HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-11, Page 7oLCOC 'S ,'sten; RENOVATOR .ND QTRER • T WW,Od, .Remedies. SPEtiFIC AND ANTIDOTE' IPor Impure, Weak and Impoverished 1 $1God�yepepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- ition Pf the Heart, Liver Complaint Neural ia, 1.40es of Mexnory, Bronchitis Clongn ption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid liey a 'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance lin',dl9AIr'regularitiee and General Debility i.ABORATORY, iiOOERiCN, ONT J. M. ]YIOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by 17. L. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON BUTCHER SHOPS 'Comte's Block Botcher Shop: COUGH Sc WILSON. Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jas A.Ford and will con- tinue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, $'rash meats of all kinds will be kept in season. Sold at reasonable rates and delivered (anywhere in town. ', ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. BUSINESSCHANGE - Central Butcher Shop The undersigned baying bought the butchering business lately carried on by lMr John Bcrutou he will parry on the same in the old stand. As he will +give personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &a. W. J. LAN GFORD Albert St:, Clinton. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS : SEEDS We will exchange CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED rP'oR- OATS, PEAS, WHEAT & Barley 101be. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bush. Oats. Give us a call. STEED & CONNELL. Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that he will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all k' de also the choicest variety of , Mize Timothy &Small Seeds Which Will be sold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a hoice variety of all kinds. of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S FlourmFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act o1 Parliament, 18551 4 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLBON President.. F. W. THOMAB,....General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sola at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. lirARMICRfB. Money advanced to fames on their own note with one,or more endorsors. No mortgage re quired as security, H. C. BREWER, Manager. (CEO. D. MCTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARR,AN & TISI)A.LL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advanoee made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. A gneeral Banking Bneineee transaoted Tntereet allowed on depoefte. Bale Notes bough 3. P. TISDALL, Manager. 1 A Young Girl's Trials. FIER PARENTS HAD ALMOST GIVEN UP HOPE OF HER RECOVERY. THE CT,IINTO,N "NEW KRA. YE CHRONICLE OE ;SAINT AN- DREW. In reply to 'Kblvinside,' I beg to quote an extract from the Indian Daily News. It is styled "Ye Chronicle of Saint Andrew." 1. It came to pass, in the year one thousand eight hundred and four score and one, in the City of Palaces, dwelt certain wise men from a far country beyond the great sea. 2. (In that year the rulers of the city done that which was right in their own eye.) 3. Now these wise `men aksembled themselves together, and they said one to another, Go to, let us remember the brethren whom we have left. 4. For, behold, we be in a far country, and it shall come to pass that men shall say of us, Ye be nameless on the earth; ye have fled from the land of your nativity, because the land of your nativity is poor. 5. This thing, therefore, will we do; we will ma'1e a great feast, so that the nose of whomsoever swelleth it shall tingle, and we will call to mind the ancient days and the mighty deeds of our fathers. 6. So they appointed a day, and many were gathered together -a mix- ed multitude from the Lands of Cakes and of Thistles, from the West, and from the North, and from the Isles of the Sea. 7. And behold a great feast was pre- pared, and men of white raiment ad- ministered unto them, and a ruler of the feast was appointed, and sat in the midst. 8. And forwith was given to each man a writing of the good things of the feast, and the writing was in . a tongue no man could understand, and the lan- guage was Lhe language of the Cra- paud, which signified in the heathen tongue a frog. 9. And some were there who pre- tended to know the writing, and the interpretation thereof; now these were hypocrites; for they knew but six let- ters of the writing, and these letters were Haggis, and even this much was a great mystery. 10. And the dishes no _man could number; the people ate mightily, as it were the space of one hour. And no man spake to his neighbor till his in- ner man was comforted. 11. And while they ate, behold there drew near there mighty men of valor, ctothed.iin many colored garments, and A GATHERING OF THIRSTY SCOTT$ (Published by request) DALE AND EMACIATED, SUBJECT TO SEVERE HEADACHES, SHE WAS THODOnT TO 13E GOING INTO A DECLINE -Now THE PICTURE OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY. From the Richibnoto, N, B„ Review. There are very few people, espeoially among the agriculturists of Kent County, N. 13., who do not know Mr. H. H. War- man, the popular agent for agricultural machinery, of Molus River. A Review representative was in conversation with Mr Warman recently, when the subject of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was incidentally touohed upon. Mr Warman said he was a staunch believer in their curative proper- ties; and to justify his opinion he related the cure of his sister, Miss Jessie Warman, aged 15, who heli said had been "almost wrested from the grave by Dr Williams' Pink Pills." Miss Warman Had been suff- ering for nearly a year with troubles inoi- ent to girlhood. She suffered,rlrom severe "A picture, of He,alth and Activity." and almost constant headaches, dizziness, heart palpitation, and was pale and blood- less, v e s and eventually y became so weak and emaciated that her parents thought that she was in consumption, and had all but given up hope of her recovery. Her father, Mr. Richard Warman, who is a well-to- do farmer, spared no expense to procure relief for the poor sufferer. The best available medical advice was employed, but no relief came, and although the pa- rents were almost in despair, they still strove to find the means of restoring their loved one to health. Mr Warman, like everybody else who reads the newspa- pers, had read of the many marvellous cures effected by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, but like some others, looked upon these stories as "mere patent med. icine advertisements." However, as every- thing else had failed he determined that Pink Pills should be given a trial, with a result no less marvellous than that of many other cases related through the press. Dr Williams' Pink Pills have com- pletely oared the young lady, so that in a few months, from a helpless and suppos- ed dying girl, she has become a picture of health and activity. The Warman family is so well known in this part of the country that no one would think of disputing any statement made by any of its members. Mr H. H. Warman, on ac- count of his business as salesman for ag- ricultural machinery, is personally am quainted with nearly everybody in the county, and we feel assured that any en- quiries made of him concerning the state- ments made above will bo readily answer- ed. The gratifying results following the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills, in the ease of Mies Warman, prove that they are tine - (palled as a blood builder and nerve ton- ic. In the case of young girls who are pale or sallow, listless. troubled with a fluttering or palpitation of the heart, weak and easily tired, no time should be Lost in taking a course of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood and bring a rosy glow of health to the cheeks. They are a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such ae suppressions, irregularities. and all forms of weakness. Itt men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from men orf er"� work, or excesses of whatever na ore. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are manufac- tured by the Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr Williams' Medicine Company at either address. The Lambton County Council has passed the by-law providing for the erection of a house of refuge, by a vote of 23 to 10. St. Thomas city council has voted to hold the civic holiday hereafter on the first Monday in September - Labor Day. The combination is an excellent one. On June 15, when the Capitals and Shamrocks met in their first match at Ottawa, Mr C. D. Rochester, a railway mail clerk, attended with his wife. When they left the stand Mr Roches- ter found that the back of his wife's dress was covered withtobacco juice and ruined, as far as further wear was concerned. Mr Rochester learned who had sat behind him, and on Wednes- day in the Division Court the two men who had expectorated the tobacco juice were ordered to pay $5 for the dress and 56.50 costs. A SUFFERING ARMY. ilarne Down by a Dolcnticuia Woe. The great army of sufferers from vari- ous rheumatic conditions joyfully wel- come Chase's K. & L. Pills because the foster parents of their aches and pains are the Kidneys, which, on account of a diseased condition, are unable to relieve the blood of uric acid poison, which is deposited in the joints, producing'on the first provocation irritating aches and pains in the bones, joints and muscles. The reason that Chase's Pills relieve and cure is their wonderful power in restor- ing degenerate Kidneys to a perfect and natural condition, without which the sys- tem is supplied with blood teeming with poison that adds fuel to the fire of rheu- matic complaints, demoralizing the en- tire system and rendering it Liable to a complication of diseases terminating in dropsy, diabetes, or Bright's disea.so. A pleasant feature of these Pills is that, while most Kidney remedies entourage constipation, Chase's relieve and cure it. In nearly all rheumatic attacks there exists constipation of the bowels which is easily over -come by Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills; in fact, they are a perfect care for constipation. This is endorsed be, Edward Garrett, editor and p,r,�op��tor of the Bradford, Ont., Weskly Bili, and thousands of others. One pill a close. as cents a box. The chew est medicine on earth. Sold by all dealers. Edwin - son, Bates & Co„ Toronto. • they bore in their arms musical, in- struments like unto a beast of prey. 12. And they blew mightly on what seemed the ;tail thereof, and straight- way there came shrieks and sounds as it were the howling of the damned. 13. And the hearts of the people were comforted, for this is that wherein their great strength lieth. 14. And the wine was brought in vessels, but the children of the North would none of• these; for they quench- ed their thirst with the Dew of the Mountain, which is the water of fire. 15. Then spake the wise men of the congregation unto them, and called to mind the ancient days and mighty deeds of their fathers. And the peo- ple rejoiced exceedingly. 16. Now it caine to pass when they had eaten and dtunken greatly, even unto the full, that the hinges of their tongue was loosened, yea, even the joints of their knees. 17. And the ruler of the feast fled to his home, and a third part of the mul- titude followed, and a third part re- mained saying, "We thirst, and a third part rose up to play. 18. And they played after the fash- ion of their country, and their move- ments resembled the peregrinations of a hen upon a griddle which is hot. Yet they seemed to think it pleasant, for they shouted for joy, 19. Now as for them that were a thirst, behold their drinking was steady but their limbs were not so; yea they also shouted for joy and sang amaz- ingly. 20. And they answered one to another and said that, notwithstand- ing the crowing of the cock, or the dawning of the day, they should still partake of the juice of the barley. So they encourage one another with these words. 21. Now it came to pass that as they slit one came and said that he bad seen a strange fire in the sky, but what it was he could not tell. 22. Arid some said it is the moon; and others said, it is the sun; and some said doth the sun rise in the West? and others said, that is not the West but the east; some said, which is it? for we perceive two in the;sky. 23. And one said, I see nothing. Now the name of that man was Blrn Foo. He was the son of Fill Foo, and his mother's] name was Haud Foo, and his brethren, Bung Foo, Sing Foo, Great Foo, and Dam Foo were speech- less. 24. Then each man bade his neigh- bor farewell, embracing, and vowing eternal friendship, and some were borne home by men in scanty raiment, and others in cartiages which jingled as they went; and others, drove their own chariots home, and saw many strange sights; for they found grass growing and ditches in the midst of the way where they had not perceived them before. 25. And it came to pass that in the morningmany lamented, and took no breafast that day; and the men in white raiment brought unto them many cunningly devised drinks, yea, pick-me-up, for their tongues clove un- to the roofs of their mouths, and the spittle on their heard was like unto a silver coin, yea, even a sixpence. 26. But when they thought of the previous day they rejoiced .again, for they said, Our brethren whom we have left will hear of it at the feast of the New Year, and they will remem- ber ur and bless us, and our hearts and hands shall he strengthened for our labour here. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. is the truthful startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or finan- cial risk, as NO -1O -BAC is sold under guarantee to cure or money r©fnnded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. It is costing:theTorontoPublicSchool Board about $9 per day to deliver wa- tdr for the schools. u Children Ory for Pltofler'* OnOtOrin. P1QUI,IAR CLICI. Seeming tribes have hanged °many a man. Clarke Miller, of Dallas, pro- bably realises this. Miller was recent - 1y sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the assassination of Hagen Roberts, a wealthy farmer. Last March Roberts and his family were sitting by the fireside in hie own home, when they were startled by the de- mand to throw up their hands and by the appearance of two masked men, One of the assailants fired striking Roberts, who died within a few hours. As the man who fired the shot brought down his gun a peculiar 'click was re- cognised by one of Robert's sons, wh had used the same gun a few dal before, This click was due to the loosenet of one barrel. Clarke Miller and Ho and Parton were arrested on the charg of murder. The gun with the;peculia clickiwas found in Miller's possession He had run to his home, and in or•de to avoid suspicion had himself fair med down two charges into the gut and had gcne out to loin in the searcl for the murderers. When the load were withdrawn it was found he ha neglected toput any powder in th gun. Truth is stranger than detective stories. -Savannah Press. RUNNING SORES CURED. DEAR SIRS, -I was troubled with runnin, sores on my face which nothing could cur up to the time I tried Burdock Blood Bit tem, but after taking 2 bottles my face wa completely cured and it left my flesh plea and sound. A HEATHERS, 27 Wolsle' St. Toronto. If you have a few tons of whalehon on hand you will make meney. This article of commerce sold the other day in Dundee, Scotland, the headquarters for the Arctic whale fishing steamships, for $0,500 per ton. To remove the constipated habit, the only safe treatment is a course of Ayer's Pills, followed db Ya laxative ® diet. Most other cathartics do more harm than good, there. fore leading physicians recommend Ayers Pills, especially as a family physic. ,. Friday morning Mr E. J. Kneitl and family left Stratford for Bay City, Mr Kneith was to meet his sister-in-law at Detroit, and she was to accompany his party. Word reached the city that that while the lady referred to was driving to the station, her rig was struck by a train and her two children killed. PERFECT MANHOOD! How attafned--howre: stored-howpreserved, Ordinary works on Phy. siology will not tell your the doctors cant or won't; but all the name you wish to know. Your SEXUAL POWERS• are the Key to Life and its reproduction. Our book lays bore the truth. Every man who would regain sexual vi- gor lost through folly, or develop members 'beak by nature or wasted by disease, should write for our sealed book, " Perfect Man. `b,00d." No charge. Address (in confidence), ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Bufl io. N.T. WANTED HELP. -Reliable men in every lo- cality (local or travelling) to introduce a new dis- covery and keep our show cards tacked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment. Commission or salary $13,5 per month and expenses, and money deposited in any bank when started. For parti- culars write The World Med, Electric Co., P. O. Box 821, London, Ont., Canada. For Twenty -Five Years tA■ ■�■�■1tA BAKING POWDER JI. W. Irwin, Grocer THECQOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE In CANADA. MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. 9e7a.miller Nursery ONE HONEST MAN a�• we AND BUT ONE ,,,y„ ;s' ` H RELIABLE iB. x ., l ., tire ,, , y H A e feed the and nature i R FOOD NO DYE. Hair that which it lacks ° restores the color. s THEORY. { , t ICP Rover. SCALP Foou destroys the diseamad germ e of the scalp and a healthy action is setup i C 11 contains the principal properties of the hair that are aeeesaatg to its lite without which it will not grow. CURES BALDNESS, It fertilizes the scalp the same as you do a tied of +' STOPS FALLING HAIR,corn and growth is certain. It rates rates the slug gist' scalp, cleanses it and thoroughba ezess. ates all i+ CURES DANDRUFF. dandruff, which is the foremanur or baldness. RESTORES FADED AND It is the ONLY remedy ever discovered that will j GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL store the Life, Beauty, and atalural Color is elle hair without harm. MAIL, Or ess PaoyrTLY Fl.wfD. • COLOR AND VITALITY. SEND FOR FR= P.tvsnlacTo. I PERFECTLY HARMLESS. STATE AND Loo:.I..tas.a;rs WANTED. 1, 'i IMARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. ROYAL SCALP FOOD CO. NO SEMMENT. NO LEAD,,, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. Box 305, WINDSOR, ONT . AS CLEAR AS A BELL If a pupil of the --•----._ _�..r.,�_.���-: r ----_=:rte%:... �,.:•.:.:..� ..: .�...t "- Vis. ^�•�: »r' •. �. f _ j' 1 - ice: e, _ rJ Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. does not) grasp a subject readily, we repeat and repeat until he gets it. We drill; somo schools don't. We got our reputation that way; we intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught, We teach bookkeeping and ybusiness paper by a new method. hnquire about Mr E A Coon has accepted a'position with our moneyDbacked. Smith, Winonsatisa, Ont., as assistant bookkeeper Catalogue free, J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVING A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and Sty l e�_ n ` as e yielding conformingng I to AND (\!'v[j folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. TO The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. • The Celebrated FEA- L adies Dresses TBERBONE CORSETS are corded with this material. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers MANITOBA S'CH OO T S p Look over these prices. SUGARS Special quotation in bbls. Selling by 5 ess than wholesale prices CANNED GOODS Put up by THE BEST PACKERS. Tomatoe Corn rind Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackeral. TEASExtraordinary valves in Japan, Black and Green. Good Japan only 15e a pound. Chinese Mixture only -20c a pound. RiCE-25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -28 Ib. box for $1. PRUNES, CALI- FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and best assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county Selling at close prices. See quality and price. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in thio connection will save money by par chasing here, Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to, Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER J. C. STEVENSO\ /-THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER - Q, a, -AND- EMBALMER. A PULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT ie STOCK ThebestEmbalming Flnldused Splendid Hearse. ALBERTST.,CLINTON Rosidenoeoveretore OPPOSITE TOW BALL Importa,nt to you WHAT? -The fact that we have received for the fall trade, a good good supply of Dry Goods, such as Tweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Cottonades Mantle Cloths, &e. Another shipment of Boots and Shoes. A consignment of Overcoats. Something new in School Supplies. MILLINERY -As usual our Milli- nery is up-to-date and ready for inspection. Everything will be sold very cheap for cash or produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS; VIIIMISIMINatmsgaramigsgalIMINIsIBINNtpl Sash, Poor & Blind Factory 0 cd :: S. S. COOPER Proprietor : : Owing to my increasing bneiness, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also potting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrneted to me. W prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of regidenoes, and estimate contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also parry in stook all kinds of Window Saeh, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to gee me before sodoing. S. C OO F'E R, Clinton x