Clinton New Era, 1895-10-04, Page 6-�J A Qotober 4r 18.11 ay �, '1 t L 01.4.Jri'ON VIV ti SAVED MUCH SUFFERING P.. ETN$FBEEI.NTER- Et »?yt�3 1'llcix 1,N Anoses xet Tus Slum Wsxoa lin W1r.PIAttO PIN}t Pxxa+s ,Cunsu <3nxu On= Msoton 8 Pax,. Paledeala" I`i. i .tp gold Hunter. Faith leads many to believe, yet when one has experienced anything and has ren. pep to raj=a, it ie lar etrenger.proof than tail withent reasonable proof. About four Miles f core Caledonia, along a pleas- -•ante••100,•,paseing.'by,,,,.laraleretts !arms, dives Bey. '1'. J, Butler, the pariah pr'e"et`• of this; distriot. Reports having Dome to the eare of our reliorter about a wonderful oure••effeoted by Dr .Williams' .Pink Pate be called on Mr Butler to Beek information on the subject. Mr Butler spoke in very high terms of the Pink Pills, and said they had saved him untold suffering,and per- haps saved his life. The reverend gentle- man felt a little hesitancy at giving a pub- lic testimonial at first, bet after our re-: porter remarked that if cue was really grateful for a remarkable cure, he thought it was his duty to give it publicity for hu- manity's sake, he cheerfully consented. His story in his own words is as follows: I was led to take Pink Pills through read- ing the testimonials in the papers. I was troubled with an, aboeevin my side and had tried many different •modioineu with- out avail. I took medical advice on the subject, and wae.told.I would have, to, -un- dergo an..operation to,onre it wbieit,.atotild: cost me about $100. At last I determined to.try Pink Pills, but without a great feel- ingoff h of their :curing ,me., One bob heped ►nd Y resolved to take a three months course and give them a fair trial. I did so,; and 49 -day 1 am completely pared . of the abuse in my side.. through .nsing' Pink Pills, and I always recommend .friends of mine to nse Pink Pills- for dis- eases. of the blood. As Father Butler is well known throughout this oonnty his statement is a clincher to the many won- , derful testimonials that have appeared in the Gold Hunter from time to time. On enquiring at the stores of J. E. Cushing and N. F. Douglas, it was found that Pink Pills have a sale second to none. Mr. Cushing on being asked if he knew of any cures effeoted by them, replied that he had heard a great many personally say Pink Pills had helped them wonderfully. If given a fair and thorough trial Pink Pille are a certain onre for all diseases of the blood and nerves, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St- r. etisisaamse,'ri�ervons headache, nervous " ostration and the tired feeling rotn, the after effects of la grippe, dis- eases depending on humors in the blood, suoh as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pille give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and .in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all eases arising from mental wor- ry, overwork. or excesses of any nature. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, post- paid, at 50 cents a boxer six boxes for $2.50, by addressing thr Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont , or sub- stitutesSoneneota- alleged to be "just timitations, N. Y. Beware of "d as good NEWS NOTES At Port Dover, Miss Lonsboro, an elderly lady, dropped dead from fright caused by burglars. John H. Holt, a carpenter, was in- stantly killed at London by falling from a scaffold. 'Walter H. Palrner, aged 32 jumped from a ferry at Windsor and was drowned. W. B. Palmer, Teller of the Bank of Commerce, at Hamilton, is missing.– His cash is about $3,000 short. SHILOH'S CURE, the great cough and croup Mire, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25o Children love it. Sold by J. H. Combe. Lord Dunraven has ordered the yacht Valkyrie to be laid up at New York, and will race the Defender again next year if matches can be arranged. Mr Shortie, the father of the Valley- field murderer, has forwarded a cheque for $1,C0 to Mme. Leboeuf, the widow of one of the murdered men. The Pall Mall Gazett prints a dis- patch from Shanghai which says: "Ap- pearances indicate that England is finally in earnest in regard to the 7 massacres in China. Five warships are now on the River Yang -Tse -Kiang, proceeding towards the scene of the disturbance, and four more are ex- pected to start to -morrow." Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San ;Diego, Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first remedy I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50o. Sold by J. H. Combe. Alvin Jenks, a well known Toronto business man committed suicideThurs- day morning at his residence, during the absence from home of his wife.– The cause is unknown. Just prior to his death Jenks wrote a letter to a city undertaker, telling him to call with a coroner at his house in the morning. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AwAv. is the truthfnl startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit pure that braces up niootinized /nerves eliminates the nicotine poieon, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or finan- cial risk, as NO.10-BA0 is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. The London Times prints a dispatch from Hong Kong which says that at the annual examinations in Canton thousands of students were given copies of an imperis al decree in Which the doctrines of the Christians were fiercely condemned. The decree uses the following language: "A stu- pid, bh#oli•ihhiref race is establishing inn-' dry sects, and they regard not their own lives, but Pretend to rile again as immor- tal men and women. They Congregate, and, abandeuing chastity, behave,like ob scene bird. Intl beak k. Faithful Confnoi- one must shoot and 'Anne and behead them without rilereyi>`I, the Emperor, com- mand the authorities to eradicate these weeds end, vermin. Kill the serpents. Throw them to the wolves and tigers, be- cause there is no salvation for them, eith- er against heaven-seht calamities, or mis- fortunes cadsi;d by human agencies." FALL FAIRS Blyth, Oot. 8-9. Ifayfleld, Oot. 10-11, iY `L yeilChiid�}ren, Orr for tt e'he Va torI �. Fi`•al��i7�4"pint'. •a .. A I,I,T1 tE OF EVERYTHING. Try a pail pt cold water to purify the air of a room. For colds and ooughe eat plenty of cream .or honey, 'Landseer's "Chevy" was sold lately in London for $29,925. Kansas colleges bad 5,000 students and 10 football teams last year. Diamonds have been found in North Carolina, Virginia and -Maryland. Over 20,000 patients are treated week- ly in England:a,bospttala. Manilla paper,paated over ton,- backs of pictures will exoltido dust perfectly • ..-,.:Ittsli....e414l10090 -„that• therfa” arc .lists.: moonlight didtill,orios in , the United States. The sunstone, a variety of fieldspar, . has been found in the Dakotas and Montanas. • Diamonds have been found in 15 or 20 difforout localities in California. • The only quicksilver mines o! conse- quence in this country are looated in California. The ore traffic from the Lake Superior mines this season bids fair to break the record. The Set profits on the sale o1 spirits by the federal administration of Switer- land was about 5,000,000 frar{os in 1894. . Smith Mowry, of Champaign, Ill., has a trei chat has 159 .pears on a limb one and ono -quarter inches in diameter. The opening of the Continental Bank building in Memphis the other daymark,- ed the completion of the tallest office building in the South - Transfusion of blood from the arm of a healthy man into that o! a sink patient was first tried in this oonntry at New- burg,-N.Y.. in 1893. Alla highest ..temperature of the world is recorded in the great desert of Africa, where the thermometer often marks 150 degrees• Fahrenheit Instructions have been issued by (the British admiralty to the recruiting om- tiers to enter for the present year 8,000 boys for service in the navy. In far Western China there is a suspen- sion bridge 250 feet long and 12 broad, formed of linked bars of wrought iron. It shows stability and delicacy of design, and is a remarkable piece of work for the country in which It was done. wan: TIE HUMQItIS.TS. "Jones, I see, is back from bis va- cation," ""Flow long was he gone?" "1 -le doesn't know; says he can recall only five days clearly.' I wish I bad a place in your heart," • said the slimmer young man. "Yes?" said the summer girl "Yes, indeed, It, is so delightfully cold." "Why, I didn't know you were ac- quainted with old Moneywug?" "Oh, yes." "How long have you known him?" "About•three years as ten per cent." "For several months, I was troubled with a persistent humor on my head whish gave -m considslablif annoyance, until•' f 000nrred tome to try Ayers --Hair Vigor, Before using one bottle, the humor was Healed."–T. T. Adame, General Merchant. Tuber ville, Va. Stiffkins (a neighbor)–Hello, Jones, what you loin'? Laying down a car- pet? Jones (who has Just whacked his thumb)–No! -you blasted idiot–the carpet was here when we moved in. I am just patting,the floor under it. A repenter, in describing the mur- der of a man named Jorkins, said:– "The murderer was evidently in qdest of money, but luckily Mr Jorkins had deposited all his funds in the bank the day before, so that he lost nothing but his life." "Life is a mystery," said the Man of Letters. "It is a question of organiza- tion," .declared the Woman of Re - Sources. • '-It is a matter of bread and butter," ventured the Working •Wo- man. "No–purely a matter of public opinion," said the Journalist. KARL'S CLOVF‘R ROOT will purify your blood, clear your oomplexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25e., 50e., and $1. Sold by J. H. Combe. The defence in the case of Theodore Durant opened in San Francisco on Thursday. In his opening speech the attorney for the prisoner made the sensational charge that the Rev. John George Gibson, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist church, the scene of the trage- dy, was the murderer of Blanche La- mont. , • WISDOM AND HUMOR. It is easier for a man to be just before he is generous than it is for a woman. Woman cry for the sake of emphasis; men swear. Poets write few poems to their wive9. Women may change their nilnds often, but not their hearts. Children need muscle more than money. A sermon should be as short as the way is narrow it preaches of. Women are sweet, but not sweet enough to preserve secrets in. Beauty may palliate poverty, but it can't pay house rent. Butcher–Will you have a round steak, Miss? Young Housekeeper–Oh, I don't care what shape 1t is, so it's tender. Kitty–Jack says ho will stop drinking if I marry him. Janet–Well, be careful, my dear. It is easier for him to begin again than it is for you to get unmar- ried." He --Did you know there were microbes in kisses? She–That's all right, Charlie. The young man I had last summer said I there was poison in ice Dream, too, but it r didn't scare me one bit. "Dah em some men," said Uncle Eben, "dat regards eb'ry change in do weddah as a change for do wuss." Man places himself higher than money, but he much prefers to have the latter laid up. The tradesman may like the man who always pays his bills the moment they are presented, but he seldom respects his ingenuity. Human sympathy 1s like a strawberry box. The bottom of it is very near the top. It is not what man has but what he hopes for that makes him happy. Ono of the prime essentials to a success- ful memory is the ability to forget. EASY HOJ EE DYEING - It is now possible for an inexperienced person to dye cotton, wool, silk, fealh,-,, etc., a black that will not crock, fade or x c h out if you use Diamond Dyes With a ten cent package of any one of the three fast black dyes— for wool, for cotton, and for silk and feathers—the very first trial } brings 'success, and Iiia directions on the package are so simple that even a child can get the best resulis. There are more than forty colors of Diamond Dyes–all reliable and easy to use, and their superiority is un- questioned. We send samples of dyed cloth and direction book free. WELLS & RICHARDSON CO., Montreal. •,SHE jA5.AcKACHE Fels Sore, ache with muscular Patn&arld had jubt put on that Bani8her of Backache, ht airg MENmol. Ptgrel J. I4oLAom,Ax, Point au Chane, writes: Noth- ing�beett r fnorhe a Back and Lumbago than the D.A. E. MAcLt1Aa writes from Windsor: "The 11 & L. Menthol Plaster ie ouringg,�Sore Backe and IEhefimsttelit at a great rate !n thin risintty. tach lit tii.tl"hf tie )0t, 2 NEGLECTS AND THE RESULT. Negleot cold in the head and you will surely have catarrh. Neglect nasal ca- tarrh and you will as surely induce pul- monary diseases or uatarrh of the stomach with its disgusting attendantB, foal breath, hawking, spitting, blowing, &o. Stop it all by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, 2; cents a box aures. The Rev. Dr. Mackay, who has filled the office of moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada most acceptably, left on Friday last for Formosa, accompanied by his family, in order to resume his labors as a missionary on that island. A Common Affliction Permanently Cured by Taking AYI3R'Sha A CAB -DRIFTER'S STORY. "I was afOletettior eight years with .Salt Rheum. During that time, I tried a great many medicines which were highly EEc- onimanded, but none gave me relief. 1 was at last advised To try Ayer's Sors-- parilla, by a friend who told me th ,t I must purchase six bottles and use : no,u according to directions. 'I yielded t.. lis persuasion, bought the six bottles, a,:J took the contents of three of these h^.t- ties without noticing anydirect ssnetit. Before I had finished te fourth bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. iffy business, which is that of a cab -driver, requires n:e to be out in cold and wet weather, off, n without loves, and the trouble h; s never returned."–Tnordes A. Jonas, Stratford, Ont. Ayers, Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World'''s Fair. , Ayer's Pills Cleanse the Detects. Mies Elder, I bet you anything you like that I never` marry. Nlr' Easy– I'll take you. Miss Elder (rapturous- ly)–Will you, really? ' Then 1 won't bet, aft er all. Rounder–'his has been a very ex-. Pensit e -uminer for me. Sounder–I thought you sent your family away on a farm somewhere. Rounder–So I did; but I stayed in town, Mistress (greatly scandalized)–Ie it possible, Huldah, you are making bread without having washed your banns? New Kitchen Gritl–Lor', what is the difference, mute? It's brown bread. --•:Bichos–What-nonsensait; the- newspapersis-for in their accounts of wed- dings to escribe the bride being led to the altar! Slobbs –How so?, Blobbs– Well, most girls could find their way there in the dark. A Wide Range. A preparation which enriches and purifies the blood and assists natu:s. in repairing Wasted tib su - must have a wide rang' of usefulness. Such a preparation. is Scott's Emulsion of Co` 1 - liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda. The uses of Scott's E m t l- sion are, not confined to wasting diseases, like con- sumption, scrofula .)r anaemia. They embrac t. nearly all those minor ail- ments associated with Loss of flesh. Scott di Bovines Belleville. 50e, and $t. Perhaps you were'nt able to begin your course at the first of this month. There are others like you. We expect them along as soon as work is over: Our numbers will be increased every week. Why not come with the 'rest Write us for circulars. Students may enter at any time Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. P. McINTOSH, Principal. R.I•P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATEla TONS N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. D. Ross, President, Clinton; Geo: Watt vioe Pres. Harlock; W. J,, Shannon. Secy-!freasi Seaforth; ai. Murdie, inspector of Claims, Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth • Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuokersmith • Thos. Oar bot, Cilnton ; C, Gardiner, Leadlrnry ; T. E Hays, MoXillop. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Bea. forth; J. Cumings, Egmon•tville. Geo. Murdfe, auditor. Parties estrous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers ar. sed to their reepecltve offices PSYCHINE (PRONOUNCE , SLIME.) will caro CONSUMPTION, Lnng and Tbront MOWN. finmplo Aottle sent free t0 over' aufferar. Ole. Express and Poet office Address. The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can. Stock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must be right, and we are going to make them right. From now until Aug. 1st every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction. Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August 14, ... . Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, ... Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, ... . $ 9.45 11.70 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. JOSEPH WaCHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. R -—P -A- N-8 ONE GIVES RELIEF. " KNIi,h.Nhli.h.m„iN,n/,1„1.J„A"f1.14040i.!1.,,..,,M ninin.wnim.w.nmai.nth.min,nrtlrnMinuMrl,n:nsn.hdnf a B 3 3 MANY PARTI 8JI AR LADIES. - Who want to look nice, feel good and make the •mesh 0 themselves, find me an eicient help for I Make articlee that make ladies beautiful of face and torn and herony in body. What I do for others can be done for you. We Can't tell all about it in this advertisement. „AO it ` ALLEN . WILSON, Clinton,Ont.,Oruggisttil for my book, These articles are specially good for sutn• mer use, FACE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the complex!. ion. You must have it if you. want to get rid of freciclep, n?otll...Ralttehet3,.,.&c,,. .......... ,..• FACE POWDER–White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars–creates and improves fac beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Eastern (Mee, 56Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. 6 Have . - , ou ` tried w'ii t i " 0 Our "Salads" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; price, 40 and 50 Dente per pound. In Lead Packets. A large number have tried it and pronounce it A. 1. Yon had better try a package. Salmon -If you like something choice try a can of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1$95 pack A Lull stook of goods belonging to our line of business, top quality– bottom prices. Give us a trial order and see what we oan do. 11ICM1IIIRR4.Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 0=R.TH„L, 1. Our excellent Quality. 2. Our reasonable prices. 3. Our cora. plete'•varietfy of —TEAS-- : FINE AND STAPLE : . , —GROCERIES —CHINA— GLASRWARE and CROCRERYWARE. —at the Cash Grocery,— OGLE COOPER isg r cs ®.m o re 0E •=1 1:6CD z COI Farm produce takenas cash.–Telephone No. 23. Red Cap !! Red Cap BINDER TWINE A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 62c. Get it at once. Full stock of Scythes, Forks and Snaths New Store " Cld StandMackayBlockHA` Brick Block ° iN�JS• –• '�.i - 'w Agts. for all Farm Implement °'!.” , "�'' MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills Seeders, Cultivator., Scafner's and all kinds of Plows Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs BINDER TWINE–Best brands of Twine i i at sw prices. A complete line of • J. Brunsdon Su Son, LONDESBORO �✓�1G'I�g4��;t'lk = Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons ,• y :W�: �� .,� :� �;" e,,,= may. Fine Baggies and Standard Waggons a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharply & Muir Wind Mille OUR MOTTO–First-class work and best material; prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Worir. JOHN BRUNSDON At SON, Londesboro. The Finest PH.OTOGRAPHS f-, w are taken by u. H. FOSTER RUMOALL' S Cil3ILI FAC'TOW -F3uron Street, cliizitoin We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which wo guarantoe to be of Srdt–cines material and war kmflnsbip. If you want a god article at the pi? oo of a poor ono, tictj a s.