HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-10-11, Page 30.
:NTON NE rel, ER
October 11 189
Contains no Injurious Drugs! Every ingredient is a Health Builder, Certain and Permanent Relief is guaranteed in cases of Con-
Dyspepeia, Nervousness, Ail Weaknesses, Blood and Skin Diseases. It is based on Glycerine instead of Alcohol. For Pro-
ducing Soft, Clear Skin and Bright Complexion and Relieving all ills Peouliar to Women it is Unsurpassed.
$qld tit, ALLEN & WILSON'S Drug Store, Clinton. Be certain to get "MANLEY'S." Take No other
Frdward Blackall, a bookbinder and Book Notices.
Inventor, committed suicide at his �.
"There is a time to len h," says the
2414 (13 Wood street, Toronto, by
Sl sting "himself through the head
• .' 1.11 -health was the cause of his suicide.
I'iye thousand dollars was spent for
the favors given in dancing the germ au
at One theof ,Newport balls this sum -
Wet, At the same ball $20,C00 was
(spent on Sowers. At Topeka a short
time ago," a man was arrested for bury-
ing the corpse of his baby in the back
hyard The family were starving and
ad no money to hire an undertaker.
• The adjustment of wealth seems un-
These wonderful Dyes save thousands of
dollars annually to happy homes in Canada.
At this season, old, faded and soiled dresses,
capes, jackets, and rens' and boys' suits can
be re -dyed, -and made to look as well as new,
at a cost of ten cents.
Diamond Dyes are the easiest to use ; they
are the brightest, strongest and most durable.
Ask for the "Diamond"; refuse all others
Direction Book and sannples of colored cloth
free; address
An odd character is now in Winona,
Blinn.,Blinn.,in the person of George Burns,
who has good reason for his eccen-
tricity He has/papers which show
that he was 'ad engineer of the
Steamer, City of savannah, which was
reeked off he caast of Massachusetts
n Jan. 1::., 1884, while en route from
Florida. He was reversing
when the steamer struck the
x.... o nd he was thrown into the ma•
t;bipery, receiving injuries which crip-
pled him for life. There were 118 li-ves
lost in the accident, and Burns is one
of the 37 survivors. For a long while
he lay on a cot in the death row of
of Bellevue Hospital, New York. Dr.
Hayes Agnew attended his case and
removed five ribs from his left side
and trephined his skull, using six
ounces of silver sheeting for this pur-
pose. He was compelled to wear a
plaster paris jacket for four years after
the accident. A portion of the lower
end of his spine and both elbow joints
are gone. One knee cap is on the back
of the leg, and his heart is on the ex-
treme right side of his body. He is
now 64 years of age, and walks very
well, and has a cheerful disposition.
He is a member of the Grand Army of
the Republic, and served during the
War on the gunboat Essex, which was
stationed at Cairo during the early
days of the rebellion.— Minneapolis
Some. Id. Yiohoraon.
Passes Belief
leer. Jae. E. Nicholson, Florenoeville,
N. B., Struggles for seven Long
Years with
Mr. Nicholson says: "T consulted doe -
tors who i' s ti':,ed for me, but to
no purpose; tear canoe,: aegan to
Ent into the Flesh
spre•rd to my chin. and T suffered Ir.
softly for setPit hint years. 1•It ally I
l began taking .c y, r rt Sarsaparilla. in
a week or two 1 noticed a
Decided improvement.
Encouraged by this result. I perse-
vered, mail to a month or s t the sore
under my chic began 10 heal, In three
months my Hp began to heal, and, after
using the Sarsaparilla for six months
the last trace of the cancer disappeared.'(
ityer'o Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's Fair.fmkNeatceitlikn....-•..«e..�. r.__M.,...eee� --
.Arz s T XLI S1 Tter�uttree . r: A 5f '-'eta.
wise man, and in the "Diar� of tbhe Rev.
Solomon Spittle" in No. 16 of H. L. Hast-
ings' Anti Tobaoco Crusader, which has
just come to our table, we recognise and
heartily welcome a new departure in deal-
ing with the Tobacco problem. We have
had the heavy artilley. Call out now
the reserve force—the light infantry of fun
and ridicule. Statistics and scientific facts
are all useful in their way,—nay indispen-
sable, but often a good laugh does more to
shake the foundation of an evil custom or a
vicious habit. Every tobacco using pastor
should be presented with a copy of this lit-
tle book, and the tobacco -using deacon or
Sunday school superintendent should not
be forgotten. Send 10 cents to H. L. Hast-
ings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mase., for a copy.
this publication for October is before us,
and is the first under the editorship of a
Clintonian, Mr J. A. Cooper. It is purely
Canadian in its aim and tone, and the our -
rent number oontains several interesting
contributions, one in particular that is of
praotioal interest being on the necessity of
an "Imperial National Currency," the sug-
gestion of whioh could be anted upon with-
out difficulty.
Tun Boog or THE FAIR.—Part 17 of this
exceedingly interesting work has reaohed
us. It finishes up the Anthropological Bea -
tion, and not only presents a number of
admirable views, but gives some valuable
information in the letter press -information
which implies great research and labor. It
also contains the opening part of Chap. 26,
which deals with the' Art department—a
department which was the source of never
ending interest to World's Fair visitors.
Those who wish to possess a valuable re-
membrance of this wonderfal exhibit,sbould
subscribe for this book, published :by The
Bancroft Co., Auditorium Bdg, Chicago.
DEAR S1RS—J was troubled with a nasty
cough and T really thought I was going into
consumption. I took 2 bottles of Hag -
yard's Pectoral Balsam and can say that
it not only cured me bat that I never had
a cuugh sinoe. It is the best remedy in
the world.
GRACE WHITE, Black, Cape,
Bonaventure Co., Quebec.
Two hundred new designs in penny
toys are brought out every week at White-
chapel, London.
In the San Diego Police Court last
week, a man testified that his wife gave
him board in return for his services.
Among the Copts in Egypt, to whom
the Pope has sent his latest appeal in
behalf of religfoue unity, there is a etaong
movement in favor of a return to the
Roman Catholic Church.
The necessary funds to raise a statue
to Oliver Cromwell have been privately
subscribed to by four wealthy gentlemen
of England, of whom the late prime
minister iS named as one.
"We are striving to conduct our hotel
in such a way as to make it an aid to the
extension of Christ's kingdom," is the
advertisement of a proprietor of a "pri-
vate Christian temperance hotel" in
The American copy of Poe's "Tamer-
lane" now sells for $2,600, and has been
bound in a $500 cover. It was recently
owned by a firm of publishers who
would probably have changed Poo at
least $500 for printing it.
Five Protestant Episcopa bishops are
in Saratoga spending their vacation,
namely, Bishops Quintard, of Tennessee
Perry, of Iotga, Walker, of North
Dakota, Scarborough, of New Jersey,
and Johnston, of Western Texas.
Since the earthquake in Florence. there
is hardly a street in the ancient town
that does not contain one or more lighted
shrines holding figures of the Madonna
and saints. In some streets there are as
many as four or five of these shrines,
with garlands of evergreens and flowers
round them, and rows of burning candles
before the images.
A work containing all known docu-
ments concerning the life rand family of
Dante, corrected by. new researches in
the various Italian archives is soon to
be published in Rome in 40 numbers,
under the title of "The Diplomatic
Dante Codex." Each number will have
five phototype plates, and it is expected
the work will he issued at the rate of 10
numbers a year. The edition will bo
limited to 800 numbered copies.
Mr. Mill, in the Revue Glene, tells ah
anecdote of Napoleon Bonaparte. It ap-
pears that a Dr. Bate, an English teacher
employed by the Imperial family of Aus-
tria, dined one evening with Napoleon
Bonaparte in 1792. Napoleon asked him,
in the course of conversation, whether he
would stand a good chance of promotion
in George III's army, to which the `Other
replied that he might rise to the rank of
lieutenant colonel, and might be
sent off to India to die of a fever.
After this be gave up all idea of serving
in the English fords.
Senator Teller is one of that numerous
class of men who are peculiarly fond of
"mother's cooking." It happens that the
Senator's mother lives with him on his
Colorado ranch, and always superintends
the butter -making. The Setator's wife
tel an- excellent housekeeper, but some-
times things will go wrong in the kit-
chen; and on such occasions, it is said,
Mrs. Teller passes the yellow dairy pro•
duet to her husband, and says: "I am
sorry the dinner is not very good to -day,
Henry, but, there, at least, is some of
your mother's butter.
The Rev. Dr. F. E. Clark, who origin-
ated the Christian Endeavor movement,
has come to be called "Father -Endeavor"
Clark, very much to his disgust., for it
gives people the impression he is an old
and withered patriarch, when, as a mat-
ter of fact, ho is only 44, and is in the
prime of his strength and vigor. Once
some enthusiastic Endoavorers, after rub-
bing it in by calling him ''Grandfathor-
Endeavor Clark," asked him for his bles-
sing. He complied with their request,
but he says it required a large supply of
Christian grace to unable him to do so.
With a cough, cold or
sore throat. fisc it
remedy that relinros
from the start, soothes
0 and heals the inrte ., a1
tissues of jhe larynx or
bronchial tubes.
Is • certain remedy band on a el'u know•
ledge of the dluu.s it was created to
Almost every man you meet knows
of some way in which he could make
a fortune if he only had capital enough
to make a start.
There's no doubt that the woman
who wants to climb up the ladder of
fame can get up a good deal easier if
she has bloomers on.
The thing that makes the man suf-
ferring with insomnia most disgusted
is to think that everybody else in the
world is sound asleep.
Christian science may be all right for
dyspepsia, but the believer in it gene-
rally sends for a regular physician
when he has a carbuncle.
The man who whistles at his work
may have a happy disposition himself,
but he is likely to sour the dispositions
of all his companions in the office.
Eve was the first new woman. She
didn't wear bloomers, but the Bible
says she and Adam sewed fig leaves
together to make themselves breeches.
When a man makes a Mistake, thete
is no sense in his making another mis-
take by trying to explain to everybody
he meets just how he came to do it.
It has been observed that when a
business man returns from his vaca-
tion he usually devotes an unusual
amount of attention during the next
few weeks to trying to collect his bills.
It is possible, perhaps, for a man to
be a true Christian and at the same
time a successful politician, hut before
he gets through his Christianity is
bound to get an awful strain.
Nothing seems to delight the man
who refused to pay his income tax
more than to ask the man who did pay
his tax, whether he has got his money
back ftom the Government as yet.
Even the thoughtless man gets
promptly into the nearest doorway
when he sees a policeman, standing
back of him, getting out his revolver
to shoot a dog running away down the
Children Cry for
Pltcher'n Cantons.
Orillia, Feb. 10th, 1894.
Gentlemen,—Aliout three or four weeks
ago I had an attack of Itching Piles. I
tried two or three different remedies recom•
mended by druggists as "the best and only
cure," etc„ etc., but got no relief. About
the time I was beginning to despair of
finding any relief, with some Blight miBgiv-
ings I bought a box of your pile cure, which
I am pleased to say gave me almost instant
relief and permanent cure. I consider your
Dr Chase's Ointment a God-send.—ALF. J.
Edenburg had seven inches of snow
on Friday.
The pews in the Centenary Metho-
dist church, Hamilton have been rent-
ed by auction. The plan was that the
amount offered over the regular price
of each pew was to go to the credit of
the renter upon the building fund of
the church. The premiums received
amounted to about $2,500, which will
go to the fund.
Mrs T. C. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn,,
say: Shiloh's Vitalizer saved my life I
consider it the best remedy for a debilitat-
ed system 1 ever used. For Dyspepsia,
Liver or Kidney troubles it excels. Price
75 ate.
Mr James Bushlleld, whose former
home was in Logan, and whose bro-
thers still reside there, is in luck. He
has a large property in Washington
Territory, on which fine speLinlens ref
coal have been discovered. A shaft
has been sunk and the mine is in ope-
ration, and the samples are said by it
local paper to be "veritable black dia-
One day at the table of George the
Fourth, when Prince Regent, the roy-
al bot said, "Why, Colman, you are
older than I am.' "Oh, no sir," re-
plied Colman, "I could not take the
liberty of coming into the world before
your royal highness."
A Boston man travelling in the South
was obliged to stop over in a small town
where there was but one hotel, at which
the accommodations were hardly to be
called elaborate. When the colored
waiter brought his dinner, the Boston
man found that he was to have roast
beef, stewed ,tomatoes, corn, peas, po-
tatoes, and coffee, the vegetables serv-
ed in the usual stone china canoes.
Presently he said to the waiter, "Dick,
pass the spoons." The waiter rolled
his eyes in genuine amazement. "Sah,
spoons! What you want with the
spoons? There's yo' spoon in yo' corn."
Confusion as to the choice of a blood -
purifier is unnecessary. There is but one
best Sarsaparilla, and that is Ayer's. This
important fact was recognized at the
World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, being the only
blood -purifier admitted to be planed on ex-
Of all the expedients devised by debt-
ors, whether by Micawber or Murger,
few have been more simple and effect-
ual than that of a Mrs Martin, in San
Francisco recently. She had ordered
a ton of coal delivered at her reside_ace.
The coal dealers had not yet rece7ted
their pay for previous -to so th itf-
structed their driver to talfiTtWebalto
her house, go to the door, present the
previous bill, and refuse to deliver the
coal until the bill waspaid. He did so.
The lady looked a little surprised, but
an ominous glitter came into her eye
when she heard his ultimatum. But
she repressed her feelings, and suavely
invited the coal man to "step into the
parlor while she went to get the mo -
they." The coal -heaver was rather
grimy, and did not seem exactly to fit
the furniture, but he accepted her in-
vitation, stepped into the parlor, and
Mrs Martin disappeared. Many min-
utes passed. The coal heaver became
impatient, but the lady did not return.
Finally he heard the crash of coal. He
looked out of the window. To his hor-
ror, he saw his coal being unloaded by
another man. He tried the door, but
it was locked, and the grimy coal -heav-
er grimly sat down and waited. After
the coal was unloaded, the lady appear
ed and let hien out. There was a tri-
umphant twinkle in Mrs Martin's eye
as she told him to "call again with the
DEAR SIas,—Having a most distressing
cough for some time, I tried Dr. Wood's
1 orway Pine Syrup, and after taking a few
doses, found great relief and one bottle en-
tirely cured me. It is the best cough medi-
cine I have ever taken. WALTER PIZ-
ZEY, Balmreio, Man.
Mrs J. McKenzie, of St. Thomas,
drank about an ounce of carbolic acid
from a bottle by mistake. It took two
physicians two hours to restore her to
consciousness, and it is now thought
she will recover.
t•lopit:r-�i�i.,•;,,:�,.,� SKIN,
LRUprloys aN THE SKIN.
T Cf!�,1]l(„-.,f:C�./.1 � rte.J.Li�•' rn`. �'a!
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC
Sold by Druggists or sent by Medi. Sac., 60o..
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
The Favorite TO TH POWDER
KO N O for the Teeth and Breath. Oso
Sold by J. Ii. OOMBE.
For Sale or to Rent.
COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton.
A splendid stand, where good business is
done. The bouse has excellent accom-
modation for travellers and public generally.
Terms made known on application to JNO.
BOSSIER, Benmiller.
Also HOTEL at Exeter North—
Will be either sold or rented. For par-
ticulars apply to J. T. WESTCOTT
Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, Benmiller.
Also, FARM of 200 ACRES—
being lot 12. 1st Con., West Nissouri, good
soil, 1.40 acres cleared and in good shape of
cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple
Also FA ll1%1 of 50 ACRES—
being East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of
West Nissouri. Will give party who wants
to do inisi ess a particularly good chance
on this prni•crt},
Any of the above are good investments,
and all I.artic ulv"a nail he obtained on
application'o.TNO. ROSETT•,R, Br.nmiller.
�clr vim®
monds, r•illiant and hard acid wit hnuf 1 CURE FITS!
a touch of Other objecti,.11.tlilt' ole- i variable treatise and bottle of medicine Hent Erie to any
IYrent6." Sufferer. Give Express end Poet Office eddreea, H. G.
ROOT, M.C., 186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont.
F. S. Christiansen. Danish Vice Con-
sultor Minnesota, shut himself through
the heart. A few days ago his house
was hurned,with its valuable contents,
which included many ti ensures and
mementoes, the fruits of patient collece
tion for many yen rs. This Ins; had a,
very serious effect on the mind of
Christiansen. rind it is believed his sui-
cide was the result of temporary de-
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a gnaran•
tee. It cures incipient Consumption. It
is the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose. 25cts., Soots., and 81. Sold by J. H.
Combe, Clinton.
To the discerning aar Nature hoe many
voices. She has a message in the sweet
tones of the brook as i6 rushes down the
hillside, in ocean's moody voices, now rip-
pling in gentlest cadence upon the golden
sands, anon in deep boisterous voice as she
lashes the beach with foam. Then the
voice of trees which the laughing wince
bear to our ears, of sunshine and shade, of
hill and valley, of bird and flowers. But
she comes in pain, too, the voice of the ach-
ing, stinging corn speaks impressively, but
Patnam's Painless Corr. Extractor removes
the worst corn in twenty-four hours, pain-
lessly and without leaving sero spots.
The most prompt pleasant and per-
fect euro for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy,
Pain In the Chest and all Throat,
Bronchial and Lung Diseases.
The healing antl-consumptive virtues
of the Norway Pine are combined in
this medicine with Wild Cherry and
other pectoral Herbs and Balsams to
make a true specific for all forms of
disease originating from colds.
Price age. and sec.
for Infants and Children,
OTHERS, Do You Know that Pare,
Batsman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many-so•eaued-.soothing, Syrup:;, •
moat remedies for children are composed of opium or morphinet
Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t
Do Yon Know that in most countries druggists are uot permitted to sell narcot.
without labeling them poisons !
Do You Know that yon should pot permit any medicine to be given your
unless you or your physician know of what it is composed?
Do You Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and deli a lig of
its ingredients is published with every bottle !
Do Yon Know that Cort -toric is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samna/ Pitcher.
That it has been Muse for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now cold than
of all other remedies for children combined t
Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and urs assigns to use the wort,
a °Astoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense!
Do Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection war
tecsuae Ca&torla had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castello are furnished for 31
agate, or one cent a dose
Do. Ton Snow that when possessed of this perfect preparation. your chairs 1o4
1a kept well, and that you may have unbroken east !
Walla these thing are worth knowing. They are facts.
The ilio -simile
aignatnre of
Is on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
As many good things are likely
to. But you are safe in running
the risk if you keep a bottle or
Perry Davris°
at hand. It's a never -failing
antidote for pains of an sorts.
- Sold by all Druggists,
flos r. -One teaspoonful in shalt gime of water or milk (warm If convenient) 1
Not Giving up Business !
But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods.
New Flannels. and Flannelettes
New Cotton and Woollen Blankets
New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc.
New Ladies' Underclothing
New Readymade Clothing
New shirts and Drawers
New Dress Goods
As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as th,
compass. The quality of our goods do not change; we buy the best in tht
market. We have a big stock of
If you need a Washtub, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop or
Scrub brush, it will pay you to call.
We have Ben Hur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilla, the finest of
TEAS—Ceyluns, Japans, the best that can be had in the market.
COFFEE—Fresh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for a
Bedroom Set.
After the 1st of Fehr tory, I will sell
for Cash or its equivalent—feeling as-
sured it will he the most satisfactory
to all. It will enable me to buy my
goods to better advantage, and conse-
quently will sell at a closer margin,
giving my customers the benefit.
Thanking"my customers and Patrons
for the liberal support extended to me
in the past, 1 respectfully solicit a con-
tinuance of your favor, feeling assured
that the Cash System, being the true
principle, will recommend itself to all
right thinkingTpeople.
The Crown Blend and Russian
Blend—We direct yonr attention to those
high grade Indian and Ceylon Blends. I
have load the exclusive sale of these Teas
with ms.st gratifying results; nothing but
high grade Teas are used in theme blends;
ask for these and take no other; get sample.
Sole agent for Sailor Boy »rand Japan Tea.
30c., 41b for M. Speoial value in all Teas.
Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfleh
Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddie,Cannedli•igh
Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Flour
Oatmeal, cite. Bargains in Crookery,Ohina
Glassware, Dinner, and Toilet Sets, etc,
Produce taken as Cash.
N. ROBSON, - Clinton