HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-18, Page 2u etober 18,: 1.895 A. SKEPTIC CON 'INCEI Q Fig'1.'u ' INS .ANT A.D. V AT1 Al D ,Ami)T0I;NE, A -VACS -TM WXTB A UAD OQLD, ills TROUBLE wpm ROM BAD TO WORSE UNTIL AE WAS THS,EkTENED WITH DQCONOTER ATAXIA-- THEN TAXIA-THEN De. Wzxnwis Pure PILLS CURED ITER oTIIER MIDWIVES HAD TAILED. From the Yarmouth, N. S.,,Times. The remarkable awes affected by Dr Williams' Pink Pills have long been a matter of newspaper notoriety, and many of them—well described se miraQlee—have been in our own province, but we believe so ter none have been published from Yar- rngtith, A. Times representative enquired in a ganrterwbere such things would like- ly bet known, and learned that there were several remarkable oases of restoration to health direotly traceable to Dr Williams' Pink Pills, right in our midst. Curious to ascertain the fade in relation thereto, our representative called on Mr. Charles E. Trask, who had been known to have expe- irieueed a long illness, and now was &pita• rehhtly in excellent health, his ease being attributed tQ Pink Pills. Mr. Trask, who bas been an accountant in Yarmouth for many years, was in his office on John street when the reporter waited on him Pound Mr. Trask in His Office. "Yes," he said, "there can be no possil'e doubtl of the efficacy of Dr. Williamu' Pink Pills in my ease, and I will be pleas- ed if the publication of the facto helps some other sufferer baok to health. I Caught cold, was careless and naught more Cold. The first thing I knew I was seri- ously ill. •I could not walk. All strength seemed to have left my legs and the weak - new increased. From being obliged to re- main in the house I became obliged to to - main in bed, but still supposed it was but a very bad oold. I became so helpless I could not movein bed without help. I had good attendance and the best of care and nursing, but as week succeeded week I seemed to grow worse instead of better, till -L was worn to a mere shadow and be- .toeare very little if I ever reooverc bit that I was threatened with some- ing called l000motor ataxia reminded a fend that my ease seemed similar to some of those described in the Times, which had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and this first drew attention to them as a possible aid to me. I admit that I was skeptical—very skeptical — there are so perry medicines being advertised just now, 'and I was never much of a believer in them. Well, Dr Williams' Pink Pills were pur- chased and I took them, as I suppose I would have taken anything else, simply as the routine of a sick room. The first box; seemed to show littleeffent,._and by .the, time I had got through with the third box there could be no doubt my conditionshow- ed a marked improvement, and I was cor- respondingly encouraged. The pills were continued and I became rapidly better, so that I was able to sit up and go about the hoose, and occasionally go out if the wea- ther was fine. Day by day I grew stronger, and to make a long story short, I feel -I am to -day in as good health as ever I was in my life, and I can hardly realize I am the same man who suffered for six months, a helpless, despondent being, who never ex- pected to be on his feet again. While I have no desire for publicity I am quite willing these facts should be made known for the benefit of others, and am ready at any time to bear hearty testimony to the genuine worth of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, They restored me to health when I never expected to be about again." Mr. Trask certainly looks the picture of health, and remembering the long period when he had been laid up, our representa- tive left, fully convinced that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have well deserved all that was said of them elsewhere: When such cases can be pointed to in our own midst there can no longer be any doubt of the re- liability of the many statements of won. derful (lures effected throughout the conn. try. Mr Oliver Davern, aged 81, was fa- tally injured on Thursday, at Brigh- ton. He was; assisting Mr John Ran- kin, of Smithfield, to put a case of eggs on a train on a siding at the G. T. R. station. While he was under the cars the train started, and the wheels man- gled his left leg in a fearful manner. He died in four hours. THREATENED WITH PNEUMONIA GENTLEMEN.—Last epring I had a very heavy cold and was threatened with pneumonia. I tried 2 bottles of Norway Pine syrup and it completely cured me. It is the best preparation for a cough I have over used. J. K. M' ACDONALD, Whyooco- magh, Cape Breton. The Late Sir John Thompson, while Minister of Justice, one visited the penitentiary at Dorchester,New Bruns- wick, when a man was brought before hien, who complained that his period sentence had been too long. Sir John is said to have been greatly impressed by the story, and exclaimed, "That does seem a long sentence for such an offence; who tried the case?" "It was Judge Thompson, your Honor," came the reply. It is understood that. the Minister of Justice did not interfere with the sentence. TO CURE CROUP. Dear sire, --I have used Hagyards Y el - low Oil with all my children and I think it is the beet medioino ever made. I am now never without ii, in the house. " Mrs. T. H JACKSON, Hilton, Man. A story is told of a dying miser, by whose bedside sat the lawyer receiving instructions for the preparation of his last will and testament, "I give and bequeath," repeated the attorney aloud, as he commenced to write the accustomed formula. "No, no," inter- rupted the sick man, "I will neither give nor bequeath anything. I cannot do it." "Well then,"su gested the man of law, "suppose we say lend. 'I lend un- til the last day.' " "Yes that will do better," assented the unwilling testator, Children G for Pitoher's Caetoria- SRQitT STARXJ?$ RETQLp. '.fir. Grenfell, in tills book, .The Vik- ings of To -day, says: The • Eskimos afi•e' not. Bo particular, ori the subject of mar- ria;ge—at. least they were not a • hun- dred years ago, An English trader in 1710) fell in love with an, Eskimo gill, and asked her hand froze, her husband, who had another wife hitnself. "She is no good to work," replied the hus- band; "have this one and her two chile dren." The Englishman politely said be preferred the younger. ' Take them all,then," said the generous hus- band. No, the Englishman would not so far trespass on the Eskimo's kind- ness, '10h, you can give them back at the end of the year,' replied the Eski- mo, "if you don't want them !" SORES FROM BAD BLOOD. DEAR SIRS.—For quite a long time my blood was very bad, large sores would break out on me from a small scratch. I started to take your B. B. B. which completely cured me. I recommend Burdook Blood Bitters to all who are suffering from bad blood. Olive Cole, Lynedooh, Ont. When Dr. Dewitt of the army was stationed at a post on the Mexican frontier, his Mexican friends deter- mined to do him honor. Accordingly, they arranged a great ball. Dr and Mrs Dewitt were invited, and they were indeed the guests of honor. The ball began early and the surgeon and his wife danced in the first set. They danced in nearly every set, in fact, for politeness forbade refusal, and after a few hours of it they began to be very tired. Time wore' on, and still the i dance went on. It went on all night. Finally Dr. Dewitt called one of the men and asked him when in heaven's name the thing was going tr.. be over, "Oh, senor," said the Mexican; "we have been waiting these many hours for you to give the signal for the last dance," KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purity your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25o., 50o., and $1. Sold by J. H. Combe. Mark Twarn,who recently started on a tour around the w.irld, told an inter- viewer at Winnipeg how he often felt a desire to "cut loose" from civiliza- tion, and to getaway by himself where he could run and yell to his heart's content. In this connection there is a story about the humorist and Canon Kingsley. Walking along the streets one day Mark felt the impulse to yell coming nn him with irresistible force, and said to Kingsley, "I want to yell; I must yell." The Canon said, "All right, yell away; I don't mind." "And with that," said Mark, "I stepped back a few steps, and, throwing my arms above my head, let out a war -whoop that could be heard for miles, and in less time than you could count Canon Kingsley and myself were surrounded by a multitude of anxious cit'zens,who wanted to know what was the matter. I told them nothing was the matter. I just wanted to yell, and had yelled." • Dr. Donald Macleod tells a story about the late Professor Blackie. The professor frequently stayed at Dr Mac- leod's house in Glasgow. "One night," says the doctor, "we were sitting up together. Blackie said in his brisk way, "Whatever otherfaults I have, I am free from vanity.' An incredulous smile on my face aroused him, 'You don't believe that ! Give me an in- stance.' Being thus challenged, I said, 'Why do you walk about flourishing a plaid continually?' ' I'll give you the history of that, sir. When I was a poor man, and when my wife and I had our difficulties, she one day drew my attention to the threadbare char- acter of try surtout, and asked me to order a new one. I told her I could not afford it just then, when she went, like a noble woman, and put her own plaid shawl on my shoulders; and I DON'T TO'ICC° SPIT On SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. is the truthful startling title f a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit cure that braces up niootinized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, v. e makes kk. men gain strength, vigor and nunhood. 'Pott run no physical or linen - o' .I risk, as NO -10 -BAC is sold ender eserantee to pure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 bt. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. 'f 11 11; OWN'J'0 N ENV have worn a plald •ever since in mem- ory of her loving deed.' George Forbes, the engineer of the ,Niagar1,, Electric Company says, he oyer, 1ilved in a bouse belonging to one of the .Porter family, who have long owned most of the property near the Falls. A Miss Porter was once travel. ling in Europe, and, at the hotel table, her neigh/so said: "Oh, if yon are an Amerism, I suppose you have seen Niagara Falls?" She turned to her ere quiver. and, fixing hire with her eyes, she said: "1 own them." LONG-DISTANCE POWER. OiiSent 400 Milos and Gas iso—The Pres. tire Required. There aro two remarkable long-alat.un e transmissions of power In successful ,.ots. a - tion in the United Statea,although nes. .or aro electric tranamisslons,aud each tilt: ;rs materially from the other. Ono Is the transmission of oil by pipe lino, trent the natural oil fields of New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania to tide -water, a dietanue of over 400 miles. The other is the trans- mission of natural gas, also by pipe Nue, from the Indiana fields to the City of Chio- ago,a distance of about 120 miles. The piping of oil, first from the Individ- ual oil wells to storage centers, and then from the storage centers, to tide -water ..as been a process of gradual development for the last thirty years. The individual wells were gradually oonneoted by feed pipes to larger trunk lines, which carry the oil to the storage oenters. There are twelve pumping st • ; ; along tate line, situated about thirty -:I se miles apart. The pumps operate at pressure of about 1,000 pounds pet srpia:e Inch, and the capacity of the lino,ls about 80,000 barrels a day. The main pipe lino is divided into divi- sions and scalene much like a trunk rail. way system,and has, simiIarly,its divis, est superintendents and engineers, sect ion foremen, line gangs and lino walkers, tele- graph stations and dally reports. The natural gas pipe line 1s, perhaps. r. more simple example of long power transmissions. and boars • :.•tv striking points of resemblance to trnas- mission by electricity. In the Indiana - gas fields about sixty wells are in op,•ra- lion, having an average daily capacity of about 6,000,000 pubic feet oai.h. As in the oll fields, so here, the individual wells are connected by feed pipes to a supply lino, whiob collects the gas and carries it to the pumping station. There large compr'ss- ore, capable of producing and austalnln; a pressure of 2,000 pounds per square i,•:•h, force the gas into the trap smisslon lino to Chicago. The norinai pressure carried on thin line is 300 pound por square inoh,w•h'ch admits of a daily delivery of from 1u,it; :i,- 000 -to 12,000,000 cubic feet of gas In CI. lc. ago,whero it Is sold at a price much that of ordinary illuminating gas. Jollnn sot fife leumatim eft- �1. arid Jiuwular Pains ajairl ell? Why riot fly file -(,, Menthol Plaster. my wifcjot ms one, il'cured Tike nage Oaot;{.f oil ( rest. It was anlid; the storm and darkness, toe ship going to [Atones, whloh was parrying Paul a prisoner%to Roma, thee the grand berths man halos all aboard to bo of good cheer; liegives a reason for his quiet courage. "There stood by zee this night an angel of God, whose i am and whom also I serve, saying, fear not, Paul; thou must stand before Caesar, Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer, for I believe God. and it shall he even so, as it has been spoke.0 unto me." No matter what may come to God's witnesses, they need not fear it is for them simply to be faithful to their testimony. The battle in us and around us, now as ever, is between truth and falsehood, righteousness and unrigDt- eousness, Christ and Satan By reason of our unbelief and perverseness and selfish- ness, the way may be long and through the wilderness, yet he leadeth us. It is for us to add to our faith courage, manliness, patience, that we may endure to the end. God reigns, and if he ho for us we are stronger than all that are against us. The triumph of wickedness 1e short. Be of good cheer, child of God. THE' TURNING POINT 10 HOMO COMPORT AND MN:Ciifl M GAMNSD 8Y THE USE Or err PARTIQULAR Who want t(S' look nice, feel good andmake the meet d: themselves. find me azi efaelent;, help,for X make articles that make ladies beautiful of face anc� form and .Int l�th in body. What X do for .others,can�, done,for you..,- yip ('an't tell all about it in this advertisement, ,Ask ALLEN a WILSON, Clinton, Ont, Druggists for my book. These articles are specially goad for purn. FACE BLEACH $1 mer use. per bottle. 'Clears the compplex- ion. You must have it if you want to get rid of freckle% moth patches, &o. FADE POWDER—White, Flesh and Brunette, 60 cents a box. Perfection ' for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75e. in opal jars—creates and improves Inc beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary. St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office,86WaBhington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. A Gun Repoit. Can be heard about 16,000 feet. Good reports of the Radiant Home Curl Stove Can be heard from one end of Canada to the other. The reason for this is simply that the Radiant Home is a powerful heater, economical on fuel and does its work eo perfeotly as to entirely satisfy everyone who uses it. This ex. perience will be yours too, if you buy one. Call and see our- stock—a large assortment. N w �`'1e N'� �� C1d Stand vtackaylilock D BOOS. Brick Block .J DIAMOND DYES: These wonderful Dyes save thousands of dollars annually to happy homes in Canada. At this season, old, faded and soileddresses, capes, jackets, and mens' and boys' suits can be re -dyed, and made to look as well as new, at a cost of ten cents. Diamond Dyes are the easiest to use I they are the brightest, strongest and most durable, Ask for the "Diamond"; refuse all others Direction Book and samples of colored cloth free; address WELLS & RICHARDSON CO., Montreal P Q. The House of Refuge For a long time r suffered with Rheumatism In Le Baok so savorily that I could not even sit straight. My wits advised a D. di L. Menthol raster. 1 tried it and was soon going about al) « 2543 8. C. Menses, Sweet's Comers. Pri DR. WOOD'S R•I•P�A-N-S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Notwithstanding the fact that tenders for the supplies for the House of Refuge were received from all over the county, THE - CASH - GROCERY Was successful in securing the contract for all the Crockery, Stoneware, and part of the Groceries, which goes to show that our prices, and the 'quality of our goods are right. We have been in business just one year, yet with our reasonable prices, quality of our goods and our cash_ system, have built up a trade we thought it would take years to accomplish. We take this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage during the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of the same in the future. OGLE COOPER & COQ Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. *Have you tried it" AYER'S Hair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevents it falling out. Mrs. S. W. Penwlok, of Digby, N. 8., says : "A little more than two years ago my hair began to turn gray slegssostes. and fall :1,1:Or;^r?'1 out. Af- I��rx:: .:= �i,iipt ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An o e-melonal application has since kept 1..e hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. F. FENWICK, Digby, N. S. O rowt h Norway Pine Syrup. Rfcb In the lung -healing virtues ofthe Pine combined with the soothkia and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barb. A PERFECT CURE PON COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis Sore Throat, Creep and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL mad LUNG DISEASES. Obstinatehs which, resist other remedies yield prom to this pleasant piny syrup P1101 IOC. AND 000. PIR aOI T&I. —_-- - elms eY us. ,e/e. p M 'ug( Fire Insurance Co H'Al1.11 ,a ISOLATED TO N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OrpiosRs, D. Ross, President, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Vice Pres. Harlock; V.. J. Shannon, Seoy-Trena Soatorth; rd. Murdle, inspector of Claims, Soaforth, DIRECTORS, Jae. Broadfoot, Seafortb ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuckersmith • Thos. Oar bet, Clinton ; 0, Gardiner, Leadbury ; T. II Hays, McKillop, AGENTS. Thos. Nei lana Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Hee• forth; J. Carvings, Egmondville. Geo. Murdle, auditor, Parties estrous to effect Insurances or Iran- eaot other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above oflr, ioo ad "seed to their reapeoltve offices PSYCHINE (Foos oweim sr-Eaea.) Will cure CONSUMPTION, Lung and Throat DI/eases. Sample tattle sent ties to every sufferer. Glee Express and Poet A.Soum Chemical Co. Ltd, Toronto, Can. Our "Salads" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; price, 40 and 50 cents per pound. In Lead Packets, A large number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1. You had better try a package. Salmon—If you like something choice try a can of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1895 pack A fall stook of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality— bottom prices. Give us a trial order and see what we oan do. 1ICMURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOflice—CENTRAL GROCERY--Tclephoce 40 of Hair. "Eight years ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but With - t; It beneficial result, till I began to f jar I should be permanently bald. About six months ago my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Ilair, Vigor, and I began at once to use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth Of hair as before my fllness." — Mrs. A. WEBER, Polytnnia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PAnrannn IIY QR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S, A. dyer's rubs okra Hick Ifitadowhs. Stock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must he right, And we are going to make them right. From now until Aug. let every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction. Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, .... $ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,.... Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, ... . See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. are great value. 11.70 13.05 They J. Brunsdon & Son, LONDESBORO Agts. for all Farm Implement MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills Seeders, Cultivators, Soumers and all kinds of Plows Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs BINDER TWINE—Beet brands of Twine at low prices. A complete line of "p, "` aT ' �, k Buggies, Road Carts, Wagged* gad* ' ,i'- ......_ ,. 1' Fine Buggies wt —a;«v «.w j 4.- =..A ,, — ,pr� and Standard waggons Sharply a specialty. OUR MOTTO—First-class work anor d Gould, prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kind- of Job Work, JOHN BRIINSDON & SON, Londesboro. • T, JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. The Finest ti PHOTOGRAPHS Oare taken by IL H. FOSTER 4 ,r RUMBALL' 8 RIUUI FACTORY it.I-PSA-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons 4M10J4NnJN011padWdfO14,pad "as e A uNl Which we guarantee to be of first -plass material and workmanship. If you want as good artieleat the price oIi i6' one, dall4d seem. VooaEIAJI L Vx+urs \