdere being prnreptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is 'good meat at reasonable prices." Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. W. J. LANGFOHD Albert St., Clinton. • FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS : SEEDS We will exchange CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED r—FOR— 4 OATS, PEAS, WHEAT& Barley 101bs. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bush. Oats. Give us a oall. STEEP. h CONNELL. Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that he will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and F EED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of 'Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for cash,. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a hoioe variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- • sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S FIouriFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. Paine's Celery Compound Peculiarly Adapted to Regu- late the system and give her strength. A Paragraph of Truth from a Medical Journal. The following paragraph .from a medical journal published on thie continent, de- mands our serious attenntlon. It reads thus:—"It is sate to say that more than one-half the revenue of the physicians of the world, is derived from the treatment of females. Not once is the diagnosis correct, not oboe in fifty is the treatment suooeesful to the patient." Why is :t that the editor makes such a statement in his editorial in regard to the sufferings of women? Beoeuse the spirit of the times affeots them as much as it does the men more, for their nervous systems are more delicate and sensitive. There is a cause for every evil, and in the school- room we can usually find the starting -point of these headaches, backaches and woman - 1 ills, which are growing so alarmingly mmon. When the great ohenge from o' ildhood to womanhood is in progress, the girl is orowded,pushed, overworked, to keep up with her studies. Add to this the severe anxiety and worry which attend examina- tions, and when the school life is over, her health is seriously deranged. After school days what comes? Are not the duties of women as wearing as those of men? Even more. Social, household. of- ten business cares, must be assumed,which all lend a hand in bringing those delicate nerves into an irritated, weakened, un- strung condition. Is it to be wondered at that the sensitive organs, covered by a net- work of nerves, are deranged, and that life becomes one long, drettiry road of suffering, without an escape or turn? Paine'e Celery Compelled, that great medical discovers, Should be used. Soon your nerves will be strong and vigorous, and the nutrition, di- gestion, and womanly functions will be na- tural end regular. Rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes, a beautiful figure, all the freshness and beauty of youth will follow the health - giving influence of Paine's Celery Com- pound. When you aria"bervous, tired,weak, cannot sleep, have headaches, or any of the nameless ills which so many women Buffer in silence, ase Paine's Celery Compound, and it will restore to you the greatest bless- ing of life—health. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. It is believed that lightning is visible at a distance of 150 miles, but it is still in controversy how far thunder chn he heard. An astronomer who has made observations on the subject declares it impossible for thunder to be heard at a distance greater than ten miles, while another scientific authority, a meteor- ologist, has counted up to 130 seconds between the flash and the thunder, which would give a distance of 27 miles.—'Pleasant Hours.' TRILBY'S FOOT. The step twixt the sublime and the ridi- culous isquickly made. Surely literature presents no more grotesque idealization than Trilby's foot, and the numerous wor- shippers that have, figuratively speaking, bent knees and kissed the big toe of the foot, when reason once more comes to their rescue, will feel as if the production of the genus Ass were perennial. By the way, did you notice when reading Trilby, how highly it recommended Putnam'e Cern Ex- tractor, which renders impossible the dis- cordant excrescence, corns. Trilby's foot would not be worthy of homage if marred by corns; neither would yours. Use Put- nam's Corn Extractor. BANKS. The Holsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855; CAPITAL, -- $2,000,000. REST FUND, • $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes disoonnted Collections made, Drafts le- aned, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposite. Money advanced to formes on their own not() With one or more endorsers. No mortgage ru qulrcd as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. MCTAG6ART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. TELEPHONING A DOG. The following unusual use of the telephone is recorded by an exchange: Jack is a coach -dog that found his master by telephone. In some way Jack got lost, and fortunately was found by one of his toaster's friends, who went to his office and asked by telephone if the gentleman had lost his dog. 'Yes; where is he?' was the reply. 'He is here. Suppose yeu tall him through the telephone. The dog's ear was placed over the ear -piece; and the master said `Jack, Jack, how are you, Jack?' Jack in- stantly recognized the voice, and began to yelp. He licked the telephone fond- ly, seeming to think that his master was inside the machine. At the other end of the line the gentleman recogni- zed his familiar barks, and shortly af- terwards he reached his friend's office to claim his property.—Michigan 'Christian Advocate.' A general Banking Business tI ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FABRIC% & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT. jldvanoes made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of intereet. gneeed Honking Basin s, transacted Interest allowed on depoaits. Sala Notes bough J. P. TISDALL, Manager. y ORGANIZATION OF FARMERS. A re AMIE OF TiLE DAT. James Rogers Speaks Earnestly. Tho development of Farmers' Institutes and othor means of education on successful practi- cal farming has proven beyond a doubt that the present day farmer requires to bo a studer,t of his work. The most successful ones are not, as a rule, those who do the greatest amount of manual labor, but they are found ranking first as prize -winners on all agricultural products. James Rogers, a resident of Tilsonburg Oxford Co., Ont., for 45 years, has taken numerous first prizes during the year. A successful, reliable man, his statement will be of interest to many : " I have suffered for seven or eight years with Itching Piles ; the torture and agony I cannot hero Lind worde to describe. Night after night WEN kept awake with the painful Itohing. I tried all the physicians and every known remedy all to no account, not even relief. In talking over my curious trouble with Mr. Chas. Thomson, our well known druggist, he recom- mended Chase's Ointment. To my wonder and surprise, I got relief from the second applica- tion. I firmly believe one box sufficient to caro any ease of Itching Piles no matter of how long duration. I would not bo without it for ten times its cost. In volunteering this testi- mony and my consent for the manufacturers of Chase's Ointment to use it as they wish, it is that like sufferers may know they can be cured." Price 60 cents, sold by all dealers. Edman. .on, Bates & Co., Toronto. Children Cry for Pitcher'* Castor's!. NE* fl`F1l+ CI INION NE* 'ERA BOULANGER AND MARGUERITE. An "tiniest Fergottea tornance of a Ro• maJ9lti ;leak. Men and events pre qulokly forgotten in France, and to -day, while the multitude at Longobampe are frantioally applauding the National Army and the troops aro marching past In front of the Presidential Stand, few people think back far enough to recall the National fete Day of some years ago when Boulanger was the popu- lar idol and Boulangism a peril to the Republio. The General, who shot himself In a Brussele'cemetery beside the grave of Marguerite, and who sleeps his last sleep there, was at any rate sincere in his in- tense passion and attachment for Madame de Bonnemain, and in oouneotien with this, his last and strongest love in life, a very interesting book will be put llahod in the course of tho present week entitled the "Journal do la Belle Mounlero"--the dary of the pretty rn11ler'a wife In to- day's Figaro several uolumns are devot- ed to the book, and extracts of rett'ospt ct- Ive interest are given from it. ' • Le belle Meuniere," the landlady of a small hotel at Royal, was a good deal nits e i u;; in the liaison between Boulanger and Ma- dame de Bonnemain, the two nav;ng chosen her house as a place of rendezvous whenever it was possible for them to spend a few hours or days togother. Thoir first visit took plane in the autumn -of 1887, when the General, "exiled" at Clermont Ferrand, oontrived to escape under a dLis- gulse and rejoin his beloved Marguerite at Royat. She was awl.iting his corneas in feverish anxiety at the little hotel, dreis- od, relates" La belle A,eut.lero,'' in a deii- olous evening toilette, which left exposed her beautiful nook and arms The lands lady, on seeing her, ejaculated, almost in- voluntarily, "A Dieu, Madame, qua vnus etas belle," which brought froin Mar- guerite the reply that tor the man one loves one oan never be too beautiful. Tho General arrived, she writes, in the mill$ of a fearful storm, ru•hod into tho sitting - room, olaspod Marguerite In his arms, covering her with impetuous kisses, rho scene of this meeting between the 'lovers being so touching, and, to the worthy landlady, overcoming, that she was com- pletely upset. In December of the Fame year a second mooting at the same hotel was arranged, and in the course of it oatne the news of• M. Ferry's defeat at the preci- entlal election, and M. Garnet's triumph. The event was much talked over by the two, Marguerite expressing her con tilot ;on that "her Georges" would before long no at the Elysee. all honor she longed fr, : , ;, fear: d on account of , he dangers ,r ]ilei. encompassed a president or dictator from the assassin s knife ,:r the dynainitvr's bomb. 1': ey both s, oiled perfect ly per- suaded, relates ilia .`12o lo Meunloro," that the General was de ti, ed to become mas- ter of :'ranee, and Ma guorite, at this period of their liaison become aware she Was enceinte, their landlady wap let Into the secret, and asked if she, would under- take the charr,, et the given moment, of the "infant 1'auphln " In the spring of 1889 they v'ere again together at Hoynt. Their conversation turning on the tragi- cal, mysterious death of the Archduke Rodolphe of Austria, the General, accept- ing the version that ho had killed himself on his seeing his mistress dead, gave his opinion that he was justified in cutting short his days if he telt his grief to be in- curable, intimating that under similar circumstances he would do likewise. Mar- guerite turned pale whilst listening to him, and the two seemed weighed down by a species of presentiment of coming sorrow The last extract in the Figaro deals with the fatal illness of Marguerite at St. Brolade, whither "la belle Meun- lore" had followed them. She foresaw hor approaching end, hor sole desire being that life might bo prolonged until she could be legally married to"her Georges." She hoped for a miracle, and between the dying woman and the General the most pathetio scene took place, the latter sol- emnly swearing that if she were the first to go be would not be long in following her. Ho refused, however, to admit she was nearing the tomb, and clasping her in his arms he formed projects for the future, plans irrevocably destroyed shortly after- wards by the death of his adored one. After th funeral "la belle Meuniore" relates her return to her little hotel at Royat, where the General never again appeared. She received, however, ono letter from him dated from Brussols. "It is really true," he wrote, "my poor, kind'Meuniere,' that she is no longer beside me, that adorable creature who gave me tho only happy years that I have had in my life. She is gone, leaving me alone precisely at tho moment when a slight improvement in her health made me hope for her recovery. Happily the dear and so much loved crea- ture was not conscious at the lash, bub passed peacefully away without the pain of witnessing my overwhelming grief. But our separation will not last long. Her family wished to have her body. I refused to give it up. I have kept It near me, my only consolation being to go daily to the cemetery to talk with her. She reposes in a vault peacefully in the midst of the flowers she so loved, and there eho awaits me. For you, who know her, you must surely understand that it le Impossible for me to survive the loss of this angel of beauty, grace, gentleness and goodness. I know I do not belong to myself, but to my country. Therefore, as lorg as pos- sible, I will resist my yearning to rejoin her. But I am a body without a soul or a mind, and when I go to hor I shall have nothing with which to reproach myself. Write to mo about hor, and think some- times of a man who was one of the happi- est and is now ono of the moat unhappy. —General Boulanger." Two months after this: letter the General blew his brains out on the tomb of Marguerite. October 1,8 Actually Stealing Wind. • "Say, ofdoer,I wished you'd drive those hoboes away or rum them in," requested the manager of a Market street oyolery. "They're hanging around the door trying to stool our air all day long." "Trying to steal what?" "Our air, What we use to blow np pnoumatio-tlree with." "Do yotl fellows own the air here? Did you rent it with the premises? You'll be accusing somebody of running off with your sunbeams nekt. I suppose those hoboes grab a handful of air when you ain't looking, jam it in their pockets and run, eh?" "Well if you don't beliove it, just oome back here and watch." The clerk led the way to the baok part of the esatbllshmont where he and the officer concealed themselves behind a our- tain. In a moment a big tramp peered In at the door, mopped the perspiration from his face, Blipped up to the little rubber hose attaohed to the air compressor in the basement, thrust the nozzle into his steaming collar and turned the etop000k. The wind whistled through his olothes and for a moment he was the picture of contentment. Before he could get cooled off two more were anxiously waiting their turn at the nozzle. The officer took him to the oity prison and wanted to oharge him with petit lar- oenoy for stealing air, but had to make it disturbing the peace. CURES BALDNESS, STOPS FALLING HAIR, CURES DANDRUFF, RESTORES FADED AND GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR AND VITALITY. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. WARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. /� r�l� I�icc ��' ao 1„ t tf ,7✓a�'/Vi a sr;! oo+4r *', ONE HONEST MAN AND BiJT ONE REI.IABLE HAIR FOOD. NO DYE. e feed the Hair that which it lack€ and nature restores the color. THEORY. ROYAL SCALP FooD destroys the diseased germs of the scalp and a healthy action inset up. It contains the principal properties of the batt that are necessary to its life without which it will net it fertilizes the scalp the stupe as you do ail= corn and. growth is certain. It invigorates slab scalp, cleanses it and thoroughly eratitsitresidIS dandruff, which is the .or.:runner of baldness. It is the ONLY remedy e' 'r discovered that re- store the Lite, Beauty and fJatural Color to tile hair without harm. Mill. ORDERS PaourrLY FzLLICD. SEND VOR FREE PA OPm.a : '. STATE AND LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. AS CLEAR AS A BELL If a pupil of the but don't try to patch up a lingering cough or cold by trying experimental temediea Take PYNY•PECTORAL and relief 18 certain to follow. Cures the most obstinate coughs, :olds, sore throats, in fact every form of throat, lung or bronchial inflammation In. emcee by uo1d. Large Bottle. 25 Cente. WEA!UIE$S OFMN Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Cured by a new perfected scientific method that cannot fail unless the case is beyond human aid. You feel improved the first dayy, feel a benefit every day, soon know yourself a king among men in body, mind and heart. Drain and losses ended. Every obstacle to happy married life removed. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when failing or lost, are restored by this treatment. All small and weak portions of the body enlarged and strengthened. Victims of abuses and excess- es, reclaim your manhood ! Sufferers from folly,overwork,early errors, ill health, regain your vigor! Don't despair, even if in the last stages. Don't be disheartened if quacks have robbed you. Let us show you that me. dical science and business honor still exist; here go hand in hand. Write for our book with explanations and proofs. Sent sealed, free Over 2,000 references. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, M.Y. Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. does not grasp a subject readily,we repeat and repeat until he gets it. Wo drill; some schools don't. Wo got our reputation tat way; we intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught. Wo teach bookkeeping and business paper by a new method. Enttufre about it. Your money back if not satisfied. Er E A Coon has accepted a position with C D Smith, Winona, Ont., as assistant bookkeeper ' Catalogue free, J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Featherbone . Skirt Bone FOR GIVING style 4 D shape TO Ladies' Dresses. A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The . Celebrated FE A- THERBONE CORSETS are corded -with this material. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers WANTED HELP.—Reliable men in every lo- cality (local or travelling) to introduce a new dis- covery and keep our show cards tacked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment. ment. Commission cr salary $65 per month and expenses, and money deposited in any bank when started. For parti- culars write The World Med. Electric Co., P. O. Box 221, Louden, Ont., Canada. For Twenty—Five Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. es MANITOBA SCHOOLS �r Look over these prices. SUGARSSpecial quotation in bbls. Selling by $ ass than wholesale prices CANNED GOODS- Put np by TdE BEST PA.C132RS. Tometoe Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. TEASExtraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. Good Japan only 15e a pound. Chinese Mixture only 20o a pound. RiCE-25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -28 lb. box for $1. PRUNES, CALI• FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and best assorted stook of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county Selling at close prices. See quality and price. J. W. Irwixi, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, . - - - CLINTON. "`°enmiller Num scary FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARD}': STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this eonneotion will save money by pur chasing here. 0 -der, by Arai(will be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BEN IRILLE R, Important to you � e WHAT?—The fact that we have received for the fall trade, a good good supply of Dry Goods, such as Tweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Cottonades Mantle Cloths, &c. Another shipment of Boots and Shoes. A consignment of Overcoats. Something new in School Supplies. MILLINERY—As usual our Milli- nery is up-to-date and ready for inspection. Everything will be sold very cheap for cash or produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM J. C. JT;VPVS06, LONDESl30RO R. ADAMS. Inattention. Listlessness, inattention and pre000upe- tion are the common faults of some Chris- tian people when in the service of the ohuroh. They do not hear the sermon. When not otherwise occupied they look up for a moment with a flush of interest, but it subsides in a moment and then they stare into vacuity, toss the head from one side to the other, shift their position, turn the leaves of the hymn book, or show some other evidence of the listless spirit that possesses them. When they leave the church they oritioise the preaoher for not Interesting them Such conduct is not, m nob of a compliment to the preacher nor to the Gospel that he preaohes, 'but it is a smaller compliment to themselves, because It Is evidence of bad breeding as well as a small mind. Du Chailin'. Chance. "Yon are still a bachelor?" I asked. "I am," he said, with a hearty laugh; "hilt I hove had more offers than most men. Once, in Africa, the king of a tribe who loved me dearly offered me a choice of 858 women. 'Sire,' paid I, 'to take one would leave 815l1 jealous wotlsen on the earth.' Ms solution was 'immediate. ' Take'exn all,' said ha But I am a baohs. Loa atilt" —THE LEADING— TJNDERTAKER Sash, Poor & Blind Factory '—AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT io STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERTST.,CLINTON Residence over etor e OPPOSITE TOW HALL 4 SWIM ■=18 CCM •1y inz sclub in -21 :: S. S. COOPER Proprietor : Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to 811 all ordersontrneted to me. W prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute oentracte for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also parry in stook all kinds of Window SashDoor Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will E.t.a it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S. S. COOPER, Clinton. hst